Public Finance - 2014-2015 - Course Syllabus

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2014-10-30 Wydzia Zarzdzania U

Strona 1 z 4
Course syllabus
Course name: Public Finance
Study Programme group: Cycle of studies: Study type:
Elective course for mobility
I cycle (bachelor)
II cycle (master)
Study Programme name: Elective course
Specialisation: n/a
Course name: Public Finance
Electivity: Elective course
Course code: Year of studies: Semester:
Language of
Elective course Elective course English
Class types:
Form of
Contact hours per:
class type course
Discussion class assessment 20 20 6
Course coordinator:
Maciej Turaa, Ph.D.
A. Course description:
The course aims at familiarising the students with the nature and mechanisms of public finance. The
course concentrates on issues of budgeting, public spending, social insurance and tax policies.
B. Prerequisites

2014-10-30 Wydzia Zarzdzania U
Strona 2 z 4

C. Learning outcomes:
+ defines common needs and private needs;
+ classifies goods into private, social and public;
+ discusses and illustrates the functions of the state through a perspective of
functions of finance;
+ recognises sources of public incomes and their impact on economy and
+ defines 4 Es of public spending;
+ understands causes and impacts of budget deficit and public debt;
+ performs budget structure analysis;
+ accounts for paid taxes;
Attitudes + is aware of paid taxes and how they impact personal incomes;
D. Course content:
Discussion class:
The subject of public finance concepts of common needs, public goods and
social goods. An interdisciplinary nature of public finance.
Functions of public finance: allocation, redistribution, stabilisation, other
The system of public finance the public sector, the structure of the system of
public finance, state budget (nature, development, features, functions and
budgeting principles), social insurance.
Raising public finance taxes, fees, customs duties and other sources for raising
public finance.
Economic and social impact of taxation taxation policies, the impact of taxes on
allocation of resources in a market economy, reactions of economic entities to
taxation, features of a contemporary taxation system.
Public spending nature and type of public expenditure. The issue of rationalising
public spending the 4 Es of public spending.
Budget equilibrium the nature of a balanced budget. Mechanism of creating a
budget deficit, economic types of a budget deficit. Fiscal sustainability.
Summary and revision of key points.

2014-10-30 Wydzia Zarzdzania U
Strona 3 z 4

E. Assessment methods and criteria:
Attendance is a requirement. Missed classes have to be accounted for (see additional information for
details) before the final interview. Failure to account for absences leads to failing the course.

The grades for the course will be determined from the following criteria:
- 5 essays of 1,000 characters (without spaces) on topics related to course content; each essay
weighs 18.0% in the final grade; essays are assigned after each meeting and are to be handed
in (in person or via proxy) at the beginning of the next class (the last essay is to be handed in
during the interview); late submissions will not be marked;
- An interview aimed at summarising the course and assessment of achieved learning
outcomes; the interview weighs 10% in the final grade; interviews will be scheduled at the
end of the course; participation in an interview is obligatory.

The final grade will be calculated using the following grading scale:
[60%, 68%) satisfactory;
[68%, 76%) satisfactory plus;
[76%, 84%) good;
[84%, 92%) good plus;
[92%, 100%] very good;

Make-up assessment
The students who marginally failed the course (a score of 50% or more) may attempt a make-up
assessment. The students attempting a make-up assessment are expected to prepare a structured
report provided by the instructor. The report outlines the results of the students activity which
needs to be equivalent to the average workload of class hours in the course (2 ECTS points). The
student is graded based on the quality of the report and an oral examination. A positive outcome of
the make-up assessment leads to passing the course with a satisfactory grade.
F. Teaching methods:
The teaching methods applied to the course include exploration and self-study methods (i.e. problem
solving, exercises and discussions).
G. Literature:
Bailey S.J., Strategic public finance, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

2014-10-30 Wydzia Zarzdzania U
Strona 4 z 4

H. Supplementary information:
Learning outcome assessment:
Class type:
Assessment method
Quiz /
x x x
Student workload measurement:
Class type Description of student workload measurement
Attendance in class accounts for 20 hours.
Preparing essays requires collecting appropriate material and writing the paper.
It is estimated that each essay will require, on average, 10 hours of work. 5
essays require 50 hours.
Preparing for class participation (designated readings and tasks) will require, on
average, 10 hours per meeting 50 hours in total.
Preparation for the interview, revision 60 hours;

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