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English Profciency for Pre School Teachers (EPPT) : Trainer Module_2014


Duration 25 minutes
1. Introduction to grammar video clip
2. Provide an overview of basic concepts for the different parts of speech.
3. Discussion
English Profciency for Pre School Teachers (EPPT) : Trainer Module_2014
Topic 6.2 : ARTICLES
Duration : 15 minutes
Procedures : 1. entees! with names of ob"ects# real ob"ects$ group around the article that
has been placed at a certain location.
2. entees discuss about articles !%andout &.1' e(planation on articles$
3. )roup wor* : +he ,ace .
entees race to compete the assigned wor*sheet
entees circle out the articles found in the newspaper article !%andout
&.1-$ +he group with the most correct answers wins the race.
.. entees pla/ a board game on articles !%andout &.10$
5. 1ach mentee give e(amples of articles with a noun that the/ have
&. 2or* me 3p4 1nrichment wor*sheets!%andouts &.1D 5 &.11$
English Profciency for Pre School Teachers (EPPT) : Trainer Module_2014
Unit 6.3 : NOUNS
Duration 25 minutes
Procedures 1: 6et induction on nouns:
2: entees discuss the definitions of nouns as well as its categories with
e(amples !Hano!t 6.2A$
3. entees discuss and complete the given e(ercises using the different
categories of nouns !Hano!t 6.2"$.
.. Discussion with the other mentees !In groups$
5. !Individuall/$ entees attempt the given e(ercise on 2ord 6cramble
!Hano!t 6.2C$
&. 0lass discussion on mentees7 answers
8. 9isting the countable and uncountable nouns !Hano!t 6.2#$
:. 0lass discussion on mentees7 answers
Unit 6.$ : A#%ECTIVES
Duration 15 minutes
Procedures 1. 6et induction on ad"ectives
2. entees discuss the definitions of ad"ectives and describe the nouns
!Hano!t 6.3A$
3. entees discuss and complete the given e(ercises using the different
categories of ad"ective !Hano!t 6.3"$.
.. Discussion with the other mentees !In groups$
5. !Individuall/$ entees attempt to unscramble "umbled letters to form
ad"ectives !Hano!t 6.3C$
&. 2rite the description of the pictures given b/ using ad"ectives !Hano!t
8. Discussion session
Unit 6.& : VER"S
Duration 25 minutes
Procedures 1. 6et induction: Introduction to verbs !verbs chant$
2: entees do the actions based on the verbs shown to them 'Hano!t 6.$A(
3. 2rite the words on the word chart 'Hano!t 6.$"(
.. )roup wor*: entees find the words that are hidden aroud the class and sort
English Profciency for Pre School Teachers (EPPT) : Trainer Module_2014
them into verb words and non verb words 'Hano!t 6.$C(.
5. !Individuall/$ entees pic* a phrase strip and do the action based on the
phrase. +he other mentees guess what the action is about.
Unit 6.6 : A#VER"S
Duration 25 minutes
Procedures 1: 6et induction: 6ong on 'dverbs.
2: Individual wor*: entees circle the adverbs in a te(t..'Hano!t 6.&A(
3. !Individuall/$ entees ma*e sentences with adverbs 'Hano!t 6.&"(
.: !Individuall/$ entees complete sentences using adverbs !Hano!t 6.&C(
Unit 6.) : *RONOUNS
Duration : 15 minutes
1. Introduction to pronouns.
2. entees sing along the song in the video !Hano!t 6.6A$
3. Discuss on the definitions and t/pes of pronouns. !Hano!t 6.6"$
.. entees repeat after the mentor to read the pronoun words to ensure their
correct pronunciation.
5. entees attempt the ;ui<<es to chec* their understanding about pronouns
!Hano!t 6.6C$
&. ,ead a stor/ and fill in the gaps with the personal pronouns= >she7 or >her7
!Hano!t 6.6#$
8. 6ing the song My Red Car to the tune> Oh My Darling, Clementine
!Hano!t 6.6E$
:. entees attempt to write their own l/rics b/ using possessive pronouns.
English Profciency for Pre School Teachers (EPPT) : Trainer Module_2014
?. !In pairs$ entee ta*es turn to as* 3 ;uestions about the things in their
friends7 hands.
Suggested Questions: What is this / that? and What are these / those?
(demonstratie !ronouns"#
1@. Discussion session
Unit 6.+ : *RE*OSITIONS
Duration : 2@ minutes
English Profciency for Pre School Teachers (EPPT) : Trainer Module_2014
1. entor pla/s a Aou+ube presentation about preposition !Preposition
Dance$. entees watchB sing and perform the actions.
2. entees discuss the given definition and categories of prepositions
!'ppendi( 1$C %andout &.8' as well as prepositions of location !'ppendi(
2$ %andout &.8-
3. entor distributes the song sheet and mentees identif/ and circle all the
prepositions found in the song !'ppendi( 3$ %andout 5.80
.. entees choose the correct prepositions of location based on the given
5. Discussion and reflection session

Duration 25 minutes
Procedures 1. 6et induction: 6ong on definition and t/pes of con"unctions.
2: entees discuss the meaning as well as its categories with e(amples of
con"unctions !Hano!t 6.+A$
3: Pair wor*: entees discuss and complete the given e(ercises using the
different categories of con"unctions !Hano!t 6.+"$.
.: Discussion with the other mentees !In groups$
5. !Individuall/$ entees attempt to select the wrong usage of con"unction and
replace it with the correct one !Hano!t 6.+C$
&. 0lass discussion on mentees7 answers
8. ,eflection on the definitionB categories and words associated with
Duration : 15 minutes
Procedures : 1. entees stud/ the given situations !Hano!t 6.,A$
2. ,ole Pla/ :
entee 1 C !received aster7s Degree $
$ am going to %uala &um!ur this year end to re'eie my Masters
English Profciency for Pre School Teachers (EPPT) : Trainer Module_2014
entee 2 use suitable inter"ection for the occasion
D In groupsB mentees perform role pla/ based on the given cards .
3. Ether mentees !in the group$ will write the inter"ections used !Hano!t
.. entees complete the given e(ercises !Hano!t 6.,C$.
5. entees unscramble words to form inter"ections !Hano!t 6.,#$
&. Discussion and reflection on the lesson taught.
Unit 6.11 : TENSES
Duration : 15 minutes
Procedures : 1. entees are introduced to the world of +enses !Fideo Presentation$
!Intro 1 5 2$
2. entees discuss the +enses 0hart and brainstorm about regular and
irregular verbs C 'ppendi( 1
3. entees brainstorm on present and past tenses %andout &.1@'
!1(ercise 1C.$
.. entees read a leaflet and complete the sentences %andout &.1@-
5. entees will use their *nowledge about tenses to answer ;uestions C
%andout &.1@0
&. Discussion and reflection session
Duration : 15 minutes
Procedures : 1. entees identif/ the 6F' in the dialogue
2. entees brainstorm about the mechanics of 6F' !power point$
3. entees decipher the table for 6F' !%andout &.11.'$
English Profciency for Pre School Teachers (EPPT) : Trainer Module_2014
.. !Erall/$ entees discuss given e(ercises C some are based on 6F' PP
5. entees pla/ the game: #O WE AGREEG entor to cut the word cards.
!Hano!t 6.11"$.
&. Divide mentees into two groups .Draw two columns on the board.
entees match the 6F' cards on the board.
8. 1nrichment activities. !Hano!t 6.11C. / 6.11#$

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