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Initial Ideas.

General area of study

Graphic design and Music.

Particular interests
Branding, popular culture, trends, identity and sub cultures.

More Specic
The effect of graphic / visual art work on the branding industry?
How design inuences the popularity of music?

In a genre or location e.g Indie music in Manchester.
Peoples looks, behaviour or buying habits.

What is the importance of branding in the music industry?

Potential Questions Research Theory.

With some initial ideas in mind I started to draft a list of potential dissertation titles that I could focus
on, also annotating themes and topics I could discuss in italics.

1. What is the importance of branding and#graphic design#in the music industry?

(Consumers thoughts and feelings towards artwork, importance of being established, competitors)

2. What impact has graphic album artwork have on the music industry throughout time?#
(Iconic artwork that has inuenced the industry, artists, musicians, historic)

3. Has the latest advances in technology#improved or discouraged the development#of graphic

design for#music or the users interaction?#
(Change in technology, scale, materials and user interaction. Transition of CDs,
video, cassettes, vinyl, tape, MP3)

4. What is the importance of a branded image for an artist and how does this effect their success?
#(Iconic band logo's, artist personas, styles, fashion statements, branded image, fans.)

5. How has the music and design industry inuenced Manchester?

(Peter Saville, factory records, hacienda, northern soul - possible documentary for exhibition, ect.)

7. Does the branding and artwork of music or an artists affect consumers buying habits?
(Consumerism, Case Study generic vs highly graphic album art work, possible case study
testing peoples opinions on what they would most likely listen to see if they are affected.)

8. Does the music and design industry effect the way we feel and think about a genre or artist?#
(This could include researching into stereotypes, identity, otherness theory.)

Does branding and visual culture dictate the popularity of the music?
(Looking at subcultures, personal testimonies and studying artwork and buying statistics)

Research Plan

What do you want to know?

Branding Techniques

Consumerism Theories

Buying Habits and Behaviours

Identity and Otherness

Music Studios and Artists


How are you going to nd out?

Music and design studio visits

Interviewing industry professionals

Analyse and collect artwork CD,s Posters, Flyers Ect

Buying statistics

Facts and gures


Interview with Paul Hemmingeld Director at PIN studios

3 week places at PIN studios get a primary insight into working for the music and design industry.

Reading List

Questions of Cultural Identity

Studying Popular Music Culture

Music and Manipulation

Sounds Like Branding

Practical Piece

1. Exhibition to take place in Manchester with live musicians and artwork.

Looking at the most iconic branding over time that has shaped the music industry.

Getting artists and designers involved in re-creating their most inuential artists work or


Visited 6 Galleries and spaces in Manchester for potential bookings.

Secured 2 Musicians to Perform at the Exhibition

Talked to curators for exhibition advice.

Volunteering to set up and exhibition at university.

2. To re-brand an excising or new artist could act as a live brief.

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