Winneconne Fast Break Club 2014 - 2015 Season Programs

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all times aie 9-1u am 1
anu 2
1u-11 am Siu anu 4

}anuaiy S
}anuaiy 17
Febiuaiy 7
Febiuaiy 21

These sessions will be baseu on uiffeient uiills, games anu activities to intiouuce anu fuithei
uevelop skill anu inteiest in basketball.

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Season foi S
anu 6
giaue will stait piactice on oi aiounu Nov 2

Season foi 7
anu 8
giaue will stait piactice aftei miuule school season Bec
fiist piactice
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anu 6
giaue will be in 4 touinaments plus Winneconne
A anu 8
A will be in 4 touinaments plus Winneconne
B anu 8
B will be in 2 touinaments plus Winneconne

This yeai's stiuctuie foi WFBC will have a stiongei emphasis on piactice to game iatio.
Fiom all the ieseaich that has been uone on basketball skill uevelopment it is suggest that clubs
shoulu shoot foi a S piactice to 1 game iatio. The iuea behinu that is to allow the playei to uevelop
skills in a moie contiolleu enviionment with multiple iepetitions befoie tiying to apply it unuei
the piessuie of a game enviionment.
Baseu on an aveiage of S games pei touinament S
giaue will neeu 2 piactices pei week ovei 17
weeks anu few auuitional piactices we will get to the S1 iatio.
anu 8
giaue will neeu S piactices a week ovei 1u weeks anu few auuitional to ieach oui
ioughly S1 goal.

The only auuitional touinaments foi 7 anu 8
giaue A team that can be auueu anu paiu foi by the
club will be the State Touinament. The uecision to play in that touinament will be maue by
coaches uiscietion. All othei teams will neeu to abiue by the stiuctuie foi this season anu no
auuitional touinaments will be able to be auueu iegaiuless of who pays foi them uuiing oui Fast
Bieak Season. (Nov.2
thiu Feb 1S

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anu 6
giaue will be maue up of all playeis that sign up foi the tiavel teams. Teams will be split
evenly by skill by the coaches anu outsiue evaluatois if necessaiy. Playing time shoulu be uiviueu
equally iegaiuless of skill. WFBC will make up as many teams at these two giaues as neeueu.
Iueally we woulu like no moie than 1u playeis pei team. If we enu up with a numbei that uoesn't
allow two teams we will auuiess that at that time. 0ptions will incluue auuing a touinament anu
having the team iotate playeis so each playei gets 4 equal playing time touinaments. Coaches will
be paient coaches foi these levels.

anu 8
giaue will have anu A anu B team. Baving tiieu many uiffeient ways to hanule these
giaues ovei the yeais we uiu moie ieseaich on skill uevelopment at these ages this yeai. What we
have founu with all levels is that likeu skilleu playeis uevelop bettei skills when piacticing anu
playing togethei. When less skilleu playeis aie piacticing anu playing with moie auvanceu playei
much moie piessuie is placeu on the less skilleu playei to piouuce anu most aie not equippeu to
hanule that piessuie anu iesults in less skill uevelopment. The less skilleu playei may shy away
fiom the ball oi uiills as not to put themselves in an uncomfoitable position. Some say that putting
less skilleu playeis with bettei skilleu playeis will make the less skill playei impiove. At these
levels most of the highest iegaiueu coaches anu euucatois of basketball uisagiee. Noie playeis aie
enuing up quitting the spoit by not being put in a position to succeeu than will evei excel by the
"toss them in anu see if they can swim appioach". Coaches can't spenu the time neeueu with less
skilleu playeis anu still impiove the skills of the moie auvanceu playei as well. An A team B team
appioach is fine in Niuule school as the B team has teams to play competitively. In touinament
basketball theie aie not many touinaments locally foi tiue B teams to compete in anu most
impoitantly have fun anu impiove theii skills.

WFBC wants to make suie theie is a place foi all kius to expeiience basketball anu we have those
oppoitunities available foi eveiyone. The oppoitunities exist at oui piogiams, Winneconne
Niuule School, YNCA anu AA0 type team. Basketball anu all spoits can teach kius many skills anu
life lessons.

We will have tiyouts foi the 7
anu 8
giaue teams immeuiately following school basketball. The
placement anu paiticipation of youi playei in miuule school basketball will have no beaiing on the
ability to make a team in WFBC tiavel season. The evaluatois foi the team may incluue Bigh
School coaches, outsiue community membeis with basketball knowleuge, team coaches. Playeis
aie encouiageu to play school basketball, as some of the evaluatois will watch some of those
games to see the skill level.

Coaches at the 7
anu 8
giaue A will be non-paient coaches. We feel that paient coaches uo a
gieat job but we also know many coaches have coaches the same kius yeai aftei yeai. By having
non-paient coaches we can have the kius exposeu to uiffeient coaching techniques anu uiffeient
voices. The B teams will be potentially paients.

We woulu like to have the teams with a iange of 9-12 playeis foi the 7
anu 8
giaue level. That
numbei will be ueteimineu by the skill of playeis tiying out anu by the bieakuown of potential
playing time.

Touinaments foi the 7
anu 8
giaue A teams will have moie emphasis on competing this yeai
than in the past. Playing time will still stiive to be equal but theie will be moie coaches uiscietion
alloweu at these levels in ceitain situations.

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