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The author presents the results of calculations of eccentrically compressed elements in the ultimate limit state of bearing
capacity, taking into account all possible stresses in the longitudinal reinforcement from the R
to the R
, caused by different
values of eccentricity longitudinal force. The method of calculation is based on the simultaneous solution of the equilibrium equa-
tions of the longitudinal forces and internal forces with the equilibrium equations of bending moments in the ultimate limit state
of the normal sections. Simultaneous solution of these equations, as well as additional equations, refecting the stress-strain
limit state elements, leads to the solution of a cubic equation with respect to height of uncracked concrete, or with respect to the
carrying capacity. According to the author it is a signifcant advantage over the existing methods, in which the equilibrium equa-
tions using longitudinal forces obtained one value of the height, and the equilibrium equations of bending moments another.
Theoretical studies of the author, in this article and the reasons to calculate specifc examples showed that a decrease in
the eccentricity of the longitudinal force in the limiting state of eccentrically compressed concrete elements height uncracked
concrete height increases, the tension in the longitudinal reinforcement area gradually (not abruptly) goes from a state of tension
compression, and load-bearing capacity of elements it increases, which is also confrmed by the experimental results.
Designed journalist calculations of eccentrically compressed elements for 4 cases of eccentric compression, instead of
2 as set out in the regulations, fully cover the entire spectrum of possible cases of the stress-strain limit state elements that
comply with the European standards for reinforced concrete, in particular Eurocode 2 (2003).
Key words: eccentrically compressed elements, the equilibrium equation, bearing capacity.
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Ab o u t t h e a u t h o r : Starishko Ivan Nikolaevich Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Mo-
tor Roads, Vologda State University (VSU), 15 Lenina st., Vologda, 160000, Russian Federation;
F o r c i t a t i o n : Starishko I.N. Sposoby opredeleniya nesushchey sposobnosti vnetsentrenno szhatykh zhelezobetonnykh elemen-
tov [Methods for Determining the Carrying Capacity of Eccentrically Compressed Concrete Elements]. Vestnik MGSU [Proceedings
of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering]. 2014, no. 4, pp. 5969.

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