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Central ABC

Public Safety ASSESSMENT

Conducted By

ABC Waters Safety Committee

(Chairman) Nikki
(SM) Hong Ching
(E) Wing Ken
(TO) Shawn
(SO) Dennis

Assessment Conducted on 22
, 23
& September 2014

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Project : Central Catchment ABC site Date : 22.09.2014 @ 1530hrs

Subject : EHS Assessment

No Location/Findings Improvement/ Rectification Action
Sg. Whampoa @ St Georges Lane

Information/warning/prohibitory signage displayed
on prominent locations to provide information to
visitors of and to warn them of any dangers and
prohibit them from certain areas.

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Sg. Whampoa @ St Georges Lane

Decking and guardrails at lookout deck was well

Sg. Whampoa @ St Georges Lane

Lifebuoy was provided with housing to prevent
environmental effects such as fading of colour
and wearing out of tagline. Absence of seal was
observed on one of the housing shows that it had
been tampered with.

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Sg. Whampoa @ St Georges Lane

A section of guardrail was not aligned to due to
concrete base that was cracked on both sides.

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Sg. Whampoa @ St Georges Lane

Poor upkeep of lifebuoys; one of the tagline was
tangled up and left on the decking.

Life-saving equipment must always be in
operational-ready condition.
Such entanglement affects the response time of
rescuing a drowning person, which is very

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Sg. Whampoa @ St Georges Lane

A continuous guardrail ensures the safety of
public by preventing them to fall into the canal. It
would be better to have railings fitted with swing
gates to provide safe access for contractors
doing maintenance.


Sg. Whampoa @ St Georges Lane

Acceptable material used for tagline, which is
nylon. Although nylon has similar properties to
polypropylene such as durability and resistant
to environmental effects, it doesnt float unlike

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Project : Central Catchment ABC site Date : 23.09.2014 @ 8AM

Subject : EHS Assessment
No Location/Findings Improvement/ Rectification Action


Bishan Park 1

Information/warning/prohibitory signage displayed
on prominent locations to provide information to
visitors of and to warn them of any dangers and
prohibit them from certain areas.

It would be best if PUB or Nparks can provide
signs that shows the nearest rain shelter or the
nearest safe assembly point during an emergency

Nylon should be considered; as such
material is weather resistant.

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Bishan Park 1

Plants obstructed prohibitory signboard near
shown lamppost.


Bishan Park 1

Benches were positioned away (>1.5m) to

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Bishan Park 1

Provision of warning signboards before the path
of sloped stone pavers to warn of its slipperiness
when wet. A chain was also in place for security
to cordon off the area during a downpour.

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Bishan Park 1

All lifebuoys were kept in a housing with a
security seal as deterrent against misuse and to
tell that the housing has been opened.

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Bishan Park 1

Plants with sharp leaves along the stretch of
pavement shown above. May injure anyone who
touches it while walking along the pavement

To remove or replace is not practical
due to its large number but I can
suggest that warning signs
(preferably those graphic types) can
be put up to warn the public about
the sharp leaves.


Bishan Park 1

Every lookout decks were provided with lifebuoy.

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Bishan Park 1

Wire meshes basket for gabion walls in good
condition to prevent any failure that may cause
the stones to fall apart and endanger contractor
carrying out maintenance.

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Bishan Park 1

Timber decking shows no signs of unevenness
that may cause any trip and fall.

Guardrails are fitted with wire mesh infill to
maximize the beautiful view of the river plains.

The wire mesh have small openings to keep
children from climbing the railing

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Bishan Park 1

Information/warning/prohibitory signage displayed
on prominent locations to provide information to


Bishan Park 1

Due to slight elevation of ground level, portion of
the guardrail shown was not conforming to the
standard requirement (1.1m).

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Bishan Park 1

Red river depth markers installed at necessary
locations where theres heavy human traffic.


Bishan Park 1

Yellow strips of paint to demarcate edges peeled
off. Although the colour is still visible, it wont be
long till its completely faded off due to exposure
to the sun and rain.

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Project : Central Catchment ABC site Date : 23.09.2014 @ 1020Hrs

Subject : EHS Assessment

No Location/Findings Improvement/ Rectification Action
Alexandra Canal

Trench covers with drop in handles are fully
slotted in to eliminate any trip and fall due to
stumbling upon protruding parts.


Alexandra Canal

Provision of textural change and good colour
contrast for changes in the level of path to
prevent trip and fall due to misstep.

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Alexandra Canal

Corners at the edge of pavers are round type
instead of pointy types to prevent injuries.

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Alexandra Canal

Stepping-stones with gaps in between that may
have chances of anyone accidentally slip his foot
into the gap. I understand that it serves an
aesthetic purpose but the least we could provide
is warning signs like watch your step or mind
the gap. This is useful especially at night when
the gaps are less visible.


Alexandra Canal

A swing gate with a ladder among to provide
means of safe access for maintenance work so
that contractors need not climb over the
guardrails for access.

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Alexandra Canal

Edges of steps were clearly demarcated with
bright strips of different contract or yellow colour
paint strips.

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Alexandra Canal

Information/warning/prohibitory signage displayed
on prominent locations to provide information to
visitors of and to warn them of any dangers and
prohibit them from certain areas.
All were well maintained.

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Alexandra Canal

Access to the park connector not limited to the
wheelchair bound. Ramp access with gradient of
no steeper than 1:12 (BCA Guideline).


Alexandra Canal

Missing lifebuoy.

Provide a new lifebuoy.

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Alexandra Canal

Rusty lifebuoy bracket due to environmental

Apply anti-corrosion coating of paint
to all brackets.


Alexandra Canal

Lifebuoy with missing reflective Tape on 3 sides.

Damaged benches; missing timber

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Alexandra Canal

Lifebuoy showed signs of misuse. It was left on
the grass patch for quite a while.


Alexandra Canal

With reference to the ABC inspection checklist,
triple yellow lines should be painted with bollards
to mark to end of footpaths that leads to the road.
But how are we sure that all pedestrians / cyclists
using the footpath understand what the triple lines
Warning signage such as approaching road or
look out for on-coming vehicles should be
painted along with the triple yellow lines or on
signboard as a additional control measure.

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Alexandra Canal

Damaged decking that can cause trip and fall.

To replace damaged decking.

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Project : Central Catchment ABC site Date : 23.09.2014 @ 1020Hrs

Subject : EHS Assessment
No Location/Findings Improvement/ Rectification Action


Sg Kallang RC31 @ River Vista

Information/warning/prohibitory signage displayed
on prominent locations to provide information to
visitors of and to warn them of any dangers and
prohibit them from certain areas.

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Sg Kallang RC31 @ River Vista

Railings along the whole stretch (as shown) were
well maintained; no deformation or any cracks on
its concrete base and paintwork not faded.


Sg Kallang RC31 @ River Vista

A swing gate among the railings to provide means
of safe access for maintenance work rather than
having maintenance contractor climbing over the
railing that could endanger them. It must always
be locked to prevent trespassing as shown in the

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Sg Kallang RC31 @ River Vista

Damaged benches; missing timber planks.

Repairing of benches required.


Sg Kallang RC31 @ River Vista

Edges of steps were clearly demarcated with
bright strips of yellow colour paint.

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Sg Kallang RC31 @ River Vista

Lifebuoys without any tagline and Emergency
use only displayed on it.

Top photo showed that its missing the Self
Adhesive reflective Tape on 4 sides of the

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Sg Kallang RC31 @ River Vista

Decking shows no signs of unevenness and with
anti-slip threads that may cause any trip and fall.


Sg Kallang RC31 @ River Vista

Water stagnation due to choked drain from
accumulation of dry leaves.

To communicate this issue to party
responsible (Town Council?).

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Sg Kallang RC31 @ River Vista

Decking shows no signs of unevenness that may
cause any trip and fall.

Changes in the level on the path that is not easy
to see (e.g. small slope) must always be
demarcated by applying strips of contrasting eye-
catching colour paint (anti-slip type).


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