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Message from Laura West (iPhone shot)

Listing SM websites (J)
Lists SM sites to follow her on (RB)
Vines (Luke)
72% of all internet users are now active on social media (Typing social media
into bing)
18-29 year olds have an 89% usage (SNAPCHAT)
The 30-49 bracket sits at 72% (SNAPCHAT)
60 percent of 50 to 60 year olds are active on social media (SNAPCHAT)
In the 65 plus bracket, 43% are using social media (SNAPCHAT)
Definition of SM
TV screen college social media
Social media is based in the USA (R)
No social media websites (Woman)
Mostly communication (Luke)
Twitter has most impact (Ellie)
There are now over 1.15 billion Facebook users (SNAPCHAT)
There are now over 1 billion with Google+ enabled accounts (SNAPCHAT)
There are now over 550 million registered users on Twitter (SNAPCHAT)


Overall it is positive communication (J)
Contact people (R)
Brings people together (T)
Criminals caught through SM (T)
snooping (Phil)
Catch up with friends from different colleges (Matt) (Messaging friends
Social media isn't just for photos and status updates it can also be used to
help sixth-formers make an informed decision about where to go to university.
Facebook is one of the most popular sites, with 13% of students surveyed by
the National Centre for Universities and Business this year saying they used it
to choose a course.


There are certain types of businesses that can progress well and excel in their
use of social media and are able to convert interest into sales. There are others
where the anchoring and the core nuggets of content [on websites] are still
vitally important, she advises.
93% of marketers use social media for business
Worldwide Connectivity
Commonality of Interest
Real-Time Information Sharing
Free Advertising
Increased News Cycle Speed


Iphone scrolling down youtube (Lohanthony)
funny guy on youtube (Phil)
Knows Lohanthony (Jon)
Doesnt know Lohanthony (Jack)
YouTube reaches more U.S. adults aged 18-34 than any cable network
Didnt regret Friday (RB)

Celebrities to see what theyre doing (Ellie)
Info about friends, celebrities (Connie)
Top 5 most followed on Twitter
1. Katy Perry
2. Justin Bieber
3. Barack Obama (Barack Obama on SM)
4. YouTube
5. Taylor Swift
Jimmy kimmel Celebrities reading mean tweets

Face to Face Connections are Endangered
Cyberbullying and Crimes Against Children
Risks of Fraud or Identity Theft
Time Waster
Corporate Invasion of Privacy
Not everyone understands how to use it to their advantage (J)
Judged by how many friends we have (Matt)
Problems that we didnt used to have (J)
Facebook cyberbullying is big on that (Matt)
Suicide scene (Cyberbully)
Online grooming issues (J)
Indecent photos long term effect (need more awareness about SM) (J)
Always try to control your life (R)
Talking about school on SM can harm their self-concept (T)
SM can increase the amount of peer pressure e.g. ALS IBC (+) but
Neknominates (-) (T)
Websites give people anonymity to people to post bad comments (Phil)


I suppose you have to use it (SM) (R)
not at my age, maybe if I was younger to fit in (Woman)
Not the case of liking them, its the case of having to be a member of them
because other people are (R)


Julie typing on laptop (J)
Julie on phone (J)
Sites have safety buttons (bullying) (J)
you choose to be the bully or not (Matt)
Young people should consider the dangers (Woman)
Get police involved if feel threatened (J)
Cyberbullying FB status
Pan of Mac room (K+E on computers)
Richards interview
People behind it, its their choice what they put on there (Connie)
Relationships formed online (+/-) (J)
Holiday dangers (Ellie)
OTS shot of texting zooming into phone
Pan of college
Over the shoulder (T)
Starts to get in the way of their life obsessions (T)
Around 60% of their users sign in every day (compared to 46% of Twitter
71% of users access social media from a mobile device. (People on phones)
Various age groups teens to young adults become obsessed (TA) (T)
40s to 50s is another area where people become obsessed (T)
Facebook is ageing. 45% of Internet users aged 65+ use Facebook.
Pinterest attracts older people. Twitter and Instagram are still youth dominated
networks, but 23% of Internet users aged 50+ use Pinterest.
People rely on internet mediated communication (T) (All on phones around
Time spent on Facebook per hour spent online by country. Here are the top
three. USA citizens get the top gong at 16% followed by the Aussies at 14
minutes and the Brits at 13 minutes.


Has accounts he never uses (R)
Typing on keyboard
Snapchat statistics
Pan of park
Facebook and Instagram users are the most engaged.
Pinterest and LinkedIn users are wealthier than the other networks with a high
percentage earning over $75000 PA.

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