Leson 2 - Application - at The Restaurant - Beginner

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Lesson 5 - Application

I. Read these dialogues. Cititi dialogurile.
Waitress: Can I take your order?
Les: Yes - Id like a double cheeseburger with large fries, a salad and an apple pie, please.
Ron: But Les, what about your diet?
Les: Oh, yes, I forgot! Can I have a Diet Coke too, please?
Waiter: Good evening, sir. May I take your order?
Tim: Yes, please, Ill have the vegetable soup to start with.
Waiter: And for the main course?
Tim: Im not sure. Whats today special?
Waiter: Its grilled fish with carrots.
Tim: That sounds nice. Ill have that, please.
Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?
Tim: A large glass of mineral water, please.
Waiter: Thank you

a) Answer these questions about the conversations. Raspundeti la aceste intrebari despre conversatii.
1. What food and drinks are mentioned in the dialogues?
2. What phrases are used to ask for food and drink?
3. What phrases are used to offer food and drink?
4. What phrases are used to decide what food or drink to order?

b) Now make similar dialogues using the vocabulary given and the phrases from the dialogues. Acum
faceti dialoguri asemanatoare folosind notiunile de vocabular si expresiile din dialoguri.

II. Answer these questions. Raspundeti la aceste intrebari.
1. Whats your favourite day of the week?
2. Whats your favourite month of the year?
3. Whats your favourite season and why?
4. What do you like doing on holiday?
5. What countries do you want to visit?
6. At what times do you usually eat your meals? What do you usually have?
7. Whats your favourite food?
8. Whats your favourite drink?
9. What do you hate to eat and drink?
10. Name four meals you can prepare for your family:
III. Complete the conversations with : how much/how many/ some/ any. Completati conversatiile cu
John: Would you like ________ help with your shopping list?
Mary: That would be lovely. Thank you John. I need milk!
John: ______________ milk do you need?
Mary: Take three litres, it will be fine.
John: Do you need_________ eggs?
Mary: Yes, please take __________eggs.
John: ______________eggs do you need?
Mary: I think 6 will be enough. I also need flour!
John: and______________ flour do you want me to buy for you?
Mary: I dont know yet. I think Ive got some left in fact.
John: Dont forget Mary, that _________ friends are coming tonight for supper!
Mary: I remember! _________ friends are coming?
John: I think they will be three of them.
Mary: Should we bake__________ cakes? Do you have ________ idea what we could serve them?
John: Im sure you will find a great idea. Now Im going shopping. Call me if you need anything else!

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