Net Watch

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I wrote this script to improve basic RouterOs netwatch tool, but my difference f

rom others netwatch scripts is that my own use also the oroginal routeros tool n
This script has some advantages:
1) it is completely independent from devices to control, as it take informations
directly from netwatch table, so you only have to compile /tool netwatch with y
our devices and don't take care of the script;
2) it sends only ONE e-mail with a complete report of netwatch table, instead of
one e-mail for each device;
3) it's able to send only ONE e-mail at router startup and only if there is any
down device in netwatch table;
4) it takes care of disabled netwatch entries, so you can disable control on dev
ices you know are switched off or not present;
5) it can reduce the number of e-mail alerts, as it checks netwatch table at fix
ed intervals (scheduled) and the probability to found a false down device (becau
se of one ping lost in netwatch) at those intervals is surely lower than the inf
amous netwatch's false negatives and positives;
6) it's lot simpler than other netwatch scripts;
The script is composed by two different scripts: a startup-alarm (scheduled at s
tartup) script used to initialize the global variables (control variable, e-mail
address variable, identity variable) and to send a mail when router has been re
booted; and the netwatch script (scheduled at 5, 10, 20, or more minutes) .
This is the startup-alarm script:
# Schedule this script to run at startup and only once
# "net" variable is the "netwatch" script control variable and it's initialized
at "0" by this script
# "recipient" variable contains the mail address used to send and receive e-mail
s (it can be the same!)
# "thisbox" variable is used to put device identity in mail subject
# first disable "netwatch" script in order to leave time (120 sec) to the router
to complete boot up
/system scheduler set netwatch disabled yes
:global net 0
:global recipient
:global thisbox [/system identity get name]
:delay 120
# wait to leave time to NTP client to update time and date
:local thisdate [/system clock get date]
:local thistime [/system clock get time]
# send now a mail to "$recipient" and enable "netwatch" script
/tool e-mail send to="$recipient" \
subject="$thisbox started on $thisdate at $thistime";
/system scheduler set netwatch disabled no
and this is the netwatch script:
:global net
:global recipient
:global thisbox
:local A 0
# check if there is anything "down" in /tool netwatch and check only enabled ent
# variable "A" is used to save this check result
:foreach i in=[/tool netwatch find where (disabled=no)] do={if ([/tool netwatch
get number=$i status]="down" && $A=0) do={:set A 1}}
# if there is a device down, send a report and set 1 the control global variable
# if all device are up and "net" variable is =1, send a report and set 0 the con
trol global variable "net"
:if ($A=1) do={
:if ($net =0) do={
:local report "";
:foreach h in=[/tool netwatch find] do={
:if ( $report != "" ) do={ :set report "$report;"; };
:set report ( $report . "\n" . "$[/tool netwatch get number=$h status]" . " "
. "$[/tool netwatch get number=$h comment]" . " from " . "$[/tool netwatch get
number=$h since]");
/tool e-mail send to="$recipient" subject="$thisbox controllo rete" body="$rep
:set net 1;
} \
:if ($net =1) do={
:local report "";
:foreach h in=[/tool netwatch find] do={
:if ( $report != "" ) do={ :set report "$report;"; };
:set report ( $report . "\n" . "$[/tool netwatch get number=$h status]" . " "
. "$[/tool netwatch get number=$h comment]" . " from " . "$[/tool netwatch get
number=$h since]");
/tool e-mail send to="$recipient" subject="$thisbox network check" body="$repo
:set net 0;
To show script's operation I put there my netwatch print:
[admin@WIFI_CASTELLO] /tool netwatch> print
Flags: X - disabled
0 ;;; WIFI_Municipio 1s 1m up
1 ;;; WIFI_Casa_A 1s 1m up
2 ;;; WIFI_Cast_nano 1s 1m up
And here is the mail content if "WIFI_Casa_A" was down:
subject: WIFI_CASTELLO network check
body: up WIFI_Municipio from mar/29/2014 04:42:00;
down WIFI_Casa_A from mar/29/2014 11:35:03;
up WIFI_Cast_nano from mar/28/2014 19:34:55

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