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John Howard Griffin
Papers, 1920-1980
15.5 linear ft. (ca. 7,500 items in 37 boxes)
Biography John Hoar! "riffin (1920-1980) as born in #ansfiel!, $exas. His earl% trainin& as as a
m'sicolo&ist in $o'rs (rance s)eciali*in& in "re&orian +hant. He st'!ie! )s%cholo&% es)eciall% the
effects of m'sic on the mentall% !ist'rbe!. He also st'!ie! )hoto&ra)h% an! becam an ex)ert
s)eciali*in& in )ortrait )hoto&ra)h%.
,'rin& --.. he hel) Jes in (rance esca)e the /a*is. 0fter the fall of (rance he 1oine! the 2. 3.
0rm% 0ir +or)s an! as sent to the 3o'th 4acific to or5 ith the nati6e islan!ers. .n1're! b% a
bomb blast he &ra!'all% lost his si&ht becomin& totall% blin! b% 1977. ,'rin& his blin!ness he rote
his to ma1or no6els The Devil Rides Outside an! Nuni as ell as n'mero's short stories. .n 1951
he became a 8oman +atholic. 0fter reco6erin& his si&ht in 1957 he rote for Sepia ma&a*ine an!
in 1959 he rote a series of articles for Sepia ma&a*ine base! on his tra6els thro'&h the ,ee)
3o'th as a 9blac59 man. $his series as )'blishe! as Black Like Me in 19:1.
.n 19:9 he as a))ointe! the ;fficial <io&ra)her of $homas #erton. $hro'&ho't his life he rote
an! lect're! i!el% on race relation an! social 1'stice. He !ie! in 1980 at the a&e of sixt%.
S!""ary +orres)on!ence, man'scri)ts, !oc'ments, )hoto&ra)hs, an! )rinte! materials b% an! abo't
John Hoar! "riffin.
$he corres)on!ence is extensi6e an! incl'!es letter from Jac='es #aritain> $homas #erton>
#axell "eismar> ?l!ri!&e +lea6er> 8obert +asa!e's> 0braham 8attner> 4.,. ?ast> Jose)h
/oonan> 3arah 4atton <o%le> @illian 3mith> (ather 0'&'st $hom)son> /ell ,orr> an! <rother
4atric5 Hart.
0ll of his ma1or or5s are re)resente! in man'scri)t form ('s'all% t%)escri)t, carbon). .n a!!ition
there are man% ori&ial )hoto&ra)&hs b% "riffin, hich he )aste! thro'&ho't his extensi6e 1o'rnal,
1950-1980. $his 1o'rnal is a remar5able acco'nt of his life an! tho'&hts, exten!in& to o6er 3,000
Finding #ids +ontents list, 83 )a&es
Res$ri%$ions on #%%ess 06ailable for fac'lt%, st'!ents, an! researchers en&a&e! in scholarl% )'blication
Res$ri%$ions on &se 4ermission to ='ote or )'blish m'st be obtaine! in ritin& from the ,irector of $he
8are <oo5 an! #an'scri)t @ibrar%, as ell as the co)%ri&ht hol!er.
Pro'enan%e 4'rchase 1995
Pro%essing His$ory 4rocesse! b% the 8obert <ona**i an! 4atric5 @alor. 0ll of the len&th% an!
informati6e notes are b% 8obert <ona**i
Mi%rofi(" Infor"a$ion /o material on microfilm
Physi%a( Lo%a$ion .n se='ence
RLIN I) /A+8
I +H, ,#RL- -,#RS ./012./34 5
II +H, ),6IL RI),S O&+SI), 7
III SHOR+,R 8RI+INGS ./91s /
I6 N&NI: S+R,,+ OF +H, S,6,N #NG,LS: .9
6 L#N) OF +H, HIGH S;- .4
6I +H, ),C#), OF +H, FIF+I,S ./
6II G,N,R#L CORR,SPON),NC,, ./3/2./<1 0.
6III BL#C; LI;, M, 0.
= +H, CH&RCH #N) +H, BL#C; M#N 5.
=I?SC#++,R,) SH#)O8S > +H, JOHN HO8#R)@GRIFFIN R,#),R 55
=II? +H, ),C#), OF +H, SI=+I,S 57
=III +H, +HOM#S M,R+ON FIL, 34
=I6? # HI)),N 8HOL,N,SS > FOLLO8 +H, ,CS+#S- 94
=6? +H, J#CA&,S M#RI+#IN FIL, 9/
=6I? # +IM, +O B, H&M#N 79
=6II?+H, ),C#), OF +H, S,6,N+I,S 77
=6III? +H, H,RMI+#G, JO&RN#LS 45
=I=?+H, GRIFFIN JO&RN#L ./912./<1 49
==? POS+H&MO&S P#P,RS <.
I +H, ,#RL- -,#RS ./012./34
1 1 <io&ra)hical 35etch
8 )a&e t.m.s. (incom)lete)
1 2 <iblio&ra)h% of <oo5s an! #ono&ra)hs
5 )a&e
1 3 $exas ,e)artment of Health
<irth +ertificate
1 )a&e ()hotoco)%)
1 7 +oat of 0rms an! "enealo&%
1 )a&e each ()hotoco)%)
1 5 #olire
Les Femmes Savantes
4arisB @ibrairie Hachette, 193:
No$e .nscribe! 9Hoar! "riffin, @%cCe ,escartes9
1 : 0merican +onser6ator%
+ertificate of 0tten!ance
D4arisE, 197:
1 )a&e ()hotoco)%)
1 7 "riffin, John Hoar!
Handbook for Darkness
D#ansfiel!, $FE, 1978
37 )a&e
No$e "riffinGs st'!% 9es)eciall% )re)are! for those ho are in close
contact ith the blin!9. $he text co6ers s'ch areas asB 9-hat <lin!ness 3ho'l! <e to the <lin!.9
9$he 8ole of $hose -ho @i6e ith the <lin!.9 9$he 8ole of (ear.9 94otentialities for ;6ercomin&
the Han!ica) -a%s to (inancial .n!e)en!ence.9 9#arria&e an! +hil!ren.9 9$he .ntimate @ife.9
4l's notes for mini cha)ters on .nterests, $ra6el, 0 Ho'se "'est, 0 Hotel "'est, +ler5s in 3tores,
an! #echanical 0i!s. 2n)'blishe!.
$he textGs last six )a&es contain a series of 9;bser6ations on. <lin!ness an! 3'&&estions for
$hose -ho 3ee,9 hich are short, com)ellin& remar5s that s'm ') his )hiloso)h% most effecti6el%.
1 8 "riffin, John Hoar!
8e6ie of Jacob $ers5%Gs Blindness in Literature
$he 0merican (o'n!ation for the <lin!. D1978E
3 )a&e (carbon)
No$e $here is no recor! of this man'scri)t ha6in& been )'blishe!
1 9 ,efense 4assi6e
$o'rs, (rance, 30 3e)tember 1939
;ne 59 x 89 sheet #imeo&ra)h !oc'ment, ith notes in )encil
1 10 ,efense 4assi6e
9@es "a* !e +ombat9
$o 8 1H29 x ll9 sheets #imeo&ra)h !oc'ment, ith notes in
No$e 4encile! notes are not in "riffinGs han!ritin&
1 11 +omite .nternational !e la +roix-8o'&e
$o Hoar! "riffin
"ene6a, 13 3e)tember 1939
1 t.l., si&ne! b% #lle. @. ;!ier, #embre !'e +omite
.nternational (an!) #embre !e la +ommission !es ;e'6res !e
1 12 $o'rs. 3chool of #e!icine
,i)loma aar!e! to John Hoar! "riffin
$o'rs, 17 #a% 197:
1 )a&e ()hotostat)
1 13 2nite! 3tate of 0merica. 0rm%
#ilitar% recor! an! certificate of honorable !ischar&e of John Hoar!
Dn.).E, 1975
3 )a&es ()hotoco)%)
1 17 2nite! 3tate of 0merica. ,e)artment of 3tate
4ass)ort of John Hoar! "riffin
$exas, 2: J'ne 197:
: )a&e ()hotoco)%)
1 15 (ather #arie-<r'no, ;.4. D0n!re H'ssarE
$o John Hoar! "riffin
D6.).E, 1 #a% 1975 - 19 #a% 1977
10 a.l.s.
1 a'to&ra)h saint car!
No$e #on5 an! s)irit'al mentor to John Hoar! "riffin
1 1: +asa!es's, 8obert
$o John Hoar! "riffin
D6.).E, 1971-1952
18 a.l.s.
No$e (rench )ianist an! com)oser> m'sical mentor to John Hoar!
"riffin. (i6e )oste! from 4rinceton, /J> to on letterhea! of the 3chool of #'sic, 0merican 0rt
3chools of (ontaineblea'> others )oste! from concert sto)s in 3t. @o'is, +le6elan!, an! #iami> 25
)a&es (front an! bac5 combine!)> an! fo'r 0'to&ra)h ?n6elo)es
1 17 +asa!es's, 8obert
9$o -hom .t #a% +oncern9
4alace of (ontaineblea', (rance, 28 #a% 19:7
1 a.l.s.
No$e -ith )hotoco)% of t.l., si&ne! b% +la'!e @e6i-3tra'ss, (rench
0mbassa!or an! #inister of +'lt're, concernin& "riffinGs acce)tance to st'!% m'sic> t.l., si&ne! b%
#ar% +rennan. on +ol'mbia +oncerts letterhea! to "riffin, re&ar!in& his ='er% as to +asa!es'sG
concert sche!'le, /o6ember 30, 1975
1 18 +asa!es's, Jean
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, D17 0)ril 1972E
1 t.n.s.
No$e -ith a carbon letter from "riffin to Jean +asa!es's, J'l% 28,
19:3> form @etter of the 8obert +asa!es's 3ociet% to "riffin, si&ne! b% $herese +asa!es's-
8ason, for the ;r&ani*in& +ommittee> /o6ember 27, 1977. +arbon of $%)e! @etter from "riffin to
$herese +asa!es's-8ason, concernin& his memor% of her as the chil!hoo! !a'&hter of "ab%
an! 8obert +asa!es's !'rin& hich she nic5name! him le rand ours, /o6ember 30, 1977
1 19 $re6erton, James 8. B
/es (eat're )'blishe! in the 3t. @o'is "lobe-,emocrat, 11 /o6.
1973, base! on an inter6ie ith "ab% +asa!es's, )ianist an! ife of
8obert +asa!es's. 0nec!otes abo't their frien! an! nei&hbor at
4rinceton, 0lbert ?instein> 3t. @o'is 3%m)hon% con!'ctor Ila!imir
"olschmann> the m'sical )ro&ress of the +asa!es's chil!ren
/es 4hoto from an 'n5non an! 'n!ate! /e Aor5 nes)a)er,
concernin& a concert to be &i6en b% the +asa!es's for 8'ssian -ar
8elief, at +arne&ie Hall
;bit'aries from the /e Aor5 $imes an! the /e Aor5 4ost. +asa!es's
!ie! 19 3e)tember 1972, after an o)eration for cancer of the )ancreas>
he as 73 1973-1972
7 cli))in&s
1 20 +asa!es's, 8obertB
(o'r #'sic 4ro&rams, incl'!in& one a'to&ra)he! b% the )ianist
4hotoco)ies of $o other #'sic 4ro&rams--one of the +asa!es's
(amil% (8obert, "ab%, an! Jean) an! the other of a concert b% "ab%
+asa!es's an! 4ierre <ernac, tenor
Dn.).E, 1971-197:
7 items
1 21 +asa!es's, 8obertB
(o'r sheets of )romotional material an! nes from the 8obert
+asa!es's 3ociet%, incl'!in& en6elo)e a!!resse! to John Hoar!
<roch're for the Jean +asa!es's #emorial ('n!, ,e)artment of #'sic,
3tate 2ni6ersit% of /e Aor5 at <in&hamton
0rticle in Musical !merica, !isc'ssin& the first 8a6elH+asa!es's
.nternational 4iano +om)etition, hel! at the +le6elan! .nstit'te of #'sic,
0'&'st 25-31, 1975> the ,ecember 1975 )iece incl'!es a )hoto&ra)h of
"ab% +asa!es's an! inner John ;in&s
Dn.).E, 1972-1980
7 items
No$e Jean +asa!es's as )ianist-in-resi!ence at 32/A, from 19:5
'ntil his !eath in Jan'ar% of 1972, in an a'tomobile acci!ent> he as 77
1 22 8e6er!%, 4ierre
$o John Hoar! "riffin
D3olesmes, (ranceE, 23 /o6ember 1953
1 )a&e a.l.s.
No$e .n (rench. (rench )oet, close frien! of 4icasso, <ra='e, etc.> he
!ie! in 19:1.
1 23 3*i&eti, Jose)h
$o John Hoar! "riffin
?'&ene, ;8, 15 Jan'ar% 1975
1 )a&e a.l.s.
No$e -orl!-renone! 6iolinist
1 27 8hein%, 0rth'r
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3olesmes, (rance, 21 Jan'ar% 1978
2 )a&e a.l.s.
No$e .n (rench
1 25 8e%nal, #a'rice
$o John Hoar! "riffin
4aris, 25 0)ril 1979
1 )a&e a.l.s.
No$e .n (rench
1 2:-30 8attner, 0braham
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 1973H1977
18 a.l.s.
1 a.n.s.
1 tele&ram
: cli))in&s, articles, etc.
No$e 0merican )ainter ho st'!ie! in 4aris here he became frien!s
ith the +'bists an! 3'rrealists
$hese letters ere ritten in 1973 an! 1977 hile "riffin as a 3er&eant in the 0ir (orce 727
<omber 3='a!ron, ser6in& in the 3o'th 4acific
$he letters ritten from 1975 to 1979 co6er the %ears of "riffinGs ret'rn from the ar, )re)arations
for a tri) to (rance (here he !eli6ere! )ac5a&es of clothin& for 8attner to the artistGs frien!s in
(rance), an! also "riffinGs ret'rn from (rance to li6e on a farm in #ansfiel!, $exas (then com)letel%
1 31 "entle, ?sther
$o John Hoar! "riffin
D/e Aor5E, D12 #a% 1975E
1 a.l.s.
II +H, ),6IL RI),S O&+SI),
1 32-73 "riffin, John Hoar!
The Devil Rides Outside
Dn.).E, +hristmas 1979
587 )). (carbon)
.n 12 fol!ers
No$e $he first !raft of "riffinGs first no6el. 3ent as a &ift to 3all% "illes)ie.
.n rea!in& the man'scri)t it becomes ob6io's that the nes stories s'rro'n!in&
the no6elGs com)osition--stories hich ere )rom'l&ate! b% the 3mith brothers ho
one! 3miths, .nc. of (ort -orth--ere inacc'rateB "riffin !i! not rite a 900 )l's )a&e
man'scri)t hich as c't nearl% one-thir! b% the e!itorH)'blisher "or!on 3mith> the no6el
!i! not be&in as a non-fiction acco'nt of "riffinGs ex)erience at the 0bbe% of 3olemes, the
<ene!ictine motherho'se of "re&orian +hant.
$he no6el 6aries from the final 3miths )'blishe! 6ersion in relati6el%
minor a%s. .t !oes not o)en ith the scene of the anon%mo's 0merican m'sicolo&ist
bein& !ri6en to the ol! monaster% b% the cab !ri6er, b't be&ins ith the narrator in his
monastic cell (hich is the secon! scene of the )'blishe! 6ersion). $he ori&inal
man'scri)t has a short ?)ilo&'e hich as !ro))e! from the )'blishe! boo5. $hat
?)ilo&'e as 4art ..., hereas the boo5 has onl% to )arts, entitle! .9$he +loister -ithin9
an! 9$he ,e6il -itho't9. $he ori&inal man'scri)t sim)l% calls these first to )arts, 9$he
#onaster%9 an!. 9$he Iilla&e.9
;therise, the man'scri)t r'ns closel% to the )'blishe! boo5. $his !oes not
in!icate "riffin ma!e se6eral com)lete !rafts from this 1977 first !raft to the &alle% sta&e,
in 1951. ($he no6el as )'blishe! in 1952). .t in!icates that some sections ere a!!e!
later an! some c'ttin& as !one from the ori&inal man'scri)t. $he massi6e, )oorl%-
ritten, obscenit%-ri!!le! t%)escri)t of 900 )a&es is a fiction of the )'blisher.
0lso, the )ress releases from $he 3miths hich referre! to "riffinGs blin!ness
an! his ar heroics ere consi!ere! in ba! taste b% the a'thor. He )referre! to 'se a
)se'!on%m hich he ha! 'se! (se6eral in fact) hen he s'bmitte! ma&a*ines or5.
3e6eral )ieces ere )'blishe! 'n!er the name @e 3mollett an! no mention of the
a'thorGs blin!ness or ar ex)eriences ere incl'!e!.
"riffin !isc'sses these times in his letters to 3all% "illes)ie (see 3eries I..)
2 77 ,aniels, <ra!for!
<ac5&ro'n! notes abo't the The Devil Rides Outside an! its
s'bse='ent censorshi) case
Dn.).E, D19:8E
7 )a&e ()hotoco)%)
2 75 (eat're articles from $exas nes)a)ers )rior to the )'blication of
The Devil Rides Outside
$exas, 1952
9 )a&e ()hotoco)%)
2 7: 8e6ies of The Devil Rides Outside in Time> Saturda" Revie#> N$
Herald Tribune> Dallas Times%Herald> Fort &orth Star%Teleram an!
other national )'blications
D6.).E, 1952
28 )a&e ()hotoco)%)
2 77 "riffin, John Hoar!
0rticle on the censorshi) of The Devil Rides Outside
Dallas Mornin Ne#s , 1957
1 )a&e ()hotoco)%)
2 78 (a!iman, +lifton
$o John Hoar! "riffin
#ansfiel!, $exas, 30 0'&. Dn.%.E
1 t.l. (co)%)
2 79 3'ssman, +ornelia an! .r6in&
Ho# To Read ! Dirt" Book
(ranciscan Heral! 4ress, Dn.!.E
1 !'st 1ac5et
5 )a&e ()hotoco)%)
No$e 4a&es 102 - 111 of the boo5
2 50 /es stories abo't the censorshi) case
Detroit Ne#s an! the Detroit Free 'ress, 1957
2: )a&e ()hotoco)%)
2 51 "erber, 0lbert <.
Se() 'ornoraph" and *ustice
/e Aor5B @%le 3t'art, 19:5
9 )a&e ()hotoco)%)
No$e @e&al !isc'ssion of the <'tler 6s. #ichi&an case ("riffinGs no6el
as the foc's of a test case )'t forth b% 4oc5et <oo5s, )'blisher of the
)a)erbac5 Devil+
2 52 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o (ather "ar!iner
#ansfiel!, $exas, 2: J'ne 195:
1 a.l. (carbon)
2 )a&es
2 53 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o $he ?!itor, The Michian ,atholic
D$exasE, 29 J'l% 1957
1 t.l. (carbon)
7 )a&es
2 57 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o (ather #aino
D$exasE, 15 0'&'st 1957
1 t.l. (carbon)
9 )a&es
2 55 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o (ather #aino
D$exasE, 7 ;ctober 1957
1 t.l. (carbon)
8 )a&es
2 5: "riffin, John Hoar!
$o 8e6eren! Jobert J. ,%er
D$exasE, 13 0'&'st 195:
1 t.l. (co)%)
7 )a&es
2 57 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o 4aschal Iarns5'hler
D$exasE, 1: 0'&'st 195:
1 t.l. (co)%)
7 )a&es
2 58 ;ens, 8obert
$o John Hoar! "riffin
,en6er an! 0n!erson, 3+, 9 0)ril 19:5 - 17 Jan'ar% 19::
3 t.l.s.
No$e 8e. )la%scri)t of Devil
2 59 #arshall, <r'ce
3tatement on The Devil Rides Outside
Dn.).E, 17 ;ctober 1953
1 t.l. (co)%)
No$e 8e. )la%scri)t of Devil
2 :0 4oc5et <oo5s, .nc.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 7 #a% 19:7
1 t.l.s.
No$e -ith to relate! letters concernin& a 4olish e!ition of The Devil
Rides Outside
2 :1 4resses !e la +ite J 3miths, .nc.
4romotional materials for The Devil Rides Outside
D6.).E, ca. 1952
5 items
2 :2 Ho'&hton #ifflin
$o John Hoar! "riffin
<oston, 1 0)ril J 22 J'l% 19:9
2 t.l.s.
3 t.l. (carbon re)lies)
2 :3 3mith, J. H'lbert
$o John Hoar! "riffin
(ort -orth, 1 0)ril J 22 J'l% 19:9
2 t.l.s.
3 t.l. (carbon re)lies)
2 :7 +ana!ian <roa!castin& +or).
$o ?li*abeth <ona**i
$oronto, 1985
1 t.l.s.
No$e 8e&ar!in& rea!in& from Devil
2 :5 0lexan!rian 4ress
$o John Hoar! "riffin ?state
+0, 1987
1 t.l.s.
No$e 8e='isition to re)rint Devil
2 :: 3o'thern #etho!ist 2ni6ersit% 4ress
$o 8obert <ona**i
,allas, $exas, 1987
3 t.l.s.
No$e 8e&ar!in& re)rintin& The Devil Rides Outside
2 :7 "riffin, John Hoar!
9$he +a&e9
#ansfiel!, $exas, Dn.!.E
21 )a&e (carbon)
No$e ,e!icate! to 0braham 8attner
2 :8 "riffin, John Hoar!
9$he 4eas9
#ansfiel!, $exas, D1951KE
23 )a&e (ith ms. corrections)
No$e 0bo't a %o'n& bo% &roin& ') blin! on a farm. $his is a more
s'ccessf'l reor5in& of 9$he +a&e9. .t as s'bmitte! to ma&a*ines
1951-1953 ('n)'blishe!)
2 :9 "riffin, John Hoar!
93cra)s for a (east9 D9$he 3eaall9E
#ansfiel!, $exas, D1955KE
13 )a&e
No$e (ictional ren!erin& of an act'al tri) "riffin ma!e to "al6eston
2 70 "riffin, John Hoar!
9$he 3eaall9
#ansfiel!, $exas, D1952E
13 )a&e (ith ms. corrections)
2 71 "riffin, John Hoar!
9<lac5 /oon9
#ansfiel!, $exas, D1952E
5 )a&e
No$e Ii&nette abo't blin! man &oin& to ton ('n)'blishe!)
2 72 "riffin, John Hoar!
9J'st 0s5 -ool%9
,atholic Diest, /o6ember 195:
7 )a&e )hotoco)% (incom)lete)
No$e 8e)rint of stor% that a))eare! ori&inall% in ,atholic &orld.
2 73 "riffin, John Hoar!
9<lin!ness - hat it is an! hat )roblems it entails.9
Dn.).E, #a% 1959
2 )a&e
No$e @ect're o'tline
2 77 3mollett, @e
9$he <i&-$ime 3toc5man9
Farm and Ranch, (ebr'ar% 1952
2 )a&e )hotoco)%
No$e 3tor% abo't blin! farm bo% ho raises li6estoc5.
"riffinGs first )'blishe! short stor%
2 75 "ant*, H. @.
9$ro'ble is hat %o' ma5e it9
Farm and Ranch, Dn.!.E
2 )a&e )hotoco)%
No$e 4rofile of "riffin. 8e6eals that @e 3mollett is reall% "riffin
2 7: ,aniel, <ra!for!
/otes on "riffinGs short stories
Dn.).E, D19:7E
3 )a&e )hotoco)%
2 77 "riffin, John Hoar!
9-ith!raal of the 0rtist9
The Nation, #a% 1953
1 )a&e )hotoco)%
No$e ;n bein& a ritin& member of the 3ilent "eneration
2 78 "riffin, John Hoar!
8e6ie of <onner #c#illionGs The Lot of Her Neihbors
The Dail" Times Herald, #arch 1953
1 )a&e )hotoco)%
2 79 "riffin, John Hoar!
93a'ce for the "an!er9
/e Aor5B /e 0merican @ibrar%, 1953
10 )a&e )hotoco)%
2 80 "riffin, John Hoar!
8e)rint of 93a'ce for the "an!er9
/e Aor5B #acmillan, 195:
8 )a&e )hotoco)%
2 81 "riffin, John Hoar!
9(riar +l'!9
D#ansfiel!, $exasE, D1953E
10 )a&e (ith ms. corrections)
No$e 2n)'blishe!
2 82 "riffin, John Hoar!
9(riar +l'!9
D#ansfiel!, $exasE, D1953E
33 )a&e (incom)lete, ith ms. corrections)
No$e 2n)'blishe!. 3e='el to 93a'ce for the "an!er9
2 83 "riffin, John Hoar!
D#ansfiel!, $exasE, Dn.!.E
11 )a&e (missin& )a&e 1)
No$e $hir! !raft. 2n)'blishe! short stor% hich is reminiscent of The
Devil Rides Outside in that it ta5es )lace in a monaster% an! )ortra%s
similar mon5 characters
2 87 9#etamor)hosis9
D#ansfiel!, $exasE, Dn.!.E
3 )a&e (carbon)
No$e 2n! !raftK
2 85 "riffin, John Hoar!
D#ansfiel!, $exasE, Dn.!.E
3 )a&e
2 8: "riffin, John Hoar!
#ansfiel!, $exas, D1950sE
57 )a&e (ith ms. corrections)
No$e 3hort stor% abo't or5in& in the (rench 2n!er&ro'n! base! on
"riffinGs act'al ex)erience
2 87 "riffin, 1ohn Hoar!
D#ansfiel!, $exasE, Dn.!.E
17 )a&e ()la%scri)t)
2 88 "riffin, John Hoar!
93am'el #'llinsGs 2nfort'nate Jinx9
D#ansfiel!, $exasE, Dn.!.E
29 )a&e (carbon, ith ms. corrections)
2 89 "riffin, John Hoar!
93am'el #'llinsGs 2nfort'nate Jinx9
#ansfiel!, $exas, Dn.!.E
28 )a&e (carbon)
2 90 "riffin, John Hoar!
93am'el #'llinsGs 2nfort'nate Jinx9
#ansfiel!, $exas, Dn.!.E
20 )a&e
2 91 "riffin, John Hoar!
93am'el #'llinsGs 2nfort'nate Jinx9
#ansfiel!, $exas, Dn.!.E
19 )a&e
2 92 "riffin, John Hoar!
9$he <ar&ain9
D#ansfiel!, $exasE, Dn.!.E
8 )a&e
No$e 2n)'blishe!
2 93 "riffin, John Hoar!
9#o!el <o%9
D#ansfiel!, $exasE Dn.!.E
17 )a&e (carbon)(irst !raft(K)
2 97 "riffin, John Hoar!
9$he -ea5lin&9 D#o!el <o%E
D#ansfiel!, $exasE, Dn.!.E
17 )a&e (carbon)
No$e 2n! !raft(K)
2 95 "riffin, John Hoar!
93o'thern ,ir&e in <lac5 an! -hite9 D#o!el <o%E
#ansfiel!, $exas, Dn.!.E
13 )a&e
No$e 3r! !raft(K)
2 9: "riffin, John Hoar!
9#iss Henrietta <ri&&s an! Her #etamor)hosis9
Stor" Number Three) The Maa-ine of the Short Stor" in Book
Form, 1953
1: )a&e )hotoco)%
2 97 9+lo6isGs $hirst9
D#ansfiel!, $exasE, Dn.!.E
10 )a&e
No$e 2n)'blishe!
2 98 "riffin, John Hoar!
9/oble Iision9
#ansfiel!, $exas, Dn.!.E
20 )a&e (carbon, ith ms. corrections)
No$e ?arl% !raft of 9$he +a'se9 a stor% )'blishe! in The *ohn Ho#ard
.riffin Reader
3 99 9$he -hole -orl! in His Han!s9
/e Aor5B Ne# /oices 0, 1955
12 )a&e )hotoco)%
3 100 "riffin, John Hoar!
90fternoon Hooch9
#ansfiel!, $exas, D1953E
15 )a&e, (ith a'to&ra)h corrections)
No$e 2n)'blishe!. <ase! on a 1953 tri) to the <oer% ith +l%!e
3 101 "riffin, John Hoar!
D#ansfiel!, $exasE, D1955-1957E
12 )a&e (ith ms. corrections)
No$e H'moro's 6i&nettes, )'blishe! in The *ohn Ho#ard .riffin
3 102 "riffin, John Hoar!
#ore 9,i6ersions9
D#ansfiel!, $exasE Dca. 1955E
10 ),
No$e 2n)'blishe!
3 103 @amfamboise, Jean-+harles
94ontifical $eachin& an! the +hristian (amil%9
$ranslate! from the (rench b% "riffin
D#ansfiel!, $exasE, 195:
10 )a&e
No$e 0lso a co)% of a letter from (ather @amfamboise an! an off)rint of
the ori&inal (rench text.
<esi!es translatin& his on fiction from the (rench, "riffin s)o5e both of his no6els, The Devil
Rides Outside an! Nuni, into a ire-recor!er, in (rench, an! then transcribe! the no6els into
?n&lish. He translate! 6ario's other (rench texts. (e ere )'blishe! b't he ma!e these
translations as m'ch to 5ee) himself bilin&'al an! for the intrinsic 6al'e of hat he translate!.
,'rin& this )erio! he as also recei6in& ta)es, in both ?n&lish an! (rench, from Jac='es #aritain,
(ather 3tanle% #'r)h%, an! "eral! Iann, the <ritish ,ominican scholar. He consi!ere! it all )art of
his contin'in& classical e!'cation in lan&'a&e, in )hiloso)h%, an! in theolo&%. He s)ea5s also of
translatin& some of 0lbert +am'sG no6el The Straner into ?n&lish, b't none of those )a&es ha6e
been fo'n!. .n his Jo'rnals there are 6ario's letters an! short texts translate! into ?n&lish for his
on )'r)oses.
3 107 "riffin, John Hoar!
9/'estra 3enora !e la 8es'rreccion9
#ansfiel!, $exas, Dn.!.E
9 )a&e (carbon)
No$e $his is a )iece ritten abo't the <ene!ictine monaster% locate!
beteen #exico +it% an! +'erna6aca
;ne of "riffinGs abi!in& )assions as the st'!% of the monastic life. .n the case of this )iece, he !i!
ho)e to )'blish it b't as not s'ccessf'l. /onetheless, in ritin& it, he as consistent in his
on&oin& interest in monasticism. 3e6eral of his short stories of this )erio! are abo't characters in
monasteries--both serio's, li5e 9#etamor)hosis9 an! comic, li5e the (riar +l'! stories. His first
no6el, The Devil Rides Outside, ta5es )lace in )art in a monaster%. 8elatin& in &eneral to this
)assion for the monastic life are his lect'res on "re&orian +hant, combinin& the roots of
monasticism ith the floer of me!ie6al m'sic.
3 105 "riffin, John Hoar!
94reface9 to the ,allas lect'res on "re&orian +hant
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
7 )a&e
3 10: "riffin, John Hoar!
/otes on m'sic 'se! in lect're
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
2 )a&e
13 751 "riffin, John Hoar!
/otes on #'sic 0rticle
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
1 )a&e
3 107 "riffin, John Hoar!
,allas lect're n'mber oneB 94reliminar% st'!% of #o!alit%9
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
25 )a&e
3 108 "riffin, John Hoar!
,allas lect're n'mber toB 9/e'm notation an! #o!alit%9
Dn.).E, 23 (eb. Dn.%.E
10 )a&e
3 109 "riffin, John Hoar!
,allas lect're n'mber threeB 98h%thm9
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
8 )a&e
3 110 "riffin, John Hoar!
18 @ect'res on the Histor% of #'sic. .ntro!'ction an! recor!in&s list
(orth -orth, $exas, Dn.!.E
9 )a&e
3 111 "riffin, John Hoar!
18 lect'res on the histor% of m'sicB lect're one
(orth -orth, $exas, Dn.!.E
27 )a&e (ith ms. corrections)
3 112 "riffin, John Hoar!
18 lect'res on the histor% of m'sicB lect're to
(orth -orth, $exas, Dn.!.E
7 )a&e
3 113 "riffin, John Hoar!
18 lect'res on the histor% of m'sicB lect're three
(orth -orth, $exas, Dn.!.E
10 )a&e
3 117 "riffin, John Hoar!
18 lect'res on m'sicB lect're se6en
(ort -orth, $exas, Dn.!.E
7 )a&e
3 115 "riffin, John Hoar!
18 lect'res on m'sicB lect're for (eb. 2n!
(ort -orth, $exas, Dn.!.E
3 )a&e
3 11: "riffin, John Hoar!
18 lect'res on m'sicB lect're for (eb. 19th
(ort -orth, $exas, Dn.!.E
3 )a&e
3 117 "riffin, John Hoar!
18 lect'res on m'sicB lect're on #o*art
(ort -orth, $exas, Dn.!.E
7 )a&e
3 118 "riffin, John Hoar!
18 lect'res on m'sicB lect're 15
(ort -orth, $exas, Dn.!.E
17 )a&e
3 119 "riffin, John Hoar!
18 lect're on m'sicB mo!ern m'sic
(ort -orth, $exas, Dn.!.E
5 )a&e
3 120 "riffin, John Hoar!
,etroit @ect're on "re&orian +hant
D,etroitE 28 (eb. 1957
10 )a&e
I6 N&NI: S+R,,+ OF +H, S,6,N #NG,LS:
$hese are the three no6els !rafte! b% "riffin !'rin& the 1950s hile he as still si&htless. ;nl% Nuni as
)'blishe!, in 195:. ;ne cha)ter from Street as )'blishe! as a short stor% in 1957.
3 121 "riffin, John Hoar!
$exas, 17 ,ecember 1955
273 )a&e (carbon) in
1 6ol'me
No$e $he final !raft of the no6el, com)lete ith the a'thorGs chan&es
an! comments in lon&han!.
$he ori&inal man'scri)t, as ell as the man'scri)ts for The Devil Rides Outside an! Land of the
Hih Sk" (all )'blishe! beteen 1952 an! 1959) ha6e not s'r6i6e!. $he )'blishers ha6e in!icate!
that the ori&inal man'scri)ts ere ret'rne! to "riffin. Aet it is the carbons he 5e)t in his archi6es
hich re6eal his or5in& )rocess.
$he carbons re6eal all of his chan&es. ?ither he 'se! these carbons for his on )'r)oses, to
catalo& the chan&es ma!e on the ori&inals or e6en on the &alle%s (for no &alle%s s'r6i6e either), or
the t%)esettin& of the &alle%s as ma!e !irectl% from these carbons
3 123 #osel%, Har!ic5
$o +l%!e 4. Hollan! D"riffinGs b'siness mana&erE
Ho'&hton #ifflin +o., <oston, 3 Jan'ar% 195:
1 t.l.s.
3 127 Ha5es, -en!%
$o ?li*abeth "riffin-<ona**i
Ho'&hton #ifflin +o., <oston, 7 ,ecember 1987
No$e -ith )hotoco)% of reneal !oc'ment from Ho'&hton #ifflin.
3 125 /es stories an! boo5 re6ies of Nuni
7 )a&es )hotoco)%
3 12: ?'&ene #c/amara
;ff)rints of articles abo't Nuni an! Devil
No$e +ana!ian critic
3 127 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o ?'&ene #c/amara
#ansfiel!, $exas, 5 (ebr'ar% 19:2
1 t.l.s. (carbon)
7 138 "riffin, John Hoar!
"ran! +hief I'tha
5 )a&e, ith a'to&ra)h corrections
7 139 "ran! +hief I'tha
$o John Hoar! "riffin
$'t'm'DKE 7 J'l% 1977
2 )a&e a.l.s.
7 170 "riffin, John Hoar!
(lori!an !ialect
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
: )a&es (ith )hotoco)%)
No$e 0 list of or!s an! )hrases 9'se! b% the nati6es of a &ro') of
islan!s in the 3o'th 4acific9.
3 128 "riffin, John Hoar!
Jo'rnal entries re. Nuni
3 )a&es ()hotoco)%)
3 129 ,aniels, <ra!
/otes re. Nini
3 )a&e ()hotoco)%)
3 130 Nuni
<ostonB Ho'&hton #ifflin +o., 195:
1 6ol. "alle% )roofs ('ncorrecte!)
+oncernin& "riffinGs no6els, The Street of the Seven !nels an! 'assacalia, it is necessar% to
o'tline the &enesis of his creati6e )rocess as re&ar!s these or5s be&'n in the mi!-1950s.
.nitiall%, all of this material as inten!e! for one lar&e no6el, tentati6el% entitle! 94oint,
+o'nter)oint,9 b't hen "riffin hear! that H'xle% ha! )'blishe! a no6el ith that title, he be&an to
rethin5 his conce)t. His 1o'rnals in!icate that the lar&e no6el as reall% ma!e ') of alternatin&
cha)ters ith to sets of characters (altho'&h a fe characters cross from one stor% to the other).
;ne, hich became Street, foc'se! on the character of +he* ,'ran!, a boo5sho) oner, ho
becomes in6ol6e! in an obscenit% trial> this stor% feat'res a lar&e cast of characters an! is comic in
intent. $he secon! no6el, 'assacalia, is a serio's or5 abo't a concert )ianist an! his ille&itimate
son--also a )ianist.
$he man'scri)t herein calle! 'assacaolia is act'all% the remnants of the lar&er no6el (207 )a&es
of t%)escri)t carbon) hich as ne6er com)lete!. $he man'scri)t of Street of the Seven !nels is
a 221 )a&e t%)escri)t, an ori&inal he re6ise! from )ortions of the carbon, from 19::-1972. He
inten!e! to )'blish Street as his thir! no6el an! e6en tho'&h he came 'n!er contract ith
Ho'&hton #ifflin for the or5, it as ne6er )'blishe!. He ne6er ret'rne! to !o a re6ision of
'assacalia. 0 rea!in& of Street ill re6eal that it has been re6ise! an! com)lete!, b't a rea!in&
of the carbon of 'assacaolia--hich has &a)s in )a&ination, as ell as man% a!1'stments (as man%
as fi6e chan&es on some )a&es)--ne6er recei6e! an% re6ision.
3 131 J 132 Street of the Seven !nels
$exas, 19::-1972
221 )a&e
3 133 J 137 'assacalia
207 )a&e (carbon)
No$e .ncom)lete. 4a&es from an 'nfinishe! no6el
7 135 "riffin, John Hoar!
4recis of Street of the Seven !nels
8 )a&e (carbon)
No$e $here is also a han!-!ran ma) b% "riffin of the ='arter of 4aris
in hich the action ta5es )lace. Dmissin& 11H20H2000-4@E
7 13: "riffin, John Hoar!
4recis of 'assaca1lia
8 )a&e
No$e (eat'res to )a&e )lot o'tline, an! three )a&e character
s5etches of both the main characters.
7 137 "riffin, John Hoar!
9+he* ,'ran!9
/e -orl! -ritin&, 1957
10 )a&e )hotoco)%
6 L#N) OF +H, HIGH S;-
$his is "riffinGs or5in& carbon of the first !raft, containin& his han!-ritten chan&es an! c'ts. $he
33: )a&e man'scri)t, initiall% entitle! ! Land Full of Sk" is more than 100 )a&es lon&er than the
)'blishe! boo5. $he stor% of ho this boo5 )ro1ect came into bein& can be fo'n! in the notes b%
<ra!for! ,aniel.
7 171 ,aniel, <ra!for!
/otes on Land of the Hih Sk"
2 )a&e )hotoco)%
7 172-152 "riffin, John Hoar!
Land of the Hih Sk"
3:: )a&e
No$e $he folloin& are brief text'al notes on the man'scri)tB $he
94reface9 as re)rinte! in The *ohn Ho#ard .riffin Reader. .t also !isc'sses the &enesis of this
'ni='e )ro1ect.
9?i&hteen +o6ere! -a&ons9 (+ha)ter . of the man'scri)t) as c't b% one-thir! for the )'blishe!
boo5. $his boo5 6ersion as re)rinte! in The Reader an! in the antholo&%, ! 'art of Space ($+2
9$he (rontier (i&hts -est9 (+ha)ter 2 of the man'scri)t) as !i6i!e! into fo'r cha)ters in the
boo5B 9+omanche +o'ntr%9 (2), 9(rontiersmen #o6e -est9 (3), 93tr'&&le to 3'r6i6e9 (7), an!
9+attle +o'ntr%9 (5).
9-in!mill $on9 (+ha)ter 3 of the man'scri)t) became +ha)ter : of the boo5--itho't an% ma1or
chan&es, exce)t that the final 22 mss. )a&es became +ha)ter 7 (9+obo%9) in the )'blishe!
6ersion. $his cha)ter abo't cobo%s as re)rinte! in The Reader.
9$he @o6e @etters of <essie @o6e9 ()a&es 228-279 of the man'scri)t) as c't from the )'blishe!
boo5. $hat cha)ter as )'blishe! for the first time in The *ohn Ho#ard .riffin Reader.
93he)her!s an! <an5ers9 (+ha)ter 7 of the man'scri)t) became +ha)ter 8. 9/o /ee! to 3teal9
(+ha)ter 5 of ms.) became +ha)ter 9 of the boo5. <oth these cha)ters ere )'blishe! itho't
ma1or c'ts an! maintaine! their ori&inal titles.
9$he .m)ossible9 (+ha)ter : of the man'scri)t) became +ha)ter 10 of the boo5
9$hree <ooms an! 0 +it%9 (+ha)ter 7 of the man'scri)t) became +ha)ters 11 an! 12 of the boo5>
+ha)ter 12 as entitle! 9$o!a% an! $omorro.9
7 153 "riffin, John Hoar!
Jo'rnal entr% re. Land
7 )a&e )hotoco)%
7 1530 +ochran, -. +.
D4alo 4into +o'nt%, $FE Dn.!.E
77 )a&e
No$e -ith "riffinGs ms. annotations
7 157 (irst /ational <an5 of #i!lan!
$o <ra!for! ,aniel
#i!lan!, $exas, 1: /o6ember 19:5
1 )a&e t.l.s.
No$e -ith relate! material
7 155 <loom 0!6ertisin&
$o John Hoar! "riffin
,allas, $exas, 1 3e)tember 19:5
1 )a&e t.l.s.
7 15: <'tler, John
$o <e6erl% (ran5
Dn.).E, 23 J'ne 1987
7 157 4ress release
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
2 )a&e
7 158 8osenfiel!, John
/otes on Land
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
2 )a&e
7 159 $exas +hristian 2ni6ersit% 4ress
$en $exas riters
(ort -orth, $exas, Dn.!.E
1 broch're
7 1:0 @etters an! relate! material sent to John Hoar! "riffin re. Land of the
Hih Sk"
$exas, 19:0-1970
1 a.l.s.
2 t.l.s.
1 t.l.
1 article
6I +H, ),C#), OF +H, FIF+I,S
7 1:1 "riffin, John Hoar!
9-hat ha))ene! in #ansfiel!B a re)ort of the crisis sit'ation in
#ansfiel!, $exas, res'ltin& from efforts to !ese&re&ate its school
#ansfiel!, $F, D195:E
17 )a&es (mimeo&ra)h)
No$e $his !oc'ment &i6es 's the bac5&ro'n! in #ansfiel! an! the
historical chronolo&% of the sit'ation from 1978 thro'&h 195:> this )ortion r'ns for six an! one-half
)a&es, folloe! b% one an! one-half )a&es of )ersonal im)ressions b% "riffin. $he remain!er of
the !oc'ment is ma!e ') of inter6ies ith some of the )artici)ants, as ell as f'rther anal%sis.
7 1:2 +o)ies of the <a)tism an! +onfirmation certificates of "riffinGs
con6ersion to +atholicism.
$F, 1951
7 1:3 +o)% of marria&e certificate of John Hoar! "riffin, ith )ress cli))in&
re. marria&e
$exas, 1953
2 )a&es )hotoco)%
7 1:7 /es stories re. "riffin re&ainin& his si&ht
$exas, 1957
7 )a&es )hotoco)ies
7 1:5 #ilha'!, ,ari's
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Dn.).E, D1953E
No$e $he (rench com)oser, ho as a close frien! of the +asa!es's
famil%, res)on!s to a letter from "riffin (no carbon of that "riffin letter
as in the archi6es).
7 1:: 4o'lenc, (rancis
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3 )a&es (translations)
7 t.l. (carbons)
No$e $here are no ori&inal 4o'lenc letters.
4o'lenc, thin5in& "riffin as a )riest, bare! his so'l to the %o'n& 0merican !'rin& the time he as
com)osin& his &reat reli&io's or5, 9,ialo&'e of the +armelites.9 .ncl'!e! in this fol!er is a
)hotoco)% of "riffinGs article, 9$he 4o'lenc <ehin! the #as5,9 )'blishe! in Ramparts, in 19:7. $his
)iece sets the letters in context an! )ro6i!es )ers)ecti6e to the relationshi).
7 1:7 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o "eral! Iann
#ansfiel!, $exas, : 0)ril 1957 - 5 #a% 19:3
7 t.l. (carbons)
No$e ,ominican theolo&ian. (ather Iann as an earl% cham)ion of
"riffinGs first no6el, The Devil Rides Outside, !efen!in& the boo5 a&ainst the criticism of +atholic
cler&% in the 2nite! 3tates an! ?n&lan! (Iann as <ritish). "riffin consi!ere! Iann to be amon&
his s)irit'al mentors (alon& ith Jac='es #aritain an! $homas #erton), an! he as &reatl%
infl'ence! b% (r. IannGs commentar% on $he <oo5 of John (The 2ale3s &ord)
7 1:8-171 #'r)h%, (ather 3tanle%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
-in!sor, ;ntario, 1957-19:7
7: t.l.s. J a.l.s.
.n 7 fol!ers
No$e (ather #'r)h% as !irector of the +hristian +'lt're 3eries for
nearl% 30 %ears an! on the fac'lt% of 0ss'm)tion 2ni6ersit%, -in!sor, ;ntario. "riffin s)o5e in the
series a half !o*en times an! as aar!e! the +hristian +'lt're #e!al (19::). $hese letters are
6ibrant, )ersonal an! intelli&entl% o)inionate!. (r. #'r)h% as a lo%al !efen!er of "riffinGs or5 an!
as a ra!ical critic of racism in the +atholic +h'rch. $he men ere close frien!s, 6isite! each other
e6er% %ear, an! ere to&ether ith Jac='es #aritain an! $homas #erton hen those to frien!s
6isite! for the last time at the 0bbe% of "ethsemani, in 19::
7 171 #'r)h%, (ather 3tanle%
9$he <orn, the 2nborn, an! the 3till-<orn,9 alon& ith an off)rint of the
essa% )'blishe! b% The Basilian Teacher (a ma&a*ine of the <asilian
-in!sor, ;ntario, D19:2E
7 )a&e (carbon)
1 )am)hlet
No$e .ncl'!es )romotional materials from the +hristian +'lt're 3eries
7 172-177 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o (ather 3tanle% J. #'r)h%
#ansfiel!, $exas, 1957-19:3
71 t.l. (carbons)
.n 3 fol!ers
No$e .ncl'!e! is a si&nificant 8 )a&e letter from 1957> there are 70
letters from 19:2, man% concernin& racism an! Black Like Me
7 175 $'rner, ,echer!
$o John Hoar! "riffin
,allas, $exas, 19:1-19::
5 t.l.s.
2 )a&e biblio&ra)h% (carbon)
No$e $he biblio&ra)h% is of "riffinGs ritin&s
7 17: "riffin, John Hoar!
$o ,echer! $'rner
#ansfiel!, $F, 1957-19:2
15 t.l. (carbons)
7 177 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o /elson "on*ales
D#ansfiel!, $exasE, 12 3e)tember 1957
1 )a&e t.l. (carbon)
No$e .n='irin& abo't the )ossibilit% of ritin& a no6el of the so'thest
that 9ill obser6e a )ict're of the !ail% li6es an! c'stoms of the 3)anish-0mericans.9 Hoe6er,
nothin& came of this )ro1ect.
7 178 +rossman, Jerome L., et al.
+irc'lar letter relatin& to the contro6ers% beteen the ,allas #'se'm of
(ine 0rts an! a &ro') 5non as the ,allas +o'nt% 4atriotic +o'ncil.
$exas, 195:
1 )a&e mimeo&ra)he! letter, si&ne!
6II G,N,R#L CORR,SPON),NC,, ./3/2./<1
5 179-192 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o the "illes)ie sisters--3allie, Hannah, an! #ar%--of $aos, /e
#ansfiel!, $F, 1979-19:7
27: letters in
17 fol!ers
No$e ;ften, his sal'tations sim)l% rea! 9,ear "irls9. "riffin incl'!es
messa&es for man% of their m't'al frien!s in $aos !'rin& those %ears--the )ainter 0n!re ,asber&
an! his ife, Helen> the )ainter 8obert ?llis an! his ife, 8osa, an! !a'&hter, ?ren!ira> as ell as
other nei&hbors an! frien!s, man% of them also artists an! riters. $hese letters are f'll of
)ersonal !isclos'res (abo't his )'blishers, famo's artists, ci6il ri&hts acti6ists, m't'al frien!s, an!
famil%)> there is a lot of behin!-the-scenes information abo't "riffinGs 4'blishe! boo5s an! or5in&
man'scri)ts, as ell as remar5s abo't )hoto&ra)h% an! m'sic. ;nl% abo't 25 letters from the
6ario's "illes)ie sisters s'r6i6e, an! these are incl'!e! in the 3eries. 0ll three "illes)ie sisters
ha6e )asse! aa%.
5 193 - 197 3'ssman, +ornelia an! .r6in&
$o John Hoar! "riffin
+0, 19:3 - 1980
270 letters in
5 fol!ers
No$e $he 3'ssmans are both riters. +ornelia has fo'r no6els to her
cre!it an! .r6in& has to boo5s of literar% criticism. 0s a team, the% )'blishe! their most im)ortant
boo5sB Ho# To Read ! Dirt" Book, hich !isc'sses both the censorshi) trials of The Devil Rides
Outside an! Black Like Me> 'rofiles in Hope, hich has a cha)ter on "riffin> an! their bio&ra)h% of
$homas #erton, )'blishe! b% #ac#illan, feat'rin& a "riffin )hoto&ra)hic )ortrait of the mon5 as its
"riffin consi!ere! the 3'ssmans )art of his a!o)te! literar% famil% beca'se the% ere
contem)oraries ho ere con6ersant ith his on s)irit'al infl'encesB Jac='es an! 8aissa
#aritain, $homas #erton, 8obert an! "ab% +asa!es's, as ell as the &reat saints (in )artic'lar, 3t
$homas 0='inas). He rote them as freel% an! o)enl% as he rote an%one an!, !'rin& the 1970s,
the% ere his most intimate frien!s
: 198-200 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o +ornelia an! .r6in& 3'ssman, et al.
D6.).E, 17 ;ctober 19:2 - 17 (ebr'ar% 1980
3 6ol'mes
No$e $hese bo'n! 6ol'mes ere &i6en to ?li*abeth "riffin-<ona**i as
a &ift from the 3'ssmans.
$here is a )hoto&ra)h of "riffin b% .r6in& 3'ssman in 6ol'me 1 an! ori&inal )hoto&ra)hs
6III BL#C; LI;, M,
#an'scri)t <ox DIa'ltE "riffin, John Hoar!
;ri&inal man'scri)ts of Black Like Me
Dn.).E, 19:1
211 )a&e
No$e $his is the onl% t%)escri)t ma!e b% "riffin--from both his Sepia
series, 9Jo'rne% into 3hame,9 an! his 1o'rnals of the aftermath--of the bestseller for hich he is
best 5non. $he man'scri)t is in s')erb con!ition, se)arate! b% fl%-sheets, an! store! in a
man'scri)t box.
$his or5in& co)% of the ori&inal t%)escri)t incl'!es all of the e!itorGs s'&&estions, as ell as the
a'thorGs re6isions
: 201 0!!ison -esle% 4'blishin& +o., .nc.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
+0, 8 3e)tember 19:7
1 t.l.s.
: 202 <'nch, 8al)h
$o 0nne (or!
/e Aor5, 22 0'&'st 19:1
1 t.l.s. (co)%)
: 203 +ash, /oel $homas
0cco'nt of the han&in& of John Hoar! "riffinGs effi&%
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
9 )a&e ()hotoco)%)
No$e +ash, a #ansfiel! resi!ent, ho, ith se6eral bo%hoo! frien!s,
claim that the% are the ones ho h'n& "riffinGs effi&% in !onton #ansfiel! after the )'blication of
Black Like Me. $he tale is entertainin& b't not ='ite con6incin&. $he ori&inal man'scri)t is in the
files of the #ansfiel! Historical 3ociet%
: 207 $he +atholic <oo5 3tore
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e ;rleans, 11 0'&'st 19:1
1 )a&e t.l.s.
: 205 +iti*ens for #oral 8es)onsibilit%
?xcer)ts from Black Like Me
#ila'5ee, -., Dn.!.E
2 )a&e ()hotoco)%)
: 20: +li))in&s re. Black Like Me
Dn.).E 19:7-1993
15 )ieces
: 207-210 8osica +olin 0&enc%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@on!on, 2 #a% 19:1 - 30 #a% 19:8
77 t.l.s.
: 211 -illiam +ollins 3ons
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@on!on, 28 /o6ember 19:1 - 1: 0'&'st 19:5
7 t.l.s.
: 212 +ono6er, 8onal! <rice
$o ?li*abeth "riffin-<ona**i
@os 0n&eles, +0, 15 Jan'ar% 1991
1 t.l.s. (ith )hotoco)%)
: 213 +os&ro6e #e'rer 4ro!'ctions, .nc.
$o ?li*abeth "riffin-<ona**i
+0, 13 J'l% 1990
1 )a&e t.l.s.
: 217 $he ,arnforth (o'n!ation
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3t. @o'is, #;, 22 J'ne 1981
2 )a&e t.l.s.
: 215 ?8.+. +ol'mbia 2ni6ersit%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 28 ;ctober 1970
1 )a&e t.!.s.
: 21: @etters re. forei&n e!itions of Black Like Me
D6.).E 5 ,ecember 19:1 - : J'ne 19:8
3 t.l.s.
: 217 (reemantle, 0nne
3tatement on Black Like Me in ,ommon#eal
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
1 )a&e (co)%)
: 218 "eismar, #ax
+liff /otes on Black Like Me
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
8 )a&e (carbon)
: 219 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o 4err% .srael
(ort -orth, $F, 7 #arch 197:
1 )a&e t.l. (co)%)
No$e -ith 2 )a&e enclos're
: 220 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o 3')erinten!ent H'n&erfor!
D$exasE, 30 #a% 19:9
1 )a&e t.l.s. (co)%)
: 221 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o the ?!itors, &!$
#ansfiel!, $exas, 18 J'l% 19::
2 )a&e t.l. (co)%)
: 222 $he Hillto) +om)an%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
-ashin&ton, ,.+., 1 (eb. 19:5
2 )a&e a.l.s.
No$e -ith enclos'res
: 223 Ho'&hton #ifflin +om)an%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
<oston, 1: (eb. 19:1 - 23 #arch 1977
15 t.l.s.
No$e -ith relate! material
: 227 Ho'&hton #ifflin +om)an%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
<oston, 30 /o6. 19:1
1 t.l.s.
No$e 8e. !ama&e to ne&ati6es
: 225 Ho'&hton #ifflin +om)an%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
<oston, 9 ;ct. 19:3 - 7 #a% 19::
7 t.l.s.
1 tele&ram
No$e 8e. re6ies
7 22: 4nterracial Revie#
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 27 /o6. J 3 ,ec. 19:1
2 t.l.s.
No$e -ith relate! material
7 227 Jes'it #e!ia 0ssociates
$o 8obert an! ?li*abeth <ona**i
@os 0n&eles, +0, 2: J'l% J 30 /o6. 1987
2 t.l.s.
7 228 Johns, 4a))as J (lahert%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@a +rosse, -., 12 0)ril 19:: - 3 #a% 19:8
2 t.l.s.
: !oc'ments
No$e 8e. the ci6il action bro'&ht a&ainst "riffin acc'sin& him of in1'rin&
a 13-%ear-ol! bo% b% ritin& Black Like Me
7 229 J#
$o #rs. -ilber
Dn.).E 12 3e)t. 19:7
1 t.l.
No$e 8e. <raille transcri)tion of <lac5 @i5e #e
7 230 @an!is, J'!son 8.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3acramento, +0, 18 /o6. 1970
1 )a&e t.l.s.
7 231 @ee, ?ri5
$o D?li*abeth "riffin-<ona**iE
4asa!ena, +0, 11 (eb. 1992
2 t.l.s.
7 232 @itton #a&a*ines, .nc.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Dn.).E 1: J'l% 1980
1 )a&e +hec5 re='est (!')licate)
7 233 #c/amara, ?'&ene
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Dn.).E, 7 3e)t. 19:1
2 )a&e t.l.s.
7 237 #anGs #a&a*ine
$o "eor&e @e6itan
/e Aor5, : ,ecember 19:1
1 )a&e t.l.s.
7 235 /00+4
$o Ho'&hton #ifflin +o.
40, 19 Jan'ar% 19:2
1 )a&e t.l.s.
7 23: $he /e 0merican @ibrar%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 17 3e)t. J : (eb. 19:8
2 t.l.s.
7 237 3i&net
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 28 #arch 19:2
1 tele&ram
No$e -ith relate! items
7 238 $he 8e!)ath <'rea'
$o John Hoar! "riffin
D6.).E 25 #arch 19:: - 17 J'l% 1970
5 t.l.s.
No$e -ith relate! items
7 239 8osenfiel!, <oro!, (ones J <o&atin
$o John Hoar! "riffin
#em)his, $/, 11 (eb. 1970
2 )a&e t.l.s.
7 270 8'tle!&e, ,on
<io&ra)hical note
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
1 )a&e )hotoco)%
No$e 4hoto&ra)her for <lac5 @i5e #e
7 271 3aa!, $e!
$o ?li*abeth "riffin-<ona**i
/e Aor5, 2: 0'&. 1991
3 )a&e t.l.s. (co)%)
7 271 "riffin-<ona**i, ?li*abeth
$o $e! 3aa!
#ansfiel!, $F, 29 0'&'st 1991
1 )a&e t.l.s.
7 272 $he 3at'r!a% ?6enin& 4ost
$o John Hoar! "riffin
4hila!el)hia, 8 ,ec. 19:1 - 8 J'ne 19:2
3 t.l.s.
No$e -ith relate! material
7 273 Saturda" Revie#
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5 : #arch 19:2 - 27 J'l% 19:3
3 t.l.s.
No$e -ith relate! material
7 277 Science Diest
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 10 J'ne 19:9
1 )a&e t.l.s.
7 275 3herman, (ran5
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@on& .slan!, /A, 12 Jan.19:2
3 )a&e t.l.s.
7 27: 3ibert, 8o!
$o ?li*abeth "riffin-<ona**i
D+ol'mbia, #,E, 9 #a% 1989
1 )a&e t.l.s.
No$e -ith re)l%
7 277 30"0
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 12 J'l% 19:3
1 )a&e t.l.s.
No$e -ith relate! items
7 278 $al5in& $a)es
$o Ho'&hton #ifflin
3t. @o'is, #;, 1 /o6ember 19:7
1 t.l.s.
7 279 +orres)on!ence re&ar!in& translations of Black Like Me into Ja)anese,
4olish, etc.
D6.).E 19:2-1987
ca. 11 letters
7 250 2ni6ersit% of +hica&o 4ress
$o John Hoar! "riffin
+hica&o, 1 ,ecember 19:5
1 t.!. (mimeo&ra)h)
7 251 Ferox ?!'cation ,i6ision
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 23 Jan'ar% 19:8
1 t.l.s. (co)%)
7 252 3)o5ane 4'blic @ibrar%
8ea!in& list
-ashin&ton, Dn.!.E
1 )am)hlet
7 (ol!er 253 Hernan!e*-3enter, J'an
$his sin&le-s)ace! t%)escri)t (a )hotoco)%) is the first 3)anish
translation of Black Like Me
Dn.).E, 1992
15: )a&e ()hotoco)%)
No$e $he translation as ma!e b% ,r. J'an Hernan!e*-3enter, at the
in6itation of the "riffin ?state, in 1989. $his a'thori*e! translation has not been )'blishe!.
$ranslate! from the /e 0merican @ibrar% 4en&'in )a)erbac5 e!ition, it !oes not incl'!e that
3i&net e!itionGs 9?)ilo&'e,9 hich ill be a!!e!, alon& ith an intro!'ction, if the translation is
7 257 2ncorrecte! )roof co)% of Black Like Me
Ho'&hton #ifflinB <oston, 19:1
1 6ol'me
7 255 4a)erbac5 co)% of Black Like Me
3i&netB /e Aor5, 199:
1 6ol'me
No$e .nscribe! b% ?li*abeth an! 8obert <ona**i, 31 #arch 1997
<% examinin& these t%)escri)ts in relation to the )'blishe! )ieces--both the ,ialo&'e an! the
Jo'rnal article--e &et a close loo5 at "riffinGs metho!. $he +orres)on!ence from this )erio!--
beteen "riffin an! (r. $hom)son> beteen "riffin an! 8am)arts e!itorH)'blisher ?! Leatin&>
beteen "riffin an! <isho) "reco ((r $hom)sonGs s')erior)> as ell as the corres)on!ences of the
)riest an! the bisho) (an! both of these men ith Leatin& of 8am)arts)--!oc'ment an interestin&
str'&&le that all ex)erience!. <isho) "reco trie! to bloc5 the inter6ie on the &ro'n!s that (r.
$hom)sonGs !oc'mente! ex)erience of racism b% the +h'rch o'l! not be &oo! for the +h'rch.
?6ent'all%, the inter6ie ran, settin& off a contro6ers% that reache! be%on! <isho) "recoGs !iocese
to the hierarch% of the +atholic +h'rch in the 23 !'rin& the 19:0s.
8 25: 9<e%on! <lac5 @i5e #e9
#ansfiel!, $F, Dn.!.E
18 )a&es (carbon)
No$e .nten!e! for The Saturda" 2venin 'ost, b't ne6er )'blishe!
8 257 9;n ;'r ,oorste)9
4io ,ecimo 4ressB 3t. @o'is, Dn.!.E
27 )a&e )hotoco)%
8 258 93ome 0ftertho'&hts ;n <lac5 @i5e #e9
#ansfiel!, $F, 19:2
12 )a&e (carbon)
No$e 4'blishe! in Te(as Observer 'n!er the title 9$he 3hine <o% Has
His ,ream9
8 259 D9#artin @'ther Lin&Gs #omentE
D#ansfiel!, $FE, D19:3E
3 )a&es
2 )a&es
3 )a&es (carbon)
8 2:0 9#artin @'ther Lin&Gs #oment9
Sin, 0)ril 19:3
: )a&e )hotoco)% of article
8 2:1 8e6ie of ,risis in Black and &hite, b% +harles ?. 3ilberman
D#ansfiel!, $FE, D19:7E
3 )a&e (carbon)
No$e -ith a )hotoco)% of the )'blishe! re6ie in The Saturda"
8 2:2 9$he .ntrinsic ;ther9
Dn.).E D19:7E
2 )a&e )hotoco)%
9 )a&e )hotoco)% ("erman)
8 2:3 98acist 3ins of +hristians9
3i&nB 2nion +it%, /J, 19:3
12 )a&e )am)hlet
11 )a&e )hotoco)%
8 2:7 .nter6ie ith (ather 0'&'st $hom)son
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
17 )a&e (carbon)
8 2:5 .nter6ie ith (ather 0'&'st $hom)son
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
9 )a&e (carbon, earl% !raft)
8 2:: Jo'rnal notes re. his inter6ie ith (ather $hom)son an! its aftermath
Dn.).E, ,ecember 19:7 - Jan'ar% l9::
17 )a&e
8 2:7 9$he /e&ro J $he -hite +onscience9
8am)arts ,ecember 19:3
No$e $he )'blishe! 6ersion of his inter6ie ith (ather 0. $hom)son
8 2:8 9Jo'rnal of 0 $ri) 3o'th9
Ramparts, ,ecember 19:3
7 )a&e )hotoco)%
8 2:9 90natom% of a <i&ot9
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
1 )a&e
No$e 2n)'blishe!
8 270 90re -e on the Ier&e of .nterracial -arK9
#ansfiel!, $F, Dn.!.E
11 )a&e
No$e 2n)'blishe!
8 271 4reface to From5 ,orps to ,OR2, b% (ather John 4. #ar5oe
(ort -orth, $F, Dn.!.E
7 )a&es (carbon)
No$e -ith )hotoco)% of a re6ie of the boo5 b% Latherine +o'rt
8 272 93)eech b% John Hoar! "riffin9
$he 2ni6ersit% of .oa, 3-5 (ebr'ar% 19:9
7: )a&e ()hotoco)%, ith ms. corrections)
No$e <ecame both a mono&ra)h )'blishe! b% the 2ni6ersit% of .oa
an! a text on microfiche at +ol'mbia 2ni6ersit%--entitle! 98acial
?='alit%B #%th an! 8ealit%9
8 273 9$he $i)-;ff9
8am)arts, Dn.!.E
3 )a&e )hotoco)% ()l's "riffinGs )ostscri)t)
8 277 @ect're notesB 8acism
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
28 )a&es
No$e 2n)'blishe!
8 275 @ect're /otesB 8acism
Dn.).E, 19:7
: )a&e
No$e 2n)'blishe!
8 27: @ect're /otesB 8acism
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
7 )a&e
No$e 2n)'blishe!
8 277 "riffin, John Hoar!
90&ain, @illian 3mith9 D8e6ie of 6illers of the Dream, b% @illian 3mithE
3o'thest Revie# -inter 19:2
2 )a&e ;ff)rint
8 278 "riffin, John Hoar!
9+olor @ine on the (ront @ines9B 8e6ie of !nd Then &e Heard the
Thunder, b% John ;li6er Lillens
Saturda" Revie# 2: Jan'ar% 19:3
3 )a&e )hotoco)%
8 279 "riffin, John Hoar!
9;n ?ither 3i!e of Iiolence9B 8e6ie of boo5s b% ,ais% <ates an!
3arah 4atton <o%le
Saturda" Revie#, 27 ;ctober 19:2
1 )a&e )hotoco)%
8 280 "riffin, John Hoar!
3tatement on 8acism
The ,ritic J'neHJ'l% 19:7
3 )a&e )hotoco)%
8 281 J 282 9$error in #exico9
#ichoacan, #exico, 17 0)ril 19:1
32 )a&e
No$e 2n)'blishe!
8 283 9$he -atch of the ,ea!9
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
7 )a&e (ith ms. corrections)
No$e 2n)'blishe!
8 287 9$he $arascans of #ichoacan9
#ansfiel!, $F, Dn.!.E
7 )a&e (carbon)
No$e 4'blishe! in the boo5let The Sinin Bo"s of Me(ico
8 285 ,ultivated Mind % .uardian .enius of Democrac"
2ni6ersit% of ,allasB .r6in&, $F 19:1
22 )a&e )roofs (ith ms. corrections)
8 28: 94'blish or 4erish9
#exico, 19:5
18 )a&e (carbon, ith ms. corrections)
1 t.l.s. (from ;ens to "riffin)
No$e 0rticle b% "riffin an! 4rofessor 8obert $. ;ens> inten!e! for
Ramparts, b't 'n)'blishe!.
8 287 8e6ie of ,onstraint b" ,op"riht, b% #.3. 3chna))er
#ansfiel!, $F, D19:0E
3 )a&e (carbon)
No$e (or Teachers ,ollee Record
8 288 $he @ittle <rothers
Ramparts #a% 19:5
7 )a&e )hotoco)%
8 289 9$he 4assion of "eor&es 8o'a'lt9
4hotoco)% of catalo& intro!'ction b% 8obert !e <olli an! translate! from
the (rench b% "riffin
Ialle% Ho'se "aller%, ,allas, $F, 19:2
12 )a&e )hotoco)%
8 290 #erca!ier, (ernan!
$o John Hoar! "riffin
0l&eria J (rance, J'l% 19:0 J (ebr'ar% 1953
2 t.l.s.
1 annotate! callin& car! (ith &riffinGs +arbon re)lies)
8 291 J 292 9,esert 3la6es9 b% (ernan! #erca!ier. $ranslate! from the (rench b%
John Hoar! "riffin
#ansfiel!, $F, Dn.!.E
ca. 55 )a&es (ith ms. corrections)
8 293 8e6ie of &arriors of .od, b% -alter /i&&
Dallas Times%Herald 0)ril 1959
1 )a&e )hotoco)%
8 297 9/otes on +ensorshi)9
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
7 )a&e
9 295 9/otes on +'rrent +ensorshi)9
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
11 )a&e
9 29: +orres)on!ence re. censorshi) in $exas
#ansfiel!, $F, 18 3e)t. 19:1 J 20 (eb. 19:2
3 )a&e t.l. (carbon)
1 )a&e t.l. (carbon)
9 297 9+ensorshi), @iterat're an! J'6enile +orr')tion9
#ansfiel!, $F, Dn.!.E
17 )a&e (carbon, ith ms. corrections)
No$e 4'blishe! title 9$he 4r'!e an! the @e!9
9 298 94reface to @G;)era /oir9
#ansfiel!, $F, 7 0'&'st 19:3
10 )a&e (carbon)
No$e -ith a'to&ra)h )ostcar! from "abriel +o'sin, 19:5
9 299 D$he 4o'lenc <ehin! the #as5E
#ansfiel!, $F,
10 (first !raft)
8 )a&e (carbon)
No$e 4'blishe! in Ramparts
9 300 90rth'r @o'riCB 0 "reat +om)oser 8e!isco6ere!9
Ramparts 19:5
13 )a&e )hotoco)%
9 301 9$he #en from the <o%s9 D?ssa% on ritin& )'blishe! in Basilian
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
8 )a&e )hotoco)%
9 302 9"erhart #'nch - $he ?xce)tion to the 8'le9
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
7 )a&e (ith ms. corrections)
9 303 @'is <erbCr J The Sinin Bo"s of Me(ico
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
19 )a&e )hotoco)%
9 307 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o 0rth'r @o'riC
#ansfiel!, $F, 29 J'ne J 20 ,ec. 19:2
2 t.l.s. (carbons)
9 305 90rth'r @o'riCB 0 "reat +om)oser 8e!isco6ere!9
Dn.).E Dca. 19:7E
8 )a&e (ith ms. corrections)
9 30: Ialle% Ho'se "aller%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
,allas, $F, 31 J'l% 19:2
1 )a&e t.l.s.
No$e -ith co)ies of 7 "riffin letters re. 8o'a'ltGs 'assion series
= +H, CH&RCH #N) +H, BL#C; M#N
9 307> 319-321 The ,hurch and the Black Man
4fla'm 4ressB ,a%ton, ;H, 19:9
109 )a&e (co)%, ith ms. corrections)
No$e "riffinGs follo-') boo5 to Black Like Me
9 308 0hmann, #athe
9$he +h'rch an! the 2rban -hite9
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
1: )a&e (co)%, ith ms. corrections)
No$e ?)ilo&'e . to The ,hurch and the Black Man
9 309 <lac5 4riestsG +a'c's
9$he 4osition of the +atholic +h'rch in the <lac5 +omm'nit%9
Dn.).E, Jan'ar% 19:9
17 )a&e (co)%, ith ms. annotations)
No$e ?)ilo&'e .. to The ,hurch and the Black Man
9 310 John J. #cHale
$o John Hoar! "riffin
4fla'm 4'blishersB ,a%ton, ;H, 7 /o6. 19:: - 10 ;ct. 19:9
11 t.l.s.
No$e -ith a )ress release an! memo re. )'blicit% )ro&ram for the boo5
9 311 +orres)on!ence re&ar!in& the (rench e!itionB
;ri&inal $%)escri)ts of @etters b% 8osica +olin, "riffinGs forei&n a&ent (3
$%)escri)t carbon of "riffin letter to a&ent
;ri&inal $%)escri)ts of 3 @etters from 4fla'm e!itor
9 312 4ermissions letters re&ar!in& materials ='ote! in the boo5
9 313 8e6 ?man'eli +lari*io, 0)ostolic ,ele&ate of +ana!a
$o John Hoar! "riffin
;ttaa, 29 0)ril 19:9
1 )a&e t.l.s.
No$e -ith carbon of "riffinGs t.l. to +lari*io
9 317 -illiam ;. <ro!eric5
$o John Hoar! "riffin
,e)artment of 3tate, -ashin&ton, ,.+., 27 J'l% 1970
2 )a&e t.l.s.
No$e <ro!eric5, ,irector of +aribbean 0ffairs, ha! )'blishe! a st'!%
abo't 'rban )roblems that as circ'late! to fe!eral an! +atholic or&ani*ations, as ell as to s'ch
in!i6i!'als as "riffin, hose Black Like Me an! The ,hurch and the Black Man <ro!eric5 &reatl%
9 315 8. (entener 6an Ilissin&en
$o John Hoar! "riffin
8otter!am, 1 0)ril 1970
No$e ,'tch )s%chiatrist, abo't The ,hurch and the Black Man> letters
from $homas #erton> an! "riffinGs or5 on the #erton bio&ra)h%.
9 31: <isho) Harol! 4err%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e ;rleans, 28 /o6ember 19:9
1 )a&e t.l.s.
No$e $han5in& "riffin for a co)% of The ,hurch and the Black Man,
hich the <isho) calls an 9o)en, fran5 an! !%namic treatment of the ea5 )oints an! the stron&
)oints of o'r a)ostolate to inte&rate the <lac5 #an into the main stream of +atholic li6in& is
excellentl% )resente! an! sho'l! be )ro!'cti6e of &oo! res'lts.9
9 317 4a'l Hils!ale
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@os 0n&eles, 7 J'ne 19:7
2 )a&e t.l.
9 318 8al)h "oman
$o #arian <. ,e @ollis
2nion +it%, /J, 17 J'l% 19::
1 )a&e t.l.s. (co)%)
No$e 8e&ar!in& the 'se of "riffinGs article, 9$he 8acist 3ins of
=I? SC#++,R,) SH#)O8S > +H, JOHN HO8#R) GRIFFIN R,#),R
The Reader, )'blishe! b% Ho'&hton #ifflin in 19:8, as a :00 )a&e cloth e!ition of "riffinGs best
or5 to that time> the collection sol! 70,000 co)ies, b't as ne6er reiss'e! in a )a)erbac5 e!ition.
The Reader incl'!e! con!ense! 6ersions of his to )'blishe! no6els--The Devil Rides Outside
an! Nuni7 am)le selections from to other )'blishe! boo5s--Land of the Hi1h Sk", a histor% of the
sta5e! )lains re&ion of est $exas, an! Black Like Me. $hree other sections com)lete! the 6ol'meB
a section of his )hoto&ra)hic )ortraits, a &atherin& of 1o'rnalistic )ieces on racism, an! a selection
of 9or5s-in-)ro&ress9 that incl'!e! to cha)ters from Scattered Shado#s. $he Reader as e!ite!
b% <ra!for! ,aniel, ho also con!ense! the to no6els an! intro!'ce! each )ortion of the
collection. $he 6ol'me also containe! an essa% on "riffinGs or5 b% literar% historian #axell
"eismar, an! se6eral excer)ts from "riffinGs 1o'rnals.
$his series contains "riffinGs corres)on!ence ith both ,aniel an! e!itors at Ho'&hton #ifflin, an!
)hotoco)ies of the front matter to the boo5. $here are no or5in& man'scri)ts as e6er%thin& as
&athere! from mostl% )'blishe! so'rces, an! all selectin& an! e!itin& ere carrie! o't b% ,aniel ,
ho as "riffinGs secretar% at that time. (+o)ies of )'blishe! re6ies are incl'!e!.
-hile The Reader as bein& rea!ie! for )'blication, "riffin as still lect'rin& on racism f'll-time, in
or!er both to f'lfill hat he consi!ere! his obli&ation ('n!er s)irit'al !irection) to the ci6il ri&hts
str'&&le, an! to s'))ort his ife an! fo'r chil!ren.
<esi!es the lect're circ'it an! ritin& ma&a*ine )ieces on racism, "riffin or5e! on the man'scri)t
of Scattered Shado#s hene6er )ossible.
Scattered Shado#s, the a'tobio&ra)h% of his loss of si&ht, !eca!e of blin!ness, an! e6ent'al si&ht-
reco6er%, has ne6er been )'blishe! as a boo5. $he first 11 of 20 cha)ters ere com)lete! for
Ho'&hton #ifflin in 19:7 an! a contract as iss'e!. Hoe6er, "riffin ne6er re6ise! the last 9
cha)ters (hich o'l! ha6e come from his on&oin& 1o'rnals) beca'se the e6ents of 19:8 force!
him bac5 on the lect're circ'it an! also to the tro'ble s)ots of racial strife.. He ne6er ret'rne! to the
a'tobio&ra)h% e6en after the ex)losions of 19:8 ha! )asse! beca'se> near the en! of that %ear his
frien! an! collea&'e, $homas #erton, !ie! of acci!ental electroc'tion in <an&5o5 (on ,ecember
0fter ne&otiations ith other )'blishers, "riffin an! Ho'&hton #ifflin a&ree! on a contract for the
)ro!'ction of a )hoto&ra)hic boo5 (incl'!in& #ertonGs )hoto&ra)hs an! !rain&s an! "riffinGs
)ortraits of the mon5 an! )hoto&ra)hs of the 0bbe% of "ethsemani an! its s)acio's &ro'n!s, alon&
ith texts b% "riffin). $he )ro1ect e6ent'all% became ! Hidden &holeness8 The /isual &orld of
Thomas Merton, )'blishe! b% Ho'&hton 1970. ?arl% on in the )rocess of ma5in& this 6is'al boo5,
"riffin interacte! ith the three members of the #erton @e&ac% $r'st. <% s)rin& of 19:9, the $r'st
!eci!e! to offer the 9;fficial <io&ra)h%9 to "riffin. 0t first, he !ecline!> later, he acce)te! the
in6itation, ho)in& that this ne lar&e or5 o'l! s'))ort his famil% an! allo him to ith!ra from
the lect're circ'it an! rite f'll-time. +onsi!erin& ho !iffic'lt lect'rin& ha! became !'e to 6ario's
me!ical set-bac5s an! resol6in& an% &'ilt he mi&ht ha6e felt for not contin'in& the ci6il ri&hts
str'&&le, he lea)e! into the )ro1ect ith enth'siasm.
"riffin ho)e! that Scattered Shado#s o'l! be )'blishe! after the #erton bio&ra)h%--both b%
Ho'&hton-#ifflin. Hoe6er, researchin& the bio&ra)h% too5 se6eral more %ears than he ha!
antici)ate!--)artl% beca'se the s'b1ect as so com)lex an! far-reachin& an! )artl% !'e to his on
!eclinin& health--an! there as ne6er time to ret'rn to the a'tobio&ra)h%.
$he to cha)ters that a))ear in The Reader ere first )'blishe! in Ramparts ma&a*ine. .n fact,
the cha)ters a))eare! tice in that +atholic )erio!ical--first, in 19:3, hen Ramparts as a
='arterl% ith limite! circ'lation, an! then a&ain, in 19::, hen it ha! become a i!el%-rea!
monthl%. 0 thir! cha)ter, entitle! 9#% (rien!, 8e6er!%9 in The Reader, first a))eare! in South#est
Revie#, the 3#2 literar% ='arterl%. Iario's other )ieces from the man'scri)t ere )'blishe! in
s'ch +atholic ma&a*ines as *ubilee an! ,atholic &orld> an! an acco'nt of his reco6er% of si&ht
as )'blishe! in Readers Diest an! in the antholo&% The Spirit of Man.
$his series contains a )hotoco)% of the Ramparts cha)ters )'blishe! in that ma&a*ine, as ell as
20 file fol!ers containin& t%)escri)t carbons of the first 11 cha)ters from the 'nfinishe! man'scri)t.
(0lso six of "riffinGs ori&inal file fol!ers ith t%)e! labels ma!e b% the a'thor.)
$hese 6ario's cha)ter !rafts affor! &lim)ses of "riffinGs manner of line b% line re6ision an! section
b% section reor&ani*ation--es)eciall% hen com)are! to the fe cha)ters that ere )'blishe!.
9 322 +ha)ter ;ne. (irst ,raft.
#ansfiel!, $F, Dn.!.E
70 )a&es (carbon, ith the a'thorGs an! e!itors ms.
9 323 +ha)ter ;neB 3econ! !raft
#ansfiel!, $F, Dn.!.E
22 )a&es (carbon, ith ms. corrections)
9 327 +ha)ter ;neB $hir! !raft
#ansfiel!, $F, Dn.!.E
22 )a&es (carbon, ith ms. corrections)
9 325 +ha)ter $oB- (irst !raft
D#ansfiel!, $FE, Dn.!.E
15 )a&es (carbon, ith "riffinGs han!ritten re6isions in
9 32: +ha)ter $oB 3econ! !raft
D#ansfiel!, $FE, Dn.!.E
18 )a&e (carbon, ith ms. corrections)
9 327 +ha)ter $oB (inal 6ersion
D#ansfiel!, $FE, Dn.!.E
1: )a&e (carbon)
9 328 +ha)ter $hreeB (irst !raft
D#ansfiel!, $FE, Dn.!.E
1: )a&es (carbon, ith "riffinGs ms. re6isions)
No$e .ncom)lete missin& )). 73-77
9 329 +ha)ter $hreeB 3econ! !raft
D#ansfiel!, $FE, Dn.!.E
22 )a&es (carbon)
9 330 +ha)ter $hreeB (inal !raft
D#ansfiel!, $FE, Dn.!.E
18 )a&es (carbon)
9 331 +ha)ter (o'rB (irst !raft
D#ansfiel!, $FE, Dn.!.E
38 )a&es (carbon, ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
9 332 +ha)ter (o'rB 3econ! !raft
D#ansfiel!, $FE, Dn.!.E
30 )a&es (carbon)
9 333 +ha)ter (o'rB $hir! !raft
D#ansfiel!, $FE, Dn.!.E
29 )a&es (carbon)
9 333 +ha)ter (o'rB $hir! !raft
D#ansfiel!, $FE, Dn.!.E
29 )a&es (carbon)
10 337 +ha)ter (i6eB (irst !raft
D#ansfiel!, $FE, Dn.!.E
27 )a&es (carbon, ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
10 335 +ha)ter (i6eB 3econ! !raft
D#ansfiel!, $FE, Dn.!.E
1: )a&es (carbon J )hotoco)%)
10 33: +ha)ter 3ixB (inal !raft
D#ansfiel!, $FE, 11 ;ctober 19:7
12 )a&es (carbon J )hotoco)%)
10 337 +ha)ter 3e6enB $hree !rafts in t%)escri)t carbon
D#ansfiel!, $FE, Dn.!.E
7 )a&e (carbon)
7 )a&e (carbon)
5 )a&e (carbon, 910H11H:79)
10 338 +ha)ter ?i&htB $hree !rafts
D#ansfiel!, $FE Dn.!.E
10 )a&e (carbon, ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
12 )a&e (carbon, 93')erce!e!9)
8 )a&e (9(inal carbon9, 910H12H:79)
10 339 +ha)ter /ineB (irst !raft J (inal 6ersion
D#ansfiel!, $FE Dn.!.E
17 )a&e (carbon, ith ms. corrections, 93')erce!e!9)
22 )a&e (carbon)
10 370 J 371 +ha)ter $enB (irst an! 3econ! !rafts
D#ansfiel!, $FE Dn.!.E
)a&es (carbon, ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
)a&es (carbon)
10 372 +ha)ter ?le6enB (irst !raft
D#ansfiel!, $FE, Dn.!.E
28 )a&e (carbon, ith ms. corrections)
10 3720 Scattered Shado#s
8am)arts Jan'ar% 19::
13 )a&e )hotoco)%
10 273 The *ohn Ho#ard .riffin Reader
<ostonB Ho'&hton #ifflin, 19:8
7 )a&e )hotoco)%
10 377 Ho'&hton, #ifflin
$o John Hoar! "riffin
<oston, 30 J'ne 19:5 - 21 (ebr'ar% 19:7
10 t.l.s. (ith carbon re)lies an! relate! material)
No$e 8e. The Reader
10 375 ,aniel, <ra!for!
$o John Hoar! "riffin
(ort -orth, $F, 17 0'&.19:5 J 8 3e)t. 1973
2 t.l.s. (ith relater carbon letter)
No$e 8e. The Reader
10 37: The *ohn Ho#ard .riffin Reader
/otes J 4hoto&ra)hs
<ostonB Ho'&hton #ifflin, 19:8
9 )a&e )hotoco)%
No$e 8e. The Reader
10 377 The *ohn Ho#ard .riffin Reader
&all Street *ournal7 &ashinton Star7 The Dallas Mornin
Ne#s) 19:8
3 )a&e )hotoco)%
No$e 8e. The Reader
=II? +H, ),C#), OF +H, SI=+I,S
$his 3eries is the secon! lar&est in the "riffin 0rchi6es. .t &athers all the corres)on!ence,
!oc'ments an! mar&inalia. from that !eca!e.
10 378 4ass)ort an! )ersonal effects !oc'ment for se6eral tri)s to ?'ro)e
Dn.).E 19:7
3 )a&e )hotoco)%
10 379 $he 8o%al 4hoto&ra)hic 3ociet% of "reat <ritain
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@on!on, 29 J'l% 19:5
1 )a&e t.l.s.
1 t.l.
1 memberGs car!
1 broch're
10 350 Lenne!%, 8obert
$o John Hoar! "riffin
-ashin&ton, ,+, 20 J'ne 19::
1 )a&e t.l.s.
No$e 8e. the 6isit of (ather ,omini='e 4ire
10 351 Lenne!%, ?!ar!
$o John Hoar! "riffin
-ashin&ton, ,+, 29 #arch 19:8
1 )a&e t.l.s.
No$e 8e. re6ision of the co)%ri&ht la
10 352 J. (ran5 ,obie
$o John Hoar! "riffin
0'stin, $F, 2 Jan'ar% 19:2
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon re)l% an! cli))in&)
10 353 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o 8olan! Ha%es
Dn.).E, 8 0)ril 19:9
1 )a&e t.l.s. (carbon)
1 article ()hotoco)%)
10 357 <o5, +'rtis
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3')reme +o'rt, 40, 17 ;ctober 19:1
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon re)l%)
10 355 #a%s, <en1amin
$o John Hoar! "riffin
#oreho'se +olle&e, 0tlanta, 8 (eb. 19:2
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon re)l%)
10 35: 0lins5%, 3a'l ,.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
.n!'strial 0reas (o'n!ation of +hica&o, 3 J'ne 19::
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith relate! material)
10 357 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o 8o% -il5ins
#ansfiel!, $F, 28 Jan'ar% 19:5
1 )a&e t.l.s. (carbon)
10 358 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o +ar!inal 8ichar! +'shin&
#ansfiel!, $F, 11 0'&'st 19:7
1 )a&e t.l.s. (carbon)
10 359 +hane%, (annie @ee
$o John Hoar! "riffin
D#eri!ian, #ississi))iE, 30 /o6. 19:7 - 15 #arch 19:5
3 t.).c.s.
No$e #other of James +hane%, the blac5 ci6il ri&hts or5er m'r!ere!
(ith 3cherner an! "oo!man) in #ississi))i.
10 3:0 +l%!e Lennar!> also one t%)escri)t )a&e of notes on Lennar!Gs mother,
#rs. @eona 3mith> as ell as one )a&e of a'to&ra)h notes b% "riffin.
#ansfiel!, $F, Dn.!.E J 1, 13 0)ril 19:3
1 )a&e
1 )a&e
3 )a&e (carbon)
No$e "riffin consi!ere! +l%!e Lennar! to be one of the most
co'ra&eo's +hristians he e6er 5ne. Lennar! as a #ississi))i blac5 man falsel% acc'se! of a
)ett% crime beca'se he trie! to enter the state 2ni6ersit%, onl% to be &i6en an o'tra&eo'sl% stiff 1ail
term at har! labor.
10 3:1 3mith, @eonia
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Hattiesb'r&, #3, 1 ,ec. 19:7 - 19 J'ne 19:7
5 a.l.s.
1 t.).c. (ith relate! material)
10 3:2 3il6er, ,r. James -.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
#., 11 J'ne 19:3
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon re)l%)
10 3:3 ,r'mmon!, ,i&ht @.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
2ni6ersit% of #ichi&an 1: 0)ril 19:2- 12 0)ril 19::
1: a.l.s.
1 t.l.s. (ith relate! material)
No$e .Historian> a'thor of !ntislaver", the histor% of l%nchin& in the
so'th> he as )rofessor at the 2ni6ersit% of #ichi&an.
10 3:7 3mith, @illian
$o John Hoar! "riffin
+la%ton, "0, 3 ,ec. 19:1 - 28 J'l% 19:3
10 t.l.s.
No$e 0'thor of Strane Fruit) 6illers of the Dream) One Hour. $hese
are amon& the most )rofo'n! letters "riffin. He ha! ala%s been a fan of her no6els--Strane Fruit
ha! a !ee) effect on him hich he !isc'sses in Black Like Me--an! lon& ante! to meet her. $he%
6isite! tice at her "eor&ia home. ,'rin& those 6isits an! in their 6er% )ersonal corres)on!ence,
the% !isco6ere! an 'ncann% resonance an! !ee) affection. @i5e "riffin, she as a m'sician, a
3o'thern no6elist, an! ha! hi&h re&ar! for e6er%thin& (rench. "riffin sa%s in one of his letters to
her that he felt as if @illian 3mith an! John Hoar! "riffin ere tins, e6en tho'&h she as nearl%
tent% %ears his senior. $he% came from the same bac5&ro'n!, !isco6ere! their on inc'lcate!
racism in similar a%s, an! fo'&ht co'ra&eo'sl% a&ainst )re1'!ice, es)eciall% in the so'th. <oth
ere ostraci*e! for their )'blic stan! an! for their contro6ersial boo5s, both fiction an! non-fiction.
0lso, both ere ill a &reat !eal of their li6es, an! s)ea5 6er% )ersonall% abo't these afflictions.
3ome of the stron&est )assa&es b% 3mith are abo't her on or5 an! abo't the or5 of "riffin.
Her insi&hts into her on metho! an! her brilliant rea!in&s of "riffinGs boo5s are hi&hl% e!if%in& to
an% serio's rea!er or scholar.
10 3:5 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o @illian 3mith
#ansfiel!, $F, 1 /o6. 19:1 - 10 J'ne 19:7
19 t.l. (carbon)
No$e .n some of these lon& letters, "riffin re6eals himself as he !oes
nohere else b't his on 1o'rnals> the !isc'ssions of her boo5s sho him to be, if not a brilliant
critic, a )assionatel% intelli&ent rea!er. 3mithGs boo5s ere amon& "riffinGs fa6orite, an! she as
one of the 6er% fe contem)orar% riters he bothere! to rea! (he rarel% rea! contem)orar% fiction
beca'se he feare! he o'l! become 'nconscio'sl% imitati6e of other st%les). 0si!e from the man%
rich as)ects of this corres)on!ence, . !isco6ere! in "riffinGs letters the most re6ealin& !isc'ssions
abo't his tr'e moti6ations for the ritin& of <lac5 @i5e #e. 0lso, his attit'!es an! fears abo't his
on ritin& in &eneral. He tr'ste! @illian 3mith as a )erson an! res)ecte! her ritin& so far abo6e
his on that he too5 her or! as &os)el as far as e6al'atin& his ritin& (most of hich he ne6er
rerea! once it as )'blishe!).
10 3:: 3mith, ?sther J 4a'la 3nellin&
$o John Hoar! "riffin
+la%ton, "0, 27 ;ct. 19:: - 17 #arch 1971
1 a.l.s.
2 t.l.s.
No$e 8e. @illian 3mith
10 3:7 $it's, Joan
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5 J <er5ele%, 20 /o6. 19:9 J 8 #arch 1970
2 t.l.s. (ith relate! material)
No$e 8e. @illian 3mith
10 3:8 3mith, @illian
0!!ress before the Heral! $rib'ne Ao'th (o'n!ation
/e Aor5, : #arch 1950
5 )a&e (ith her ms. corrections)
10 3:9 <o%le, 3arah 4atton
$o John Hoar! "riffin
+harlottes6ille, I0, 18 /o6. 19:2 - 11 0)ril 1978
21 t.l.s.
8 :
t.).c.s. 1
a.).c.s. 1
a.n. (on car! ith ima&e) 1 )a&e (from her secon! boo5)
No$e 0'thor of The Desereated Heart an! For Humans Onl"> a
3o'therner li5e @illian 3mith an! "riffin, she be&an their corres)on!ence in 19:3. #ost of the
letters from the 19:0s, b't she rote him 'ntil 1978. 0ct'all%, her first corres)on!ence to JH" as
a )ostcar! sent in /o6ember of 19:2, than5in& him for his re6ie of The Desereated Heart
)'blishe! in The Saturda" Revie#
11 370-372 ?ast, 4. ,.
$o John Hoar! "riffin 19:1-19:8
73 t.l.s.
27 )ostcar!s
No$e ?ast, e!itor of The 'etal 'aper an! a'thor of The Manolia
*unle. 8ea!ers of Black Like Me ill remember 4.,. ?ast as the hilario's an! co'ra&eo's e!itor
of The 'etal 'aper, a small #ississi))i nes)a)er that be&an as )art of the establishment an!
slol% t'rne! into a ra!icall% satirical 6oice. $his is itho't ='estion the ac5iest corres)on!ence
"riffin ha! ith an%one. ?astGs letters an! )ostcar!s, exce)t for a 6er% fe, are f'll of 1o5es an! )'t-
ons, e6en hen he tells "riffin of his #ississi))i miseries (hich as nearl% all the timeM) "riffinGs
res)onses ha6e his on bran! of h'mor b't !o, in fact, carr% some serio'sness as ell> the%
catalo&'e his in6ol6ement in the ci6il ri&hts str'&&le !'rin& the 19:0s -- ran&in& from an&er an!
fr'stration to ba!% h'mor (hereas his letters to @illian 3mith re6eal another as)ect to "riffinGs
character -- more serio's an! tho'&htf'l -- b't all &en'inel% )art of the man).
11 373 #orris, -illie
$o 4. ,. ?ast
/e Aor5, 10 ,ecember 19:3
2 )a&e t.l.s.
No$e ?!itor of Har)erGs #a&a*ine. $his letter is an insi&htf'l criti='e of
?astGs secon! attem)t at a no6el after The Manolia *unle, ! ,ock for !sclepius (it as ne6er
11 377-378 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o 4. ,. ?ast.
D#ansfiel!, $FE, 19:1-1970
90 t.l. (carbon)
No$e /o !o'bt "riffin rote ?ast thro'&h 19:7 or 19:8 b't !i! not
5ee) carbons. #an% of these letters are meant to )o5e f'n at ?ast (one be&ins 9,ear "eni's9 an!
another 9,ear J'!as9) b't more than half contain serio's !isco'rses on racism.
11 379 2nite! 3tates. 4ostal 3er6ice.
,e)osition of John Hoar! "riffin in the 4.,. ?ast )ostal fra'!
(ort -orth, $F, 1 J'ne 1970
2 )a&e )hotoco)% (ith relate! material)
11 380-382 $hom)son, (ather 0'&'st
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@0, 19:3-1980
2 a.l.s.
7: t.l.s.
No$e 0 )arish )riest ho, at the time of his corres)on!ence ith "riffin,
as the onl% blac5 )riest in @o'isiana. $heir !ialo&'e, )'blishe! first in Ramparts an! re)rinte! in
The *ohn Ho#ard .riffin Reader, also a))eare! in the 3hee! J -ar! antholo&%, Black) &hite and
.ra", e!ite! b% <ra!for! ,aniel.
#ost of the 19:3 letters from both men !isc'ss their !ialo&'e an! the !iffic'lt% of its bein&
)'blishe! beca'se of resistance from (r $hom)sonGs <isho). ?6ent'all%, it as )'blishe!--in three
se)arate )'blications mentione! abo6e--an! (r $hom)son ent on to assist "riffin ith The
,hurch and the Black Man, as an acti6e member of the <lac5 4riests +a'c's.
11 383 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o (ather 0'&'st $hom)son
#ansfiel!, $F, 19:3
10 t.l. (carbon)
11 387 @etters to "riffin an! (ather $hom)son
D6.).E, 19:3-19:5
5 t.l.s.
11 385 3hee! J -ar!
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 17 Jan'ar% 19:7
1 )a&e t.l.s.
1 )a&e a&reement (co)%)
No$e 8e. Black) &hite and .re"
11 38: ?!ar! Leatin&
$o John Hoar! "riffin
+0, 19:2-19::
27 t.l.s.
No$e 4'blisher of Ramparts, )'blishe! man% of "riffinGs essa%s,
)hoto&ra)hs an! the a'tobio&ra)h%, Scattered Shado#s (to cha)ters in 19:3 an! a&ain in 19:5).
"riffin, ho e6ent'all% became a 3enior ?!itor of Ramparts, )'t Leatin& in to'ch ith $homas
#erton, Jac='es #aritain, (ather 0'&'st $hom)son, 4enn Jones (9$he 3tran&e ,eaths 0fter
,allas9) an! man% other riters an! )hoto&ra)hers.
11 387 Ramparts
$o John Hoar! "riffin
+0, 19:2H19:3
11 t.l.(si&ne! Harr% 3tiehl J 8eno 2n&er)
11 388 8am)arts
$o John Hoar! "riffin
+0, 19:: J 1970
7 t.l.(si&ne! -arren Hic5le J #a'reen 3toc5)
+H, R#MP#R+S IN+,R6I,8
11 389 #c,onnell, $homas 4.
Ramparts .nter6ie D='estionsE for John Hoar! "riffin
#atta)an, #0, D19:2E
7 )a&e
No$e $he .nter6ie hich ran in 19:3, is one of the finest inter6ies
ith "riffin (an! an o)inion ex)resse! b% "riffin also). #c,onnell as an excellent inter6ieer, ho
also inter6iee! $homas #erton> he as, as ell, the e!itor of The Thomas Merton Reader.
11 390 "riffin, John Hoar!
8es)onses to #c,onnellGs ='estions
D#ansfiel!, $FE, D19:2E
17 )a&e (carbon)
11 3900 Ramparts .nter6ie
#atta)an, #0, D19:2E
15 )a&e )hotoco)%
11 391 #c,onnell, $homas 4.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
#atta)an, #0, 2 0'&. - 20 3e)t. 19:2
7 t.l.s.
11 392 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o $homas 4, #c,onnell
#ansfiel!, $F, : 0'&. - 7 ,ec. 19:2
5 t.l. (carbon)
11 393 "eismar, #axell
4ostscri)t toB 9John Hoar! "riffinB $he ,e6il in $exas9
-est)ort, /A, 12 0'&. 19:5
8 )a&e
No$e $his essa% as inten!e! as a 94ostscri)t9 to "eismarGs lon&
essa% on "riffin (9$he ,e6il in $exas9--)'blishe! in !merican Moderns, Ho'&hton #ifflin, 1959)> it
as the first ma1or criticism of "riffinGs or5> both the lon& essa% an! the )ostscri)t ere )'blishe!
to&ether as the intro!'ction to $he "riffin 8ea!er.
11 397 ?xchan&e of letters beteen its to 3enior ?!itors, #axell "eismar
an! John Hoar! "riffin, concernin& "eismarGs essa% on "riffinGs or5
that a))eare! in that same iss'e.
8am)arts, /o6ember 19:5
: )a&e )hotoco)%
11 395 4ire, (ather "eor&es ,omini='e, ;.4.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
10 t.l.s.
1 a.).c.s.
7 tele&rams (ith relate! material)
1 )rinte! car! ()hoto. of 4ier ith 8obert ;))enheimer)
No$e 8ecei6e! the /obel 4eace 4ri*e in 1958 for his or5 in behalf of
ref'&ees an! minorit% &ro')s in the a5e of -orl! -ar ... He fo'n!e! the 2ni6ersit% of 4eace in
H'%, <el&i'm an! as the a'thor of the collection, Buildin 'eace, hich feat're! "riffinGs essa%,
9$he .ntrinsic ;ther9.
11 39: @etters to "riffin from 6ario's )eo)le in ?'ro)e concernin& both the
2ni6ersit% of 4eace an! the 9(rien!s of (ather 4ire9 ;r&ani*ation.
D6.).E, 19:5-197:
13 letters
1 )'blication (From Heart to Heart)
11 397 (ather .llt'! ?6ans, ;.4.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
D6.).E, 17 #arch 19:3 - 13 (ebr'ar% 1970
1 a.l.s.
8 t.l.s.
2 t.l. (carbons)
No$e 0 )ro&ressi6e +atholic )riest an! riter ho, li5e his frien!s
$homas #erton, Jac='es #aritain, an! "riffin, as critical of the +h'rch as a slo-mo6in&
instit'tion ith re&ar!s to race relations.
11 398 +lea6er, ?l!ri!&e
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3ole!a!, +0, 11 #arch 19::
1 )a&e t.l.s.
No$e 0 con6icte! felon, +lea6er as release! from )rison )artl% ')on
the recommen!ation of "riffin that he as a talente! riter. +lea6er ent on to become one of the
lea!ers of $he <lac5 4anthers an! rote Soul on 4ce.
11 399 0xelro!, <e6erl%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3an (rancisco, +0, 8 J 20 ;ctober 19:5
2 t.l.s.
No$e ?l!ri!&e +lea6erGs attorne%
11 700 3tate of +alifornia. Ao'th J 0!'lt +orrections 0&enc%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3acramento, +0, 29 ;ctober 19:5
1 t.l. (si&ne! Jose)h 0. 3)an&ler) (ith relate! t.l. carbon b%
No$e 8e ?l!ri!&e +lea6erGs )arole
11 701 4an 0frican 0ssociation
$o John Hoar! "riffin
<al!ins6ille, /A, 3 0'&'st 1970 J 18 0'&'st 1980
2 t.l.s. (ith relate! material)
11 702 0merican (esti6al of /e&ro 0rts
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 7 #arch 19:5 - 25 J'l% 1970
7 t.l.s.
1 t.l.
No$e #an% si&ne! b% 8.3. 4ritchar!, )ianist-com)oser.
12 703 3hee! J -ar!
+orres)on!ence re. Thirteen for ,hrist
No$e 8e. "riffinGs essa% on ,r. #artin @'ther Lin&
12 707 'roressive Maa-ine
9-h% $he% +anGt -aitB 0n .nter6ie ith a -hite /e&ro9
J'l% 1957
: )a&e )hotoco)%
No$e .nter6ie ith <ra!for! ,aniel
12 705 ,'ba%, (ather -illiam
$o John Hoar! "riffin
0naheim, +0, 2: 3e)tember - 22 ,ecember 19:7
2 a.l.s.
1 t.l.s.
No$e 8e. racism in @os 0n&eles an! the attit'!e of +ar!inal #c.nt%re
12 70: @etters an! man'scri)ts relatin& to racism in @os 0n&eles
+0, 19:2-19:7
1 t.l.s.
1 t.l.
1 a.l.s.
1 2
12 707 "riffinGs letter to +ar!inal #c.nt%re
#ansfiel!, $F, 7 J'l% 19:7
2 )a&e t.l. (carbon)
12 708 Halsell, "race
$o John Hoar! "riffin
-ashin&ton, ,.+., 8 - 30 0)ril 19:8
3 t.l.s.
1 t.n.
No$e $he hite oman ho 9became9 a blac5 oman an! rote abo't
her ex)eriences in her boo5 as Soul Sister. .n these letters, as ell as in her boo5, she cites
"riffin as her ins)iration for the )ro1ect> she so'&ht an! recei6e! his co'nsel an! s'))ort.
12 709 4enn Jones Jr., critic of the -arren +ommission, a'thor of the series of
boo5s, Forive M" .rief (7 6ol'mes)> his fin!in&s abo't the stran&e
!eaths after ,allas ere feat're! in a ma1or co6er stor% in Ramparts7
incl'!e! here are )hotoco)ies of "riffinGs 94reface9 to the first 6ol'me of
Forive M" .rief an! "riffinGs )hoto&ra)hs of Jones for that boo5 as
ell as H.+. /ashGs bio&ra)h% of Jones, +iti*enGs 0rrest (@atit'!es
4ress)> )l's Ramparts feat're.
12 710 4alfi, #arion
$o John Hoar! "riffin
;1ai J @oa 0n&eles, +0, 13 0'&. 19:5 - 25 (eb. 19:7
5 t.l.s. (ith relate! carbon)
No$e 4hoto&ra)her an! frien! of <erenice 0bbott
12 711 3o'thest 8e6ie
$o John Hoar! "riffin
,allas, $F, 3 /o6. 19:1 - 5 (eb. 19:2
3 t.l.s (si&ne! #ar&aret Hartle%)
No$e -ith carbons b% "riffin
12 712 <ra!sha, (ather J.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
$oronto, +ana!a, 7 Jan.19:2
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon re)l%)
No$e ?!itor of The Basilian Teacher, re. the )'blication of the essa%
9$he #en (rom the <o%s,9 a )iece abo't ritin&
12 713 /eslo6a, Nara
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 22 #arch 19:2
2 )a&e a.l.s. (ith 3 "riffin carbons)
No$e /elso6a as a m'sician "riffin ha! lon& a!mire!, an! he ma!e
arran&ements to ta5e a )ortrait )hoto&ra)h of her
+atholic ma&a*ines> +orres)on!ences ith )'blishers concernin& the 'se of his )hoto&ra)hic
)ortraits> /es)a)er feat'res an! nes stories on "riffin from the 19:0s> +orres)on!ences ith
ma&a*ine e!itors re&ar!in& )'blishe! (as ell as 'n)'blishe!) articles--on racism--b% "riffin> an!
m'ch more miscellaneo's b'siness mail abo't his or5.
$his section incl'!es more than 50 letters (ori&inal t%)escri)ts on 6ario's me!ia stationer%) to
"riffin, as ell as man% of his res)onses (carbon t%)escri)ts). <eca'se of Black Like Me an!
"riffinGs extensi6e lect're to'rs s)ea5in& a&ainst racism, there as a tremen!o's s)in-off of his
or5 in the form of ma&a*ine articles, as ell as man% feat'res abo't his or5 an! life.
12 717 +atholic ma&a*ine articles on John Hoar! "riffin D)hotoco)iesE
2: fol!ers
12 715 +orres)on!ence ith ma&a*ines
12 71: ,o'ble!a% J +o.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 17 J'ne 19:5
1 )a&e t.l.s.
12 717 Har)er J <rothers
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 28 #arch 19:2
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon re)l%)
12 718 2ni6ersit% of .oa
$o John Hoar! "riffin
.oa +it%, 13 #arch 19:9 J 1: (eb. 1970
2 t.l.s. (ith carbon)
12 719 "lins5i, #ateo
$o John Hoar! "riffin
;ntario J ,etroit, 21 ,ec. 19:3 - 27 (eb. 19::
: t.l.s. (ith relate! material)
No$e 4olish con!'ctor re. +ho)in
12 720 3ho Dma&a*ineE
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 29 Jan. J 8 (eb. 19:2
2 t.l.s. (ith carbons)
12 721 /ational "eo&ra)hic 3ociet%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
-ashin&ton, ,+, 28 /o6. 19:1
1 )a&e t.l.s.
12 722 ,arton, @on&man J $o!!
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@on!on, 9 /o6. 19:5
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith relate! material)
12 723 Heale%, (ather 0'&'stine
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3an 0ntonio, $F, 2: #a% 19:5 - 7 J'l% 19::
: t.l.s.
12 727 Hill J -an&
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 9 J'l% 19:3
1 t.l.s. (ith carbon re)l%)
12 725 /es)a)er article on "riffin D)hotoco)iesE
12 72: Holt, 8einhart J -inston
#emoran!'m of a&reement
12 727 #iscellaneo's literar% b'siness letters
12 728 $eachers +olle&e 8ecor!
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 1: (eb. 19:2
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon)
12 729 3o'thern #etho!ist 2ni6ersit%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
,allas, $F, : #arch 19:2
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon)
12 730 &ilson Librar" Bulletin
<io&ra)hical s5etch of John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, #a% 19:3
1 )a&e article
12 731 8ossett, <arne%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 5 0)ril 1952
1 t.l.s. 1
statement (ith relate! carbons)
No$e 8ossett, )'blisher of "ro6e 4ress, solicite! "riffinGs s'))ort on
behalf of Henr% #illerGs Tropic of ,ancer, hich as cleare! of the char&e of )orno&ra)h% b% the
3')reme +o'rt, on (ebr'ar% 21, 19:2> there is a carbon t%)escri)t of "riffinGs re)l% of s'))ort, as
ell as relate! !oc'ments.
12 732 "riffinGs @etter to $he Ho'se +ommittee .n6esti&atin& $extboo5s
attac5in& the censorshi) &ro'), $exans (or 0merica
#ansfiel!, $F, 1 (ebr'ar% 19:2
1 )a&e t.l. (carbon)
12 733 <oller, 4a'l
$o John Hoar! "riffin
,allas, $F, 27 Jan. 19:2 - 1: (eb. 19:2
7 t.l.s. (ith relate! carbons)
No$e 8e. $exans for 0merica
12 737 +arroll, @'cile +.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
#i!lan!, $F, 29 Jan. 19:2
2 )Da&e t.l.s. (ith relater material)
No$e +oncernin& the remo6al of 9:;<) 3teinbec5, an! others from the
librar% shel6es.
12 735 0llison, James
$o John Hoar! "riffin
#i!lan!, $F, 2: Jan. 19:2
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith relate! carbons)
12 73: 0merican <oo5 4'blishers +o'ncil
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5 31 Jan. 19:2
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith relate! carbon)
12 737 ;lan, 8abbi @e6% 0.
$he Harm $hat "oo! #en ,o
,allas, $F, 12 /o6. 19:1
3 )a&e (co)%, ith relate! carbon)
12 738 -ar!la, (ran5 H.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
9 (eb. 19:2 1 )a&e
12 739 ?llis, 8obert +. J 8osa ?llis
$o John Hoar! "riffin
#exico J /e Aor5, 7 0)ril 19:3 - 28 #a% 19:5
7 a.l.s.
5 t.l.s.
No$e 8obert ?llis, hom "riffin consi!ere! one of the &reat mo!ern
0merican )ainters, share! a lon& )ersonal frien!shi) ith the riter. $he ?llises an! the "riffins
ere inse)arable frien!s for tent% %ears. ?llis !ie! in 1979, the %ear before "riffin. 8osa ?llis
mana&es a &aller% in $aos, /#.
0ll these letters are from the earl% 19:0s. 0ccor!in& the ?li*abeth "riffin, the corres)on!ence from
19:5-1979, on both si!es, as acci!entall% !estro%e!.
12 770 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o 8obert +. ?llis
#ansfiel!, $F, 25 (eb. 19:2 - 7 0'&. 19:3
7 t.l. (carbon)
12 771 +atalo&s of ?llis 3hos an! articles on ?llis
12 772-777 ,orr, /ell
$o John Hoar! "riffin
-ashin&ton, +$, 22 (eb. 19:: - 3 ;ct. 19:7
27 a.l.s.
5 a.).c.s.
No$e ?!ar! 3teichen ra6e! abo't in =5S5 ,amera (in 1939), as one
of 0mericaGs &reatest )hoto&ra)hers. Her ma&nificent boo5s, The Bare Feet (abo't #exican-
)easants) an! Mother and ,hild are the most ori&inal, l%rical or5s e ha6e. 3he or5e! itho't a
li&ht meter an! ith 6er% sim)le cameras, learnin& )hoto&ra)h% b% trial an! error. .n 19:8, "riffin
&a6e her a li&ht meter, ='ite astonishe! that she ha! achie6e! s'ch master% of li&ht itho't the
instr'ment. "riffin consi!ere! /ell ,orr the s')reme 0merican )hoto&ra)her. He too5 man% lo6el%
)ortraits of her hich ha6e not been )'blishe!.
13 775 4hotoco)ies of articles on /ell ,orr
13 77: +rae%bec5x, 0. 3. H.
9;f /i&ht an! ,a%.9
0rticle on /ell ,orr (translate! from (rench b% "riffin)
'hoto Tribune /o6. 19:9
5 )a&e ()hotoco)%)
13 777 @oache, <en1amin ,e
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Ha6en, +$, 11 J'ne 19:7
2 )a&e a.l.s.
13 778 <eecher, John
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3anta +lara J /e ;rleans 30 Jan. 19:7 - 17 #arch 19::
5 t.l.s. (ith relate! carbon)
13 779 3to't, -.-.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Hattiesb'r&, #., 2: J'l% - 1 0'&. 19:3
3 t.l.s.
No$e 8e. Jim -hitmore
13 750 "riffin, John Hoar!
?ssa% on 4hoto&ra)h%
D#exicoKE, D19:0sE
8 )a&e
No$e 8e. Jim -hitmore
$he close frien!shi) of $homas #erton an! John Hoar! "riffin is !etaile! b% "riffin in his
94rolo&'e9 to Follo# the 2cstas"> as ell, there is a !isc'ssion of their affinities in 8obert <ona**iGs
9(oreor!9 to the ;rbis <oo5s e!ition of Follo# the 2cstas". $he corres)on!ence foc'ses on a
i!e ran&e of s'b1ects--race relations, the Iietnam -ar, ma1or chan&e in the +h'rch 'n!er 4o)e
John FF..., an! their m't'al frien!shi) ith (rench )hiloso)her Jac='es #aritain, etc. $he most
!isc'sse! s'b1ect, hoe6er, t'rne! o't to be #ertonGs ne-fo'n! )assion for )hoto&ra)h%, hich
as &reatl% enco'ra&e! b% "riffin (ho &a6e the mon5 a &oo! camera an! )rocesse! his
13 752-75: #erton, $homas
$o John Hoar! "riffin
$ra))ist, LA, J <an&5o5, $hailan!, 19:2 - 19:8
7 a.l.s.
8 a.).c.s.
37 t.l.s.
5 t.).c.s.
No$e @etter, !ate! /o6ember 9, 19:8, is an ;ri&inal $%)escri)t on the
letterhea! of the Hotel .m)erial in /e ,elhi. His last letter to "riffin as on the letterhea! of $he
;riental Hotel, <an&5o5, !ate! ,ecember 7, 19:8 (1'st three !a%s before his !eath on ,ec 10).
0lso, the en6elo)e from that last letter, as ell as a )hoto&ra)hic )ac5et #erton maile! from
13 757 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o $homas #erton
#ansfiel! J (ort -orth, $F, 19:2-19:7
12 t.l. (carbon)
13 758 0bbe% of "ethsemani
+ar!s (8) re. #erton an! ,om James (ox
13 759 ,om James (ox
$o John Hoar! "riffin
$ra))ist, LA, 19:3 - 1971
9 t.l.s.
1 a.l.s.
No$e ,om James as #erton .s 0bbot, ith hom the mon5 ha! a
lon&, )ersonal, an! sometimes confrontational relationshi)> also the 0bbot ho alloe! #erton to
li6e in a hermita&e, be&innin& in 19:5, as the first mon5 to become a hermit in the +istercian ;r!er
since the #i!!le 0&es
13 7:0 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o ,om James (ox
$F, 19:3-1971
5 t.l. (carbon)
No$e 8e. the 0bbotGs )ermission for "riffin to )hoto&ra)h #erton in
19:3 an! !isc'ssion of the (ox-#erton relationshi) after the mon5Gs !eath> o't of "riffinGs 19:3
)hoto session ith the mon5 came the G;fficial 4ortraitG
13 7:1 4ali6ic, $om
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@o'is6ille, LA, 19 ;ct. 1975
2 )a&e a.l.s. (ith carbon re)l%)
13 7:2 $hree Homilies for the ('neral #ass of 0bbot (ox, b% ,om (la6ian
<'rns (the s'ccee!in& 0bbot), <rother 4atric5 Hart, an! (ather #atthe
13 7:3 J 7:7 <rother 4atric5 Hart
$o John Hoar! "riffin
$ra))ist, LA, 19::-1980
No$e <rother Hart as #ertonGs secretar% in 19:8> he has become the
most 5nole!&eable #erton scholar to!a%, )'blishin& se6eral antholo&ies b% or abo't #erton, as
ell as bein& the "eneral ?!itor for the Merton *ournals (ithhel! from the )'blic for 25 %ears after
the mon5Gs !eath> the first 6ol'mes ill be )'blishe! in 1997).
13 7:5 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o <rother 4atric5 Hart
(ort -orth, $F, 19:9-1973
7 t.l. (carbon)
1 t.).c.s.
1 t.n.
13 7:: (ather John ?'!es <amber&er
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@as +on!es, +hile J $ra))ist, LA, 19 (eb. J 27 #a% Dn.%.E
2 a.l.s.
No$e 0 mon5 at "ethsemani for man% %ears,. as a close frien! of
#ertonGs. He is a license! )s%chiatrist, one of the most infl'ential #erton scholars, an! has
become an 0bbot. $hese-letters, as ell as se6eral !ee)l% insi&htf'l articles abo't #erton, )robe
the )s%che of the famo's mon5..> (ather <amber&er co'nsele! #erton-. !'rin& some of the mon5Gs
critical )s%cholo&ical )erio!s of a!1'stment
13 7:7 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o ten members of the "ethsemani comm'nit%
$F, 19:3-1973
17 letters
No$e #ostl% re&ar!in& their relationshi)s ith #erton, as )art of
"riffinGs research for the ;fficial <io&ra)h% of $homas #erton
13 7:8-771 Ho'&hton #ifflin
@etters from 6ario's e!itors ho or5e! ith "riffin on the #erton
)ro1ects (0'stin ;lne%, 0rabel 4orter, 0nne (ree!&oo!, 8ichar!
<oston, 19:9-1980
ca 50 t.l.s. (ith "riffinGs carbon re)lies)
13 772 J 773 @a'&hlin, James
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e ,irections, /e Aor5,
5 a.l.s.
37 t.l.s.
17 777 +olin, 8osica
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@on!on, 31 ,ec. 19:9 - 1: /o6. 1979
9 t.l.s. (ith relate! material)
No$e "riffinGs a&ent in @on!on
17 775 ;G+alla&han, $ommie
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@o'is6ille, LA, 19 (eb. - 1: ;ct 19:9
: t.l.s. 1
t.l. 1
17 77: 3tone, /aomi <'rton
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5 J Aor5, #?, 19:3-1973
35 t.l.s.
3 a.l.s.
17 777 (or!, John @.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@o'is6ille, LA, 11 (eb. - 17 #a% 1977
5 t.l.s. (ith relate! material)
No$e @e&al +o'nsel for the $r'st, an! one t%)escri)t carbon re)l% from
"riffin> this corres)on!ence !etails, amon& other iss'es, the $r'stGs !eman! that "riffin com)lete
the ;fficial <io&ra)h% of #erton. or relin='ish his control of the )ro1ect (hich he !i! in 1977)
17 779 0))eals for financial assistance in or!er to com)lete the bio&ra)h% of
$homas #erton
17 780 4a'list /eman 4ress
8e. #erton )hoto&ra)hs
17 781 4a'list 4ress
8e='est from "eral! $ome%, ?!itor, for "riffinGs essa% on #erton to
a))ear in the antholo&%, Monk in the Bell" of 'arado(
No$e 8e)rinte! as the 9?)ilo&'e9 to Follo# the 2cstas"
17 782 Herder > Herder J ,ontinuum
8e. #erton )hoto&ra)hs an! essa%
17 783 +<3
,oc'mentar% on #erton, 9$he 3ilent 3in&er,9 feat'rin& man% of "riffinGs
)ortraits of #erton
17 787 @etters from forei&n lan&'a&e )'blishin& ho'ses re='estin&
17 785 Hallmar5 +ar!s re='est for se6eral )ortraits of #erton for their boo5,
Da" of the Straner
17 78: 8e='ests from 2.3. )'blishers (<antam, 4a'list 4ress, $he 4il&rim
4ress, "lencoe, "eor&ia 3tate 2ni6ersit%, etc) for 'se of )hoto&ra)hs
17 787 0bbe% 4ress an! 4arabola #a&a*ine re='ests to 'se )hoto&ra)hs
17 788 4hotoco)ies of articles on #erton feat'rin& "riffin )ortraits
17 789 #erton, <.L.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Nealan!, 1970 J 1971
8 a.l.s.
No$e #ertonGs a'nt on fatherGs si!e, /e Nealan!
17 790 Jen5ins, Harol! <rester
$o John Hoar! "riffin
,o'&laston, /A, 1970 J 1971
3 a.l.s.
No$e His 'ncle on motherGs si!e, /e Aor5
17 791 +as)er, 0lice
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3ta'nton I0 J @o'is6ille, LA, 1: J'l% J 17 0'&. 1970
2 t.l.s. (ith carbon)
No$e +lose famil% frien! to his a'nts in /e Nealan!.
17 792 #erton, 8e6 J.J.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
+hristch'rch, /e Nealan!, #arch 1971
2 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon)
No$e #erton, Iicar in /e Nealan!.
17 793 $rier, #rs. ".(. $rier
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Nealan!, 7 ;ct. 1972
2 )a&e a.l.s.
No$e 8e. #ertonGs brother, John-4a'l, ho !ie! in -- ..
17 797 John 3tanle%
;n the or5 of )ainter ;en #erton, $homas #ertonGs father
/e Aor5, 12 (eb. 1975
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith relate! material)
No$e 0ccom)anie! b% a t.l.s. from John @. <arber to &riffin re. #erton
at ;c5ham-+ambri!&e
17 795 3mith, $.J. James -%&al J $homas #arshall
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@o'is6ille, LA, 19:9-1971
3 t.l.s. 1
t.n.s. (ith relate! carbons)
17 79: +orres)on!ences ith +'rators of 6ario's #erton collection of )a)ers
D6.).E 19:9-197:
1 a.l.s.
13 t.l.s.
1 t.).c. (ith relate! carbons)
17 797 -alsh, (ather ,an
$o John Hoar! "riffin
LA, 19:7-19:9
2 a.l.s.
1 a.).c.s.
1 t.l.s.
No$e ,irecte! #erton to the 0bbe% of "ethsemani in 1970
17 798 #ar5 Ian ,oren
$o John Hoar! "riffin
(alls Iilla&e, +$, 30 ,ec. 19:9 J 21 ,ec. 1970
1 a.l.s.
1 a.).c.s.
No$e 4'lit*er 4ri*e )oet, no6elist an! critic, ho as one of #ertonGs
teachers at +ol'mbia, remainin& a life-lon& frien!. Ian ,oren ha! #ertonGs earl% )oetr%
man'scri)ts an! he e!ite! an! intro!'ce! #ertonGs 3electe!-4oems
17 799 +ar!enal, ?rnesto
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/icara&'a, 18 Jan, J 5 0)ril D1970E
2 t.l.s.
No$e /icara&'aGs #inister of +'lt're, ho as a no6ice 'n!er #erton
at "ethsemani> a i!el%-)'blishe! )oet in 3)anish an! ?n&lish, rote lon& )oem for #erton
)'blishe! b% /e ,irections
17 500 @entfoehr, 3ister $herese
$o John Hoar! "riffin
-., 5 0)ril 19:3 J 2 Jan. 19:9
1 a.l.s.
1 t.l.s. (ith relate! material)
No$e 0 frien! of $homas #erton ho rote the onl% f'll-len&th st'!% of
the his )oetr%, &ords and Silence
17 501 <erri&an, (ather ,aniel
$o John Hoar! "riffin
D6.).E, 1970s
8 a.n.s. (ith relate! material)
No$e 8a!ical Jes'it an! ol! frien! of #erton. 0ll of the notes are
ritten on )hotoco)ies of his )oems an! essa%s.
17 502 -alsh, <rother $on%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
D6.).E, 22 J'l% 1970 - 19 ,ec. 197:
2 t.l.s.
1 a.l.s. (ith relate! material)
No$e +lose associate of <erri&anGs, an! inner of the +hristian +'lt're
17 503 3er5in, 8'!olf
$o John Hoar! "riffin
4hila!el)hia, 40, 23 ,ec. 1971
1 )a&e t.l.s.
No$e $he fame!-)ianist, ho one! Iictor HammerGs famo's !rain&
of #erton an! !onate! the or5 to the #erton 3t'!ies +enter
17 507 Holloa%, James
$o John Hoar! "riffin
<erea, LA, 5 #arch 1978 J 17 /o6. 1970
2 t.l.s.
No$e 4rofessor at <erea +olle&e, LA, ho )'blishe! #ertonGs or5 in
6attalae ma&a*ine
17 505 +am)bell, -ill
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Dn.).E, 10 ;ct. 19:5
2 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon)
No$e ,irector of $he +ommittee of 3o'thern +h'rchmen, an! a
collea&'e of Holloa% (both 6isite! #erton se6eral times)
17 50: /iles, 8ena
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@exin&ton, LA, 17 #arch 1970 J 10 /o6. 1982
2 t.l.s. (ith relate! material)
No$e John Jacob /iles as the com)oser ho set #ertonGs )oems to
m'sic for The Niles%Merton Son ,"cle
17 507 @eah%, (ather 3te)hen
$o John Hoar! "riffin
4iffar!, /A, 1: J'l% 1970
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon)
No$e 0 no6ice 'n!er #erton.
17 5070 8ice, ?!
@etter from John Hoar! "riffin $o ?! 8ice
(ort -orth, $F, 23 0)ril 1970
1 )a&e t.l.s. (carbon)
No$e 0 no6ice 'n!er #erton.
17 508 +ha5ra6art%, 0mi%a
$o John Hoar!
/e 4alt*, /A, 2: #arch 1971 - 7 #arch 1977
3 a.l.s.
No$e 4hiloso)her, ho intro!'ce! #ertonGs last boo5, !sian *ournal
17 509 "e%che, $.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Himachal 4ra!esh D.n!iaE, 22 Jan. 19:9
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon)
No$e 3ecretar% to the ,alai @ama, hom #erton 6isite! for thee !a%s
17 510 John #offitt
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5 J <an&5o5, 15 0'&. 19:9 - 1 /o6. 1970
7 a.l.s.
7 t.l.s. (ith relate! material)
No$e ?!itor of 0merica ma&a*ine, ho in6esti&ate! the !eath of
#erton in 0sia
17 511 3a%, (ather +elestine
$o John Hoar! "riffin
#anila, 25 J'ne - 18 3e)t. 19:9
3 t.l.s.
1 )hoto&ra)h
1 ne&ati6e stri) (ith relate! material)
No$e $he first )erson to reach #erton after the mon5Gs acci!ental !eath
b% electroc'tion in <an&5o5> he also too5 the im)ortant )hotos of the G!eath sceneG--both #offitt
an! (ather 3a% ma!e 6er% si&nificant contrib'tions to the tr'th of #ertonGs !eath (in these letters)
17 512 John -', Jr.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/J J I0, 7 #a% J : J'ne 1970
1 a.l.s.
1 t.l.s. (ith carbon)
No$e His father as an im)ortant teacher in #ertonGs fascination for
17 513 +han&, (ather 3imeon
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Hon& Lon& 2: ;ct. 1970
1 )a&e t.l.s.
No$e 0tten!e! the <an&5o5 conference ith #erton
17 517 3oe!1atmo5o
$o John Hoar! "riffin
-ashin&ton, ,.+., 7 0'&. 1970
3 )a&e t.l.s.
15 515 <'r!en, 3hirle%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
+0, 28 Jan. 1970
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon)
15 51: N'5ofs5%, @o'is
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 9 J'l% 1970 J 27 Jan. 1973
1 a.l.s.
1 t.l.s. (ith carbon)
15 517 -illiams, Jonathan
$o John Hoar! "riffin
D6.).E, 1: 0'&. 1970 - 23 /o6. 197:
2 t.l.s.
1 t.).c.s.
15 518 +arr'th, Ha%!en
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Johnson, I$, 10-29 J'l% 1970
2 t.l.s.
1 t.).c.s. (ith relate! material)
15 519 -illiams, ?mmett
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@os 0n&eles, +0, Dn.!.E
1 )a&e t.l.s.
15 520 /ie!ec5er, @orine
$o John Hoar! "riffin
(ort 0t5inson, -., 20 J'l% 1970
1 )a&e t.l.s.
15 521 <ri&ham, <esmilr
$o John Hoar! "riffin
(ort -orth, $F, 8 0'&. 1970
1 )a&e t.l.s.
15 522 <arnes, $homas +harles
$o John Hoar! "riffin
4ittsb'r&h, 40, 11 (eb. 19:9 J 7 (eb. 1970
2 t.l.s.
15 523 ?!son, 8'ssell
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3tamfor!, +$, 10 J 30 J'l% 1970
1 t.l.s.
1 t.).c.s. (ith carbon)
15 527 Jones, "racie #.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E J 11 /o6. Dn.%.E
2 a.l.s. (ith article)
15 525 Hentoff, /at
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 8 J'l% 1970
1 a.n.s. (;n "riffin t.l.s.)
15 52: 8oberts, Helm
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@exin&ton, LA, 10 J 27 ,ec. 19:9
1 a.l.s.
1 t.l.s.
No$e 8e. )hoto&ra)hs an! /iles-#erton concerto
15 527 ,a6en)ort, "'%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@exin&ton, LA, 1: J'l% 1970
2 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon)
15 528 4aitni5, ,ebra
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@o'is6ille, LA, 13 3e)t. 1977 - 27 0'&. 1979
7 t.l.s.
15 529 "reene, Jonathan
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@exin&ton, LA, 22 /o6. 1970
1 )a&e t.l.s.
15 530 3eit*, 8on
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@o'is6ille, LA, 27 #arch 1979
7 )a&e t.l.s.
15 531 4ennin&ton, <asil
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3)encer, #0, 7 0'&. 1971
1 )a&e t.l.s.
15 532 Nahn, "or!on +.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
<oston, #0, : 0'&. 1970
1 )a&e a.l.s.
15 533 (orest, Jim
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Hollan! J /e Aor5, 11 ,ec. 1970 - 29 J'l% 1980
3 t.l.s.
1 a.).c.s.
15 537 ?liaso)h, 4a'la
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Jamaica, /A, 28 J'l% 1970 - 12 Jan. 1971
7 a.l.s. (ith relate! material)
15 535 ,ana, ,oris
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/A, 2: ;ct. 19:: - 2: ,ec. 1973
2 a.l.s.
2 t.l.s.
15 53: ;lmstea!, <eatrice
$o John Hoar! "riffin
I$, 18 J 25 J'l% 1970
2 t.l.s. (ith carbon)
15 537 <isse%, ,om +olomban
$o John Hoar! "riffin
(rance, 25 #a% J 27 3e)t. 197:
2 a.l.s.
15 538 ,e6ere'x, ,on
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/#, 2 J 2: J'l% 1970
2 t.l.s. (ith carbons)
15 539 Lelle%, Litt%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3anta <arbara, +0, 27 J'l% 1970
1 )a&e t.l.s.
15 570 Ho%t, 8obert ".
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Lansas +it%, #;, 30 J'l% 1970
1 )a&e t.l.s.
15 571 ,ic5e%, -. $errell
$o John Hoar! "riffin
@o'is6ille, LA, 28 ma% 1970
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon)
15 572 -inan!%, ,om Jac='es
$o John Hoar! "riffin
+ana!a, 30 J'l% 1970 - 9 #arch 1971
1 a.l.s.
2 t.l.s. (ith co)%)
15 573 3'lli6an, 3ister <e!e
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Iictoria, <.+., 29 J'l% 197:
2 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon)
15 577 #ichael, 3ister ?laine
$o John Hoar! "riffin
0lle&an%, /A, 3 3e)t. 1970
1 )a&e t.l.s.
10 )a&e
15 575 +orres)on!ence beteen John Hoar! "riffin an! 6ario's mon5s,
)riests, an! n'ns from aro'n! the orl! re&ar!in& $homas #erton
D6.).E, 19:9H1970
2: items
15 57: ;berlin +olle&e /eman 0)ostolate
$o John Hoar! "riffin re. $homas #erton (esti6al
?l%ria, ;H, 23 J'ne 1972
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbons)
15 577 +orres)on!ence beteen John Hoar! "riffin an! 6ario's 'ni!entifie!
+atholic men an! omen re&ar!in& $homas #erton
D6.).E, 19:8-1971
ca. 35 items
15 578 $homas #erton 3ociet% of 0'stralia
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Iictoria, 17 ,ec. 197:
1 )a&e t.l.s.
15 579 /ational 0ssociation (or 4astoral 8eneal
$o John Hoar! "riffin
+$ J #;, 1971
1 t.l.s.
1 a.l.s. (ith carbon)
15 550 $homas #erton +enter, +ana!a
$o John Hoar! "riffin
#a&o&, O'e., 27 /o6. 19:9
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith relate! carbons)
15 551 0nan!a #e!itation 8etreat
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e6a!a +it%, +0, Dn.!.E J 1 0'&. 1970
1 a.l.s.
1 t.l.s.
15 552 #erton 2nit% +enter
$o John Hoar! "riffin
.sla Iista, +0, 9 3e)t. 1977
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith relate! material)
15 553 @etters to John Hoar! "riffin from 6ario's contrib'tors to Monk3s 'ond
D6.).E 1970
12 t.l.s.
15 557 2ni6ersit% 4ress of Lent'c5%
$o ?li*abeth "riffin-<ona**i re&ar!in& #on5Gs 4on!
30 #a% 1989 1 )a&e
15 555 $homas #erton 3t'!% +enter
$o ?li*abeth "riffin J 8obert <ona**i
@o'is6ille, LA, 12 Jan. 1982 - 10 /o6. 1983
3 t.l.s.
15 55: .nternational $homas #erton 3ociet%
$o 8obert <ona**i J ?li*abeth "riffin
Ho'ston, $F, 17 #arch - 17 J'l% 1989
1 a.n.s.
2 t.l.s.
1 t.).c.s. (ith relate! material)
=I6? # HI)),N 8HOL,N,SS > FOLLO8 +H, ,CS+#S-
# Hidden 8ho(eness
! Hidden &holeness8 The /isual &orld of Thomas Merton as )'blishe! b% Ho'&hton #ifflin, in
cloth an! )a)erbac5-lar&e-format e!itions, in 1970. 0n inferior cloth e!ition as later )'blishe! b%
/orman <er& in 1977. $he or5in& title for the boo5 as The /isual Merton, as cite! in the
corres)on!ence beteen "riffin an! )'blishers, as ell as his corres)on!ence ith the #embers
of $he #erton @e&ac% $r'st. $he boo5 consists of a short text b% "riffin, his )hoto&ra)hs of #erton
an! the s'rro'n!in& en6ironment, an! #ertonGs on )hoto&ra)hs an! )aintin&s (hich he calle!
9calli&ra)hs9 or 9si&nat'res9--abstract miniat'res s'&&estin& the infl'ences of (ran* Lline, 4a'l
Llee, an! Nen calli&ra)h%). "riffin as a))ointe! 9;fficial <io&ra)her9 in 19:9> he or5e! on the
9;fficial <io&ra)h%9 from 19:9 'ntil 1977.
15 557 (irst ,raft
Dn.).E, 1970
75 )a&es (some )hotoco)%, ith a'to&ra)h re6isions b%
the a'thor, )l's notes b% the co)% e!itor)
15 558 8e6isions of the man'scri)t
Dn.).E, D1970E
12 )a&es (ith the a'thorGs ms. re6isions)
15 559 8erites
Dn.).E, #arch 1970
20 )a&e (carbon)
No$e 0ccom)anie! b% a t.l. (carbon) to his e!itor an! a carbon list of
15 5:0 J 5:1 /otes an! technical corres)on!ence in reference to the "alle%s, an!
to (2) +om)lete 3ets of "alle%s, ith extensi6e corrections an! mar5
15 5:2 8e6ies of ! Hidden &holeness
Fo((ow $he ,%s$asy +ho"as Mer$on, +he Her"i$age -ears, ./792./7<
4'blishe! b% @atit'!es 4ress in 1983 in a ='alit% )a)erbac5 e!ition ith sli)-co6er !'st 1ac5et.
$hree )a)erbac5 e!itions (itho't !'st 1ac5et) folloe! 'n!er the @atit'!es im)rint. $his e!ition
as e!ite! b% 8obert <ona**i, ho also rote the 4reface. 0 8e6ise! e!ition as )'blishe! b%
;rbis <oo5s in 1993. $his )a)erbac5 incl'!es a 1: )a&e &loss% folio of "riffin )hoto&ra)hs an! a
ne (oreor! b% the e!itor. $he ;rbis e!ition is entitle!B Follo# the 2cstas"8 The Hemitae $ears
of Thomas Merton.
D.t is im)ortant to note here that Follo# the 2cstas" re)resents onl% a )ortion of "riffinGs )ro)ose!
9;fficial <io&ra)h% of $homas #erton9. $he official bio&ra)h% as ne6er com)lete!. $he f'll stor%,
incl'!in& the &enesis of Follo# the 2cstas" that emer&e! from the 'nfinishe! bio&ra)h%, is
!oc'mente! in 8obert <ona**iGs 9(oreor!9 to the ;rbis <oo5s re6ise! e!ition.E
$his 3eries incl'!es all of "riffinGs or5in& !rafts from the 'nfinishe! 9;fficial <io&ra)h% of $homas
1: 5:3 +ha)ter ;ne. 9(irst ,raft /otes9
11 )a&e (ith "riffinGs a'to&ra)h re6isions, as ell as
notes abo't )lacement of )hoto&ra)hs)
1: 5:7 +ha)ter ;ne. (inal ,raft
7 )a&e (ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
1: 5:5 +ha)ter ;ne. 8e6ise! $%)escri)t +arbon
: )a&e (carbon)
No$e $his +ha)ter as ne6er )'blishe!> onl% a fe ha6e seen final
1: 5:: +ha)ter for 195:. (irst ,raft
10 )a&es (ith "riffinGs a'to&ra)h re6isions in re! in5)
No$e $his reco'nts #ertonGs 195: meetin& ith )s%chiatrist "re&or%
Nilbor&, in #innesota> this +ontro6ersial meetin& of ;r. Nilbor& an! #erton has been !isc'sse! in
)rint b% se6eral bio&ra)hers an! (ather John ?'!es <amber&er, ho act'all% atten!e! the
meetin&. Hoe6er, "riffinGs cha)ter as ne6er )'blishe!, an! onl% a fe ha6e seen the final !raft>
the !rafts
1: 5:7 +ha)ter for 195:. (inal ,raft
10 )a&e (ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
1: 5:8 +ha)ter for 195:. +orrecte! +arbon
10 )a&es (carbon, ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
1: 5:9 +ha)ter for 19:5. (irst ,raft
73 )a&es (ith "riffinGs a'to&ra)h re6isions in re! in5)
1: 570 +ha)ter for 19:5. (inal ,raft
50 )a&es (ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
1: 571 +ha)ter for 19:5. +orrecte! +arbon
50 )a&es (carbon (ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
1: 572 +ha)ter for 19::. (irst ,raft
72 )a&es (ith "riffinGs a'to&ra)h re6isions in re! in5)
1: 573 +ha)ter for 19::. (inal ,raft
77 )a&es (ith &reatl% ex)an!e! text from (irst ,raft,
incl'!in& re6isions)
1: 577 +ha)ter for 19::. (inal ,raft
77 )a&es (carbon, ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
1: 575 +ha)ter for 19:7. (irst ,raft
:0 )a&es (ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
1: 57: +ha)ter for 19:7. (inal ,raft
:0 )a&es (ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
1: 577 +ha)ter for 19:7. +orrecte! +arbon
:0 )a&es (carbon, ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
1: 578 +ha)ter for 19:8. (irst ,raft
10 )a&es (ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
1: 579 +ha)ter for 19:8. (inal ,raft
18 )a&es (ex)an!e! text)
1: 580 (o6ersi*e) 8e6ies of the 1983 @atit'!es 4ress e!ition of Follo# the 2cstas"
1: 581 8e6ies of the 1993 ;rbis <oo5s re6ise! e!ition
1: 582 ,'st Jac5ets ('sin& "riffin )hoto&ra)hs of #erton) from to bio&ra)hies
of $homas #erton, b% John J. Hi&&ins an! +ornelia 3'ssman
=6? +H, J#CA&,S M#RI+#IN FIL,
Jac='es #aritain, a'thor of thirt% boo5s of )hiloso)h% an! theolo&%, as one of the most im)ortant
+atholic riters of the 20th +ent'r%. He an! his ife, the )oet 8aissa #aritain, are remembere! in
more than a !o*en bio&ra)hies, as ell as in her )o)'lar memoirs--in )artic'lar, &e &ere Friends
Toether, hich tells the stor% of the famo's (rench circle that &athere! aro'n! the #aritains in the
1930s an! 1970s in 4aris. $he% ere in close consort ith the man% &reat artists of that )erio!,
incl'!in& 4icasso, <ra='e, 8e6er!%, the )hiloso)hers "ilson an! 4e&e'%, the com)oser @o'rie,
0merican )ainter 0braham 8attner, an! man% others. $he #aritains ere con6erte! to +atholicism
b% the ra!ical )hiloso)her @eon <lo% !'rin& their st'!ent !a%s. #aritain, 5non )rinci)all% for his
or5 on 3t. $homas 0='inas, as consi!ere! the 'ltimate $homist in mo!ern times. He ha! &reat
infl'ence o6er $homas #erton an! John Hoar! "riffin--also +atholic con6erts--ho consi!ere!
the (rench )hiloso)her to be their frien! an! mentor. "riffin, in )artic'lar, sa #aritain as his
'ltimate mentor an! s)irit'al &'i!e.
17 583 "riffinGs inter6ie ith #aritain, )'blishe! as 9#aritain +harts 0 +o'rse
$hro'&h +han&e9 in The National ,atholic Reporter, in 19::
(ort -orth, $F, 19::
9 )a&e (carbon, ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
17 587 #aritainGs 94reface9 to the )aintin&s of com)oser 0rth'r @o'rie
4rinceton, /J, 9 ;ct. 19:7
5 )a&e (carbon)
No$e $ranslate! from the (rench b% "riffin> the )iece as )'blishe!,
ith "riffinGs )hoto&ra)hs, in Latitudes ma&a*ine
17 585 #aritain, Jac='es
$o John Hoar! "riffin
D6.).E, 19:1 -1970
3 a.l.s.
2 t.l.s.
3 $ele&rams
1 commemorati6e car! of 8aissa #aritain
17 58: #aritain 3ecretaries
$o John Hoar! "riffin
$o'lo'se J 4rinceton, 19:2 - 19:9
: a.l.s.
7 t.l.s.
No$e !ictate! b% #aritain to 6ario's secretaries
17 587 ('met, 3tanisla
$o John Hoar! "riffin
4aris, 19:1
1 a.l.s.
No$e ('met as a lea!in& (rench literar% critic an! close frien! of the
#aritains an! 8e6er!%
LI+,R#R- M#++,RS
17 588 Jose)h ?6ans
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/otre ,ame, ./, 19:1-1973
: a.l.s.
2 t.l.s.
No$e (rien! an! bio&ra)her of #aritain, ho as the ,irector of the
Jac='es #aritain +enter at /otre ,ame concernin& #aritain an! "riffin
17 589 8oberto 4a)ini
$o John Hoar! "riffin
8ome, 1975-1978
5 t.l.s. (ith relate! material)
No$e ,irector of the .nternational Jac='es #aritain .nstit'te in 8ome
17 590 0merican #aritain 0ssociation
4'blications an! materials
17 591 8ichar! 8oss'm
$o John Hoar! "riffin
H'ntin&ton, -I, 3 (eb. 1975
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon)
17 591 John ,eel%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
+hica&o, .@, 30 0)ril 1973
1 )a&e t.l.s.
15 )a&e essa% (9$o <e an! $o Lno9)
No$e -ith "riffinGs re)lies (carbon t%)escri)ts)>-ith "riffinGs re)lies
(carbon t%)escri)ts)
17 591 John #. ,'naa%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
#acon, "0, 28 J'ne 197:
2 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon)
No$e -ith "riffinGs re)lies (carbon t%)escri)ts)
17 592 0!ler, #ortimer J.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3an (rancisco +0, 21 #a% 19:3
1 )a&e t.l.s.
No$e ,irector of the .nstit'te for 4hiloso)hical 8esearch, than5in&
"riffin for sen!in& 9a ma&nificent )hoto&ra)h of Jac='es #aritain9. ,r. 0!ler an! #aritain ere
frien!s an! )hiloso)h% collea&'es
17 593 ?nc%clo)ae!ia <ritannica
$o John Hoar! "riffin
+hica&o, .@, 1971
2 t.l.s. (ith carbon)
No$e $han5in& him for )ermission to )rint one of his )ortraits of
#aritain in their "reat .!eas $o!a% series
17 597 -orl! 4'blishin& +om)an%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
+le6elan!, ;H, 19:7
7 t.l.s. (ith carbon)
No$e -ith "riffin re)l%, concernin& #aritain )ortraits for co6er of the
)hiloso)herGs +hallen&es an! 8eneals> an! also their interest in )'blishin& a boo5 of #erton
)ortraits b% "riffin> the #aritain boo5 as )'blishe! b't the #erton boo5 (b% -orl!) as not
17 595 @aler, J'st's "eor&e
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 19:7
2 t.l.s. (ith )hotoco)% article)
No$e ?!itor of J'bilee ma&a*ine, at that time (19:7) ha6in& been-ta5en
o6er b% Her!er--an! Her!er 4'blishin&> man% of "riffinGs )ortraits of #aritain, incl'!in& one for the
iss'eGs co6er, ere )'blishe! in J'bileeGs homa&e to the )hiloso)her, Jan'ar% 19:8> the letters
from @aler are ori&inal t%)escri)ts> also )hotoco)% of J'bilee
17 59: John #. ,'naa%
$o the ?state of John Hoar! "riffin
+$ J "0, 1991 J 1992
7 t.l.s.
No$e 8e='estin& the 'se of one )ortrait to be )'blishe! in ,'naa%Gs
2(iles and Fuitives b% @32 4ress> also a secon! letter re='estin& that the same )hoto&ra)h of
#aritain be )rinte! in the @32 4ress catalo&'e (1992)
"en John, sister of 0'&'st's John, as little 5non !'rin& her lifetime. 0fter her !eath, her
metic'lo's )aintin&s--es)eciall% )ortraits--became hi&hl% re&ar!e!. 0s a frien! of the #aritains, she
left ith them se6eral )aintin&s as &ifts (atercolors an! &o'aches), as ell as !rain&s.
17 597 "riffin, John Hoar!
4ro)osal to )hoto&ra)h the "en John )ieces as an art boo5, ith or
itho't text, an! to ha6e the )rocee!s &o to the #aritain +ircle ho'se!
at the +hatea' !e Lolbsheim, (rance
(ort -orth, $F, 13 0'&. 19:7
1 )a&e t.l. (carbon)
17 597 "r'neli's, 0lexan!er
@etter of a&reement
+ercle !G?t'!es Jac='es et 8aissa #aritain, (rance,
11 ;ct. 19:7
1 )a&e a.l.s.
No$e ;ner of Lolbsheim, the "r'neli's ?state hich )ro6i!e! s)ace
to artists at no cost, alloin& a ='iet an! ele&ant settin& for artistic retreats. $he #aritains an!
"riffin ma!e man% tri)s there.
17 598 #ar% $a'bman
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3trosbo'r&, (rance, 27 0'&. 19:7
1 a.l.s. 7 )a&e (essa%)
No$e 0rt critic ho as the c'rator for the "en John exhibition at the
$ate "aller%, @on!on
17 599 0ntoinette "r'neli's
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Lolbsheim, (rance, 19:7-19:9
10 a.l.s.
1 a.).c.s.
1 tele&ram
+H, P,#S#N+ OF G#RONN,
(or an in-!e)th !isc'ssion of the contro6ersial i!eas in Jac='es #aritainGs last boo5, a rea!in& of
the "riffin inter6ie ith #aritain is ill'minatin&
Hoe6er, there is a stor% behin! the boo5Gs )'blication in 0merica, an! this stor% behin! the stor%
is re6eale! in the corres)on!ences that follo. $his short moralit% )la% feat'res a (rench )'blisher,
se6eral 0merican )'blishers, a (rench literar% a&ent base! in #anhattan, a translator, concerne!
frien!s li5e $homas #erton an! John Hoar! "riffin, an! the el!erl% la%man ho calle! himself
9the )easant of "aronne9 (Jac='es #aritain)
"eor&es <orchar!t, a literar% a&ent for the 4aris )'blishin& ho'se, ,eclee !e <ro'er (hich
)'blishe! the ori&inal e!ition of 'easant) offere! both the #aritain boo5 an! (rench e!ition of
8aissa #aritainGs *ournal to +harles 3cribnerGs 3ons of /e Aor5. $he le&en!ar% 3cribner, a lon&-
time frien! of the #aritains an! the )'blisher of man% of the )hiloso)herGs boo5s in ?n&lish, as
intereste! in 'easant b't not the )oetic reflections of 8aissaGs Jo'rnal. ,is)lease! ith 3cribner
an! <orchar!t, #aritain rote the )'blisher to sa% that either both boo5s o'l! be )'blishe! b% his
ol! )'blisher or neither o'l! be )'blishe! 'n!er his im)rint. 0n! he t'rne! the )rocee!in&s o6er
to his frien!, John Hoar! "riffin, ho a&ree! to fin! an a))ro)riate 0merican )'blisher for both
boo5s, as ell as translators.
Hoe6er, as "riffin ma!e contacts ith )'blishers--an! ha! interest from 0rabel 4orter at /e
0merican @ibrar% an! 8al)h #anheim at Harco'rt--<orchar!t as contactin& other /e Aor5
)'blishers ith the enco'ra&ement of the ori&inal (rench )'blisher, ,eciee !e <ro'er. <orchar!t
mana&e! to interest Jose)h +'nneen, the reli&io's e!itor at Holt, 8inehart an! -inston, in
'easant) reachin& )reliminar% a&reement on a contract. -hen #aritain hear of this from +'nneen,
he rote to sa% that he as not a&ainst Holt )'blishin& his boo5, b't insiste! that "riffin an! not
<orchar!t han!le the ne&otiations (as ell as choose the translator). 0t the same time, <orchar!t
rote "riffin to sa% that he ha! came to terms ith Holt on behalf of ,eclee !e <ro'er. "riffin, in
an a&on% of embarrassment beca'se this as exactl% the sort of tension he ante! to a6oi! for
#aritain, as force! to alert /0@ an! Harco'rt of the mess, as ell as corres)on! ith Holt to
ma5e certain that the contract !i! not 6iolate #aritainGs ishes.
(inall%, after se6eral ro'n!s of letters, the iss'e as clarifie!.
Holt o'l! )'blish 'easant) <orchar!t o'l! be the lin5 beteen Holt an! ,eclee !e <ro'er, an!
"riffin o'l! select the translator. .n the sh'ffle, there as no mention of 8aissals Jo'rnal, so
"riffin ent elsehere ith that )ro1ect, e6ent'all% lan!in& it ith #a&i <oo5s se6eral %ears later.
#ichael +'!!ih% as chosen to translate ith the 'n!erstan!in& that his ?n&lish 6ersion o'l! be
examine! b% "riffin, $homas #erton, an! Jose)h ?6ans of the #aritain societ% -- all tr'ste!
#aritain frien!s an! translators (from (rench) in their on ri&ht.
0ll the )rece!in& too5 )lace from /o6ember 19:: 'ntil the s)rin& of 19:7. 0t that )oint, a com)lete
ret%)in& of the +'!!ih% translation ha! to be ma!e at Holt, an! #aritain became concerne! abo't
the slo )ro&ress. (or some of the others there as a &reater )roblemB /o one as 6er%
im)resse! ith the translation. 3o, after ma5in& chan&es s'&&este! b% #erton an! ?6ans, "riffin
too5 the translation to (rance, s)en!in& se6eral ee5s or5in& it o6er ith #aritain, ho as not
im)resse! ith +'!!ih%Gs or5 either. $he acce)te! translation as !is)atch b% #aritain to "riffinGs
han!s an! then on to Jose)h +'nneen at Holt, ho ma!e the )oint that not onl% ha! +'!!ih%
im)ro6e! his or5 as he ent alon& (an! that his or5 ha! been f'rther im)ro6e! b% #erton an!
"riffin es)eciall%), b't that he as not )lease! ith #aritainGs lo o)inion of the translation or ith
the )hiloso)herGs chan&es hich he felt ere neither 9that extensi6e nor that hel)f'l9. -hen all the
smo5e of e&o ha! cleare!, the boo5 as )'blishe! b% Holt ith a )ortrait of #aritain (b% "riffin) on
its !'st 1ac5et. .t sol! ell an! ent into a )a)erbac5-re)rint b% #ac#illan (a&ain ith "riffinGs
)ortrait as the co6er)
?xtensi6e !etail is re6eale! b% the act'al !oc'ments
17 :00 #aritain, Jac='es
$o +harles 3cribner
DHa'te-"aronne, (ranceKE, 21 ,ec. 19::
1 )a&e t.l.s.
17 :01 #aritain, Jac='es
$o Jose)h +'nneen of Holt, 8inehart an! -inston
DHa'te-"aronne, (ranceE, 23 /o6. 19::
1 )a&e t.l.s.
No$e .n ?n&lish
17 :01 +'nneen, Jo)se)h
$o Jac='es #aritain J John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 17 /o6. 19::
1 )a&e t.l.s. (ith relate! material)
17 :02 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o 0rabel 4orter of /e 0merican @ibrar%
(ort -orth, $F, 17 ,ec. 19::
2 )a&e t.l. (carbon)
17 :03 #anheim, 8al)h
$o John Hoar! "riffin
D/e Aor5E, 21 /o6. 19::
1 )a&e t.l.s.
17 :07 +'!!ih%, #ichael
$o John Hoar! "riffin
$'cson, 0N, 2: ,ec. 19::
2 )a&e t.l.s. (ith relate! material)
17 :05 <orchar!t, "eor&e
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 17 J 19 ,ec. 19::
2 t.l.s. (ith carbons)
No$e 0lso to ori&inal t%)escri)t letters from <orchar!t to "riffin> both
men sa!l% lamentin& the conf'sion an! )lea!in& innocence (altho'&h it as <orchar!t ho, in fact,
ca'se! all the conf'sion)
17 :0: ,esclee !e <ro'er
$o John Hoar! "riffin
4aris, 19:: - 1970
5 t.l.s. (ith carbon an! notes)
17 :07 Ao'n&, -illiam
$o John Hoar! "riffin
$oronto, 21 Jan. J 15 (eb. 19:9
2 t.l.s. (ith carbon)
17 :08 3'ther, #arshall
$o John Hoar! "riffin
4aris, 27 J'l% 1971
1 )a&e a.l.s. (ith carbon)
No$e -ith JH" carbon re)l%
17 :09 3'ther, J'!ith
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/+, 7 J'ne 1980
3 )a&e t.l.s.
17 :10 John +oleman
$o John Hoar! "riffin
4aris, 29 #arch 19:7
1 )a&e t.l.s.
17 :11 <ernar! <erhan!
$o John Hoar! "riffin
4aris, 21 #arch 19:7
2 )a&e a.l.s.
17 :12 4arbot, #ichel
$o John Hoar! "riffin
4aris, 15 (eb. 19:7
1 )a&e t.l.s.
17 :13 ?!itions "allimar! J ?!ition !es ,erniCres
$o John Hoar! "riffin
4aris, 3 (eb. 19:7 J 8 J'ne 1973
2 t.l.s.
0 :7-)a&e lar&e format boo5 of )hoto&ra)hs an! texts, )'blishe! b% #a&i <oo5s in 1977. $his is
the same 0lban%, /A )'blisher ho bro'&ht o't 8aissaGs *ournal an! also #aritainGs Notebooks. 0ll
three of these boo5s are still in )rint. $he Homa1e consists of an essa% on #aritain b% )hiloso)her
A6es 3imon> this one of man% ritten b% a close frien! an! collea&'e, ho ill'minates #aritainGs
i!eas an! )ersonalit% for the &eneral rea!er. $he secon! )art of this 9homa&e in or!s9 is b% John
Hoar! "riffin, excer)ts from 1o'rnals 5e)t hile 6isitin& ith #artain in 4rinceton (19:2), (ort
-orth an! "ethsemani (19::), Lolbsheim (19:7) an! $o'lo'se (1970).
$he boo5 en!s ith "riffinGs 1973 entr% abo't the last !a%s of the )hiloso)her. $he boo5 o)ens ith
a (oreor! b% 0nthon% 3imon, son of A6es 3imon, that reflects on the frien!shi) of his father an!
#aritain. $he ma&nificent )hotos thro'&ho't the boo5 are b% "riffin
17 :17 "riffin, John Hoar!
Jo'rnal entries re. Jac='es #aritain
D(ort -orth, $FE, D1970sE
38 )a&e (carbon, ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
No$e +om)ose! from se6eral entries in his 1o'rnals> com)arin& these
!ate! entries ith the ori&inal 6ersions (of the same !ates) s'&&ests some )olishin& b't not
massi6e re6ision
17 :15 0nthon% 3imon
9(oreor!9 to Homae
3o'th <en!, ./, D?arl% 1970 J 1971E
7 )a&e ()hotoco)%)
10 )a&e ()hotoco)%)
9 )a&e ()hotoco)%)
1 t.l.
17 :1: "alla&her, $homas
$o John Hoar! "riffin
0lban%, /A, 1970 - 1978
: t.l.s
1 t.l.
No$e 4'blisher> these !isc'ss !e6elo)in& i!eas abo't the boo5Gs text,
format, )hoto&ra)hs, folloe! b% )lans for )romotion
17 :17 3imon, 0nthon%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3o'th <en!, ./, 19:8-1980
3 a.l.s.
1: t.l.s.
No$e 0lso a )hotoco)% of #aritain letter to 3imon> an! #aritain
3%m)osi'm materials from the 0merican #aritain 0ssoc. of hich 3imon is secretar%
17 :18 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o $on% 3imon
(ort -orth, $F, 1970-197:
7 t.l. (carbon)
No$e .n one of these "riffin !isc'sses his time in the (rench
2n!er&ro'n! an! ho A6es 3imon 'n!erstoo! the !e&ree of (rench collaboration ith the /a*is
hich as not reali*e! b% those at &ro'n! *ero (see 3imonGs boo5 abo't the Iich% cons)irac%).
(4l's re6ie-essa%s an! short nes)a)er re6ies)
17 :19 3imon, 0nthon%
9(oreor!9 J A6es 8. 3imon essa%
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
7 )a&e )roof J notes
17 :20 *ac1ues Maritain8 Homae 4n &ords and 'ictures
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
70 sheets )a&e )roof
17 :21 3imon, 4a'le
*ac1ues Maritain8 Homae 4n &ords and 'ictures
Dn.).E, Dn.!.E
159 )a&e ()hotoco)%> (rench translation)
=6I? # +IM, +O B, H&M#N
+ommissione! b% #ac#illan as a boo5 on racism for %o'n& a!'lts, 0 $ime $o <e H'man as
)'blishe! in 1977. .t as "riffinGs last boo5 abo't racism (an! h'man ri&hts iss'es), as ell as a
s'mmation of all his or5 in this areaB. -ith Black Like Me an! The ,hurch and the Black Man it
forms a remar5able trilo&%. $he text re)rises the Black Like Me ex)erience ith !ifferent anec!otes
an! a re-e6al'ation of the 19:0s> an! it !ras on man% of his Sepia articles from the 1970s, as ell
as ')!ate! materials. <e&'n as a ta)e recor!in&, "riffin or5e! ') the )'blishe! boo5 thro'&h
three man'scri)t !rafts, &i6in& the scholar a rare o6er6ie of his metho!.
$he series incl'!es "riffinGs ;ri&inal $%)escri)t of the (irst ,raft, a 73 )a&e man'scri)t, ith the
a'thorGs corrections. #a1or chan&es can be st'!ie! in "riffinGs 3econ! ,raft, also the ;ri&inal
$%)escri)t, hich r'ns to 71 man'scri)t )a&es. (inall%, there is the 75 )a&e man'scri)t of the (inal
,raft (a )hotoco)%), incl'!in& both the a'thorGs an! the e!itorGs chan&es. $he ?!itor in this instance
as ,a6i! 8e'ther of #ac#illan, ho ha! ma!e "riffinGs ac='aintance thro'&h corres)on!ence
re&ar!in& another #ac#illan )'blication for %o'n& a!'lts--the +ornelia an! .r6in& 3'ssman
bio&ra)h% of $homas #erton. "riffin )ro6i!e! the co6er )hoto&ra)hs for the #erton bio&ra)h%, as
ell as a!6ice to its a'thors, the h'sban! an! ife team ho ere his close frien!s (see their
corres)on!ence in 3eries I..)
18 :22 #ac#illan 4'blishin& +o. .nc.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 1975-1977
11 t.l. (si&ne! ,a6i! 8e'ther J #ichelle "ale)
No$e -ith "riffinGs carbon re)lies
18 ::3 "riffin, John Hoar!
;'tline of the .ntro!'ction
D(ort -orth, $FE, Dca. 1975E
1 )a&e
18 ::3 "riffin, John Hoar!
@ist of )hoto&ra)hs (most b% JH") to ill'strate the boo5
D(ort -orth, $FE, Dca. 1975E
1 )a&e
18 ::3 "riffin, John Hoar!
/otes an! !rafts
D(orth -orth, $FE, Dca. 1975E
7 )a&e (carbon, ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
18 ::7 (irst !raft
D(orth -orth, $FE, Dca. 1975E
73 )a&e (ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
18 ::5 3econ! !raft
D(orth -orth, $FE, Dca. 1975E
82 )a&e (ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
18 ::: 3econ! !raft
D(orth -orth, $FE, Dca. 1975E
80 )a&e ()hotoco)%, ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
18 ::7-::9 "alle%s
D(orth -orth, $FE, Dca. 1975E
30 &alle% sheets (ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
=6II?+H, ),C#), OF +H, S,6,N+I,S
,'rin& his last !eca!e, "riffin concentrate! most of his ener&ies on the research an! ritin& of the
official <io&ra)h% of $homas #erton--a )ro1ect he relin='ishe! to a secon! bio&ra)her (#ichael
#ott) in 1977. .n or!er to s'))ort his famil%, he also became an e!itor for Sepia, the monthl%
ma&a*ine hich ha! seriali*e! his 9Jo'rne% into 3hame9 articles hich e6ent'all% became Black
Like Me. 0lso, he lect're! at 'ni6ersities on the theme of racism, b't he s)o5e abo't $homas
#ertonGs s)irit'alit% as ell. He tra6ele! increasin&l% to $oronto, here he !e6elo)e! a h'&e
+atholic st'!ent folloin&, lect'rin& in +ana!a more often than in the 3tates. <% 197:, he
ex)erience! a serio's !ecline in health, ith com)lications that e6ent'all% en!e! his ho)e of
com)letin& the #erton bio&ra)h%. <'t from 19:9-1972, he as. in reasonabl% &oo! health, an!
com)lete! most of the #erton research in a series of retreats at the mon5Gs hermita&e on the
&ro'n!s of the 0bbe% of "ethsemani in Lent'c5%. 3eries F... an! F.I co6er that )erio! an!
!oc'ment the #erton connection. 3eries FI... is the 1o'rnal he 5e)t at "ethsemani, a boo5 he
or5e! on in 1979 an! 1980, the %ear he !ie!.
?6en tho'&h he or5e! most !ili&entl% on the #erton materials 'ntil 1977, he !i! mana&e to rite
an! )'blish a i!e 6ariet% of shorter )ieces an! com)lete an immense n'mber of )hoto&ra)hic
18 :70 T#elve 'hotoraphic 'ortraits
0 +ha)boo5 )'blishe! b% 2nicorn 4ress feat'rin& )ortraits of 8olan!
Ha%es, Nara. /elso6a, #ar5 Ian ,oren, @ili Lra's, John Jacob /iles,
0nnie (ischer, -en!ell <err%, ,enise @e6erto6, #axell "esmar,
$homas #erton an! <rother @a6rans /ielsen, )ainter an! mon5 at
"reensboro, /+B $he 2nicorn 4ress, 1973
1 6ol'me ()a)erbac5)
18 :71 2nicorn 4ress
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3anta <arbara, +0, 19:9 J 1970
1 t.l.s
7 a.l. (si&ne! $eo 3a6or%)
No$e -ith "riffinGs carbon an! )hotoco)% of article on #ertonGs
18 :72 94il&rima&e9
D(ort -orth, $FE, D1970sE
7 )). (carbon, ith "riffinGs ms. corrections)
No$e <ecame a @atit'!es 4ress cha)boo5 in 1985. $his as the onl%
)iece of fiction "riffin rote after the 1950s, exce)t for time s)ent on re6isin& earlier 'n)'blishe!
no6els (!'rin& the 19:;s). -ith relate! corres)on!ence from 8enaissance 4'blications +o, .nc.,
18 :73 "riffin, John Hoar!
8e6ie of "eor&e -oo!coc5Gs bio&ra)h% Thomas Merton) Monk and
3 )a&e (carbon, ith corrections)
18 :77 "riffin, John Hoar!
8e6ie of $homas #ertonGs !sian *ournal
D(ort -orth, $FE, D1973E
9 )a&e, ith corrections)
18 :75 "riffin, John Hoar!
;'tline for nine sessions of a seminar on #erton he &a6e in $oronto
D$orontoE, D1970sE
1 )a&e
18 :7: "riffin, John Hoar!
9$he $errain of 4h%sical 4ain9
4il&rim 4ress, 1970
17 )a&e )hotoco)% of essa%
No$e ;ne of "riffinGs 6er% finest essa%s, ritten from an ob1ecti6e )oint
of 6ie that mas5s his !ee) % )ersonal in6ol6ement ith )h%sical )ain, its le6els of conscio'sness
an! )ossible a!a)tations to s)irit'al aa5enin&> from the )a&es of +reati6e 3'fferin& an- 0ntholo&%
b% 4il&rim 4ress, 1970
18 :77 "riffin, John Hoar!
9#% <oo59
(ort -orth, $F, 1973
5 ))., ith corrections)
No$e 0 )ersonal essa% that !isc'sses the han!f'l of boo5s hich 9ha6e
the ca)acit% to transform oneGs life9--that is, boo5s in "riffinGs ex)erience as a rea!er. 3e6eral
boo5s are !isc'sse!, b't his foc's is on the a'tobio&ra)h% of the )hoto&ra)her 0l6in @an&!on
+ob'rn. .t as ritten for &a" ma&a*ine an! )'blishe! in a series
18 :77 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o $he ?!itor of 9-a%9 ma&a*ine
(ort -orth, $F, 1973
18 :78 "riffin, John Hoar!
9(rom <o% to -riter in ;ne /i&ht9
+incinnati, ;HB -riterGs ,i&est, 1970
5 )a&e 4hotoco)% of article
No$e 0'tobio&ra)hical anec!ote abo't s)en!in& the ni&ht in 4aris
'n!er a stairell as a teena&er hich s)ins into some ti)s abo't t'rnin& ex)erience into ritin&>
one of onl% to "riffin )ieces on the art of ritin&. (rom the antholo&% Han!boo5 of 3hort 3tor%
-ritin&, )'blishe! b% $he -riterGs ,i&est in 1973
18 :79 "riffin, John Hoar!
98acism 1977-19759
H'%, <el&i'm, ;ctober 1977
1: )a&e )am)hlet
No$e 0n e!itorial on )a&e 2, 3, 1: of the <el&ian )erio!ical 9(rom
Heart to Heart9 )'blishe! b% the ,omini='e 4ire (o'n!ation
18 :80 "riffin, John Hoar!
8e6ie of ?x)ectations 1975, an antholo&% of chil!renGs literat're in
<raille for blin!. chil!ren, )'blishe! b% the <raille .nstit'te of 0merica
(ort -orth, $F, D1975E
3 )a&e
No$e 4'blishe! in The Ne# $ork Times Book Revie# in 1975> "riffin
as blin! for a !eca!e
18 :81 "riffin, John Hoar!
9J. ?!&ar Hoo6erGs .nterference -ith +h'rch @ea!ers9
D(ort -orth, $FE, 197:
3 )a&e, ith corrections)
No$e 0n article abo't (<. interference ith ,r. #artin @'ther Lin& an!
other blac5 lea!ers> ith a co)% of $he +ontin'in& .n='ir% in hich it as )'blishe!.
+H, S,PI# M#G#*IN, FIL,
Sepia) ori&inall% base! in (ort -orth, mo6e! to +hica&o in the 1970s
18 :82 <en <'rns
$o John Hoar! "riffin
+hica&o, .@, 1977
7 t.l.s.
18 :83 "riffin, John Hoar!
98e6ol'tion in #e!ical +are9
(ort -orth, $F, D1970sE
9 )a&e an! o'tlines
No$e 0rticle abo't clinics for the )oor, r'n b% the )oor> )'blishe! ith
"riffin )hoto&ra)hs
18 :87 "riffin, John Hoar!
9#ooreGs 3eafoo!9
D(ort -orth, $FE, D1970sE
7 )a&e, an! o'tlines)
No$e 0rticle abo't Joe #oore, blac5 0labama b'sinessman> )'blishe!
ith JH" )hotos
18 :85 "riffin, John Hoar!
94a'l +'ffe9
(ort -orth, $F, D1970sE
1: )a&e
No$e ?xcellent )iece of <lac5 Histor% abo't little-5non sea ca)tain
an! )hilanthro)ist
18 :8: 90 ,eca!e @aterB $he 2nsol6e! #%ster% of $he #alcolm F
(ort -orth, $F, D1970sE
19 )a&e
18 :87 9Ho -allace Has +han&e! on 8ace 8elations9
D(ort -orth, $FE, D1970sE
10 )a&e, ith relate! t.l.s. J in6itation)
No$e 0rticle on "o6ernor -allace that s'&&ests that the 0labama
iconGs ima&e ha! been chan&e! b% a ne )ress 5it, in 1977, b't blac5 citi*ens of 0labama ere
18 :88 9"os)el 3in&er Lenneth "lo6er9
(ort -orth, $F, 1973
9 )a&e
No$e -ith an a'to&ra)h letter from "lo6er to "riffin
18 :89 98elease of #ississi))i Llansman 3tirs ;l! (ears9
(ort -orth, $F, 1973
9 )a&e
No$e 0rticle abo't the LlanGs m'r!er of Iernon ,ahmer a lea!er in the
Hattiesb'r& blac5 comm'nit%
18 :89 "riffin, John Hoar!
$o <en <'rns
(orth -orth, $F 22 (eb. 1973
1 t.l.s.
No$e +oncernin& later !e6elo)ments in the stor%
18 :90 0rticles on "riffin in Ne#s#eek, etc.
1970 an! 1977
18 :91 Lrebs, 0.A.
0rticleH.nter6ie of "riffin in =5S5 ,atholic
D(ort -orth, $FE 19:8
13 )a&e
18 :91 Lrebs, 0.A.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3an (rancisco J -ashin&ton, ,+, 15 3e)t. 19:7 -
1 3e)t. 1980
3 letters
18 :92 "riffin, John Hoar!
.nter6ie from Fort &orth ma&a*ine
(ort -orth, $F, 1977
7 )a&e )hotoco)%
18 :93 3mith, $h'rston
9,%in& @i5e #e9B .nter6ie ith "riffin
2.3. +atholic, /o6ember 1977
7 )a&e )hotoco)%
No$e "riffinGs last inter6ie )'blishe! in 2.3. +atholic> contains insi&hts
on )ain, !%in&, an! s)irit'alit%> one of his best inter6ies
18 :97 Lin&, +oretta 3cott
$o John Hoar! "riffin
0tlanta, "0, 7 3e)tember 1977
1 tele&ram
18 :95 Lo*ol, Jonathan
$o John Hoar! "riffin
<oston, #0, 1972-1978
3 a.l.s.
18 :9: "eismar, #axell
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Harrison, /A, 1970-1978
9 t.l.s.
1 tele&ram
18 :97 ,ohert%, +atherine
$o John Hoar! "riffin
;ntario, 1970-1978
17 t.l.s.
1 a.l.s.
No$e ;l! #erton frien! an! fo'n!er of #a!onna Ho'se in ;ntario,
+ana!a> )l's one carbon t%)escri)t res)onse from "riffin
18 :98 <rannin, +arl
$o John Hoar! "riffin
,allas, $F, 7 0)ril 1978
1 )a&e a.l.s.
No$e $exas riter an! re&'lar contrib'tor to The Te(as Observer,
concernin& the ;bser6erGs sen!in& of 500 co)ies of Black Like Me to
$exas colle&es
18 :99 2))er #i!est -ritersG +onference
$o John Hoar! "riffin
<emi!1i, #/, 197:
3 t.l.s.
No$e -ith t.l. (carbon) res)onse from "riffin
18 700 +o%rtne%, @'cille H.
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3he6lin, #/, 197:
2 t.l.s. (ith carbon re)lies)
No$e 0bo't her no6el
18 701 John (re!eric5 /ims
$o John Hoar! "riffin
+hica&o J @a5e (orest, .@, 197:
2 t.l.s.
No$e 4oet, ho as a collea&'e of "riffinGs at the 2))er #i!est
-ritin& +onference D$his ex)erience as rare for "riffin, ho !i! not 9teach ritin&9 on a
)rofessional basis.E
18 702 -illiam 3hoc5le%
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3tanfor!, +$, 12 J'l% 1977
5 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon re)l%)
No$e /obel 4ri*e @a'reate ho in6ente! the 1'nction transmitter 'se!
in heart )acema5ers, concernin& his contention that blac5s are &eneticall% inferior to hites. .n
res)onse to "riffinGs J'l% 1977 article in 3e)iaB 9Ho -hite .ntellect'als <ecome 8acists9, ,r.
3hoc5le%, s'r)rise! at "riffinGs ob1ecti6it% in the )iece, nonetheless !isa&ree! 6i&oro'sl% ith
"riffinGs fin!in&s.
18 703 -illiams, 8obert @.
(orm letter re. <lac5 .ntelli&ence $est of +'lt'ral Homo&eneit% (<.$+H)
3t @o'is, #;, 1973
2 )a&e t.l. (ith carbon)
No$e 0 blac5 )s%cholo&ist
18 707 /00+4
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 30 #arch 1971
1 )a&e t.l. (si&ne! 8'b% H'rle%)
18 705 #ar%crest +olle&e
8e&ar!in& "riffinGs +ommencement 0!!ress
,a6en)ort, .0, 1 )a&e
t.l.s. (ith carbon re)l%)
18 70: 8e='est for "riffin to rite an intro!'ction to a sociolo&ical text on blac5
"ran! 8a)i!s, #., Dn.!.E
1 )a&e t.l.s.
18 707 (lint +omm'nit% 3chools
$o John Hoar! "riffin
(lint, #., 2: ,ec. 1972
1 )a&e t.l.s.
No$e 0bo't an article folloin& a "riffin lect're there
18 708 ?li*on!o, Iir&il
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3an 0ntonio, $F, 29 ,ec. 1978
2 )a&e t.l.s. (ith $able of +ontents, 3).)
No$e 4resi!ent of the #exican 0merican +'lt'ral +enter in 3an
0ntonio 8e&ar!in& or5in& ith "riffin in a st'!% of the effects of racism on the His)anic
18 709 0merican 3ociet% of #a&a*ine 4hoto&ra)hers (03#4)
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 1971 J 1977
2 t.l.s.
18 710 The Ne# $ork Times
$o John Hoar! "riffin
/e Aor5, 22 ;ct. 1970
1 )a&e t.l.s.
No$e 8e&ar!in& )hoto&ra)hs in their tra6el section
18 711 +ana!ian <roa!castin& +or)oration
$o John Hoar! "riffin
#ontrCal, 19:8-1978
3 t.l.s. (ith carbon re)lies)
No$e +oncernin& the airin& of "riffin ritin&s. $he letters are in (rench
18 712 Har&ro6e, #arion
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3anta #onica, +0, 9 0'&. 197:
2 )a&e t.l.s. (ith carbon re)l%)
18 713 8aha'ser, L'rt
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3an (rancisco, 1970
1 a.l.s.
2 t.l.s. (ith relate! material)
Joe /oonan, staff cartoonist for -0A #a&a*ine, first rote to "riffin in 1971. 3oon the to men
ere corres)on!in& so re&'larl%--an! 'ltimatel% m'ch more 6ol'mino'sl% than "riffin corres)on!e!
ith an%one in. his lifetime--that the file of /oonan letters to "riffin n'mbers 1,592 )ieces. $his is
sta&&erin& hen one consi!ers that this com)'tes to one letter e6er% other !a% arri6in& in "riffinGs
mailbox for nine %ears (from 1971 'ntil 1980). $he )ieces 6ar% from )ostcar!s an! notes to
h'n!re!s of sin&le-s)ace! t%)e! letters (totalin& e6er 3,000 )a&es). /oonan as an extremel%
cle6er cartoonist an! nearl% 800 of the 978 en6elo)es are !ecorate! ith his itt% cartoons (an!
nearl% all of these ta5e-offs on the on&oin& corres)on!ence). +artoons !ecorate the letters also>
there are an estimate! 7,000 ori&inal cartoons in the file.
-hile the accent of the corres)on!ence is one of h'mor (s'btle, ba! , satiric, abs'r!, an!
!onri&ht sill% at times), there are also man% /oonan letters that e6o5e serio'sness--!isc'ssions
of literat're, )olitics, reli&ion an! societ%. /oonanGs letters, hoe6er, are most notable for their i!e
ran&e of h'mor--not onl% cartoons, b't h'n!re!s of loon% nes items an! )hoto&ra)hs that ere
often altere! ith the cartoonistGs shar) )en. /oonanGs )rimar% moti6e as to 5ee) a belea&'ere!
an! often 6er% ill a'thor cheere! '), la'&hin&, an! se6eral ste)s aa% from ta5in& it all too
serio'sl%. "riffin lo6e! his letters (an! en6elo)es) an! )erha)s nothin& else cheere! him so
1'bilantl% in his last %ears, (1977-1980) es)eciall%.
$he little e 5no of "riffinGs si!e of the corres)on!ence (a safe estimate o'l! be abo't 1,200
letters hich are in /oonanGs )ossession) is hat is reflecte! in the /oonan letters. 0lso, e ha6e
an excellent article abo't the corres)on!ence ritten b% the cartoonist after "riffinGs !eath, an!
)'blishe! in a s)ecial iss'e of -a% ma&a*ine excl'si6el% !e!icate! to 6ario's as)ects of the
19 717-733 /oonan, Joe
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Ha%or!, +0, 1971 J Jan.-J'ne 1972fol!ers
20 737-775 /oonan, Joe
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Ha%or!, +0, J'l%-/o6. 1972fol!ers
21 77:-755 /oonan, Joe
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Ha%or!, +0, ,ec. 1972-#arch 1973fol!ers
22 75:-7:2 /oonan, Joe
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Ha%or!, +0, 0)ril-0'&. 1973fol!ers
23 7:3-7:8 /oonan, Joe
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Ha%or!, +0, 3e)t.-,ec. 1973fol!ers
27 7:9-775 /oonan, Joe
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Ha%or!, +0, Jan.-#a% 1977fol!ers
25 77:-785 /oonan, Joe
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Ha%or!, +0, J'ne-,ec. 1977fol!ers
2: 78:-792 /oonan, Joe
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Ha%or!, +0, Jan.-J'l% 1975fol!ers
27 793-798 /oonan, Joe
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Ha%or!, +0, 0'&.-,ec.1975fol!ers
28 799-805 /oonan, Joe
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Ha%or!, +0, Jan.-#a% 197:fol!ers
29 80:-812 /oonan, Joe
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Ha%or!, +0, J'ne-,ec. 197:fol!ers
30 813-823 /oonan, Joe
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Ha%or!, +0, Jan.-,ec. 1977fol!ers
31 827-877 /oonan, Joe
$o John Hoar! "riffin
Ha%or!, +0, Jan. 1978-,ec. 1980fol!ers
No$e 0lso contains em)t% en6elo)es
3'btitle! ! Diar" 6ept &hile &orkin on the Bioraph" of Thomas Merton, this 231 )a&e )'blishe!
boo5 charts "riffinGs 18 6isits to #ertonGs hermita&e, from 0'&'st 5, 19:9 thro'&h J'ne 15, 1972
()l's three other entries ma!e at his home in (ort -orth, $exas). $he e!ition incl'!es a short
)reface b% "riffin--his last )iece of ritin& com)ose! for )'blication--an! a folio of his )hoto&ra)hs
of the hermita&e an! its s'rro'n!in&s. $he cloth e!ition as )'blishe! b% 0n!res an! #c#eel in
1981, the %ear after "riffinGs !eath> a )a)erbac5 6ersion a))eare! a fe %ears later 'n!er
,o'ble!a%Gs .ma&e im)rint.
@i5e Black Like Me, this boo5 is a !iar% set a)art from "riffinGs on&oin& Jo'rnal (1950-1980), an!
as inten!e! as a self-containe! or5 for )'blication. $he scholar ill not fin! either text in the
o6erall )a&ination of the Jo'rnal, e6en tho'&h there are other entries for the %ears (in hich these
to boo5s ere com)ose!) in that lar&er 3,000 )a&e com)en!i'm. /onetheless, if one ere to
rea! the to )'blishe! !iaries an! the Jo'rnal chronolo&icall%, the o6erall stor% of "riffinGs life-line
contin'es 'ninterr')te! from 1950 to 1980.
.n the case of The Hermitae *ournals, the text as first !rafte! as a !iar% from 19:9-1972. $hat
!raft as e!ite! an! a secon! !raft as ma!e in 1978-1979 b% "riffin in collaboration ith (ather
$om #cLillo), the a'thorGs close frien! an! s)irit'al &'i!e !'rin& the last three %ears of life. $hat
secon! !raft as e!ite! b% +on&er <easle% for the cloth e!ition. <'t beca'se both (ather #cLillo)
an! "riffinGs i!o, ?li*abeth, !i! not fa6or all the !eletions <easle% ha! ma!e from the secon!
!raft, %et a fo'rth an! final !raft as a&ree! ')on for cloth )'blication.
The Hermitae *ournals, then, as the last boo5 "riffin )re)are! for )'blication 'n!er contract,
altho'&h it a))eare! )osth'mo'sl%.
32 875-878 ,iar%
"ethsemani, LA J (ort -orth, $F , 19:9-1972
297 )a&es (ith "riffinGs ms. corrections an! re6isions)
32 879-857 ,iar%
(ort -orth, $F, 1970s
355 )). (ith "riffinGs emen!ations an! chan&es b% e!itor
32 858 0n!res, Jim
$o John Hoar! "riffin
3hanee #ission, L3, 197:-1980
3 t.l.s.
No$e 4'blisher of 0n!res an! #c#eel. $he first letter as5s "riffin if
he has an% c'rrent )ro1ects in the or5s (197:)> the secon! letter, !ate! 0)ril 30, 1980, is 0n!resG
res)onse to a rea!in& of "riffinGs hermita&e !iar%--he as so im)resse! ith the man'scri)t that he
offere! to )'blish it an! loo5e! forar! to act'all% e!itin& it as ell> the thir! letter ac5nole!&es
"riffinGs ret'rn of the si&ne! contract.
D2nfort'natel%, "riffin an! 0n!res ere not able to or5 to&ether on the boo5. <oth !ie! before
the boo5 as rea! for )ro!'ction.E
32 859 #artin, ,onna
$o ?li*abeth "riffin
(aira%, L3, 1981-1987
7 t.l.s.
No$e Iice 4resi!ent of 0n!res an! #c#eel, concernin& amon& other
iss'es, restorin& some c'ts ma!e b% the e!itor <easle%> also a list of the c'ts that ere restore!
32 8:0 #artin, ,onna
$o $om #cLillo)
(aira%, L3, 7 J'l% 1981
2 )a&e t.l.s.
No$e ,isc'ssin& the e!itin& of the man'scri)t
32 8:1 "riffin, John Hoar!
4ro!'ction mar&inalia for The Hermitae *ournalsB
#an'fact'rin& s)ecifications
$o &alle% )a&es
$hree )a&es of corrections
0 list of "riffinGs 6isits to the hermita&e
$o sets of footnotes
32 8:2 8e6ies of The Hermitae *ournals
No$e -hen one consi!ers The Hermitae *ournals in connection ith
Black Like Me an! Scatttered Shado#s, there emer&es a fascinatin& s'b1ect for scholarshi).
$hese boo5s form an a'tobio&ra)hical trilo&% that is 'ni='e in s'b1ect matter an! intensel% ori&inal
in the e6ocation of these ex)eriences. Ho man% hites ha6e ex)erience! bein& blac5K Ho man%
social creat'res ha6e embrace! hermetic solit'!eK Ho man% ha6e lost their e%esi&ht, en!'re! a
!eca!e of blin!ness an! then ha! 6ision restore!K 3'rel%, these sin&'lar realities are amon& the
most mis'n!erstoo! an! nohere in o'r literat're are the% ma!e so 'n!erstan!able from the
insi!e o't. "riffin fo'n! s'ch h'man con!itions, hoe6er contra!ictor% on the s'rface, )rofo'n!l%
'nifie! in the realm of the s)irit. He !isco6ere! that bein& blin! or blac5 or bein& a hermit sim)l%
meant bein& h'man--that the ex)erience itself as far less !iffic'lt an! )ainf'l than the
!eh'mani*in& )erce)tions of those in the ma1orit%, ho !i! not see the in!i6i!'al b't onl% that
con!ition of a))earin& other than a6era&e
=I=?+H, GRIFFIN JO&RN#L ./912./<1
9.n m% teens, hen . as a st'!ent at the @%cCe ,escartes, in $o'rs, (rance,9 rote "riffin in the
'n)'blishe! )reface to his Jo'rnal, 9a man . &reatl% a!mire! s'&&este! that . be&in 5ee)in& a
1o'rnal of m% life. He sai! it as one a% of learnin& to 5no m%self )ro6i!e! . let no one else see
it, rote it honestl% an! rote in it e6en hen . felt . ha! nothin& to sa%.9
(rom the a&e of sixteen 'ntil he as tent%-one, "riffin contin'e! his 1o'rnal> b't hen (rance as
abo't to fall to the "ermans, he &a6e the a'to&ra)h 1o'rnals to a schoolmate for safe-5ee)in&, an!
ret'rne! to the states. 9Aears later hen . ret'rne! to (rance Din 197:1, . retrie6e! the 1o'rnal
hich ha! been b'rie! on m% frien!Gs fatherGs farm !'rin& the ar.9 He be&an to rea! his
reflections. 9.t as a sic5enin& ex)erience. 4a&es ere fille! ith literar% anal%ses, m'sical
anal%ses, foo!s e ate, ith scarcel% a or! abo't the s')reme realit% of the ar hich
)reocc')ie! 's !a% an! ni&ht. .t as )'re esca)e from that realit% rather than an% attem)t to
han!le it. . as heartsic5 to fin! m%self so false.... . b'rne! those )a&es an! !i! not res'me Da
1o'rnalE 'ntil some %ears later hen . as blin! an! ha! learne! to 'se the t%)eriter.9
+'rio'sl%, it as a&ain on the a!6ice of a man he a!mire!--the theatre critic John #ason <ron--
that "riffin be&an to rite. <'t it as not a 1o'rnal> it as his first no6el, The Devil Rides Outside,
ritten in 1979. His mat're Jo'rnal as la'nche! in ,ecember of 1950, !'rin& the thir! %ear of
si&htlessness. -hen.he as not or5in& on no6els or short stories, he )o're! im)ressions into the
Jo'rnal, hich became a see!be! for most of or5 he o'l! )'blish later. -e fin! in its )a&es
fra&ments an! !rafts of stories an! no6els> essa%s an! articles> 6ol'mino's me!itations on ethics,
reli&ion an! )hiloso)h%> res)onses to the m'sic he listene! to constantl%> !isc'ssions of coo5in&,
farmin& an! famil% relationshi)s> insi&hts into the realities of blin!ness an! ho the con!ition is
ron&l% )ercei6e! b% the si&hte!> s)ec'lations on )s%cholo&%, sociolo&%, anthro)olo&% an! the arts
in relation to the !iminishment of c'lt're in 0merica. -e hear e6er% tone of 6oice from the
com)assionate to the !ismissi6e> st%les that ran&e from l%ric to )olemic, from the scholarl% to the
abs'r!. 0t times he as nai6e an! narrol% o)inionate!> at other times, meas're! an! ise. He
reflecte! on literat're an! life--the boo5s he ha! rea! (an! those hich ere rea! to him or
recor!e! on ta)es) an! all the )laces he ha! tra6ele! an! li6e!. He as ala%s a bit nostal&ic for
the hi&h c'lt're of (rance an! the &reat 1o% of learnin& he ha! !isco6ere! in that a!o)te! lan!>
nostal&ic also for the %ear he s)ent on a remote islan! in the 3o'th 3eas li6in& amon& the nati6e
inhabitants. +on6ersel%, he ha! been horrifie! b% ar--both hat he ha! itnesse! or5in& in the
(rench 2n!er&ro'n! an! the !e6astation of combat hile in the 0ir (orce in the 4acific.
8ea!in& the Jo'rnal one is ala%s aare that it is an intensel% h'man !oc'ment--f'll of
contra!ictions an! )ara!oxes> ho)e an! !es)air> criticism of the orl! an! self-criticism> fear an!
an&'ish o6er hat often !i! not matter, as ell as heroism in the face of hat mattere! most. $he
ritin& is, b% t'rns, ele&ant an! cr'!e> often brilliant an! sometimes i&norant> an! s)lattere! ith
)assa&es that roar ith comic h%)erbole or soar ith a s)irit'al clarit%. <'t ala%s one rea!s as if
one has !isco6ere! a secret !oc'ment> that one is loo5in& o6er the sho'l!er of a man ho is tr'el%
ali6e in the immense )rocess of becomin& a &en'ine artist an! thin5er. 0n! later e meet the 1'stl%
famo's a'thor ho has absorbe! the )rofo'n! is!om of h'milit%.
$his massi6e Jo'rnal r'ns to 2,7:2 )a&es of sin&le-s)ace! t%)e! )a&es. $his )a&e co'nt !oes not
incl'!e ten a'to&ra)h noteboo5s he 5e)t aa% from the t%)eriter nor the )'blishe! boo5s
()re6io'sl% mentione!) that ere )'lle! o't of the o6erall Jo'rnal an! com)ose! into se)arate
,'rin& the )erio! of his blin!ness--recor!e! in the Jo'rnal from ,ecember of 1950 'ntil si&ht-
reco6er% in Jan'ar% of 1957--he t%)e! almost 900 )a&es in a s)an of 1'st sli&htl% more than six
%ears. $hat is ro'&hl% 150 )a&es each %ear. Aet, the co'nt for 1951, the first f'll %ear of 5ee)in& the
Jo'rnal, is 231 )a&es (the thir! hi&hest 6ol'me for an% %ear). $his as a )erio! of intense
intros)ection for "riffin, he as in the )rocess of ma5in& hat the (rench call 9the &reat %es9 or
the lea) of faith from in!ecision to belief> "riffin became a con6ert to +atholicism in 1952.
.n 1957 e fin! the secon! most 6ol'mino's %ear ith 255 )a&es. $hat %ear, he as s'fferin& not
onl% from the com)lications of blin!ness an! !iabetes, b't he ha! contracte! s)inal malaria--a
con!ition hich )aral%*e! him from the aist !on an! confine! him to a heelchair. 0ll he co'l!
!o as sit at the t%)eriter, listen to m'sic, an! rite.
$he entries of 1957 recor! a 6er% real a&on% an! ecstas%. "riffin ex)erience! the most alienatin&
!e)ths of !es)air alternatin& ith some of the &reatest s)irit'al hei&hts of his life. -itho't the lo6e
an! 'n!erstan!in& of his %o'n& ife (?li*abeth Hollan! an! "riffin marrie! in 1953), as ell as his
)arents an! also her )arents--an! ith absol'te faith in "o!--he o'l! not ha6e s'r6i6e! the
or!eal. .nstea! he rote abo't e6er%thin& that %ear an! !rafte! o6er 700 )a&es of Nuni, his secon!
.n the !eca!e of blin!ness--from 1977 to earl% 1957--"riffin com)ose! fi6e no6els (to ere
)'blishe!, to remain 'n)'blishe! an! the fifth as lost)> o6er sixt% short stories (most
'n)'blishe!)> a short boo5 on blin!ness (Handbook For Darkness)> m'sic lect'res an! articles>
an! nearl% a tho'san! )a&es in the Jo'rnal . Iirt'all% all of his fiction--literall% tho'san!s of )a&es--
ere ritten !'rin& the !eca!e of si&htlessness. ?xce)t for re6isions of earlier no6els in !raft an!
one short )iece of h'mor (94il&rima&e9), his career as a fiction riter as o6er hen he re&aine!
his si&ht.
,'rin& the 19:0s he mana&e! to a6era&e o6er100 )a&es )er %ear in the Jo'rnal, incl'!in& the
secon! hi&hest )a&e co'nt (278) in 19::. .n &eneral, hoe6er, these entries mo6e aa% from
intros)ection toar! the concerns of a )'blic life--a-!eca!e hich fo'n! him aa% from the st'!io
an! his ex)an!in& famil% an! in a orl! of t'rmoil. His ritin&s ere m'ch shorter an! their foc's
as tem)oral not eternal. He )'blishe! )olemical an! 1o'rnalistic articles on racism, in1'stice, ar,
censorshi), )olitics, an! lect're! extensi6el% on these same iss'es (an!, of co'rse, s)ecificall%- on
his ex)eriences in Black Like Me, its aftermath, an! the ci6il ri&hts battles that folloe!. He rote
brilliantl% an! co'ra&eo'sl%, an! his lect'res an! ritin&s ere in &reat !eman!. <'t the )'blic life
too5 its toll on the boo5s he as force! to lea6e 'nfinishe! (no6els as ell as Scattered Shado#s),
an! hat limite! )ri6ate time that remaine! as s)ent ith his famil% an! frien!s an! in the
!ar5room (here his )hoto&ra)hic career blossome!), b't not in the ritin& st'!io. $hose %ears
also too5 their toll on his fra&ile health. He as no lon&er blin! an! the )aral%sis ha! laste! onl%
one %ear, b't the stress of his sche!'le far from solit'!e increase! the !ebilitatin& effects of his
!iabetic con!ition. He ex)erience! blac5o'ts an! exha'stion. His Jo'rnal recor!s all this acti6it% in
a cr%)tic rather than ex)ansi6e manner.
-ith his a))ointment as the ;fficial <io&ra)her of $homas #erton, illness t'rne! toar! relati6e
health, exha'stion as re)lace! b% ener&%, an! "riffin once a&ain fo'n! s)irit'al 1o% in solit'!e
an! a fascinatin& lon&-ran&e )ro1ect. $he Jo'rnal, from 1970-1980 r'ns abo't :50 )a&es--abo't :5
)a&es as an ann'al a6era&e ith onl% 1975 acc'm'latin& more than 200 )a&es. $his !ro) in
)ro!'ction as a res'lt of the or5 on the bio&ra)h% an! that incl'!es The Hermitae *ournals
factore! o't of the e='ation, as ell as a tremen!o's amo'nts of )hoto&ra)hic or5--choices that
"riffin as )lease! to ma5e, of co'rse. <'t other factors--not of his choosin&--also im)acte! ')on
the Jo'rnal. $here as a si&nificant !ecline in his health (this is h% the entries are more than
three times the 6ol'me of 1970-1977> he as confine! an! 'nable to tra6el to "ethsemani an!
?'ro)e here so m'ch research ha! been accom)lishe!)> an! there as also the co'ntless
intr'sions of the c'rio's ma5in& )il&rima&es to his !oor.
$he 0'to&ra)h /oteboo5s, hich "riffin consi!ere! )art of his o6erall Jo'rnal, are from i!el%
!ifferent time-frames. -ritten in s)iral noteboo5s or bo'n! com)osition boo5s that "riffin carrie! on
his tra6els hen ha6in& a t%)eriter as im)ossible or incon6enient> these &enerall% reflect a
s)ecific e6ent or s)an of !a%s that can be inte&rate! b% !ate! )assa&e into the o6erall scheme of
his )ersonal Jo'rnal.
33 8:3 Iol'me .
#ansfiel!, $F, 1950H51
1-272 )a&es
33 8:7 Iol'me ..
#ansfiel!, $F, 1952H53
273-381 )a&es
33 8:5 Iol'me ...
#ansfiel!, $F, 1957
382-:37 )a&es
33 8:: Iol'me .I
#ansfiel!, $F, 1955
:38-758 )a&es
33 8:7 Iol'me I
#ansfiel!, $F, 195:H57
759-927 )a&es
33 8:8 Iol'me I.
#ansfiel!, $F, 1958H59
925-1001 )a&es
33 8:9 Iol'me I..
#ansfiel!, $F, 19:0
1002-10:5 )a&es
33 870 Iol'me I...
#ansfiel!, $F, 19:1
10::-1157 )a&es
33 871 Iol'me .F
#ansfiel!, $F, 19:2
1158-12:8 )a&es
37 872 Iol'me F
#ansfiel!, $F, 19:3
12:8-1337 )a&es
37 873 Iol'me F.
#ansfiel!, $F, 19:7
1338-1377 )a&es
37 877 Iol'me F..
#ansfiel!, $F, 19:5
1375-1790 )a&es
37 875 J 37: Iol'me F...
#ansfiel!, $F, 19::
1791-1:25 )a&es
37 877 Iol'me F.I
#ansfiel!, $F, 19:7
1770-1902 )a&es
35 878 Iol'me FI
#ansfiel!, $F, 19:8
1093-2052 )a&es
35 879 Iol'me FI.
#ansfiel!, $F, 19:9
2053-2:23 )a&es
35 880 Iol'me FI..
#ansfiel!, $F, 1970
211:-2132 )a&es
35 881 Iol'me FI...
#ansfiel!, $F, 1971H72
2133-2210 )a&es
35 882 Iol'me F.F
#ansfiel!, $F, 1973
2211-2273 )a&es
35 883 Iol'me FF
(ort -orth, $F, 1977
2277-2338 )a&es
35 887 J 885 Iol'me FF.
(ort -orth, $F, 1975
2339-2572 )a&es
35 88: Iol'me FF..
(ort -orth, $F, 197:
2573-2:09 )a&es
35 887 Iol'me FF...
(ort -orth, $F, 1977
2:10-2:82 )a&es
35 888 Iol'me FF.I
(ort -orth, $F, 1978H79
2:83-2779 )a&es
35 889 Iol'me FFI
(ort -orth, $F, 1980
2750-27:2 )a&es
35 890 4reface to the Jo'rnals
(ort -orth, $F, 1980
3 )a&e
3: 891 /oteboo5 P1 19:2-19:3
No$e 8ecor!s "riffinGs first face to face 6isit ith his mentor, Jac='es
#aritain, then at 4rinceton 2ni6ersit% (;ctober 19:2). 0n a'&mente! !isc'ssion of this 6isit
a))ears in Homae in &ords and 'ictures. 0 6isit ma!e in #arch of 19:2 to 0ss'm)tion 2ni6esit%
in -in!sor, ;ntario follos> there he ha! !ialo&'e ith (ather 3tanle% #'r)h%, fo'n!er of the
+hristian +'lt're 3eries, an! ?'&ene #c/amara, the +ana!ian literar% critic ho ha! ritten
enth'siasticall% abo't "riffinGs to no6els. $he thir! excer)t is abo't "riffinGs first face to face
meetin& ith $homas #erton at the 0bbe% of "ethsemani. $here is m'ch more abo't this an!
other meetin&s ith #erton in ! Hidden &holeness an! Follo# the 2cstas". D$hese han!ritten
first im)ressions of to of the thin5ers he most a!mire!--#aritain an! #erton--&i6e this noteboo5
its rare ='alit%.E
3: 892 /oteboo5 P2 19::
No$e 8ecor!s "riffinGs )hoto&ra)hic ex)erience of the rit'al )assion
)erforme! b% the $arascan c'lt're in the state of #ichoacan, #exico> these are earl% notes for his
)'blishe! article, 94assion at $*int*'nt*an9 (The .riffin Reader). 0 secon! section recor!s se6eral
)a&es of notes abo't #artin @'ther Lin& that are the &enesis for his )iece 9#artin @'ther Lin&Gs
#oment9 (first )'blishe! in Sin ma&a*ine, then antholo&i*e!). $he thir! section is a s5etch of
"re&or% "riffin, the a'thorGs son, ho, at a&e fo'r be&an !oin& )hoto&ra)h% 'n!er his fatherGs
t'tela&e. "re&or% )'blishe! man% of his blac5 an! hite )ict'res of animals in ma1or )hoto&ra)hic
1o'rnals, be&innin& at a&e fi6e ') into his teens> he as the %o'n&est member of 03#4 (0merican
3ociet% of #a&a*ine 4hoto&ra)hers) in the histor% of that or&ani*ation--altho'&h 03#4 !i! not
5no the bo% as onl% fi6e at the time, an! "riffin 5e)t his a&e secret for man% %ears after.
3: 893 /oteboo5 P3 (ebr'ar% J #arch 19:7
No$e "riffin carrie! alon& this noteboo5 on his lect're to'r to +alifornia
in (ebr'ar% an! on to #ichi&an in #arch of 19:7. His sta% in 3an (rancisco incl'!es some somber
reflections on 6isitin& an 9a!'lts onl%9 boo5sho). $he en! of his circ'it in #ichi&an elicits &reat relief
to be ret'rnin& home to his ife an! chil!ren. D0 batch of )a&es as c't from the front of this
noteboo5 b% "riffin> )erha)s these ha! been 'nsatisfactor% )a&es of ritin& or an earl% !raft of a
)iece later !e6elo)e! on the t%)eriter.E
3: 897 /oteboo5 P7 19::
No$e 0 +alen!ar of @ect'res for 19::, r'nnin&, thro'&h #a% of that
%ear. .t )ro6i!es one a taste of the ran&e of )laces an! settin&s (as ell as fees) "riffin
enco'ntere!. 0n! there are also notations for some /e Aor5 6isits he ha! sche!'le!--ith the
le&en!ar% bl'es m'sician Josh -hite for a )hoto&ra)hic session an! ith his close frien! the
literar% critic #axell "eismar.
3: 895 /oteboo5 P5 1970
No$e $his 1970 noteboo5 accom)anie! "riffin on one of his most
si&nificant tri)s to ?'ro)e, researchin& for his bio&ra)h% of $homas #erton. His se6enteen %ear
ol! !a'&hter, 3'san, accom)anie! him on the 1o'rne%. $he first sto) as 0mster!am, on Jan'ar%
27, 1970, )rono'ncin& himself 9more at home here than an%here in the states.9 .t as a cit% that
his close frien!, )ianist 8obert +asa!es's often )erforme!, es)eciall% at the +oncert&ebo, here
"riffin atten!e! an all-<eetho6en concert b% )ianist 0nnie (ischer. He too5 the o))ort'nit% to
)hoto&ra)h this &reat m'sician in )erformance, an! 6isite! ith her afterar!... )rono'nce! the
recital 9a real &lor%--one of the finest concerts . e6er hear!. @i5e @i)atti an! 3chnabel combine!9.
$he next mornin& he 6isite! the 8i15s #'se'm, 9seein& the 8embran!ts, Iermeers, etc.
$remen!o's. $o the Ian "o&h #'se'm this afternoon.9 0fter three !a%s in 0mster!am, he s)ent
three !a%s in <r'ssels, sta%in& ith the )s%chiatrist an! #erton enth'siast ,r. Ian!er-?lst. ;n
(ebr'ar% 2n!, he too5 the train to 3trasbo'r& an! as met b% his ol! frien!s, 0ntoinette an!
0lexan!er "r'neli's. $hese &reat frien!s of the #aritains !ro6e "riffin an! his !a'&hter to their
+hatea' at Lolbsheim (the re)ositor% of the )a)ers of Jac='es an! 8aissa #aritain), here the%
sta%e! a fe !a%s.
"riffin then s)ent fi6e !a%s ith Jac='es #aritain in $o'lo'se, here the 87 %ear ol! )hiloso)her
ha! a tin% hermita&e on the &ro'n!s here the motherho'se of the @ittle <rothers an! 3isters
;r!er is locate!. #an% )assa=es here abo't #aritain, se6eral of the sisters ho !i! his secretarial
or5 (3ister #arie 4ascale, in )artic'lar, ho t%)e! the )hiloso)herGs man'scri)ts an! letters--her
si&nat're is 'n!er man% of #aritainGs letters on file at H8+), as ell as se6eral interestin& coo5in&
ex)eriences ith 3ister #arie ?mman'el.
0 ee5 later, "riffin ma!e se6eral tri)s to 4ra!es (#ertonGs birth)lace), #onta'bin an! 3t. 0ntonin
(here #erton li6e! as a chil!), an! on to 4aris, )hoto&ra)hin& an! noteta5in& all the a%. ;n
(ebr'ar% 17, he 6isite! ith the !a'&hter of @eon <lo%, the (rench riter an! thin5er ho as
instr'mental in con6ertin& the #aritains to +atholicism, after a search of se6eral !a%s. 4art of this
ex)erience, tho'&h not mentione! in this noteboo5, lai! the &ro'n!or5 for his last )iece of fiction--
the h'moro's ta5e-off ')on hearin& the seet so'n! of a sac5b'tt ('ilrimae, @atit'!es 4ress,
3: 89: /oteboo5 P: 1977
No$e @ect're notes for a series on 9,ominant .nstit'tions9 &i6en !'rin&
a to-ee5 )erio! at @oretto Hei&hts 2ni6ersit% in ,en6er, +olora!o. "riffin ent to @oretto Hei&hts
for to ee5s e6er% %ear !'rin& the 1970s to lect're, teach classes an! con!'ct seminars on
6ario's as)ects of societ%B racism, in1'stice, free!om, s)irit'alit%--an! ho the )erson is th's
affecte! b% these realities. .n this comfortable aca!emic settin&, he as able to !e6elo) a !ee)er
set of i!eas than one three ho'r lect're at a 'ni6ersit% or ch'rch co'l! )ro6i!e--es)eciall% hen he
as in another cit% b% the next !a%. He en1o%e! these times at @oretto Hei&hts, a +atholic instit'tion
5non for its )ro&ressi6e s%stem hich as infl'ence! b% 3ister #ar% @'5e $obin, a close
associate of both #erton an! "riffin o6er the %ears. He 'tili*e! this ann'al 6isit to ,en6er to
!e6elo) his on&oin& lect'res more !ee)l%, benefittin& from the learne! res)onse of some of the
fac'lt%, as ell as a )ool of intelli&ent +atholic st'!ents, incl'!in& man% from forei&n co'ntries. His
!a'&hter 3'san as a st'!ent at @oretto Hei&hts an! her t'ition as &i6en in exchan&e for "riffinGs
ann'al a))earances.
$he lect're notes themsel6es ill &i6e the scholar a clear i!ea of the a% in hich "riffin b'ilt ')
the bac5&ro'n! for his lect'res--scholarl% research to &i6e context to s)eeches that ere ala%s
base! on )ersonal ex)erience an! more often than not abo't his Black Like Me an! s'bse='ent
ci6il ri&hts or5.
Here the bac5&ro'n! is se)arate! o't from the fore&ro'n!> the ob1ecti6e set a)art from the
s'b1ecti6e hile his s)eeches inte&rate both realms.
3: 897 /oteboo5 P7 197:
No$e 8ecor!s to !a%s of solit'!e at <emi!1i, #innesota on a la5e
s'rro'n!e! b% oo!s. He as at the time teachin& ritin& at $he 2))er #i!est -ritin&
+onference Dsee 3eries FI.. for relate! information an! corres)on!enceE. "riffin sim)l% recor!s the
solitar% time an! !oes not mention the conference at all. He recor!s the bir!calls, !escribes the
la5e an! oo!s, remar5s abo't bein& aa5e at !an--an! then com)ares his sense of 'nit% there
as reminiscent of his time at #ertonGs hermita&e fo'r %ears earlier, J'l% 197:.
$he secon! section fin!s "riffin rec')eratin& from se6eral heart attac5s after a month lon& to'r
from ;ctober 20 to /o6ember 20 (mostl% in +ana!a). $hat to'r en!e! in 8ochester, /e Aor5
here he as barel% able to ma5e his a))earance. 8et'rnin& to (ort -orth, he 5e)t his Jo'rnal in
this noteboo5 on a be! !es5 his ife ha! )'rchase!, beca'se he as 'nable to or5 on his st'!io
t%)eriter. Ier% ill, he con6ince! the !octor to let him remain at home instea! of &oin& to the
hos)ital. 3lol%, he be&ins to im)ro6e in the arm context of his famil%--ife an! %o'n&er !a'&hter
(0man!a), as ell as his mother (@ena "riffin), all hel)in& an! sta%in& atch. ?ach !a% he recei6e!
comm'nion from his close frien!, (ather "eor&e +'rtsin&er ()hoto&ra)her, )ianist, riter> boo5s
)'blishe! b% @atit'!es). /o6ember 27 to ,ecember 3, 197:.
3: 898 /oteboo5 P8
$oronto, J'ne 11-20, 1977
No$e $he first section incl'!es "riffinGs extensi6e notes on ritin& an!
art in o'tline form an! is clearl% infl'ence! b% #aritainGs aesthetic or5s. He be&ins ith his 6ie of
ritin& that 9creati6e ritin& cannot be ta'&ht, b't e can learn to remo6e man% of the im)e!iments
to creati6it%9. ,isc'ssion of 6ario's elementsB characteri*ation, riter as creati6e filter, challen&e to
ex)ress the inex)ressible, 'ni6ersalit% of ex)erience (9%o' ha6e to become all men at all timesB
lea6e %o'rself an! become the other. "amble on tr'th9). Ho 5ee)in& a 1o'rnal can ai! in these
6ent'resB 9$his means that sometimes, for the sa5e of tr'th, %o' ha6e to rite thin&s that are
)ersonall% offensi6e to %o' .... $his comes most most nat'rall% from 5ee)in& an absol'tel% )ri6ate
1o'rnal.9 $hen there is a section entitle! 9?ssences an! 0cci!entals9 hich is a fi6e )a&e o'tline of
#aritainGs i!eas from ,reative 4ntuition in !rt and 'oetr" ("riffinGs aesthetic <ible). (inall%, some
"riffin notes on techni='es, re6ision, thin&s to a6oi! an! mis)lace! moti6ations. Dincl'!e! herein is
a fol!er containin& one stra% sheet of notes in "riffinGs han!, )l's a three-)a&e carbon t%)escri)t he
ma!e from #aritainGs ,reative 4ntuition, (9!efinitions of art9).E
$he remain!er of this noteboo5 is as )rofo'n! in the )ersonal sense as the first )ortion is in the
artistic sense. "riffin arri6e! in $oronto on J'ne 11, 1977. He as met at the air)ort b% ,r. Ii5tor
(ran5el, a thin5er "riffin ha! lon& a!mire! an! as meetin& for the first time. (ran5el is best 5non
for his first boo5, Man3s Search for Meanin. His acco'nt of en!'rin& a /a*i concentration cam)
an! the existential o)'s that be&ins his )s%choanal%tical career as the fo'n!er of lo&othera)%. $he
next !a%, "riffin ha! a lon& !ialo&'e ith (ran5el hich he calle!, ..a &reat inter6ie. . ha6e ne6er
in m% life met a man hose tho'&hts an! concl'sions so nearl% matche! m% on.9 "riffin
!isc'sses (ran5elGs i!eas at &reat len&th an! their affinit% to his on, less s%stematic orl!6ie.
0lso at &reat len&th, "riffin !isc'sses his !e)lete! )h%sical ener&% !'e to !iabetes an! heart-
relate! ailments. 9#% )roblem, m% )h%sical con!ition obli&es me to ma5e !eman!s on others that
&o a&ainst m% conscience. -hen others thro'&h lo6e an! )erce)tion sense the nee!s an!
6ol'nteer the ai!, then the conflict ceases an! is re)lace! b% an o6erhelmin& &ratit'!e. .t has
ala%s been )rofo'n!l% re)ellant to me to ha6e to as5 someone for hat m'st be &i6en. $hat is the
&reat !issonance of m% lifeB #% nee!s, for exam)le, !e)ri6e m% ife, $om D(ather $om #cLillo)E,
e6en m% chil!ren, of the )eace an! rest the% nee! matter ho illin& the% are to hel). <eca'se
. tr% to hol! off as5in& 'ntil too late, . face them ith crises an! fati&'e. $his !estro%s me an!
orsens the con!ition. . hol! off as5in& (im)osin&) 'ntil . then &ro sic5 an! cr% o't for hel).9
.n rerea!in& the 93cattere! 3ha!os9 cha)ters in The Reader, "riffin as !ee)l% str'c5 b% the
attit'!e (of false heroism) he ha! hile slol% losin& his si&ht in (rance thirt% %ears earlier, in 197:.
<'t he reco&ni*e! the falsit% then an! o6ercame his on h%)ocris%. 93tran&e in!ee!--m% )resent
hel)lessness an! conf'sion i)e! from memor% the 6er% meanin& of that earlier !isco6er%. $here .
co'l! fin! finall% ob1ecti6e meanin&--the fra&ments ere finall% )ercei6e! as a hole. $his time
Dith one le& am)'tate!, ith re&'lar heart fail'res, constant )ain an! insomniaE . ha6e been
'nable to !o that--so meanin& is too often re)lace! b% sa!ness, e6en !es)air, e6en blac5ness
itho't li&ht b't . cannot feel it too often $oo often e6er%thin&, e6en 5nole!&e an! )erce)tion
seem i)e! o't b% the heart-or&anGs )h%sical inabilit% to f'nction--so the s%mbolic an! real heart
&et clo'!e!, !es)erate, fra&mente!, 'nhole--an! . 5no an! hate-it-an! be& for hel).... ,r.
(ran5el refreshe! these !im memories that ha6e so )ermeate! all m% or5.9
3: 899 /oteboo5 P9 J'ne 7-7, 1978
No$e $his is "riffinGs final tra6el noteboo5, recor!in& a 6isit he ma!e to
the $oronto home of (ather $om #cLillo), his closest frien! an! s)irit'al a!6isor in the final fe
%ears. $he entries reflect the !es)erate state of "riffinGs health. 0n% intention of lect'rin& or !oin&
inter6ies as cancelle!. He sim)l% s)ent time ith his frien!, ma!e his confession, an! recei6e!
comm'nion each !a% as the% sai! the #ass to&ether. ,es)ite all the !iscomfort, "riffin felt 9&reat
1o% to be bac5 in this )eacef'l ho'se, in the safet% an! sec'rit% of frien!shi)9.
3: 900 /oteboo5 P10 Jan'ar%-27 #a% 1980
No$e $his final noteboo5 )ost!ates the last entr% in his t%)eritten
1o'rnal, hich itself r'ns onl% 13 sin&le s)ace! t%)e! )a&es, from Jan'ar% 'ntil #a% 27, 1980 (an!
en!in& on )a&e 27:2).
(rom that last t%)e! )assa&e 'ntil the first entr% in this final a'to&ra)h noteboo5, a f'll month ha!
)asse! itho't an% ritin&.
$hen, on J'ne 23 'ntil J'l% 17 of 1980, he scrale! his last fifteen )a&es in this noteboo5. .n
a!!ition, there are three han!ritten )a&es toar! the bac5 of the noteboo5B this is a )reliminar%
!raft for an article commissione! b% @itton ma&a*ines, concernin& his 6ies on chan&in& s5in color.
$he !raft is 'n='estionabl% the 6er% last )iece "riffin rote other than these fifteen )a&es that en!
his o6erall Jo'rnal.
$he )iece on s5in color as finishe! in t%)escri)t (no carbon remains an! )erha)s he !i! not ma5e
one) for a J'ne 17 !ea!line hich he met an! for hich he collecte! a chec5 from @itton for hat
o'l! be his last )'blishe! ritin& to a))ear in his lifetime
John Hoar! "riffin left his home the afternoon of J'l% 21, 1980. He as chec5e! into #e!ical
4la*a Hos)ital b% his lon&-time )h%sician, ,r. ?. 8oss L%&er. "riffin li6e! another fift% !a%s,
ex)irin& of a cerebral hemorrha&e on 3e)tember 9, 1980. He as less than three months into his
sixtieth %ear. $he f'neral as hel! on 3e)tember 11, an! "riffin as b'rie! at the #ansfiel!
+emeter%, #ansfiel!, $exas, next to the &ra6e of his ol! frien!, +l%!e 4ar5er Hollan! (father of
"riffinGs i!o, ?li*abeth). He as s'r6i6e! b% his ife, fo'r chil!ren, his mother, brother, an! to
"riffinGs f'neral as atten!e! b% h'n!re!s of frien!s, famil% members, an! !e6ote!
ac='aintances. $he #ass as ritten b% (ather $om #cLillo)--a mo6in& ceremon% that incl'!e!
man% of "riffinGs or!s rea! an! anec!otes remembere!. (rien!s tra6elle! from all o6er the 2nite!
3tates an! +ana!a to atten!. 0 f'ller 6ersion of that !a% is !etaile! in (r.#cLillo)Gs text, in man%
nes feat'res an! obit'aries
3: 901 $om #cLillo)
('neral #ass of John Hoar! "riffin
D#ansfiel!, $FE, D3e)t. 1980E
8 )a&e ()hotoco)%)
3: 902 &!$ ma&a*ine
3)ecial ?!ition !e6ote! to John Hoar! "riffin
3an (rancisco, +0, 3e)tember 1981
:7 )a&es
No$e .ncl'!es articles b% 8obert ?llsber&, .r6in& 3'ssman, Joe
/oonan, an! +ornelia Jesse%
3: 903 ,aniel, <ra!for!
9$he .ntrinsic ;therB $he @ife an! -or5 of John Hoar! "riffin.9
;'tline for a film !oc'mentar%
Dn.).E, 1980
5 )a&e
3: 903 ,aniel, <ra!for!
$o ?li*abeth "riffin
Dn.).E, 17 ;ctober 1980
1 )a&e a.l.s.
3: 907 #iller, Leith ,.
9+o'ra&eo's -itness9
Fello#shipB /%ac5, /A, #arch 1981
7 )a&e )hotoco)%
3: 905 ?llsber&, 8obert
0rticle on John Hoar! "riffin in ,loud of &itness an!
Dn.).E, 1981 J 1991
12 )a&e )hotoco)%
3: 90: 3har), ?rnest
9$he #an -ho +han&e! His 35in9
!merican Heritae, 1989
17 )a&e )hotoco)%
3: 907 $he (irst 0nn'al John Hoar! "riffin (esti6al of the 0rts .
3t. Jose)hGs +olle&e, $oronto, 28 ;ctober 1983
5 )ro&ram an! fl%ers
No$e $he first festi6al as or&ani*e! b% (ather $om #cLillo) an!
s)onsore! b% the Ao'th +or)s of $oronto> )erformers incl'!e! actors #ichael Lramer an! Jimm%
4a))as, )erformin& a scene from Scattered Shado#s> m'sical )erformances b% )ianist @'i* !e
#o'ra +astro, +larinetist <ri!&et !e #o'ra +astro, an! so)ranos +a'!ettte @e<lanc> )l's rea!in&s
of "riffinGs or5 b% ?li*abeth "riffin an! 8obert <ona**i
3: 908 John Hoar! "riffin (esti6al of the 0rts. 3econ! an! $hir!
(ort -orth, $F, 1987 J 1985
2 )ro&rams
1 in6itation
3: 909 'ilrimae
@atit'!es 4ressB #ansfiel!, $F, 1985
12 )a&e boo5let
No$e +ommemorati6e e!ition of the Third !nnual *ohn Ho#ard
.riffin Festival. @imite! e!ition, 500 co)ies.
3: 910 +ertificates of !eath
(ort -orth, 1980
2 )a&e )hotoco)ies
No$e ;n one of his last !a%s in the hos)ital, John Hoar! "riffin sai!
to father #cLillo)B 9.tGs so har! to be re!'ce! to nothin&M 0ll of . ha6e
left no is the )'re silence of lo6e.9 0n! that as e6er%thin&.

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