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Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Do you want to be a better reader? Turn off the television! A recent study found
that kids younger than 6 spend about two hours a day watching TV, playing video
games, or using computers That is about the same amount of time they spend with a
book! The study which was released on Tuesday included more than !,""" parents of
kids between the ages of 6 months and 6 years
#pending a lot of time on the computer, watching TV or playing video games can
make it hard to get better at reading $ids who live in homes where the TV is on
%most of the time& are less likely to be able to read by age 6
'eading is still popular, though Almost (" percent of kids under 6 are e)posed to
books *n fact researchers say kids spend an average of +, minutes a day with a book
And what is the average amount of time spent in front of the TV or computer? About
- hours and -- minutes!
Victoria 'ideout, a researcher for the study, said kids who watch TV, use
computers, and play video games will have an advantage in their lives #he says
media can help their learning, but there are disadvantages, too
Dr .enry #hapiro studies kids/ development and behavior .e says reading,
playing with toys, and talking with others is much better for kids/ learning than
watching TV .e also says there is a good side of TV, computers and video games
%$ids are home, safe, they are learning things&
Adapted from0 wwwtimeforkidscom 1ct 2!
A. Comprehension
1. Choose the right answer.
!3! This document is0 a4 a newspaper article b4 a website article
!3- This document wants0 a4 to convince us that reading is the best way to
b4 to inform us on the place of TV in children/s education
2. Give a title to the text :.
2 Say if the following statements are true or false.
a 5hildren spend less time watching TV than reading 66666666
b 5hildren do not read anymore 6666666
c TV prevents children from learning 66666666
d Dr #hapiro is totally convinced TV is bad 66666666
+ Answer the following questions according to the text.
a 7hen was the case study released?
b .ow many parents were included in the case study?
c 7hat was the age of their children?
d 7hat is the advantage of media on children?
8 In which paragraph is it mentioned that reading is much better for children/s
learning than watching TV66666666666666666666666
B. Text exploration (8pts)
1. ind in the text words closest in meaning to the following.
a4 children 9:!4 666666 b4 difficult0 9:-4 66666666
!. ind in the text words opposite in meaning to the following.
a4 older 9:!4; 666 b4 in danger 9:84 ;
". Complete sentence #$% so that it means the same as sentence #a%.
a %* am fond of computers games,& he said
b .e said that666666666666666666666
a %Do you have an e3mail bo)?& she asks me
b #he asks me66666666666666666666666
&. Complete the following paragraph with the appropriate word from the
following list'
watching( than ( picture( $oth
7e can learn a lot from 6666666books and television .owever, *
prefer 66666666 television because it is more rela)ing <oreover, you have
the sound and the6666666 which helps you understand better Therefore, *
spend more time watching TV 6666 66reading books

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