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To be a part of the challenging team which strives for the better growth of the
organization and which explores my potential and provides me with the opportunity
to enhance my talent with an intention to be an asset to the organization.
Education & Qualification:
Year Qualification Institute
2012 MBA !"T #niversity$ u%ranwala$ &a'istan.
200( B.Com #niversity of &un%ab$ )ahore$ &a'istan.
200* I.Com +!,-$ u%ranwala$ &a'istan
200. Matriculation +!,-$ u%ranwala &a'istan
Coman! "A#B BA$"
%esi&nation 'ersonal ban(in& Consultant
)ob %escrition /esponsible for target delivery 0 fulfillment new to ban'
1nalyze 0 monitor customer trends to enhance sales and
service process.
2aintain daily call logs$ 1chieve /evenue targets.
-nsure that 345612) and other compliance norms are
strictly adhered to.
7evelop good relationship with clients and provide
2anaging branch &eriodic reviews on monthly basis
%uration 2arch 201. up to 7ate
Coman! *AY#A+ BA$" +IMI,E%
%esi&nation -elations.i Officer
)ob %escrition 8versee client service$ $ 7evelop customer base and maintain
existing customer relationships$ &ortfolio 2anagement by
5onduct regular review and analysis on customers portfolio$
2anage customer 9ueries and re9uirements$ !dentify business
opportunities and find new ways to improve services.
5ustomer complains resolution$
%uration :uly 2011 to 2arch 2012
Coman! #even #tar Imex
%esi&nation 1ccount 8fficer
)ob %escrition 7ay to day boo' 'eeping$ &repare labor salaries$ 7eveloping
%ournal and ledger accounts$ 1ccounts payable and receivable
July 2007-August 2008
Online & Class -oom ,rainin&s: /,oics0
)iability &roducts
!slamic +an'ing &roducts
1lternative 7istribution 5hannels
1ccount 8pening &rocess
;estern #nion &rocess
,ervice <uality
I, #(ills
,iebel 8perating ,ystem
,ymbols 8perating ,ystem
5omputer 5oncepts 0 1pplications
2icrosoft 8ffice 6 8utloo'
!nternet and -=mail handling etc
These 9ualities which represent my personality
+an&ua&e 'roficienc! :
!nternational -nglish
?ational #rdu
)ocal &un%abi
'ersonal Information:
7ate of +irth 20=0@=1@(*
enderA 2ale
2arital ,tatus ,ingle
&assport ?o. ";*122*@1
5?!5 ?o. .BC0.=*10C2*@=D
Contact Information:
1ddressA 1ouse $o. 2342256 1am7a 8.aus6
'asrur -oad #ial(ot.
2ob F@2 ...=(C.(.BB
&h >ome F@2 *2 .C10***
;ill be furnished on demand

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