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SET :1 (MB0033)
Q1. What are the various characterstics of a Project? What is the
importance of each characterstics? Give Examples.

Ans.1 Characterstics of Project Mindset

Some of the characterstics of Project mindset are the


1. Time:- It is possible to improve the pace of the Project by

reducing the time frame of the process. The mindset is
normally to work a comfort mode by stretching the time
2. Responsiveness:- It refers to quickness of response of an
individual . The vibrancy and liveliness of an individual or an
organization are proportional to its capability of evolving
processes and structure for superior responsiveness time
3. Information Sharing:- Information is power. Information is
the master key to today’s business. Information sharing is
the characterstic of the project mindset today.
4. Processes:- Project management lays emphasis on flexible
processes. The major difference is a process and a system is
in its capabilities of providing flexibility to different
situational encounters. Flexible process greater capabilities
of adaptability.
5. Structured Planning:- Structured Planning based on
project management life cycle enables one to easily and
conveniently work according to the Plan. It also involves
efficient use of project resources and prioritization of the
activities based on resource planning.
Q2. State the principles of Deming’s Philosophy relevant to
project management. Explain how each one is applicable in

Ans.2 Deming’s Cycle :- Every company would be interested

to improve their performance in projects. In order to
improve their previous performance, the company must
assure quality and quality control at every stage of the
project throughout the project life cycle. The various steps
which may be considered in the development of the
process cycle in any project are listed below:-
1. Planning for review:- In this step the main focus is on
collection of data. Data is the main input requirement of
any successful project information system and therefore
the project. Once the data has been gathered prepare a
suitable plan for its analysis.
2. Conducting the review:- Before the review prepare an
agenda. The agenda should be well structured in terms of
time and content . Make necessary arrangements to
gather inputs to the review.
3. Take actions on findings:- During the meeting,
determine the points which are critical to the project and
its performance. The members may have brain storming
session to discuss critical points. Make a list of all such
items discussed and suggested and group of data into
categories and then prioritize,either by a project member
or a team the task pertaining to the action planned. For
all such actions and recommendations, prioritize the
items depending upon the task for execution.
4. Do continuous improvement:- Continual improvement
is one of the management mantras. Every organization
wants to improve continuously. It is not possible to
achieve improvement unless sufficient measures are
adopted to measure improvement. Reviews are a check
process in the “Plan-Do-Check-Act” cycle of a quality
cycle.They are not just a one time event

Q3. Explain the concept of concurrency in high technology


Ans.3 As the application of technology has become critical for the

survivial of organization it has become imperative for
organizations to initiate measures for the survival of
organizations to initiate measures for the development of high
technology to be ahead of competition. No doubt, there are many
specialized Research and Development firms which offer their
expertise to their clients problems. However, their services are
available to the competitors and many technologies developed by
the company’s own research Personnel cannot be shared with
outsiders. So the strategy would be utilize the services of
external resources to the extent they are suitable for our purpose,
but with a strong base of R and D of our own.

Build Concurrency into every activity:- Building concurrency

into every activity is essential to reduce the development cycle
time and to counter the technology obsolescence. Many of the
tasks that are normally done in a serial fashion can be done in a
parallel by synchronizing the flow of information. The practices of
the concurrent engineering where the design of the poduct and
all its associated processes are carried out simultaneously based
on team work and participation would not only help in reducing
the development cycle time,but also improves the product
functionality with regard to requirements. Concurrency can be
accomplished in many ways both for product development as
well as technology transfer, user evaluation and production.
Q4. Explain in detail the project management review
process.What are the various post review activities?

Ans.4 The project management review process for corporate and

major information systems was instituted to review all corporate
and major information systems. This capital planning and
Investment control(CPIC) process.
It Provides a life cycle review process from system inception to
retirement and a correlation process and enterprise
Architecture(EA) processes i.e, Departmental information
Architecture, as well as other significant Department programs
and projects.
The project Management Reviews provides
information and insight to the CPIC Governance Group, the staff
responsible for the funding operation,integration and
interoperability,architectural alignment, standards
compliance,and other affected staff.
The project Management Reviews is designed to
collect data on one project. Senior managers may also
participate in the project management Review.
The following is a list of key participants:-
a) Chief information officer:- Conduct project senior
management reviews, monitor project progress, facilitate
resolution of related project issues.
b) Chief Financial Officer:- Approve investments in
corporate/major information system projects.
c) System owners
d) Program managers
e) Project managers
f) Corporate management Investment process program staff
g) Program Manager
h) Key project stake holders and other invited Participated

Project Files:- The following list includes some of the

documents that should be provided for the project
participation in the review process:
i) Set of review charts
ii) Supporting documentation(if any)
iii) Handouts(if any)
iv) Project Plan
v) Work Breakdown structure
vi) Review meeting notes
Review Briefings:- There are two formats for the review
briefings: First time and ongoing.
The briefing contents is designed to address al the pertinent
information about the project at a level appropriate for
management and senior management e.g., the CIO.

Post –Review activities:- Once the Project Management Review

has been conducted, follow up with program/Project managers on
any issue or concerns requiring attention, the status of open
items from the review, and CIO reporting action, e.g., reports to
the CIO council. The CIO may also recommend quality assurance
analysis conducted.

Issues or concerns Requiring Attention:- The Project

manager is responsible for raising issues or concerns that require
assistance or guideline to the attention of the CIO.

Status of open Items from Review:-The program/project

manager is responsible for tracking the open items from the
review and communicating the status in each quarterly review
until items are closed.
CIO Reports:- The staff supporting the CIO quaterly reviews will
prepare a summary report after each project management
Review. The summary report will include the following
i) Summary status
ii) Open Issues/Items
iii)Status Performance objectives/Measures
iv)Status of schedule/Cost

Q5. Explain the structure of the documentation systems as

required by supply chain monitoring what is the significance of
documentation? How does it help a manager?
Ans.5 The documentation system is intranet based to provide
immediate access to current, up-to-date process documentation.
The system allows usres to navigate through graphical structure
to relevant documentation and processes which were created
with the ARIS-Toolset.
The content of the process documentation system includes
the area supply chain management from the Odette supply chain
management Group. The system includes graphical process
documentation, in the form of process chains, as well as the
entire range of documentation related to the processes.
The process documentation system gives according to its
objectives, as overview and a detailed view of the relevant
processes for SCMO.
The entry point in the documentation system is the model
‘Process overview of SCMO’. This model is the starting point for
the navigation to other models.
The vertical navigation is th navigation on different levels. The
horizontal navigation is the navigation is the navigation on one
Microsoft has a team project management solution that
enables project managers and their teams to collaborate on
projects. The Microsoft project 2002 products in this solutions are
Microsoft project standard 2002, Microsoft project server 2002
and Microsoft project server client Access license (CAL)2002.

Q6. Write down a brief outline of any assumed project

management plan.

Ans.6 Project Management Plan:- project overview consider a

firm- ABC as a stock Broker/Dealer firm. Any support software will
have applications supporting the following components:
1) A brokerage Account opening application on ABC’s website
that will allow any internet user to open a brokerage account with
2) An account opening and maintainence application which is
primarily for ABC’s representatives to open accounts for the
applications received in paper format.
This is an intranet application. The application
will provide features such as account history viewing and account
balance, status and activity information.

Project Code Project Customer

Aaaaa ABC project ABC corporation
Project leader Configuration Business Manager Back up Back upv
(PL) Controller (BM) PL CC
Project Type Platform Number of Phases
Java, Oracle,
Maintainence Development Window Five

Project start Date

Project End
Onshore Offshore
15th August 2009 8th October 2009 15th Dec. 2009 US$xx,xxxx

Name and
Designation Phone Number Fax number E-mail ID

Project Scope:-
• To provide an effective, efficient means of amount
maintenance activities.
• To allow representatives to provide information
• To provide a complete picture to the client representatives
for account status ,valuation ,order status,and trade activity.
• To increase the intelligence of the update process.
• To provide an interface that can display required amount

Project Planning:-
Project Processes:- the standard process of ABC will be followed

Deviation from Added/Modified/Delet

standard process ed Reason for Deviation
Only those use cases
that are going to be
taken up in a particular Iteration based development is
iteration will be being done
elaborated at that point
of time
Development of logical
object model will be
Modified Confirm to RUP methodology
done incrementally in
first few iteration
Development of unit test
plan will be done in each Modified Confirm to RUP methodology
Development of unit test
Iterative approach is being
plan will be done in each Modified
Requirements trace
ability will be done Conformance to RUP
through the requisite methodology

People:- Make a list of the people required for each role in the
project along with number of members required for each role.

Hardware, Software and Tools:- Indicate the hardware and

software resources required in the project at every stage. Plan for
procurement of hardware and software depending upon the need
at various stage of the project.

Reviews:- Prepare a table of risk management plan to indicate

the risk type, probability of each risk, impact of the risk on the
project, risk exposure and a risk mitigation plan for each risk.

Risk management plan:- Prepare a table of risk management

plan to indicate the risk type,probability of each risk, impact of
the risk on the project risk exposure and a risk mitigation plan for
each risk.
Closure Report:- At the end prepare closure report table.
Indicate the necessary project phase/entity along with project
code and corresponding status.
Summary:- Prepare a summary of the various performance
parameter used in the project with respect to each of the actual
estimated and deviations in activity and also furnish the reasons
for deviations.

Risk Management:- Prepare the table on risk management

indicating the type of risk,actual elapsed time,estimated time.

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