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5, SEPTEMBER 2014 2001

Determining the Optimal Capacity of Renewable
Distributed Generation Using Restoration Methods
Sung-Yul Kim, Student Member, IEEE, Wook-Won Kim, and Jin-O. Kim, Senior Member, IEEE
AbstractThis paper proposes a methodology to determine the
optimal capacity of renewable distributed generation (RDG). The
objective in this paper is to maximize cost-savings of energy not
supplied (ENS) as well as cost-savings of energy loss according
to RDG installation in a distribution network. Additionally, in
order to achieve this multi-objective optimization problem, both a
restoration matrix and restoration availability are newly proposed.
In this case study, a practical Korea Electric Power Corporation
(KEPCO) system is presented and discussed, demonstrating the
performance and effectiveness of the proposed methods.
Index TermsEnergy loss, energy not supplied, optimal
installed capacity, optimal interconnection bus, renewable dis-
tributed generation, restoration availability, restoration matrix.
A. Abbreviations
CIC Customer interruption cost.
DG Distributed generation.
ENS Energy not supplied.
ESS Energy storage systems.
EUE Expected unserved energy.
IPP Independent power plant.
ISO Independent system operator.
KEPCO Korea Electric Power Corporation.
KMA Korea Meteorological Administration.
NPV Net present value.
O&M Operation and maintenance.
PF Power factor.
PV Photovoltaic.
RDG Renewable distributed generation.
RES Renewable energy sources.
Manuscript received July 30, 2012; revised January 13, 2013, April 27, 2013,
July 11, 2013, and November 17, 2013; accepted January 13, 2014. Date of
publication March 11, 2014; date of current version August 15, 2014. Paper no.
S.-Y. Kim is with the Department of Energy Engineering, Keimyung Univer-
sity, Daegu, South Korea (e-mail:
W.-W. Kimand J.-O. Kimare with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea (e-mail:;
Color versions of one or more of the gures in this paper are available online
Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TPWRS.2014.2305757
RPS Renewable portfolio standard.
WT Wind turbine.
B. Variables
Coefcients of performance of WT .
Power factor of WT .
ct Customer type.
Fault number in a contingency list.
Number of RDG.
Number of bus of customers.
Number of bus interconnected with RDG.
Repair time of a fault .
Resistance of th element of Zbus matrix.
Location of RDG installation.
Observation time.
th hour in a day.
Interruption cost of each customer type
during repair time .
Cost of ENS before RDG installation.
Cost of ENS for customers at bus after
RDG installation.
Total cost of ENS after RDG installation.
Cost of energy loss before RDG installation.
Total cost of energy loss after RDG
Net price for electricity.
Total cost of ENS and energy loss before
RDG installation.
Optimal cost-saving of ENS and energy loss
after RDG installation.
Total cost of ENS and energy loss after RDG
Irradiation on location at observation time
Total number of bus in a network.
Observation period (days).
Total number of , and periods make a
0885-8950 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
Active power injection in bus at time .
Total active load of customers in bus at
time .
Active load of customer type ct in bus at
time .
Peak load of customer type ct at bus .
Customer load pattern of customer type ct
at time .
Active power of RDG at time , which
is installed in location and interconnected
with bus .
Installed capacity of RDG , which is
installed in location and interconnected
with bus .
Maximum capacity of RDG in a network.
Maximum capacity of RDG in bus .
Output probability of RDG at , which
is installed in location and interconnected
with bus .
Observed active power of PV at
observation time , which is installed in
location and interconnected with bus .
Observed active power of WT in
observation time , which is installed in
location and interconnected with bus .
Reactive power injection at bus at time .
Total reactive load of customers at bus at
time .
Reactive power of RDG in time , which
is installed in location and interconnected
with bus .
Observed reactive power of WT at
observation time , which is installed in
location and interconnected with bus .
Restoration availability for a single RDG.
Restoration availability for multiple RDG.
Restoration matrix.
U Unit function.
Complex voltage at bus at time .
Cut-in speed of WT.
Cut-out speed of WT.
Rated wind speed of WT.
Wind speed on location at observation
time .
Inection point for the constant output of
PV .
Amplitude of branch admittance between
bus and .
Corresponding efciency of PV .
Failure rate of a fault .
Failure rate of customers at bus after RDG
Angle of branch admittance between bus
and .
C. Sets
Set of RDG .
Set of buses of customers .
Set of interconnection buses for RDG.
Set of installed locations for RDG.
HE technical improvements and the desire of customers
for reliable and eco-friendly electric power have led to
increased interest in distributed generation (DG) including re-
newable energy sources (RES). Current energy policies of gov-
ernments also help to promote installation and operation of this
new type of generation through a feed-in tariff, quota system,
carbon tax and trading, and tax relief. As a result, clean en-
ergy technologies have become cost-competitive with conven-
tional power systems, and in the near future, the generation cost
of RES is expected to approach grid parity, which is the point
at which alternative means of generating electricity produces
power at a cost that is equal to or less than the price of pur-
chasing power from the grid [1][4]. Nevertheless, at present
the generation cost of RES is still more expensive than the gen-
eration cost of conventional plants. Therefore, renewable energy
projects are still suffering fromnancial hardship due to renew-
able portfolio standard (RPS), which mandates that utilities and
other load serving entities must procure a signicant portion of
their customers electricity needs from RES [5], [6]. In this sit-
uation, the planning of renewable distributed generation (RDG)
must be carefully considered towards achieving sustainable hy-
brid electric power systems.
Various methodologies to facilitate prospective investors to
arrive at an optimal planning for investment in RDG have been
proposed [7][16]. This research allows evaluation and com-
parison of total costs necessary in implementing the planning
of RDG, considering construction costs, interconnection costs,
operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, and generation rev-
enue. Recently, an increasing concern for climate change has
focused the interest of the public towards environmental pro-
tection, thus [10], [11], and [15] presented an planning for in-
vestment in RDGconsidering carbon emission. In [12][16], the
net present value (NPV) analysis has been used for investment
analysis, and the planning with the highest NPV was selected.
The purpose of this research is to nd the best choice of new
resources to be planned to maximize expected prots, from the
perspective of independent power plant (IPP).
On the other hand, there are many approaches for the plan-
ning of RDG to minimize power loss and energy loss [17][22].
Hung et al. [17] presented analytical expressions for nding size
and location of DG. In this work, the objective was power loss
minimization. Ochoa et al. [18] proposed the technique for ac-
commodating RDG to minimize not power losses, but energy
losses. Atwa et al. [19] proposed a planning technique for allo-
cating various types of DG to minimize annual energy loss. The
positive effects of RDG in these approaches are evaluated under
normal network conditions without any faults in a network. As
we consider an islanding condition in which RDG can continue
to power a location independently even though electrical grid
power is no longer present, customers load (that would oth-
erwise have been left disconnected until repair had been com-
pleted) can be transferred onto another part of the system such
as RDG [23]. Therefore, this operational condition can have a
remarkable effect on the distribution reliability such as energy
not supplied (ENS). Above all previous approaches, however,
overlook this positive effect of RDG when a fault occurs in a
Dugan et al. [24] introduced the planning process for DG
considering the value of expected unserved energy (EUE) as
well as capacity constraints. Furthermore, [25] and [26] pro-
posed the multi-objective optimization method for the planning
of DG considering both ENS and energy loss. These previous
works reected the positive effect of DG on reliability improve-
ment. In the event of a system failure, however, it is hard to
evaluate availability of electrical energy supplied from RDG to
interrupted customers. Because network conguration, priority
in power supply from RDG to customers, and the balance be-
tween load and generation from RDG should be considered in
order to evaluate this availability of RDG. Therefore, in this
paper, restoration methods (restoration matrix and restoration
availability) are newly proposed in order to solve this complex
This paper tries to improve on earlier works by using ENS in
combination with energy loss according to the planning of RDG
using the proposed restoration methods from the perspective of
independent system operator (ISO). Here, the optimal installed
capacity and the optimal bus interconnected with RDG is deter-
mined by this proposed method. The proposed method for the
planning of RDG permits a better simulation.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:
Section II presents the output modeling of RDG. The proposed
restoration matrix and restoration availability are introduced
in Section III, and the purpose of these restoration methods is
to evaluate the reliability of a distribution network with RDG.
Section IV describes the methodology for determining the
optimal installed capacity and the optimal bus interconnected
with RDG. Section V presents numerical results of application
of the proposed methods in a practical KEPCO system, and
relevant observations are also addressed in this section. Finally,
conclusions and contributions to this paper are summarized in
Section VI.
In general, DG is not centrally planned by the utility and not
dispatched. The installed capacity of DG is normally smaller
than 20 MW, and it is usually connected to a distribution system.
DG can be classied according to various criteria, which are the
purpose and the operation strategy, terminal characteristics, and
the output controllability of DG [17], [27], [28]. Based on the
output controllability of DG, coal-based generations and energy
storage systems (ESS) are classied into the controllable unit
type. On the other hand, the output of photovoltaic generation
(PV) and wind turbines (WT) is intermittent and uncontrollable
because these sources are affected by external factors such as
location and weather. In this paper, PV and WT are considered
for the output model of RDG.
A. Output of Renewable Distributed Generation
Based on the terminal characteristics, PV is regarded as the
unit supplying only active power to the grid, and WT is re-
garded as the unit supplying active power and consuming re-
active power.
1) Only Active Power Supply: PV: Active power of PV is
usually affected by irradiation, . The active power of PV
in observation time can be represented as follows [29]:
where PV is installed in location , and it is interconnected
with bus . In the relationship between irradiation and the output
of PV, after a certain irradiation point, further increases in irra-
diation produce relatively small changes in efciency. This in-
ection point is represented as .
2) Active Power Supply and Reactive Power Consumption:
WT: The output extracted by the rotor blades of a WT is the dif-
ference between the upstreamand the downstreamwind powers.
It varies with the density of the air sweeping the blades and with
the cube of the wind speed [30]. For practical purposes, how-
ever, active power of WT is commonly described as shown in
(2) at the bottom of the page [31].
WT cannot export active power when the wind speed
is below the cut-in speed , and it is shut down for safety
reasons if the wind speed is higher than the cut-out speed .
The output of WT is proportional to the velocity between the
cut-in speed and the rated wind speed . After this rated wind
speed, the output of WT remains constant.
Reactive power consumption of WT is represented as
where is the power factor (PF) of WT .
B. Output Model of Renewable Distributed Generation
The output data of RDG is analyzed by using the output pa-
rameters of RDG and the weather conditions during observation
period, . Based on these data, the output model of RDG in
time can be determined by using a linear rounding method,
and the output probability of RDG is dened by the per-unit
value as follows [32]:
where is one among 24 hours in a day.
Finally, the output of RDG in time can be represented in
the following equations, where RDG is installed in location
and interconnected with bus :
In here, is zero while the type of RDG is PV.
An islanding condition can have a remarkable effect on the
reliability in a network with RDG. To evaluate this effect, there
are a few issues that need to be considered including: 1) net-
work conguration; 2) priority in power supply from RDG to
customers; 3) the balance between load and generation from
RDG. However, when a fault occurs in a network, it is hard to
evaluate availability of electrical energy supplied from RDG to
interrupted customers while simultaneously considering these
issues. Furthermore, this priority in power supply differs from
the conguration and the fault in a network, and also this bal-
ance between load and generation depends on the network con-
guration, the fault and time. In order to solve these compli-
cated problems, restoration matrix and restoration availability
are newly proposed in this paper. These restoration methods are
innovative techniques for evaluating the distribution reliability
compared to the method introduced in [5]. In this paper, these
restoration methods are used to evaluate ENS for the optimal
planning of RDG.
Fig. 1. Simple distribution network with RDG.
A. Restoration Matrix
Let RDGbe interconnected with bus and a fault occur in a
network. Then, , called the restoration matrix, offers
valuable structural information about priority in power supply
from RDG to customers at bus , and it is formulated as follows:
if RDG cannot supply power to customers
if customers are not affected by the fault
Regardless of a fault in a network, if customers at bus
can be supplied with power from the main grid, is
zero. Additionally, zero also has the meaning of no cus-
tomers at bus . On the other hand, if customers at bus cannot
be supplied with power from the main grid or RDG due to net-
work conguration during a fault , then is .
For the rest, the value of the restoration matrix indicates a nat-
ural number as priority in power supply from RDG to customers
at bus .
Fig. 1 depicts a simple case in order to explain restoration
matrix. In here, RDG is interconnected with bus 6 ,
and customer and are located in bus 3, 5 and 7, re-
spectively. When all 6 line faults are postulated in this network,
restoration matrix can be determined in (9) by using denition
where row and column in restoration matrix are indicated by
and , respectively.
When a fault occurs on line 1 , RDG interconnected with
bus 6 should consider to be a top priority (denoted by 1)
in order to supply electricity. is second on the priority list
(denoted by 2), followed by (denoted by 3) in this case
. Additionally, when a fault
occurs on line 3 can be supplied with power from the
main grid (denoted by 0), regardless of the output of RDG as
well as the fault on line 3. , on the other hand, cannot be
supplied with power from the main grid or RDG (denoted by
) due to this network conguration in Fig. 1
B. Restoration Availability
Using the restoration matrix, priority in the power supply is
determined according to the faults in a network and buses in-
terconnected with RDG. However, when a customer has the
highest priority from power supply, it does not automatically
mean the customer will be supplied with power during a fault in
a network. This is because the balance between load and gener-
ation is the basic rule of all power systems for a stable energy
supply. Therefore, in order to evaluate availability of electrical
energy supplied from RDG to interrupted customers, not only
electricity supply priorities by restoration matrix, but the rela-
tionship between load and generations in time is required.
In this respect, restoration availability is proposed in addition to
restoration matrix.
, called restoration availability, offers valuable
information about whether this power system maintains the bal-
ance between customers load at bus and the output of RDG
in time when a fault occurs in a network. Here, the output
of RDG can be affected by the location for RDG installation,
because weather conditions differ from location .
In a network with a single RDG, restoration availability is
determined as follows:
0 means restoration via RDG is not available. 1, on the
contrary, means restoration via RDG is available. Here, ct is a
customer type such as public, commercial, industrial and resi-
dential. is the set of bus with customers whose electrical
load should be supplied from RDG during a fault . Active
load at bus in time is , which is evaluated by using
the load pattern of each customer type and
the peak load of each customer type at bus . Here,
is expressed as the per-unit value based on peak
load of each customer type. As shown in (12), basically, restora-
tion availability of RDG is determined by the balance between
customers load and the output of RDG in time . Here, U is
the unit function.
Based on (10)(14), when various RDG are installed in a net-
work, restoration availability is determined as follows:
where is the set of RDG . and are the set of installed
locations for RDG and the set of interconnection bus for
RDG, respectively.
Restoration methods proposed in this paper are applied to
evaluate the sum of cost-saving of ENS according to installed
capacity and the bus interconnected with RDG in Section IV.
In this section, the method for determining the optimal in-
stalled capacity and interconnected bus with RDG is proposed.
In here, there are two different objectives. The rst objective
is to minimize ENS when a fault occurs in a network (under
abnormal network conditions), and the second one is to mini-
mize energy loss without any fault (under normal network con-
ditions). In this paper, these two objectives combined into a
multi-objective optimization problem in order to evaluate all ef-
fects of RDG installation. The purpose of this multi-objective
optimization problem is to maximize the sum of cost-saving of
ENS and cost-saving of energy loss, according to installed ca-
pacity and the bus interconnected with RDG.
The multi-objective function in this paper can be formulated
as follows:
where is the sumof cost of ENS and cost of energy
loss , before new RDG is installed in a network (denoted
by Base Case). and are ENS cost and energy
loss cost after RDG is installed in a network, respectively. The
values of and are evaluated by considering all
possible factors, which are all feasible RDG (in the set ),
permitted locations (in the set ) and interconnectable buses
(in the set ).
The remainder of this section is composed of four parts. The
rst and second part represent the way to evaluate
using the proposed restoration methods and ac-
cording to the planning of RDG, respectively. The third part
describes constraints for this multi-objective optimization,
and the last part depicts the ow chart of the proposed plan-
ning technique.
A. Cost of Energy Not Supplied:
Customers are composed of various types, and customer in-
terruption costs (CIC [$/kWh]) are different in each customer
type and repair time. In this paper, CIC of customers at bus is
evaluated by using CIC of each customer type and
active load of each customer type . After RDG in-
stallation, cost of ENS for customers at bus is determined as
where and are repair time of a failure and the failure
rate of a fault itself, respectively. is total number of ,
and periods make a day, e.g., hours a day.
is the failure rate of customers at bus due
to a fault when RDG (in the set is installed in location
(in the set ) and is interconnected with bus (in the set ).
is restoration availability which is evaluated by
restoration methods in Section III.
As a result, costs of ENS in the multi-objective optimization
problem are determined as follows:
This equation indicates the sum cost of ENS for all customers
in a network according to the planning of RDG.
B. Energy Loss Cost:
Power loss is generally used to investigate the impact of con-
trollable energy sources. This approach is suitable for a snapshot
at xed peak load and xed maximum output of DG. In order to
investigate the time-varying demand as well as the intermittent
RDG, however, energy loss is more reasonable for the planning
of RDG [18], [33]. In this paper, therefore, energy loss is calcu-
lated using variable demand and intermittent power driven by
RDG in time .
The total energy loss is commonly formulated as shown in
(23)(25) at the bottom of the page [17], [34], where
and are the active power injection at bus and the
reactive power injection at bus in time , respectively.
is the complex voltage at bus , and is the
resistance of th element of Zbus matrix. is the total
number of buses in a network.
Fig. 2. Flow chart for the optimal planning of RDG.
When RDG is interconnected with bus , RDG supplies with
power to this bus . Customers at bus , on the contrary, use
electricity. Therefore, the active/reactive power injection can be
determined as follows:
As mentioned in Section II, RDG may absorb or export
reactive power depending on the terminal characteristics of
RDG. If RDG is WT (the type of reactive power consumption),
will be negative.
Fig. 3. Cases system: Icheon and Jangheung in South Korea.
As a result, energy loss costs in the multi-objective optimiza-
tion problem are determined as follows:
where is the net price for electricity, and this equation
indicates the sum of energy loss cost for one year because ENS
is generally evaluated on a yearly basis.
C. Constraints
The multi-objective optimization problem should be mini-
mized subject to certain equality and inequality constraints.
Distribution power ow equations
In these separating the active and reactive parts, and
are the amplitude and angle of branch admittance between bus
and bus [35].
Inequality constraints relate to keeping the magnitude of cur-
rents at all lines and the magnitude of voltages at all buses within
the permissible limits.
Limits on line current magnitude
Limits on bus voltage magnitude
Limits on RDG capacity of interconnected bus
Limits on RDG capacity of a distribution network
where is maximum-allowable capacity of RDG in
bus . For example, according to the South Korean grid code,
maximum-allowable capacity of RDG was restricted to 20 MW
in a distribution network. is maximum-allowable
RDG capacity in a distribution network.
D. Flow Chart
The process for determining the optimal capacity of RDG is
described as shown in Fig. 2.
In order to demonstrate the validity of the solution sets
obtained by the proposed methods, a 154/22.9-kV distribution
system is adopted as a case system, and this case system is a
practical KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation) system
in the area of Icheon and Jangheung in South Korea.
It is assumed that PV and WT, shown in Fig. 3, are installed
in the adjacent area of this case system. According to the South
Korean grid code for interconnection of RDG in a distribution
network, maximum-allowable capacity of RDG in each inter-
connection bus is as shown in Table I.
Base Case shows the original network prior to the installation
of RDG such as PV and WT. In Case 1, one of PV and WT is
installed in the case system, and in Case 2, both of them are
installed simultaneously. All system data and grid constraints
are applied with KEPCO.
Weather is still very stochastic and prone to uncertainty in
terms of forecasts, even if various research studies have been
performed [33], [36]. In this paper, the output of RDG at time
is evaluated by using historical measurement data. The time-
based output models for PV and WT are derived from irradia-
tion data and wind velocity data, respectively. These weather
data have been acquired by KMA (Korea Meteorological Ad-
ministration) during 2010, and depicted in Fig. 9 (Appendix).
In this case study, an islanding operation of RDG is allowed
in order to maximize the benets from RDG, because this oper-
ation mode can improve the distribution reliability.
The failure of lines, buses and transformers can be included
in a contingency list. In this paper, the failure of all lines is pos-
tulated for contingency, and it is assumed that these lines have a
failure rate of 0.1 f/kmyr. Repair time in the main feeder ( )
is 4 hours, and repair time in the lateral distributors ( ) is
1 hour.
Customer type (ct) is divided into public, commercial, indus-
trial and residential in this paper. CIC ( depends on
customer type and interruption time. CICof each customer type,
shown in Table II, is bifurcated into 1 hour and 4 hours as inter-
ruption time [37][40].
All customer load patterns in this case study are based on the
investigation from 2003 to 2007 in South Korea. Customers
peak load and load patterns are shown in Table III and Fig. 10,
respectively. Using these data, and (13) and (14), hourly power
demand of each customer is postulated.
Energy loss is evaluated by the relation between customers
load and the output of RDG in time as well as the grid data
in the case system.
Unit installed capacity of RDG is 1 kW for implementation
of iterative technique, and the results in this case study are sim-
ulated and evaluated by Matlab 7.0.4. All computer programs
were run on a Windows 7-based PC (Intel Core i7 Q740 pro-
cessor and 12 GB RAM).
A. Analysis on Cost of ENS
In Base Case where there are no RDG in the case system, cost
of ENS in each customer is evaluated as shown in Table IV.
In order to evaluate ENS when RDG is installed and inter-
connected to the case system, restoration matrix according to
interconnected bus with RDG should be determined rst. Fig. 8
shows restoration matrix in this case study, which is the part of
Matlab source code.
In Case 1 where one of PV and WT is installed, lower cost
of ENS compared to the results in Base Case are analyzed as
shown in Table V.
These results in Table V show that RDG installation does
not always improve ENS. All buses interconnected with RDG
but bus 2, 4 and 6 appear to have no effect on ENS, because
ENS is affected by structural characteristics of a network (de-
ned as restoration matrix) and the balance between customers
load and the output of RDG in time (dened as restoration
In case of only PV installation, the most effective way to im-
prove ENS is to install PV with 2974 kW (interconnection bus
. In case of only WT installation, the most effective way
to improve ENS is to install WT with 2824 kW (interconnection
bus ).
RDG is generally interconnected to the nearest bus for gener-
ation expansion planning. In this case system, bus 4 for PV and
bus 3 for WT are the nearest buses. However, when PV is in-
terconnected to bus 6, this planning can reduce the cost of ENS
more than 1.8% compared to the conventional planning where
PV is interconnected to bus 4. Furthermore, to interconnect WT
with the nearest bus 3 has no effect on ENS.
In Case 2 where both of PV and WT are installed, various
plans with two RDG can reduce costs of ENS compared to the
results in Base Case. Table VI shows the top 3 plans among all
feasible plans in Case 2.
Although both of PV and WT are installed simultaneously in
Case 2, all plans are not always able to generate cost-savings
for ENS. Therefore, it is important to determine which bus we
choose to interconnect, as well as the installed RDG capacity.
Considering all cases, the top 8 plans of RDG are arranged in
order of improved cost-saving of ENS as shown in Table VII.
With respect to improved cost-savings of ENS due to the
planning of RDG, the most effective way is to install PV with
2974 kW (interconnection bus ) and WT with 2824 kW
(interconnection bus ) simultaneously. Here, costs of ENS
can be reduced by 4.39% compared to the results in Base Case,
where there is no RDG in the case system. Additionally, this
proposed planning can reduce the cost of ENS more than 2.8%
compared to the conventional planning where RDG is intercon-
nected to the nearest bus in a network.
B. Analysis on Energy Loss Cost
In Base Case, energy loss and energy loss cost are evalu-
ated as 7830.6889 MWh and $783 068.9, respectively, by power
In Case 1, Table VIII shows the optimal capacity of RDG
according to each bus , from a viewpoint of energy loss.
In Table VIII, bus 1 for RDG interconnection does not inu-
ence energy loss at all, because bus 1 is the secondary part of
the main grid.
From the results in Base Case and Table VIII, energy loss and
cost-saving of energy loss in Case 1, can be depicted in Figs. 4
and 5.
With respect to improved cost-saving of energy loss due to
the planning of RDG, the most effective way is to interconnect
RDG with bus 5. Here, two factors lead to this result. At rst,
the electrical distance between and the main grid is relatively
far. Secondly, customers load in is the largest in this case
system as shown in Table III. When PV is interconnected with
Fig. 4. Case 1(PV): energy loss and cost-saving of energy loss.
Fig. 5. Case 1(WT): energy loss and cost-saving of energy loss.
bus 5, this planning can reduce energy loss more than 1.5%com-
pared to the conventional planning where PV is interconnected
with the nearest bus 4. Additionally, when WT is interconnected
with bus 5, this planning also can reduce energy loss more than
8.8% compared to the conventional planning where WT is in-
terconnected with the nearest bus 3. Therefore, the planning of
RDG which is interconnected with bus 5, is most effective to
improve energy loss.
In Case 2, Table IX shows the optimal capacity of RDG and
interconnection bus , from a viewpoint of energy loss.
Considering all Cases, the top 10 plans of RDG are arranged
in order of improved cost-saving of energy loss as shown in
Table X.
With respect to improved cost-saving of energy loss due to
the planning of RDG, the most effective way is to install PV
with 3000 kW (interconnection bus ) and WT with 3000
kW (interconnection bus ) simultaneously. Here, cost of
energy loss can be reduced by 40.7% compared to the results in
Base Case, where there is no RDG in the case system.
C. Optimal Planning of RDG
The results in Case 1 are depicted in Figs. 6 and 7. As consid-
ering only cost-saving of energy loss, the most effective way is
Fig. 6. Case 1(PV): total improved cost-savings.
to interconnect RDG with bus 5. However, this approach over-
looks the effects of RDG when a fault occurs in a network.
Therefore, the optimal planning of RDG proposed in this paper
is determined by considering both sides of ENS and energy loss.
As a result, the optimal planning of PV in Case 1 is to install PV
with 3000 kW, and to interconnect PV with bus 6. On the other
hand, the optimal planning of WT in Case 1 is to install WT with
3000 kW, and to interconnect WT with bus 4. By the proposed
Fig. 7. Case 1(WT): total improved cost-savings.
method in this paper, the planning of PV can reduce annual cost
of ENS and energy loss, $487 074.9, and the planning of WT
can reduce them, $338 675.6.
Finally, the top 10 plans of RDG are arranged in order of total
improved cost-savings as shown in Table XI.
The optimal planning of RDG in this case system is to install
PV with 3000 kW (interconnection bus ) and WT with
3000 kW (interconnection bus ) simultaneously. Further-
more, from this optimal planning, costs of ENS can be reduced
by 4.39% and energy loss costs can be reduced by 39.12% com-
pared to without RDGin this case system. This optimal planning
of RDGis expected to achieve signicant annual cost-savings of
$694 602. From the ISOs viewpoint, it is the maximum benet
via RDG, considering under normal (energy loss) and abnormal
conditions (ENS) using the proposed restoration methods.
In this paper, a methodology to determine the optimal bus
interconnected with RDG, as well as the optimal installed ca-
pacity of RDG is proposed. Both of the ENS and energy loss
are considered to solve this multi-objective problem. In here,
restoration methods are also proposed to evaluate the effect on
ENS according to the planning of RDG.
Fig. 8. Restoration matrix.
Fig. 9. Weather data. (a) Irradiation in . (b) Wind speed in .
In order to verify the proposed methods, data sets from real
power systems in Icheon and Jangheung, South Korea are ap-
plied to the case study. The results in the case study conrm that
the proposed methods are more suitable to determine the op-
timal planning of RDG compared to the conventional methods,
because cost-savings of ENS under abnormal conditions as well
as cost-savings of energy loss under normal conditions due to
RDG installation are evaluated simultaneously.
The planning of RDG in this paper is approached from a
viewpoint of ISO, and this paper is innovative and fundamental
towards sustainability and increasing the economic attractive-
ness of RDG. In this sense, it can provide valuable insights to
stakeholders in governments and companies.
In this paper, the proposed restoration methods are only due
to vicinity to RDG. In our future work, as considering the other
factors in addition to vicinity, further developed methods will be
proposed to improve its economic impacts and effectiveness.
Figs. 810 showthe restoration matrix, weather data, and load
patterns by customer type, respectively.
Fig. 10. Load patterns by customer type. (a) Public. (b) Commercial. (c) Industry. (d) Residential.
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Sung-Yul Kim (S11) received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical en-
gineering from Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea, in 2007 and 2012,
From 2012 to 2013, he was a research assistant at Georgia Institute of Tech-
nology, Atlanta, GA, USA. Since 2013, he has been with the Department of
Energy Engineering, Keimyung University, Daegu, South Korea. His main re-
search interests include computer aided optimization, renewable energy sources
applied to smart grid, and power system reliability.
Wook-Won Kim received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering
from Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea, in 2008 and 2011, respectively.
He is pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering of Hanyang University.
His research interests include power system reliability, optimal scheduling
of energy storage system with heuristic algorithm, and forecasting renewable
energy sources.
Jin-O. Kim (SM03) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engi-
neering from Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, and the Ph.D. de-
gree from Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA.
He is presently a Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea. His research interests include power
system reliability, planning, and power economics applied to smart grid.

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