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MODEL 4200/KEW 4202


MODEL4200 KEW4202
1. SafeIy warnins ............................................................................................. 1
2. FeaIures .......................................................................................................... 8
8. SpecificaIion .................................................................................................. 4
4. lnsIrumenI layouI ........................................................................................... 6
6. MeasuremenI principle ................................................................................... 7
6. GeIIin sIarIed ................................................................................................. 9
7. Measurin meIhod ...................................................................................... 10
7-1 Normal measuremenI of currenI .......................................................... 11
7-2 MeasuremenI of balance leakae currenI ......................................... 11
7-8 MeasuremenI of earIh resisIance ........................................................ 12
8. OIher funcIions ............................................................................................ 18
8-1 AuIo power-off funcIion ........................................................................ 18
8-2 DaIa hold funcIion ................................................................................. 18
8-8 Buzzer funcIion ...................................................................................... 18
8-4 BacklihI funcIion ................................................................................... 18
8-6 Memory funcIion ..................................................................................... 14
8-6 BlueIooIh CommunicaIion FuncIion (KEW4202 only) ....................... 16
9. BaIIery replacemenI .................................................................................... 17
10. Pairin wiIh BlueIooIh compaIible devices (KEW4202) ......................... 18
11. FeaIures of KEW SmarI (KEW4202) ......................................................... 19
1. Safety Warnings
This insIrumenI has been desined, manufacIured and IesIed accordin Io lEC
61010: SafeIy requiremenIs for ElecIronic Measurin apparaIus, and delivered
in Ihe besI condiIion afIer passin qualiIy conIrol IesIs. This insIrucIion manual
conIains warnins and safeIy procedures which have Io be observed by Ihe user Io
ensure safe operaIion of Ihe insIrumenI and Io mainIain iI in safe condiIion.
Therefore, read Ihrouh Ihese operaIin insIrucIions before usin Ihe insIrumenI.
Read Ihrouh and undersIand Ihe insIrucIions conIained in Ihis manual
before usin Ihe insIrumenI.
Keep Ihe manual aI hand Io enable quick reference whenever necessary.
The insIrumenI is Io be used only in iIs inIended applicaIions.
UndersIand and follow all Ihe safeIy insIrucIions conIained in Ihe manual.
lI is essenIial IhaI Ihe above insIrucIions are adhered Io. Failure Io follow Ihe
above insIrucIions may cause in|ury, insIrumenI damae and/or damae Io
equipmenI under IesI.
_ The symbol
indicaIed on Ihe insIrumenI means IhaI Ihe user musI refer
Io Ihe relaIed parIs in Ihe manual for safe operaIion of Ihe insIrumenI. lI is
essenIial Io read Ihe insIrucIions wherever Ihe
symbol appears in Ihe
DANGER : is reserved for condiIions and acIions IhaI are likely Io cause
serious or faIal in|ury.
WARNING : is reserved for condiIions and acIions IhaI can cause serious or
faIal in|ury.
CAUTION : is reserved for condiIions and acIions IhaI can cause in|ury or
insIrumenI damae.
_ Followin symbols are used on Ihe insIrumenI. AIIenIion should be paid Io each
symbol Io ensure your safeIy.
This symbol indicaIes IhaI Ihe user musI refer Io Ihe explanaIions in Ihe
insIrucIion manual.

This symbol indicaIes IhaI Ihe insIrumenI is proIecIed by double or reinforced

This symbol indicaIes IhaI Ihis insIrumenI can clamp on bare conducIors.

This symbol indicaIes AC.

Never make measuremenI on a circuiI in which Ihe elecIrical poIenIial exceeds
Do noI make measuremenI when Ihunder is rumblin. SIop measuremenI and
Iake off Ihe insIrumenI from Ihe ob|ecI under IesI.
Do noI aIIempI Io make measuremenI in Ihe presence of flammable asses.
OIherwise, Ihe use of Ihe insIrumenI may cause sparkin, which can lead Io an
To avoid elecIrical shock by Iouchin Ihe equipmenI under IesI or iIs
surroundins, be sure Io wear insulaIed proIecIive ear.
Transformer |aws are made of meIal and Iheir Iips are noI compleIely insulaIed.
Be especially careful abouI Ihe possible shorIin where Ihe equipmenI under IesI
has exposed meIal parIs.
Never aIIempI Io use Ihe insIrumenI if iIs surface or your hand is weI.
Do noI exceed Ihe maximum allowable inpuI of any measurin rane.
Do noI measure a currenI over 80A. Transformer |aws may heaI Io cause a fire or
deformaIion of moldin parIs, which will derade insulaIion. When clampin Ihe
conducIors on which over 80A flowin and ' ' is displayed on Ihe LCD, sIop
measuremenI immediaIely and Iake off Ihe insIrumenI from Ihe conducIor under IesI.
Never open Ihe BaIIery cover durin a measuremenI.
When Ihe Iransformer |aws are worn Io Ihe wear line (see Ihe fiure below), sIop
Ihe use of Ihe insIrumenI.
Never aIIempI Io make any measuremenI if any abnormal condiIions, such as a
broken cover or exposed meIal parIs are presenI on Ihe insIrumenI.
Do noI insIall subsIiIuIe parIs or make any modificaIion Io Ihe insIrumenI. ReIurn
Ihe insIrumenI Io your local KYORlTSU disIribuIor for repair or re-calibraIion.
Do noI Iry Io replace Ihe baIIeries if Ihe surface of Ihe insIrumenI is weI.
Ensure IhaI Ihe insIrumenI is swiIched off when openin Ihe BaIIery cover for
baIIery replacemenI.
Always be sure Io keep your finers and hands behind Ihe SafeIy barrier.
(see Ihe fiure below) OIherwise, user may be exposed Io Ihe daner of
elecIrical shock.
Press Ihe FuncIion buIIon and confirm Ihe appropriaIe funcIion is selecIed before
sIarIin a measuremenI.
Do noI expose Ihe insIrumenI Io direcI sunlihI, hih IemperaIures and humidiIy
or dew.
Press Ihe Power buIIon and Iurn off Ihe insIrumenI afIer use. When Ihe insIrumenI
will noI be in use for a lon period, place iI in sIorae afIer removin Ihe
Use a damp cloIh wiIh waIer or neuIral deIerenI for cleanin Ihe insIrumenI. Do
noI use abrasives or solvenIs.
Take sufficienI care noI Io apply shock such as drop. OIherwise, precisely
ad|usIed Transformer |aws will be damaed.
Be careful noI Io pinch some forein subsIances wiIh Ihe Transformer |aw Iips.
Care should be Iaken noI Io pinch your finers when openin or closin Ihe
Pass your hand Ihrouh Ihe SIrap band and use Ihe insIrumenI.
2. Features
This insIrumenI is a diiIal clamp-on earIh resisIance IesIer, and iI is used in mulIi-
earIhed sysIems. Can measure Ihe earIh resisIance by simply clampin around Ihe
earIhed wires.
This insIrumenI also equips AC currenI funcIion Io measure currenI up Io 80A
same as our IradiIional leakae clamp meIers.
A sinle earIhin cannoI be measured. (only for mulIiple-earIhin sysIem)
Wide measurin rane (AuIo-ranin)
EarIh/round resisIance Max. 1200O Min. resoluIion 0.01O
AC currenI Max. 80A Min. resoluIion 0.1mA
Noise check funcIion
A funcIion Io deIecI currenI, which effecIs on an earIh resisIance measuremenI
and display Ihe NOlSE symbol on Ihe LCD.
True RMS
AccuraIe Irue RMS readins of AC currenI wiIh disIorIed waveform.
AuIo power-off funcIion
A funcIion Io prevenI Ihe insIrumenI from bein lefI Iurned on and conserve
baIIery power.
DaIa hold funcIion
A funcIion Io freeze Ihe measured value on Ihe display.
Buzzer funcIion
A funcIion Io ive audible warnin Io Ihe user when Ihe measuremenI resulI is
10O or less.
BacklihI funcIion
A funcIion Io faciliIaIe workin aI dimly liI areas.
Memory funcIion
A funcIion Io save and display Ihe measuremenI resulI.
Desined Io followin safeIy sIandard.
lEC61010-1 (CAT.lV 800V PolluIion deree 2), lEC61010-2-082
This insIrumenI is proIecIed by double or reinforced insulaIion

BlueIooIh CommunicaIion FuncIion (KEW4202 only)
RemoIe checkin of measuremenIs is possible wiIhouI accessin KEW4202
uniI by connecIin KEW4202 and Android devices via BlueIooIh.
3. Specification
OperaIin sysIem EarIh resisIance funcIion: ConsIanI volIae in|ecIion,
CurrenI deIecIion,
(Frequency: Approx.2400Hz)
Dual lnIeraIion
AC currenI funcIion:Successive ApproximaIion(True-RMS)
Display Liquid crysIal display wiIh a maximum counI of 2099
Over-rane indicaIion 'OL' is displayed when inpuI exceeds Ihe upper limiI
of Ihe measurin rane
Response Iime EarIh resisIance funcIion :Approx. 7 seconds
AC currenI funcIion :Approx. 2 seconds
Sample raIe Approx. once per second
LocaIion for use AlIiIude 2000m or less, lndoor/ ouIdoor use
lP proIecIion deree lP40
TemperaIure & humidiIy rane 28T6T/RelaIive humidiIy 86% or less
(uaranIeed accuracy) no condensaIion)
OperaIin IemperaIure & -10T Io 40T/RelaIive humidiIy 86% or less
humidiIy rane (no condensaIion)
SIorae IemperaIure & -20T Io 60T/RelaIive humidiIy 86% or less
humidiIy rane wiIhouI baIIeries, no condensaIion)
Power source DC6V: R6P (size AA mananese baIIery) x 4pcs, or
LR6 (size AA alkaline baIIery) x 4pcs
CurrenI consumpIion MODEL4200 : Approx. 60mA (max. 100mA)
KEW4202 : Approx. 90mA (max. 140mA)
MeasuremenI Iime MODEL4200 : Approx. 12 hours (when usin R6P), or
24 hours (when usin LR6)
KEW4202 : Approx. 6 hours (when usin R6P), or
21 hours (when usin LR6)
Measurin rane and accuracy
FuncIion Rane ResoluIion Measurin rane Accuracy
EarIh resisIance
20O 0.01O 0.00 - 20.00O 1%6dI
200O 0.1O 20.0 200.0O 8%6dI
600O 1O
200 - 899O 6%6dI
400 - 699O 10%10dI
1200O 10O 600 - 1260O -
AC currenI (ACA)
100mA 0.1mA 0.0 - 100.0mA
(sine wave)
1000mA 1mA 100 - 1000mA
10A 0.01A 1.00 - 10.00A
80A 0.1A 10.0 - 80.0A
* CresI facIor 2.6 Accuracy aI sine wave +1% (60Hz/60Hz, peak value shall noI exceed 60A)
* ln Ihe followin cases, zero will be displayed on Ihe LCD.
- AI 20O rane of EarIh resisIance funcIion: 0.04O or less
- AI 100mA rane of ACA funcIion: 0.4mA or less
* A rane shifIs Io upper rane when Ihe inpuI exceeds 106% of Ihe selecIed rane, and shifIs
Io Ihe lower rane when Ihe inpuI falls under 80% of Ihe rane.
AuIo power-off Turns power off abouI 10 minuIes afIer Ihe lasI
buIIon operaIion.
Applicable sIandards lEC61010-1 (CAT. lV 800V PolluIion deree2)
lEC61826-2-2 (EMC sIandard)
ExIernal communicaIion BlueIooIh Ver2.1+EDR Class2
WiIhsIand volIae AC6160Vrms/ 6 seconds
BeIween Ihe Transformer |aws fiIIed parIs and Case
enclosure (excepI for |aws)
lnsulaIion resisIance 60MO or more aI 1000V
BeIween Ihe Transformer |aws fiIIed parIs and Case
enclosure (excepI for |aws)
ConducIor size Approx. 82mm in diameIer max.
Dimension 246(L) x 120(W) x 64(D)mm
WeihI Approx. 780 (includin baIIeries)
Accessories BaIIery R6P: 4pcs (MODEL4200)
LR6: 4pcs (KEW4202)
lnsIrucIion manual : 1pce
ResisIor for operaIion check : 1pce
Hard case MODEL9166 : 1pce (MODEL4200)
MODEL9167 : 1pce (KEW4202)
<SupplemenIal remarks`
_ EffecIive value (RMS)
MosI alIernaIin currenIs and volIaes are expressed in effecIive values, which are also
referred Io as RMS (RooI-Mean-Square) values. The effecIive value is Ihe square rooI of
Ihe averae of square of alIernaIin currenI or volIae values. Many clamp meIers usin
a convenIional recIifyin circuiI have 'RMS' scales for AC measuremenI. The scales are,
however, acIually calibraIed in Ierms of Ihe effecIive value of a sine wave Ihouh Ihe clamp
meIer is respondin Io Ihe averae value. The calibraIion is done wiIh a conversion facIor of
1.111 for sine wave, which is found by dividin Ihe effecIive value by Ihe averae value.
These insIrumenIs are Iherefore in error if Ihe inpuI volIae or currenI has some oIher shape
Ihan sine wave.
_ CF (CresI FacIor) is found by dividin Ihe peak value by Ihe effecIive value.
Sine wave: CF-1.414 Square wave wiIh a 1: 9 duIy raIio: CF-8
4. Instrument layout
Symbols to be displayed on the LCD
6 8
Name of each parts and buttons (for MODEL4200 and KEW4202)
1 Transformer jaw
2 Trigger
3 Backlight button
Switches on/off the backlight.
4 Function button
Switches ACA/ Earth resistance
5 Memory mode button
Check the measured value by
Data number.
6 Data hold button
Freezes/ rel eases the fi xed
7 Power button
Turns on/off the instrument.
8 Display unit (LCD)
9 Cursor button (UP)
Selects data number; to save
the measured value, or to view
the measured data in memory.
10 Cursor button (DOWN)
Selects data number; to save the
measured value, or to view the
measured data in memory.
11 Save button
Saves the measured value.
Displayed when savin Ihe measured value or when
insIrumenI is in memory mode.
Displayed when baIIeries are exhausIed.
Di spl ayed aI Ear I h r esi sI ance f uncI i on when
Transformer |aws are noI properly closed.
Displayed aI EarIh resisIance funcIion when currenI or
noise IhaI affecIs on Ihe measured value presenIs.
Displayed when daIa hold funcIion is acIivaIed.
Displayed when ACA funcIion is selecIed.
Displayed when insIrumenI is in conIinuiIy mode aI
EarIh resisIance funcIion.
DaIa number
1 Io 100
Measured value UniI
5. Measurement principle
This insIrumenI can measure Ihe earIh resisIance Io earIh in mulIi-earIhed sysIem.
LeI's reard earIh resisIance under IesI as Rx, and Ihe oIher earIh resisIances as
R1, R2, Rn.
Of Ihese earIh resisIances, R1, R2, Rn can be considered IhaI Ihey are
connecIed in parallel.
And can be rearded as a combined resisIance Rs. The Rs can be rearded small
enouh aainsI Rx since a combined resisIance consisIs of several resisIances.
Followin is an equivalenI circuiI diaram of Ihis circuiI.

By applyin Ihe VolIae (V) Io Ihe circuiI from Ihe Transformer |aw (CT1), currenI l
is (shall be flowed) flowed correspondin Io Ihe earIh resisIance. R can be puI ouI
by Ihe calculaIion afIer deIecIin Ihe currenI wiIh Ihe oIher Transformer |aw (CT2).
ln Ihis case, R displayed in Ihis insIrumenI can be rearded as Rx because Rs can
be rearded small enouh aainsI Rx.
This insIrumenI is noI supporIin Ihe measuremenI for Ihe locaIions wiIh
followin earIh sysIems.
Sinle-earIh IhaI is noI connecIed Io oIher earIhs. (LihInin rod, eIc.)
EarIh on which a currenI over 2A is measured aI AC currenI funcIion of Ihis
EarIh wiIh a larer earIh resisIance Ihan an earIh resisIance of IesIin.
EarIh wiIh earIh resisIance over 1200O.
Precision measuremenI shall be performed wiIh our EarIh resisIance IesIer:
M-4102A or M-4106A for Ihe measuremenI of sinle-earIhed wire.
6. Getting started
(1) Check Ihe baIIery volIae
When noIhin is displayed on Ihe LCD, press Ihe power buIIon and Iurn
on Ihe insIrumenI. BaIIery volIae is enouh when indicaIion is clear and Ihe
' ' symbol is noI displayed on Ihe LCD afIer Iurnin on Ihe insIrumenI.
Follow Ihe procedure described in 9. Battery replacement`and replace Ihe
baIIeries wiIh new ones when any of followin sympIoms is noIed. OIherwise,
accuraIe measuremenI and proper savin cannoI be ensured.
* ' ' symbol is bein displayed.
* indicaIions are fainI and difficulI Io read.
* noIhin is displayed on Ihe LCD.
(2) Verify Ihe correcI measuremenI of earIh resisIance
Clamp-on Ihe supplied resisIor for operaIion check as shown below, and verify
IhaI Ihe Transformer |aw and Ihe circuiI works correcIly. When Ihe indicaIed
value is wiIhin Ihe rane described below, Ihey are operaIin correcIly. lf Ihe
indicaIed value is reaIly exceedin Ihe accuracy, send Ihe insIrumenI Io your
local KYORlTSU disIribuIor for repair or recalibraIion.
For repair, Ihe resisIor for operaIion check shall be aIIached and reIurned
IoeIher wiIh Ihe insIrumenI.
This insIrumenI performs self-calibraIion for abouI 8 seconds when iI is Iurned
on. (' ' is displayed on Ihe LCD.) Do noI clamp onIo any conducIor or
open Ihe |aws in Ihis period. OIherwise, inaccuraIe measuremenI may occur.
ResisIor for operaIion check
1 O
10 O
Allowable rane
0.98 1.07
9.76 10.26
7. Measuring method
Never make measuremenI on a circuiI in which Ihe elecIrical poIenIial
exceeds AC800V.
Transformer |aws are made of meIal and Iheir Iips are noI compleIely
insulaIed. Be especially careful abouI Ihe possible shorIin where Ihe
equipmenI under IesI has exposed meIal parIs.
Never make measuremenI wiIh Ihe BaIIery cover removed.
Do noI measure a currenI over 80A. Transformer |aws may heaI Io cause
a fire or deformaIion of moldin parIs, which will derade insulaIion. When
clampin Ihe conducIors on which over 80A flowin and ' ' is displayed
on Ihe LCD, sIop measuremenI immediaIely and Iake off Ihe insIrumenI
from Ihe conducIor under IesI.
Take sufficienI care noI Io apply shock, vibraIion or excessive force Io Ihe
|aw Iips.
OIherwise, precisely ad|usIed Transformer |aws will be damaed.
This insIrumenI performs self-calibraIion for abouI 8 seconds when
iI is Iurned on. ('

' is displayed on Ihe LCD.) Do noI clamp onIo
any conducIor or open Ihe |aws in Ihis period. OIherwise, inaccuraIe
measuremenI may occur.
When forein subsIances are sIuck in Ihe |aw Iips or Ihey are noI properly
enaed, Ihe Transformer |aws do noI fully close. ln such a case, do noI
release Ihe |aw Irier abrupIly or aIIempI Io close Ihe Transformer |aws by
applyin exIernal force. Make sure IhaI Ihe |aws close by Ihemselves afIer
removin Ihe forein subsIance or makin Ihem free Io move.
The size of a conducIor can be IesIed is 80mm in diameIer. AccuraIe
measuremenI cannoI be made on a conducIor larer Ihan Ihis, because Ihe
Transformer |aws cannoI fully close.
Never aIIempI Io apply excessive force Io close Ihe |aws.
When measurin lare currenI, Ihe Transformer |aws may buzz. This has no
effecI on Ihe insIrumenI's performance or safeIy.
SensiIive Transformer |aws are used for Ihis insIrumenI. Because of Ihe
characIerisIics of Transformer |aws, which can be opened and closed,
iI is impossible Io eliminaIe Ihe inIerference of exIernal maneIic field
compleIely. lf Ihere are someIhin, which eneraIin lare maneIic field, aI
a nearby siIe, currenI value can be displayed (0`may noI be displayed)
before clampin on Ihe conducIor. For such a case, please use Ihe
insIrumenI aI a locaIion far from Ihe Ihin, which eneraIin maneIic field.
Followin are Ihe Iypical Ihins eneraIin maneIic field.
* ConducIor fed lare currenI
* MoIor
* EquipmenI which has maneI
* lnIeraIin waIImeIer
7-1 Normal measurement of current
* Press Ihe FuncIion buIIon and selecI Ihe ACA funcIion.
* Confirm Ihe displayed uniI is ' mA ', and Ihe ' MEM ' is noI displayed aI Ihe
upper lefI on Ihe LCD.
* Press Ihe Irier Io open Ihe Transformer |aws, and close Ihem over one
conducIor only.
* Measured currenI value is displayed on Ihe LCD.
(EarIh leakae currenI IhaI flows Ihrouh an earIhed wire can be measured by
Ihis meIhod.)
7-2 Measurement of balance leakage current
* Press Ihe FuncIion buIIon and selecI Ihe ACA funcIion.
* Confirm Ihe displayed uniI is ' mA ', and Ihe ' MEM ' is noI displayed aI Ihe
upper lefI on Ihe LCD.
* Clamp onIo all conducIors excepI for Ihe earIhed wire.
* Measured currenI value is displayed on Ihe LCD.

Sinle-phase 2-wire sysIem

ln 8-wire sysIem wiIh neuIral,
clamp onIo all 8 wires.
Three-phase 8-wire sysIem
ln 4-wire sysIem wiIh neuIral,
clamp onIo all 4 wires.
Follow Ihe procedure described in "7-1 Normal measurement of
current" and measure Ihe currenI flowin on Ihe earIhed wire prior Io Ihe
measuremenI of earIh resisIance.
ln case IhaI Ihe ' ' symbol is displayed aI Ihe upper rihI of Ihe
LCD, iI means IhaI a reaI error would be included in Ihe measured resulI.
To avoid such inaccuraIe measuremenI, reduce Ihe currenI flowin on Ihe
earIhed wire by Iurnin off Ihe device from which currenI is applied Io Ihe
earIhed line under IesI.
MeasuremenI cannoI be made for Ihe earIh wiIhouI mulIi-earIhin sysIem or
when Ihe earIh resisIance under IesI is smaller Ihan Ihe oIher earIh resisIances.
To avoid inaccuraIe readin may be Iaken, never make a measuremenI for
Ihe same earIh sysIem wiIh mulIiple uniIs of Ihis insIrumenIs.
The ' ' symbol may be displayed durin a measuremenI of earIh
resisIance. lI indicaIes IhaI Ihe |aws of Ihe insIrumenI are noI properly
closed. MeasuremenI is bein sIopped while Ihis symbol is displayed on Ihe
LCD. Close Ihe Transformer |aws properly Io re-sIarI Ihe measuremenI.
Response Iime aI EarIh resisIance funcIion is abouI 7 seconds. lI Iakes
awhile unIil Ihe readins become sIable.
7-3 Measurement of earth resistance
MeasuremenI procedure
* Press Ihe FuncIion buIIon and selecI Ihe EarIh resisIance funcIion.
* Confirm Ihe displayed uniI is ' O ', and ' MEM ' is noI displayed aI Ihe upper
lefI on Ihe LCD.
* Press Ihe Irier Io open Ihe Transformer |aws, and close Ihem over Ihe
earIhed wire under IesI.
* Measured resisIance value is displayed on Ihe LCD.
<Noise check funcIion`
AI Ihe EarIh resisIance funcIion, Ihe ' ' symbol is displayed on Ihe LCD in
Ihe followin cases which may effecI on a measuremenI.
* The currenI flowin on Ihe earIhed wire is exceedin Ihe followin value.
Rane of EarIh resisIance funcIion Allowable currenI value
20O 2A or less
200O/600O/1200O 400mA or less
* The currenI flowin on Ihe earIhed wire includes a harmonic wave which
effecIs on Ihe measuremenI.
<Jaws check funcIion`
The ' ' symbol is displayed when Ihe Transformer |aws of Ihe insIrumenI are
noI properly closed.
MeasuremenI will be sIopped when Ihis symbol appears on Ihe LCD.
8. Other functions
8-1 Auto power-off function
This funcIion is Io prevenI Ihe insIrumenI from bein lefI Iurned on and conserve
baIIery power. The insIrumenI auIomaIically Iurns off abouI 10 minuIes afIer Ihe
lasI buIIon operaIion.
To reIurn Io Ihe normal mode, press Ihe Power buIIon aain and Iurns on
Ihe insIrumenI.
The buzzer sounds before Ihe insIrumenI Iurns off.
To disable Ihe auIo power-off funcIion, follow Ihe procedure below.
(1) Turn on Ihe insIrumenI by pressin Ihe Power buIIon wiIh Ihe DaIa hold
buIIon pressed down. Then release Ihe Power buIIon only.
(2) The insIrumenI is Iurned on, and ' ' is displayed on Ihe LCD for
abouI 1 second.
Now, Ihe auIo power-off funcIion is disabled.
To enable Ihe auIo power-off funcIion aain, Iurn off and on Ihe insIrumenI
wiIhouI pressin Ihe DaIa hold buIIon.
8-2 Data hold function
This funcIion is Io freeze Ihe indicaIed value on Ihe display. When Ihe DaIa hold
buIIon is pressed once, Ihe indicaIed value on Ihe LCD is fixed and does
noI chane even Ihouh currenI under IesI varies.
The ' ' symbol is shown aI Ihe upper rihI on Ihe LCD. To exiI Ihe DaIa hold
mode, press Ihe DaIa hold buIIon aain. (' ' symbol disappears.)
When Ihe AuIo power-off funcIion works while Ihe insIrumenI is in Ihe DaIa
hold mode, daIa hold is cancelled.
8-3 Buzzer function
This funcIion is Io ive audible warnin Io user when Ihe measured earIh
resisIance is 10O or less. To enable Ihis funcIion, press Ihe FuncIion buIIon
aI Ihe earIh resisIance funcIion aI leasI 2 seconds. ( The ' ' symbol is
displayed aI Ihe lower lefI on Ihe LCD.)
Buzzer sounds when Ihe measured earIh resisIance is 10O or less.
To disable Ihe buzzer funcIion, press Ihe FuncIion buIIon aain.
(Then, Ihe ' ' symbol disappears.)
8-4 Backlight function
This funcIion is Io view Ihe IesI resulIs in dimly liI areas.
To swiIch on Ihe backlihI, press Ihe BacklihI buIIon while Ihe insIrumenI
Iurned on.
To swiIch off Ihe backlihI, press Ihe BacklihI buIIon aain.
BacklihI is auIomaIically swiIched off in abouI 1 minuIe Io conserve baIIery
8-5 Memory function
This funcIion is Io save and display Ihe measuremenI resulIs.
Saving the measurement results
(1) SelecI any daIa number (from 1 Io 100) by usin Ihe Cursor buIIon
or aI ACA or EarIh resisIance funcIion, and save Ihe measuremenI
When Ihe Cursor buIIon is bein pressed down, Ihe number swiIches
(2) To save Ihe measuremenI resulI bein displayed on Ihe LCD, press Ihe
Save buIIon . Then Ihe resulI is saved Io Ihe selecIed daIa number.
(' MEM ' is displayed for abouI 1 second.)
AfIer savin Ihe daIa, daIa number auIomaIically swiIches Io Ihe nexI
available daIa number (presenI daIa number +1) and Ihe nexI measured
value can be saved Io iI.
(The daIa number reIurns Io 1 afIer Ihe measuremenI resulI is saved Io
Ihe daIa number 100.)
When Ihe new measuremenI resulI is saved Io Ihe daIa number on
which Ihe previous measuremenI resulI is saved, previous daIa will be
When savin a daIa while Ihe daIa hold funcIion is acIivaIed, Ihe
readins which is bein held on Ihe LCD will be saved.
Recalling the measurement results in memory
To acIivaIe Ihe memory funcIion, press Ihe Memory mode buIIon .
Then ' MEM ' is displayed on Ihe LCD.
Pressin Ihe Cursor buIIon or chanes Ihe daIa number displayed
on Ihe LCD, and Ihe measuremenI resulI in memory is displayed accordinly.
To disable Ihe memory mode, press Ihe Memory mode buIIon aain or
press Ihe FuncIion buIIon . (Then ' MEM ' symbol disappears.)
Bars ' ' are displayed for Ihe DaIa number IhaI does noI conIain
any IesI resulI.
Clearing the measurement results in memory
To clear Ihe measuremenI resulI, press Ihe Save buIIon wiIh Ihe Memory
mode buIIon pressed down. The messae ' ' is displayed on Ihe
LCD for abouI 2 seconds and Ihe measuremenI resulI on Ihe selecIed daIa
number is cleared.
(Then Ihe indicaIion on Ihe LCD becomes ' '.)
Follow Ihe procedure below Io deleIe Ihe all measuremenI resulIs.
(1) Press Ihe Power buIIon , while Ihe insIrumenI is off, while Ihe
Memory mode buIIon and Ihe Save buIIon are bein pressed down.
Then release Ihe Power buIIon only.
(2) lnsIrumenI is Iurned on; ' MEM ', ' ' and ' ' are displayed
on Ihe LCD for abouI 2 sec..
Now all Ihe sIored daIa are deleIed.
8-6 Bluetooth Communication Function (KEW4202 only)
KEW4202 can perform daIa communicaIion beIween Android devices via
BlueIooIh communicaIion.
NoIes on usin BlueIooIh funcIion:
This funcIion is noI available on MODEL4200 buI available on KEW4202.
Before sIarIin Io use Ihis funcIion, download Ihe special applicaIion KEW
SmarI`from Ihe lnIerneI siIe.
Some of Ihe funcIions are available only while connecIed Io Ihe lnIerneI. For
furIher deIails, please refer Io 11. KEW Smart Functions`or Help`for KEW

Radio waves aI BlueIooIh communicaIion may affecI Ihe operaIions of medical
elecIronic devices.
Special care should be Iaken when usin BlueIooIh connecIion in Ihe areas
where such devices are presenI.
The maximum BlueIooIh communicaIion disIance is approx. 10m. However,
iI may be shorIened if Ihere are obsIacles, such as walls, doors or people, or
dependin on Ihe radio wave condiIion or environmenI of usae.
Usin KEW4202 or Android devices near wireless LAN devices (lEEE802.11.
b/) may cause Ihe radio inIerference, lowerin of communicaIion speed,
resulIin in sinificanI Iime la in Ihe display updaIe raIe beIween KEW4202
and Android device. ln Ihis case, keep KEW4202 and Ihe Android device away
from Ihe wireless LAN devices or Iurn off Ihe wireless LAN devices, or shorIen
Ihe disIance beIween KEW4202 and Android device.
lI may be difficulI Io esIablish communicaIion connecIion if eiIher KEW4202
or Android device is in a meIal box. ln such cases, chane Ihe measuremenI
locaIion or remove Ihe meIal obsIacle beIween KEW4202 and Android device.
lf any leakin of daIa or informaIion occurs while makin a communicaIion
usin BlueIooIh funcIion, we assume no responsibiliIy for any released conIenI.
CommunicaIion wiIh KEW4202 may noI be esIablished even if usin Android
device on which our special applicaIion operaIes. ln IhaI case, use Ihe oIher
Android devices and check for connecIion.
lf you cannoI confirm Ihe connecIion, Ihere may be a problem wiIh KEW4202
uniI. Please conIacI your local KYORlTSU disIribuIor.
* The BlueIooIh word mark and loos are owned by BlueIooIh SlG, lnc. and any
use of such marks by KyoriIsu is licensed.
* Android and Goole Map are Ihe Irademark or reisIered Irade mark of Goole
* ln Ihis manual, Ihe TM`or `mark is noI specified.
FirsI, seI a BlueIooIh connecIion (pairin) from an Android device. For furIher
deIails, please refer Io Ihe insIrucIion manual for Ihe Android device, Help`for
KEW SmarI`or 10. Pairing with Bluetooth compatible devices`.
Communication with Android devices:
MeasuremenI resulIs of KEW4202 can be displayed on Android devices via
BlueIooIh communicaIion by usin Ihe special applicaIion KEW SmarI`.
RemoIe checkin of measuremenIs is possible wiIhouI accessin KEW4202.
(1) CommunicaIion meIhod
Power on KEW4202, selecI a measuremenI funcIion, and Ihen clamp onIo
Ihe ob|ecI Io be measured.
AcIivaIe KEW SmarI`on Ihe Android device and selecI Ihe device Io
connecI from Ihe menu. Touch Ihe SIarI measuremenI`buIIon on Ihe
screen afIer Ihe connecIion has been esIablished. Then Ihe measured
resulIs will auIomaIically be displayed on Ihe Android device.
(2) DisconnecIion and SIop measuremenI
Touch Ihe Di sconnecI`buIIon on Ihe screen Io di sconnecI Ihe
communicaIion. Touch Ihe ConnecI`buIIon Io reconnecI.
Touch Ihe SIop measuremenI`buIIon on Ihe screen Io sIop measuremenI.
ln Ihis case, connecIion wiIh KEW4202 will noI be disconnecIed.
For various useful funcIions of KEW SmarI`, please refer Io 11. KEW Smart
Functions`or Help`for KEW SmarI`.
9. Battery replacement
ln order Io avoid possible shock hazard, Iake off Ihe insIrumenI from Ihe
conducIor under IesI and Iurn off Ihe insIrumenI before Iryin Io replace Ihe
Do noI mix new and old baIIeries. Never use Ihe differenI kinds of baIIeries
aI Ihe same Iime.
lnsIall baIIeries in correcI polariIy as marked inside.
When Ihe baIIery volIae warnin symbol ' ' is displayed on Ihe upper
lefI of Ihe LCD, replace Ihe baIIeries. NoIe IhaI Ihe display blanks and ' '
symbol is noI displayed if Ihe baIIeries are compleIely exhausIed.
(1) SIop measuremenI when Ihe warnin symbol appears, and um-clamp from
Ihe ob|ecI under IesI.
(2) Ensure IhaI Ihe insIrumenI is powered off.
(8) Loosen Ihe BaIIery cover-fixin screw on Ihe back of Ihe insIrumenI.
Then remove Ihe BaIIery cover.
(4) lnsIall new baIIeries (LR6 or R6P: 4pcs) in correcI polariIy as marked inside.
(6) PuI Ihe BaIIery cover in place and IihIen Ihe screw.
10. Pairing with Bluetooth compatible devices (KEW4202)
lI is necessary Io perform Ihe pairin procedure Io connecI KEW4202 and Android
devices via BlueIooIh communicaIion.

lf Ihe symbol is displayed on Ihe LCD of KEW4202, replace Ihe

baIIeries wiIh new ones before performin Ihe pairin procedure.
(1) Power on KEW4202.
(2) Power on Ihe Android device, and find Ihe SeIIin menu. Look for Ihe
BlueIooIh seIIin in Ihe Wireless SeIIin menu.
(8) On Ihe Android device, choose Search for BlueIooIh Devices. The model
name KEW4202-XXXXXXX`will be displayed on Ihe screen. The X`s
behind Ihe model name is Ihe serial no of Ihe uniI.
(4) SelecI and pair Ihe device.
lf Ihe pairin seIIin fails, please check Ihe followin poinIs.
- DisIance beIween KEW4202 and Ihe Android device
Move Ihem closer, and perform Ihe pairin procedure aain.
- BlueIooIh funcIion on Android device
Turn on Ihe BlueIooIh funcIion on Ihe Android device and Iry aain.
Dependin on your neIwork connecIion, iI may Iake awhile Io compleIe Ihe pairin
11. Features of KEW Smart (KEW4202)
RemoIe checkin of measuremenIs is possible wiIhouI accessin KEW4202 usin
Ihe special Android applicaIion KEW SmarI`.
The applicaIion KEW SmarI`is available on download siIe for free. (An lnIerneI
access is required.)
Please noIe IhaI communicaIion chare is incurred separaIely for downloadin
applicaIions and usin special feaIures of Ihem. For your informaIion, KEW
SmarI`is provided on-line only.
FeaIures of KEW SmarI:
RemoIe checkin of measuremenI is possible (earIh/round resisIance and
AC currenI values)
DaIa hold funcIion (on Android devices)
Save/ display measuremenI resulIs
Measured resulIs can be saved wiIh commenIs. (max. 82 characIers)
Save daIa includes measuremenI and GPS locaIion while GPS feaIure has
been Iurned on.
ComparaIor funcIion (earIh/round resisIance value)
lnforms when Ihe measured value is lower or hiher Ihan Ihe preseI value.
Memory download funcIion
Downloads Ihe saved daIa from KEW4202 by pressin Ihe Memory mode
SwiIch `on KEW4202. This funcIion can be used while Ihe insIrumenI
is noI performin measuremenIs.
FeaIures available usin lnIerneI connecIion:
Measured daIa can be senI by E-mail while Ihe connecIion Io KEW4202 is
Iurned off.
Check on map
Measured locaIions can be checked on Ihe Goole Map if Ihe saved daIa
includes GPS locaIion.
On Ihe Android device, OPEN`or NOlSE`warnin will be displayed in
con|uncIion wiIh KEW4202.
For furIher deIails, please see Help`for KEW SmarI`.
BaIIery level of KEW4202 is noI shown on Android devices. Ensure IhaI Ihe
baIIery l evel of KEW4202 i s suffi ci enI before sIarIi n Io perform
measuremenIs usin Ihese feaIures. Replace baIIeries wiIh new ones if
RemoIe conIrol, such as swiIchin funcIions or acIivaIin daIa hold, of
KEW4202 from Android devices is noI possible.
4-12 92-2088
KyoriIsu reserves Ihe rihIs Io chane specificaIions or desins
described in Ihis manual wiIhouI noIice and wiIhouI obliaIions.

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