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Industry Sector
Customer Services Division Erlangen, September 5, 2013

Industrial services enhance energy efficiency
in beverage production

Around 72 million euros can be saved annually
Siemens services boost awareness, transparency and efficiency
Energy-saving contracts enable project implementation without invest-

Cost pressure in the beverage industry continues to be high, not least due to rising
energy and production costs. And yet there is considerable savings potential in this
industry. Thus, Germany's beverage industry alone has been able to cut the costs of
electricity and thermal energy by around 72 million euros per year.

Siemens supports beverage manufacturers with a wide range of services for energy
optimization of processes, machines and plants, doing so throughout their lifecycles.
Among other things, services include support with introduction of an energy
management system in compliance with ISO 50001, conceiving and implementing
energy management systems and also energy analyses of machines, production
lines or plants. For easy financing of efficiency measures, customers can make use
of performance-based contracts in many projects. With these contract models, the
service provider is paid according to the energy costs saved, i.e. without the need
for an initial investment.

The energy efficiency services of the Siemens Customer Services Division are
based on a holistic technical and economic consideration of corporate processes.
They focus on the three aspects of awareness, transparency and efficiency.
Company energy management is successful only if there is an awareness of
optimized use of energy in all parts of a company. To foster this, Siemens stages
training courses and workshops for employees of all levels. The starting point is

Industry Sector
Customer Services Division
Schuhstrasse 60, 91052 Erlangen
Background information: ICS 1307.301e fp
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generally talks at management level, in which company sequences and processes
that are relevant to energy and the organizational structures are considered and
assessed. Recommendations for action are derived on the basis of this. For
example, this may consist of a concept for setting up an energy management
system in compliance with ISO 50001. This standard describes the requirements for
an energy management system that is to enable companies to systematically and
continuously reduce their energy requirement and costs. Siemens helps to
implement the requirements in steps and accompanies industrial customers up to
successful certification.

The basis: boosting transparency
Boosting the transparency of processes and energy requirement is an essential
prerequisite for maximum possible energy efficiency. Here, there is a need for
intelligent data gathering and evaluation which, at the same time, is the basis for
every energy management system that complies with ISO 50001. Customers can
use diverse services to enhance data transparency. Measures based on the
established Simatic B.Data energy data management system are recommended for
larger companies. In beverage production, it can be used to record important key
performance indicators, for example, such as energy requirement in relation to the
production volume (kWh/hectoliter for the mash house or the bottling process) or in
relation to auxiliary materials (kWh/m for compressed air or conditioned water).

Implementation: enhancing energy efficiency
A technical analysis is carried out locally to precisely identify energy efficiency
measures and to assess the general condition of the plant with regard to energy
efficiency. In doing so, Siemens analyzes all forms of energy (electricity, heat,
compressed air, cold water, etc.), all power supply and distribution systems and all
production plants relevant to energy.
One example is the energy-related machine and line analysis, which experts
conduct locally using mobile measuring systems to detect hidden energy savings
potentials. Unnecessary idle operation (in bottling, for example) and
overdimensioned systems (pumps, for instance) are soon identified. Besides
increased electricity consumption, heat losses in production can thus also be
recognized. In the beverage industry, these occur in the bottle cleaning and cooling
processes, for example. For instance, the heat from vapors can be used for
preheating and the heat of rinsing or cooling water can be used in pasteurization, for
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example. On the basis of the analyses, individual energy efficiency measures are
chosen together with the customer and an implementation concept is drawn up. It
contains detailed calculations and offers from preferred suppliers, and is drawn up in
close cooperation with them, the Siemens departments involved and the customer's
maintenance and production departments. The detailed measures in them are then
implemented and realized with Siemens or chosen partners. For instance, this can
be the use of an energy data management system, installation of a heat recovery
system or modernization of the installed base with Simatic controllers or Simotics
motors. In the beverage industry, plenty of energy can be saved, in particular in the
case of pumps and compressors, which are among the large consumers, and the
motors in production, and this can be achieved with amortization times of less than
three years.

Energy performance contracting
For some companies, the investment is a hurdle that prevents implementation of
energy efficiency measures. Here, Siemens offers energy performance contracting.
With such contracts, the costs of measures are paid for from the energy costs
saved, thus dispensing with the need for an immediate investment.

New factories efficiency from the outset
Siemens supports companies not only with operation and modernization, but also
with planning and development. Thus, by means of parallel consulting and planning
services, new production facilities can be constructed from the very outset according
to the aspect of maximum possible energy efficiency. Thus, Siemens helps
customers on a lasting basis to keep energy requirement and costs as low as
possible, doing so in all lifecycle phases of machines and plants.

Contact for journalists:
Siemens AG, Media Relations
David Petry, tel.: +49 9131 726-616

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Calculation by Siemens Customer Services: In 2010, the energy used in beverage production (including beer) in
Germany amounted to about 7 TWh (4.8 TWhel, 2.2 TWhth). Assuming a savings potential of 10% considered over
the lifecycle or of 5% considering a payback target of three years, a saving of 0.35 or 0.70 TWh/a or 36 million or
72 million euros per year can be achieved (with an assumed price of 128 euros/MWhel and 48 euros/MWhth).

The Siemens Industry Sector (Erlangen, Germany) is the world's leading supplier of innovative and environmen-
tally friendly products and solutions for industrial customers. With end-to-end automation technology and industrial
software, solid vertical-market expertise, and technology-based services, the Sector enhances its customers
productivity, efficiency, and flexibility. With a global workforce of more than 100,000 employees, the Industry Sector
comprises the Industry Automation, Drive Technologies, and Customer Services Divisions as well as the Metals
Technologies Business Unit. You will find further information on the Internet at

The Siemens Customer Services Division (Erlangen) pools the worldwide service activities of the Siemens Indus-
try Sector together with the Product Lifecycle Services and Value Services Business Units. Its offering includes
product-related services as well as services for boosting system availability, reliability and productivity of industrial
processes. With a wide range of environmental solutions, the Division supports industrial enterprises in efficient use
of energy, water or raw materials, reducing emissions and complying with environmental guidelines. You will find
further information on the Internet at

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