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To all parents, students, teachers and friends.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful.
All praises be to Allah SWT, the lord of the world, the master of the day after, the creator of
eerythin! in this "nierse, where he has no partner. #e has also !ien us such deeply
en$oyable, particularly faith and healthy comfort, hence, we could attend here in a !ood
%eace and Salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has tau!ht us the cardinal
principles of the unity of &od, obli!ed us to confess it with the ton!ue and beliee it in the
'adies and &entlemen,
May I take this opportunity to welcome you all, and to e(tend a further word of welcome to
eeryone here this mornin!. The )penin! *ay of our new School is certainly a moment that
we should all saor and en$oy. If you take a +uick look around you, I,m sure you will all a!ree
that our School has come a lon! way in the last few months.
It all started as a dream. #appily Brainy Montessori enisioned the dream of establishin! a
world class educational institution- a School that would mold and !uide future !enerations of
enli!htened minds. I as a founder would like to e(tend my !ratitude and thanks to all the role
players that hae made it possible for the dream to become a reality. Toni!ht marks this
occasion . the )penin! and /ommencement /eremony of our School.
Indeed, it is ery !reat pleasure for me in this precious chance to delier my speech to the
most honorable audiences entitled0
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Before I am !oin! to delier the main point of my speech, i want to focus to parent because
our children future is in our hand. #ow we want to make our children in future, success or
failure person. Why we choose to send our children at the Montessori6 Montessori schools
beliee in nurturin! the indiidual child. Montessori education is a brain.based,
deelopmental method that allows children to make creatie choices in discoerin! people,
places and knowled!e of the world. It is hands.on learnin!, self.e(pression and collaboratie
play in a beautifully crafted enironment of respect, peace and $oy. Montessori focuses on
children,s learnin! and self discoery, and fosterin! independence is an important part of the
philosophy. Montessori education is ri!ht for children of any a!e. /lassrooms are desi!ned to
allow each child the necessary time and e+uipment to !row and learn. /hildren are
encoura!ed to become indiiduals and to learn at their own pace. It is belieed that all
children hae an inherit need to learn and that learnin! will happen naturally.
#ow we can say or we can describe the characteristics of a !ood parent6 All of us want the
best to our children, and we as a parent must show the !ood characteristics that will make our
children feel comfortable with us. 4aisin! kids is one of the tou!hest and most fulfillin! $obs
in the world and the one for which you mi!ht feel the least prepared. Bein! a parent can be
one of the most rewardin! and fulfillin! e(periences of your life, but that doesn,t mean it,s
easy. 5o matter what a!e your child or children are, your work is neer done. To be a !ood
parent, you need to know how to make your children feel alued and loed, while teachin!
them the difference between ri!ht and wron!. At the end of the day, the most important thin!
is to create a nurturin! enironment where your children feel like they can thrie and deelop
into confident, independent, and carin! adults. Bein! a !ood parent isnt easy and no two
families are alike. Thou!h there are no rules to parentin!, here are some !uidelines that will
make parentin! !o a little smoother and help you raise children who are responsible, honest
and carin!.
'adies and &entlemen,
The first characteristics of a !ood parent is understand how your children !row.Take the time
to understand how your children deelop at different sta!es in their !rowth. It is important to
hae realistic e(pectations from your children. Talk to other parents know their e(perience,
talk to teachers and care!iers, and read information about parentin! and child deelopment.
All children are different, and eery family situation is uni+ue, yet there are !eneral !uidelines
on what to e(pect from children at different sta!es in their deelopment. Bein! aware of these
milestones will help you do thin!s with your child that will enhance his or her innate abilities.
'adies and &entlemen,
Try make time for your kids. It,s often difficult for parents and kids to !et to!ether for a
family meal, let alone spend +uality time to!ether. But there is probably nothin! kids would
like more. &et up 89 minutes earlier in the mornin! so you can eat breakfast with your child
or leae the dishes in the sink and take a walk after dinner. 3ids who aren,t !ettin! the
attention they want from their parents often act out or misbehae because they,re sure to be
noticed that way.
Many parents find it rewardin! to schedule to!ether time with their kids. :or e(ample, create
a ;special ni!ht; each week to be to!ether and let your kids help decide how to spend the
time. 'ook for other ways to connect put a note or somethin! special in your kid,s lunchbo(.
Adolescents seem to need less undiided attention from their parents than youn!er kids.
Because there are fewer windows of opportunity for parents and teens to !et to!ether, parents
should do their best to be aailable when their teen does e(press a desire to talk or participate
in family actiities. Attendin! concerts, !ames, and other eents with your teen communicates
carin! and lets you !et to know more about your child and his or her friends in important
ways.*on,t feel !uilty if you,re a workin! parent. It is the many little thin!s you do makin!
popcorn, playin! cards, window shoppin! that kids will remember.
'adies and &entlemen,
As a parents, try set reasonable e(pectations to your children. /hildren like to know what is
e(pected of them, so consistency is important. Try to deelop a daily routine, such as a time
for meals, snacks, playtime, naptime, etc. /hildren feel comfortable when they know whats
comin! ne(t. 'ikewise, try to be consistent in how you e(pect children to behae. Showin!
children the ri!ht behaior is an important part of parentin!. *ependin! on your childs a!e,
you can discuss your e(pectations. But be realistic, and know what your child is capable of at
different a!es. :or instance, youn! children may not understand directions clearly, so you may
hae to model or communicate your re+uests to them. /ommunication is also important. :or
instance, instead of sayin!, 1<our room is a mess,7 you mi!ht say, 1'ets clean your room
to!ether and Ill show you how to do it.7 <oun! children also hae a limited attention span, so
doin! most thin!s for more than ten minutes is unrealistic. Be positie with your children,
make chores into a !ame, and reward them with praise when they do thin!s well.
'adies and &entlemen,
Be remembered to praise your children. %raisin! your children is an important part of bein! a
!ood parent. <ou want your kids to feel proud of their accomplishments and !ood about
themseles. If you don,t !ie them the confidence they need to be out in the world on their
own, then they won,t feel empowered to be independent or adenturous. When they do
somethin! !ood, let them know that you,e noticed and that you,re ery proud of them.Make a
habit of praisin! your children at least three times as much as you !ie them ne!atie
feedback. Thou!h it,s important to tell your children when they,re doin! somethin! wron!, it,s
also important to help them build a positie sense of self. If they are too youn! to fully
understand, praise them with treats, applause, and lots of loe. 2ncoura!in! them for doin!
eerythin! from usin! the potty to !ettin! !ood !rades can help them lead a happy and
successful life.
'adies and &entlemen,
Be a !ood friend to your children, you can read to your children. By readin! to your child,
een at an early a!e, you are helpin! your child deelop lan!ua!e. "se the library to check
out books, and ask the librarian for a!e appropriate books for your child. #elp your child
select the books that he or she is interested in, althou!h at times you may need to proide
!uidance. 4eadin! on a daily basis will help to deelop the $oy of readin! in your child. If
your child doesnt seem interested in a book youre readin!, dont push, but try somethin!
else another time. :or a two year old, books with bri!ht pictures that name thin!s and tell
simple stories are appropriate. Three year olds also like namin! books, rhymin! books and
simple story books. :our and fie year olds can listen to lon!er stories but make sure he or she
is interested in the story. Show your child the ri!ht way to hold a book, and point out the
illustrations as you read, so your child will reali=e that the story and the illustrations !o
to!ether. If you are readin! stories online, follow the print with your fin!er, so that your child
will understand that the story you are readin! comes from those words. Ask your child to
connect what youre readin! to his or her own e(periences. 2ncoura!e your child to talk and
e(plain new words, as this will increase his or her ocabulary. Ask your child to retell faorite
stories or een to >read to you. 2ncoura!e your child to use his or her own words. 4emember
that youn! children often en$oy hearin! the same story oer and oer a!ain. 4eadin! with
your child is a way to spend aluable time to!ether, and to foster the foundation of literacy
'adies and &entlemen,
)ur children want us to spend time with them. Make a time for fun. :un reliees stress in both
children and parents. %lay does more than $ust make !reat memories. Makin! time for fun
shows the child her importance, and models !ood balance between responsibility and
recreation. %layin! with her at eery a!e, from infancy to adulthood, helps parents connect to
the rapidly chan!in! temperament and understandin! of the child. This helps Mom and *ad
make the ri!ht decisions for and with the child.
'adies and &entlemen,
Be a &ood 4ole Model to our children. <oun! kids learn a lot about how to act by watchin!
their parents. The youn!er they are, the more cues they take from you. Before you lash
out or blow your top in front of your child, think about this0 is that how you want your
child to behae when an!ry6 Be aware that you,re constantly bein! obsered by your
kids. Studies hae shown that children who hit usually hae a role model for
a!!ression at home.
Model the traits you wish to cultiate in your kids0 respect, friendliness, honesty, kindness,
tolerance. 2(hibit unselfish behaior. *o thin!s for other people without e(pectin! a reward.
2(press thanks and offer compliments. Aboe all, treat your kids the way you e(pect other
people to treat you
'ast but not least, a parent should hae a !ood method of educatin! children. #e should know
when to inspire them and when to strict them. This helps children reco!ni=e which is bad and
which is !ood for them. In addition, a parent should teach and orient his children about the
life, about career, about friends, etc, because the wide e(perience of parents will be a
!uideline for children totterin! into life.
In conclusion, I beliee that in order to become a !ood parent, a parent should hae many
!ood +ualities such as hain! !reat loe and carin! for his children, bein! a !ood model, and
hain! a !ood method of educatin!. These are main +ualities- howeer, there are still many
+ualities that a !ood parent should hae such as patience, sensitieness, !ood cookin!, etc.
'adies and &entlemen,
I think its completely enou!h for me to this point. The wron! utterances are caused by
limitation of my ability and the ri!ht one is merely from Allah SWT. So, I be! your pardon,
finally I say.
Thank you and Assalamualaikum.

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