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DI 10305.

Class Discussion
Set 1
1. There are 8 teams in each pool (2 pools). Total number of matches at this stage =
2*8C2= (8!/6!2!)*2= 56
Matches at super six stage = 3C1*3C1=9
Matches at semifinal level = 2
Final Match = 1
Total Number of Matches = 68

Option: 1

2. Total number of matches at pool stage in a pool = 28, total points in pool stage = 28*2 =
56 points. A team qualifying with min points would be 3
in the group. So we have to
minimize the points of team 3 and hence maximize the points of other teams. Max
points for team 1 and 2 are 26 points (7 wins + 6 wins OR 6 wins + 1 Tie each). For team
no 4, points are less than or equal to those of team 3. And the max value would be equal
to team 3. Similarly max value for Team 5 = team 4 and so on. Hence Team 3 to 8 will
share the remaining 30 points equally, i.e. 5 each.

1 Max 14
2 Max 12
3 Min 5
4 </= 3 5
5 </= 4 5
6 </= 5 5
7 </= 6 5
8 </= 7 5

Option: 3

3. To find the min points required to guarantee a place in the Super Six lets find the max
points that doesnt guarantee, i.e. max points you can get and not qualify. Such a team
would have 4
position. We have to maximize the points of team 4 and minimize for all
other teams. For teams 5 to 8 lets assume they lose all matches to teams 1-4. So
minimum points would be for matches played amongst themselves, i.e. 6 matches and
12 points. The remaining points would be 44.

1 >/= 1 11
2 >/= 2 11
3 >/= 3 11
4 Max 11
5 Min
Total of 12
6 Min
7 Min
8 Min

For team 3, points are Greater than or equal to Team 4. The min would be equal to
Team 4. Similarly min points for Team 3 would be equal to Team 2 and so on. So Teams
1- 4 will share 44 points equally, i.e. 11 each. This shows that 11 doesnt guarantee a
place in the SS. But 12 will.

Option: 2

4. In the pool stage every match can be a tie, even the same applies to the super six stage,
a team has to win the semi final and the final. Hence a minimum of 2 games.

Option: 2

5. This is a variation of Q2. Given that no 2 teams got the same points, we have to divide
30 points between teams 3 8 such that no teams get equal points. Hence Team 3 will
get 8 points.

1 Max 14
2 Max 12
3 Min 8
4 </= 3 7
5 </= 4 6
6 </= 5 4
7 </= 6 3
8 </= 7 2

Option: 3

Set 2
One for all format: Last person picking the coin loses. So if B wants to win, he
would want to ensure at least one coin is left as the last set for A to pick and lose.
Assuming if its B s turn, B will ensure that (Max+Min)+1, i.e. in this set the max no
of coins which can be picked is 7 and the minimum which can be picked up is 1, so
after Bs turn even if A pick any number between Min to Max, B will pick Max to
min to ensure that A is left with one coin to pick..
So if its As or Bs turn they will pick coins and leave (Min+Max) K + 1 coins
6. Following the above logic, A will have to pick up some coins and leave 8k+1 on the board
to win
I.e. 48+1 => A will have to pick 1 coin

Option: 3

7. For B to win he should leave 8k+ 1 coins on the board i.e. 80+1 or 72+1=> he should pick
up either 0 or 8 coins, which is out of the min, max range, hence B can never win. In
other words, the number of coins on the table is already in the 8K + 1 format.

Option: 4

8. A starts and A wins means B picks up last coin. Each pick up 10 times
Except for the first move, A is always responding to B, ensuring that the number of coins
offered to B is always 8K+1. In other words, Each set of B and then A should add up to 8
coins such that coins on table reduce to the next value of 8K+1. So 9 x 8=72 coins. B last
move is 1 coin and A first move is unknown, but the min value is 1.

ieX+8*9+1 should be the minimum no of coins=> X+73 = 74 (x min value is 1)

Option: 2

9. In the above question Maximum no would be when X is 7=> 7+73 = 80

Option: 4

10. In all clear format if B starts and for B to win, B should ensure that (Max + Min) coins are
left, i.e. in this case 8K.
Therefore B will pick up 1 leave 80 on board

Option: 3

Set 3
If there are no upsets, in any particular round sum of the seeds of 2 players
playing will be 1 more than number of players left out
Round 1: 16 matches
(1,32) (2,31) (3,30)(16,17) (Sum adds up to 33)
Round2: 8 matches
(1,16) (2,15)(8,9) (Sum adds up to 17)
Quarterfinals: 4 matches
(1,8) (2,7) (3,6) (4,5) (Sum adds upto 9)
(1,4) (2,3)

11. Round 1 No upsets: Players 1,2.16 will win
Round 2: match 6,7,8 upsets => 1,2,3,4,5,11,10,9 would have won
In QF: 2 will meet 10 i.e. Venus Williams

Option: 4

12. Rank 6 and Rank 8 lose is round 2, while Rank 9 and Rank 7 reaches semifinals, who will
play with Rank 1 in QF is the question

Round 1: 1 to 16 win
Round 2: 1, 2,3,4,5,11,7,9
QF: 1 will meet 9 i.e. Nadia Petrova

Option: 3

13. Round 1: All even no matches are upsets
Round1 winners: 1, 31, 3, 29, 5, 27, 7, 25, 9, 23, 11, 21, 13, 19, 15, and 17
Round 2: No upsets
Round 2 winners: 1, 15, 3, 13, 5, 11, and 7,9
Quarterfinals: 1,15,7,13 (we consider match 2, 3, 4 are upsets, since we need to find the
lowest seed)
Semifinals: 1 will play with 13

Option: 1

14. To p 8 reaches QF
(1,8) (2,7) (3,6) (4,5)

Finals: 1 will not play either with 4 or 5 and will play only with 2/7/3/6 (whoever wins QF
& SF)

Option: 3

15. Total no of matches:
Round 1: 16
Round 2: 8
QF: 4
SF: 2
Final: 1

Total: 31

Option 2

Six teams A to F play matches
Stage 1: Total Matches 9
Point 3: D lost to A, but won C, F
Matches Winner Loser
1 A D
2 D C
3 D F

Point 4: E lost to B, But won C,F
Matches Winner Loser
4 B E
5 E C
6 E F

So far A played 1 (won = 1), B played 1 (won=1), C played 2 (lost=2), D played 3
(won =2, lost =1), E played 3 (won =2, lost =1), F played 2 (lost =2)
From the above C, D, E, F have all lost at least 1 game and its also given from Point
5 that B has lost at least 1 match hence A should be the team which has won all 3
matches (Point 1), Again A, B, D, E all have won at least 1 match, hence C&F
should be the teams which has lost all matches.
A has played with D, cannot play with E (maximum matches for E over), cannot
play with F (Point 6), hence A has to play with B & C for the balance two matches
Matches Winner Loser
7 A B
8 A C

So A, C, D, E all done with 3 matches and also F losses all 3 matches
Last match will be between B&F

Matches Winner Loser
9 B F

So End of Stage I
Team Won Lost
A 3 0
B 2 1
C 0 3
D 2 1
E 2 1
F 0 3

Stage 2: 6 matches
A lost both matches
Matches Winner Loser
1 F A
2 E A

Since A has already played with B, C, D in Round 1
Point 2: of the 2 teams, which lost all matches in stage 1, I team wins both and the other loses
Since F has won with A, it should be the team, which has won both matches and C, loses yet
Matches Winner Loser
3 F C
4 B C
5 B D
6 E D

End of stage 2:

Team Won Lost
A 3 2
B 4 1
C 0 5
D 2 3
E 4 1
F 2 3

Total No of matches 15 (stage 1: 9, stage 2:6)

Option: 2

17. From the table B&E with 4 wins have the most wins

Option: 4

18. E&F (refer to the boxes)

Option: 2

19. B,E,F

Option: 4

20. D&F

Option: 2

Practice Exercise
Set 1
Logic same as SET 2 (class exercise)
Min to pick 1, Max to pick 9
1. B picks up and he should win, means he should pick up the last coin as they are playing
all clear format, hence after his turn he should leave (Min + Max) K coins on the board
X+10K = 55 => X = 5

Option: 4

2. In one for all format the last person winning the coin loses. If A starts and A wins, B picks
up the last coin i.e. after his turn A will leave with (Min + Max) K+1 (at least)=>
Since B picks up 5 coins in 2
turn, A will pick up 5 coins

Option: 2

3. Even in all clear format the sum in braces should be equal to 10, hence its 5

Option: 2

4. In one for all format, the last person picking coin loses, hence A should ensure B is left with at
least 2 coins or 1 coin in the end (as per the condition) and every turn Min + Max =11

Case 1:11k+1+x =92 (X is the no of coins picked by A in the beginning)

88+1+3 => 3 coins

Case 2: 11K+2+X = 92

88+2+2 = > 2 coins

Option: 4

5. In all clear format the formula will be 11k OR 11k - 1

Case I
11K + X = 99+2 => 2 coins

Case 2
11K 1+ X = 101 = 98+3 => 3 coins

Option: 4
Set 2
Logic is like set one
Total number of matches: 8C2=> 28 matches. Total points = 56

6. Even if all players get equal points, hence minimum point for the topper is 7 (56 / 8).
Topper can never get 6 as that would imply at least 1 player getting >6, in which case he
would be the topper.

Option: 1

7. From the question 6, if one point from last team is given to top team, then the scores
can be 8,7,7,7,7,7,7,6. Therefore minimum difference = 8-6 = 2

Option: 2

8. If the Topper gets 10 points, there are 46 points for the remaining 7 players. The
maximum score for topper can only be 6. As 7 players getting 7 is 49 points. So 7 and 8
are not possible. 4 is possible.

Option: 1

9. No 2 players got the same score. 56 points to be distributed among 8 players. Avg is 7, 4 people
below the avg and 4 above. So topper has to be 11.

Option: 4

10. If 2 players are allowed to have the same score, we can have a score distribution like
4,5,6,7,7,8,9,10. So min score of the topper can be 10

Option: 4
From the set it is understood that no matches got drawn till the second round.
Which means that the goal difference in any match has to be at least one: -

Since both Germany as well as Argentina have won both matches the goals in the
those matches should be as follows
Germany opponent x = 2 1
Germany opponent y = 1 0
Argentina opponent 1 = 1 0
Argentina opponent 2 = 1 0
Spain lost one game and won the other, trying to split the goals for and goals
against we get the following cases: -
Spain opponent a = 5 0
Spain opponent b = 0 2
Spain opponent a = 4 0
Spain opponent b = 1 2
Spain opponent a = 5 1
Spain opponent b = 0 - 1
Pakistan lost one match and won the next:-
Pakistan Opponent C = 0 1
Pakistan Opponent D = 2 0
New Zealand lost both matches
New Zealand opponent E: 1 2
New Zealand opponent F : 0 4
New Zealand opponent E: 1 3

New Zealand opponent F : 0 3
New Zealand opponent E: 1 4
New Zealand opponent F : 0 2
New Zealand opponent E: 1 5
New Zealand opponent F : 0 1
Similarly South Africa has lost both matches
South Africa Opponent G: 1-2
South Africa Opponent H: 0 2
South Africa Opponent G: 1-3
South Africa Opponent H: 0 1
Given Spain lost to Germany in round I: -
Assuming Germany scored 2 and Spain scored 1
Then as per above goal allocation, Spain should have won its second match with 4
-0, which is New Zealand and New Zealand should have lost its second match with
1-2 goals. But there is no country which shows a goal of 2 1 except Germany,
which has already played with Spain. Hence, Germany should have won Spain
with a goal diff of 1 0. So Spains second game should have been with New
Zealand with 5 -1 as the goals scored. Now New Zealands second came should be
with Argentina (0-1), Argentinas second game should be with Pakistan (0-1), it
cannot be with south Africa, because the South Africas second game should end
with 1-3 as the goals scored (which we cannot see in any another countrys goals
tally). Pakistans second game is with South Africa (2-0) and the last game is
between South Africa and Germany (1-2)
11. Option: 2

12. Option: 4
13. Option: 2
14. Option: 1
15. Option: 4

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