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A. What Is C & E Dia.?
B. Basic Diaga! "# C & E?
C. Cas$ St%&' O( C & E Dia.

A. What Is C & E Dia.?
The cause & effect diagram is the brainchild of Kaoru Ishikawa, who pioneered quality management processes in
the Kawasaki ship yards, and in the process became one of the founding fathers of modern management. The cause
and effect diagram is used to explore all the potential or real causes or inputs! that result in a single effect or
output!. "auses are arranged according to their le#el of importance or detail, resulting in a depiction of relationships
and hierarchy of e#ents. This can help you search for root causes, identify areas where there may be problems, and
compare the relati#e importance of different causes.
$ graphic tool used to explore and display opinion about sources of #ariation in a process. $lso called a "ause%and%
&ffect or 'ishbone (iagram.!
To arri#e at a few key sources that contribute most significantly to the problem being examined. These sources are
then targeted for impro#ement. The diagram also illustrates the relationships among the wide #ariety of possible
contributors to the effect.
"auses in a cause & effect diagram are frequently arranged into four ma)or categories. *hile these categories can be
anything, you will often see+
,$-./*&0, ,&T1/(2, ,$T&0I$32, $-( ,$"1I-&04.
0ecommended for manufacturing!
&56I.,&-T, ./3I"I&2, .0/"&(60&2, $-( .&/.3&
0ecommended for administration and ser#ice!.
These guidelines can be helpful but should not be used if they limit the diagram or are inappropriate. The categories
you use should suit your needs. $t 2ky,ark, we often create the branches of the cause and effect tree from the titles
of the affinity sets in a preceding affinity diagram.
The cause%and%effect diagram is a method for analy7ing process dispersion. The diagram8s purpose is to relate causes
and effects. Three basic types+ (ispersion analysis, .rocess classification and cause enumeration. &ffect 9 problem
to be resol#ed, opportunity to be grasped, result to be achie#ed. &xcellent for capturing team brainstorming output
and for filling in from the 8wide picture8. 1elps organi7e and relate factors, pro#iding a sequential #iew. (eals with
time direction but not quantity. "an become #ery complex. "an be difficult to identify or demonstrate
B. Basic Diagram of C & E?
The "&& diagram is also known as the fishbone diagram because it was drawn to resemble the skeleton of a fish,
with the main causal categories drawn as :bones: attached to the spine of the fish, as shown below.
"ause & effect diagrams can also be drawn as tree diagrams, resembling a tree turned on its side. 'rom a single
outcome or trunk, branches extend that represent ma)or categories of inputs or causes that create that single
outcome. These large branches then lead to smaller and smaller branches of causes all the way down to twigs at the
ends. The tree structure has an ad#antage o#er the fishbone%style diagram. $s a fishbone diagram becomes more and
more complex, it becomes difficult to find and compare items that are the same distance from the effect because they
are dispersed o#er the diagram. *ith the tree structure, all items on the same causal le#el are aligned #ertically.
* To successfully build a cause and effect diagram+
;. <e sure e#eryone agrees on the effect or problem statement before beginning.
=. <e succinct.
>. 'or each node, think what could be its causes. $dd them to the tree.
?. .ursue each line of causality back to its root cause.
@. "onsider grafting relati#ely empty branches onto others.
A. "onsider splitting up o#ercrowded branches.
B. "onsider which root causes are most likely to merit further in#estigation.
C. Case Study On C & E Dia.?

* <uilding "onsensus+ 2teps 'or "ase 2tudyC
;. *rite out the issue.
=. 2uggest many alternati#e answers candidates!.
>. 0educe a long list ;DE items! using a multi#ote.
?. "arefully discuss the remaining candidates. Take notes on each.
@. (ecide which criteria you will use to e#aluate your candidates.
A. (o a rating #ote.
B. 3ook at areas of disagreement, and discuss them further.
F. Gote again, if necessary.
H. (iscuss the outcome of the #ote. 1as e#eryone been heardI
;D. "an e#eryone support the decisionI
* 1ow to "onstruct+
;. .lace the main problem under in#estigation in a box on the right.
=. 1a#e the team generate and clarify all the potential sources of #ariation.
>. 6se an affinity diagram to sort the process #ariables into naturally related groups. The labels of these
groups are the names for the ma)or bones on the Ishikawa diagram.
?. .lace the process #ariables on the appropriate bones of the Ishikawa diagram.
@. "ombine each bone in turn, insuring that the process #ariables are specific, measurable, and controllable. If
they are not, branch or :explode: the process #ariables until the ends of the branches are specific,
measurable, and controllable.
* Tip+
;. Take care to identify causes rather than symptoms.
=. .ost diagrams to stimulate thinking and get input from other staff.
>. 2elf%adhesi#e notes can be used to construct Ishikawa diagrams. 2ources of #ariation can be rearranged to
reflect appropriate categories with minimal rework.
?. Insure that the ideas placed on the Ishikawa diagram are process #ariables, not special caused, other
problems, tampering, etc.
@. 0e#iew the quick fixes and rephrase them, if possible, so that they are process #ariables.
* .roblem +

-ow a days e#ery industry, organi7ation and institutions ha#e the same problems associated with their workers.
1ere we disscuss how to sol#e one ma)or problem of 6-1$..4 */0K&02 with the help of fish bone digram
system I
* 2olution with the help of fishbone diagram +
The cause%and%effect diagram is a method for analysing process dispersion. The diagram8s purpose is to relate causes
and effects. Three basic types+ (ispersion analysis, .rocess classification and cause enumeration. &ffect 9 problem
to be resol#ed, opportunity to be grasped, result to be achie#ed. &xcellent for capturing team brainstorming output
and for filling in from the 8wide picture8. 1elps organise and relate factors, pro#iding a sequential #iew. (eals with
time direction but not quantity. "an become #ery complex. "an be difficult to identify or demonstrate
* (iagram +
* (escription +
The ma)or problems associated with the workers are as follwsC
;. *orkers ,anpower!
The sub problems areC
% Training of the worker
% &xperience
% 1ealth

=. &n#ironment
The sub problems areC
% *eather conditionsC hot or #ery cold
% -oisy surroundings
% "hemical 0eactions
% .ollution
>. ,anagement

The sub problems areC
% *ages and salary of people
% 'acility and insurance pro#ision
?. ,achines

The sub problems areC
% ,aintainance
% Troubleshooting

* "onclusion +
Thus we ha#e easily understood that, J*e can analy7e and sol#e any problem with the help of
IshikawaK'ishboneK"ause & &ffect (iagram as well as implementation leads to the positi#e peak of the solution.L
Therefore e#ery problem has solution in this whole world, so go on implementing.

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