BillyEliot Power Point

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Presented by Timothy P.

Module C:
Into the
This module requires students to explore and analyse texts used in
a specific situation. It assists students understanding of the ways
that texts communicate information, ideas, bodies of knowledge,
attitudes and belief systems in ways particular to specific areas
of society.

Electives in this module are designed around a specific social
context and the texts that are characteristic of and valued within
it. Prescribed texts will be drawn from a variety of professional and
social contexts. Students are also required to supplement this
study with texts of their own choosing related to the module.

Students explore the role of textual features in the shaping of
meaning in specific contexts. They develop the communication
skills necessary for a wide variety of personal, social, historical,
cultural and workplace contexts. Composition focuses on analysing
and experimenting with textual forms characteristic of the
specific contexts. These compositions may be realised in a
variety of forms and media.
In this elective students explore a variety of texts that
deal with aspects of growing up or transition into new
phases of life and a broader world. People encounter
different experiences and respond to them
individually. These personal experiences may result in
growth, change or other consequences. Students
respond to and compose a range of texts that illustrate
different pathways into new experiences. They
examine the features of texts that shape our
knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about individuals
venturing into new experiences.

Students choose one of the listed texts as the basis for
their further exploration of texts that deal with aspects
of growing up and transitions into new phases of life.
Moving into the world suggests change.

The elective suggests some new phase of an
individuals life, and this often involves
growth and /or change for the individual.

Into the World explores aspects of growing
up and life transitions into new worlds.

It examines how experience can bring about
transformation, personal growth and

Growing up

Transitions into new phases of life

Different ways by which people enter new stages
of experience that bring growth and change

Explore different pathways into new experiences
that extend an individuals existing world

Examine knowledge, attitudes and beliefs
relating to individuals who have ventured into
new worlds and experiences

Mentors/Role models Responsibilities Growth and change
Social class Gender roles Stereotypes Sexual preferences
Values and attitudes Aptitude/Skill

This elective examines ways of living- lifestyles. Society
provides several lifestyles to choose from and your
prescribed texts deals with one of them. Then it is
important for you to see how these are presented in terms
of personal, social, historical and cultural contexts. Then it
is important to look at how these different lifestyles are
communicated and valued in the texts.

This module deals with aspects of growing up and
transitions in stages of a persons life. It is important that
a student focuses on the values that these different stages
represent and how the changes are portrayed and what
experiences result from these transitions.

A person who moves into the world
Consider how the individual is represented before the move into
the world and after the move into the world

The world they move from and their world they move into
Consider how the composer represents the two different worlds in
the text

Who/what helps them move into this new world (catalyst,
If it is a person, how are they represented?
If it is a thing, is there a metaphor that represents it?
Is there an aspect of the individuals personality that assists
him/her to move from one world to another? How is it
What is the individuals pathway into the world? How is it

Who/what are the barriers prevent
movement into the world
If it is a person, how is the character developed?
If it is a person, how is the contrast shown between
this person and the person moving between worlds?
If it is a thing, is there a metaphor that represents
the barrier?

How does the individual grow or change as a
result of the movement?
How does the composer represent the change in
the individual?
Where are there specific points in the text when
you see the individual progress?
What is the evidence of the individuals progress?

Study of your prescribed text

At least TWO related texts linked to the concept of
Into the World

You will need to know language techniques and
quotations from each text

You will need to formulate a thesis about the concept
of Into the World

The ability to write in different forms

The ability to sustain an argument

Slow down
Hold back
Hold up
Make easier
Billy Elliot
Movement into the world can be very difficult
for an individual due to contextual
An individual may require assistance to move
into the world.
Perseverance is essential to overcome obstacles
when moving into the world.
The new world may prove confronting for the
Some individuals are drawn into the world by
intangible forces.
Movement into the world can be greatly
Opening of film: cutting between high-angle shots of the violence of the
miners on strike and private world of Billy Elliot consumed by the beauty
and freedom of dance. Establishes for viewer how different Billy is than
other men in his town.

Juxtaposition of boxing class with ballet class. Shouting and violence of
boxing in contrast to soft tutus and music of ballet.

Deeply engrained stereotypes expressed through fathers dialogue
boxing is for boys. Billy must challenge this assumption without his
fathers support initially.

Contrast between Billy and his brother and father. Language of brother is
harsh compared to Billys softer language.

Symbolic destruction of Billys mothers piano severing any connection to
a world outside of the miners world. Sound effects dissonant sound of
piano being chopped for firewood. Close-up on destroyed piano and
Billys face showing his sorrow.
The character of Mrs Wilkinson provides Billy with an
ally to help him move into the world.

Metaphor of Billy and Mrs Wilkinson crossing the
bridge with the music from Swan Lake in the
background represents Billys movement into the

It is ultimately his fathers support, however, that
sees him successful in his move into the world.
Scene in which Billys father dramatically crosses he
strike lines to earn money to pay Billys fees. Close
ups on fathers anguished face. Father shot from
high angle. Emphasis of the violence and noise from
strikers. Emotional reunion of father and brother.
Metaphor of walls in the streets when Billy is
forbidden to dance by his father and brother.

His frustration is expressed through his
dance. Close-ups on his feet furiously
dancing and the intensity of the music
illustrate his passion.
Repetition of shot of Billy trying to land the
pirouette with Mrs Wilkinson reinforces his
Emphasis of Billy and his father being out of place
in the halls of the ballet school. Repeated shot from
a high angle emphasizing their powerlessness in the

Use of costume to emphasise Billy and fathers
difference. Both wearing darker colours in the face
of the lighter colours of the school.

Repeated shots of the refined architecture dwarfing
both figures

Billys audition clearly not what was expected by
judges. Close-ups on their faces and their silence
belies their shock.
Daldry emphasizes Billys affinity for dance
song lyrics Danced myself right out of the
womb slow motion of Billy jumping on bed.
Close up on elation of his face.

In boxing ring, close up on Billys foot tapping to
ballet music.

The grace with which Billy moves through his
routine of making grandmothers breakfast.

Intertextual references to Swan Lake and Ugly
Duckling story suggest Billy was meant to pursue
this dream
Final scene of the film Billys triumphant
and majestic leap in slow motion onto the
stage in Swan Lake performance.

Close up on fathers tears of pride in Billys
You will need at least TWO related texts for this
module. Remember to select different text
types to enhance the depth of your response.
For example, if you are studying poetry as your
core text, consider using a film and a novel as
related material.

Try to choose texts which are weighty and
significant of some literary merit. It adds
sophistication to your response and is well-
regarded in the marking centre.

Consider choosing texts you have studied in
previous years.

sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you
I'm not going to make it, but you laugh inside
remembering all the times you've felt that way, and
you walk to the bathroom, do your toilet, see that face
in the mirror, oh my oh my oh my, but you comb your hair
get into your street clothes, feed the cats, fetch the
newspaper of horror, place it on the coffee table, kiss your
wife goodbye, and then you are backing the car out into
life itself,
like millions of others you enter the arena once more.
you are on the freeway threading through traffic now,
moving both towards something and towards nothing at all
as you punch
the radio on and get Mozart, which is something, and you
will somehow

get through the slow days and the busy days and the dull
days and the hateful days and the rare days, all both so
and so disappointing because
we are all so alike and so different.
you find the turn-off, drive through the most dangerous
part of town, feel momentarily wonderful as Mozart works
his way into your brain and slides down along your bones
out through your shoes.
it's been a tough fight worth fighting
as we all drive along
betting on another day.

2001 Linda Lee Bukowski
reprinted with permission of Black Sparrow Press

Family Footsteps documentary series on ABC follows four young people
Australian Story
Maos Last Dancer, Li Cunxin autobiography
A Thousand Splendid Suns, Khaled Housseini novel
Children of Heaven, Majid Majidi film
To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee novel
Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger novel
The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald Into the Wild, Sean Penn film
Motorcycle Diaries, Walter Salles film
Brokeback Mountain, Ang Lee film
Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte novel
David Copperfiled, Charles Dickens novel
Great Expectations, Charles Dickens novel
The Adventures of Huck Finn, Mark Twain novel
A Room with a View, James Ivory film
Darjeeling Limited, Wes Anderson film
Slumdog Millionaire, Danny Boyle film
Lost Salt Gift of Blood, Alistair McLeod short stories
Picture books can work well as related texts.
Conceptual understanding of venturing into the world
and its challenges
Integrated discussion of texts
Deep analysis of themes and techniques
Selective in their choice of related material
Answered all aspects of the question
Careful links between texts
Ability to construct purposeful thesis
Students with independently selected material were
able to discuss their thesis with greater confidence
and clarity
Sustained voice and argument
Showed strong knowledge of forms and features of
Weaker responses relied on recounting the actions
of characters or making statements about attitudes
or venturing into the world.
These responses often dealt with text(s) in isolation
with little attempt to link their discussion to the
question or the texts to each other.
Weaker responses often relied on recounting the
narrative or making broad generalisations about the
text or the concept of moving into the world.
Difficulty in supporting these observations with
relevant textual reference.
Many weaker responses relied on supporting texts
which were of little relevance to the concept of the

In your answer you will be assessed on how well you:
demonstrate understanding of the ways texts and meaning are
shaped by context
organise, develop and express ideas using language appropriate to
audience, purpose, context and form
Question 9 Elective 2: Into the World (20
Individuals venturing into new experiences may
encounter obstacles, but may also gain
significant rewards.
Do you agree with this perspective?
In your response, refer to your prescribed text and
at least ONE other related text of your own
PEAL in each body paragraph

Point This is your topic sentence or the main idea of
your paragraph.

Evidence The quotations, close reference and
techniques drawn from your text.

Analysis This is where you will explain how the
evidence you have selected proves the point you
have made in your topic sentence.

Link Here you will ensure your concluding sentence
links back to your question or thesis statement from
the introduction of your response.

Individuals venturing into new experiences
may indeed encounter obstacles; therefore
perseverance is required when attempting to
move into the world. Billy is inhibited by his
social and cultural context, as dancing is not
viewed as a valid expression of feeling for a
male in 1980s Durham. Billys frustration is
expressed through his dance that follows a
heated discussion on his future between his
mentor, Mrs. Wilkinson, his father and his
brother. Close-ups on his feet furiously
dancing and the intensity of the music
illustrate his passion, while the metaphor of
walls represents the obstruction that he

suffers. This suggests that even when Billys transition
into the world is hindered, his commitment to dance
as an emotional release enables him to at least
explore his thwarted ambitions. Another persona
whose transition into the world is featured in Charles
Bukowskis poem gamblers all. This poem shows that
moving into the world can be a daily challenge that
requires perseverance. His persona leaves home
backing the car out into life itself/like millions of
others you enter the arena once more and metaphor
is used to compare lifes daily challenges with
gladiatorial conflict. Bukowski is suggesting that even
though the challenges we face are significant, we
must face them and bet on another day. While
Billys challenge is based on a transition into the adult
world, the persona of the poem shows that once in
the adult world perseverance remains a vital asset
when meeting obstacles.

2006 Question 10 Elective 3: Into the
World (20 Marks)

Your texts offer various representations of
familiar experiences and new horizons.

Compare these representations, referring to
your prescribed text and at least one other
related text of your own choosing.

When an individual moves into the world he moves from familiar
experiences to new horizons. The process of moving from the
familiar into the new can be challenging and is not always a
continuous process. It may be marked by obstacles and failures
before the new horizons are successfully reached. Individuals may
require assistance to achieve the new horizons and may be forced
to leave behind the comforts of the familiar as they move into their
new world. The film, Billy Elliot, directed by Stephen Daldry
represents the movement of a young boy from his familiar world of
the 1984 miners strikes in Durham, England to the world of the
ballet. This move was fraught with difficulty for both Billy and his
family due to the deeply engrained beliefs about what it is to be a
man. Similarly, Harper Lee represents the movement of her
protagonist Scout in her novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, from the
familiar world of childhood into a more mature and enlightened
state of mind. Like Lee, Seamus Heaney represents the move from
the world of childhood into the realities of adulthood in his poem,
Mid-term Break in which his persona is faced with the death of a
sibling. All three texts represent the familiar and the new

2005 Question 10 Elective 3: Into the
World (20 Marks)
An Address to the Next Generation

Using this title, present your views on
growing up and making transitions into

In your response, you should refer to your
prescribed text and at least two other
related texts of your own choosing.
Know your texts well

Include language techniques in each

Include quotations in each paragraph

Integrate your discussion of the texts

Be confident in your response to the text.

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