Tekken 2 - EGM Unofficial Strategy Guide

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1994, 1995.

1996 Namco Limited

Welcome back
to the second Iron Fist
Tournament. This time
the going is not just
faster but a whole
lot more involved
and convoluted. So
here are some of the
best suggestions to
battling in this mega
fighting game.
First, learn every
characternot neces-
sarily how to play
them, just what their
moves and combos
consist of. This way,
you can watch for
oncoming combos and
block or counter them
with ease.
Keeping the above
in mind, try to use this
as your advantage as
well. Learn which
moves can lead into
the most variable
combo enders so that
you can knock even
the most experienced
fighters around a bit!
Learn all the intricate
combo chains to win.
By all means, use
the Practice Mode
for practicing your
combos. There
are plenty of other
regular combos
and air juggles
in the game that
are not considered
actual moves.
Try out different combos
in the Practice Mode.
The 10-hitters can be
changed mid-combo!
If you are already familiar
with the 10-Hitters in the
first Tekken, you should
know that all the normal
players (not Bosses) can
fluctuate between different
combos while performing
the massive string. This is
where the greatest advan-
tage is. thus catching your
opponent off guard.
Practice Mode has all the
10-Hitters for you!
=Left Punch
=Right Punch
=Left Kick
=Right Kick
=Stick is in a
neutral position
=While moving from
standing to crouch.
=While you are
rising from a crouch.
The moves are in outline format. This
means if the move below is indented, it is
to follow the move right above it. For space
sake, some moves are grouped in threes.
For those of you who
just loath being on the
receiving end of those
lengthy combos, here's
some ways to break
them! With some com-
bos, it is necessary to
variate the attack
height. This is usually
the moment you need.
Know where the blows
will land and either sim-
ply block them. Or be
really daring and
counter, which is usual-
ly doing the opposite
height attack (low coun-
ters high, etc.).
The key is knowing when
the attacks change pattern.
Here is where you
learn how to be really
cheap! Basically use
nasty air juggle com-
bos as opposed to
easily broken 10-Hit
strings. Keep it up, and
you should do well.
You also get to fight all the
Bosses in this mode!
Bottom line, play it cheap.
Look for easy patterns.
Don't place your best
characters immediately
first! Break them up
with other characters
so that you won't lose
them in the first battles.
Trick: Press Start while
choosing characters for
random choices!
Learn from your mistakes
and fix them later.
Don't keep all your eggs in
one baskethint hint!
Raging Vallas
Funk Snapper
Deadline Downtime
His most pow-
erful assets
are his kicks,
but his punch
combos are
Very fast.
Heihachi has always
been a power character.
Use him as such and
your battles will be swift.
Heihachi does have a
back-step, but it is very
hard to pull off
right when you
need it most.
Axe kicks are his best
frontal defense attack.
Use his Axe
Kicks for
frontal protec-
tion, and also
do moves with
his Spinning
Sweep for a
surprise hit,
Back Driver
Stone Head
Punch Combo
J ump Kick & Spin Sweep
Rising Uppercut
Dragon Uppercut
Running Side Kick
Axe Kick
Double Hit Axe Kick
Flash Punch Combo
Demon Scissors
Double Punch Backhand
Twin Pistons
Spinning Demon
Axe Kick Ender
Left Axe Kick
Power Punch
Dive Kick
Shin Kick
Hell Axle
Demon Uppercut
Side Backstep
Hammer & Power Punch
Ground Stomp (Opponent is down)
Ultimate Hammer
This amalgamation of
Kazuya and Law excels
in both kick- and punch-
style combat skills. Both
are equally fast and can
work together for
great combos!
Crescent Kick
Spinning Slide
Shin Kick Combo
Shin-Head Combo
Double J ump Kick
J ump-Middle Kick
J ump-Low Kick
I nfinity Kicks (Get Up)
Add L. Kick
Left Split Kick
Back F l i f ^ j ^
Charge Power Punch
Cancel Charge
Try to work on
his Infinity
Kicks with
varying kick
formats. This
will confuse
the opponent.
Like Heihachi,
his Axe Kicks
are great.
Even better
is his Back
Leap for a
great escape.
Noogie Break
Forearm Drop Headlock Punch
Knee Smash
Lett Right Combo
Mid Kick
Catapult Kick High
Catapult Kick Low
Shaolin Spin Kick
Five Rapid J abs
Rave War Combo
Small Rave War Combo
Rainbow Kick
Dragon Low Kick
Triple Head Kick
Slide Kick
He does have an odd-
ball style of attack, but
it provides a very good
defensive posture. Both
his Back Turn and
Get-Up attacks can
be varied a lot
to keep your
enemy guessing.
He can combo
anyone from a
sweep attack,
use for many
multiple lay-up
Lying on the ground
can bring great results!
The best is
his lying-on-
Get-Up moves.
Surprise your
enemy by
using this
cool ability.
Neck Crack
Hip Flip
Play Dead
Rave Spin End
Roll around
Turn Around
Rave Spin
Side Kick Ender
Rave Spin
Double Spin Punch
Tornado Kick
Side Kick & Sweep
Spring Kick
Roll Over
Razor Rush
Side Kick Ender
Rush Combo
Side Kick Ender
Razor Attack
Side Kick Ender
Small Razor Rush
Side Kick Ender
Clean Sweep
Leaping Kick
Crane Stance
Quad Kick
Ultimate Kick
Variate his kick
combos for
high/low hits
that are too
fast for anyone
to block.
Use his
Spinning Elbow
for a good side-
step attack, as
well as his Swift
Shin Kicks that
are great
counter hits.
His Spinning Elbow is a
side-stepping attack!
When learned, Bruce is
a very vile character to
use. His kicks are some
of the fastest, and his
range with his legs is
almost unmatched. Stick
mostly with his
kicks and you're
good to go!
Front Knee Kick
Right Knee Kick
Left Knock Away
Right Knock Away
Bat Kick (during L/ R KA)
Fly Knee Kick
Neck Throw
Foot Bazooka
Side Step Elbow
Triple Punch
One/ Two Punch
Spin Kick
Triple Knee Combo
Double Knee & Low Kick
Front & Knee Kicks
Sledge Hammer
Leg Bazooka Finish
Slash Kick
Leg Slicer & Tornado Upper
Quick Spin Kick
Triple Spin Kick
Double Elbow
Double Kick
Killing Elbow
Sweep Ender
Sweep Ender
Spin Kick Ender
J un is a very rhythmic
character. Almost all her
moves can be linked
together for powerful
combo strings. This is
good for adding variety
to the enders,
keeping anyone
off their guard.
Swat her
sweeps, J ump
Kicks and
Windmill Kicks
for a variety of
combo enders.
Her Backflip
Kick is proba-
bly best fit for
this category.
Lastly, you
can finish with
her Strong
Wrist Throw
Wrist Clutch Slam
Toe Kick E
Tooth Fairy
Triple Spin Attack
Scissor Spin Kick
Back Blow & Low Kick
1-2 Uppercut
3 Ring Circus
Double Lift Up Kick
Spinning High Kick
Leg Cutting 3 Ring Circus
Whiplash Leg Cutter
Screw Body Blow
Wind Mill Kick
Tooth Fairy E
Blizzard Combo
Counter Strike
Back Spin Kick
The G-Clef will hit in
different locations.
Again, he is
Michelle, so
his Skyscraper
Kick is great
as well as his
G-Clef attack
This scruffy old man is
a near-exact replica of
Michelle. His only vari-
ance are some of his
Power Punches, which
can strike at multiple
levels. Use the
same tactics as
with Michelle.
Body Slam
Back Elbow Smash
G-Clef Cannon
Sweep Opener
Razor Edge
Skyscraper Kick
Foot Stomp
Tequila Sunrise Combo
Strong Power Punch
Slow Power Punch Combo
Front Snap Kick
Spinning Sweep Combo
Medium Power Punch
Power Punch
Kick-Sweep Opener
S.Kick End
Heavy Uppercut
Cancel Move
I ndigo Punch
All of his
combos are
a variation
of Michelle's,
so his best
are his Tequila
J un excels with her
Backflip Kick defense!
Headlock Toss
P/ Suplex
His Rising
Palm is a
great setup for
his Sumo
Stomp attack.
A really big
ouch at that!
She has a powerful G-
Clef, and her
Rising Uppercuts
can be linked
into combos.
Variety in her
G-Clef will give
her the advan-
tage. Try her
Uppercuts, too.
Her Skyscraper
Kick is fast and
can catch any-
one off guard.
The Palm Rush is good
for air attackers.
It's hard to
say with this
guy. Try using
his Palm Rush
on jumping
enemies or his
Rising Palm
This sappy little sumo is
basically a kid version
of J ack. Though with his
new Rising Palm attack,
it makes his Sumo
Stomp very effective.
Also, his Sumo
Tackle is a great
ranged attack.
Machine Gun Punch
Punch E.
Body Elbow
Upper Middle Smash
Bow & Arrow Combo
Heavy Bow & Arrow Kick
Quick Slash Upper
Quick E.
S.U. & G-Clef Cannon
G-Clef Combo
Punch & Sweep
H.Kick E.
Punch/ Sweep & Arrow
Double Spin Kick
H.Kick E.
Elbow Skyscraper Kick
Flash Upper
Heavy Uppercut
Knee Suplex
Arm Lock Suplex
Spin Behind & Back Suplex
G-Clef Cannon
Razor s Edge Ender
Sweep To Low Kick
Skyscraper Kick
Foot Stomp (while J umping)
Tequila Sunrise Combo
Twin Arrow
Slow Power Punch
Pop-up E.
Front Snap Kick
Spinning Sweep Combo
Spin & Kick
Party Crasher
Rapid Counter Attack
Hip Throw
Back Throw
Get-Up Punch (While you are down)
Sumo Squash
Sumo Stomp
Sumo Hammer
Double Hammer
Overhead Smash
Strong Open Palm
Double Palm
Wind Mill Punch
Double Step-in-Palm
Thunder Slap
Open Palm Rush
Triple Upper Cut _
Triple Upper Cut 02
Sumo Tackle
Body Slam
Neck Slam
If you hadn't
noticed, variety
i$ Nina's best
Flip Over
Big Slam
Arm Slap
Ground Arm Snap
Arm Snap
Double Arm Snap
Follow-through Snap
Knee & Arm Crack
Neck Crasher
Crab Hold
Hell Hold
Leg Cross Hold
Double Hell Hold
Command Arm Lock
Shoulder Buster
Elbow Ground J ab
Double Punch Left Kick
Blonde Bomb
Small Combo Starter
S.Kick E.
Leg Slicer Combo
Blonde Bomb Ender
Flash Kicks
Low Left Kick End
Blonde Bomb Ender
Blonde Kicks Starter
4 4
Anna is similar
to Nina. Though
she doesn't
have as many
moves, she still
has some nasty
combos. Anna's
best attacks come
with her grappling
She is suited to grappling
and kick combo attacks.
Back Toss
Elbow Hit
Backhand Slap
Arm Snap
Arm Break
Fall Arm Break
Double Arm Break
Double Arm Toss
Chin Bash
Rear Cross Lock
Bermuda Triangle
Blonde Bomb
Flash Kick
J ab, Roundhouse
J ab, Sweep
Forward Flip Kick
Side Kick Backhand
Quad Kick
Uppercut-J ab
J ab-Low Kick
Running J ump Kick
Slap Combo
Catapult Kick High
Catapult Kick Low
Crouch J ab Rush
Crouch Slap Rush
Groin Hit
Punch/ Kick
Sweep/ Uppercut
Kick/ Backhand
2-Spin Kicks
Triple Kick Spin Slaps
Triple J ab & Sweep
Creeping Snake
RH Kick
Middle/ High Kick
High Kick/ Sweep
Reverse PDK
Counter Attack
Crane Chop
Swan Chop
Grand Combo Starter
J .Crush 1
S.Kick E.
Creeping Snake Starter
Double Hit E.
L. High Kick E.
Spike Combo Starter
Hop Kick Starter
Flip Kick
Upper J ab Combo
Can Opener
Leaping Leg Crab Grab
Spin Kick Combo
Pop-Up Kick
Kick-Fall & Sweep
Gut Stunner
Side Chop
Middle-High Kick
Big Combo
Low Kick/ Spin Chop
Counter ^
Crane Stab
Cancel Crane Stab
Arm Flip
Arm Flip
With his Rising
Hell, you can
set up anyone
in some great
uppercut chain
This big bulky droid has
had a definite refurbish-
ment since the first bat-
tle. He has plenty of
uppercut combos
that can vary to
many degrees.
Use his
Spinning Low
Punch. It starts
like a high
attack, but fin-
ishes low.
Body Slam
Rising Hell
Full Blanket & Face Smash
Get-Up Punch (While On Ground)
Machine gun Blast)
J ab-Elbow Smash
J ack Hammer
Double Hammer
Triple uppercut
Megaton Blast
Crosscut Saw
Low Crosscut
Low Crosscut Saw
Windmill Punch
M. End
Hammer Rush
L. End
Double Axe
Cossack Dance
Sit Down
Sitting Punches (After
Pancake Press
2nd P. Press
Small Rush
L. End
Two-Hit Rush
L. End
Wind-up P.
Though still basically
J ack-1. he has a lot
more moves: plenty of
unblockables and a killer
Megaton Uppercut
that is terrific for
combo setups!
Windmill Punches
Sliding Attack
Long Uppercut Combo
H. End
Medium Uppercut Combo
H. End
Small Combo Starter
H. End
Left Triple Upper
Right Triple Upper
Giant Flight Stomp
Second Boost
Dark Greeting
Wind-Up Punch
Body Slam
Megaton Blast ender
Get-up punch (While down)
Machine gun Blast
Double Hammer
Left Tri Uppercut
Right Tri Uppercut
Megaton Blast
Crosscut Saw
Pancake Press
Sitting Punches (after
Sit Down
Megaton Uppercut
Double Uppercut
His Megaton
Uppercut is a
great combo
starter. Try to
finish it with a
Megaton Blast
for damage!
His Double
Hammer is
fast and great
for a two-hit
counter strike
R. Hell C
Paul is still one of the
strongest forces in the
game. Now he has plen-
ty of powerful combo
enders that can vary
from high to low blows.
Use his new vari-
ety to confuse
your opponent.
He has plenty
of two-hitters.
Use ones that
vary on the
ending location
for variety.
His Sweep Elbow attack
is still a great counter.
His Double
J ump Kick
is good for
shorter protec-
tion. The best
is his Surprise
Sweep Elbow
Big Shove
Arm Twist Toss
Flip Over Toss
Double Punch
Double J ump Kick
Phoenix Smasher
PK Combo
PDK Combo
Hang Over
Neutron Bomb
J aw Breaker
Ground Punch (Opponent is down)
Double J ump/ Side Kick
Double J ump/ Sweep
Hammer/ Power Punch
Gut Buster
Flash Elbow
Stone Breaker
Volley O Punches
Punch & Sweep
J ab & Spin Kick
Flame Punch
Yup, a grizzly bear.
Though he is the
biggest target on the
block, he does excel
with his punches, hav-
ing the farthest attack
range. The key: Hit
from afar, don't get
too close to anyone!
He's all J ack,
so basically his
only combos
are his upper-
cuts. Use them
on air attackers.
His punches cover his
front for a distance.
His Hammer
Drop has great
coverage, but
any punch has
range for
Bear Chomp Bear Hug
Bear Headbutt
Blanket Drop
Triple Smash
Straight/ Elbow Upper
Bear Hammer
Double Hammer
Triple Upper Cut
Left-handed Uppers
Right-handed Uppers
Grizzly Claw
Double Claw
Pancake Press
Sitting Hits
Sit Down
Windmill Punch
Upper Cut Combo
H. End
Rush Combo
H. End
2-Hit Rush Combo
H. End 4
Deadly Claw
Roll Bear
Salmon Swipe
Law can
combo nearly
all his moves
into a Flip Kick,
a great advan-
tage to have.
Again, his Flip
Kicks are a
great defense,
and can also
move him
quickly away
from anyone.
Knee Lift
Headlock Punch
Head-lock Drop
Left-Right Combo
Mid K i c k , mm
Catapult Kick
Short Catapult Kick
Shaolin Spin Kick
Rave War Combo
Dragon Combo
Rainbow Kick
Dragon Low Kick
Triple Head Kick
Slide Kick
Crescent Kick
Running Side Kick
Double I mpact
Law Kick & Somersault
Front Kick & Somersault
Side Kick & Somersault
High Kick & Somersault
Bodyblow & Somersault
3 Kick & Somersault
Spin K. &Somer.
Somersault & Backflipper
Dragon's Tail
Charge Power Punch
Cancel Power Punch
Yes, he can.
Baek can combo
all his kicks. His
Pop-Up Kick is
good for air jug-
gle setups.
His main
defense is his
offense. J ust do
his kick volleys
and watch the
Bruce should get
lessons from this guy.
Baek is undoubtedly the
best kick fighter in the
game. He is lightning
fast, so it's best to
be offensive and
don't let up!
Flip Over
Neck Crack
Three Side Kicks
Sweep Kick End
Double Spin & Sweep
Kick & Sweep
Quad Hit End
Big Axe Kick Combo
Two Side Axe
Big Hit Ender
Axe & Side Kicks
Rising Axe Opener
Big Hit Ender
Pop-Up Kick
J umping Kick Opener
Spin K. End
Shin Double Axe Kicks
Shin Kick Ender
Axe Spin Kick
Two Side & Sweep
Axe Double Side Kick
Side Kicks End
Flamingo Stance
Move Forward or Backward
Kick Outward
Two Shin Kicks
Pop-Up Ender
Flaming Foot Swipe
Bruce Lee's rendered coun-
terpart, Law now excels
with his ability to add in Flip
Kicks to his already power-
ful combos. Also use his
Speedy Kicks to
keep a good
offensive out.
Apart from his
spin attacks,
his best is his
leap attacks
with the Pop-
Up Kick.
Though he finally learned
to do more than two
things with his sword,
Yoshi still leaves himself
wide open. Use his
sword for distance
and his kicks for
close encounters.
His Front
Spinning Sword
is a good trap,
and his Regular
Slash is a
quick hit
Trip & Slam
Head Drop Slam
Solar Kick
Shark Attack
Stone Fist
Spinning Sweep
Finishing Spin Kick
Triple Spin Kick
Palson Wind
Knee Smash
Knee Cap
Punch/ Kick Combo
Punch/ Sweep Combo
Sit on ground
Health Regeneration
Teleport to other side
Wi ndmi l ^j g
Death Slash
Delay Death Slash
Samurai Cutter
Death Copter
Quick Decent Slash
Turn About Harakiri
Cancel T A Harakiri
She can use her
knife in many
uppercut com-
bos. But also
try her Spinning
Kicks to end.
Her knife can be used
as a quick counter.
Her Knife Stab
is a quick
unblockable, but
still, her skills
mostly lie in
her long-ranged
and well-
placed kicks.
The once he-now-she is
probably the weakest
character in the game.
She is best made up by
her quick unblockable
knife stabs. But still,
she's no different
in style of Yoshi
from Tekken 1.
Scycle Bash
J udo Throw
soiar K i c K a a n m
Shark Attack
Spinning Fist
Crouching Spinning Kick
Kick Combo Ender
Knee Cap
J ab/ Sweep
3 Kick Combo
Poison Wind
Knee Bash
Deadly Stab
Deadly Slice
Deadly Slash
69 Body Slam
Armor King has bare-
ly changed since his
first appearance. His
new unblockables are
worthless, so just
rely on the basics:
throws and his
piinnhinp mrnhns
His Franken-
steiner is a
quick flip hit
and a deadly
throw if they
are in close.
His combos are
very limited,
but best to do
are his combos
that involve his
Like King, the
is his best
defense, espe-
cially if you are
in real close!
Windmill Toss
Stomach Smash Counter Hit
Hi-J ack Backbreaker
J aguar Driver
It Hurts
Ankle Snap
Crab Neck Snap
Double Leg Snap
Big Start
Big Finish
Double Punch & Upper
Drop Kick
Shoulder Flip
Reverse Slam
Second Reverse Slam
Pile Driver
Windmill Finish
Spinning Drop Kick
Snap Kick
Hammer Drop
Shin Hits
Big Combo
Knee Slam (While J umping)
Low/ Medium Punch
Standing Elbow Drop
Flip Leg Tackle
J aguar Lariat
Head to Knee Bash
J umping Pile Driver
Tombstone Pile Driver
Pile Driver
Spinning Terror
Left/ Right J ab Uppercut
Spinning Exploder
Konvict Kick
Capital Punishment
Stagger Kick
Elbow Drop
K's Flicker
Ground Punch
Crouching Uppercut
Head First Lunge
J umping Knee Drop
J ab/ Uppercut
Tiger Uppercut
Dragon Uppercut
Crouching J ab/ Uppercut
Double Knuckle
Arrow Blow
Shoulder Tackle
J ump And A Kick
Leg Flip Tackle
Burning Double Knuckle
He has throw
combos! Also,
try to end with
a Mid-stun
Punch to
King really took off from
Tekken 1, for he now has
double the throws. Knowing
this, stay in close
and slam away at
your enemy!
Kazuya is extremely
beefed up in this ver-
sion, having plenty of
Spinning Demon com-
bos, a new Gut Punch,
Tackle and even a
Hop-forward side-
step. He rocks as
his human self!
Flip Throw
Rushing Tackle
Sitting Blows
Demon Slayer
Leap Kick & Sweeps
Rising Uppercut
Dragon Punch
Sweep End
Running Kick
Right Splits Kick
Tsunami Kick
Flash Punch Combo
Again, his Axe
Kicks are
good,but even
better is just
to tap forward.
This is a mini-
side-step to
get in close!
Double Uppercut
Lett Splits Kick
Side Hop Forward
Side Right Uppercut
Side Left Uppercut
Double Spin Sweep
Splits Kick 02
Stun BI OI f t aMMMi
Super Dragon Punch L
Super Dragon Punch S
Most of
Kazuya's com-
bos rely solely
on punches.
He's better with
air juggles.
Devil and his alter ego
Angel (selectable
by pressing Kick)
is very short on
moves. Even
though they have
projectiles, the
moves really
leave them open.
Axe Kicks are good for
front protection.
Their Axe
Kicks are
about the
only thing
that will
protect them
in any
way possible.
Very small in
combos. They
mostly are
good for a
Southern Eye
Beam or two.
Hip Flip
Double Punch Backhand
Triple J ab WKKKKKKtM
J ump Kick/ Spin Sweep
Demon Uppercut
Dragon Punch
Axe Kick
Double Axe Kick
Flip Over Kick
Elbow/ Power Punch
Double Spin Sweep
Left Axe Kick
Standing Southern Eye Beam
Flying Southern Eye Beam
His Quick Dash-in move
is good for gettin' in!
Hold Select and
Up when you
choose your
character. You'll
hear a noise
then the fun hits
Hold Select while loading
for a Bia Kid code.
Hold Select next match and.
while holding L1 & L2, choose
a mode and wait for the fight.
Most of their
combos rely
on punches.
The best being
their big bang
Roger & Alex (Alex being
selectable by pressing
Kick) are basically King
with a few bangs
and whistles. Use the
same tactics as him,
but also don't for-
get your far-
reaching punches.
A low squat that
attacks high.
They have
plenty of dif-
ferent cover-
ing moves, the
best are the
Animal Kicks
that keep you
quite low.
Head Driver
F. Steiner
Very simple. J ust beat the
game with the Boss'
respective opponent.
Beat the game without losing
a round.
Kazuya in Cigar Suit:
Choose him with Start.
Beat the game using
Kazuya. Too easy!
Here's the fun bit. On the
third opponent, win the final
round with less than 5 per-
cent health. You should hear
a "Great." Your next oppo-
nent will be Roger. Beat him
to play as both him and Alex!
Back Driver
P. Driver
Windmill Toss
Triple Punch Combo
Drop Kick
Spinning Drop Kick
Big Foot
Shin Kicks
Shoulder Drop (While J umping)
High Uppercut
Middle Stomach J ab
Big Uppercut
Animal Pounce
Knee Drop (While J umping)
Speedbag Punch
Animal Leg Kicks
Leap Back Finish
A.Leg Kicks Start & Roll
A.Leg Kicks Leaping Start
Tail Sweep
Dragon Punch
Big Bang Combo
Wind-Up Killer Punch
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