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Centre for Computer Science & Technology

The importance of extracurricular activities in college campus is well established. The
primary goals of extracurricular activities is to focus on the individual student level, the
institutional level, and the broader community level. These activities exist to complement the
university's academic curriculum and to augment the student's educational experience.
Extracurricular activities provide a setting to become involved and to interact with other
students, thus leading to increased learning and enhanced development. Specifically, a
student's peer group is the most important source of influence on a student's academic and
personal development. By identifying with a peer group, that group may influence a student's
affective and cognitive development as well as his or her behavior.
Taking part in these outoftheclassroom activities helps students to understand the
importance of critical thinking skills, time management, academic and intellectual
competence. !orking outside of the classroom with diverse groups of individuals allows for
students to gain more selfconfidence, autonomy, and appreciation for others' differences and
Types of Extracurricular Activities
Technical Events
Workshops (1 per semester
"n this we will include technical workshops for #Tech $BS and $ST students. %nd for other
departments workshops for basic computer knowledge would be conducted.
!ate an" #ET Exam Preparation
"t will include tutorial classes, discussion, special lectures by students themselves.
"t will include $ode $reation and %nalysis. &'or $BS and $ST(, %ptitude, )easoning %nalytical
Skills $urrent %ffairs, English *rammar etc. &'or all departments(
Personality &evelopment 'lasses
"t will include +resentation Skills, ,ocabulary Building, and +rompt $ommunication 'omal
"ntroductions- #ock "nterviews #otivational .ectures etc.
'ultural Activities
Centre for Computer Science & Technology
!e will organi/e cultural events on special occasions. "t will include activities like clay
modelling #ehndi )angoli singing, dance competition, short plays *0, 0ebates 0eclamation
(un" Re)uest
Some of the events like technical workshops and cultural events re1uire funds to organi/e.
Therefore, we urge you to consider our re1uest for approval to raise funds whenever necessary.
To or*ani%e any of the a+ove propose" events, all the re)uisite "etails -oul" +e presente" to
the concerne" authority an" after their approval events -oul" +e or*ani%e" un"er the
supervision of consulte" faculty.

1. $2+TE$3#%TES
2. TE$3S%,,4 $2+
3. TE$35 "6TE..E$T
Centre for Computer Science & Technology
Through Proper Channel
The Vice Chancellor
Central University of Punjab
Subject: Regarding approval for creating a group
Respected Sir,
ith due respect !e the students of "#Tech $CST and CBS% re&uest you
that !e !ant to create a group for organi'ing various technical and non#
technical events( )t !ill lead us to develop an environ*ent !here all the
students !ould !or+ collaboratively to enhance their s+ills( )t is our
hu*ble re&uest to you to give your per*ission and suggestions to initiate
the sa*e( ,ll other details are enclosed !ithin(
e shall be very than+ful for you for this act of +indness(

-ours faithfully
"#Tech students
Centre for Co*puter Science and Technology
School of .ngineering / Technology

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