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1. The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation: Including the Demotic Spells: Tets
!"olume 1#$ %y &ans Dieter Bet' ( This is a collection o) magical spells and
)ormulas* hymns* and rituals )rom Greco(+oman ,gypt* dating )rom the second
century B.-. to the )i)th century ..D. . must read.
/. -urse Ta%lets and Binding Spells )rom the .ncient 0orld$ edited %y 1ohn G.
Gager ( In the ancient Greco(+oman 2orld* it 2as common practice to curse or
%ind an enemy or ri3al %y 2riting an incantation on a ta%let and dedicating it to a
god or spirit. These curses or %inding spells* commonly called de)iiones 2ere
intended to %ring other people under the po2er and control o) those 2ho
commissioned them
4. Magika &iera: .ncient Greek Magic and +eligion$ edited %y -hristopher ..
5araone 6 Dirk 7%%ink ( This collection challenges the tendency among scholars
o) ancient Greece to see magical and religious ritual as mutually eclusi3e and to
ignore 8magical8 practices in Greek religion. The contri%utors sur3ey speci)ic
%odies o) archaeological* epigraphical* and papyrological e3idence )or magical
practices in the Greek 2orld* and* in each case* determine 2hether the traditional
dichotomy %et2een magic and religion helps in any 2ay to conceptuali'e the
o%9ecti3e )eatures o) the e3idence eamined.
:. .rcana Mundi: Magic and the 7ccult in the Greek and +oman 0orlds: .
-ollection o) .ncient Tets$ %y Georg ;uck ( Magic* miracles* daemonology*
di3ination* astrology* and alchemy 2ere the arcana mundi* the 8secrets o) the
uni3erse*8 o) the ancient Greeks and +omans. In this path(%reaking collection o)
Greek and +oman 2ritings on magic and the occult* Georg ;uck pro3ides a
comprehensi3e source%ook and introduction to magic as it 2as practiced %y
2itches and sorcerers* magi and astrologers* in the Greek and +oman 2orlds.
<. Greek and +oman =ecromancy$ %y Daniel 7gden ( In classical anti>uity* there
2as much interest in necromancy((the consultation o) the dead )or di3ination.
People could seek kno2ledge )rom the dead %y sleeping on tom%s* 3isiting oracles*
and attempting to reanimate corpses and skulls. +anging o3er many o) the lands in
2hich Greek and +oman ci3ili'ations )lourished* including ,gypt* )rom the Greek
archaic period through the late +oman empire* this %ook is the )irst comprehensi3e
sur3ey o) the su%9ect e3er pu%lished in any language.
?. 5or%idden +ites: . =ecromancer@As Manual o) the 5i)teenth -entury$ %y
+ichard Bieckhe)er ( ;ike many medie3al tets )or the use o) magicians* this
hand%ook is a miscellany rather than a systematic treatise. It is eceptional*
ho2e3er* in the scope and 3ariety o) its contentsCprayers and con9urations* rituals
o) sympathetic magic* procedures in3ol3ing astral magic* a catalogue o) spirits*
lengthy ceremonies )or consecrating a %ook o) magic* and other materials.
D. +itual Magic$ %y ,li'a%eth M. Butler ( In this classic %ook !)irst pu%lished in
1E:E#* Butler eplores ritual magic using a 2ide range o) tets )rom the pre(
-hristian rites o) the .kkadians and -haldeans to the Solomonic -la3icles o)
medie3al ,urope. Throughout* there is etensi3e >uotation )rom the documents
themsel3es* pro3iding the reader 2ith an authentic sense o) the richness and po2er
o) these tets.
F. -on9uring Spirits: Tets and Traditions o) Medie3al +itual Magic$ edited %y
-laire 5anger ( Included are chapters %y +ichard Bieckhe)er and +o%ert Mathiesen
on the S2orn Book o) &onorius* Michael -amille on the .rs =otoria* 1ohn B.
5riedman on the Secretum Philosophorum* =icholas 0atson on the McMaster tet*
and ,li'a%eth 0ade on ;ullian di3ination. The 2ork also includes 1uris ;idaka@s
edition o) the ;i%er de .ngelis* and an o3er3ie2 o) late medie3al ,nglish ritual
manuscripts %y 5rank Blaassen.
E. The 5ortunes o) 5aust$ %y ,li'a%eth M. Butler ( Butler )ollo2s the magic
tradition o) the MagusCthe priest(kingCand its re)ormulation in the -hristian
2orld. In the process* the Magus 2as trans)ormed into a 2icked sorcerer 2ho
comes to a %ad end in this 2orld and a 2orse one herea)ter. This conception* 2hich
gained ground in the Middle .ges* recei3ed its most categorical statement in the
5aust legend.
1A. The Goetia o) Dr. +udd$ %y Da3id +ankine 6 Stephen Skinner ( The Goetia
o) Dr. +udd eplains ho2 the D/ angels o) the Shemhamphorash are used to e3oke
and sa)ely %ind demonsCmaterial that has not %een made a3aila%le in any
pre3ious edition. This rare 3olume contains a transcription o) a hitherto
unpu%lished manuscript o) the ;emegeton and includes illustrations dra2n )rom
rare manuscripts held in the British ;i%rary.
11. The -omplete MagicianGs Ta%les$ %y Stephen Skinner ( The sources o) this
remarka%le compilation range )rom classic grimoires such as the S2orn Book to
modern theories o) prime num%ers and atomic 2eights. Data )rom Peter de .%ano*
.%%ott Trithemium* .l%ertus Magnus* -ornelius .grippa* and other prominent
scholars is re)erenced here* in addition to hidden gems )ound in unpu%lished
medie3al grimoires and Ba%%alistic 2orks.
1/. The Beys to the Gate2ay o) Magic: Summoning the Solomonic .rchangels
and Demon Princes$ %y Stephen Skinner 6 Da3id +ankine ( This classic tet o)
the =ine Great Beys details the in3ocation o) the .rchangels* the )ull hierarchy o)
spiritual %eings !including 7lympic Spirits and ,lementals# and the e3ocation o)
the )our Demon Princes
14. Three Books o) 7ccult Philosophy$ %y &enry -ornelius .grippa 6 edited %y
Donald Tyson ( &o2 magicians collect 3irtues )rom the three()old 0orld* is
declared in these three %ooks.
Seeing there is a three()old 0orld* ,lementary* -elestial* and
Intellectual* and e3ery in)erior is go3erned %y its superior. Indispensa%le.
1:. The -omplete Picatri: The 7ccult -lassic 7) .strological Magic ;i%er
.tratus$ translated %y 1ohn Michael Greer 6 -hristopher 0arnock ( The Picatri
is the most )amous grimoire o) astrological magic and one o) the most important
2orks o) medie3al and +enaissance magic. 0ith all )our %ooks o) the ;atin
Picatri complete in one 3olume* the Picatri is an encyclopedic 2ork 2ith o3er
4AA pages o) &ermetic magical philosophy* ritual* talismanic and natural magic.
1<. Secrets o) the Magical Grimoires +e3ealed$ %y .aron ;eitch ( The magickal
methods and esoteric kno2ledge o) medie3al ,urope !:D? to 1:<4 -.,.# )orm the
ancestral %ack%one o) modern ceremonial magick. To understand medie3al
magick* itGs necessary to kno2 the primary repositories o) this kno2ledge ( the
grimoires o) spells* incantations* and ritual instructions )or 2orking 2ith angels
and con9uring spirits. .nd to understand the grimoires* you must del3e into the li)e
and times o) the magicians 2ho 2rote them.
1?. The True Grimoire$ %y 1ake Bent(Stratton ( The True Grimoire is a ma9or
contri%ution to the practice and study o) Goetic magic. The neglected Grimorium
"erum has %een restored to it@s right)ul place as a potent and coherent system o)
Goetic magic. 1ake Stratton(Bent has reconstructed a 2orking 3ersion )rom the
corrupted Italian and 5rench 3ersions o) this important grimoire.
1D. Geosophia: The .rgo o) Magic$ %y 1ake Stratton(Bent ( Geosophia traces the
de3elopment o) magic )rom the Greeks to the grimoires* laying %are the chthonic
roots o) goetic ritual. By eposing the necromantic origins o) much o) modern
magic 2e are a%le to reconnect 2ith the source o) our ritual tradition. There is a
continuity o) practice in the 0est 2hich encompasses the pre(7lympian cults o)
Dionysus and -y%ele* is )ound in the Greek Magical Papyri and Picatri and )lo2s
into the grimoires.
1F. 8.ncient -hristian Magic: -optic Tets o) +itual Po2er8 %y Mar3in 0. Meyer
6 +ichard Smith ( This pro3ocati3e collection o) rites* spells* amulets* curses* and
recipes o) the early -optic -hristians documents -hristianity as a li3ing )olk
religion resem%ling other popular %elie) systems ( something >uite di))erent )rom
2hat theological and doctrinal traditions ha3e led us to %elie3e.
1E. In3oking .ngels: Theurgic Ideas and Practices* Thirteenth to Siteenth
-enturies$ edited %y -laire 5anger ( BringAs together a tightly themed collection
o) essays on late medie3al and early modern tets concerned 2ith the role o)
angels in the cosmos* )ocusing on angelic rituals and spiritual cosmologies.
-ollecti3ely* these essays tie medie3al angel magic tets more clearly to medie3al
religion and to the %etter(kno2n author(magicians o) the early modern period.
/A. The Testament o) -yprian the Mage$ %y 1ake Stratton(Bent ( .n am%itious
and )ar(seeing 2ork* addressing t2o ends o) the magical spectrum: the Testament
o) Solomon and one 3ersion o) the I%erian Book o) Saint -yprian. In doing so* key
aspects o) magical practice are re3ealed. This 2ork dra2s upon these tets to
create a clear understanding o) the practice o) grimoire magic* not as a discrete or
degenerate su%set o) ceremonial magic* %ut one 2hich is integrated 2ith )olk
magic and 2itchcra)t.
/1. "erita%le Bey o) Solomon$ %y Stephen Skinner 6 Da3id +ankine ( Based on
one o) the %est(kno2n grimoires o) the 0estern 2orld* The "erita%le Bey o)
Solomon presents all aspects o) this re3ered magical system in one impressi3e
//. The Magical Treatise o) Solomon* or &ygromanteia$ %y Ioannis Marathakis (
The true source o) the Bey o) Solomon* it is argua%ly the most signi)icant magical
tet in the 2orld. 5or the )irst time e3er* this etraordinary 2ork has %een
translated )rom the original Greek into ,nglish.
/4. Magic* 0itchcra)t and Ghosts in the Greek and +oman 0orld: . Source%ook$
%y Daniel 7gden ( -ontains three hundred tets in ne2 translations* along 2ith
%rie) %ut eplicit commentaries. .longside descriptions o) sorcerers* 2itches* and
ghosts in the 2orks o) ancient 2riters* it reproduces curse ta%lets* spells )rom
ancient magical recipe %ooks* and inscriptions )rom magical amulets.
/:. .ncient 1e2ish Magic: . &istory$ %y Gideon Bohak ( Gi3es a pioneering
account o) the %road history o) ancient 1e2ish magic* )rom the Second Temple to
the ra%%inic period. It is %ased %oth on ancient magicians@ o2n compositions and
products in .ramaic* &e%re2 and Greek* and on the descriptions and prescriptions
o) non(magicians* to reconstruct a historical picture that is as %alanced and
nuanced as possi%le.
/<. 1ohn Dee@s =atural Philosophy: Bet2een Science and +eligion$ %y =icholas
-lulee ( Thoroughly eamining DeeGs natural philosophy* this %ook pro3ides a
%alanced e3aluation o) his place* and the role o) the occult* in siteenth(century
intellectual history. It %rings together insights )rom a study o) DeeGs 2ritings* the
a3aila%le %iographical material* and his sources as re)lected in his etensi3e li%rary
and* more importantly* numerous sur3i3ing annotated 3olumes )rom it.
/?. Grimoires: . &istory o) Magic Books$ %y 72en Da3ies ( Put simply*
grimoires are %ooks o) spells that 2ere )irst recorded in the .ncient Middle ,ast
and 2hich ha3e de3eloped and spread across much o) the 0estern &emisphere and
%eyond o3er the ensuing millennia. .t their most %enign* they contain charms and
remedies )or natural and supernatural ailments and ad3ice on contacting spirits to
help )ind treasures and protect )rom e3il. But at their most sinister they pro3ide
instructions on ho2 to manipulate people )or corrupt purposes and* 2orst o) all* to
call up and make a pact 2ith the De3il. Both types ha3e pro3en remarka%ly
resilient and adapta%le and retain much o) their rele3ance and )ascination to this
/D. The ;anguage o) Demons and .ngels: -ornelius .grippa@s 7ccult
Philosophy$ %y -hristopher I. ;ehrich ( The analysis 2alks the reader through the
tet o) De 7cculta Philosophia* .grippa@s 1<44 masterpiece* eplicating the o)ten
hidden structure and argument o) the 2ork.
/F. Thrice(Greatest &ermesH Studies in &ellenistic Theosophy and Gnosis$ %y G.
+. S. Mead ( Three "olumes %ound into one. "olume contents are: "ol. 1.
Prolegomena. (( "ol. /. Sermons. (( "ol. 4. ,cerpts and )ragments.
/E. The ,gyptian &ermes: . &istorical .pproach to the ;ate Pagan Mind$ %y
Garth 5o2den ( Starting )rom the comple )usions and tensions that molded
Graeco(,gyptian culture* and in particular &ermetism* during the centuries a)ter
.leander* the author argues that the technical and philosophical &ermetica*
apparently so di))erent* might %e seen as aspects o) a single 82ay o) &ermes8.
4A. +estless Dead: ,ncounters %et2een the ;i3ing and the Dead in .ncient
Greece$ %y Sarah Illes 1ohnston ( Topics o) )ocus include the origin o) the goes
!the ritual practitioner 2ho made interaction 2ith the dead his specialty#* the threat
to the li3ing presented %y the ghosts o) those 2ho died dishonora%ly or
prematurely* the de3elopment o) &ecate into a mistress o) ghosts and its
connection to )emale rites o) transition* and the comple nature o) the ,rinyes.
41. &ekate Soteira: . Study o) &ekate@s +oles in the -haldean 7racles and
+elated ;iterature$ %y Sarah Illes 1ohnston ( &ekate is %est kno2n to classicists
and historians o) religion as the horri)ic patroness o) 2itches. But )rom the
&ellenistic age on2ards* some Greek and +oman philosophers and magicians
portrayed her >uite di))erently.
4/. Magic and +itual in the .ncient 0orld$ edited %y Paul Mirecki and Mar3in
44. Marsilio 5icino: &is Theology* &is Philosophy* &is ;egacy$ edited %y ".
+ees* Michael 1. B. .llen 6 "alery +ees ( This 3olume consists o) /1 essays on
Marsilio 5icino !1:44(EE#* the great 5lorentine scholar* philosopher and priest 2ho
2as the architect o) +enaissance Platonism and 2hose long(lasting in)luence on
philosophy* lo3e and music theory* medicine and magic etended across ,urope.
4:. Secrets o) =ature: .strology and .lchemy in ,arly Modern ,urope$ edited %y
0illiam +. =e2man 6 .nthony Gra)ton ( Sho2s the many 2ays in 2hich
astrology and alchemy di3erge as 2ell as intersect. 73erall* it sho2s ho2 an
appreciation o) the role o) the occult opens up ne2 2ays o) understanding the past.
4<. Trithemius and Magical Theology: . -hapter in the -ontro3ersy o3er 7ccult
Studies in ,arly Modern ,urope$ %y =oel ;. Brann ( This is a 3ery use)ul* eciting
and in)ormati3e tet )or those interested in the philosophy and theology %ehind
+enaissance Magic. Mentor to .grippa* pioneer o) cryptography* Trithemius is one
o) the most important !and 2ell(placed in -hurch history# yet di))icult to
understand o) the great +enaissance 2riters on magic* and this %ook pro3ides a
detailed %ut reada%le introduction to his 3ie2s on the su%9ect.
4?. 1ohn Dee@s -on3ersations 2ith .ngels$ %y De%orah ,. &arkness ( 1ohn Dee@s
angel con3ersations ha3e %een an enigmatic )acet o) ,li'a%ethan ,ngland@s most
)amous natural philosopher@s li)e and 2ork. Pro)essor &arkness contetuali'es
Dee@s angel con3ersations 2ithin the natural philosophical* religious and social
contets o) his time. She argues that they represent a continuing de3elopment o)
1ohn Dee@s earlier concerns and interests. These con3ersations include discussions
o) the natural 2orld* the practice o) natural philosophy* and the apocalypse.
4D. 1ohn Dee@s 7ccultism: Magical ,altation Through Po2er)ul Signs$ %y
Gyorgy ,. S'onyi ( Presents an analysis o) +enaissance occultism and its place in
the chronology o) ,uropean cultural history. -ulling eamples o) 8magical
thinking8 )rom classical* medie3al* and +enaissance philosophers* S'onyi re3isits
the %ody o) Dee@s o2n scienti)ic and spiritual 2ritings as re)lecti3e sources o)
traditional mysticism.
4F. The .rch -on9uror o) ,ngland: 1ohn Dee$ %y Glyn Parry ( ,plores DeeGs
3ast array o) political* magical* and scienti)ic 2ritings and )inds that they cast
signi)icant ne2 light on policy struggles in the ,li'a%ethan court* conser3ati3e
attacks on magic* and ,urope@s religious 2ars. 1ohn Dee 2as more than 9ust a
)ringe magus* Parry sho2s Dee 2as a ma9or )igure o) the +e)ormation and
4E. The ,ternal &ermes: 5rom Greek God to .lchemical Magus$ %y .ntoine
5a3re ( Dra2ing upon rare %ooks and manuscripts* this highly illustrated 2ork
eplores the >uestion o) 2here &ermes Trismegistus came )rom ho2 he came to %e
a patron o) the esoteric traditions and ho2 the )igure o) &ermes has remained
li3ely and inspiring to our o2n day.
:A. Glamorous Sorcery: Magic and ;iteracy in the &igh Middle .ges$ %y Da3id
+ollo ( Demonstrates ho2 closely interconnected certain types o) 3ernacular and
;atin 2riting 2ere in this period. Inco3ered through a series o) illuminating*
incisi3e* and o)ten surprising close readings* these connections gi3e us a ne2* more
comple appraisal o) the relationship %et2een literacy* social status* and political
po2er in a time and place in 2hich 3arious languages competed )or cultural
so3ereignty(at a critical 9uncture in the cultural history o) the 0est.
:1. Inlocked Books: Manuscripts o) ;earned Magic in the Medie3al ;i%raries o)
-entral ,urope$ %y Benedek ;Jng ( During the Middle .ges* the 0estern 2orld
translated the incredi%le .ra%ic scienti)ic corpus and imported it into 0estern
culture: .ra%ic philosophy* optics* and physics* as 2ell as alchemy* astrology* and
talismanic magic. The line %et2een the scienti)ic and the magical 2as %lurred.
.ccording to popular lore* magicians o) the Middle .ges 2ere trained in the art o)
magic in magician schools$ located in 3arious metropolitan areas* such as =aples*
.thens* and Toledo.
:/. The &istory o) Magic and ,perimental Science$ %y ;ynn Thorndike.
:4. The Mechanics o) .ncient ,gyptian Magical Practice$ %y +o%ert B. +itner (
This study represents the )irst critical eamination o) 8magical techni>ues*8
re3ealing their 2idespread appearance and pi3otal signi)icance )or all ,gyptian
8religious8 practices )rom the earliest periods through the -optic era* in)luencing
as 2ell the Greco(,gyptian magical papyri.
::. ,ternal ,gypt: .ncient +ituals )or the Modern 0orld$ %y +ichard 1. +eidy (
The )irst comprehensi3e collection o) important temple rituals per)ormed
throughout ,gypt during the time o) the pharaohs. The author presents se3en key
rites )rom o))icial temple records and ancient esoteric tets )or personal or group
:<. .rguing 0ith .ngels$ %y ,gil .sprem ( ,amining this magical system )rom
its +enaissance origins to present day occultism* ,gil .sprem sho2s ho2 the
reception o) DeeGs magic is replete 2ith struggles to construct and negotiate
authoritati3e interpretational )rame2orks )or doing magic. .rguing 2ith .ngels
o))ers a no3el* nuanced approach to >uestions a%out ho2 ritual magic has sur3i3ed
the ad3ent o) modernity and demonstrates the 2ays in 2hich modern culture has
recreated magical discourse.
:?. Dictionary o) Gnosis 6 0estern ,sotericism$ %y 0outer 1. &anegraa)) ( This
is the )irst comprehensi3e re)erence 2ork to co3er the entire domain o) Gnosis
and 0estern ,sotericism$ )rom the period o) ;ate .nti>uity to the present.
-ontaining around :AA articles %y o3er 1FA international specialists* it pro3ides
critical o3er3ie2s discussing the nature and historical de3elopment o) all its
important currents and mani)estations* )rom Gnosticism and &ermetism to
.strology* .lchemy and Magic* )rom the &ermetic Tradition o) the +enaissance to
+osicrucianism and -hristian Theosophy* and )rom 5reemasonry and Illuminism to
1Eth(century 7ccultism and the contemporary =e2 .ge mo3ement.
:D. The .lchemy o) ;ight: Geometry and 7ptics in ;ate +enaissance .lchemical
Illustration$ %y Irsula S'ulako2ska ( This study concerns the late +enaissance
metaphysics o) light in its adoption to a Paracelsian alchemical contet %y 1ohn
Dee* &einrich Bhunrath* Michael Maier and +o%ert 5ludd. he 3olume includes <A
illustrations )rom alchemical treatises o) the period* the emphasis %eing placed on
Bhunrath@s 8.mphiteatrum Sapientiea .eternae8 !1<E<(1?AE#. The study
in3estigates these images using analytical tools dra2n )rom semiotics*
structuralism and post(structuralism.
:F. Theurgy and the Soul: The =eoplatonism o) Iam%lichus$ %y Gregory Sha2 (
. study o) Iam%lichus o) Syria !ca. /:A(4/<#* 2hose teachings set the )inal )orm o)
pagan spirituality prior to the -hristiani'ation o) the +oman ,mpire. Sha2 )ocuses
on the theory and practice o) theurgy* the most contro3ersial and signi)icant aspect
o) Iam%lichus@s Platonism.
:E. Platonic Theology* "olume 1: Books I(I"$ %y Marsilio 5icino* edited %y
1ames &ankins ( . 3isionary 2ork and philosophical masterpiece o) Marsilio
5icino !1:44(1:EE#* the 5lorentine scholar(philosopher(magus 2ho 2as largely
responsi%le )or the +enaissance re3i3al o) Plato. . student o) the =eoplatonic
schools o) Plotinus and Proclus* 5icino 2as committed to reconciling Platonism
2ith -hristianity* in the hope that such a reconciliation 2ould initiate a spiritual
re3i3al and return o) the golden age. This is one o) the keys to understanding the
art* thought* culture* and spirituality o) the +enaissance.
<A. Giordano Bruno and +enaissance Science$ %y &ilary Gatti ( This argument*
associated 2ith the 2ork o) 5rances Kates* holds that early modern science 2as
impregnated 2ith and shaped %y &ermetic and occult traditions* and has led
scholars to 3ie2 Bruno primarily as a magus.
<1. De Im%ris Idearum$ !The -ollected 0orks o) Giordano Bruno* Book 1#$ %y
Giordano Bruno* edited %y Scott Gosnell ( To memori'e anything* distri%ute 3i3id*
emotionally stirring imagined images around a piece o) )amiliar architecture. This
is the method o) loci* or memory palace method* )irst de3eloped in classical
</. 8&ermes: Guide o) Souls8 %y Barl Berenyi* translated %y Murray Stein (
Presents an authoritati3e study o) the great god &ermes 2hom the Greeks re3ered
as the Guides o) Souls as 2ell as the comple role o) &ermes in classical
5urther +esources:
Seeing The 0ord: 1ohn Dee and +enaissance 7ccultism$ %y &akan &akannson
Misc. .rticles
Bhunrath %y Peter 5orsha2
,noch Traditions %y .ndrei 7rlo3
Hermes, Proclus, and the Question of A Philosophy of Magic in
the Renaissance by Copenhaver
ebsites ! "logs#
"rian P$ Copenhaver
Claire (anger#
outer )$ Hanegraaff# http:LLu3a.academia.eduL0outer&anegraa))
*he Ritman +ibrary
,cholarly )ournals#
Aries# )ournal for the ,tudy of estern /sotericism

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