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From the Pastors Desk


As I have been writing articles on prayer throughout the year, one of the thoughts that crossed through my mind was
in reference to saying grace or a table prayer. I wondered about the background of people saying grace.
I thought that this might be a good topic to reflect upon as for some, the saying of grace or the blessing of food prior to
a meal is a significant part of their prayer life.
As I did some research about the saying of grace prior to meals, it seemed like all the places that I looked or resources
I surveyed began with a verse from the Old Testament. That verse is Deuteronomy 8:10 which states:
You shall
eat your fill and bless the LORD your God for the good land that he has given you.
The book of Deuteronomy contains instructions for the people of Godhow they are to live and serve God. The con-
text of this verse is that it is God who has led the people to the land flowing with milk and honey (which means that it
is a good land and will produce much harvest) and as they settle here they are to eat their fill. However, the instruc-
tion within this book is that not only are they to eat their fill, but they are to bless God for the land that he has given to
them. It is a warning to the people to not forget God during times of prosperity. This verse calls the people to remem-
ber where the food they are eating ultimately came from. Throughout the rest of the Bible, you can see example of
people living out this verse. One clear example is Jesus when he was feeding the 5000 people. That story tells us that
Jesus took the little bit of food that he had looked up to heaven and blessed the bread and fish, then distributed it to all
the people.
The saying of grace may not be the most difficult thing to do, but it is a significant statement as to how we live out our
faith. The question to askdo we stop and remember where this food came from and give thanks to God that we
have daily bread? Or do we take our daily bread for granted?
The key is not how we say gracewhether you use a common table prayer (e.g. God is great, God is good. Let us
thank Him for our food. Amen. Or Come, Lord Jesus, be our Guest, and let these gifts to us be blessed. Amen)
or create your own prayer. Or whether we say the table prayer out loud as a group? Or if we say the table
prayer to ourselves? Or even whether we sing it or speak it?
The key is: Do we remember to bless God for all that he has done and give thanks for our daily bread and spe-
cifically the food that we are about to eat. Remembering to say grace is an easy way to deepen our prayer
lifefor it reminds us that all things come from God. Then it may lead us to give thanks to God for all things.
Keep on praying in the new year!

St. Paul Lutheran Church
10792 N Co Rd 210 E, Seymour, IN 47274
Office Phone: (812) 522-7364 or 522-7484
Web site:
1 James Rotert
1 Travis Quillen
1 Claire Tangman
2 Max Claycamp
3 Merrisa Claycamp
3 Isaac Cockerham
4 Tracey Schafstall
4 Geneva Hoene
4 Elias Hendrix
5 Michael McGrew
5 Sonna Wente
5 Sean Searcy
6 Michelle Wood
6 Becca Herbert
6 Audrey Newkirk
8 Carol Jones
8 John Pierceall
10 Doris Otte
11 Judy Burke
11 Jeff Otte
12 Pam Huffman
12 Sarah Carr
12 Nathan Holland
13 Alexus Morris
13 Delbert Rust
14 James Day
15 David Manuel
15 Jeff Rotert
17 Joshua Wyatt
17 Ben Brown
17 Anthony Miller
18 Victoria Rust
18 Ella Engelau
19 Donald Claycamp
19 Linda Guinn
19 Saylor Heater
20 Eugene Kruse
20 Sandy Wyatt
Happy Birthday!
November Volunteers
Larry & Shirley Lewis (8:00) Leon & Linda Seitz (10:15)
Communion Assistants
Tammi Reinbold (8:00) Gene Kruse (10:15)
Altar Care
Nov. 2Shirley Lewis (8:00) Nov. 2Linda Guinn (10:15)
Nov. 9Ruth Ann Newkirk (8:00) Nov. 16 Judy Wonning (10:15)
Nov. 23-Sara Otte (8:00)
Nov. 30-Linda Rust (8:00) Nov. 30Gretchen Lawles (10:15)
Nov. 2Jamie Baker (8:00) Judy Wonning (10:15)
Nov. 9 Lou Ann Hoevener (8:00) Amy Rotert (10:15)
Nov. 16Mark Rorick (8:00) Laberta Otte (10:15)
Nov. 23Leah Otte (8:00) Marc Fountain (10:15)
Nov. 30Doris Rorick (8:00) Ed Devoe (10:15)
Nov. 2 Greta Brown & Sarah Davis (10:15)
Maggie Newkirk (8:00)
Nov. 9Cole Fosbrink (8:00) Eli Wood(10:15)
Nov. 16Morgan Jones (8:00) Lyra Claycamp (10:15)
Nov. 23Brayden Rorick & Cheyenne Douglass (10:15)
Adam Newkirk (8:00)
Nov. 30Anna Holle (8:00) Jacob Rotert (10:15)
Nov. 2Jamie Baker & John Pierceall (10:15)
Cam Mansfield (8:00)
Nov. 9 Kaelen Eglen (8:00) Hannah Wood &
Charlotte Rust (10:15)
Nov. 16Madison Jones (8:00) Chloe Bryden (10:15)
Nov. 23Doris Rorick (8:00) Kailee Hildebrand (10:15)
Nov. 30Jamie Baker & Marc Fountain (10:15)
Cam Mansfield (8:00)
Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23Need Volunteers
Nov. 30Linda Seitz
Childrens SermonCarolyn Jones (Nov. 2)

Welcome CenterDelores Douglass (8:00) Michelle Wood (10:15)
20 Kendall Alstatt
20 Madison Engelau
22 Ed Engelau
22 Tyler Gerometta
22 Bill McIntire
23 Robert Rust
23 Grant Alstatt
24 Casey Engelau
24 Grace Day
25 Luke Day
26 Jason Knoke
27 Bobby Marley
28 Cindy Smith
28 John Rotert
28 Angela Mousa
29 Gretchen Lawles
29 Kamryn Zimmer
29 Tyler Zimmer
30 Clayton Wyatt
30 Evan Tangman
December Volunteers
Mark & Doris Rorick (8:00) John & Amy Pierceall (10:15)

Communion Assistants
Lou Ann Hoevener (8:00) Dan Davis (10:15)

Altar Care
Dec. 7Doris Rorick (8:00) Dec. 7Teresa Browning (10:15)
Dec. 14Lou Ann Hoevener (8:00) Dec. 14Linda Guinn(10:15)
Dec. 21-Florence Otte (8:00) Sec. 21Nina Franke (10:15)
Dec. 28-Mandy Otte (8:00)

Dec. 7Jodi Brown (8:00) Leon Seitz (10:15)
Dec. 14 Leah Otte (8:00) Hannah Wood (10:15)
Dec. 21Dot Goodwin (8:00) Kendall Alstatt (10:15)
Dec. 28Susan Holle (8:00) Terri Devoe (10:15)

Dec. 7 Courtney Mansfield (8:00) Dylan Hatfield (10:15)
Dec. 14Kori Otte (8:00) Cheyenne Douglass (10:15)
Dec. 21Morgan Jones (8:00) Rachel Hildebrand (10:15)
Dec. 28Eliana Baker (8:00) Sarah Davis (10:15)

Dec. 7Cam Mansfield (8:00) Hannah Wood &
Charlotte Rust (10:15)
Dec. 14 Kaelen Eglen (8:00) Chloe Bryden (10:15)
Dec. 21Madison Jones (8:00) Kailee Hildebrand (10:15)
Dec. 28Jamie Baker (8:00) Marc Fountain (10:15)

Dec. 7Linda Seitz
Dec. 14, 21, 28Need Volunteers
Childrens SermonLeah Otte (Dec. 7)

Welcome Center
Linda Rust & Chris Herbert (8:00) Judy Wonning (10:15)

ChairmanTerry Searcy
SecretaryLinda Newkirk
TreasurerPhyllis Cupp
Financial SecretaryNathan Otte
EldersLarry Lewis & Dean Dringenburg
DeaconsMark Hoffmeier & Larry Guinn
TrusteesHoward Wente & Charlotte Guinn
November 2
Text II Kings 5:1-14
(All Saints Sunday)
After King Solomon, the kingdom splits into two separate kingdoms (North and South). Throughout this time, God rais-
es up prophets to call people back to faithfulness. Over the next 5 Sundays, we will hear of some of the prophets during
this time. Today, we hear of the prophet Elisha who heals Naaman (a commander of the army of the king of Aram).

November 9
TextMicah 5:2-4; 6:6-8
Micah is the next prophet that we hear from. One significant theme to remember as we hear from the prophets is that
they are not fortune tellers or predictors of the future. The main role is not to tell the future, rather they are to announce
to the people the Word of God that is given to them. Micahs message is two-fold. He has oracles of judgment then fol-
lowed by oracles of hope. Both are used to call people to faithfulness.

November 16
Text Isaiah 36:1-3, 13-20; 37:1-7; 2:1-4
Isaiah is probably the most well-known of the prophets of Israel. The words we hear today proclaim that even in spite of
wars, there will come a day when the swords will be beaten into plowshares. This is meant to be a word of hope that
God will bring about peace.

November 23
TextJeremiah 1:4-10; 7:1-11
Today, we hear of the call of Jeremiah and what is called his Temple Sermon. Jeremiah warns the people as to how they
are defaming the temple and making it a den of robbers. He calls the people to faithfulness and amendment of their ways.

November 30
TextHabakkuk 1:1-4; 2:2-4; 3:17-19
The book of Habakkuk is a series of complaints to the Lord, followed by the Lords answers. The theme is the prophet call-
ing out for help and being grieved by the injustice at the time. The Lords reply is that he is there and at work and calls
people to faithnot just as an answer, but as a way of life.
Upcoming Worship
Below are the lessons and some thoughts about the upcoming Sundays.
Please take some time to look over the lesson and reflect upon the questions
in preparation of the upcoming weeks in worship.
Wade Everett Rapp was baptized on
October 5, 2014. He is the son of Sara
(Newkirk) and Nathan Rapp. Wade was
born on August 27, 2014. His sponsors
were Andrew & Ellen Harker. He has a
big brother, Benjamin.
November 24 at 1:00
Look for information at the Welcome
Center. Come join us! Any questions,
ask Trish Tangman or Michelle Wood.


Max and Tammy Shelton

Josh, Lacey, Luke, Oliver
and Liza Lanam
Savings Time

November 2

Turn your clocks back 1 hour
on Saturday evening, November 1

Ramsey, is a Christian-based money management work-
shop being led by Debra Schill, CPA, in the Fellowship
Room at St. Paul. The class takes place at 6:30 on Sun-
day evenings and continues through November 9.

FREE MOVIES for Seniors are still be-
ing shown the first Tuesday of each month
at YES! Cinema, which is located on Jack-
son Street in downtown Columbus. How-
ever, the group that has travelled to see
these free movies for the past couple of
years has decided to take a break from
YES! Cinema for awhile. (Hopefully the
group will enjoy the family movies planned
to be shown soon at St. Paul-Borchers!) If
you learn of an activity which might be an
enjoyable outing for our seniors, please let
Trish know.

Borchers Breakfast Club (BBC) meets
every Thursday from 9:00 to 12:00 for
breakfast, activities, and social time. YOU
are welcome to join the group just for
breakfast, or for the entire morning! Pastor
Steve will lead a special devotional service
on Thursday, November 6th at 8:30 AM.
Everyone is welcome to this service as
well as breakfast following the service in
the Fellowship Room. This month we will
be focusing upon the meanings of the
symbols in the stained glass windows of
the Chapel.

Leftovers from weekly BBC breakfasts are
available to be delivered to anyone who
would appreciate this effort. If you or
someone you know might like an occa-
sional delivery of free breakfast goodies,
please let Joe Hoene or Trish Tangman
Stephen Minister groups will
NOT meet in November. Enjoy
your Thanksgiving Break! Please
contact Trish or Pastor Steve if
you have questions regarding
your individual caring relation-

Join seniors for a simple, low-impact exercise time on
Thursday mornings. In addition to chair exercises led by a
fitness instructor on video, the group occasionally varies
its routine by adding exercises suggested by experts to
promote balance and stamina for seniors. Exercises start
immediately after breakfast and end with plenty of time
left to play games before noon.


Are you still using disposable cups for your
coffee at church on Sunday mornings? Why
not do your part by choosing to use a washa-
ble mug? This is an easy way to save money
and create less waste. Please reach for a cof-
fee mug next time and before you leave for the
day, return the mug you use to the dishwash-
ing rack in the kitchen.

Peanut Butter
Please place your donations in the wooden box in the hallway
near the kitchen, or in the basket near the main entry doors.
Donations are given to food pantries in Seymour at Provisions,
Anchor House, Human Services, and Turning Point.
Sunday, November 9
8:00 am to noon
in the Preschool Room.

Please sign up at the Welcome Center for your favorite
time slot or just drop in! Tell your friends and neighbors
they are welcome to drop in and donate also. Thanks for
continuing to contribute to this vital need! YOU can save a
life when you donate!

GODS ANGELS is the new name for the
group formerly known as Moms Angels. It
was decided to change the name to reflect
the groups focus, which is to provide a
healing atmosphere for both moms and
dads whove lost a child. The group gath-
ered in October for refreshments and a
time of sharing in the Fellowship Room.
Those in attendance shared bible verses
that have been particularly comforting to
them. In November the group will meet for
sandwiches before attending Trinity High
Schools presentation of the musical
Annie. (Watch for an email containing the
date and ticket information.) If you know of
any parents in the community who might
benefit from being involved in this group,
please pass on contact information to


There is STILL A NEED for a person or per-
sons to take charge of activities for the
focus for this area is wide open! You can
make it your own by concentrating on health/
wellness issues you believe are important.
You could make articles available for use in
the newsletter, hold informational meetings on
specific healthcare topics important to seniors,
singles, or young families, organize health
screenings, exercise classes - whatever ap-
peals to you! If you are interested, but arent
sure if you are the right person for the job,
please talk to Trish!


Details are being worked out for a new activity taking shape for folks of all ages! Family friendly mov-
ies will be shown at St. Pauls in the near future. Two recent popular movies which have been pur-
chased with this activity in mind are Heaven is for Real and Gods Not Dead. If you would enjoy
an activity of this sort, please let Trish know which day of the week and what time would be good for
you to attend! Watch your Sunday Welcome folder for details of the first showing!
A Short Course on Lutheranism
Saturday, November 15 9:00 AM until Noon

A look at what it means to be a Lutheranexamining the history, theology, and
teachings of the Lutheran Church

This class is open to everyone including those interested in joining the congre-
gation, people wanting to learn a little bit more about the Lutheran Church and
those wanting a refresher on Lutheranism.
St. Pauls Youth and Family Ministries
Kids Praise Group will practice on Wednesday, November 5 at 6:30. This is open
to any child grades K-5. We will sing at worship on Sunday, November 9.
TREATS will be on November 12 at 4:00 pm. The meal will be Turkey Manhattan,
mashed potatoes, fresh veggies, and dirt pudding. Please bring a can of carrots.
Also bring $2 for a TREATS tshirt.
Kids Bells will practice on November 5 at 5:30 and 6:00. There will be NO PRAC-
TICE on November 12, 19 and 26. Kids Bells Team 2 will play at both services on
Sunday, November 9.
Luther League will be going to Hoosier Hills Rock Climbing on Sunday, November 9.
We will be leaving the church around 11:30. The cost is $10.00 per youth plus money
for lunch. There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board by the YFM office. Need to
be signed up by November 2. Luther League will be setting up the Angel Tree on
Sunday, November 23 at 9:15. Luther League will also be helping at the Harvest
Home Dinner on November 7 from 4-7. We will also be selling raffle tickets for
the rug during the Meal. Luther League will have a meeting on November 23 at
5:30 p.m. at Buffalo Wild Wings. Location for the mission trip this summer will be
Jr. High Youth will be going to Hoosier Hills Rock Climbing on Sunday, November 9.
We will be leaving the church around 11:30. The cost is $10.00 per youth plus money
for lunch. We will need some parent volunteers to help as the youth will need adults
to hold the ropes for them. There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board by the
YFM office. Need to be signed up by November 2. Also the Jr. High Youth will be
serving the Shoebox Breakfast on Sunday, November 9 at 9:15. Each Jr. High
Youth needs to bring a sweet item such as, muffins, coffeecake, donuts, etc for the
breakfast. Jr. High is asked to help at the Harvest Home Dinner on Friday, No-
vember 7. There is a signup sheet in the Narthex and we ask that you try to sign up
for a shift to help with drinks or bussing tables.
Tweeners will be helping serve drinks at the bazaar. Please be at church by 5:00.
We will also be selling calendars and cards at the Bazaar on November 7th. Please
see Tyler for when you will need to help. (Parents, let Tyler know if you will be able
to supervise). On November 9th, we will be packing shoeboxes for Operation
Christmas Child during the 10:15 service. Please bring anything you might have to
help fill boxes.

Carolyns Office Hours:
Monday & Wednesday-Mornings
Cell Phone: 521-0281

Tyler Claycamp (Intern):
Cell Phone 216-7027
Preschool Chapel will be held on Wednesday, November 19 at 9:30. Dads Nite will
be held on Wednesday, November 19 at 7:00.
Group Meetings

WINGS will meet Thursday, November 6 at
7:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Jamie Baker is
the hostess.

HANNAH CIRCLE will meet on Tuesday, No-
vember 18 at 9:00 am in the Fellowship
Hall. Jo McGrew is hostess and Bible
Study Leader.

RUTH CIRCLE will meet on Thursday, Novem-
ber 13 at 7:00 p.m. at Ruth Ann Newkirks home.
Lou Ann Hoevener is the Bible Study leader.
will meet on
November 5 at 2:30 p.m.
November 11 at 7:00 p.m.


If you would like to review
your 2014 financial statement, leave an envelope
with your name on it in Nate Ottes mailbox.

Adult Bells

Practice at 6:30 pm

November 5
November 19
The Sunday School Christmas Service will be on Wednesday, December
24 at 7:00. We will be assigning parts to those children ages 3-grade
8. IF your child would like to be in the service, please let their Sunday
School teacher know, by Sunday, November 9. Also let us know if your
child will NOT be here to help in assigning parts. Christmas service
parts will be given out on Sunday, November 30. We will begin prac-
ticing on Sundays in December so regular Sunday School attendance is
appreciated. We will have two Saturday practices on December 13 and
December 20 from 9:00-11:00.

November 30
7:00 pm

Each year many people -- those who are griev-
ing, lonely, and hopeless -- dread the approach
of the holidays. They have little enthusiasm for
the cheer and the bustle of the season. For
these hurting folks, Christmas will be difficult,
either because they have had a death in the
family, a loss or a broken relationship, or be-
cause of painful memories of holiday seasons

We believe that the One who was born at
Christmas came to share our sorrows and bring
us eternal comfort. And he calls us, who are
called by his name, to bear one another's bur-
dens, to weep with those who weep.

Whether you are in need of encouragement for
sorrows you bear, or want to support others
during this holiday season, we invite you to
come for a time of remembrance, lament, and
comfort at our Blue Christmas service this year.


Operation Christmas Child brings joy
and hope to children in desperate situations world-
wide through simple, gift-filled shoe boxes and
evangelistic materials that tell the Good News of
God's love. Use an empty shoe box or a small plas-
tic container. They may be wrapped (lid separately),
but it is not required. Some suggestions for items to
fill the shoe boxes with are school supplies, toys,
hygiene items (any bars of soap must be in a plastic
bag), or t-shirts and socks. Do not include used or
damaged items, war related toys, chocolate or food,
any liquids, or medications and vitamins. A $7 do-
nation will help cover shipping and other project
costs. The collection deadline for shoe boxes is No-
vember 9th.

A free-will offering breakfast will be served on
November 9th

and the donation will go towards any
remaining cost of shipping for the shoe boxes. A
sign-up sheet will be at the Welcome Center for
breakfast food donations. Contact Tyler Claycamp
with questions.


As part of the morning worship
service for All Saints Day, on
November 2nd, we will be re-
membering those who died in the past year.
There will be a memory book on the Welcome
Center for individuals to write a name of a person
who died in the past year that you would like to
see remembered during the All Saints Day ser-
vice. Any questions, please talk with Pastor Ste-
Market Day Orders
There are catalogs for Market Day foods on the
Welcome Center. Catalogs will be updated
monthly. This is to support Cortland School.
Completed forms need to be dropped off at
Cortland School before the due date on the back
of the catalog.
Thanksgiving Eve
Wednesday, November 26
7:00 p.m.
We thank God for good harvests
and prosperity. Please bring items for the food pan-

Barns for
World Hunger
Will be collected at the Thanksgiv-
ing Eve service and also on Sun-
day, November 30th.
Thank you all for the prayers and support you have
given not only to Kristie, but the whole family. God
has truly blessed us with a wonderful church fami-
ly. Thank you also for the beautiful cross.
Tracy Engelau
Thank you for your recent generous gift of $175
donated to be used in Jackson County! Your com-
mitment to helping us eliminate domestic violence
is appreciated by those who assist victims of do-
mestic violence and, most importantly, by those
who benefit from our services.
Turning Point Domestic Violence Services

Communion During Advent

The season of Advent is a time of preparation.
One of the dominate themes throughout the read-
ings during Advent is that of preparing for the
coming of the Messiah. The word, Advent, itself
means coming. Most of us are pretty good at pre-
paring for the coming season as we decorate our
homes, buy Christmas gifts, etc. However, the
main question is how do we prepare ourselves for
the coming of Jesus spiritually?

One way in which we can prepare ourselves is
through receiving Holy Communionthe body and
blood of Jesus Christ. Hence, during the four
weeks of Advent we will be having the opportunity
for people to receive Holy Communion at both ser-
vices. Any questions, please talk with Pastor Ste-


Dartball will begin on No-
vember 10th at 8:00 p.m. Games will be on Mon-
day nights. Please contact Merrell Otte if you are
St. Peter Lutheran Church, Waymansville will
host their LIVING NATIVITY on Friday, Decem-
ber 5th from 6:00 8:30 p.m. King James, the
camel, will be making a return appearance along
with many of his animal friends. Free cookies,
cocoa and coffee will be served in the parish hall.

Orphan Grain Trains Indiana Branch
Is celebrating its anticipated move
to a new facility in Jonesville, IN!!!

This new facility is a blessing in so many ways! In addition to its easy to find location, it will allow
for more efficiency in loading, unloading, and storage, and theres ample room for future expan-
sion. Theres also a rental home on the property which generates a monthly income.

Orphan Grain Train accepts donations of gently-used clothing, furniture, appliances, bibles and
unused Sunday School materials. These donations are directed to local families in crisis as well
as victims of disaster in the U.S. and worldwide. For the past 12 years the distribution warehouse
has been located on the Gene Wint farm near Azalia, IN. Although intended as only a temporary
site, from this location hundreds of shipments have been sent throughout Indiana, the United
States, and the world. Thousands, if not millions of needy people have been served. Gene Wint
has faithfully overseen the daily operation of Orphan Grain Train for the past 12 years. Mr. Wint
will be retiring soon as the Indiana Branch Manager. Rev. Gene Ernst will fill the position of Indi-
ana Branch Manager at the Jonesville facility.

A letter of thanks for St. Paul-Borchers past support of the Orphan Grain Train was received re-
cently. We have been asked to help raise funds to cover the purchase and remodeling of the
new facility. Watch for a promotional video clip to be shown during screen announcements prior
to services. Throughout the month of November donations will be accepted at St. Paul-Borchers
through Sunday offerings. Please mark your envelope with Orphan Grain Train or write it
on your check. A lump sum will be given to the local chapter in early December.
On Saturday, November 8
and Sunday, November 9
there are several celebratory events
scheduled in the area. If you would be interested in attending one of these events, or if youd like
to learn more about how St. Paul has been involved with orphan Grain Train, please see Trish
Tangman for details.
CrossLife Ministries Meeting
November 17 7:00 p.m.
at CrossLife Ministries Office
1505 S. Walnut St, Seymour
A Christmas Cookie Walk will be held at Im-
manuel Lutheran Church, Seymour on Satur-
day, December 6 at 9:00 a.m. Many varieties
of homemade cookies will be available. Price
will depend on the size of decorated coffee can
you select, with as many cookies as you can fit
and still close the lid. Enter the fellowship hall
through the Walnut Street entrance (near the
St. Jons Lutheran Church (Sauers) will hold
their annual ham & turkey supper ladies aid
bazaar on Sunday, November 2 from 4:00
7:00 p.m. Carry outs will be available. Cost is
a free will donation.
Emanuel Lutheran Church, Dudleytown will have
their Harvest Festival Supper & Bazaar on Sun-
day, November 9 from 3:307:00 p.m. Cost is a
free will donation.

This is where our LWR donations have
been shipped so far:
blanketsBurkina Faso and Tanzania
baby care kitsPhilippines and Armenia
personal care kitsArmenia.
No school kits have been reported yet.
This information came from the tracking la-
bels that Nate Otte printed and were sent in
boxes which were shipped.

If you would like to give a monetary do-
nation that would go directly toward the pur-
chase of items for kits assembled at St.
Paul-Borchers, you may do so by marking
your donation for LWR kits" or Lutheran
World Relief kits. Donations marked in this
manner may then be used to purchase
items for kits during peak sale times.
(Donations marked with only LWR or
Lutheran World Relief are sent directly to
that organizations headquarters.)

Items we have so far for school kits:
128 backpacks (1 per kit)
587 notebooks (4 per kit)
192 rulers (1 per kit)
246 pencil sharpeners (1 per kit)
164 scissors (1 per kit)
104 erasers (1 per kit)
522 ink pens (5 per kit)
576 pencils (5 per kit)
93 crayon boxes (1 per kit)

LWR Shopping Guides are available at the
Welcome Center so that you can take them
in your pocket or purse. They are also
available on our churchs website so that
you can access it anywhere.
Items being collected for
Lutheran World Relief

70 sheet notebooks
(wide- or college-ruled paper approx. 8X 10.5)
black OR blue ball point pens (no gel ink)
2.5 erasers
blunt scissors
unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers
30 cm rulers
16 OR 24-count crayons

bars of soap (bath size, 4 to 5 oz.)
metal nail clippers
(with OR without attached file)
sturdy combs
adult size toothbrushes (multi-packs OK)
lightweight, bath-size towels
(max size 52X27, dark colors recommended)

(6-24 months, new or gently used)
cloth diapers
diaper pins/large safety pins
cotton t-shirts (no Onesies, please)
bars of gentle soap (bath size)
simple baby caps
jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts
(with OR without hoods)
sleepers (no feet)
2-piece pajamas (no feet)
receiving blankets
(cotton, flannel, lightweight crocheted
or knitted, up to 52 square)
hand towels (dark colors recommended)

2 spools of neutral-colored, general purpose
thread, 250-300 yds. each
2 pieces of cotton or cotton-blend fabric
(no knits or 100% polyester)

Each pieces should match one of the sizes below:
2 1/4 yards60 inches wide
3 yards44 inches wide
4 yards36 inches wide

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
9:00 am Work Day

Wedding in Chapel
Daylight Savings Time ends
8:00 am WOV Communion
9:15 am Sunday School
10:15 am WOV Communion

6:30 pm Financial Peace
9:00 am Preschool
4 5
9:00 am Preschool

2:30 pm Prayer Shawl

5:30 pm Kids Bells 1
6:00 pm Kids Bells 2
6:30 pm Kids Praise
6:30 pm Adult Bells
8:30 am Devotions in Chapel
9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club

7:00 pm WINGS
9:00 am Preschool

4:00 pm Harvest Home Bazaar
Kids Bells 2/Kids Praise at both services
8:00 am WOV Communion
9:15 am Shoebox Breakfast
10:15 am LBW Worship
11:30 am Jr. High & LL Rock Climbing

6:30 pm Financial Peace
7:00 pm Prayer
9:00 am Preschool

7:00 pm Church Council
8:00 pm Dartball

7:00 pm Prayer Shawl
9:00 am Preschool

4:00 pm TREATS

9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club

7:00 pm Ruth Circle
9:00 am Preschool
9:00 am Lutheranism Class
8:00 am LBW Worship
9:15 am Sunday School
10:15 am LBW Communion
9:00 am Preschool

8:00 pm Dartball
9:00 am Hannah Circle

9:00 am Preschool
9:30 am Preschool Chapel

6:30 pm Adult Bells
7:00 pm Preschool Dads Nite
9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club
9:00 am Preschool
8:00 am LBW Communion
9:15 am LL set up Angel Tree
10:15 am LBW Worship
11:45 am Confirmation Class

5:30 pm LL at Buffalo Wild Wings
9:00 am Preschool

1:00 pm Book Buzz

8:00 pm Dartball
25 26

1:30 pm Clothing Center

7:00 pm Thanksgiving Eve Service
Barn offering boxes collected
27 28
Barn offering boxes collected
8:00 am LBW Communion
9:15am Pass Out Christmas Programparts
10:15 am LBW Communion

7:00 pm Blue Christmas Service

November 2014
All Saints Sunday
Newsletter Deadline
Blood Drive
Return Service Requested

Harvest Home Bazaar

November 7
4:007:00 p.m.

Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings.

Bazaar Area features home-made crafts,
locally grown canned goods,
The Best of Borchers 2012 cookbook
and themed gift baskets
at a silent auction.

This is a free will offering event.

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