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Design of Overhead Railway Bridge

B.E. (Civil)
Pro. P.S. P!"il
H.O.D Civil Engg. Dept.
Di'"( S!)*li Pi)( +,-+,+
.//0 1 .//2
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 0
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
Rajarambapu Institute of Technology,
Department of Civil Engineering
This is to certify that the following students of B.E. Civil Engineering
have successfully completed their project report entitled
In the partial fulfillment of
Bachelors Degree in Civil
of Shivaji niversity,Kolhapur! during academic year
'r. (ravin (atil
'r. )mol *havan
'r. Shri+ant bare

Eternal H.O.D. 3 G4i5& Pri)6i7!l
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar !
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
Pro. P. S. P!"il Dr.Mr'. S. S. K4l$!r)i
We would like to express our deep sense
of gratitude towards our guide Prof. P. S.
Patil (Head of Department) for his kind and
able guidance constantly available to us from
time to time in completing in this project
work with whose afectionate cooperation
completion of our project would have been
an unful!lled dreams
"ur sincere thanks our
#rincipal Dr. S. S. Kulkarni for giving us the
opportunity to present this #roject report$ We
express gratitude towards the %ivil
&ast but not least our special
thanks to all those who have helped us
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar "
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
directly or indirectly in the completion of this
". &D'&#T&(E) O* +RE)TRE))ED CO#CRETE ,
-. DE)I(# O* DEC. )/&B ""
0. DE)I(# O* +RE)TRE))ED (IRDER --
%. DE)I(# O* CO/$1# 23
2. DE)I(# O* *OOTI#( 4-
4. RET&I#I#( )TR$CT$RE 43
,. CO#C/$)IO# ,!
3. RE*ERE#CE) ,-
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar -
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
It is proposed to 5onstr65t as two lane overhead 7ridge on road joining Ta8ari
and .6ndal the road from Ta8ari to .6ndal has 5ross railway tra58 near T6pari. The
said railway tra58 has 5onsidera7le railway traffi5 from +oona9 .arad to Tasgaon.
(ood n6m7er of passenger and goods trains ply everyday on the said tra58. Be5a6se
of whi5h9 at level 5rossing the road traffi5 has to 7e stopped :6ite often9 for
s6ffi5iently long period to allow trains to pass. This res6lts in h6man ho6rs and also
f6el whi5h 7rings ahead the idea of 5onstr65ting on overhead railway 7ridge a5ross
said level 5rossing. The overhead 7ridge design has 7een done after 5onsidering the
pro7a7le and possi7le epansion programme of railways. /i8e ele5trifi5ation of
tra58s9 providing se5ond 7road ga6ge line9 et5. The possi7le developments along the
roadside have also 7een 5onsidered. The str65t6ral design of vario6s 5omponents li8e
(irder a76tments9 de58 sla79 pavement9 et5. 5onstit6te the major part of o6r proje5t.
The net 5hapter has design for pavement 7y (. I. method. &fter that str65t6ral
design of vario6s 5omponents of 7ridge have 7een done9 li8e prestressed girder9
a76tment9 footing et5. and the design for de58 sla7.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 0
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar %
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
The proje5t is entitled ;over head 7ridge<. It is proposed to 5onstr65t a two
lane over 7ridge on the level 5rossing sit6ated on the road joining Ta8ari and .6ndal
the road from Ta8ari to .6ndal has 5ross railway tra58 near T6pari. The said railway
tra58 has 5onsidera7le railway traffi5 from +oona9 .arad to Tasgaon.
This proje5t report 5ontains 7y and large the design of vario6s 5omponents of
7ridge and estimation and 5osting.
*ollowing are=
a. Bridge span length !!.0 mts.
7. /ength of approa5hes "40 mts.
5. R6ling gradient for the approa5hes is ta8en as ! in -0.
,) B!6$*ro4)5 o Pro9&6" (
The wor8 in5l6des 5onstr65tion of road over 7ridge one lane railway 5rossing
on Ta8ari and .6ndal the road along with ne5essary approa5hes and all other
ne5essary temporary wor8s9 arrangement for 5olle5tion of toll will re5overy of 5apital
o6tlay envisaged 7y the 5on5essionaire and handling over the fa5ility to government.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 2
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
+oona9 .arad to Tasgaon road 5arrying heavy traffi5 to the t6ne of ""."-4
metri5 tone per day as per the 5ens6s 5arried at in 1ay !333. This traffi5 intrepid d6e
to rail 5rossing proves a need of road over 7ridge.
The proposed 7ridge length is !!0 m. straight. Total length of approa5h is -0
m. Total width of 7ridge is !!.0m in5l6ding foothpath on 7oth side !." m )67str65t6re
is of reinfor5ed 5ement 5on5rete and s6perstr65t6re is of reinfor5ed 5ement 5on5rete.
&ll the fo6ndation for pier are of isolated footing in5l6ding a76tment.
The eisting road have single line railway 5rossing near T6pari >hi5h
interr6pt heavy traffi5 intensity of the road 5rossing dire5t delay in time9 speed and
indire5t adverse affe5ts on ind6strial growth day to day tread transa5tion et5. Hen5e it
is ne5essary to 5onstr65t R.O.B. on this road to over5ome a7ove said all types of
dire5t and indire5t effe5ts.
However (overnment proposed to 5onstr65t this R.O.B. 6nder ;+rivati?ation
)5heme< on the B.O.T. proje5t. The 7ridge proposed for two lane R.O.B. This R.O.B.
is to 7e designed as per Indian Railway )pe5ifi5ation of design.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 4
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar ,
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
A5v!)"!*&' o 7r&'"r&''&5 6o)6r&"& (:
The development of prestressed 5on5rete has opened new vistas in the
5onstr65tion of highway 7ridges. +restressed 5on5rete 7ridges have many advantages
over the reinfor5ed 5on5rete ones and therefore9 majority of long span 5on5rete
highway 7ridges are now@a@days 7eing 5onstr65ted of prestressed 5on5rete. These
7ridges need less :6antity of steel9 5on5rete and form wor8. /ess 5on5rete in girders
red65es the dead load moments and shears. 1oreover9 prestressed girders 7eing
lighter9 la6n5hing of girders 7e5omes possi7le in flowing streams where staging is not
possi7le or 5ost of staging will 7e tremendo6sly high. In addition9 d6e to the red65ed
weight of the prestressed girders and sla79 it is possi7le to red65e the 5ost of
s67str65t6re and fo6ndation 5a6sing there7y overall e5onomy of the 7ridge.
+restressed 5on5rete se5tions have f6rther advantage that the f6ll se5tion remain in
5ompression eliminating there7y any possi7ility of tension 5ra58s and that the
in5lined prestressed tendons red65e the shear for5e at the ends th6s res6lting in saving
of shear reinfor5ement.
S;'"&<' o 7r&'"r&''i)*.
In prestressed 7ridge 5onstr65tion9 post@tensioning method is generally
adopted and as s65h only post@tensioning will 7e dealt with in this 5hapter.
The following prestressing systems are very 5ommonly employed in India for
this sort of 5onstr65tion. It may 7e mentioned in this 5onne5tion that the main
differen5e in different systems of prestressing lies in the prin5iple 7y whi5h the
prestressing 7ars or 5a7les are stressed and an5hored to the 5on5rete mem7ers
otherwise there is not m65h differen5e either in the design pro5ed6re or in the
5onstr65tion method.
Fr&;''i)&" ';'"&<.
This system an5hors the prestressing 5a7les 7y wedge a5tion with the help of
two 5ones9 the female 5one and the ma8e 5one Afig. B. The prestressing 5a7le
generally 5onsist of ,9!" or !, nos. of either % mm or 4 mm wires and these wires are
inserted 7etween the walls of male and female 5one9 stressed and then released. The
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 3
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
re5oiling tenden5y of the wires for5es down the male 5one and lo58 the wires 7y
wedge a5tion. #o f6rther re5oiling of the wires is possi7le and these are permanently
an5hored to the 5on5rete mem7ers. In addition9 5ement gro6t is inje5ted into the
spa5e 7etween the 5a7le and the sheath for f6rther safety against slippage of the
5a7les. The 5ement gro6t also prote5ts the 5a7le against 5orrosion.
Both the male and the female 5ones are made of high grade 5on5rete with
5losely spa5ed spiral reinfor5ement. The male 5one is slightly tapered in the form of
wedge. The tensioning or stressing of the 5a7les is made with the help of *reyssinet
ja58s spe5ially made for the p6rpose. D6ring 5on5reting9 the 5a7les are prote5ted with
the help of metal sheath so that no 7ond is developed 7etween the 5on5rete and the
prestressing steel otherwise tensioning of the prestresing steel will not 7e possi7le.
)pe5ial 5are sho6ld 7e ta8en to ma8e the sheath lea8 proof.
M!*)&l:Bl!"o) S;'"&<.
This system also ma8es 6se of %mm or 4mm wires as prestressing steel and the
prin5iple of an5horing the wires is the same as that of *reyssinet )ystem 'i?. By
wedge a5tion 76t the main differen5e is that these wedges are made of steel instead of
5on5rete and flat in shape instead of 5oni5al ma8e 5one of *reyssinet )ystem. A*ig.
B. These flat wedges an5hor the wires 7y fri5tion aginst the steel sandwi5h plates
whi5h against rest on steel distri76tion plates. The prestressing for5e from the 5a7le is
6ltimately transferred to the 5on5rete mem7er thro6gh these distri76tion plates.
Ea5h steel sandwi5h plate 5an an5hor , nos. wires. The 5apa5ity of ea5h
distri76tion plate is 6s6ally m6ltiple of , wires. These plates may 7e 5ast in proper
pla5e on to the end 7lo58 d6ring 5on5reting or may 7e laid with gro6t d6ring the time
of stressing. In *reyssinet system9 all the wires in a 5a7le are stressed at a time 76t in
1agnel@Blaton9 only two wires are stressed at a time.
Gior5:U5!l ';'"&<.
The diameters of wires 6s6ally 6sed in this system are 0 mm9 %mm and 4mm.
The an5horage 6nit 5onsists of one thr6st ring9 one 7earing plate and an5horage grips.
A*ig. B
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar !0
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
The an5horage grip is a steel 5ylinder having a tapered hole@inside thro6gh
whi5h split9 tapered steed wedge in inserted. The wire to 7e an5hored is passed
thro6gh the steel wedge pressed 7etween the two halves. In this system9 ea5h wire is
an5hored with independent grip and therefore9 any n6m7er of wires may 7e arranged
in ea5h 6nit. The 5ylindri5al grip 7ears against steel 7earing plate thro6gh whi5h a
n6m7er of holes are drilled to fa5ilitate passage of wires to 7e an5hored. The 7earing
plate again 7ears against a thr6st ring whi5h 6ltimately transmits the prestressing for5e
to the 5on5rete mem7er.
L&&:M6C!ll S;'"&<.
$nli8e the system mentioned in the previo6s paras9 this system ma8es 6se of
high tensile 7ars 6s6ally !" mm to ", mm. Diameter instead of wires or 5a7les. This
method is very simple in respe5t of an5horage 6nit whi5h 5onsists of one end plate of
7earing plate and a n6t Afig. B. The ends of the 7ars are threaded and d6ring
stressing the n6ts are tightened to prevent re5oiling of the stressed rod.
This system has the advantage over others that stressing 5an 7e done 7y stages
as it is possi7le to tighten the n6t at any stage. Th losses of prestress d6e to 5reep9
relaation of steel et5. Amost part of whi5h o556r at the early days after prestressingB
5an 7e red65ed if the 7ars are restressed afterwards.
Mo54l4' o El!'"i6i";.
1od6l6s of Elasti5ity of steel AEsB
$nless the man6fa5t6rersC 5ertified val6es or test res6lts are availa7le9 the val6es of
mod6l6s of elasti5ity of steel tendo6s as given in ta7le
1ay 7e ass6med in design.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar !!
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
T!=l& No. ,.
Ta7le 1od6l6s of Elasti5ity of )teel Tendons AIRCB
Sr.No. T;7& o '"&&l Mo54l4' o El!'"i6i";
! +lain hard drawn wires A5onforming to I) D
!4,% and I) D 200-B
".! !0
" High tensile steel 7ars rolled or heat@treated
A5onforming to I) D "030B
".0 !0
- )tands Conforming to I) D 2002 !.3% !0
1od6l6s of Elasti5ity of 5on5rete AECB
$nless otherwise determined 7y rests9 the mod6l6s of elasti5ity of 5on5rete shall have
the following val6es
E5 E %400 f58 1+a.
The mod6l6s of elasti5ity of 5on5rete at j days shall 7e ta8en as D
E5j E %400 fej 1+a
E:6ivalent *lange width
E:6ivalent flange width E effe5tive flange width E5AsB
>here E5AsB E 1od6l6s of Elasti5ity of sla7.
E5AoB E 1od6l6s of Elasti5ity of pre5ast girder.
Lo'' o 7r&'"r&'' (
>hen loss of prestress in the mem7ers o556rs on a55o6nt of many fa5tors
some of whi5h are to 7e a55o6nted for in designing the mem7ers and some at the time
of stressing. These may 7e 7riefly stated as 6nder D
/oss d6e to Creep in Con5rete.
>hen 5on5rete se5tion remain 6nder stress9 permanent strain or 5reep o556rs
in 5on5rete whi5h red65es the stress in the prestressing tendons. The amo6nt of 5reep
depends on the magnit6de of stress in the se5tion and the age of 5on5rete at the time
of appli5ation of the prestress. The 5reep strain of 5on5rete shall 7e ta8en as shown in
T!=l& No. .
Ta7le 5reep strain of 5on5rete AIRCB
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar !"
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
Sr. No. M!"4ri"; o 6o)6r&"& !" "%& "i<& o
'"r&''i)* !' ! 7&r6&)"!*& o 6$
Cr&&7 '"r!i) 7&r ,/ M7! '"r&''
! 00 3.0 !0
" %0 ,.- !0
- 20 4." !0
0 40 2.! !0
% 4% %.2 !0
2 ,0 %.! !0
4 30 0.0 !0
, !00 0.0 !0
3 !!0 -.2 !0
#ote D
!B Creep strain for intermediate may 7e interpolated linearly.
The stress in 5on5rete at the 5entroid of the prestressing steel shall 7e 5onsidered for
5al56lation of loss of prestress.
" B The 5reep strain d6ring any interval shall 7e 7ased on the average stress d6ring the
Lo'' 54& "o '%ri)$!*& o 6o)6r&"&.
)imilar to 5reep strain9 shrin8age train diminishes the prestressing for5e in the
prestresing tendons. The loss of prestress d6e to shrin8age in the 5on5rete shall 7e
5al56lated from the val6es of strain d6e to resid6al shrin8age as indi5ated in Ta7le #o.
T!=l& No. >
Ta7le D )train d6e to resid6al shin8age AIRCB
Sr.No. A*& o 6o)6r&"& !" "%&
"i<& o '"r&''i)*# i) 5!;'
S"r!i) 54& "o r&'i54!l
! - 0.- !0
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar !-
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
" 4 -.% !0
- !0 -.0 !0
0 !0 ".% !0
% "! ".0 !0
2 ", !.3 !0
4 30 !.% !0
#ote D
'al6es for intermediate fig6res may 7e linearly interpolated.
Lo'' 54& "o r&l!?!"io) o '"&&l.
>hen high tensile steel is 8ept 6nder stress9 permanent strain or relaation in
steel9 as in normally 5alled9 ta8es pla5e d6e to whi5h the prestress for5e in the tendon
diminishes and loss in prestress o556rs. The relaation loss depends on the stress in
steel as given in ta7le.
>hen man6fa5t6rersC 5ertified val6es are not availa7le9 these val6es may 7e
ass6med in the design.
T!=l& No. +.
Ta7le Relaation loss of +restressing steel AIRCB
)r.#o. Initial prestress A$T) of steelB Relaation loss A1+aB
! 0.% 0
" 0.2 -%
- 0.4 40
0 0., 30
#ote D
*or intermediate val6es9 linear interpolation may 7e done.
Lo'' 54& "o '&!"i)* or Sli7 A)6%or!*&'.
&fter the transfer of prestress to the an5horages9 slip of wires or draw@in of
male 5one or strain in the an5horages o556rs 7efore the wire are firmly gripped.
These effe5ts9 therefore9 res6lt in loss of prestress the val6e of whi5h shall 7e as per
test res6lts or man6fa5t6resC re5ommendations. &s a ro6gh g6ide9 the slip or draw@in
may 7e ta8en as - to % mm.
Lo'' 54& "o El!'"i6 '%or"&)i)*.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar !0
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
&ll the 5a7les or wires of a prestressed mem7er are not stressed at a time 76t
stressing is done one after another depending on the ne5essity to satisfy different
loading 5onditions. The elasti5 strain prod65ed 7y the prestressing for5e applied on
the 5on5rete mem7er 5a6ses some relaation in the prestressing tendons whi5h have
7een stressed earlier. It is evident9 therefore9 that d6e to this phenomenon9 the tendon
whi5h has 7een stressed at the first instan5e will s6ffer maim6m loss and the last one
will s6ffer no loss. The loss d6e to elasti5 shortening shall 7e 5omp6ted on the 7asis
of the se:6en5e of tensioning. However9 for the p6rpose of design9 the res6ltant loss
of prestress of all the wires d6e to elasti5 shortening may 7e ta8en as e:6al to the
prod65t of the mod6lar ratio and half the stress in 5on5rete adja5ent to the tendons
averaged along the length. &lternatively9 the loss of prestress may 7e 5al56lated
ea5tly 7ased on se:6en5e of stressing.
Lo'' 54& "o ri6"io).
*ri5tion loss in prestressing for5e o556rs in the prestressed mem7er and varies
from se5tion to se5tion. This loss depends on the 5o@effi5ient of fri5tion 7etween the
prestressing tendon and the d65t. the fri5tion loss is divided into two parts.
!B/ength effe5t F fri5tion 7etween the tendon and the d65t A7oth straightB
"BC6rvat6re effe5t Fd6e to the 56rvat6re of the tendon and the d65t9 fri5tion is
developed when the tendon is stressed and loss of prestress o556rs.
The magnit6de of the presenting for5e +9 at any distan5e from the ja58ing end after
a55o6nting for the fri5tion losses d6e to 7oth lenghth and 56rvat6re effe5t may 7e
given 7y the following e:6ation.

E +
>here +o E prestress for5e at the ja58ing end.
+ E +restress for5e at some intermediate point at a distan5e .
. E /ength or wo77le 5o@effi5ient per metre legth of steel.
E C6rvat6re 5o@effi5ient.
E Total ang6lar 5hange in radians from the ja58 and to the point 6nder
G E /ength of the straight portion of the tendon from the ja58ing and in
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar !%
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
E E Base of #aperian /ogarithm AE".4!,B
The val6es of . and very for different nat6re of steel and d65ts or sheathing
material as indi5ated in ta7le and these val6es may 7e 6sed for the
5omp6tation of fri5tion losses.
Ta7le 'al6es of . A>o77le Co@Effi5ient and AC6rvant6re 5o@effi5ient AIRCB
Types of high
tensile steel
Type of d65t or sheath . per metre

Bright metal 0.003! 0."%

(alvanised 0.0002 0."0
>ires Ca7les /ead 5oated 0H0002 0.!,
$nlined d65t in
0.0002 0.0%
Ta7le 'al6es of . A>o77le Co@effi5ientB and AC6rvat6re Co@Effi5ientB AIRCB.
re5ommended for
Type of high tensile
Type of d65t or
. per metre
Bright metal 0.0002 0."%
6n5oated stress
relieved stands
(alvanised 0.00-0 0."0
/ead 5oated 0.00-0 0.!,
$nlined d65t in
0.0002 0.%0
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar !2
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
#ote D
The 'al6es of . and ass6med in the design shall 7e indi5ated on the
drawings for g6idan5e in sele5ting the materials and methods that will prod65e res6lts
approa5hing the design val6e.
The vario6s 8inds of losses to the a55o6nted for in the design of the se5tions
and d6ring stressing operation are dis56ssed. It has 7een o7served that the losses d6e
to 5reep and shrin8age of 5on5rete and relaation of steel generally lie 7etween !% to
"0 per5ent for post tensioned str65t6res. The loss that o556r d6e to slip in an5horage
6nit is the per5entage of slip with respe5t to the total etension of the tendon a5hieved
7y stressing it. The magnit6de of the slip in the an5horage 6nit depends on the type of
wedge and the stress in the wires and it9 therefore9 transpired that the loss of prestress
on this a55o6nt is more for short mem7ers that for long mem7ers sin5e the amo6nt of
slip in 7oth 5ases will 7e that same if stress in the tendon the wedge 5ondition remain
the same in 7oth the mem7ers.
The fri5tion loss for long mem7ers spe5ially for 5ontin6o6s one in whi5h the
56vat6re of the tendons 5hanges dire5tion is more. &n average val6e of !" to !%
per5ent may 7e ta8en as a very ro6gh g6ide.
Mi)i<4< r&i)or6&<&)".
1inim6m reinfor5ement in the verti5al dire5tion to 7e provided in the
76l7Hwe7 of 7eamsHri7 of 7o@girders shall 7e not less than 0.- per5ent for mild steel
7ars or 0.!, per5ent for HI)D 7ars of the 5rosse5tional area in plan.
1inim6m longit6dinal reinfor5ement shall 7e not less than 0."% per5ent for
mild steel 7ars or 0.!% per5ent for HI)D 7ars of the 5ross se5tional area in elevation
for grade of 5on5rete less than 10%. The per5entage of reinfor5ement for mild steel
or HI)D 7ars shall 7e in5reased to 0.- or 0.!, in 5ase grade of 5on5rete e5eeds
The diameter of 7ars as re:6ired in &rt. !2.3.! and !2.3." shall not 7e less than
!0 mm for m.s. 7ars or , mm for HI)D 7ars the spa5ing of s65h 7ars shall not 7e
more than "00 m.m.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar !4
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
The minim6m reinfor5ement for solid sla7 de58s or top sla7 of 7o girders
shall 7e not less than 0.- per5ent for 1.). 7ars and 0.!, 7ars. The same for soffit sla7
of 7o girders shall not 7e less than 0.- per5ent for 1.). 7ars or 0.!, per5ent for
HI)D 7ars in the longit6dinal dire5tion and 0.% per5ent for 1.). 7ars or 0.- per5ent
for HI)D 7ars in the transverse dire5tion. )65h per5entage of reinfor5ement shall 7e
determined on the 7asis of 5ross@se5tional area in ea5h dire5tion and the reinfor5ement
7e pla5ed e:6ally at top and 7ottom.
1inim6m reinfor5ement for 5entilever sla7 shall 7e 2 #os of !2 mm dia 1.).
7ars or 0 nos. !2 mm. Dia HI)D 7ars and 7e pla5ed e:6ally at top and 7ottom
parallel to the s6pport at the tip of the sla7 with minim6m spa5ing.
Cov&r !)5 S7!6i)* o 7r&'"r&''i)* '"&&l.
IRC D !,@!3,% spe5ified that 5lear 5over to 6ntensioned reinfor5ement
in5l6ding lin8s and stirr6ps shall 7e as indi5ated in ta7le IRCD)+@--9 however9
re5ommends that for important 7ridges9 the minim6m 5lear 5over shall 7e %0 mm9 76t
the same shall 7e in5reased to ,% mm wherever the prestressing 5a7le is nearest to the
5on5rete s6rfa5e.
Ta7le 5lear 5over to 6ntensioned reinfor5ement AIRCB
(rade of 5on5rete Conditions of epos6re #ominal 5over in mm.
/ess than 100 1oderate -0
)evere 00
1 00 and more 1oderate "%
severe -0
&s spe5ified in IRC D !,@!3,%9 5lear 5over meas6red from the o6tside of the
sheathing9 spa5ing and gro6ping of 5a7als shall 7e as indi5ated in *ig. However9 for
important 7ridges9 the re5ommendation of IRCD)+@-- is that 5lear spa5ing of !00mm
shall 7e provided for 5a7les or gro6p of 5a7les to the gro6ted later. )+@-- also
re5ommends that for segmental 5onstr65tion where m6lti stage prestressing is adopted
5lear spa5ing shall not 7e less than !%0mm 7etween the first and s67se:6ent gro6ps of
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar !,
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
P!v&<&)" D&'i*).
1ost of the roads in India have flei7le pavements for the following reasons.
aB The method is very well s6ited for stage 5onstr65tions starting from earth roads
made from em7an8ment or e5avation of the eisting s6rfa5e9 adding additional
layers with the in5rease in the traffi5. I# this way the 5ost of 5onstr65tion of the
system of highways is 5onsidera7ly red65ed.
7B &s 5ompared to the 5onstr65tion of a rigid pavement9 a flei7le pavement
re:6ired less s6pervision and less 8illed wor8manship for its 5onstr65tion.
The design of pavements Aflei7leB is normally 7ased on one of the two methods
des5ri7ed 7elow namely D@
!B (ro6p Inde 1ethod.
"B California Bearing Ratio method.
Gro47 I)5&? M&"%o5.
The (ro6p Inde of a soil refle5ts the 5hara5teristi5s of the soil and is 7ased
on the )ieve &nalysis and &tter7erg /imit Test.
The main feat6res of this system are as follows....
i) The +R& system A(.I.B grades the soil from 0 to "0. The lower the grading
of the soil9 the greater is itCs strength as a s67@grade of road 5onstr65tion.
ii) The 7ase and s67@7ase thi58ness depend 6pon the vol6me of daily traffi5.
*or p6rposes of the vol6me of traffi59 it has 7een divided into very light A7elow %0
vehi5lesB light A%0 to "%0 vehi5lesB medi6m A"%0 to %00 7ehi5lesB9 heavy A%00 to B
the gro6p inde is given 7y the form6la.....
(.I. E 0." a J 0.00% a5 J 0.0! 7d
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar !3
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
(.I. E (ro6p Inde #6m7er.
a E The portion of per5entage passion #o. "00 sieve greater than -% and
not e5eeding 4% Aepressed as a positive whole n6m7er ! to 00B
7 E That portion of per5entage passing #o. "00 sieve greater than !% and
not e5eeding %% Aepressed as positive whole n6m7er ! to 00B
5 E That portion of the n6meri5al li:6id limit greater than 00 and not
e5eeding 20 Aepressed as a positive whole n6m7er ! to "0B
d E That portion of n6meri5al plasti5ity inde greater than !0 and not
e5eeding -0 Aepressed as a positive whole n6m7er ! to "0B passing #o. "00 &)T1
sieve i.e. passing thro6gh 4% I.). sieve.
In o6r Case D@
i. K passing thro6gh #o. "00 sieve E %." K
>hi5h is less than -% K
a E 0
iiB L also less than !% K
7 E 0
iiiB The n6meri5al li:6id limit E -0.% K
5 E 0
ivB The n6meri5al plasti5ity inde E 3.2,
>hi5h is less than 00 K
d E 0
&s a E 7E 5E d E 0
The (.I. E 0
*ollowing fig6re gives the method of determination of thi58ness of flei7le
pavement 7y the (ro6p Inde 1ethod.
#ote D
iB The s6rfa5e and 7ase thi58ness depend on the vol6me of traffi5. Aminim6m
of !05m 7ase thi58ness is providedB.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar "0
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
iiB The thi58ness of the s67@7ase depends on the (.I. 5lassifi5ation.
The greater the (.I. n6m7er of the s67@grade soil the greater is the s67@7ase thi58ness.
In fig. The ordinate a7ove && gives the 5om7ined thi58ness of 7ase and s6rfa5ing
whereas the thi58ness of s67@Base is give 7y the ordinate 7elow &&. & per6sal of the
graph shown in fig. )hows that whereas the thi58ness of the 7ase and the s6rfa5ing
5o6rses is dire5tly a f6n5tion of the traffi5 intensity9 the thi58ness of the s67@7ase is
given 7y the ordinate 7elow &&.& per6sal of the graph show in fig. shows that
whereas the thi58ness of the 7ase and the s6rfa5ing 5o6rses in dire5tly a f6n5tion of
the traffi5 intensity9 the thi58ness of the s67@7ase in dependent only 6pon the
5hara5teristi5s meas6red in terms of (ro6p Inde #6m7er.
In O6r 5ase D@
The (ro6p Inde #6m7er E 0
*rom *ig. It 5an 7e 5on5l6ded that the material 5on5ern is e5ellent for the s67@7ase
and the thi58ness of the s67@7ase will 7e !0 5m. The daily vol6me of traffi5 vehi5les
from the traffi5 s6rvey is 5omes o6t to 7e in medi6m range. Therefore from fig6re
total thi58ness of pavement will 7e "% 5m.
of D
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar "!
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar ""
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
+)C girder shall 7e designed two lanes of 5lass a loading.
Design of +)C girder span shall 5onfirm to provision of IRC !,@"000 and IRC "!@
CHC distan5e of ga6ges.
!. Broad ga6ge F !.242 m.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar "-
".!-0 0.4"% ".!-0
0.,-, 0.,-,
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
!. Total /ength E !0.4m
". Overall width of de58 E !!.0 m
-. Carriage way width E 4.% m
0. /ength of girder E !!.0 m
%. #o. of girders E -
2. )pa5ing 7etween CHC of girder E".4 m
4. (rade of 5on5rete E &s per IRC "!H"000 Ta7le %9
+age #o. !0
,. De58 sla7 and diaphragm E 1@-0
3. per5entage post tensioned girder E 1 0".%0
R&i)or6&<&)" D&"!il'.
High tensile steel 5onfirming to !%!0"2,
/osses in prestress shall 7e as per 5la6se !! of IRC !,@"000
The /osses to prestress d6e to 5reep9 shrin8age9 relaation et5. shall 7e in5reased 7y
"0 K as per Cla6se 4.".0 of IRC !,@"000.
>a77le 5oeffi5ient . of 5a7le E 0.0002Hm
Coeffi5ient of fri5tion 1 E 0."%
&verage slip at en5ro6age ass6med in the design shall 7e 2mm.
1inim6m 5lear 5over to 5a7le d65t E 4% mm
1inim6m 5lear 5over to reinfor5ement E 00 mm
+ermissi7le stress in 5on5rete as per
IRC !,@"000.
!. +ermissi7le 5ompressive stress in the etreme fi7re d6ring stage prestessing
Mat !0 days i.e. ,0K mat6rityN
E 0., 00 !0."0 0.%0
E !2-."0 .g.HCm
". +ermissi7le 5ompressive stress in the etreme fi7re a f6ll transfer.
E 00 !0."0 0.%
E "00 .gH5m
-. +ermissi7le 5ompressive stress in the etreme fi7re d6ring servi5e.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar "0
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
E 00 !0."0 0.--
E !-0.20 .gHCm
0. Temporary tensile stress in the etreme fi7re of 5on5rete.
E !H!0 !2-."0
E !2.-" .gH5m
%. Tensile stress in 5on5rete d6ring E #il.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar "%
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
Design an reinfor5ed 5on5rete T 7eam girder 7ride to s6it the following data
5lear width of road way E 4.% m.
)pan A5H5 of 7earingsB E !!.0 mm
/ive load F IRC 5lass && tra58ed vehi5le.
&verage thi58ness of wearing 5oat E ,0 mm.
1aterials E 1 "0 grade 5on5rete.
*e 0!% grade H.I.).D. 7ars.
$sing 5o6r7onCs method.
!. Data.
Effe5tive span of T 7eams E !!.0 m
>idth of Carriage way E 4.% m.
Thi58ness of wearing 5oat E ,0 mm
1aterial E 1 "0 grade 5on5rete.
*e 0!% grade HI)D 7ars.
". +ermissi7le stresses.
57 E 4#Hmm
st E !30 #Hmm
1 E !-
O E 0.,3
E !.00,
-. Cross@se5tion of de58.
- 1ain girders are provided at -.4% m CHC.
Thi58ness of de58 sla7 E "00 mm
>earing 5oat E ,0 mm
>idth of main girder E 300 mm
.er7 200 mm wide -00 mm deep are provided.
Cross girders are provided at every -., interals.
Breadth of 5ross girder E -00 mm
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar "2
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
Depth of main girder E ,"" mm.
0. Design of interior sla7 panels.
aB Bending moments.
Dead weight of )la7 E ! ! 0." "0
E 0.,0 .#Hm
Dead weight of wearing E 0.0, ""
Coat E !.42 .#Hm
Total dead /oad E 2.%2 .#Hm
/ive load in 5lass && tra58ed vehi5le one wheel is pla5ed at the 5entre of the panel.
+osition of wheel load for maim6m 7ending moment.
/ E -., m
$ E A0.,% J " 0.0,B E !.0! m.
' E A-.20 J " 0.0,B E -.42 m.
A6HBB E A!.0!H-.4%B E 0."4
A'H/B E A-.42H-.,B E 0.3,3%.
. E BH/ E -.4%H-., E 0.3,2,
Referring to pigea6d 56rves.
1! E 0.03
1" E 0.0"!
1B E > A1!J0.!%1"B
E -%0 A0.03 J 0.!% 0.00B
E -%.20 .#.1.
&s the sla7 in 5ontin6o6s.
Design B1. E 0., 1B
Design B1 in5l6ding impa5t and 5ontin6ity fa5tor is given 7y
1B Ashort spanB E A!."% 0., -".20B
E -".20 .#@.m.
1/ E >A1"J0.!%1!B
E -%0 A0.0"! J 0.!% 0.03B
E !".04% .#@m.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar "4
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
1 A/ong )panB E A!."% 0., !".04%B
E !".04% .#@m.
7B )hear *or5e.
Dispersion in the dire5tion of span.
E M0.,% J "A0.0,J0."BN E !.0" m
for maim6m shear the load is 8ept.
)65h that the whole dispersion is in span.
The load is 8ept at A!.0!H"B E 0.40%m. from the edge of the 7eams.
IRC 5lass && wheel load.
+osition of wheel load for maim6m shears.
Effe5tive width of sla7 E .y A!@GH/B J 7w.
Breadth of 5ross girder E -00mm
Clear length of +anel / E -.% m
BH/ E -.%H".,% E !.""
*rom ta7le #o. !
. for a 5ontin6o6s. !." ".-2
!.- ".00
0.! 0.00
0.0" 0.00,
. E ".-2,
Effe5tive width of sla7.
E M".-2, 0.40% A!@0.40%H".,%BN J -.2 J A"0.0,BN
E %00 mm.
/oad per meter width E -%0H%E 40 .#.
)hear for5e.
E 40 M".,% F 0.40%NH".%
E %".2, .#.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar ",
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
)hear for5e with impa5t.
E A!."% %".2,B E 2%.,% .#.
A5B Dead load 7ending moment and shear for5e.
Dead load E 2.%2 .#Hm
Total load on panel.
E A-., -.4% 2.%2B
E 3-.0, .#.
$HB E !
'H/ E !
&s panel is loaded with 6niformly distri76ted load.
. E ABH/B E A-.4%BH-.,
E 0.3,
!H. E !.0!
*orm pigea6d 56rve fig. A!0.3B
1! E 0.003
1" E 0.0-%
1B E 30.0, A0.003 J 0.!% 0.0-%B
E %.04 .#.1.
Ta8ing 5ontin6ity into effe5t.
1/ E 0., -.3% E -.!2 .#.1
Dead load shear for5e.
E A2.%2 ".,%BH"
E 3.-% .#.
dB Design moment and shear.
Total 1B E -".20 J 0.0%
E -2.2% .#.1.
Total 1/ E !".04% J -.!2
E !%."% .#.1.
Total ).*. E 2%.,% J 3.-%
E 4%."0 .1.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar "3
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
dB Design of )e5tion.
Effe5tive depth E -2.2% !0
0.3! !000
E !,0 mm.
&dopt overall depth.
E "00 mm
Effe5tive depth.
E !,0 mm
)horter span.
&st E -2.2% !0
"-0 0.3! !,0
E !04" mm
$)E !" 11 7ar.
E 2 2 !000
E !0% mm 5H5.
Effe5tive depth for long span 6sing !" mm dia.
E !0,0 F 2 F 2 E !2, mm.
&st for long span.
E !%."0 !0
"-0 0.3! !2,.
E 0-- mm
E 2 2 !000
E "%0 mm 5H5.
fB Che58 for shear stress.
#ominal shear.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar -0
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
)tress v
E 4%."0 !0
!000 !,0
E 0.", # Hmm
5 E )trength of shear whi5h is depend on per5entage of steel.
E !00 !04"
!000 !,0
E 0.20
*rom I)@02 Ta7le #o. "-. +age #o.
0.%0 @ 0.-0
0.4% @ 0.-%
0.% @ 0.0%
0.!0 @ E 0.0"
5 E 0.-" #Hmm
Compare v and 5
v and 5 so shear stress are within permissi7le limits.
D&'i*) o C!)"il&v&r Sl!=
The live load moment and shear for5e in 5antilever sla7 are determined as
D./H1 Distan5e of C.(.
from edge of
0."! !.0 "0 E 4.0%
>earing 5oarse 0.! 0.0, " E 0.!42 0.0% 0.0,%
)la7 re5tangle 0.!" !.2 "0 0.20, 0.4"% -.-0
sla7 Triangle 0.% !.2 0.! "0 E
0.0-- 0.,-!
Total !-.3"0 .#Hm 3.4!%
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar -!
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
/ive load 7ending moment.
/ive /oad E 0 .#H1
on the footpath.
)o maim6m 7ending moment wo6ld 7e
E 0!.0
H" E -.3" .#.1
)o 7eing moment E 3.4"3 J -.3"
E !-.20 .#.1
Design ).*. E !-.3" !.0
E !3.%0 .#
Design of 5antilever sla7.
1@"0 E st E "-0 #Hmm
B.1. E 1.R.
!-.20 !0
E !000 d
d E !!2 mm
$sing !" mm 7ar
D E !!2 J "0 E !-2mm.
)ay E !00 mm
)teel 5al56lation.
&st E !-.20 !02 E 24"mm
"-0 0.30 !"0
E 2" !000 E !20 mm. FCHC
Distri76tion )teel.
*rom I)@0%2
Distri76tion )teel E 0.- K of !000 !00
E !"0 mm
)pa5ing E -" !000 E "-0 mm 5H5
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar -"
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar --
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
Design of three 7eam 7ridge de58 pre@stress girder.
Data availa7le. D@
!. Effe5tive span E !!.0 m
". Carriage way E 4.%m
-. *ootpath E !.%m on either side.
0. /oading " lanes IR Class & E Asignal lane of IRC 40RB
%. Thi58ness of de58 sla7. E "00 mm
A&s per IRC "!@"000 se5tion
2. (rade of 5on5rete E 0".% #Hmm
4. /ive load distri76tion 5oeffi5ient E !.!0 7oth for two lanes of 5lass
a and single lane of 5lass 40 R
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar -0
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
S"&7 , (:
+reliminary 5al56lation of the girder.
Btf E 0.% to 0.4 D
B7f E 0.% Btf.
Bw E "00 J diameter of d65t hole.
D E - 7eam de58 E /H!2
D E for - 7eam de58 E /H!2
>here / E !!.0 m
E 0.4!
E !.% AsayB
Btf E 0.2D E 0.2 !% E 0.3m
Bhf E 0.% Btf E 0.% 0.3 E 0.0% 1E 0.% 1
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar -%
B> D
)lope 0 hD!
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
Bw E "00 J diameter of d65t hole
E "00 J -0 E "-0 mm &s per IRC !,H"000.
Cal56lation of area E C( of se5tion It and I7.
>here It E C.(. of girder from top.
I7 E C.(. of girder from 7ottom.

R.I.T. Rajaramnagar -2
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
Ta7le !.
I"&< o
A 1 Ar&! (6<
) ? @ C.G. o
!r&! ro<
=o""o< (6<)
A ? (6<
) Y= @ C.G. o
"%& *ir5&r
'&6"io) ro<
! %0 -0 E !%00 !% ""%00
" !H" ""0"! E 0"0 -2.24 !%00!
- "- !0% E "0!% ,".% !33"-4
0 30 !% E !-%0 !0".% !3"-4%
% " !H" !! % E %% !--.-- !4--"
2 " !H" "".% "".%0 E %02 !"".%0 2!3,%
4 " "".% % E ""% !-".%0 "3,!".%0
204! 5m
. %",20"
I7 E & E %",20" E ,!.40
& 204!
It E !%0 E ,!.40 E 2,.-0 5m.
Mo<&)" o i)&r"i! !)5 '&6"io) <o54lii o *ir5&r '&6"io) (:
Ta7le "
Item of
Io Aown aisB
G E C(
distan5e of
ea5h area of
C( of (irder
& " A5m0B ! E Io J & "
! %0 -0
E !!"%00
A,!.40@!%B E
224---% 24,%,-%
" " "0 "!
E !0"30
E 0%.0-
,%!2-0 ,2!3"0
- "- !0%
E 0.,
!%0% """0-"2
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar -4
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
E ""!,4,!
0 30 !%
E "%-!"
!0".%0 @,!.40
E 20.,
0330020 %0!%4442
% " !! %
E 42.-3
!--.-- F ,!.40
E %!.2-
!022!! !022,4
2 " "".% "".%0
E !0"-,.00
E 0.,0
,0"-04 ,%2%0%
4 " "".% %
E 02,.00
E %0.,0
%,0200 %,!!!"
I E 2!.2! !0
)e5tion of 1od6lii from top.
Qt E I E 2!.2! !0
E 30"0%- 5m
It 2,.-0
Q7 E 2!.2! !02 E 4%0!0- 5m-

S"&7 1 .
&rea of 5ross se5tion of the girder from ta7le A!B
&rea E 0.204! m
&ss6me Density of 5on5rete E "% 8 #Hm
>t per meter E 0.2040 !.0 ".%
E !2.!, .#Hm
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar -,
".,% ".,% ".,% ".,%
!0.00 .# !0.00 .# !0.00 .#
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
&ss6me intermediate stiffner - #os.
>t of intermediate stiffner "000 mm thi58 E !0.00 .#
/oad on girder E self wt J wt. of stiffness.
S"&7 :>
B.1. D6e to self wt. of girder.
R.&. E !H" A!!.00 !2.!, J - !0.00B
E !04.,- .#
1D E moment at mind span
E !04.,- %.4 F !2.!, %.4 %.4 F !0.00 ".,%
E -"".!% .#@m
)tress d6e to self wt. of girder at top and 7ottom.
>e 8now9
tg E 1D E -"".!% !0
Qt 0.30"0%-
E -%4.!- 8#Hm"
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar -3
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
E 0.-%4 #Hmm
7g E 1D E -"".!%
Q7 0.4%0!0-
E 0"4."0 .#Hm
E A@B 0.0"4 #Hmm
S"&7 : + Pr&'"r&''.
$sing high tensile 5a7les 5onsisting of !" #o9 4mm wires9 #os9 re:6ired as per
th6m7 r6le.
Total #o. of 5a7les E !.2 tol.4 span
E !.4!!.0
E !3.-,
say "!
&dopt 4 5a7les per girder as first trial.
S"&7 : 0
)tages of prestressing.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 00
% 2 0
" "
!00 !00 !%0 !%0
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
The prestressing is proposed to 7e done in - stages as 7elow D
!st stage @ 4 5a7les vi?. ! 9 " and - will 7e stressed after !0 days of 5asting of
girder when the 5on5rete strength a7ove 4% K.
"nd stage @ 4 5a7les vi?. #os. 0 and 2 will 7e stressed after ", days of 5asting of
girder therefore the girder will 7e l6n5hed in position 5ross girders and de58 sla7 5ast.
&fter ", days of de58 sla7 5asting9 road 8er79 footway sla7 railing et5. will 7e done.
-rd stage @ 4 5a7les #o. % and 4 will 7e stressed after 30 days of 5asting of girders
and then wearing 5o6rse will 7e laid.
S"&7 : 2. S"r&''&' i) 6!=l&'.
!B $ltimate tensile strength of 5a7les E !%,R#Hmm".
"B )tress of midspan for ! at and "nd stage 5a7le EP %2 K of $T)@ ,,% #Hmm".
-B )tress at midspan for -r stage Alength 7eing less9 fri5tion is lessB
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 0!
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
E 20K of $T)
E 3.0, #Hmm".
0B +restressing for5e for ea5h !st and "nd stage 5a7le.
E ,,% !" H0A4.0B"
. E 00.,4!00#
%B +restressing for5e for ea5h -rd stage 5a7les. E
3.0, !" H0 A4.0B" E 0-.4, !00#
+restressing for5e and e55entri5ity for first and se5ond stage 5a7les.
)tage Ca7le #o. E55entri5ity AmmB *or5e per 5a7le
Total for5e
!9"9- *or - 5a7les @
00.,4G!009 !"".2! !00.
092 *or " 5a7les @ %02.2 00.,4 !009 ,!.40 !00
S"&7 : A
1oment d6e to prestressed
iB D6e to first stage 5a7le.
E - 00.,4 !00 232.2
E ,%0.! l02 #@mm
iiB D6e to se5ond stage 5a7le
E " 00.,4 !00 %02.2
E 002.,0 !02 #@mm
S"&7 : B
)tress d6e to prestressed.
!B *irst stage prestressed.
Arefer ta7le ! and -B
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 0"
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
)tresses at top of girder9
tg E p @ 1p
& Qt
E !"".2" !00. @ ,%0.! !02
204!.0 30".0% !02.
E 0.304 say AJB 0.3% #Hmm"
)tress of 7ottom of girder 7g E + J 1p
& Q7
E !"".2! !0
@ ,%0.! !0
204!.00 4%0.!0
E AJB -.0" #Hmm"
"B "nd stage prestress Aref. Ta7le ! and -B
tg E + @ 1p
& Qt
E ,!.40 !0
@ 002.,0 !0
204!00 -0".0% !0
E AJB 0.44 #Hmm
7g E + @ 1p
& Q7
E ,!.40 !0
@ 002.,0 !0
204!00 4%0.!0- !0
E AJB !.,2 #Hmm
)tresses at top and 7ottom of girder d6e to self weight of girder and !st stage
prestress. A step - J step 3AaB9
tg E 0.-%4 J 0.3% E !.-! #Hmm
tg E 0.0"4 J -.0" E -.0% #Hmm
+artial loss of prestress of !st stage 5a7le at the time of "nd stage prestressing.
"nd stage prestressing is done at ", days after 5asting of girder and at !, days after
!st stage of prestress.
iB /oss d6e to 5reep
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 0-
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
*rom ta7le #o. 0 5reep strain at 4% K mat6rity of 5on5rete at !0 days is %.2 !0@0
and that at !00K mat6rity at ", days is 00 !0@0 per !0 1pa stress.
Therefore different 5reep strain at !, days is A%.2 @ 00B !0@0 per !0 1pa stress.
Con5rete stress at the 7ottom fi7er after !st stage prestress.
E -.0% #Hmm"9
ARefer step !0B
)tress at the C.( of !st stage 5a7les E -.0% A,"!.2@!"%B H ,"!.2
E ".3- #Hmm".
Hen5e net differen5e 5reep strain @ A%.2@0.0B !0@0 ".34 H !0
E 0.23!0@%.
*rom ta7le #o.%
E) E ".! l0%1pa
/oss of stress E E) strain
E ".! !0% 0.23 !0
E 3.,0 #Hmm
+er5entage of loss prestress E 3.,0 !00 H ,,%
E !.!! 1pa
A"B loss d6e to shrin8age of 5on5rete. Ref Ta7le #o92.
Resid6al shrinage strain at !0 days E -.0 !0
Resid6al shrin8age strain at ", days E ! .30!0
)hrin8age strain d6ring this period of !, days E A-90@!.30B !0

E !.!0!0
A"B /oss of stress d6e to shrin8age
E Es shrin8age strain
E ".!0 !0
!.!0 !0
E "-.!0 !0
per5entage loss E "-.!0 !00
E ".2! K
A-B /oss d6e to relaation of steel9
Relaation loss for initial prestress of 0.%2 $T) for !st stage 5a7le Aref.)tep@4B.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 00
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
*rom ta7le A4B
*or val6e of $T) @ 0.%2 find the relaation loss
0.%0 0
0.20 -%
0.!0 -%
0.02 E "! 1pa.
*or 0.%2 $T).
Relaation loss E "! 1pa9
D. +er5entage loss
E "! !00 @ ".-4 K
Total loss E !.!0 J ".2!J".-4 E 2.0, K
S"&7 :,.
)tresses at top and 7ottom of grider d6e to self wt of girder and !st stage
prestress after loss of 2., K 7efore IInd stage prestress.
tg E AJB 0.-%4 J 0.3% A!00@2.0,B
E 0.-%4 J 0.3% A0.3-3"B
E !."% #Hmm
7g E @ 0"4 J -.0" A0.3-3"B
E ".0! #Hmm".
E !."% #Hmm
7g E @0.0"4 J -.0" A0.3-3"B
E ".0!
S"&7 ,>.
)tresses in girder d6e to self wr. Of girder and Ist stage prestress with loss and
IInd stage prestress at ", days.
A)tep !" and 3AiiBB
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 0%
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
tg E !."% J 0.44 E ".0" #Hmm
7g E ".0! J !.,2 E 0."4 #Hmm
ARef E %."!9 ".!0B from 7oo8.
Che58 for permissi7le temporary stresses.
*or 5ompression E 0.0% *58 S "0 1pa.
E 0.0% 0".%0
E !3.!" 1pa.
Hen5e O...
*or tension.
E 0.!0 !3.!" E !.3! #H
Hen5e therefore after the transfer of "
stage of prestressing the stresses in the girder
are within permissi7le limits.
S"&7 ,+.
)tresses d6e to 5asting of de58 sla7 and 5ross girder. >t. of de58 sla7.
E !!.0 !.0 !.0 0."0 "0
E %".,0 .#Hm
>t. of 5ross girder.
E " !.,0 !."0 0." "0
E "0.40 .#Hm
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 02
".,- ".,- ".,- ".,-
"0.408n "0.408n
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
E T A%".,0 !!.00 - "0.40B
E --".04 .#
1oment at mid span. --".
E --".04 %.4 F %".,0 %.4 %.4 H " @ "0.40 A".,%B
E 34%.3% .#.1
)ay 342 .#.1
1oment per girder.
&ss6ming e:6al shearing.
1s E 34%.3%
E -"%.- .#.1.
tg E 1s
E -"%.- !0
30".0% !0
E AJB 0.-2 #Hmm
7g E 1s
E -"%.- !0
4%0.! !0
E A@B 0.0- #Hmm
S"&7 ,-
)tresses in girder with self wt of girder9 weight of de58 sla7 and 5ross girder
pl6s !
stage prestressed with partial loss pl6s "
stage prestress.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 04
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
Astep !- J step !0B
7g E ".0" J 0.-2
E ".-, #Hmm
7g E 0."4 F 0.0-
E -.,0 #Hmm"."000 mm
D&"!il' o 6o<7o'i"& *ir5&r.
S"&7 ,0.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 0,
E:6ivalent flange widthE"000mm
)/&B A1-0B
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
)e5tional properties of the 5omposite se5tion.
&5t6al effe5tive flange width as per 5la6se 200.! or IRC D ""@!3,2 A)e5tional
'I@Composite 5onstr65tionB and 5la6se -0%.!"." of IRC D "!@ !3,4
Ase5tion III@5ement 5on5reteB is minim6m of following D@
!B U of effe5tive span.
E U !!.0 E ",%0 mm
"B Distan5e 7etween 5enter of ri7s.
E ",%0 mm
-B The 7readth of ri7 J !" time the thi58ness of sla7.
E "-0 J!" -%0 Asla7 thi58ness "00J !%0B
E 00-0 mm
Hen5e9 ",%0 mm is the least val6e. The e:6ivalent flange width as per arti5le !2.0.-
is given 7y.
E:6ivalent flange width.
E Effe5tive flange width. G E5 AsB
E5 ApB
E5 AsB E 1od6l6s of elasti5ity of sla7.
E5 ApB E 1od6l6s of elasti5ity of pre5ast girder.
E "-30 mm "000 mm.
T!=l& A
Ar&! o 6ro'' '&6"io).
Y" !)5 Y= o 6o<7o'i"& '&6"io).
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 03
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
Item &reaA5m
B GEC( of
girder sla7
from 7ottom
& A5m
B I7 E Cg of
se5tion from
7ottom A5mB
+re5ast girder
Aref. ta7le !B
204! ,"..!2 %-!2%4
I7 E &
E !"332%4
E !!%
In sit6 sla7 "00 "0 E
!20 42,000 I5 E !00@!!%
E %%
& E !!"4! & E
T!=l& No.B Mo<&)" o i)&r"i! !)5 '&6"io) <o54lli o 6o<7o'i"& '&6"io).
Item Io Aown aisB
G E C.(.
distan5e of
ea5h mem7er
from C( of
se5tion A5mB
& "
I@Io@ &"
+re5ast girder
Ata7le @"B
2!.2! !0
E -".,0
204! -".,0
2,.%, !0
In sit6 sla7 "00 "0
E !%0000
E 0%
3.4" !0
3.,, !0
! E 4,.02
Atop of sla7B E 4,.02 !0
E !.0" !0
Atop of girderB E 4,.02 !0
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar %0
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
E "."0 !0
Q7g A7ottom of girderB E 4,.02 !0
E 2,"."2 !0
S"&7 1 ,2
1oment d6e to foot way sla79 8er79 pre5ast footway sla79 railing et5.
The sla7 is design at fa5e to girders top flange.
A!B 1oment at fa5e of girder9 top flange F .
E 0." ".0 "0 ".0 !H" 0.00
G ".0 "0 ".0
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar %!
0.0% 0.!%
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
E !0.40 .#H1
A"B Railing 8er7 E A0.- 0.""% "0 B ".",4%
E -.4 .#H15
A-B R.C.C. railing ass6me ht 0.2 m.
E A0.2 0.!% "0B ".-"%
E %.0"" .#H1
A0B R.C.C. road 8er7.
E A0.- 0.""% "0B 0.%2
E 0.3!! .#H1
A%B )ervi5e load ass6me ! .#
E ! ".",4%
E ".",4% .#H1
A2B >earing 5oat
E A0.4% 0.0%B 0.0%
E 0.0-0 .#H1
Total load E "2.40 .#H1
1oment at mid span E "2.40 !!.0
E 0--.4% .#H1
1oment per girder Aass6med e:6al shearingB
E 0--.40
E !00.%, .#@1.
S"&7 :,A
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar %"
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
)tresses d6e to footway sla7 56r7 et5.
ts E !00.%, !0
E 0.!0! #Hmm
!.0" !0
tg E !00.%, !0
E 0.020 #Hmm
"."0 !0
tg E !00.%, !0
E 0."! #Hmm
2,"."2 !0
S"&7 ,B
)tress in 5omposite se5tion d6e to self wt of girder pl6s !
stage prestress with partial
loss pl6s "
stage prestress pl6s wt of de58 sla79 5ross girder footway sla79 8er7 et5.
Astep !% J step !,B
ts E 0 J 0.!0!
E 0.!0! #Hmm
tg E ".-, J 0.020
E ".000 #Hmm
7g E -.,0 F 0."!
E -.2- #Hmm
S"&7 :./
+artial losses of !
and "
stage prestresses at 30 days after 5asting of girder
7efore -
stage prestress from ta7le #o. %.
AaB +artial loss for !
stage 5a7le.
iB D6e to 5reep.
Creep strain per !0 1pa at !00 K mat6rity E 0.0 !0
Creep strain per !0 1pa at!!0 K mat6rity at E -.2 !0
30 days
Differen5e E 0.0 !0
)tress at 7ottom of girder 7efore 5asting footway sla7 et5.
E -.,0 #Hmm
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar %-
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
)tresses at C.(. of 5a7le.
E -.,0 A,"!.2@!"%B E -."2 #Hmm
Differential 5reep strain.
E 0.! !0
-."2 E 0.!- !0
/oss of stress E Es strain.
E ".! !0
0.!- !0
E ".40 #Hmm
+er5entage loss of prestress.
E ".40 !00
E 0.-! K
iiB /oss d6e to shrin8age Afrom ta7le #o. 2B
Resid6al shrin8age at ", days when "
stage prestressing E !.3 !0

Is done.
Resid6al shrin8age at 30 days when -
stage prestressing E !.% !0
Is done.
Differen5e E 0.0 !0
/oss of stress E Es strain.
E ".! !0
0.0 !0
E ,.0 #Hmm
0.30 K
iiiB /oss d6e to relaation of steel.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar %0
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
&lready 5onsidered previo6sly and no f6rther loss in !
stage prestress on this
a55o6nt will o556r.
Total loss for AiB to AiiiB E 0.-! J 0.30
E !."% K
7B +artial /oss for "
stage 5a7le.
/oss d6e to 5reep and shrin8age same as !
5a7le that ps 0.-! J 0.30 E !."%K
/oss d6e to relaation of steel.
Relaation loss with prestress of
0.%2 $T) @"! 1pa from step #o.!!
per5entage loss of
+restress E "!.0 !00
E ".-4
Total partial loss E !."% J".-4
E -.2" K
S"&7 .,.
)tress in 5omposite se5tion with se5ond partial loss of !
stage 5a7le and firs
partial loss of "
stage 5a7le.
The partial losses will o556r when the 5omposite de58 is in a5tion and
therefore the loss of prestress may 7e 5onsidered as a tensile for5e that is opposite to
the prestressing for5e a5ting at the respe5tive C.(. of the 5a7le on the 5omposite
se5tion. These tensile for5es will 5a6se a dire5t tension and 7ending stress d6e to
sagging moment
*rom ta7le % total prestressing for5e for !
stage E !"". %! !0
&nd "
stage 5a7les. E ,!40 !0
Tensile for5e for ! stage 5a7les. E !"".2! !0
+er5entage loss.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar %%
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
E !"".2! !00 !."%
E !%-"2."% #
E !%.-"2 !0
&5ting at !"% mm from 7ottom.
1oment d6e to the tensile for5e on the E !%.-- !0
A!!%0@!"%B 5omposite
E !%.4! !0
Tensile for5e for "
stage 5a7le E ,!.40 !0
E "3%,3.,, #
E "3%3 !0
&5ting ate "4% mm from the 7ottom.
1oment d6e to this for5e E "3.%3 !0
E "%.,3 !0
Total tensile for5e for !
and "
stage 5a7le E !%.4! !0
"3.%3 !0
E 00.-! !0
E Total moment E !%.4! !0
J"%.,3 !0
E 0!.20 !0
ts E A@B + AJB 1+
& Q
E A@B 00.3! !0
J 0!.20 !0
!!"4! !0
!.0" !0
*rom step #o. ,.
E @0.0!0%
)ay E @0.0!! #Hmm
tg E @00.3! !0
E 0!.2! !0
!!"4! !0
"."0 !0
E @ 0.0"! #Hmm
7g E 00.3! !0
J 0!.20 !0
!!"4! !0
2,"."2 !0
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar %2
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
E @0.0"! #Hmm
7g E 00.3! !0
J 0! .20 !0
!!"4! !0
"."0 !0
E @0.0"! #Hmm
7g E 00.3! !0
J 0!.20 !0
!!"4! !0
2,"."2 !0
E @ 0.0"! #Hmm
)tep "".
)tresses in 5omposite se5tion with prestress and loading as in steps !3 and "!
that is with partial loss of !
and "
stage prestress 7efore -
stage prestress.
ts E 0.!0! @ 0.0!0%
E 0.030% #Hmm
tg E ".000 F 0.0"!
E ".0"- #Hmm
7g E -.2- J 0.0"!
E -.2%! #Hmm
S"&7 .>.
stage prestress ARef. *ig #o. 0 and fig. 2 and ta7le #o. , and 3. B
#os. of 5a7les in -
stage " Aref. step 2.B
&nd stress in -
stage 5a7le is E 0-.4 !0
+restress for5e E " 0-.40 !0
E ,4.0 !0
C.(. of " 5a7les from C.(. of 5omposite se5tion E @A!."4% J ! 0"%B
Afig #o. 0 and 2B "
E ,00 mm.
1oment d6e to prestress.
D6e to -
stage 5a7le 1p E " 0-.4 ,00
E 233." !0
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar %4
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
)tress d6e to -
stage prestress are D
E ,4.0 !0
@ 2.33" !0
!!"4! !0
!.0" !0
E J 0"3 #Hmm
tg E ,4.0 !0
@ 233." !0
!!"4! !0
"."0 !0
E J 0.02- #Hmm
tg E ,4.0 !0
@ 233." !0
!!"4! !0
2,"."2 !0
E !.,0 #Hmm
S"&7 .+.
)tress in the 5omposite se5tion after E ts E 0.030% J 0."3
stage Astep "" and step "-B
E 0.-,! #Hmm
tg E ".0"- J 0.02-
E ".,3 #Hmm
7g E -.2%! J!.,0
E %.0% #Hmm
+ermissi7le temporary stress in 5on5rete are AJB !3.!" #Hmm
and !.3% #Hmm
tension for 1 0".%0 5on5rete Athat is pre5ast girderB for de58
5on5rete of 1-0 grade these val6es may 7e ta8en as J !-.%0 #Hmm
5omp. &nd A@B
!.-% #Hmm
AtensionB. Hen5e the stresses are within permissi7le limits.
S"&7 .-.
Resid6al losses of !
9 "
and - rd stages of prestressing.
aB /oss d6e to 5reep.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar %,
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
Balan5e 5reep strain E -.2 !0
per !0 1pa from step "0.
Con5rete stress at 7ottom girder E %.0% #Hmm
stress at C.(. at !
5a7le E %.0% A!!%0@!"%B
E J 0.,2 #Hmm".
Creep strain E -.2 !0
E !.40 !0
/oss of stress E Es strain.
E ".! !0
!.40 !0
E -2.4" 1pa.
E -2.4" #Hmm
+er5entage loss. E -2.4" !00
E 0.!% K
iiB "
stage 5a7les.
Balan5e 5reep E -.2 !0
per !0 1pa.
)tresses at C.(.of "
stage 5a7les.
E %.0% A!!%0@"4%B
E 0.!0 #Hmm
The effe5tive stress after loss may 7e ta8en same as in !
stage 5a7le. Hen5e
per5entage of loss for "
stage 5a7les is the same as per !
stage 5a7les that is 0.!%.
iiiB -
stage 5a7les.
Balan5e 5reep after 30 days of 5asting of girder when -
stage 5a7le are stressed is
also -.2 !0
per !0 1pa stress at C.(. of -
)tage 5a7le E !., ,00 @ from step "-.
E !."% #Hmm
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar %3
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
Creep strain. E -.2 !0
E 0.0% !0
/oss of stress E E) strain.
E ".! !0
0.0% !0
E 3.02 #Hmm
+er5entage loss E 3.02 !00
K of loss very low say E -.% #Hmm
7B /oss d6e to shrin8age strain.
Balan5e shrin8age strain for !
and "
stage 5a7les and shrin8age strain for -
5a7les after 30 days is the same vi?. !.% !0
from ta7le 2.
Hen5e loss of stress E E) strain.
E ".! !0
!.% !0
E -!.% 1pa.
+er5entage loss for !
and "
E -!.% !00 E -.%2
)tage 5al7e. ,,%
+er5entage loss for -
stage 5a7le E -!.% !00
E -.-"
5B /oss d6e relaation of steel.
This loss of !
and "
stage 5a7le has already o556rred and hen5e no f6rther
5onsideration in this regard is ne5essary. Relaation loss for -
stage 5a7le for initial
prestress of 0.2 $T) +s -% 1pa ARef ta7le #o. 4B
per5entage loss E -% !00
0.,2 30,
)6mmary of final losses.
stage 5a7les E 0.!% J -.2 J 0 E 4.4%
stage 5a7les E 0.!% J -.2 J !0 E 4.4%
stage 5a7les. E -.% J -.-" 0.42 E 4.%,
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 20
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
S"&7 .0# (
)tresses in 5omposite se5tion d6e to resid6al losses of prestress of ail stage.
These stresses will 7e determined as in step "!.
Tensile for5e for !
stage 5a7les E !"".2!!0
E 3.%0!0
a5ting at !"%mm from 7ottom.
E 34-3.,-!0
Tensile for5e for "nd stage 5a7He E ,!.40!0
)ame as per !
stage 5a7le that is !00
E 34-3.,- !0
a5ting at distan5e "4% mm from 7ottom.
1oment d6e to this for5e. E 2- -0 !0
E %%.0" !0
Tensile for5e for -
)tage 5a7le. E ,4.0 !0
E 22."% !0
a5ting at ,00 mm.
1oment d6e to this
E 22."% !0
E %- !0
Total tensile for5e.
E 3.%0 !0
J 2-.-0 !0
J 22."% !0
E ""0.%3 !0
Total moment E 34-3.,- !0
J %%.0" !0
%- !0
E "0%.," !0
Hen5e the stresses in the 5omposite se5tion d6e to resid6al losses of the 5a7le of all
stages are
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 2!
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
ts E @""0.%3 !0
J "0%.," !0
!!"4! !0
!.0" !0
E @0.0%0 #Hmm
tg E ""0.%0 !0
J "0%.," !0
!!"4! !0
"."0 !0
E @ 0.!04 #Hmm
7g E @""0.%0 !0
@ "0%.," !0
!!"4! !0
2,"."2 !0
E @ -.%! #Hmm
S"&7 .2
)tresses in 5omposite se5tion with prestress and loading as in step "0 with
resid6al losses for 5a7le of all stages as in step "%.
ts E 0.-,! @ 0.0%0
E 0.-"4 #Hmm
tg E ".,3 F 0.!04
E ".4,- #Hmm
7g E %.0% @-.%!
E !.30 #Hmm
S"&7 .A
)tresses in 5omposite se5tion d6e wearing 5o6rse on 7ridge de58.
>eight of wearing 5oarse Aaverage thi58ness ,% mmB
+er m of de58 E 4.% 0.0,% ! "0
E !%.- .#
1oment per girders E "0,.%0
E ,".,0 .#@m
hen5e stresses are
ts E ,".0 !0
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 2"
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
!.0" !0
E 0.0%, Hmm
tg E ,".,0 !0
"."0 !0
E 0.0-4 #Hmm
tg E ,".,0 !0
2,"."2 !0
E 0.!" #Hmm
S"&7 .B.
)tresses in the se5tion at servi5e witho6t live loads Astep "4 J step",B
ts E 0.0%, J0.-"4 E 0.-,% #Hmm
tg E 0.0-4J ".4,- E ".," #Hmm
7g E 0.!" J !.30 E ".02 #Hmm
)tep -0
aB 1oment d6e to live loads.
V " lanes of 5lass & loading Afig. #o. ,B
/ive load moment at mid span for " lanes loading.
E " ".,% M"4 A-J0.!0BN J !!0 A".3 J!."B
E 2%3.!0 .#1
Impa5t fa5tor E 0.% E 0.%
2 J " 2 J !!.0
E 0."2
/ive load moment with impa5t E !.! 2%3.!0
E 4"% .#1
Distri76tion fa5tor for 5entral E !.!0
(irder as given.
/ive load moment of 5entral girder E 4"% !.!0
E "2%., .#.1
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 2-
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
7B )ingle lane of 5lass 40R wheeled vehi5le Afig. #o. 3B
/ive load moment at midspan.
E ".,% M!"0 -.!!%N J A!"0 0.2-%B J A!40 2.42%B J A!40 ,.!-%BN
E !40-.2% .#.1.
/ive load moment with Impa5t E !.! !40-.2% E !3!, .#.1.
Distri76tion fa5tor E !.!0
for 5entral girder as given live E !3!, !.! E 40-."%4 .#.1
/oad moment on 5entral girder -
step -!.
1oment d6e to footway loading.
The efe5tive span of over 4.%m 76t not e5eeding -0 m the load intensity shall 7e
5al56lated a55ording to the following e:6ation.
+ E +C @M00/ @ -00N
pC E 000 .gHm
or %00 .gHm
as the may 7e.
E 0 #Hm
+ E footway load in .gHm
/ Eeffe5tive span of the main girder in meters.
> E >idth of footway in meter.
+ E 000 F MW00 !!.0@-00NH3
E -3,".24 #Hm
E -.3, .#H1
Total footway loading for two footpath of !.3% E " !.3% -.3,
E !%.!". .#H1.
moment d6et to footway loading E !%.%" !!.0
E 2.%% .#.1.
moment per girder. E 2.%% E ".!, .#.1.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 20
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
S"&7 >..
Design live load moment and stresses d6e to live load moment in the
5omposite se5tion.
)ingle lane of 5lass 40R loading prod65es more moment two lanes of 5lass &
loading Aref. )tep -0 and the maim6m live load moment 400 .#.1.B
Design moment E moment d6e to live load J moment d6e to footpath loading.
E 400 J ".!, E 402.!, .#1.
ts E 402.!, !0
E 0.% #Hmm
"."0 !0
7g E 402.!, !0
2,"."2 !0
E !.0- #Hmm
S"&7 >>.
)tresses in the 5omposite se5tion at servi5e with live load Astep "3J-"B
ts E 0.-,% J0.%E 0.,,% #Hmm
tg E ".," J 0.-" E -.!0 #Hmm
7g E ".02 J !.0- E -.03 #Hmm".
S"&7 >+
$ltimate strength of 5omposite se5tion.
The girder sho6ld also 7e 5he58ed for their 6ltimate strength. The girder are to
7e 5he58ed for the following 6ltimate load.
aB $ltimate load E !."% ( J ".0 )( J ".% R. 6nder normal epos6re
( is permanent load.
)( s6perimposed dead load.
R. /ive /oad.
moment d6e to (.
aB self wt of +)C girder E -"".!% .#.1.
7B >t of sla7 and 5ross girder E -"%.- .#.1.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 2%
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
5B >t of footway sla7 et5. E !00.%, .n.1.
Total E 43" .0- .#.1.
1oment d6et to ).*.
D6e to wearing 5oarse E ,".,0 .#.1.
moment d6e to R E 402.!, .#.1.
6ltimate moment E !."% ( J ")( J ".%R
E !."% 43".0- J " ,".,0 J ".% 402.!,
E "3"" .#.1.
6ltimate moment of resistan5e of 5on5rete for a T se5tion E
E 16 of 5on5rete.
E 0.!42 7d
f58J"H- 0., ABf@7BAd@tH"Bt.f58.
for a T se5tion
7E we7 of T 7eam
d E effe5tive depth of 7eam C( of steel.
*58 E 5hara5teristi5 strength of 5on5rete.
Bf E >idth of flange of T 7eam.
T E Thi58ness of flange of T 7eam
&s E the area of high tensile steel.
In the a7ove epression the first term is for we7 portion and "
term is for flange
16 for we7 E 0.!42 0."-0 A!",.%0B
E ",00.42 .#.1.
16 of flange.
E "H- 0., M300@"-0N M!.",% @ !40N !.4 0".%
E -.03, .#.1.
16 for effe5tive width of de58 sla7.
E "H- 0., M"400 @ "-0N M"000@!00N "00 -0
E !,!43 .#.1.
Total 16 for 5on5rete.
E ",00.42 J -03, J !,!43
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 22
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
E "0!!, .#.1.
This is m65h more than 6ltimate moment of "3"" .#.1.
hen5e satisfa5tory.
16 for steel.
E 0.3 d &s fp.
>here *p E The 6ltimate tensile strength of steel witho6t definite yield point.
16 E 0.3 "000 A4 !" 4
B !%,.0
E !!0-".%% .#.1.
This is higher than 6ltimate moment "3"" .#.1. 76t less than the 16 of 5on5rete.
Hen5e O...
The se5tion shall 7e so proportion that 16 for steel is less than for 5on5rete so that
fail6re may o556r 7y yield of steel rather than 5r6shing of 5on5rete.
S"&7 >-.
#ominal non tensioned reinfor5ement.
1inim6m reinfor5ement in the verti5al dire5tion shall not 7e less than 0.-
per5ent for mild steel or 0.!, per5ent for H.I.).D. 7ars of the se5tional area in plan.
&s in we7 per 1 E !00 "- 0.!,
E 0.!0 5m
E 0!0 mm
HI)D 7 ars.
&s in we7 in ea5h fa5e E T 0!0 E "04 mm
$se , "00 Aminim6m spa5ing shall not 7e less than !0 mm for 1.). 7ar or
,mm for HI)D 7ars. The spa5ing 7ars shall not 7e more than "00 mmB whi5h gives
as E "%0 mm
&s in 7ottom 76l7 per m E !00 %0 0.!,
E 3 5m
E 300 mm
&s in ea5h fa5e E 0%0 mm
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 24
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
H) !0 mm V "00 mm in 7etween
, mm V giving.
&s E 200 mm
1inim6m longit6dinal reinfor5ement shall 7e not less than 0.", per5ent for
mild steel 7ars or 0.!% per5ent for HI)D 7ars of the 5ross se5tional area in elevation
for grade of 5on5rete less than 10%.
&s per meter height E !00 "- 0.!%
E -.0% 5m
E -0% mm
&s in ea5h fa5e !4- mm
6se , mm 7ar at "00 Aminim6m spa5ingB
&s E "%0 mm
.. The nominal reinfor5ement detail are shown in
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 2,
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 23
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
/oad ""%0 .#9 length of 5ol6mn 2.% m9 6se 5on5rete 1 "%9 and *e %00 steel
5ondition effe5tively held in position at 7oth ends 76t not restrained against
755 E 2#Hmm
Bs5 E !30 #Hmm
E 2.% m
eff E !5 2.% E 2.%m
eff E 2%00mm
+ E 255 &5 E 2)5 &s5
&ss6me " K steel.
&s5 E 0.0" &g.
&5 E &g F &s5
E &g F 0.0" &g
E 0.3, &g.
+ E ""%0 .#
+ E ""%0 !0- #
+ E 255 &5t 2 s5 &s5.
""%0 !0
E 2 A0.3,&gB J A!30 J 0.0" &gB
""%0 !0
E %.,, &g J -., &g
""%0 !0
E 3.2, &g
&g E"-"0-,.! mm
&g E "-".00 !0
&ss6me D E !.-m.
&g E AD
"-".0- !0
E A!-00" F d"B
"-".0- !0
E 0.4,% A!230000 F d
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 40
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
"-".0- !0
E !-"4-"".,3@0.4,%d
@!030,3".,3 E @0.4,%d
E !-3042,.0!-
d E !!,! mm
say d E ,00 mm
Che58 where the 5ol6mn is long.
/eff 2%00 E 0.2! X!"
B !-00
Hen5e the 5ol6mn is short
)teel ass6me " K of &g.
&s5 E -"-.00 !0
0.0" E 020,.mm
$se "00 7ar
&rea of one 7ar E D
E "0
E -!0.!% mm
0 0
#o. of 7ar E 020,., E !0.40 #os. 7ars.
)ay !2 #o. of "0 mm re:6ired.
255 E 2#Hmm
2s5 E !30 #Hmm
&s5 E !2 "0
E %0"2.%% mm
E %0"4 mm
&g E A!-00
F ,00
B E ,"022,.04 mm
&5 E &g &s5
&5 E ,"022,.04 F %0"4
&5 E ,!320!.04!2
+ E 255&55J&s5&s5
+ E 20.,!320!.04!2 J !30 %0"4
+ E %,4"342.0-# E %.,4"3 !0
+ E %,4"3 !0
.# S ""%0 .# O.
/et 6s find whether following 5ondition is satisfied.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 4!
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
&7 X 0.-2 A&g @!B *58
&8 &5 fy
To find &7 Avol6me of heli5al reinfor5ementB
5ore diameter E !-00 F A" !00B J " ,
E 5over
E !0,0
E -00%.0 mm
pit5h is "% mm.
/ength of heli5al steel for one mm length of 5ol6mn.
E !0,0 E -00%.0, E !-2mm
pit5h "%
'ol6me of heli5al reinfor5ement per mm height of 5o6mn.
&7 E !-2 ," E 2,04.!0 mm
To find &8.
&8 E A!0,0B
E 3!4,%3.," mm
&g E ,"022,.04
&5 E A!0,0B
E 3"",,2.,"
E 0.-2 A&g @!B *58
&5 fy
E 0.-2 A,"022,.04 @ !B "%
3"",,2.," %00
E 0.-2 A@0.!02 B 0.0%
4.0% !0
X @ !.3!%2 !0
safe load E %.,4"3 !0
safe load E 2!22%0% .#.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 4"
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
Design of *ooting.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 4-
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
(rade of Con5rete 1@"%9 steel *e %00.
575 E ,.% #Hmm
st E "4% #Hmm
1 E ",0
- 575
E ",0
- ,.%
E !0.3,
*ind design 5onstants.
A!B m 575 E n
st d@n
",0 E n
- "4% d@n
0."% d F 0."% n E n
n E 0."0 d.
A"B /ever arm E ? E d@nH"
E d@0"dH"
E 0.3- d
1r. E 7n 575 Ad@nH-B
E 70."0d ,.% d@0."0d
" -
E 0.43 7d
Design 5onstant
n E 0."0 d9 Q E 0.3-d9 1r. E 0.43 7d
&B/oad on 5ol6mn E ""%0 .#
7B )elf wt of 5ol6mn E "%0 .# A!0K of total loadB
5B self wt of footing E !"% .#
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 40
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
Total load E "2"% .# say "2%0 .#
&ss6me ).B.C. E "%0 .#Hm
&rea of footing E Total load H).B.C.
E "2%0H"%0 E !0.2 m
"B &ss6me s:6are design.
)i?e of footing E !0.20
E -."%m
si?e E -.% -.% m9
0B $pward soil press6e Anegle5t self wt of 5ol6mn and footingB
E "2%0
-.% -.%
E !,0 .#Hm
%B Depth of *ooting Afor shearB
v .s 5
>here .s E 0.% J !-00
E !.% S !
.s E !
5 E 0.!2 "% E ,00 .#Hm
v E5
let d 7e the depth of the footing in 1
6!'& (,) Foo"i)* !6"i)* !' Ci5& =&!<
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 4%
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
' E -.% A!.!0@dB !,0
E 200 A!.!0@dB
)hear for5e resisted 7y 5on5rete
' E 57d
E ,00 -.% d
E ",00 d
E:6ating shear for5e and shear resisted 7y 5on5re.
200 A!.!0@dB E ",00 d
d E 0."0% m.
C!'& (.) TCo C!; !6"io) o oo"i)* '%&!r or6& o) '%!5&5 !r&!.
' E MA-.%B" @ A!.- Jd
BN !,0
' E M!"."% F !.-" F 0.4, d
N !,0
' E M"0!!.!" F !0-.%"d
N @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ A!B
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 42
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
shear resisted 7y 5on5rete.
' E 57d.
E ,00 M A!.- JdBN d
E -"24."% d J"%!-."4 d". @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@A"B
E:6ating A!B and A"B and 7y solving mathemati5al e:6ations we get
d E 0%% mm
(0) D&7"% o oo"i)* ro< =&)5i)* <o<&)" 7oi)" o vi&C.
1 E ! !.!0 !,0 !.!0H"
E !!!.-" .#.m
E:6ating 7ending moment to 1r.
!!!.-" !0
E 0.43 7d
d E -4% mm X 0%% mm
)o provide d E %00 mm
A4B&rea of steel
&st E !!!.-" !0
"4% 0.3- %00
E ,40 mm
. say 300 mm
)teel re:6ired in f6ll width E -.%
&st E 300 -.% E -!%0 mm
)o provide !2 mm 7ar.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 44
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
#o. of 7ar E -!%0H"0! E !%.22 say !2 #o.
+rovide !2mm 7ar !2 #os. in 7oth dire5tion
A,B Development length.
/d E @ s
E !2@"4%
0 !.00
E 4,% mm
&vaila7le length E !!00 F %0 A5overB
E !0%0 mm
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 4,
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
Retaining )tr65t6re.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar 43
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
(eotetile 6sed as reinfor5ement in retaining walls. (eotetile ha to 7e 6sed
as reinfor5ement in the 5onstr65tion of earth retaining str65t6re. (eotetile are 6sed
to form the fa5ing of the retaining wall as well as reinfor5ement. )65h retaining walls
are also 5arried fa7ri5 reinfor5ed retaining walls. Afig B
The following pro5ed6re is 6sed for the 5onstr65tion of the fa7ri5 reinfor5ed wall.
i. *irst the gro6nd s6rfa5e is levelled and the first geotetile sheet of the
re:6ired width is laid over the s6rfa5e s65h that a7o6t !.% mm to " m of the
sheet at the wall s6rfa5e is draped over temporary wooden form Afig. B
ii. (ran6al material is pla5ed over the geotetile sheet and 5ompa5ted with a
roller of s6ita7le weight.
iii. &fter 5ompa5tion9 the sheet is folded as shown in *ig.
iv. The se5ond geotetile sheet is pla5ed over the 5ompa5ted layer over the
gran6al material and draped over the wooden form as show in fig. and the
pro5ess is repeated.
v. The front fa5e of the wall is prote5t 7y the 6se of short Crete or g6nite.
)hot5rete is the 5ement 5on5rete with a low water 5ontent. It is sprayed over
the soil s6rfa5e at a high press6re..
In o6r 5ase with geotetile sheet we 6sed 5on5rete 7lo58s 5ast in site. This idea
of 5asting 7lo58 on site9 has got from 7ridge 5onstr65ted at .6rdwadi.
)ome photographs whi5h we have ta8en gives idea a7o6t retaining str65t6re.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar ,0
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar ,!
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
&s a part of sylla76s of final year 6ndergrad6ate 5o6rse in 5ivil Engg. >e are
re:6ired to 5arry o6t some designing9 analy?ing proje5t wor8. the 7asi5 idea 7eing that
the st6dents m6st 6nderstand 5o@relaation 7etween the vario6s s67je5ts of 5ivil Engg.
>e had 6nderta8en the proje5t wor8 entitled as ;Design of overhead Bridge<.
The proje5t involves vario6s wor8s li8e s6rvey9 )oil investigation9 analysis of
str65t6re9 R.C.C. design for the proje5t.
The need of proje5t 5an 7e j6stified at the proposed site 7y 5onsidering aspe5t
li8e in5rease in traffi5 at said road in5rease in f6el 5ost9 loss of man ho6r 7e5a6se of
waiting period et5.
The proposed overhead 7ridge will 7e a 7oon for the Ta8ari9 .6ndal L the
residents of lo5alities on #orthern side of railway tra58.
To 5on5l6de the report we wo6ld li8e to state that the proje5t wor8 has helped
6s to 6nderstand the 5o@relation 7etween vario6s s67je5ts in 7etter way. It will 7e
helpf6l to 6s in o6r f6t6re life.
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar ,"
Design of Overhead Railway Bridge
!. Design L Constr65tion of Highway Bridges.
@@@@@@@@ ..). Ra8shit.
". Design of prestressed 5on5rete.
@@@@@@@@ #8rishna Raj6.
-. )oil 1e5hani5s &nd fo6ndation Engg.
@@@@@@@@ ..R. &rora.
0. Design of R.C.C. )tr65t6re.
@@@@@@@@ ). Ramamr6tham.
%. I.). 0%2@"000.
2. I.). !-0-@!3,0
4. *or /oad &nd stress 5al56altion
I.R.C. F !,@"000
I.R.C. F "!@"000
R.I.T. Rajaramnagar ,-

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