Textile Science Common Problems in Desizing Their

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Textile Science
M o n d a y , O c t o b e r 2 9 , 2 0 0 7
Common Problems in Desizing & Their Countermeasures
Desizing is done in order to remove the size from the warp yarns of the woven fabrics. Warp
yarns are coated with sizing agents prior to weaving in order to reduce their frictional properties,
decrease yarn breakages on the loom and improve weaving productivity by increasing weft
insertion speeds. The sizing material present on the warp yarns can act as a resist towards dyes
and chemicals in textile wet processing. It must, therefore, be removed before any subsequent
wet processing of the fabric. The factors, on which the efficiency of size removal depends, are
as follows:
Type and amount of size applied
Viscosity of the size in solution
Ease of dissolution of the size film on the yarn
Nature and the amount of the plasticizers
Fabric construction
Method of desizing, and
Method of washing-off
Different methods of desizing are:
Enzymatic desizing
Oxidative desizing
Acid steeping
Rot steeping
Desizing with hot caustic soda treatment, and
Hot washing with detergents
The most commonly used methods for cotton are enzymatic desizing and oxidative desizing.
Acid steeping is a risky process and may result in the degradation of cotton cellulose while rot
steeping, hot caustic soda treatment and hot washing with detergents are less efficient for the
removal the starch sizes.
Enzymatic desizing consists of three main steps: application of the enzyme, digestion of the
starch and removal of the digestion products. The common components of an enzymatic
desizing bath are as follows:
Amylase enzyme
pH stabiliser
Chelating agent
Surfactant, and
Optical brightener
The enzymes are only active within a specific range of pH, which must be maintained by a
suitable pH stabiliser. Chelating agents used to sequester calcium or combine heavy metals
may be injurious to the enzymes and must be tested before use. Certain salts may be used to
enhance the temperature stability of enzymes. Surfactants may be used to improve the
wettability of the fabric and improve the size removal. Generally, non-ionic surfactants are
suitable but it is always recommended to test the compatibility of surfactants before use. Some
brighteners may also be incorporated in the desizing bath which may be carried through the end
of the pre-treatment, resulting in improved brightness but again, their compatibility must be
ascertained before use.
Enzymatic desizing offers the following advantages:
No damage to the fibre
No usage of aggressive chemicals
Wide variety of application processes, and
High biodegradability
Some disadvantages of enzymatic desizing include lower additional cleaning effect towards
other impurities, no effect on certain starches (e.g. tapioca starch) and possible loss of
effectiveness through enzyme poisons.
Oxidative desizing can be affected by hydrogen peroxide, chlorites, hypochlorites, bromites,
perborates or persulphates. Two important oxidative desizing processes are: the cold pad-batch
process based on hydrogen peroxide with or without the addition of persulphate; and the
oxidative pad-steam alkaline cracking process with hydrogen peroxide or persulphate. The
advantages offered by oxidative desizing are:
Supplementary cleaning effect
Effectiveness for tapioca starches
No loss in effectiveness due to enzyme poisons
Some disadvantages of oxidative desizing include possibility of fibre attack, use of aggressive
chemicals and less variety of application methods.
After desizing, the fabric is systematically analyzed to determine the uniformity and
thoroughness of the treatment. A sample is taken and weighed to determine the percent size
removed. The results are compared with a sample known to have been desized well in the lab.
If the size is not adequately removed then either the treatment or washing have not been
thorough. Iodine spot tests are then conducted on the fabric. The fabric is not spotted randomly
but from side-centre-side at different points along the length of the fabric. The results of this
evaluation give some idea of the causes of any inadequate treatment.
Some of the most common problems in enzymatic desizing are given in Table 1.
Table 1 Common Problems in Enzymatic Desizing and Their countermeasures
Incomplete desizing 1. Inadequate enzyme
2. Inappropriate desizing bath
3. Inappropriate desizing-bath
4. Insufficient fabric pick-up
5. Insufficient digestion time
6. Poor enzyme activity
7. Deactivation of enzyme
due to presence of metals or
8. Ineffective wetting agent
9. Incompatible wetting agent
1. Sufficient enzyme
2. Optimum pH
3. Optimum temperature
4a. Optimum squeeze
4b. Use of wetting agent
5. Optimum digestion time
6. Use of good enzymes
7a. Use of soft water
7b. Use of appropriate
sequestering agents
8. Use of good and effective
9. Use of compatible wetting
Uneven desizing [widthways] 1. Uneven pad pressure
[across the width]
2. Non-uniform pad
3. Non-uniform chemical
concentration in the bath
1. Uniform squeeze pressure
2. Uniform bath temperature
3. Uniform chemical
Uneven desizing
1. Uneven pick-up [along the
2. Preferential drying of outer
layers of the batch
3. Temperature variation
during digestion
1. Uniform pick-up along the
fabric length
2a. Covering the batch with
polythene or other suitable
2b. Keeping the batch rolling
3a. Covering the batch with
polythene or other suitable
3b. Keeping the batch rolling

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Dr. Tanveer Hussain at 1:11 AM
Uneven desizing [random] 1. Poor wetting agent
2. Inappropriate bath
3. Foaming in the bath
4. Improper use of defoamer
5. Uneven liquor distribution
during padding
6. Non-uniform washing after
1. Use of effective and
compatible wetting agent
2. Optimum bath temperature
3. Use of appropriate
4. Use of appropriate
5. Uniform liquor distribution
during padding
6. Thorough and uniform
washing after desizing
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1 comment:
mahwish February 14, 2012 at 6:46 AM
hi..im a biochemist...nw doing mphil in biotech....the information which u have provided here abt
desizing, has proven very useful 4 my project. thanks
Dr. Tanveer Hussain
By the grace of Almighty, I got my first Gold Medal in FSc. and second Gold Medal in BSc. Textile
Engineering. I completed my PhD in Textile Engineering from Heriot-Watt University, Scotland in
2004. I have been serving at National Textile University Pakistan at various positions including
Chairman Department of Textile Processing and Incharge Academics. I have got Best University
teacher Award from the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. Society of Dyers & Colorists UK has also
awarded me Medal for my contributions in the Textile field. Currently I am working as Associate Dean at
National Textile University Pakistan. I spend my leisure time in reading, researching and writing on topics of my
interest, particularly the Quran. Please visit http://sites.google.com/site/hussaintanveer/
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