Drive-In Focus: Fall 2014

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The Ofcial Publication of Drive-In Ministries
Oct/Nov/Dec 2014
In This Issue
Volume 30/ No. 4
P.O. Box 680250
Prattville, AL 36068
O 334.361.1660
F 334.361.9578
Directors Cut by Mike Jones
The Power
of Prayer
If you were to ask most
any missionary what is
the greatest need they
have, they would likely
all tell you the same
thingprayer. They know that the power
of prayer is a power that inuences the
heart of God to act personally on behalf
of someone or something in a way that
He might not otherwise act (you have
not, because you ask not. James 4:2b.)
And it stands to reason that the more of
us who pray about a particular thing the
more inuence we have (pray for each
other James 5:16b).
The Bible has a lot to say about prayer. It
is our means of communicating with God.
He desires our audience, our fellowship,
and our relationship on this level and with
it gives us the power of inuencing His
heart and mind. Its almost hard to imag-
ine that the Sovereign God of all creation
would desire such a personal relationship
with His creation, but that is part of the
reason He made us in His image.
Perhaps one of the best ways to under-
stand this relationship we can have with
God is to see it in comparison to loving
parents and their children. Parents who
truly love their children want a relation-
ship that goes far beyond providing for
their basic needs. They care about how
each child thinks, acts, and feels. They
listen to what they have to say, they care
about what each one is going through,
about what each child desires. They want
their children to come to them with any
need or desire he or she has.
Every good parent strives to do what they
think is best and necessary for their child,
but there are often things the child feels
they need or desire that may not be in
the parents plan that daya special re-
quest, a food treat, personal item, special
privilege, particular need, etc. These are
things that parents love to grant (if pos-
sible and appropriate) as a special bless-
ing to their child that might not otherwise
happen at that time. When the children
petition the same thing together there is
much greater inuence.
Because we, as believers, have been a-
dopted into the family of God, we can
have this wonderful relationship with
Him. Since He is the Sovereign God, He
allows us to inuence Him without alter-
ing His divine plan. Thats how He can
give us such great promises of answered
prayer. Prayer is both a personal and
corporate privilege that believers have
where God can become more involved in
our life, we can become more involved in
Gods life, and through praying for oth-
ers, more involved in others lives. Think
about it, we can inuence God, lets do it!
I hope you enjoy this FOCUS and pray
with us for Drive-In Ministries.
Directors Cut
- The Power of Prayer
Ministry Spotlight
- Alabama Property -

Ministry Clips
- Peru
- South Carolina
- Allen Nye
- Nigeria
- Kentucky
Joe McDonald
Ministry Box Ofce
- General Fund/ End of
the Year Giving
FOCUS The Ofcial Publication of Drive-In Ministries
Ministry Spotlight
Alabama Property - EXCITING NEWS
It has been close to two years since our original 1st phase
contract pricing for the new Drive-In headquarters and
ministry facility. Consequently, it was necessary for our
contractor to re-bid the various materials and subcontrac-
tor work for up-to-date prices.
The new cost of the 1st phase is projected at $475,000.00.
This includes the foundation with utilities stubbed in,
the exterior of the metal building including windows and
doors, some concrete walls inside, and the materials to
South Carolina
Our partner this summer from Spartanburg, SC who has a mis-
sion outreach in Kentucky sent this report from their summer
I just wanted to rst of all say a HUGE THANKS to you and your
team for letting us use the movie equipment for our mission
work in Kentucky. We have used it for two separate weeks of
mission and plan to use it this weekend as well! We have shown
over half of the movies you gave us in that box and the kids
really responded! After each showing myself or another adult
leader would get up and share a short invitation response to the
movies and we truly saw God move in a powerful way! Just in
the two weeks we used it, we had 8 salvation decisions and doz-
ens of other commitments either directly or indirectly related to
showing the movies. - Matt Bishop
Allen Nye
Several people came to know Christ this past month be-
cause of your help. We presented Gods Not
Dead with our Mobile Unit at Christ Gospel
Church in South St. Petersburg, FL. We had
more than sixty attend and several trusting
in Christ at the end. We will have two more
mobile movie meetings in October.
Peru by Don Rich
In August, we took the Mobile Unit to a farming com-
munity called Polloc (po yolk)
where a new work has been
started by a national pastor.
We had around eighty in atten-
and had at least seven decisions
for Christ that night! Afterward,
we passed out John and Romans
booklets to all in attendance.
Ministry Clips
Nigeria by George Adeniyi
Gospel Faith Mission, one of our new partners in Ni-
geria reported:
During the month of August we had 12 days out-
reach to three different
States. It was good and
wonderful, many souls
were won for the Lord.
Also the pastors in all
those churches were
very happy. The largest
attendance was (906) while all the altar call together
was (210).
construct some interior ofces, etc.
We will use volunteer labor to build the ofce rooms, and
lay underground lines for electrical, water, and sewer. Our
1st phase goal is to complete the front part of the build-
ing to be usable for ofces and some ministry while we
continue completion of the gym and other interior rooms
as possible.
We currently have $450,000.00 on hand for construc-
tion! With only $25,000.00 needed, we ask that you pray
earnestly with us for the Lords immediate provision, and
consider any gift you can to help this very important min-
istry facility get underway as soon as possible.
We are so close!
JIM2ROMANIA by Jim Morgan
God worked in many ways this summer. First He provided our ministry here
in Romania with offerings from two churches with a very subsantial amount
of money, as well as gifts from a number of individuals. We were able to do
everything we needed to do this summer! Many thousands of people heard
the Gospel! God took us to Austria where we were able to share the Gospel!
In May, my pastor, Mark Looman and wife Dorothy, came from Hart, Michi-
gan for two weeks. We kept them very busy, pastor spoke about ten straight
days! He has written two books about discipleship and one was translated
into Romanian so he could teach it to pastoral students at the Timisoara
Baptist Bible Institute.
A youth pastor, Nate Storvik and a teenage friend came for two weeks in
late July. Nate spoke in four worship services and the two fell in love with
our work, with our team. God is working in Nates heart about returning to
Romania next year.
The need has not let up for ministry
funds. We have three places to go
this fall to minister to teenagers,
both Christian and non-Christian.
Pray for the ministry funds to
continue. Thanks so much to those
who have given for ministry funds and who give for my personal support.
The photo represents East meeting West! Im shown with my two pastors,
Liviu Costea on the left, of Filadela Baptist in Craiova, and Mark Looman on
the right, of First Baptist of Hart, Michigan.
Joe McDonald Ministries
Every July in Louisiana, a wonderful event for the chil-
dren of Louisianas incarcerated men and women, takes
place near Denham Springs, LA. Grace Camp is a ve
day event that is held for these children. This year was
the 3rd year I have been
asked to bring the Drive-
In Ministries 5th wheel
there for a show, pop-
corn and a movie in this
wonderful location. God blessed us with a great group of
kids and a perfect clear, cool night for our annual event.
By law, I cant show the pictures of the kids of inmates
for you to look at. Here is camp director Cheryl Jonson
(orange) and a few of the camp counselors that give their
time to work with these special at risk kids.
Why is this important work? Statistics show that about 7
out of 10 kids will follow in the footsteps of their mother
or father into a life of crime and end up incarcerated. When
you add to that the recidivism rate of about 7 out of 10, you
can see how a life changing event like this can save a child
from a life of crime. These kids
live in a dark world of neglect,
rejection, fear and homes with-
out parents.
One event like Grace Camp,
with Godly counselors and
programs that show Jesus as
the way, the truth and the life can have an eternal impact
on these young lives.
Another partner in Kentucky also used the Mo-
bile Unit and here is the report: Friday, Sept 19,
we showed
Gods Not
Dead in
a church
parking lot
close to
our home,
and around
30 people
attended. Saturday, Sept 20, we showed Gods
Not Dead at Jackson Manor Apartments and 50+
people were there. We showed Ring the Bell
Saturday, Sept 27, 2014 at Jackson Manor Apart-
ments with 36 people attending. I also showed
Ring the Bell on Friday, Oct 3, 2014 at Green-
road Baptist Church and had 42 attend.
It has been such a blessing to us and to others to
get to use your equipment. We have one couple
that has been attending church for two weeks
now that lives at Jackson Manor Apartments.
- Janice Smith
P.O. Box 680250 | Prattville, AL 36068
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Ministry Box Ofce
General Fund/End of Year Giving
A special thanks to those of you who give to the General
Fund, and have sent special gifts (2014 Club, 25/50 Club,
monetary gifts, vehicles, etc.) so far this year! As a result,
the General Fund has been much better through the busy
summer months.
Our regular General Fund donors are vital to the day-to-
day operations, but are unfortunately not enough to carry
the fund. We need more monthly supporters and special
gifts to carry us on. Please pray for this on-going need,
and please consider additional support as you can and/or
an end of the year gift.
Remember all gifts to Drive-In are tax deductable!
There are many ways to give:
1. By Check: You can mail a check made payable to
Drive-In Ministries to:
P. O. Box 680250 Prattville, AL 36068
If you would like to receive the Focus by email, or would like
to be removed from the Focus mailing list, please contact us by email or phone.
2. Online: You can make one-time or monthly
contributions online. Now, you can also set up an automatic
recurring credit card draft online! Visit our website at:
3. Gifts-In-Kind: A gift-in-kind contribution is any
tangible item of value, e.g., car, land, stocks, bonds, etc.
4. Memorials and Honorariums: You can make a
contribution in memory of a deceased loved one or make
a contribution to honor a living individual.
A gift was given to the Drive-In Building Fund in memory
of Mrs. Kate Price. She was a godly, kind, and caring
woman. She was such a blessing to those around her.
She will be greatly missed by all who knew her, but we re-
joice in knowing that she is now with her Lord and Savior.

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