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... through Bertha Dudde

Helping or fighting....
Different purposes for suffering ....
In the state of freedom of will the eing would not ha!e to fear
God"s ad!ersar# if onl# it would li!e in lo!e. $hen it will ha!e
defeated him% e&ause God"s ad!ersar# is utterl# defen&eless
against lo!e.
Hen&e% the human eing would also e ale to free himself from
temptations and &hallenges% for the# ha!e no influen&e on him as
soon as he a&ts with lo!e. $he latter% howe!er% depends on a
person"s free will% and therefore the human eing himself is the
reason for an earthl# e'isten&e whi&h is either a &onstant attle or
helpful lo!e....
God (nows e!er# person"s heart and gi!es the human eing what
he needs%
ut He also lets a person go short if he does not re)uire His help%
His &omfort and His &ounsel e&ause he inwardl# opposes Him and
therefore does not e'er&ise lo!e% whi&h demonstrates his God*
de!oted will....
God and lo!e are one and the same% and therefore a lo!ing human
eing is also united with God and thus has to e superior to God"s
If the human eing is willing to a&ti!el# engage himself in
neighourl# lo!e he will not e )uite so esieged # the
temptations of the world+
he effe&ti!el# has alread# o!er&ome them whi&h% howe!er% does not
rule out that he will ha!e to endure suffering% e&ause suffering is
not onl# intended to lead a person to God whose will is still turned
awa# from God ut it shall also purif# the person who stri!es
towards God.
Howe!er% the suffering in these two stages is e'perien&ed
differentl#. $he former re!olts against it e&ause he does not want
to ow down to a ,ower Whi&h restri&ts his en-o#ment of life.... He
still desires the world and e'perien&es all suffering as disad!antage%
as an inade)uate en-o#ment of life and thus a &onstraint he refuses
to a&&ept.
.nd it &an re)uire a lot of suffering efore he has surrendered% and
this (ind of attle is the ad!ersar#"s wor(% who still uses the world
and its pleasures to gain the human eing for himself% who
&ontinues to pla&e all these efore his e#es in order to intensif# his
desire and there# alienate him from God.
But if the human eing is a&ti!el# helpful% then the suffering will
merel# ser!e him to e&ome perfe&t% to a&hie!e maturit# of his
soul% then God"s ad!ersar# will ha!e little &ontrol o!er him% then he
will turn awa# from the world and due to his suffering -oin God e!er
more &losel#.
$his differen&e has to e re&ognised when the disparit# of suffering
is eing &onsidered% when good and ad people are affe&ted # it....
people% who are still &ompletel# a!erted from God and those who
seemingl# no longer re)uire suffering in order to find Him.... Each
time the suffering serves a different purpose, yet the final
purpose is the complete union with God.
$he greatest danger for the human eing is his in&lination towards
the world and his la&( of lo!e% for then he will still e wholl#
ensla!ed # the one who wants to ruin him. .nd then he will need
stri&t tea&hing methods in order to &hange.
Onl# when his in&lination towards the world susides &an lo!e ignite
in him% and then the suffering &an ta(e on different &hara&teristi&s%
#et it &annot e entirel# spared to him as long as the soul is not
totall# purified.
,ra&tising neighourl# lo!e is therefore a de&isi!e fa&tor for his
degree of de!elopment% it is a de&isi!e fa&tor for the intensit# of his
suffering% for where!er lo!e is pra&tised% and thus where God is
present Himself% the suffering will e more earale e&ause the
human eing will e ale to re&ei!e God"s emanation of strength
and therefore the suffering will not depress him as mu&h. He need
not fight an#more ut only bear it and wait for God's help
which will remove all suffering from him when the time is
$he human eing must e helpful or fight% and namel# in
a&&ordan&e with his will and his ailit# to lo!e.... Being helpful will
&ome easil# to him% #et fighting will re)uire great strength if he
does not want to su&&um to the power whi&h will use whate!er it
ta(es to pull him into dar(ness and whi&h will &ontinue to e'ert an
influen&e on the human eing as long as he li!es without lo!e% for
then he is still far remo!ed from God.
Onl# lo!e sets him free from this power% onl# lo!e ma(es him
strong% for the lo!ing human eing is united with God and re&ei!es
his strength from Him in order to defeat the ad!ersar#....
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