Numeracy Sample Paper 1

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SECTION A: Answer all TEN questions
SECTION B: Answer ALL parts of ALL te questions
Te pass !ar" is #$%
&ou a'e ONE (OUR to )o!plete tis paper*
Rea+ ea) question )arefull, an+ follow te instru)tions*
Write ,our answer to ea) question on te paper in te spa)e pro'i+e+ for tis purpose an+
ensure tat ,ou insert ,our -ent i+entit, nu!.er onl, /NOT ,our na!e0 at te top of ea) answer
&ou !a, not re!o'e an, papers fro! te e1a! roo!*
Tis is a )lose+ .oo" e1a!ination* No .oo"s are per!itte+*
Cal)ulators are NOT per!itte+ to .e use+ in tis e1a!ination*
2ar"s are onl, awar+e+ for te )orre)t answer in)lu+in3 /were ne)essar,0 units* An, wor"in3s
out or answers written outsi+e of te .o1es pro'i+e+ will not .e !ar"e+*
Before startin3 )e)" tat ,ou a'e all pa3es to te paper as in+i)ate+ at te foot of tis pa3e*
At te en+ of te e1a! ensure tat ,ou a'e )o!plete+ te title seet pro'i+e+ wit ,our na!e4
-ent i+entit, nu!.er4 an+ i+entifie+ te questions tat ,ou a'e atte!pte+*
5asten all ,our answer seets wit te title seet on top usin3 te ta3 pro'i+e+*
SECTION A 6 Core nu!era), /total of 7$ !ar"s0
Answer all of the questions in Section A, placing your answer/s in the box provided.
Answers written outside the boxes provided will not be marked
&our answers 2UST in)lu+e units were ne)essar,*
1. alculate 1!."#$ of %#"& '1 mark(
). *hich of the following numbers represents the smallest
a, &.- g
b, -.- x 1&
c, -.-- x 1&
mcg '1 mark(
.. alculate &.&"!)/- to . significant figures. '1 mark(
#. alculate - 0 . '1 mark(
! #
". A pharmacy you are working in buys in sunglasses for
%)!. 1efore being sold they are marked0up by 1&$ and
"&p is added to cover transport costs. 2A3 is also charged
at )&$. 4ow much would you charge a customer for two
pairs of Sunglasses+ '1 mark(
5. 6xpress the fraction !)& as a decimal. '1 mark(
!. alculate )-.5 x !./ '1 mark(
/. A solution contains ).#g of a drug in 5.#7 of water. 4ow
many micrograms of the drug are contained in 1m7+
'1 mark(
-. 8n a week you earn %1/".#5 after working five 5 hour
shifts and one . hour shift. *hat is your hourly rate+
'1 mark(
1&. A powder has the following formula9
:rug A ; 1&&&& mg
:rug 1 0 "&g
:rug 0 &.)<g
1ase 0 &.." <g
alculate the fraction represented by :rug '1 mark(
Stu+ent I+entifi)ation nu!.er:
SECTION B 6 Applie+ Nu!era), /total of 8$ !ar"s0
Answer each of the following questions putting your final answer with the appropriate unit of
measurement in the boxes provided. Answers not in the boxes and any working will not be marked.
Question 77 97$ !ar"s:
Answer all parts of the questions, placing your answer=s, in the boxes provided.
Answers written outside the boxes provided will not be marked
&our answers 2UST in)lu+e units were ne)essar,*

a. *hat volume of )$ alcohol solution is needed to make &.57
of a !"$ v/v alcohol solution+
') marks(
b. *hat volume of a 1&$ w/v dextrose solution is needed to
make .5&&m7 of &.)"$ w/v solution
') marks(
c. *hat volume of a #-$ v/v solution is needed to make !&&m7
of a &.."$ v/v product.
') marks(
d. A diabetic patient in>ects )" units of basal insulin at breakfast
1" units at lunch and ." units at night. 3he patient uses a pen
which in>ects pre0filled )m7 cartridges which contain 1"&
units/m7. 8f there are 5 cartridges in a box how many days will
each box last+
') marks(
e. A child weighing )5<g is prescribed Agreatdrug tablets at
).!mg/<g every 5 hrs. 4ow many grams does the child receive
over the two week course of treatment+
') marks(
Total !ar" ;7$
Stu+ent I+entifi)ation nu!.er:
Question 7< 97$ !ar"s:
Answer all parts of the questions, placing your answer=s, in the boxes provided.
Answers written outside the boxes provided will not be marked
&our answers 2UST in)lu+e units were ne)essar,*
alculate the quantities needed to prepare &.!" 7 of Mistura Rhei Ammoniata et Sodae from the master
formula provided below =1ritish ?harmaceutical odex, 1-!., to 1 decimal place.
@ou must include units in your answer
Dru3 su.stan)e 2aster 5or!ula To !a"e
Ahubarb =powder, .&g
4C. -$ w/v
Ammonium bicarbonate )"g
?eppermint emulsion =conc., .$ v/v
:ouble strength chloroform
Dreshly boiled and cooled water 3o 1&&&m7 3o &.!" 7
Total !ar" ;7$
Stu+ent I+entifi)ation Nu!.er:
Question 7= 97$ !ar"s:
Answer all parts of the questions, placing your answer/s in the box provided.
Answers written outside the boxes provided will not be marked
&our answers 2UST in)lu+e units were ne)essar,*
a. A solution is made in a 1 to # ratio. *hat is its percentage strength+
') marks(

b. A prescription for drug E contains the following dosage instructions
!)."mg three times a day for 1# days
:rug E is available as a suspension containing )"&mg/ "m7
1, alculate the volume of each dose
), alculate the total volume that should be supplied to the patient.
') marks(
c. *hat mass of a substance is required to make !"&m7 of a solution such
that 1&&m7 diluted to .7 will give a 1 in 1&&& solution+
') marks(
d. *hat weight of potassium permanganate is required to make )#&&m7
of a 1 in #&&& solution.
') marks(.
e. *hat is the equivalent ratio of a -.&-$ solution+
') marks(
Total !ar" ;7$

Stu+ent I+entifi)ation Nu!.er:
Question 78 97$ !ar"s:
Answer all parts of te questions4 pla)in3 ,our answer;s in te .o1 pro'i+e+*
Answers written outside the boxes provided will not be marked
&our answers 2UST in)lu+e units were ne))esar,*

a. 4ow much water needs to be added to .!..#"m7 of oncentrated Anise
water to produce single strength Anise water+
') marks(
b. .&m7 of Faviscon contains 1"&&mg of sodium alginate and 5&&mg of
potassium bicarbonate.
1, *hat is the $ w/v sodium alginate in this product+
), *hat is the $ w/v potassium bicarbonate in this product+
') marks(
c. 8ronorm drops contain .&mg of ferrous iron per m7
1, *hat is the $w/v of ferrous iron in the suspension+
), 4ow much iron will be contained in a )"ml bottle+
') marks(
d. A prescription asks for 1"&&m7 of a product that contains 5".!"m7 single
strength Aose water and ")m7 double strength hloroform water.
@ou only have concentrated hloroform water and oncentrated
rose water in stock. 4ow much of each do you need to use+
Five your answers to ) significant figures.
') marks(
e. 4ow much water needs to be added to 1-"m7 of concentrated
peppermint water to produce single strength peppermint water+
') marks(
Total !ar" ;7$
Stu+ent I+entifi)ation Nu!.er:

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