Index To Insanity and The Lunatic Asylum in The Nineteenth Century

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A Letter, Addressed to the Chairman of the
Select Committee (1815), 1617
Ackroyd, Peter, 43, 55
London: Te Biography (2000), 42
addiction, 1434
Addison, T. B., 65
alcohol, 100, 111, 13740, 1424, 146, 148,
alcoholism, 9, 1389, 1412, 1448, 159
Alexander, Gabriel, 12, 142, 144
Te Bottle; or, the Drunkard's Career
(c.1850), 9, 141
America, 3, 713, 78, 80, 136, 151
Ann, Elizabeth, 164
anxiety, 89, 12, 37, 41, 44, 1545, 165
Appignanesi, Lisa, 54, 91, 121
Mad, Bad and Sad (2007), 121
Arnold, Catherine
Bedlam: London and Its Mad (2008), 54
Arnold, Dr Tomas, 14
Association of Medical Of cers of Asylums
and Hospitals for the Insane, 86
Asylum Journal, 87
Asylum Reform Movement, 57
Atkins, Harriet, 25
attitudes passionelles, 1312
Auburn System, 78
Austerlitz, 43
Bacon, Mackenzie G., 163
On the Writing of the Insane (1870), 163
Bain, Alexander, 150
Emotions and the Will (1859), 150
Bakewell, Tomas, vii, 5, 1112, 1419, 227
A Letter, Addressed to the Chairman of
the Select Committee (1815), 11
Te Domestic Guide, in Cases of Insanity
(1805), 14, 17
Te Moorland Bard (1807), 15
Lines, Written afer a Dispute Respecting
the Insanity of a Man Who Made the
Attempt on the Life of Our Sovereign, 15
Ballard, J. G., 54
Barratt, J. O. Wakelin, 112
Bath, 21
Beard, George M., 122, 160
Bedford Fenwick, Mrs, 95
Bedingfeld family, 31
Lady Bedingfeld, 31
Sir Charles Bedingfeld, 31
Belle Grove, Leicester, 14
Bentham, Jeremy, 180
Betham family, 29, 31, 356, 39
Edward Betham, 33
Ernest Betham, 30, 39
Mary Betham
Crow-Quill Flights (n. d.), 30, 39
Te Lay of Marie (1816), 33
Matilda Betham, vii, 6, 2939
Challenge to Women (1821), 38
Remarks on the Coronation as it Respects
the Queen (1821), 38
Te Case of Matilda Betham, 36
Te Lay of Marie (1816), 301
Vignettes in Verse (1818), 30, 324
Matilda Betham-Edwards, 2930, 39
Rev. William Betham, 334, 39
Sir William Betham, 323, 39
Bethlem Hospital (also known as Bedlam;
originally Bethlehem Hospital), 13,
1517, 22, 43, 102, 124, 1523, 16971,
761 Insanity and the Lunatic Asylum.indd 219 31/10/2014 16:09:33
220 Insanity and the Lunatic Asylum in the Nineteenth Century
Bevan Lewis, William, 1089
Bictre Asylum, 1679
Biddulph, Walter, 24
bioarchaeology, vii, 7, 71
Bird, Robert Montgomery, 1757
Birley, Rev. John Shepherd, 7, 5863, 658
Birmingham Lunatic Asylum, 1, 136
Black, William, 1523
Blandford, Dr G. Fielding, 159
Blundell, T. Weld , 65
Bolshevism, 180
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 17980
Booth, J. B., 65
Bourne Taylor, Jenny, 158, 163
Bowes, Dr, 89, 94
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth, 153
Lady Audleys Secret (1862), 153
Brain, 111
Brasenose College, Oxford, 58
Brislington Asylum, Bristol, 14, 212, 164
Bristol, 14
Broughton, Dr, 61
Brouillet, Andre, 125
Un Leon Clinique la Salptrire, 125
Bruce, Mr (Home Secretary), 65, 153
Buckingham, James, 137
Bullen, F. S. J., 111
Burke, Edmund, 179
Busfeld, Joan, 87, 100, 136
Byron, Lord George Gordon, 20
Camberwell House Asylum, 156, 1645
Cambridge County Asylum, 87
Cambridgeshire Asylum, 92
Campbell, James Dykes, 30
Canning, George (Prime Minister), 19
Carden-Coyne, Ana, 107
Carlyle Tomas
Characteristics (1831), 149
Carlyle, Tomas, 156
Past and Present (1843), 156
Caroline of Brunswick, 38
Carpenter, Mick, 90, 946
Carpenter, William B., 138
Carven, Dr, 63
Casper, Stephen, 106
Castlereagh, Lord, 179
catatonia, 49, 523
Catholic Church, the, 65, 118
cerebro-spinal fuid, 10911
Chadwick, Edwin, 138
Chadwick, John, 145
Charcot, Jean-Martin, 89, 120, 1223, 1257,
12932, 162
Gleizes, Augustine, 9, 115, 1312
Wittman, Blanche, 125, 132
Charcot's knee, 103
Chelsea, 168
Chevalier, Frederick Richard, 26
Chiarugi, Vincenzo, 168
Chung, M. C., 89
Church of England, the, 65, 156
Clark, Francis W., 106
Clark, Michael J., 106
Classical Age, the, 116, 120, 122
class quarantine
infuence on treatment of hysteria, 121
Clausius, Rudolf, 103
Claybury Mental Hospital, 467
Clinical Chair of Diseases of the Nervous
System, 123
Clouston, Dr Tomas, 85, 889, 91, 93, 95
Cockton, Henry, 177
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 29, 31
Collins, Wilkie, 153
Te Woman in White (1860), 22, 153
Collins, William, 30
Colney Hatch, 44, 47, 51, 136, 1567, 164
Combe, George, 151
confnement, 119, 120
confnement houses, 116, 117, 118
Connelly, Dr John, 87
Conolly, Dr John, 51, 1558, 163, 169, 173,
Cooke, George Ellis, 155
Country Asylums Act (1808), 13, 16, 19
Craik, Dinah, 12, 20
Crest Homes, 47
Crichton-Browne, James, 101, 107, 109, 161
criminal insanity, 13, 15, 17, 25, 83, 160
criminality, 116
Crowther, Dr Caleb, 178
Croydon Infrmary, 106
Cruden, Alexander, 12, 168
761 Insanity and the Lunatic Asylum.indd 220 31/10/2014 16:09:33
Index 221
Cruikshank, George
Te Bottle (1847), 141
Cullen, William, 172, 177, 179
Darwin, Charles, 1045, 153, 162
Descent of Man (1871), 153
Origin of Species (1859), 153
Debord, Guy, 534
Te Society of the Spectacle (1968), 53
Defoe, Daniel, 12
degeneration, 8, 30, 82, 101
dehumanization, 129
Democritus, 145
A Medical, Moral, and Christian Dissection
of Tee-Totalism (1839), 145
Derby, Lord, 63
Diamond, Hugh, 102
Didi-Huberman, Georges, 1267, 130
Invention of Hysteria (2004), 126
Dingwall, R., A. M. Raferty and C. Webster
An Introduction to the Social History of
Nursing (1988), 85, 88, 91, 94
Dinmore, Rev. Mr, 66
Dix, Dorothea, 714, 76, 789, 81, 834
Douglas, Mary, 111
Purity and Danger (1970), 111
Duke of Norfolk, 65
Dunston, Superintendent Tomas, 32
Dworkin, Andrea, 1278
Pornography: Men Possessing Women
(1981), 128
see also Dworkin, Andrea and Catharine
Dworkin, Andrea and Catharine MacKinnon,
Pornography and Civil Rights: A New Day
for Womens Equality (1988), 127
Dyer, George, 35, 38
Earle, Pliny, 140
Earlswood Asylum for Idiots, 88, 97
East India Company, 33
economic crisis, 117
ECT seeElectro Convulsive Terapy
Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, 137
Edwards, Mary, 25
eighteenth century, 3, 910, 87, 117, 135, 178
Electro Convulsive Terapy, 52
Eliot, George, 151
Ellis, William, 138
encephalitis, 489, 513
Engstrom, Eric, 107
enkies seeencephalitis
Enlightenment, 2, 171, 1801
eroticism, 125, 128
Esquirol, Jean-tienne Dominique, 91, 16970
Esquiros, Alphonse, 168
Exeter, 22
Fabre, Auguste, 162
Fairbanks, Joseph, 25
Farr, William, 136
Faubert, Michelle, 15
female madness, 115
female malady, 9
female sexual submission, 115
femininity, 5, 132, 149, 1612
feminist movement, 115
Ferrier, David, 101, 105
Feuchtersleben, Ernst von, 160
Finch, John, 137
Finnis, Alfred, 165
Fleck, Ludwik, 101
Forth, Christopher, 107
Foucault, Michel, 23, 41, 54, 57, 11622,
124, 145, 167, 177
Madness and Civilization (1964), 23, 9,
45, 55, 116
Fox, Dr Edward Long, 14, 21, 22
France, 3, 78, 117, 119, 121, 136, 152, 169,
176, 179180, 211
Frasers Magazine, 154
French Revolution, 124, 171
Freud, Sigmund, 122, 126, 150, 158, 163
Friern, London, 44, 4752, 157
Friern Mental Hospital, Barnet, 44, 47
Fuller, Edward, 1556
Gardner, James, 92
Garrett, Dr John, 18, 23, 25
Geiger, Herrmann, 157
gender, 4, 14, 24, 100, 132, 137, 14952,
General Crisis, 117
General Paralysis of the Insane, 8, 1004,
106, 10813
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222 Insanity and the Lunatic Asylum in the Nineteenth Century
Gent, Joseph, 25
Gentlemans Magazine, 39
Gentlemans Magazine and Historical Chronicle,
George III, King, 13, 26, 179
George IV, Prince Regent, 34, 389
Germany, 117
Gilbert, Pamela, 111
Gittins, Diana , 41, 86
Glasgow Asylum, 137
Goodall, Edwin, 108
Gordon, Robert (MP), 152
Gough, John B., 143
Great Britain, 23, 8, 54, 71, 78, 856, 91,
117, 121, 1357, 152, 179
Great Confnement, the, 11517, 1201,
Grindrod, Ralph, 139, 140, 143
Guilleret, 1679
Guillot, Joseph Ignace, 180
Guislain, Joseph, 173
Hacking, Ian, 51
Halliday, Andrew, 152
Hanwell Asylum, 87, 1368, 150, 1545,
1578, 163, 169
Harper, William, 1578
Haslam, Dr John, 170, 172, 178
Hawksmoor, Nicholas, 45
Helmholtz, Hermann von, 103
hereditary insanity, 156
Hewiston, Anthony, 5960, 689
Higgins, Godfrey, 14, 1617, 23, 27
Hine, George Tomas, 47
Hitzig, Eduard, 105
Hobhouse, John Cam, 35, 37
Hobsbawm, Eric, 117
Holland, Dr, 623, 657
Holloway Sanatorium, 150, 1567
homelessness, 116
Houlton, F. C., 62
Hughes, Richard, 109
Hunter, Richard, 97, 179
Hustvedt, Asti, 1256, 128, 130, 132
hypochondria, 122
hypochondriasis, 160
hysteria, 9, 110, 11516, 12133, 149, 151,
15862, 165
male, 122
treatment, 115, 133
wandering womb, 121, 158, 161
hysterical mania, 161
idiocy, 25, 165
idleness, 119
imbecility, 60, 160, 173
industrialization, 154
Industrial Revolution, 57
Ingram, Allan, 30
Inman, Tomas
On Myalgia (1858), 161
Jackson, John Hughlings, 1045
theory of dissolution, 105
Jacobinism, 180
Jarvis, Edward, 136
Jerningham family, 31
Lady Jerningham, 31, 334, 37
Jones, Kathleen, 16, 21
Journal of Mental Science, 87, 89, 91
Journal of Psychological Medicine and Mental
Pathology, 136, 159
Joyce, James
Ulysses (1922), 49
Kent County Pauper Lunatic Asylum, 97
Kidd, Harold, 90
Kirkham, 58
Kraepelin, Emile, 153
labour therapy, 71, 7884
Lake Poets, 29
Lamb, Charles, 323
Lancashire, 7, 5765, 689
Lancaster Asylum, 104
Lancaster Moor, 57
Lancet, 110, 137, 150, 161
Largactil, 44, 51, 52
Laycock, Tomas, 162
L-DOPA, 489, 523
Leach, Rev. John, 21
Leavesdon Mental Hospital, 47
Lees, James, 113
Leicester, 14, 22
le Pois, Charles, 122
Lewis, C. S., 173
Lichfeld, 14
761 Insanity and the Lunatic Asylum.indd 222 31/10/2014 16:09:33
Index 223
Lichfeld Mercury, 18, 23, 26
Lincoln Asylum, 173
Littlemore Asylum, 92
Littler, Henry, 62, 64, 66
Liverpool, 22, 43, 60, 63, 66, 69, 137
London, vii, 9, 13, 16, 301, 346, 424, 47,
49, 52, 57, 61, 63, 109, 124, 138, 142,
1489, 152, 1559, 164, 209, 213
London Literary Gazette, 16970
Lorde, Audre, 132
Louis XIV, King, 180
Louyer-Villermay, Jean-Baptiste, 158
Lunacy Act (1890), 22, 912
Lunacy Act and County Asylums Act (1845),
1, 19, 21, 57, 867, 153
Lunacy Commission, 61, 64, 69, 86, 912,
107, 153, 159
Macalpine, Ida, 179
MacBride, David, 1679
MacKinnon, Catharine, 127
see also Dworkin, Andrea and Catharine
Macnish, Robert, 142
Anatomy of Drunkenness (1834), 142
Manchester, 22, 58, 109
Manchester Lunatic Hospital, 14
mania, 122, 140, 1545, 157, 164, 17780
Marey, Jules-Etienne, 104
masculinity, 5, 9, 137, 1434, 146, 14851,
154, 156, 160, 163, 165
masturbation, 9, 801, 1589
Maudsley, Henry, 163
McCandless, Peter, 21
Medico-Psychological Association, 86,
8990, 95
melancholia, 122, 140, 160
Mercier, Dr Charles, 90
Te Attendants Companion (1982), 90
Mickle, William Julius, 100, 106
General Paralysis of the Insane (1880), 100
microtome, 109
Middlesex, 19, 150, 154, 157, 169
Miller, James, 138
Mitchell, Juliet, 132
Mohawk River, 75
Monro, Dr Tomas, 171, 179
Moon, M. A., 139
morality, 79, 90, 110, 11821
moral management, 78, 878, 91
moral treatment, 14, 51, 121, 141, 170
Mosso, Angelo, 104
Mott, Frederick, 100
Mulock, Tomas, vii, 56, 1112, 1923, 257
British Lunatic Asylums (1858), 11, 201
Munthe, Axel, 130
Musil, Robert, 51
Muswell Hill, London, 157
Napoleonic Wars, 17, 26
National Socialism, 180
Neale, Martin, 164
nervous exhaustion, 154, 160, 161
neurasthenia, 122, 160, 161
New British Ladys Magazine, 33
Newcombe, Charles, 104
Newell, Sarah, 36, 37
New York, 7, 38, 716, 789, 812
New York State Care Act (1890), 74, 767, 84
Nolan, Peter, 87, 89, 956
non-restraint, 52, 87, 152
North British Review, 141
Nothnagel, Hermann, 105
Nottidge, Louisa, 21
O'Connor, Erin, 99
Raw Material (2000), 99
Oneida County Almshouse, 74
Oneida County Asylum, vii, 7, 712, 7484
Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellion(1983),
Oxburgh Hall, 31
Oxford, 20, 58
Paris, 55, 11516, 124
Hpital Gnral, 11620
Parkinson's Disease, 48, 501, 53, 55
Parliamentary Act for Regulating Madhouses
(1774), 13
Parliamentary Committee on Madhouses
(1815), 152
Parliamentary Select Committee
1763, 1213
1807, 13, 1516
1815, 11, 16, 21, 32
1828, 19
1834, 1378
1859, 22
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224 Insanity and the Lunatic Asylum in the Nineteenth Century
Parsons, Rev. Benjamin, 13940
Paul, John Hayball, 165
Perceval, John, 164
Petre, Lord, 65
photography, 123, 131
photomicrography, 103, 108
phrenology, 151, 165
physiognomy, 102, 163
Pickstone, John, 108
Pierce, Presdient Franklin, 72
Pinel, Philippe, 9, 1201, 123, 152, 169, 172,
174, 1778, 180
Poor Law, 4, 64, 66
pornography, 116, 1279
Porter, Roy, 35, 9, 39, 87, 151
post-mortem, 102, 10611
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, 122
poverty, 33, 36, 38, 58, 11617, 120, 123,
133, 1401, 144, 146
Powell, Enoch, 48
Preston, 578, 612
Preston Chronicle and Lancashire Advertiser,
Preston Guardian, 59
Preston Herald, 59
Preston Pilot, 59
Prestwich, 578, 614, 667
Prichard, James, 135, 1401
prisons, 1, 57, 72, 78, 82, 116, 153
Protestant Church, the, 65, 118
Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal, 137
psychogeography, 45, 47, 525
puerperal insanity, 100, 156
Pussin, Jean-Baptiste, 169, 180
Quakers, 14, 18, 89
railway mania, 154
Rainhill Asylum, 578, 601, 63
Reade, Charles, 27
Hard Cash (1863), 12, 22
red handbook, 90
Reed, John R., 177
Rgnard, Paul, 131
Reil, Johann Christian, 151
Reiman, Donald, 30
Reiss, Benjamin, 179
repression, 151
Reynolds, George W. M., 138
Richardson, Samuel, 168
Robertson, Dr J. L., 87, 92
Robinson, Daniel N., 179
Robinson, Henry Crabb, 30
Rome Water Works, 75
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 171
Rowlandson, Tomas, 179
Royal College of Physicians, 159
Royal Edinburgh Asylum, 85
Royal Literary Fund, 31, 356, 389
Russell, David, 89, 94
Russell, Richard, 88, 93
Rutherford, William, 109
Ruxton, W. L., 108
Sacks, Oliver, 489, 53
Awakenings (1973), 489, 53
Salptrire, 11517, 1201, 1234, 127, 129
33, 169
Sandow, Eugen, 99
Schweiso, Joshua John, 27
Scottish Temperance League, 144
Scudamore, James, 47
Wreaking (2013), 423
Scull, Andrew, 34, 9, 41, 68, 91, 96
Sebald, W. G., 48
Austerlitz (2001), 423, 45
Self, Will, 42, 479, 513
Umbrella (2012), 42, 4552
Walking to Hollywood (2010), 48
Te Quantity Teory of Insanity
(1991), 48
Self, Will and Ralph Steadman
Psychogeography (2007), 42
sexuality, 131
sexual repression, 158
Shaw, R. Cunlife, 58
Sheehan, John, 90, 934, 97
shell shock, 100, 122
Shenley Manor, 45
Sheppard Lee, Written by Himself (1836),
175, 177
Shorter, Edward, 110
Showalter, Elaine, 4, 8, 121, 126, 130, 135, 151
Hystories (1997) , 121, 126
Te Female Malady (1987), 4, 135
Shuttleworth, Sally, 158, 163
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Index 225
Sinclair, Iain, 42, 458, 53
London Orbital (2002), 42, 456, 48
Situationist, 53
Skipper, Benjamin, 155
Small, Helen, 113, 135
Smith, Dr L. L., 159
Cure, Comfort and Safe Custody (1999), 172
Smith, John William, 25
Smith, L. D., 15
Smith, Len, 88, 96
Smith, Leonard, 1723
social class, 62, 121, 148, 151
Sontag, Susan, 132
Southey, Robert, 302, 34
Southwark, 43
spectacle, 124
Spencer, Herbert, 105
Spring Vale, Stafordshire, 1418, 23
Staford Asylum, 16, 1819, 217, 88
Stafordshire, 12, 14, 223, 27
Stafordshire Advertiser, 23
Stafordshire Adviser, 18
Stafordshire County Lunatic Asylum, 56
Stafordshire General Lunatic Asylum, 12, 15
Stafordshire Lunatic Asylum, 20
State Charities Aid Association, 73, 7680, 82
Steinem, Gloria, 127, 129
St Lukes Hospital, 13, 17, 22, 326, 39
Stoke-on-Trent, 20
Strickland, Sir George, 26
Surrealists, 115
Surrey, 88, 97, 150
Sutherland, Dr Alexander, 32
Suzuki, Akihito, 5, 155
Swif, Jonathan, 30
syphilis, 101, 111
Szasz, Tomas, 180
Taylor, Barbara, 44, 478, 50
Te Last Asylum (2014), 42, 44, 48, 50
teetotaler, 1389
Te Adventures of Alexander the Corrector
(1754), 168
Te Asylum Workers Association, 95
Te Borderland of Insanity (1875), 162
Te Calcutta Journal of Literature and
Politics, 20
'the female malady', 8, 135, 165
the great divide, 86
Te History of Sir Charles Grandison (1753),
Te Imperial Magazine, 19
Te Kaleidoscope, 20
Te Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, the
Ventriloquist (1840), 177
Te Literary Gazette, 20
Te Lunacy Commission, 69
Te Monthly Magazine, 1618
Turman, John
On the Relative Liability of the Two
Sexes to Insanity (1844), 135
Turnam, John, 136
ticcing, 523
Tilt, Edward, 162
Traitement Moral, 78
Treatise on Insanity (1835), 135
Trollope, Anthony, 157
Te Way We Live Now (18745), 157
Tuke, Samuel, 14, 1718, 27, 87, 152
Description of the Retreat (1813), 14, 152
Tuke, William, 14, 87, 121
United States, 71
Dakotas, 151
vibrator, 115
Victorian era, 1, 5, 57, 111
Wadsley Asylum, 108
Wakefeld, 1617, 94, 178
wandering womb, 165
wandering womb tale, 121
Wedgwood, Josiah, 171
Am I Not a Man and a Brother?
(1787), 171
Weiner, Dora, 1689
Weld, John, 65
West Midlands, 88
West Riding Lunatic Asylum, 88, 93, 1012,
104, 1078, 137
West Sussex County Asylum, 90
West Yorkshire Asylum, 90, 934, 97
West Yorkshire Record Of ce, 97
Western Mail, 159
Wexler, Tanya, 115
Hysteria (flm), 115
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226 Insanity and the Lunatic Asylum in the Nineteenth Century
Whitbread, Samuel , 37
Whittingham, 7, 579, 629
Willard Act (1865), 736, 79, 81
Willard Asylum, 735, 79, 81, 83
Willard tax, 734, 84
Willis, Tomas, 122, 162
Wilson, Charles, 137, 13940
Pathology of Drunkenness (1855), 137
Wiltshire Asylum, 94
Wiltshire County Asylum, 89
Winslow, Forbes, 136
Wise, Sarah, 34, 10, 54
Wolverhampton, 14
Wood, Ellen, 1448
Danesbury House (1860), 9
workhouses, 54, 578, 602, 64, 68, 117, 153
Wright, David, 86, 88, 97
wrongful confnement, 1213, 212, 267
Wynter, Andrew, 6, 162
York, 14, 1618, 27, 73, 87, 137, 152
York Asylum, 14, 18, 152
York Herald, 16
York Retreat, 14, 1618, 87, 121, 136, 152
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