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Thank you for your interest in joining Jigglish.

Please enter the following information for your profile on Jigglish.
Then email it to me at - Please also
attach your profile photo for the website.
Have a great ay
!usanne "ouassi #my nickname is $szee%
&or your profile'
(our )sername *ions
(our location +anila, Philippines
-bout you . am *ions. . have been teaching $nglish for / years now an .
efinitely enjoy it. +y stuents from "orea, 0hina an Japan really ha
a great time uring my classes. They have always appreciate my
sincere interest in ifferent cultures an languages. . always make sure
that my stuents learn in a fun an lively learning environment to reach
their full potential. . know that you want to take your $nglish skills to the
ne1t level2 . will absolutely help you on that goal2 3e can happily share
a lot of ieas about our e1periences in life. Just look for me, *ions, an
let4s talk soon2
(our e1pertise 5eginner6.ntermeiate6-vance 78aily 0onversations6"i9s
(our hobbies 3atching +ovies, =eaing >ovels, Playing 5eerpong, ;istening to
0ourses you wish to present on Jigglish. #(ou can present as many courses as you like.%
8on4t worry about fining a picture for your course. . can o that for you.
? 0ourse name "i9s $nglish
@ 0ourse materials !ie by !ie
/ 0ourse objectives To provide basic English skills that are needed in daily interactions
To improve fluency in speaking, listen and respond in English clearly
To familiarize with the use of everyday vocabulary
A 0ourse outcomes Student communicates with peers and known adults in informal and guided
activities demonstrating emerging skills of group interaction
B How many minutes
per lesson
BC minutes6@B minutes
D 0ost per lesson #E% B.B )!86/ )!8
? 0ourse name 8aily $nglish 0onversations
@ 0ourse materials
Daily English Conversations
/ 0ourse objectives
communicate through speaking, listening, reaing, writing,
viewing an representing
use language to shape an make meaning accoring to
purpose, auience an conte1t
think in ways that are imaginative, creative, interpretive an
e1press themselves an their relationships with others an
their worl
A 0ourse outcomes !tuent communicates in a range of informal an formal conte1ts by
aopting a range of roles in group, classroom, school an community
B How many minutes
per lesson
BC minutes6@B minutes
D 0ost per lesson #E% B.B )!86/ )!8
? 0ourse name !tuent9s 0omprehensive $nglish
@ 0ourse materials
Comprehensive English
/ 0ourse objectives
communicate through speaking, listening, reaing, writing,
viewing an representing
use language to shape an make meaning accoring to
purpose, auience an conte1t
think in ways that are imaginative, creative, interpretive an
e1press themselves an their relationships with others an
their worl
A 0ourse outcomes !tuent communicates in a range of informal an formal conte1ts by
aopting a range of roles in group, classroom, school an community
B How many minutes
per lesson
BC minutes6@B minutes
D 0ost per lesson #E% B.B )!86/ )!8
? 0ourse name &reetalk
@ 0ourse materials
Freetalk Topics with uided Critical Thinking !uestions
/ 0ourse objectives
Students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in order to"
communicate through speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing
and representing
use language to shape and make meaning according to purpose,
audience and conte#t
think in ways that are imaginative, creative, interpretive and critical
e#press themselves and their relationships with others and their world
learn and reflect on their learning through their study of English
A 0ourse outcomes !tuent communicates effectively for a variety of auiences an
purposes using increasingly challenging topics, ieas, issues an
language forms an features.
B How many minutes
per lesson
BC minutes6@B minutes
D 0ost per lesson #E% B.B )!86/ )!8
? 0ourse name T:$&;6.$;T!
@ 0ourse materials
T:$&; i5T !peaking #5eginner, .ntermeiate, -vance%6
.eas an $1amples for .$;T! !peaking
/ 0ourse objectives
The course is designed to prepare you for the $E%TS e#amination and help
you to achieve your best possible band score& The course focuses on the four
skills tested in the e#am and combines the following aspects"
e#am familiarisation
skills development 'Speaking, (eading, )riting, %istening*
academic vocabulary development
e#am strategy
A 0ourse outcomes !tuent communicates effectively for a variety of auiences an
purposes using increasingly challenging topics, ieas, issues an
language forms an features.
B How many minutes
per lesson
BC minutes6@B minutes
D 0ost per lesson #E% B.B )!86/ )!8

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