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NOVEMBER 2014 VOLUME 15 ISSUE 2 www.hixnews.

Hi Bob,
Thanks so much for your quick response and for your
incredible ofer! My mom, in moving to Florida in 1979,
without meaning to do it, carelessly threw out tons of
my stuf from high school, college and grad school. At
the time, I was pregnant with my second child and my
mind was far away from what I had left in the Hicksville
house. So I blame myself as much as I was upset with
her at the time. Among many things that were impor-
tant to me was my high school yearbook. I even had to
pay for replacement copies of my college and graduate
school diplomas, since they were important records to
have. The other things were mostly sentimental losses
and I've kind of come to terms with it all. But when I saw
your email, I fgured I might as well ask.
I can look online, of course. Maybe I should do that frst
and see if I really do want to have the actual book.
Maybe it's less meaningful to me now.
How about if I take a look and then get back to you?
Meanwhile, as wonderful as your ofer is, you really have
to think carefully if you want to give up something that
was Joyce's. I would not want that kind of sacrifce from
you if it carries any special meaning. You are a dear, and
you deserve to keep 5 yearbooks if they are important to
So, I'll fnd some time to do the online looking and I'll get
back to you. Thanks again for the info and for the ofer -
Dear Bob,
I hope this fnds you in good health and enjoying life! I
was cleaning out some papers and just came across a 4
year old email message from you around the time of our
'61 Reunion. In it you mentioned the possibility of
getting a copy of the 1961 yearbook. Do you happen to
know if that is still a possibility and, if so, whom I should
Nancy Sherman 1961
Go to:
You can view the yearbook at your discretion. The other
alternative is I can send you a copy.
I have Joyce's book that I don't need. I have my own that I
use to scan photos for HixNews.
Let me know. Hope you are well. It's a year since Joyce
Love yah Bob
Hi -
Can you tell me how to submit alumni bios for the HixNews site - i.e. what format, where to
send, etc. I am from the Class of 1964 and will not be able to attend the reunion.
Thanks very much.
Robert (BoB) Greenhouse
Attached is a writeable form.Open the attachedand just write your answers into the blank spots
and then send back to me. Sorry you cannot attend the reunion. I wanted to be there myself but
circumstances didn't warrant that happening. I made it to the reunion in 1989 with my business
partner, Ted Swedalla. Fill it out and send it back
Regards, Bufalo Bob Casale
Hi Bob -
What a nice set of photos of you and Ted. I recognize his photo from the yearbook, but I'm
not sure that I knew him. (I'm sure you know what the years do for your memory!) Attached
is the document you sent me with a diferent photo I found of myself - might be more
appropriate - no sunglasses, no hat. Maybe you want to use both?
Thanks for doing this.
Best regards, Bob
Editor note Anyone wishing to read Bobs Biographical sketch, click on alumni bios in the
top menu on the newsletter, head to the class of 1964 and enjoy. I just checked the counter
at the very bottom of the bios site and to date, there have been 23,190 views!
Dear HixNews,
Hi there. I tried to add
my name but it had a
diferent e-mail for
me. Please use the
one entered below
(concealed). Thank
Bob Taub 1967
Havent seen HixNews in quite a while
(I used to get and read it every month)
and came across an old copy in an old
email folder.
FYI my email address is (Concealed)
and my birthday is July 21.
Joel Lieberman 1966
I haven't been getting any issues of the HHS Newsletter. Do you have my right email address? It used to
be (concealed) but now it is (concealed).
Dorothy Kunz Drago 1950
Editors Note: The changes were made. Anyone wishing to contact Dottie, Bob or Joel,
drop a note to the editors at and we will make the contact a
reality. Joels birthday is on the master list.
Best, Henry
Dennis Listort 1964
Hi Bob,
I see in the latest issue of the Alumni Bulletin, you were kind enough to list my
query asking for leads regarding Bruce Sollod. Please continue to do so with
each forthcoming issue. If I receive word from someone, then I will let you know.
Thank you so much.
Dennis Listort 1964
Below is the note that appeared in the October issue:
Hi Bob,
I'm trying to track down newspaper articles, police reports, etc., regarding the train
accident which caused the death of Bruce Sollod on May 4, 1962. Keith Thomas,
Jimmy Kansas and I were with Bruce at that time. Can you lead me to sources, links,
etc., that might have information? Thank you.
Dennis Listort 1964
Has the newsletter changed? Mitch Egan 1960

As always, it's at: The October issue is online.
Roger Whitaker, webmaster
Mitch, If youre referring to the look of the newsletter, yes it has a diferent
graphic feel since I took over the duties from Editor Emeritus David Rubin
in July. Hope you like it. -- Elliot Gorlin, Class of 63, Editor
Hi Bob,
I see in the latest issue of the Alumni
Bulletin, you were kind enough to list my
query asking for leads regarding Bruce
Sollod. Please continue to do so with each
forthcoming issue. If I receive word from
someone, then I will let you know. Thank
you so much.
Dennis Listort 1964
Below is the note that appeared in
the October issue:
Hi Bob,
I'm trying to track down newspaper articles,
police reports, etc., regarding the train
accident which caused the death of Bruce
Sollod on May 4, 1962. Keith Thomas,
Jimmy Kansas and I were with Bruce at
that time. Can you lead me to sources, links,
etc., that might have information? Thank
Dennis Listort 1964
This was sent to us from Chris Andersen
from the Class of 1967:
The editors have elected to place
Ethel Drago Kunz into the Hicksville High School Newsletter Hall of Fame
What follows is an exchange between Bufalo Bob, Dottie Drago and Ethel
(I fnally spelled Ethel's name correctly. Sorry about that!)
Thanks for the nomination. We've decided to enter Ethyl into the Hall of Fame in the next issue. Please see the
attached (the readership can view by going to the Home Page and clicking on the hyperlink). Thanks again
The editors of HixNews
p.s. I'm going to let you advise your sister of her induction
I am thrilled with this tribute to my sister, Ethel. Please correct the spelling of her name. It is not'sEthel.
Thank you so much. At 85 she isstill competing all over the country with her softball league & winning.
Thank you so much.
Dot (Kunz) Drago

Sorry atbout the mistake.Just sent the change to Roger.It should be done by tomorrow.Gotta pay more
attention. love yah Bob
On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 2:16 PM, Dorothy Drago wrote a note to her sister Ethel:
It took some time, but you are fnally being inducted into the HHS Hall ofFame. I sent all those pictures to them
with a recommendation. Make sure you see the next issue.
Love Dorothy
To: Dorothy Drago
I'm completely surprised, Dot. When did you do this? How very thoughtful of you, and many thanks. Funny
how Bob spelled my name wrong--"Ethyl", as my very frst awarded trophy is engraved as follows:
Most Valuable Player
Ethyl Kunz
L.I. Clovers
A.G.S.L. Still have that very old trophy.
love Ethel
I forwarded all of this to my sister, Ethel, and as by her comments she is thrilled. I wanted you also to see how
the spelling on her 1st trophy was spelled "Ethyl". I will be looking for her name on the Hall of Fame. Thank you
very much.
I forwarded all of this to my sister, Ethel, and as by her comments she is thrilled. I wanted you also to see how
the spelling on her 1st trophy was spelled "Ethyl". I will be looking for her name on the Hall of Fame.
Thank you very much.
Received the yearbook in the mail today. Thanks so much for sending it along to me. It's a welcome addition to
what I now have and wish I had access to every one through 2014. I have a great scanner and can produce good
quality photos for use in the yearbook. I looked through and noticed the graduating class. Looks like you have a
little over 100 in the class of 1947. When I graduated in 1961, we had almost 470. My business partner, Ted
continued on following page
Swedalla, from the class of 1964, had almost 1,400 in his class. You might have
been familiar with Ted's dad who was known as Ted Smith.
He's in the Softball Hall of Fame on Long Island. Was Most Valuable Player at
Jones Beach in 1950. Check out your yearbook photo Not a bad photo
considering the age of the yearbook.
love yah Bob.
Of course I know who Ted Smith is. My friends & I went to Jones Beach more than once
to watch him pitch, hit very well and he amazed us the way he was able to catch a
softball. Fast pitch softball was quite boring, as pitchers like Ted would have no
hitters, or give up very few hits in a game. That is how it eventually changed to "slow pitch" softball, more a hitter's
game and more exciting. Never knew Long Island had a Hall of Fame. Good for Ted!
My sister, Dorothy Drago tells me I have been nominated to the HHS Hall of, what a complete
surprise that was! Thank you to all who are responsible.
Just returned today from Dalton, GA where my team competed in a softball tournament and again placed frst in
the 75+ women's age bracket. So far this year, 3 tournaments, 3 championships. In October, we compete in the
Huntsman World Senior Games in St. George, UT. Through my participation in softball, I am getting to visit many
states in the country. Never did I dream I would be playing a game I love in my senior years. My 15 other team-
mates feel the same way. Pleased that you can use my yearbook. Thank you for everything you do.
I know what you mean about fast pitch sometimes being boring. When you have a quality pitcher, that
person can dominate the game. And it is the same with the men and the women. My frst exposure to fast
pitch was when I was in the navy back in the sixties. When I was stationed on the island of Cyprus in 1963
and 1964, I made two trips to Naples, Italy to play in the European fast pitch championships. Our premier
pitcher, Dave Balf, pitched a perfect game against the team from Sidi Yahia, Morroco. Then in 1968, when
stationed at Skaggs Island in Sonoma California, my team won the 12th Naval District Fast Pitch Champion-
ship. I enjoyed playing fast pitch, but, after coming back to civilian life, I wound up playing a lot of slow pitch
and that was equally enjoyable.

Dear Bob,
What a fabulous video you created for the "You Know You're from Hicksville If" site!
Incredibly beautiful!
I grew up in North Levittown, of Newbridge Road. I remember Mid Island Plaza and
Gertz well (I still call it Mid Island Plaza!) I remember a lot of those pictures - we spent
a lot of time in Hicksville! Most of my daughter's special celebrations were held at The Maine Maid Inn, and as
a child, we frequented Milleridge Inn on a weekly basis! Thanks so much for the memories!
I'm writing you to ask a question of you. I moved to Hicksville in 1992, after living in Plainview (not too far
away!) for years. My husband and I used to pass the old farm that was on Woodbury Road and Miller Road,
and I always loved the house. I was quite sad when the house was torn
down after a subdivision of the property occurred, not too long after we moved in.
I'm a journalist, and I was hoping to write a follow up story to the column that I wrote, a few weeks ago, for the
Hicksville Illustrated News. I have attempted to get in touch with the family of the property, and it has been a
bit unfruitful. I was hoping that, with your extensive knowledge of the area, you might be able to tell me a bit
about it, or at least furnish me with some photos. My editor has expressed an interest in a story, so I'd love to
be able to fnd out more about that lovely old farmhouse.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Patty Servidio
I'm not that knowledgeable.
I used a lot of information in my video that was in a book written by Dick Evers who was the town histo
rian until his death several years ago. The book does not have any farms listed. You can contact Bob Koenig
who is on the Hicksville Historical Society Board at (email concealed)
Another good source would be the new historian at the Hicksville Library, James Janis.
I posted a note on Facebook at You Know You're From Hicksville If.....
There was an old farm on Woodbury Road near Miller Road that had a very quaint house on the
property. It was torn down when a development was constructed. Does anyone know the name of the
farm and can you provide some background information or pictures? Thanks
Bufalo Bob Casale HixNews Editor and class of 1961
This was my grandparents home on 242 Woodbury Road. I can provide you with lots more info, as I have been
working towards compiling a family history on video. JAMES JANIS, the historian at the Hicksville Public Library,
also has compiled a large fle on our family history.
I have a busy schedule out of the house today, send me a phone # if you wish, I will call you about 5 or 6 eastern
Steve Manelski
Thanks so much for all of your assistance - this information is fabulous!
Hicksville News, as in Anton News/Hicksville Illustrated? Or is this something diferent? (I have been
writing for Hicksville Illustrated for almost 15 years, which is why I asked.)
Am I able to contact Steve myself? My editor and I are very motivated to get a follow-up column into
the paper soon. Since speaking with you, I've found out a few things about the farm - how there was a
little yellow house next door, how kids used to go on feld trips to the farm with little coupons that
cost them a nickel or a dime to get pumpkins for Halloween, cool stuf like that. I'm only too happy to
Continued on Following Page
Continued from Previous Page
glean any and all information that I can, to get the best story possible, in order to do
that beautiful old place justice. I always loved looking at it, and was sad to see it go.
I'll let you know, as I get the information. Please feel free to contact me and forward
anything else you get - I'm so happy that there's going to be a video!!
Patty Servideo, who writes for Hicksville Illustrated, will be sending you an email. She, along with the
editors of Anton News, want to do an article about your grandparents house on Woodbury Road. Any
assistance you can provide will only enhance the efort.
Bufalo Bob Casale
Thanks, Bob.
I'll be happy to help in any way that I can. My Aunt Irene is still alive and living in Hicksville. She grew up in
that house. I'll enlist her aid, also.
HixNews is a monthly newsletter published by former students of Hicksville High School (except for
Roger Whitaker who is married to Vicki Penner Whitaker, a graduate from the class of 1958, and is our
webmaster). The most current issue was made live last night on our website
Feel free to contact Steve via email. I will email him to expect a note from you. A few years back, we were
copying and pasting articles from the Hicksville Illustrated. That stopped when we were threatened by
someone at Anton with a lawsuit for copyright infringement. I thought that was a kick in the head because,
by publishing articles, it only enhanced Hicksville Illustrated. Perhaps more people might subscribe.
Cest La Vie.
Thanks and keep me in the loop.
Thanks for the info. I really enjoyed the old pictures of things I still remembered (the star at Mid Island Plaza,
intact, with the arch, right by Gertz - nobody else seems to remember it; the old bowling alley that's now Five
Guys; all of the old theaters that my husband and I used to frequent when we were dating...I grew up in
Levittown, of Newbridge Road, so I remember all of this! My dad worked in Syosset, so we used to go past
Sears to go up to Jericho...Milleridge was a favorite, for cinnamon bread! Loved looking at the old days -
thanks so much!) I signed up for the newsletter; though I am a graduate of Division Avenue HIgh School
(1980), my daughter is a graduate of HHS (2013). (My husband is a graduate of JFK in Plainview, 1980).
I'll contact Steve right away. I'm so happy to hear about the video; it will be wonderful to see some of the
aspects of the farm that weren't visible from the road. Thanks again for all of your help. You betcha - you're
defnitely in the loop!
I understand the whole issue with copyright infringements; I'm an editor for Long Island Magazine, and I also
write for Plainview Patch (still waiting for an issue for Hicksville). My work can be seen in both sites, as well as
in a column in Hicksville Illustrated. I can't write the same thing for any of the sites, or I can get sued. It
is what it is...ah, well.
Be well, thanks again, and we'll be in touch!
Dear HixNews,
George Lehmann, (Class of
1944) Birthday - 02/01/1927
Ethel Kunz Lehmann, (Class of
1947) Birthday 11/24/1929
George & Ethel Wedding
Anniversary 9/11/1955
p.s. The Newsletter is great. All of
you are doing a wonderful job.
Thank you for the card, and for
thinking of me. It was much
Ted Jeremenko 1977
Thank you for the card, and for
thinking of us. It was much
appreciated. First time in 58 years
I was sick on our Anniversary
feeling better now.
Barbara Fellows Cava, 1956
and Charlie Cava, 1955
Editor Note...glad you're feeling
better. It's a bitch getting old!!!
Nice birthday card. It certainly
hits home on phone menus.
Thanks for remembering.
Pete Foster
Jan Breeden Manaskie
Frank Lombardi
Harold Glazer
Jack Wyer 1959 and Ginny Wills Wyer 1963 Claire Gross Ceravino & John Ceravino 1964
p.s. thanks, too, for the birthday cardClaire
Dear HixNews,
Thank you for the card, and for
thinking of me. It was much
appreciated. I enjoy and look
forward to reading the Hix News
every month! Thanks and keep
up the great work!
Don Myers 1965
Larry Senn
Thank you for the card and for thinking of me. It was beautiful.
Cant believe I got to this age so fast!
Karen Hubner Jenkins, Class of 1962
Maureen Uss Bensen
Thank you for the card,
and for thinking of us.
It was much appreciated.
It's been a wonderful 51
William and
Marcia Allan 1960
Dear Bob,
My thanks to you and the editorial gang at HixNewsfor
the fun birthday card! At age 70, I just wish eating
birthday cake would make me bigger and stronger, like
the football player in the card. But then again, we're all
fortunate to still have our health!! The card was lots of fun.
Best regards
Joe Carfora 1962
Arlene Richards Wellbrock
Peggy Geslein Rybak
Denise Eisele Felipe
Tom Reilly
Thank you for the lovely card, and for thinking of
me. It was much appreciated, and so is all the
work you do for the newsletter. I look forward to it
every month.
Bonnie Scharr Papes 1961
Phil Servedito
Ray Carine
Jerry Fischer
Cheryl Canfeld Ward
and Bob Ward1966
Jefhrey Hecht and
Leslie Becker Hecht 1976
Bill Canham 1961
Thank you Bob & the
HixNews gang, who are
remarkable, for the
card. Thanks for all you
do for Hicksville High
Dana Hayden Jackson
Joan DeJohn Brite 1961
Thank you so much for
the beautiful musical
card. I really appreciate
your thoughtfulness.
It's so nice to keep up
with the news from
Hicksville HS.
Gail Frazer
Hagstrom 1963
Thank you for the card,
and for thinking of me.
It was much appreci-
ated. You do a fantastic
job keeping folks in the
Santo Carfora 1964
Great card! Many
thanks for the good
wishes and back at you.
All the best.
Kathie Sumrow 1965
Thank you for the card,
and for thinking of me.
Finally Retired and frst
Social Security check
coming next month!
Jim Dolan 1966
Thanks for my birthday
Arlene Klein 1966
Thank you for the card,
and for remembering
Sue Z Smith (Susan
Ambrico) 1968 and
Jef D!
There are few sure
things in life. One is
hearing from my friend
Bob and the HHS gang.
Thank you so much for
the lovely card and
Tina Gardner
Kwiatkowski 1969
Robert Greenhouse
Josephine D'Angelo
Brooks 1964
Cherylann Donghia
Cook 1964
Some questions for Margaret Did you graduate from Hicksville High?
If so when? Are you married and is Ventimiglia your married name? Where did you see
the Hicksville Then & Now video? Are you familiar with the Hicksville High School
Bufalo Bob Casale
Class of 1961 and Editor HixNews
Yes, I graduated in 1975. Goldsmith was my maiden name. Saw the video on Facebook.
No I'm not familiar with the Hicksville High School newsletter but will check it out. It was a
defnite blast from the past. Thanks again.
Denis Zadorecki
Karen Chameides
Gowrie 1966
Anthony Bocchiere
Addy DelCioppo Spitzer 1964
Welcome aslo to Marilyn Walter Alter, Class of 1970!
I attended a wonderful tour of Hicksville High School today.
The principal, Raymond Williams, is amazing and the guests were very impressed
with his tour. Visited with classmates Ive not seen since 1964. So nice @ smart!
Please add my name to the membership list. Thought I had signed up for the
newsletter but did not yet receive. Thank you!
Barbara Walter 1964
Fran Monte Honett
Margaret Goldsmith
Ventimiglia 1975
Hi Mary,
As you requested, we have added you to
the HixNews member list. I am guessing that
you are Terry's younger sister. If you are,
please give her my best regards.
Henry Lichtenstein, 1959
e to
ry Tisd
ell M
ss o
f 1
Yes I am her younger sister. I'll certainly pass along your greetings. How are you? How did you get involved
with HixNews?
Hi Mary,
I don't remember how I got involved with HixNews; it's been quite a few years now. I think it was because Bufalo
Bob needed some help, and I volunteered.
I was certain you were Terry's sister because Tisdell is not a common name, and you resemble each other quite a bit.
As you probably know, Terry and I were girlfriend/boyfriend in high school and college. She and I went to her senior
prom together (Terry was a year behind me).
But I bet you don't remember that you and I spent one night sleeping in the same room! I don't mean to embarrass
you, but it did happen when you were around 4 or 5 years old. I was visiting Terry one night at your parents' house,
and I got snowed in for the night. Your parents allowed me to sleep in the room you shared with Terry, and I think
Terry slept in your parents bedroom. You were in a crib, and I guess I slept in Terry's bed. Your brother probably
didn't have a second bed in his room. I remember the shocked look on your face when you saw me the next morn-
ing. When I woke up, you were standing in your crib, staring at me and obviously not comprehending what was
going on.
I am enjoying my retirement in California with my wife Trish, who is working on her PhD in cognitive science and
linguistics at the University of California. I have two sons (both in their 40s) from my frst marriage. I also have 3
I hope all is well with you and Terry and both your families.
Best, Henry
Nice little story, Henry!
Bob Gillette
Thanx, Bob. It also has the beneft of being absolutely true.
Best, Henry
I was honored to get the lead as "Nonna" in the wonderful short flm, "Lobster
Fra Diavolo" produced by Oriana Oppice and written by Jane Barbara.It's
scheduled to shoot the frst week in December. It's a funny, heartwarming flm
that will bring back memories of the strong and wonderful grandmas of all
ethnicities that we loved so much.
If you have time in your busy day and would like tosee the background on
"Lobster Fra Diavolo" go to their facebook site at or their Twitter handle, @LobsterDiavolo.
All best wishes,
Harri Molese
Interesting Videos:
Hicksville New York Then and Now (7,443 views):
Thanks so much. It was a great review of Hicksville. I moved here when I was almost 13 and now I'm 57 and still live in
the same house. But the family came to Hicksville on weekends even before we moved here to visit my uncle who lived
in Hicksville. Margaret Ventimiglia
Just watched the video of Hicksville. Loved it. As a graduate of HHS (class of 67) and a new
retiree of Nassau County, I look back fondly on those days. It was nice to see photos of the
town at the turn of the century.
Growing up in a Levitt home, some of the photos really brought back wonderful memories.
I also have wonderful memories of attending HHS . I guess it is true when they say, for many,
the high schoolyearswere the best. Anyway, thanks again.
Tony Bocchiere
IPledge Allegiance to the Flag (44,087 views)
Honoring Hicksville High School New York Servicemen and Women (448 views)
Class of 1962 Fifty Year Reunion (377 views)
Memorial Day Tribute to Hicksville H.S. Veterans (673 views)
Class of 1964 In Memoriam (435 views)
Dear Mike Germain (HHS Class of 1964)
Your former classmate from Hicksville
High, Phil Hearon of 1964, would like to
contact you. His email is (concealed).
Phil Hearon Mike Germain
mail to:
Hi Bob:
I had to change plans at the last minute and will not be at the reunion this weekend.
Please, also pass that message on to John Maniac, but tell him to use my $100 toward
the expenses of the event.I am so sorry I will not be there tomorrow. We just moved
(twice in the last month) combining two homes into one here in Florida. As I write, we
are in the middle of moving boxes and rehabcontractors trying to get in and settled.
No way could I get away at this time.Please pass along my regards to all the attendees
andhopefully everyone will have a GREAT time.
Charlie and Charla Henningsen
Editor Note: tis Friday night and the reunion has begun. Sent a note to John on behalf of
Dear Bob,
See attached photo (scan 17). It shows all of us at the Holiday Inn last night. Around 122
in attendance. Also attached we toured the high school (around 40 of us) on Saturday
morning with their very impressive new principal, Mr. Ray Williams. He spent more than
2 hours with us answering questions with passion and extensive knowledge. We prob-
ably threw about 100 questions at him. He is trying to re-establish an alumni association
at the school to both honor former students as well as raise money for scholarships for
his students. The group photos were taken in the Little Theater. Ray Williams was stand-
ing next to me in the back row.
Maureen Uss Bensen took many photos of how we look now and she will get them to
you soon. There was a video camera recording part of the evening and once I get that
recording I will forward to you.
Once again, this reunion would not have been as successful without the early and constant help/assistance of
you and Maureen. Thank you very sincerely.
John Maniec
Glad you all had a good time. And you had a nice turn out. I amlooking forward to getting pictures
so I can work on a presentation. So happy for the class of 1964.
Johanna LoGerfo also sent me a link to her pictures on Snapfsh
Thanks for the pictures. I downloaded most. The only problem is I have no idea who is who. I think
Maureen Uss took pictures and has a list of names. Looks like everyone had a ball. Glad it turned
out to be a "total" success.
love yah Bob
Hi Bob
I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. It would have been great to see you...........maybe next time.
Love, Johanna
Patricia Bowdridge Brimm:
Santo Carfora:
Arnie Gould:
Robert Greenhouse:
Jeanne Hughes Schwarting:
Richard Keliher:
Lorraine Kirwan Cheeseman:
John Maniec:
William Palmer:
Paulette Paul Murphy:
Ted Swedalla:
Maureen Uss Bensen:
Class of 1964 Reunion Update!
A note from Bob Greenhouse, Class of 1964:
Dear Friends of the Class of 1964,
I am sorry I am not with you to celebrate our 50th reunion, but I did want to say hello
and wish you all the best. From far away in California, I send you my warmest wishes.
Although I cannot attend this reunion, it set me thinking about what I would say if
someone asked me, what have you done in the past 50 years? After much thinking, it
made me happy. For I have been very sad for the past four years, ever since my
company shut down and ended my career, and as I saw it, took away my identity. But
thinking back over the past ffty years I realize that I have been very blessed. The
education I received in the Hicksville public school system prepared me for a lifetime
of learning which continues to this day, and for which I am very grateful.
I continued in school, after leaving Hicksville High School, for another 12 years,
spurred on by a thirst for knowledge that many of my teachers inspired. My love of
science, math, English, Latin, and music were most infuential in my life. I went on to
a PhD in chemistry and after 4 years of postdoctoral training and a year as a visiting professor in Mexico, I
joined Syntex, a pharmaceutical company, and stayed there for the next 33 years, surviving a buyout by Roche
Pharmaceuticals. I was well paid to do what I had always wanted to do since the age of 10 years old to do
chemistry in my own lab.
I never became a director, a VP or a CEO, but I did what gave me satisfaction and we got two drugs to the
market. How cool is that! I derived much satisfaction in working with other scientists as a mentor, helping
them to be successful, and for that opportunity, I am very grateful.
Because I was well paid, I was able to raise a family in the San Francisco Bay area, buy a house and put two
beautiful daughters through college and walk away without debt. What more could I ask for? I am very grate-
Meanwhile I have derived enormous satisfaction as an amateur composer, arranger, singer and songwriter
without having to worry about income. I currently take courses in music at a local community college for my
own satisfaction. In addition (so that my brain does not turn to jelly) I act as a consultant in the School of
Medicine at Stanford University where we have just fled a patent for a new antibiotic and submitted a publica-
tion to a peer-reviewed journal.
Life has been good to me in the past 50 years in spite of a few bumps in the road which I dont need to think
about, given all the good things that have come my way. The education I received at Hicksville High School,
both in science and in music, gave me the foundation I needed to achieve many things I never dreamed of in
1964 when I last saw you all. Best wishes to you all for many years to come.
Bob Greenhouse, Class of 1964
I just wanted to tell you that the '64 reunion was a great time, and I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you. I hope
you are feeling better soon. Without your help, this whole thing wouldn't have gotten of the ground, much
less been as successful as it was. I managed to get in touch beforehand with about a dozen of my personal
circle of friends who attended, and they all were really happy they came. Tommy Sullivan, who played there
was great, and as a musician who played with him in HHS, it was really fun talking about old times, along
with a few other musicians who showed up.
Again, I want to thank you for your help. I am organizing and photoshopping some pictures that I have
from the reunion to improve them. I understand from John Maniec that you are going to be the central
sorting house for all of the pictures. Is that true? Let me know, and I will send you what I have.
Thanks again,
Arnie Gould
Class of 1964 Reunion Update!
Thank you for all your eforts to make our 50th HHS Reunion such a success! Lorraine and I had a terrifc time
catching up with old classmates. You probably heard that we had a major lightning strike on our home that
occurred after our frst day on the road toward Hicksville (we left New Braunfels, TX and had gotten to Vicks-
burg, MS when we had to return home). In a whirlwind we got the major items fxed and headed back to
Hicksville arriving that Friday afternoon - just in time! You, John, Maureen and Virginia did a GREAT job!!!!!!
Thank you again.
Bob & Lorraine Cheeseman
A note to Johanna LoGerfo from the class of 1964:
Who's the guy in
the photo with you
and Doris Moore?
love yah Bob
Did I ask you....was
Jimmy in the Drum
and Bugle Corps???

Hi Bob
The "guy" in the
picture is "Paul
Anka"! I was
president of the LI
branch of his fan
club back in the
early 60's. This was
taken when Doris
Moore and I were
16. One day out of
the blue I get a
phone call from
Paul Anka himself
asking if I would
go on a date with
him to the Copacabana in NYC. He was doing a show there and wanted to meet me. He said I could bring
along a girlfriend. So I invited Doris. To say the least, it was an amazing night. That was one of many pictures I
had taken with him. I brought that one of the two of us (Doris & I) to the reunion. I mounted it to the table
number stand and lots of people stopped by our table all night to see it.
Who are you referring to in your question - "was Jimmy in the drum & bugle corp"?
Cool...I just didn't recognize the "star." I was referring to Jim Dyckman, your husband.
love yah Bob
A note back from JohannaJim Dyckman was not in the drum & bugle corps however, his sister
Patti Dyckman was.
Class of 1964 Reunion Update!
Johanna LoGerfo Dyckman Doris Moore
s U
s h
r th
t N
r E
HOORAY!! Written tax exempt status has fnally been received for the Memorial Organization.
Bill Walden is in charge of our fund raising eforts. Please see his note on the HixNews Home Page for
details on how you can make a donation to help enable construction and completion of the Memorial.
No new names were added in October and the Confrmed List of Names continues to stand at 1,890.
However, some progress was made on missing data for the Confrmed List and qualifcation for the
Unconfrmed List.
Our appeal continues. As Jim Rubins did for the Class of '67 in August, if we can get other class
presidents and/or reunion committees to provide us with contact information on the Veterans in
their respective classes who we are still missing data for, we can get this task completed. At the
same time, we still can use the help of the HixNews readership to verify whether or not the still
unconfrmed people on this list qualify to be included in the Memorial and to help us fll in missing data on the Confrmed
List also. Remember, every little bit of efort helps!!
Please see the full UPDATE by clicking on the Honoring Our Veterans tab of this edition of HixNews. Also, remember that clicking on the two
links near the bottom of the UPDATE will bring you to the complete Confrmed and Unconfrmed Lists of Names as of the end of October. And,
If you have any new information to send us, please email it to me at:
Last, as Veteran's Day once again approaches on November 11th, please plan to honor all Veterans who served to defend the freedom of this
great country of ours and especially those who paid the ultimate price in their service.

On behalf of the Project Team,
Joe Carfora, HHS 1962
...It is with great sadness to report that
my brother, Artie Catanzarita has
passed away suddenly. Artie was Class
of 1967. Rest in Peace, Artie. We will miss
you greatly.
Lucille Catanzarita-Strafer
Artie Catanzarita graduated Hicksville High School in 1967
and was the original drummer and founding member of The
Brooklyn Bridge, playing on hits such as The Worst That
Could Happen, Welcome Me Love and so many more.
Prayers. So very
Sorry for your
loss, condolences
to you and your
Barbara Leek
RIP ...My
condolences to
the family and
Michael Endsley
So sorry for your
Nancy Lauro
Such sad news.
My condolences
to your family
from someone
who knew your
brother in high
Mark Virgilio
So sorry for your
loss... Too young.
Sending prayers
your way.
Maureen Uss
My condolences
to you and your
Philip Servedio
The second Brooklyn Bridge Album.
Artie is seated wearing the pink shirt
We also fondly remember other members of The Broolyn Bridge that have passed on:
Johnnie Maestro (1939-2010)
Freddie Ferrara (1940-2011)
I believe I may have sent this
in before, but, if not, I would
like to have this announced in
Denis Leahy 1974
Hi Bob,
I am the sister of
Lois Chameides. I graduated
with the class of 1966. Lois
passed away at the age of 32.
Her married name was
Monahan. She was so young
and it was due to complications
from her juvenile diabetes.
There were people looking for
her in your newsletter. I still
miss her. She is always in my
thoughts and in my heart.
Thanks for asking.
Karen Chameides Gowrie 1966
So sorry for your loss. It's sad that she passed at such
an early age. I think about all the alumni deaths
that occurred too early in their lives. It only shows
how vulnerable we are to illnesses that need to be
eliminated. Thanks for the update. We will make
corrections where they need to be applied.
love yah
Bufalo Bob Casale
p.s. plus you are not on the HixNews Google list. Go
to the home page and in the Google box on the left,
type in your email address and we can include you
on the master list.
Just heard that Karen Kit Penndorf, from our class of
1965, died of colon cancer a few years ago. As people are
emailing me about the reunion next year, I am asking if
they know of any more of our classmates who have
passed to add to your In Memoriam list.
Elin Fischman 1965
Just a heads up!
Marc Potack, class of 1973,
passed away in January of 2014.
Jessa Fahey
Elin Fischman Karen Penndorf
Karen Chameides Gowrie
Who Remembers....
1206 PM EDT MON AUG 11 2008

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