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zleti levelezs

Useful Key Phrases

Bevezets, hivatkozs
With reference to
- your advertisement in the Times,
- your letter/fax/e-mail of !rd "arch,
- your #hone call today,
- our #reliminary corres#ondence
- your in$uiry
% am &ritin' to
- en$uire a(out
- a#olo'ize for
- confirm
- com#lain
- ex#ress my dissatisfaction &ith
- inform you that
Thank you for
- your letter of )date* concernin'
- o#enin' an account &ith+++
- sendin' me a )catalo'ue, $uotation*
- your en$uiry of )date*
- your letter of "arch ,th+
% am contactin' you re'ardin'
This is to inform you
-eferrin' to your letter of )date* concernin' the
-e'ardin' your advertisement .ad/ in +++
1ould you #ossi(ly 2
% &ould (e 'rateful if you could
)after the reference*, &ould .could/ you #lease send me +++
% &ould also like to kno& +++
1ould you tell me &hether +++
% &ould (e deli'hted to
We &ould also like to inform you+++
-e'ardin' your $uestion a(out+++
%n ans&er to your $uestion .en$uiry/ a(out+++
34 h5r
We consider this incentive+++
We are confident
We assure you
We ho#e to
We are most 'rateful for
-ossz h5r
% am afraid that
We must ask you to
"uch to our re'ret &e are una(le to
We re'ret to tell you
We must ask you to
We have no alternative (ut to
6nder these circumstances
% &ould like to take this o##ortunity +++
% let you kno&
The fact that
8s stated
8s+++, % &ill (e ha##y to ans&er any $uestions you may have re'ardin'+++
9r4 mondatok
:lease let us kno&
:lease, make sure
Thank you for your hel#+
:lease contact us a'ain if
- &e can hel# in any &ay+
- there are any #ro(lems+
- you have any $uestions+
7hould you have any $uestions, do not hesitate to contact me+
Tov((i l#sek
% look for&ard to+++
- hearin' from you soon+
- hearin' your res#onse+
- meetin' you next Tuesday+
- seein' you next Thursday+
- receivin' your order+
- &elcomin' you as our client .customer/+
% &ould (e most 'rateful if you &ould look into this matter as soon as #ossi(le+
:lease contact me if you re$uire further details+
:lease do not hesitate to contact me should you re$uire further information+
:lease let me kno& as soon as #ossi(le &hat action you #ro#ose to take+
% trust that you &ill 'ive this matter your ur'ent attention+
% ho#e you can settle this matter to my satisfaction+
"ellkletek csatolsa
:lease find enclosed/attached
We enclose/attach+++
;nclosed you &ill find+++
We are returnin' a co#y of
7ee files attached+

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