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Whats past is prologue (William Shakespeare)

It was my fathers shop. He left it to me when he died a few years back and I came up from
Colorado to take it over. I never was much interested in perfume but no-one was buying
my paintings and California is a nice part of the world so I thought What the heck?. Turns
out with finances being what they are no-one much wants to buy perfume either. I make
enough to get by but honestly who would pick a bottle of Eau de Lyon against a loaf of
bread. I dont remember a lot of the customers. Most of them come in, buy the perfume
and leave. I do remember the merchant navy guy though.

Im here every night, 5pm t 2am. Cleanin glasses, servin drinks, solvin problems. I swear
that barman is one lower than psychiatrist and a psychiatrist cant get you blin drunk when
y do discover your problems. Every time its th damn same. I got no money My wife left
me my mother died, yada yada yada. I jus listen to their problems and refill their glass.
Aint no problem yet not bin cured by straight bourbon, no ice or nothin. A lota service men
come through this way, down the Mississippi, but theyre never here long, well part from
one of my reglars. Hes bin here near every other day for the last 6 weeks. No-one really
knows his name, hes just th merchant navy guy.

I saw him outside, through the display window, before he came in. He was dressed in the
standard merchant navy gear and appeared to be transfixed by the display. It was
October, sunny, but he must have been cold out there. He just stared and stared, his head
getting closer and closer to the glass. Then out of nowhere he straightened up and looked
around, like someone had run electricity through him. He rushed into the shop like he had
demons on his tail and slammed the door behind him. I started my patter.
Good morning sir. How can I help you? thanks. No thanks Im..Im just looking
He made to look like he was admiring the perfume but I could see his eyes staring into the
middle distance.
Something for a lady friend of yours
For your mother then or your sister
He paused before he answered, distractedly. No
I smiled my rehearsed smile, gave him a courteous well, take your time and turned to
check stock behind the counter, expecting him to carry on looking and then leave or buy
something. However he made it clear he did not want me to leave.
Hasn't it been cold recently he said rapidly
Yes, but sunny
Yeah. That must be good for you, spending all day in here.
What do you mean?
He looked around him, trying to work out what he did mean.
Well, all this glass he said, indicating the shelves When the sun shines through, it splits
into rainbows which spread across the floor and the more jagged bottles he pointed to the
display of Essence by Lanegan sparkle like diamonds. Light dances off the walls. A
glitterball in a dance hall
Thats good. I laughed you should be a poet
I regained my professionalism.
The Lanegan in the window is a fine perfume and very reasonably priced for what..

He raised his voice Just.. drop your sales pitch. I want a conversation.
What for?
Cant a guy have a conversation?
What do you want to talk about? I said resignedly
He stood for a second, thinking.
Have you always sold perfume?
No, I took it over after my father died. I was a painter a long time ago.
His eyes brightened Then you know what I mean about the glass
Maybe I did once but not any more.
No. Thats not something you forget. Its like remembering a card trick. When was the last
time you painted ?
I cant remember.
You just have to get something on the page. Whenever I had writers block I would just
write about these glass animals my sister had. Something simple that I saw every..
He had another electric shock moment rather than standing straight, he curled into himself
and muttered Im sorry..I..I have to go. Staring at the ground, as if so as to not look at the
bottles, he left. I watched him through the window again. Crossing the road, he ducked
into an alleyway and headed towards the Royale'. The Movie will have already started but
I didnt call after him.

Jus a usual day. Bout 10pm and he was here again. Quite quiet. Jus the clink of glass on
wood and the phonograph in the corner playin some swing record. He finished his 4th
bourbon and said Another. It wernt doin im much good but im not one to stop im. I
poured im another glass of Jamesons best and wen back to polishin the glasses. After 2
more glasses, the phonograph played that Glenn Miller tune Moonlight Serenade. He
suddenly moves, quick and jerky like, like he has a thousan volts passin though his ass.
Shut that thing off, will you. The rest of the bar-flies hollered saying I like this song and
the such like but I could see that the merchant navy guy was sufferin real bad and so I
went over and lifted the arm. There was mumblin but no real complaints. Drunks dont
bite the hand that pours em drinks.
Gee I said what beef you got with Glen Miller?
I dont have a beef with Glen Miller. The dancehall next to my old house just played that
song, thats all. I reminds me of my sister
A dancer was she?
No, but she was fascinated with her record collection. Between her and the dance hall, it
seemed a swing band was following me around all the time
He trailed off, starin just behind my head
You awright?
Its just my sister. When I think back it always seems to be my fault
Everything. Mother always made it seem like it was me. Me or our dear departed daddy.
We were and still are scapegoats
He slumped.
It can be that bad I tried.
No, I suppose not. Its just she was so oppressive. Taking my books, telling me how to do
everything, getting me up with her goddamn rise and shine
Sounds like my Ma.Maybe shes jus doin all those things to keep you safe. Just doin'
what she thinks is best for ya
He looked into the middle distance again

I never thought of it like that. And it wasnt all bad. Talking about the moon rising over the
skyline and making wishes. If only mine had come true. Another.
I poured im another. He was in his own head and I had no bisnis bein there.

I never saw him again. He must have moved on or something. I guess Ive moved on as
well in a way. Ive started painting again. Light through perfume bottles. Perhaps Ill sell
one of them to Lanegan for a billboard. You know, despite the strange circumstances..

I never saw im agin. I thought abou what he said and what I said. I aint seen my mom fo
a long time. Mabye ill give her a call. Ya know

Im glad I met the merchant navy guy.

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