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Nov. 2-8, 2014 Vol. XXII No.

Offcial Publication of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles, Jaro, Iloilo City Tel. Nos. 320-9505 & 329-1625 website:
6th Sunday of Easter
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day)
Pray for All the Faithful Departed!
llow me to start with a story written
by Lorraine Murray. Its a very
interesting story reminding us of the
importance of prayers and Masses offered
to our beloved departed:
A thick fog has settled on the shore.
The sun looks bleached and bone-white,
almost like the moon.
Usually I head for the beach in the
warmer months, but some impulse has
called me here on this crisp November
morning. Strangely, the beach is filled with
other people, walking slowly and huddled
together against the chill.
Suddenly I realize someone is walking
with me, a young man with luminous
blonde hair and oh, no, am I losing my
mind? I swear he has wings!
He sees my perplexed expression and
nods in a friendly way.
Yes, an angel, youre correct. He falls
into step with me.
But I thought angels couldnt be seen.
Im growing more nervous by the second.
Oh, usually thats the case, he says,
but every so often, we make an exception.
The fog is growing thicker, and the
people on the shore look cold and somewhat
forlorn. As if reading my thoughts, the
angel draws closer to me, and I feel warmth
radiating from him.
Most people dont realize how cozy
feathers are, he chuckles.
Now I know something is wrong,
because here I am on the beach in November
and Im talking to an angel.
Who are all these people? I just have
to know, even if the answer might be scary.
They are the souls in Purgatory,
he replies. The ones we call the faithful
I notice many people are dressed in
the fashions of centuries ago, so they have
clearly been walking the beach a long time.
The angel seems to read my mind. You
see, some poor souls dont have people
on Earth to pray for them, he explains.
Perhaps their relatives abandoned the
Church, and no longer believe in Purgatory
or maybe these souls have no living family
members left on Earth.
Just then, I notice a few people wading
into the ocean and then swimming toward
an island, which looks sun-streaked and
dense with trees.
Even though its far away, I can see
everything distinctly: people climbing out
onto the sloping shore and being met by
angels, who wrap them in blankets and
hand them steaming cups of tea.
Thats heaven, of course, and its just
a short swim away, the angel says. The
faithful departed who are swimming there
have families on Earth having Masses
celebrated in their memory and praying for
I feel an uneasy feeling in the pit of my
stomach. I have no children, and most of my
relatives are not Catholic, so I have to ask:
Do only souls who have people praying for
them get to heaven?
The angel smiles in the kindest way.
Even if no one prays for you, heaven awaits
all who die in a state of grace. It just takes
longer to get there.
Suddenly I hear an owl hooting quite
insistently, and in that instant, the angel
starts dissolving.
No, dont leave me! I cry out, but hes
I wake up and realize the owl is hooting
in a tree outside my window. I glance at the
clock: It is 3 a.m. on November 2, All Souls
It was just a dream, I assure myself,
but as I scrunch the pillow to make it more
comfortable, a feather drifts out of the case
and flutters to the floor.
A few hours later, I go Mass and offer
up my Holy Communion for the souls of the
faithful departed on my list: my parents,
grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends.
But the angels message struck deep,
so I dont stop there. I also remember the
poor souls who have no one to pray for
them. And as I offer my prayers for these
forgotten ones, I imagine them one day
leaving the foggy shore and swimming to
that distant golden island.
This story reminds us to pray for all
the faithful departed. November 2 is a day
to commemorate them. As Catholics we
believe that life does not end in death, but
death is a door to eternal life with God.
But not everyone who dies is immediately
ready for the beatific vision. As taught to us
in our catechism class, the beatific vision is
a direct experience of God and His perfect
stature. It is said that we enjoy adoring God
face to face in Heaven. So, in order for them
to enjoy this holy occasion with God, we
must always pray for the souls in purgatory
for their purification. Prayers and Masses
of the faithful benefit them in the process
of their purification. Personally, I believe
that the souls of our beloved departed
are watching us. They are guiding us in
our daily life. They are always present
especially in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
They are in communion with us because
they are also members of our Catholic
community. That is why it is but proper
that we pray fervently for them.
Fe Marina S. Siacon
CANDLE LIGHT (November 2 - 8, 2014)
did not have a good sleep last Monday in
my room at Pius XII Institute Building.
I already slept late. If I am not mistaken,
it was already 2 oclock in the morning
when I started to rest because we burned
our midnight oil for we are finishing the
yearbook 2014. At around 3:00 oclock in
the morning, I woke up because I felt that
there was something strange in my room.
I felt cold. I had goosebumps. I never had
this experience ever since I transferred to
my temporary room on September 1. I was
lying in my bed and all of a sudden I felt
that there was somebody at my feet. I saw
somebody creeping towards me. I couldnt
exactly identify him but he had a familiar
face. While he was moving towards me, I
couldnt breathe. Then I thought of praying
the Hail Mary. After some repetitions, I woke
up. I realized that it was just a dream. I thank
God because I thought it was real. Little did I
knowthat it was a nightmare.
When I shared this experience to some
friends, they told me that it was what we call
CANDLE LIGHT (November 2 - 8, 2014)
Share what God has blessed you with! Let us build together our Parochial House!
2 3
Oct. 23 to 30, 2014
Fr. Nathaniel G. Gentizon
a sini nga isyu, akon hatagan sing
igtalupangod ang pila ka mga masami
ginapamangkot nahanungod sa
Sakramento sang Bunyag. Nagapati ako
nga ang sabat sa sini nga mga pamangkot,
makabulig padalum pa gid sang ihibalo
nahanungod sa sini nga Sakramento.
1. Kinahanglan gid bala ang Bunyag
para sa kaluwasan sang tawo?
Ang Simbahan nagatudlo nga si Kristo
amo ang Manugpatigayon kag ang Dalan
sang kaluwasan. Suno sa dokumento
sang Ikaduha nga Konsilyo sang Batikano,
Lumen Gentium, n. 14, (LG) maathag ini nga
ginapakita dira sa ginsiling ni Kristo sa kay
Nicodemo nga kinahanglan ang pagtuo kag
ang bunyag: Wala sing may makasulod sa
Ginharian sang Dios kon indi sia matawo
liwat sa tubig kag sa Espiritu Santo (Jn.
3:5). Mabasahan man sa Ebanghelyo ni San
Markos: Ang bisan sin-o nga nagatuo kag
nabunyagan maluwas; ang wala nagatuo,
pagakondenahon (Mk. 16:16).
2. Pero indi bala nga luyag sang Dios
nga maluwas ang tanan nga mga tawo kag
makadangat sa pagkilala sa kamatuoran?
Paano iya ang mga indi kristiano kag
wala mabunyagi? Wala na bala sila sing
paglaumnga maluwas?
Ang Simbahan nagatudlo man nga,
tungod sang indi nila kaugalingon nga sala,
wala sila nakabati sang Maayong Balita
sang Ebanghelyo ni Kristo ukon sang Iya
Simbahan, ang mga tawo nga tampad nga
uring my childhood days, I always
longed for church celebrations which
did not only gather thousands for the
Mass and the procession, but because of the
beauty of the occasion.
November comes in, heralded by All
Saints Day and All Souls Day following
behind. Today, November 2, we are
commemorating All Souls Day. Many are
going to the cemetery to pray for their
beloved departed. It is
time to pray to Christ,
the King, for mercy and
Msgr. Higinio C. Velarde
Cash on Hand- Oct. 23, 2014 397,497.87
Donation Received
Total Cash Donation for the Week 36,065.00
Total Cash on Hand-Oct. 30, 2014 433,562.87
nagapangitasaDios kagnatandogsanggrasya,
kag nagatinguha, paagi sa ila pagkabuhi,
sa pagtuman sang Iya kabubut-on suno sa
ila paghangop sini paagi sa ila konsyensya,
sarang man makatigayon sang ila kaluwasan.
(LG, 16)
3. Paano ini nga sahi sang kaluwasan
May mga tawo nga, paagi sa ila
pagginawi, nagapakita sang ila sinsero nga
handom nga mabunyagan. Amo ini ang
ginatawag nga Bunyag sang Handom ukon
baptism of desire sa pulong nga Ingles.
Subong man, may ara nga mga tawo nga,
bisan wala sila mabunyagi sa tubig, napatay
bangud sa pagtuo, ukon tungod sa himpit nga
paghigugma. Ini ginatawag nga Bunyag sang
Dugo ukon baptismof blood sa pulong nga
Ingles. Ini nga mga tawo makatigayon man
sang ila kaluwasan.
4. Diin iya masulod ang mga kabataan
nga napatay nga wala mabunyagi?
Ang mahigugmaon nga Probidensya
sang Dios para sa kaluwasan sang tanan,
sarang man matigayon sang mga kabataan
nga napatay nga wala mabunyagi. Ginatugyan
ini sila sang Simbahan sa walay katapusan
nga kaluoy sang Dios kag sa iya handum
para sa kaluwasan sang tanan. Ginatudlo
sang Simbahan nga ang paghanda sa pagtuo
sa bahin sang mga ginikanan isa sang mga
kabangdanan agud magpati kita nga ang luyag
sang Dios nga maluwas ang tanan sarang gid
ma-aplikar sa sining mga kabataan. Amo ini
ang kabangdanan kon ngaa nga sa lubong
sang mga kabataan nga napatay kag wala
mabunyagi, ang Simbahan nagapangamuyo:
O Amay sang tanan nga paglugpay: wala
sing butang nga natago sa Imo ihibalo.
Nahibaloan mo ang pagtuo sining mga
ginikanan nga nagapangasubo karon bangod
sang pagkamatay sang ila anak. Kabay pa nga
malugpayan man sila sa paghibalo nga Imo na
ginbaton ini nga bata sa imo mahigugmaon
nga pagtatap.
(May kasugpon)
Sa sini nga Domingo ginasaulog naton ang
PiestasangtananngamgaMinatay. Ipangamuyo
naton ang aton mga katigulangan, mga himata,
mga abyan kag mga kakilala nga nag-una na sa
aton pakadto sa pihak nga kinabuhi. Kabay pa
nga nagakalipay na sila karon sa himaya sang
Dios didto sa Iya Ginharian. Pangamuyoan
man naton sing pinasahi ang mga yadtong
nagkalamatay nga ayhan nakalimtan na kag
wala sing may nagapangamuyo para sa ila, kag
tungod sini ara pa gihapon sila sa estado sang
paghulat tubtob nga matigayon na nila ang
kahimpitan kag ang katinlo sang kalag agud
makasulod sa Ginharian sang Dios. Isa ka daku
nga kabalaslan nga ila batyagon para sa aton
konpaagi saatonpagdumdomsaila, matigayon
gid man nila ang pagkalipay dira sa luyo sang
Amay. Bilang balos, sila man magapangamuyo
para sa aton.
Kabay pa nga ang mga kalag sang tanan
naton nga mga pinalangga nga nagkalamatay,
sa kaluoy sang Dios, magpahuway na sa
paghidait nga dayon. Amen!
Pureza D. Lacuesta
Christ Have Mercy
pardon of the sins of the souls in purgatory.
At the foot of the Cross, when He drew His
last breath He cried in a loud voice and said:
Father, forgive them, for they know not
what they do! What love can equal this cry
for forgiveness? This will also be our prayer
to Jesus for the poor souls in purgatory.
God instituted the Sacrament of
Penance, so that we can realize and repent.
No matter how much and how many times
we offend God, He always gives us the
chance to reconcile and live a better life.
Had the poor souls in purgatory missed
this opportunity, this time is for us to pray
for forgiveness in their behalf. We must
show our love for them by way of
remembering and praying for them
this All Souls Day.
All Souls Day commemorates
the faithful departed, and is
associated with our doctrine
as Catholics that the souls
Brgy. Cuartero 410.00
Brgy. Democracia Fiesta 720.00
Brgy. Calubihan Fiesta 575.00
Dr. Mymy Villanueva 1,000.00
Betty Diasnes 1,000.00
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Chua 2,000.00
Var Denver R. Jardeleza 15,000.00
Brgy. Simon Ledesma 360.00
Mr. & Mrs. Nestor Alitao, Sr. & Family 500.00
Urna I MKK ( Brgy. San Roque) 1,000.00
Alma, Cipres, Emilia, Judy & Nena (Brgy. San Roque) 1,000.00
Gemma C. Pardiez 5,500.00
Velasco Family 5,000.00
Anonymous 2,000.00
in Hiligaynon bangungot. Good enough that
I was able to wake up. If not, I could have died.
However, whatever it was, I believe that
my experience that early morning reminded
me to pray for the souls in Purgatory. I felt
that I was not alone during that time. There
were immaterial beings surrounding me
(nowI know, I amnot alone in my room!).
As we commemorate today All Souls
Day, let us renew our devotion to the souls in
Purgatory. Let us include themin our prayers
every day and not only during All Souls Day.
Our prayer is a sign of our love, care, and
concern for them.
Our belief in the communion of saints
tells us that as baptized Christians, wherever
we are - whether we are in Heaven, in
Purgatory, or on earth - we help one another
thru our prayers. The souls for whom we are
praying will also pray for us here on earth
once they are in Heaven.
Let us not be scared of souls. Souls are
not to be frightened about; they are to be
loved thru our prayers and sacrifices!
of the faithful who at death have not been
cleansed from the temporal punishment
due to venial sins and from attachment
to mortal sins cannot immediately attain
the beatific vision in heaven, and that they
may be helped to do so by prayer and by
the sacrifice of the Holy Mass. It is not only
by bringing beautiful flowers and lighting
candles for them in the cemetery that we
do but the most is to offer them the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass where we can be in
communion with them.
Aside from our daily prayers to God
the Father, ask Him: Father, let your aura
shine on the poor souls in purgatory. Father,
I kneel down before you, to touch them.
Have mercy on them.
In my old age, prayer is my strong
support. I feel that it is my only maintenance.
Vitamin P (prayer) gives me courage and
strength. I do not forget to pray for the souls
of the departed. I believe that praying is a big
help for them in their state of purification.
CANDLE LIGHT (November 2 - 8, 2014) CANDLE LIGHT (November 2 - 8, 2014)
(Let us pray for each other)
Associate Editors
News Editors
Feature Editors
Layout Artist
The Candle Light is a non-proft
weekly publication.
Parish Priest
Senior Parochial Vicar
Parochial Vicar
Special Assistant for Temporal Affairs
Special Assistant for Liturgical Affairs
Resident Priests
4 5
Quote of the Week
:: Gospel Refection
Ang Pulong Nangin Tawo
Readings for
the WEEK
03 Fr. Manuel Sevilla
04 Fr. Joenick Territorio
04 Fr. Gregorio Porras
05 Fr. Ricky Soriano
08 Fr. Arn Cabrias
08 Fr. Randy Zabala
03/08 Fr. Felino Portigo Jr.
Fr. Philip Vincent Sinco
05/07 Fr. Randy Doromal
Fr. Marvin Tabion
Fr. Rafael LuisClavel
02 Msgr. PedroEsmalla
03 Fr. CelsoHervas
03 Msgr. PerfectoCapalla
05 Fr. RamonSequito
06 Fr. QuiricoChavez
Ika-31 nga Domingo sang Tuig, Nobyembre 2, 2014
Jn 14:1-6
Lonely people
That all who sufer loneliness may
experience the closeness of God
and the support of others.
Mentors of seminarians
and religious
That young seminarians and
religious may have wise and well-
formed mentors.
I know now, Lord, why
you utter no answer.
You are yourself the
answer. Before your
face questions die away.
What other answer
would sufce?
C.S. Lewis
ay mentalidad kita
subong nga panahon
nga ginatawag nga
futuristic. Ini nagakahulugan
sang pagpanumdom kon ano ang
pwede matabo sa pila ka-adlaw.
Sa masami, aton gid ginakabalak-
an kag ginahatagan ini sang
oras. Kon kaisa amo man ini ang
nagahatag sa aton problema.
Indi gid man ini sala, pero ang
pagkabalaka naton sa matabo
sa pala-abuton nagapahilayo
sa aton sa paghatag sang aton
bug-os nga kaugalingon sa
mga bagay kon sa diin kita
ginatawag. Mahambal naton nga
pasapayan lang tanan, kulang
ang atensyon kag indi naton
makita ang kahulugan sang aton
gina-obra. We are busy of the
future things to happen, but we
neglect the present moment.
Kon tani kon nagahatag kita
sang aton panahon kag atensyon
kon ano ang nagakadapat sa
subong kon amo sini siguro
ang aton panimuot, mas makita
Si Jesus ang Dalan Pakadto sa Amay
ng katapusan nga batch
sang mga kabataan, sa
weekend Catechesis, sa
mga Barangay nagpanglakaton sa
Jaro Cathedral sang nagligad nga
Oktubre 12 kag 26, 2014.
Amo ini ang mga barangay
kag mga Katekista:
Rosario Raula
San Vicente:
Rose Oscares
Medialyn Aniolga
Patricia laureano
Taft North:
Edna Gopetio
San Roque:
Emilia Geagoni kag Liza Turao
Delia Bolivar
Lolita Bagatila
Elena Hibionada
Nobyembre 2, ang kapiestahan
Ginadumdomang mga nagtaliwan
Aton sila pangamuyuan
Agud sang Dios kaluoyan.
Nagakadto ako sa sementeryo
Sa pagbisita kag pagduawsa inyo
Pinalangga ko nga mga abyan, lola kag lolo
Subong man ikawTatay kag mga kaparientihan ko.

Matahumkag mahumot nga bulak ang halad ko
Sa akon pagkadto sa patyo
Nanarisari nga kandila ginsindihan ko
Para sa kapahuwayan sang kalag ninyo.
Sa amon balay
Suman ginaluto kag inday-inday
Nagakalain-lain nga luto ni Nanay
Tradisyon nga ginahimo sa amon panimalay.
Nagapati kami nga daku ang paglaumninyo
Sa lugar nga ginatawag Purgatoryo
Nga maabot ang tion nga matinluan kamo
Kag ipahamtang sa lugar nga gin-aman para sa
Hatagi sila O Ginoo sang pahuway nga dayon,
Kag magsilak sa ila ang kapawa nga wala sing
Amon gina-ampo kag ginapangamuyuan
Sa Taghatag sang kabuhi nga hinulaman.
Kabuhi nga wala sing katapusan isa ka regalo
Kay Kristo Jesus nga Manluluwas sang mga tawo
Ginapangamuyo nga maangkon man ninyo
Kag makapungko sa bangkete sang Ginoo. Amen.
The Commemoration of all the
Faithful Departed
(All Souls Day)
2Mc 12:43-46
Ps 103
Rom8:31-35, 37-39
Jn 14:1-6
Monday, November 3
Phil 2:1-4
Ps 131:1-3
Lk 14:12-14
St. Martin de Porres, Religious
Tuesday, November 4
Phil 2:5-11
Ps 22:26-32
Lk 14:15-24
St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop
Wednesday, November 5
Phil 2:12-18
Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14
Lk 14:25-33
Thursday, November 6
Phil 3:3-8
Ps 105:2-7
Lk 15:1-10
Friday, November 7
Phil 3:17-4:1
Ps 122:1-5
Lk 16:1-8
Saturday, November 8
Phil 4:10-19
Ps 112:1-2, 5-6, 8, 9
Lk 16:9-15
naton ang katahum sang kabuhi.
Makita naton ang pagpanghikot
sang Dios sa aton kabuhi.
Nagakabalaka kita sa mga wala
pa natabo, pero sa mga bagay
nga dapat naton patabuon may
kakulang kita sa pagtamud sini.
Ang aton Ebanghelyo
nagasiling sa aton kon ngaa
nagapalibog gid kita ukon ngaa
nagakatublag kita. Ang pagpa-
athag sang Dios sa aton amo nga
sa iya lamang aton makita ang
dalan, ang kamatuoran kag ang
kabuhi. Nga kon aton marealisar
nga kita nagatamud sa iya, kag
nagahatag sa iya sang naga-
kaigo nga oras ukon panahon
wala gid kita dapat kahadlukan
ukon problemahan. Wala kita
nagapanumdum sa mga butang
nga wala pa matabo kay tungod
nagasalig kita sa Dios kag sa iya
ginatudlo sa aton. Kita man abi
kon kaisa nagahingalit gid sa
pag-angkon sang mga bagay nga
wala sa aton. Gusto naton may
ara man kita sang mga bagay
nga ara sa iban. Segurista gid
kita sa aton palaabuton. Nga
kon tani kon nakita naton ang
Ginharian sang Dios sa aton
kabuhi subong, indi gid kita
makapanumdom nga baya-an
kita sang Dios.
Kabay aton gid mabaton
sing hugot sa aton taguiposoun
ang ginsiling ni Hesukristo sa
aton nga siya ang DALAN,
naton nga mga Kristiyano.
1. Ano bala nga dalan ang aton
gina-agyan sa aton kabuhi?
Ini bala dalan pakadto kay
Kristo ukon sa iban (bisyo,
sugal, droga, etc.)?
2. Nagakabuhi bala kita
sa kamatuoran nga
ginatudlo sa aton sang
Simbahan? Nagabulig
bala kita sa pagpalapnag
sang kamatuoran sa aton
panimalay, sosyedad kag
Si Jesus nagsiling sa ila,
Indi kamo magpalibog kag
magkaktublag. Magtuo kamo
sa Dios, kag magtuo man kamo
sa akon.
Sa balay sang akon
Amay may madamo nga mga
kuwarto, kag magalakat ako
sa pag-aman sing duog para sa
inyo. Indi ako magsiling sini
Mga Nagtaliwan Aton Pangamuyuan
Meril E. Robles
Kabataan sa Weekend
Catechesis, Nagpanglakaton
Mi nis t r y
Lalaine D. Pasquin
sa inyo kon indi ini matuod.
Sa tapos ako makalakat kag
makaaman sing duog para sa
inyo, magabalik ako kag dalhon
ko kamo, agud nga kon diin ako
didto man kamo.
ninyo ang dalan pakadto sa
duog nga akon pagakadtuan.
Si Tomas nagsiling sa iya,
Sem. Mark Joseph D. Hormigoso
Ang ini nga hilikuton
sang parokya yara na sa iya
ika-lima nga tuig. Nangin
mabinungahon ini sa bagay nga
ang mga kabataan makahibalo
na magpangamuyo, nakatu-on
na sa pagdumdom sa ila mga
ginikanan kag mga katapo sang
ila pamilya paagi sa paghimo
sang cards kon may birthday,
anniversary, mothers and
fathers day, kag iban pa. Nakita
nga nangin maayo ang ila
pamatasan kag may pagrespeto.
Dugang pa sini nga pagtu-on
ginatudlu-an sila kon paano
magtubo sa ila ang pag-isa kag
Hugot ang pagpasalamat
nga ginapaabut namon sa aton
kura paroko kag mga kaparian,
kag sa aton mga katekista
nga nangin matutom sa ila
katungdanan sa pagtudlo sa
kabuhi espirituhanon sa mga
Ginoo, wala kami makahibalo
kon diin ikaw makadto, paano
bala ang pagkatultol namon
sang dalan pakadto didto?
Si Jesus nagsabat sa iya,
Ako amo ang dalan, ang kama-
tuoran, kag ang kabuhi, wala
sing may makakadto sa Amay
kon indi paagi sa akon.
CANDLE LIGHT (November 2 - 8, 2014) 7

Misa Pro Populo Sponsors/Oferers
November 2 Ma. Cristina
November 9 Arguelles
November 16 Libertad
November 23 CC El-98
November 30 Seminario

Fr. Joenick S. Territorio will continue to discuss
the topic on Christology on November 7, 2014.
On November 14, 15, 21 and 22, Fr. Ronald C. De
Leon will discuss on Social Teaching. The venue
of this Faith Formation is at the La Isabelita Hall,
Jaro Metropolitan Cathedral Compound, 6 p.m.

November 2, 2014, Sunday
6:00 am
7:30 am
4:30 pm

May pagtililipon ang mga Senior Citizens
sa Nobyembre 8, 2014 sa Jaro Cathedral.
Pagasuguran ini sang isa ka Santos nga Misa sa
a-las 8 sa aga.
Daily: 05:30 a.m. (Hiligaynon)
06:00 a.m. (English)
06:30 a.m. (Hiligaynon)
12:15 p.m. (English)
(Except Saturday)
05:30 p.m. (Hiligaynon)
(English-Wed and Sat)
Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (EnglishAnticipatedMass)
Sunday: 05:00 a.m. (Hiligaynon)
06:30 a.m. (English)
08:00 a.m. (Hiligaynon)
09:30 a.m. (English)
12:00 NN (English)
03:00 p.m. (English)
04:30 p.m. (Hiligaynon)
06:00 p.m. (Hiligaynon)
07:30 p.m. (English)
BAPTISM: 11:30 a.m Saturday
11:00 a.m. Sunday
CONFESSION: 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday to Friday
COUNSELING: by Appointment
6 CANDLE LIGHT (November 2 - 8, 2014)
Ambahanon: Hatagi sila, O Ginoo . . .
Tanan: Sa ngalan sang Amay, kag sang Anak, kag sang Espiritu
Santo. Amen.
PP: Mamati kita sang Pulong sang Dios gikan sa sulat ni San Pablo sa mga
Ang Dios nga nagbanhaw kay Jesus halin sa mga minatay, magahatag
liwat sang kabuhi sa aton mamalatyon nga lawas, paagi sa iya Espiritu nga
nagapuyo sa aton.
Ukon PP: Mamati kita sang pulong sang Dios gikansa libro sang Bugna:
Pagapahiran sang Dios ang tanan nga mga luha sa ila mga mata; wala
na sing kamatayon, paglalaw, paghinibi kag kasakit. Ang mga daan nga
butang nagligad na.
Maghipos sing makadali.
PP: Ginoo, maluoy ka sa amon. S:Ginoo, maluoy ka sa amon.
PP: Kristo, maluoy ka sa amon. S:Kristo, maluoy ka sa amon.
PP: Ginoo, maluoy ka sa amon. S:Ginoo, maluoy ka sa amon.
Tanan : Amay namon. . . Diri ginabenditahan sang pangulo sang panimalay
ang lulobngan.
PP: Mangamuyo kita, (Kon ang minatay ginikanan.)
O Dios nga amon Amay, Ikaw nagsugo sa amon nga tahuron kag
higugmaon namon ang amon amay kag iloy. Kaluoyi ang amon ginikanan
[Iloy/amay] nga nagtaliwan: patawara ang ila [iya] mga kasal-anan kag
kakulangan; balusi sila [sia] sing bugana tungod sang ila [iya] paghigugma
Diri sarang mapangadi ang Santo Rosaryo. Ginahiwat ini matapos
makatambong ang bug-os nga panimalay sa Santos nga Misa nga amo ang
pinakamataas nga pangamuyo para sa mga minatay.
GamITON Sa PaGbISITa Sa mGa mINaTay
All: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen.
HH: We listen to the Gospel according to Luke:
Jesus said, Those who are deemed worthy to attain the coming age
and the resurrection of the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage.
They can no longer die for they are like angels; and they are the children of
God because they are the ones who will rise. That the dead will rise, even
Moses made known in the passage about the bush, when he called Lord the
God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; and he is not God
of the dead, but of the living, for to himall are alive.
HH: Gracious Lord, forgive the sins of those who have died in Christ.
Lord, have mercy.
All: Lord, have mercy:
HH: Remember all the good they have done. Lord, have mercy.
All: Lord, have mercy.
HH: Welcome theminto eternal life. Lord, have mercy.
All: Lord, have mercy.
HH: Receive the souls of those who have served your church. Lord,
have mercy:
All: Lord, have mercy.
HH: Let us pray also for ourselves on our pilgrimage through life.
Keep us faithful in your service. Lord, have mercy.
All: Lord, have mercy.
HH: Kindle in our hearts a longing for heaven. Lord, have mercy:
All: Lord, have mercy.
HH: Our Father . . . (The HH may now bless he grave with Holy Water)
The Head of the Household (HH) blesses the grave with Holy Water. Diri sarang ma-
pangadi ang Santo Rosaryo. Ginahiwat ini matapos makatambong ang bug-os nga pani-
malay sa Santos nga Misa nga amo ang pinakamataas nga pangamuyo para sa mga mi-
kag pagpangabudlay para sa amon kaayohan; kag himoa nga sa ulihi,
maghiliusa kami liwat sa ila [iya], sa kabulahanan sang Imo langitnon nga
ginharian. Ginapangayo namon ini paagi kay Kristo nga amon Ginoo.
Ukon kon ang minatay kalolohan, kaanakan, paryente ukon mga abyan.
O Dios nga amon Amay, ikawang nagpasantos sang panimalay kag
pag-abyanay para sa amon kaayuhan, kag buot mo nga kami maghiliusa
sa paghigugmaanay, paghangpanay kag pagbuligay. Nagapakiluoy kami
sa Imo tungod sang amon utod (paryente/abyan) nga si _____________ nga
nagtaliwan na: patawara ang iya mga sala; balusi sia sing bugana tungod
sang madamo nga mga kaayohan nga iya ginhimo para sa amon; batona
sia karon sa kabulahanan kag kabuhi nga dayon; kag himoa nga sa ulihi
maghiliusa kami sa iya sa langitnon nga ginharian. Ginapangayo namon
ini paagi kay Kristo nga amon Ginoo. S: Amen
PP: Hatagi sia, O Ginoo, sang pahuway nga dayon.
S: Kag magsilak sa iya ang kapawa nga wala sing katapusan.
PP: Magpahuway unta sia sa paghidait.
S: Amen.
PP: Kabay nga ang iya kalag kag ang kalag sang tanan nga tumuluo nga
nagtaliwan, sa kaluoy sang Dios magpahuway unta sa paghidait.
S: Amen.
(Diri sarang liwat makabendita sa lulobngan.)
S: Sa ngalan sang Amay kag sang Anak kag sang Espiritu Santo Amen.
For parents
Lord our God, as we remember our parents (mother/father) we
remember our human condition and the brevity of our lives on earth.
But for those who believe in your love death is not the end, nor does it
destroy the bonds that you forge in our lives. We share the faith of your
Sons disciples and the hope of the children of God. Bring to us the light of
Christs resurrection, as we pray for _______________ and for those who love
them(him/her). We ask this through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen
Or for relatives, friends and benefactors:
Lord, those who die still live in your presence, and your
saints rejoice in complete happiness. Listen to our prayers for
____, your son (daughter), and give him (her) the unending joy of
your love in the company of all your saints. We ask this through
Christ our Lord.
All: Amen
HH: Eternal rest grant unto him(her), O Lord.
All: And let perpetual light shine upon him(her).
HH: May he (she) rest in peace.

All: Amen.
HH: May his (her) soul and the souls of the faithful departed
through the mercy of God rest in peace.
All: Amen.
inapangabay ang mga dugay na nga nalubong sa mga nicho nga magsaylo voluntarily
sa mga bone boxes agod ang aton mga utod nga mga minatay makabulos man sa
mga nicho. Wala na kita tuyo nga magpatindog pa sang nicho kay kon sigihon naton
ina malab-ot gid ang tion nga mawad-an na kita sang lulubngan sa aton mga minatay. Kon
tani indi na kami makalab-ot sa punto nga piliton namon kamo sa pagsaylo sang inyo mga
minatay. Kon tani himuon naton ini sa VOLUNTARYO nga paagi kay nagapati kita nga ini
bahin sang aton pag-ulikid kag paghigugma sa aton isigkatawo, ilabi na gid sa mga minatay
kag sa pamilya sang nagtaliwan.
Ang balayran sa boluntaryo nga pagsaylo sang mga tul-an halin sa nicho pakadto sa
bone box lima ka libo ka pisos (Php 5,000.00). Dala na diri ang pagkalkal, ang lapida, kag ang
pasira sang bonebox kag subong man ang napulo (10) ka tuig nga renta sini. Sa dugang nga
detalye palihog lang pamangkot sa opisina sang parokya.
Pangabay Nahanungod sa Pagsaylo sang Minatay
Gikan sa Nicho Pakadto sa Bone Box
Oras sang Parokya
November 5 Bakhaw
November 12 San Roque
November 19 Benedicto
November 26 San Vicente
First Saturday Dawn Rosary
December 6 CC El 98
Bone Boxes at Jaro Catholic Cemetery
CANDLE LIGHT (November 2 - 8, 2014)
JPYM Celebrates 23rd Anniversary
Julie Ann M. Blancafor
Pahibalo sa Patyo
Ang masunod amo ang lista sang mga minatay nga nalubong sa patyo sang parokya nga ang ila mga himata wala na makabayad
sang renta sang ila nitso sa masobra na sang 30 ka tuig. Sa mga natungdan nga mga himata palihog kadto sa opisina sang parokya sa
pag settle sang balayran sa renta antes ang Nobyembre 15 sang sini nga tuig. Matapos ang deadline kag indi pa mahusay sang renta,
ang parokya maga-abri sang mga nitso, magakuha sang mga tul-an sining mga bangkay kag pagaputson sang maayo kag hingalanan
kag ipahamtang sa kumon nga lulobngan. Ginahimo naton ini para makaangkon kita sang lugar para sang mga bag-ong minatay. Ini nga
notisya ikatatlo na nga tion kon sa diin ang parokya nagtawag sang atensyon sang mga himata sining mga minatay.
1-C Dominga Nepomuceno Raymundo Nepomuceno San Vicente 1985
2-C Juana Sangreo Trinidad Sangreo Ungka 1977
28-C Luis Delgado Luciano Delgado Balantang 1976
38-D Damaso Jereza Magdalena Nuevo Villa, Arevalo 1988
41-F Cecilia Grecia Rosal Armada Railway, La Paz 1979
49-B Manuel Sobredo Teodoro Sobredo Calinog 1978
52-C Basilia Hortillo Rufno Hortillo M.H. del Pilar 1977
54-B Felisa Gomez Luz Dicoy Jaro 1978
54-E Wilfredo Golajer Loudes Galojer Tacas 1983
75-D John French Mildred Diaz Cuartero 1987
81-E Jose Golero Roderito Golero M.H. del Pilar 1989
100-F Servando Juele Francisco Juele Ungka 1987
105-A Dominga Joven Rolando Sabidong Fundidor, Molo 1982
106-A Serafn Japitana Bibiana Villanueva San Isidro 1982
107-D Lourdes Panes Inocentes Panes Nabitasan, La Paz 1977
116-D Marta Pancho Romula Diestro Comm. Civil 1982
120-D Apolonia Morbo Elerina Morbo Baldoza, Pa Paz 1982
131-D Hilarion Calinao Victoria Calinao San Isidro 1986
133-A Matea Ytoriaga Porfrio Ytoriaga Simon Ledesma 1982
134-C Marietta Aguayon Fidela Aguayon Balabago 1989
141-F Juanito Cordero Natividad Cordero Democracia 1988
146-D Asuncion Hiponia Porfria Hiponia Benedicto 1982
148-A Norma Zamora Teodolfo Zamora Lopez Jaena 1980
167-F Crispin Remullata Liberato Remullata Ungka 1980
175-D Rodolfo Lambarte Rodolfo Vipinosa Taft North 1982
199-D Angela Albior Doroteo Caballero Don Fancisco Vill. 1987
199-F Nicolasa Cordero Angelina Aguillon Lopez Jaena 1982
220-C Gertrudes Hilado Cecilia Zulueta Oton 1984
224-C Lucinda Gallentes Felipe Gallentes Democracia 1983
230-C Ermelo Bayona Antonio Bayona San Vicente 1983
233-C Mariano Hinojas Araceli Hibionada Calaparan 1988
235-C Felix Camis Erlinda Limjoco Cuartero 1983
262-G Emma Talagon Antonio Talagon Tagbac 1986
523-A Damaso Dicen Milagros Sabidalas Tacas 1988
534-B Eugenio Elibaren Simeon Elibaren Sambag 1988
548 Jose Muyco Jose Muyco, Jr. Tabuc Suba 1989
552 Sotero Pocbit, Sr. Josefna Pocbit San Isidro 1989
622-B Pedro Ofanga Carmen Patingo Pavia 1989
623 Federico Japitana Benedicta Porquez Sta. Isabel 1989
625-A Noel Chavez Jesus Chavez Tabuc Suba 1989
633-A Anita Octaviano Leonardo Octaviano Sta Isabel 1989
635-B Vicenta Jamora Roberto Jamora Dungon A 1989
649 Perfecto Villabon Simplicio Subaldo Lanit 1987
656 Joselito Rodriguez Gaudencio Rodriguez San Isidro 1987
8 CANDLE LIGHT (November 2 - 8, 2014)
he Jaro Parish Youth Ministry
celebrated its 23rd anniversary last
October 25, 2014. This ministry
had been a witness of the struggles and
successes of the young people in the
parish. It has touched different lives in
different ways. Others have been invited
in the barangay to join their Barangay
Youth Ministry. Some are privileged to be
scholars of the parish, while others are
part of the religious organizations of the
JPYM cannot function well without
leaders who generously share their skills
in planning and facilitating activities for
the young. When I was a member, I really
idolized the officers of the ministry. Seeing
them facilitate the recollections and
serving in the church, I told myself, Tani
sa pila ka adlaw mapareho man ako sa ila.
Their commitment and love for the young
people inspired me.
Young members come and go. We have
no hold of them especially if they need
to move to the next level of their life. But
one thing is sure, they can now walk chin
up with big faith in the Lord. They were
transformed by the love of God, guided by
Gods Holy Spirit.
On the 23rd anniversary celebration
of the JPYM, many memorable and
unforgettable moments were engraved in
the hearts and minds of the young people
in every activities held. One of these is
the Youth Cross Pilgrimage. Until now, the
memory of the journey we had in the Youth
Cross Pilgrimage is still fresh in my mind.
Truly, that was Gods time, a precious one
when all of us were embraced by God. Our
Youth Cross, Pilgrimage culminated in the
Sugat sa Krus from Brgy. Benedicto, bound
to Jaro Cathedral. We attended the Mass
and prayed the Way of the Cross inside the
church. It was also a great experience for us
to reflect on the sufferings of Jesus. Many
parishioners joined and prayed with us.
Finally, our two months sports fest
ended. The championships of our games in
Basketball and Volleyball were also fun and
burning as the blazing players defended
their teams. The Winners of the JPYMSports
Festival 2014 are the following:
Champion - Brgy. Tabuc Suba Proper,
1st place - Brgy. Cuartero
2nd place - Brgy. Taft North
4th place - Brgy. Calubihan.
Volleyball Boys:
Champion- Brgy. Tabuc Suba Proper
1st place- Brgy. Tabuc Suba Ilaya
2nd place- Brgy. Benedicto
4th place- Brgy. Calubihan
Volleyball Girls:
Champion - Brgy. Bakhaw
1st place - Brgy. San Vicente
2nd place - Brgy. Cuartero
4th place- Himig Katedral Choir.
In the afternoon of October 25, we
had a talk about Social Graces under Ms.
Ma. Teresa Jereza. One of the officers said,
Kanami gid sang talk, na-refresh kami
sa proper etiquette. Bisan sa paghigop
sang soup may gracefulness gid. We also
learned about common sense, politeness,
courtesy, and many more. After the talk we
had our Fun Time where we literally had
fun singing in the Videoke room and Dance
Mania in the Xbox. After that, we attended
our Youth Mass presided by Fr. Nathaniel
Gentizon, our Youth Director.
The most awaited part of the
celebration was the Jaro Parish Youth
Ministry Exemplars 2014 held in the
evening. Sixteen candidates from different
barangays, formed and guided spiritually,
gave their best to show their talents.
Robert Christian Sangalan was crowned
as JPYM Exemplar of CHARITY, Josephine
Ann Layda as JPYM Exemplar of FAITH and
Delia Joy Diesto as the JPYM Exemplar of
HOPE. During the event, many flaws and
mistakes happened, but these did us a favor
so that we could see the areas where we can
still improve and enhance next time. Its a
blessing! They made us braver in accepting
our weaknesses and gave us opportunity to
learn and still a blessing because after the
event we bonded until Sunday morning for
our Dawn Rosary.
We felt exhausted and sleepy but we
still managed to laugh and smile. We were
able to pray for our loved ones, for the Youth
Ministry, and for Fr. Nat who celebrated his
5th Sacerdotal Anniversary last October 26.
Certainly, the Jaro Parish Youth Ministry
shall continue to journey to become people
of mercy and compassion!

Engr. Alberto H. Yanga
Parish Secretary
Te couples below wish to contract marriage with each other. For any
impediment or serious defects that will prohibit marriage,
please inform the Parish Secretary or call 329-16-25.
05:00 a.m. MISA REQUIEM
06:30 a.m. MISA REQUIEM
08:00 a.m. MISA PRO POPULO
09:30 a.m. MISA REQUIEM
12:00 n.n. MISA REQUIEM
03:00 p.m. MISA REQUIEM
04:30 p.m. MISA REQUIEM
06:00 p.m. MISA REQUIEM
07:30 p.m. MISA REQUIEM
05:30 a.m. +Aurora J. Hortillas by Florence Melliza
06:00 a.m. All Souls in Purgatory by Cecilia G. Ramirez
06:30 a.m. MISA REQUIEM
12:15 p.m. +Chua Bun Cio by Chua Family
05:30 p.m. 1
Death Anniversary of Capt. Wilbur T. dela
Llana by Leila D. dela Llana

05:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass for the
Birthday of Alex Yanga
06:00 a.m. Mass Intention for the Repose of the Souls of the
Benefactors of Jaro Cathedral
06:30 a.m. +Ignacio & Maria Salazar
by Elen Salazar & Family
12:15 p.m. +Elser, Pio, Gliceria, & Marvin Poli, Jacinta,
Vicente & Iluminada Aguirre, Anita & Rayan
Delena by Mary Ann Poli Diaz
05:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass for Engr. Kenneth
James I. de la Pea by de la Pea Family
05:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass for Emely Jandoquele by Mr.
& Mrs. Antonio Pasquin & Family
06:00 a.m. +Purita Cantallopez & Aurora Cababaan
by Bergitta Mandario
OCTOBER 25, 2014
OCTOBER 26, 2014
JOHN ROSS M. OMAPAS, 29 yrs. old, resident of Calumpang,
Molo, Iloilo City, son of Mariano N. Omapas & Marissa S. Mahilum
and HONEY BEE P. PACLIBAR, 29 yrs. old, resident of Cuartero
St., Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Endresito D. Paclibar & Gloria P.
RUNELFO R. JAMOLO, 56 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Bakhaw,
Mandurriao, Iloilo City, son of Rudolfo Jamolo & Nenita Rocio and
ARDEN P. CORONADO, 51 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Bakhaw,
Mandurriao, Iloilo City, daughter of Daniel Coronado & Lydia
W MICHAEL S. POSECION, 37 yrs. old, resident of St. Joseph
Vill., Jaro Iloilo City, son of Manuel Posecion & Merline Sevillano
and FLORENCE MAY N. ARQUILLO, 34 yrs. old, resident of J. Villa
St., Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Noel Arquillo & ASrlene Napoles.
06:30 a.m. Mass Intention for the Repose of the Souls
of the Benefactors of Jaro Cathedral
12:15 p.m. +Gil S. Jamili, Jr. by Agnes P. Jamili
05:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Adorers of the Holy Trinity

05:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass for the 51
Birthday of
Dolita B. Dogeno by Jesus Dogeno & Family
06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Rogelio Florete, Sr.
06:30 a.m. Mass Intention for the Repose of the Souls
of the Benefactors of Jaro Cathedral
12:15 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass for Leonarda Chua
by Chua Family
05:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass for Conrado Agustin B.
Marquez by Carmen Monroy

05:30 a.m. Sacred Heart Intention of Juliet Solas
06:00 a.m. Sacred Heart Intention of Marilyn Salazar
In Memory of the Late Larry Ang
by Nita & Lucy Ang
06:30 a.m. Sacred Heart Intention of Rena Penecilla
12:15 p.m. Sacred Heart Intention of John,
Jennifer Jucaban & Children
05:30 p.m. Sacred Heart Intention of Apostleship of Prayer

05:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass for the Birthday
of Wilson & Nove Lombres
06:00 a.m. Mass Intention for the Sanctification & Good
Health of All the Priests in the Archdiocese of
Jaro by Mr. & Mrs. Rogelio Florete, Sr. & Family
06:30 a.m. Mass Intention for the Repose of the Souls of the
Benefactors of Jaro Cathedral
05:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Theotokos Prayer Mission,
Our Lady of Candles Prayer Community Center

Let us help and commemorate the souls.
If Jobs sons were purified by their fathers
sacrifice (Job 1, 5), why would we doubt
that our offerings for the dead bring them
some consolation? Let us not hesitate to
help those who have died and to offer our
prayers for them.
- St. John Chrysostom

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