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Copyright 2009 Federation of Australian Astrologers Inc.


2009 Dynamic Techniques Exam

October 5
2009 November 2

Federation of Australian Astrologers Inc

Copyright 2009 Federation of Australian Astrologers Inc. 2

2009 Dynamic Techniques Exam

Each question is worth equal marks
and should not exceed a 2,500 word limit.

There are FIVE questions presented in the Dynamic Techniques Examination.
You are required to answer a total of THREE questions:

Your CANDIDATE NUMBER must be placed on the top right corner of each page.
Do not show your name on ANY of your papers, charts or computer printouts.
If using Solar Fire Charts, ensure Solar Fire Chart Page Compliments Text does
not contain your name, or is turned off.

Each answer should have the question stated at the beginning of the essay.

The word length should be stated at the end of each essay (introduction, body,
conclusion, footnotes, references and appendices).

Two (2) printed copies OR one (1) digital copy plus one (1) printed copy of each
of your answer papers must be returned to the Exam Board Director.

Each question must be presented as a complete unit.
The printed form needs to be stapled together - no loose papers please.
The digital format must be sent as one whole document, the document must
include all the supporting material, ie charts, transit graphs, etc. PDF format is

Your answers must be returned to the Exam Board Director, postmarked and/or
emailed no later than Monday the 2
November 2009. We recommend using
Express Post to minimise the risk of lost or delayed exam papers.

Once the examination commences and you then decide that due to personal
circumstances you will not be completing the exam, please advise the Exam
Board Director ASAP.

Copyright 2009 Federation of Australian Astrologers Inc. 3


This is an unsupervised examination. You may use a computer program to generate any or
all of your data, however, please include details of your software in your bibliography. All
sources of information used in your research must be included in your bibliography,
including quotations. Quotations should also be referenced within the text of your essay.
Plagiarism will result in failure of the exam, so all sources must be acknowledged.

Examiners will be marking on the validity of your argument, not right or wrong answers.
You must also demonstrate the use of counselling skills which support the client. All
statements made in your answers need to be supported with Astrological reasoning.

You may use any form or chart style or 90 degree dial.

Each essay must comply with a maximum word limit of up to 2,500 words with a +/- 10%
tolerance. You will be assessed on your astrological knowledge with consideration given to
your ability to write a properly structured, succinct and academic work which may (with
consent) later be published in the FAA Journal. The 2,500 word limit applies to the essays
Introduction, Body and Conclusion, this includes any footnotes, references or appendices.
Any title page, charts, tables and bibliography are not included in the word limit.

Essays should be typed and double line spaced using a font such as Times New Roman, Arial
or Trebuchet.

Be sure to state your astrological reasoning throughout your answers. Ensure you include all
charts generated with your answers and ensure you have cast the correct chart from the
data supplied..

All examination papers are to be returned to the below address postmarked and/or emailed
no later than Monday the 2
November 2009.

FAA Board of Examiners
50A Cowper St
Byron Bay NSW 2480

Enquiries should be directed to:
Tess Cullen
PH: 02 6680-7151 MOB: 0401 381 559

Exam Results will be posted or emailed within six weeks of the exam closing date. If you
have not received your results within six weeks, please contact the Exam Board
Copyright 2009 Federation of Australian Astrologers Inc. 4

2009 Dynamic Techniques Exam

Question 1.

Birth Data: Natalie 6 January 1980 11:50am Melbourne, Australia
Ascendant: Close to 24 Pisces

Natalie has her hands full both as a single mother of two young children aged 6 and 3 and working
part time as a naturopath. Becoming increasingly irritable, she is often too busy and stressed to spend
any quality time with her children and is thinking of letting the job go. She plans to utilise some of
the free time to do some advanced study to enhance her skills as a naturopath, resuming her career
when the youngest goes to school.

Natalie is currently experiencing a number of very powerful transits including her Saturn Return,
Uranus conjunct her Ascendant and the Neptune, Chiron, Jupiter conjunction opposite her Moon. How
would you assist Natalie to understand her current process and empower her decision making with
specific reference to the transits above? You may also refer to any other transits that you think will
be important during the time span of 2009-10.

Question 2.

Birth Data: Connie 10 September 1950 0.25 am Amsterdam, Netherlands
Ascendant: close to 16 Cancer

Connie immigrated to Australia about 15 years ago with her husband and four children. She lives in
Byron Bay with her husband. Her children are grown up and live in different parts of Australia.
Connies elderly parents live in another country. Their health is slowly deteriorating. Connie hopes
that she still has a few years before any potential problems will arise related to her parents health.
Her dream is to have a reunion of the whole family within the next two years either in Australia or

With this question in mind Connie books a consultation with you in early September 2009. She seeks
clarity, and insight into this situation, as well as any other matters you may consider important
particularly in the area of her intimate relationships.

Using the techniques of Transits, Secondary Progressions and Solar Arc Directions, develop a scenario
for Connie over the next 2 years focusing on her major aspects. Examiners will be looking at your
ability to synthesize these dynamic methods succinctly in terms of current and future astrological

Copyright 2009 Federation of Australian Astrologers Inc. 5

Question 3:

Birth Data: Amy 15 March 1985 10.30 pm Brisbane, Australia
Ascendant: close to 17 Sagittarius

There are a variety of predictive techniques used to ascertain future events, psychological patterns
and cycles.

Amy is estranged from her father and extended family. Her mother died when she was 14 years old.
She feels her life is like a roller coaster ride without any direction. She wants to travel overseas but
her plans are continuously disrupted.

In her own words : It seems like everything around me is unstable and chaotic. She has no-one else
to turn to and has been referred to you for a consultation by a friend. She wants to know: when will
this wild energy go away and what does the future hold for me?

Using your preferred combination of recognised dynamic techniques (no more than 3), how would you
encourage Amy to work with her archetypal patterns to enable growth and empowerment into her
potential during 2009 and 2010? Amy currently lives in Brisbane, Queensland.

Question 4.

Birth Data: Julie 22 August 1955 6.35am Bega, NSW
Ascendant: Close to 26 Leo

Julie is currently quite confused and depressed and in her own words has been going through a dark
night of the soul for the last few years. Things are slowly beginning to shift but the darkness
periodically reclaims her. She is unsure about her marriage and her work as a healer: both have lost
meaning for her. She knows her husband is a good man but he does not share her path and there is a
friend that she feels a strong soul connection with but she does not want to hurt her husband or
jeopardize her marriage. .

With a focus on the Progressed Lunation Cycle and the Secondary Progressed Moon as well as any
major transits and progressions for 2009 -10 that you think are significant, how can you assist Julie to
find meaning in her current situation? What guidance can you offer her to move through her dark
night of the soul with hope for the future?

Copyright 2009 Federation of Australian Astrologers Inc. 6

Question 5:

Birth Data: Frank 29
August 1958 2.00 pm Sydney, NSW
Ascendant: close to 22 Capricorn

The Solar Return chart is the birth chart of a new year in ones life. It is like a yearlong play where
one gets to play the lead role. Frank has celebrated the return of his Sun at the end of August. He
comes to see you for a consultation because he is worried about his health and mortality this coming
year. He tells you in the consultation that he shares the same birthday as Michael Jackson. He wants
to know whether 2009 to 2010 is a favourable year to embark on a world trip as he feels that there
could be some danger around him.

Utilising Franks Solar Return chart for 2009 assist him in understanding the deeper psychological
feelings he is experiencing and how these can manifest on the mental, emotional, physical and
spiritual levels for him this coming year.

Referring to Franks Sun and Pluto conjunction in his natal chart, you note that there is a perfecting
trine of Pluto to the Sun in his 2009 Solar Return chart. What empowering guidance would you offer
him to allay his fears and concerns? Frank currently lives in Sydney.

End of Exam

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