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The Psychic View - Show Information Sheet Page 1

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Po&itica& 'stro&ogy: 'merica(s Nata& Promise
:essica ;urray
:u&y 9> 281?
The Psychic View - Show Information Sheet Page 2
Paragra!h 1:
Paragra!h 2:
Paragra!h ?:
Short @io:
:oin us as we ana&yAe the most !owerfu& cosmic forces at wor in the 'merican mass !syche
today and gras! an idea of what these intense !&anetary energies are +ringing for us in the
future* Tonight we as the 7uestion: If 'merica was a !erson> what wou&d he or she +e &ie
+ased on the +irth chart,
'stro&oger and author :essica ;urray studied !sycho&ogy and &inguistics at @rown "ni-ersity>
and a&so trained as a fine artist during her time there* :essica uses her com!rehensi-e
now&edge of ancient archety!es to he&! students and !ractitioners of meta!hysics understand
the s!iritua& under!inning of 'merica(s thorniest issues> and she has +een !racticing and
teaching astro&ogy in San Brancisco for the !ast ?< years*
Chere-er 'merica goes> the wor&d is sure to fo&&ow and &ie it or not> a&& eyes are on us* Chat
&ies in store for this great &and, :ust &ie anything e&se in this uni-erse> the "nited States of
'merica has a +irth chart> a nata& !romise which shows our go-ernment(s &imit&ess !otentia&
and warns of what cha&&enges &ie in wait for our ci-i&iAation* Tune in to tonight(s show if you
want to see astro&ogy and !o&itics com+ine*
The Psychic View - Show Information Sheet Page ?
$ong @io:

The Psychic View - Show Information Sheet Page 9
Theme: P&ease ee! this short yet descri!ti-e* This has to go on the e-ent gra!hic for face+oo*
Video1: /om!&ete "#$ with htt!:)) to your first youtu+e -ideo
Video 2: /om!&ete "#$ with htt!:)) to your second youtu+e -ideo
Paragra!h 1> 2> ?: Three !aragra!hs to entice &isteners to your show* 's s!ace is &imited> ee! the tota& of these
to a reasona+&e &ength*
Guest Name: Name of your guest* If they ha-e a tit&e such as Dr* inc&ude it
Guest Phone: Phone num+er of the guest* If outside of "S)/anada> !ro-ide country dia&ing code*
Guest Sy!e: If your guest has sy!e> their sy!e ID*
Press %it "#$: If your guest has a we+!age> they may ha-e a !ress it &in> !ro-ide that &in*
Guest Short @io: S!ace is &imited* No more than 2 !aragra!hs*
Guest $ong @io: 's &ong as it needs to +e*
'ttach !hotos of your guest to the emai& you send this in*

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