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Human Health

The main effect of air pollution on human is respiratory

system . Gases such as carbon monoxide will poison the oxygen
transport system in the blood and slows human
reaction. Subsequent effects will cause a person to feel sleepy,
have asthma and impair the functioning of the lungs .
Pollutants such as nitrogen oxides can cause pulmonary edema
and hemorrhage. Pollutants such as ozone gas can cause irritation
and will cause inflammation of the lungs and the inability to
move. Dust, fumes, mists, vapors or other substances also prevent
the human eye vision.
Study of the World Health Organization (WHO) has stated of 3.3
million people die every year due to air pollution. It is three times
higher than the number of deaths caused by vehicle accidents.
Effects on plants are damaged necrosis (loss leaves ), klorosis
(change color), and stunted growth.
This effect will also result in part of the population world food
shortage and economic resources which ultimately disrupt daily
life. Moreover, this effect will disrupt the balance of the ecosystem.
Animals become endangered or dying as a result of air
pollution. This matter caused by air entering the lungs of
animals . In addition, food from plant sources are contaminated by
air pollution.
The effects of the material means that the damage occurred as a
result of air contamination such as dirt on clothing, contamination
on the surface of the building wall and so on. This has happened as
a result of smoke or fine particle sedimentation.
Corrosion of metals is also the effect of air pollution due to the
presence of sulfur dioxide in the air.
The decline in the ozone layer
Air pollution will cause global warming as a result of the
depreciation of the ozone layer that protects the earth from the
direct radiation of light the sun . Direct exposure to the sun can
cause cancer of the skin . In addition, the scorching sun will also
cause melting of ice at the poles of the earth. At present, the
ecosystem in the world suffer from imbalance.
Acid rain
Acid rain caused by sulfur dioxide gas mergers and nitrogen oxides
with water rain and then into sulfuric acid and nitric acid . The acid
will build up in the cloud and move to other places. The acid will
drop along with the rain and his life on earth. In effect, it kills plants
and aquatic life . Furthermore, it can also erode clothing, paper and
building materials. In addition, the acid is also absorbed into
the soil and cause reduced soil quality and infertile.
The greenhouse effect and global warming
Most significant impact and are being hotly discussed by the whole
country at present is about global warming caused by
the greenhouse effect . Rising temperature and ozone layer
depletion earth also be the cause of global warming can be felt by
the whole world. Global warming is caused by the release of carbon
dioxide gases that build up in the air.
Carbon dioxide has caused too much heat trapped in the earth and
the earth's temperature finally warms up and the environment. The
decline in the ozone layer also caused global warming. The effect is
the earth's surface becomes hot, disturbed ecosystems, floods
occur frequently and also the occurrence of an abnormal nature.
Effects of atmospheric pollution carried by hand is decreasing
visibility due to haze .

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