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College London, UK

Eligibility criteria
1. Open to the following nationalities:
- All ationalities
!. Applicable s"b#ects
- $ocial science
- %hysiotherapy
- Occ"pational therapy
- "rsing
Application details
Applications &ay be s"b&itted
fro& 1'-(ay-!)1) "ntil !*-(ay-!)1)
+nfor&ation abo"t the f"nding
,he +nstit"te of -erontology .+O-/, King0s College London, is a leading &"lti-disciplinary
depart&ent for research and teaching into the st"dy of ageing and is an E$1C recognised
research o"tlet. ,he st"dentship is offered in partnership with AgeCare.
(ore infor&ation abo"t the +nstit"te of -erontology and its strands of research can be fo"nd
4e in5ite applications for a fo"r-year f"ll-ti&e E$1C CA$E st"dentship co&prising a lin3ed (1es
and %h6, co&&encing $epte&ber !)1).
+nfor&ation abo"t the application
%h6: 1ole of Assisti5e ,echnology and %ersonal Care in Enabling 7a&ilies to Care for 1elati5es
with 6e&entia in their Location of Choice ,he +nstit"te in5ites applicants with an interest in the
"se of A, to assist with personal care a&ong those with de&entia. ,he pro#ect will e8a&ine how
A, can be "sed in the conte8t of personal care for older people in pro5iding assistance with
acti5ities of daily li5ing .A6Ls/ s"ch as dressing, feeding and getting in and o"t of bed9 and how
A, can play a positi5e role in enabling those caring for a relati5e with de&entia to &a3e preferred
choices as to whether their relati5es re&ain at ho&e or &o5e to a residential ho&e. ,his %h6 will
be s"per5ised by 6r. Karen -laser and %rofessor Anthea ,in3er .+o-/.
+t is anticipated that s"ccessf"l applicants will ha5e a first degree at !:1 or first class le5el or the
e:"i5alent standard fro& a E"ropean Uni5ersity.
CO6+,+O$ O7 ,;E A4A16$:
,he holders of these st"dentships will be e8pected to:
- %repare and s"b&it a doctoral dissertation in a ti&ely fashion
- %repare papers for s"b&ission to peer-re5iewed #o"rnals
- %articipate in and contrib"te to the research and teaching acti5ities of +o-
$pecified "se
,he st"dentship is f"nded f"ll-ti&e for ' years. +n the first year the st"dent will recei5e a
&aintenance grant of aro"nd <1=,))) and f"ll fees for the (1es -erontology. 7or each year of
the %h6 after that, the st"dent will recei5e the sa&e &aintenance grant, f"ll fees for the %h6, and
an additional <>,))) fro& o"r partner AgeCare.
Altho"gh the award only co5ers ;o&e2EU fees, applicants fro& o"tside the UK2EU are also
in5ited to apply for the st"dentship on the "nderstanding that the difference in cost of t"ition fee is
payable by the candidate. ,he t"ition fee for f"ll-ti&e international postgrad"ates is c"rrently
<11,=)) per year.
Application proced"re
All applicants for the st"dentship &"st co&plete the following for&s by the deadline of !*th (ay
1. ,he E$1C2CA$E A-ECA1E %h6 $t"dentship Co5er $heet, incl"ding %ersonal $tate&ent.
,he Co5er $heet and 7"rther %artic"lars can be downloaded fro& the botto& of this webpage.
%lease see below.
!. A c"rrent C? which sho"ld incl"de:
- yo"r f"ll na&e with title
- ed"cation: degrees .s"b#ect, class, instit"tion, date of award/
- other acade&ic2professional :"alifications .s"b#ect, le5el, instit"tion, date of award/
- e&ploy&ent history, where rele5ant
>. ,wo acade&ic references. 1eferences sho"ld be sent by post or directly e&ailed to 6r. Karen
-laser at the address below.
'. +f yo" ha5e a preference for one of these pro#ects, please state this in yo"r application.
Contact details:
6r. Karen -laser
+nstit"te of -erontology
$chool of $ocial $cience @ %"blic %olicy
King0s College London
$trand A"ilding .Bth floor/
London, 4C!1 !L$
+nfor&al en:"iries by e&ail welco&e, contact"3 or"3
4ebsite lin3:"32grad"ate2f"nding2database2inde8.phpDactionE5iew@idE>>=

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