Tutorial 1

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1. Knowing that the central portion of the link BD (Figure T1.1) has a uniform cross-
sectional area of 800 mm
, determine the magnitude of the load P for which the
normal stress in that portion of BD is 50 MPa.

Figure T1.1

(b) P = 33.1 kN

2. Part of the landing gear for a light plane is shown in Figure T1.2. Determine the
compressive stress in the strut AB caused by a landing reaction R = 20 kN. Strut AB
is inclined at 53.1
with BC. Neglect weights of the members.

Figure T1.2
= 65.7 MPa

(a) (b)
3. Determine the weight of the heaviest cylinder which can be placed in the position
shown in Figure T1.3 without exceeding a stress of 50 MPa in the cable BC. Neglect
the weight of bar AB. The cross-sectional area of cable BC is 100 mm

Figure T1.3

4. A homogeneous 150 kg bar AB carries a 2 kN force as shown in Figure T1.4. The bar
is supported by a pin at B and a 10 mm diameter cable CD. Determine the stress in
the cable.

Figure T1.4

5. Two wooden planks, each 15 mm thick and 200 mm wide, are joined by the glued
mortise joint as shown in Figure T1.5. Knowing that the joint will fail when the
average shearing stress in the glue reaches 900 kPa, determine the required length d of
the cuts if the joint is to withstand an axial load of magnitude P = 4 kN.

Figure T1.5
d = 42.3 mm
6. For the truss shown in Figure T1.6, calculate the stresses in the members DF, CE and
BD. The cross-sectional area of each member is 1200 mm
. Indicate tension (T) or
compression (C).

Figure T1.6

= 188 MPa (C),

= 113 MPa (T),
= 80.1 MPa (C)

7. The bell crank shown in Figure T1.7 is in equilibrium. Determine (a) the required
diameter of the connecting rod AB if its axial stress is limited to 100 MPa, (b) the
shearing stress in the pin at D if its diameter is 20 mm.

Figure T1.7

8. The mass of the homogeneous bar AB shown in Figure T1.8 is 2000 kg. The bar is
supported by a pin at B and smooth vertical surface at A. Determine the diameter of
the smallest pin which can be used at B if its shear stress is limited to 60 MPa. The
detail of the pin support at B is identical to that of the pin support at D shown in
Figure T1.7.

Figure T1.8

d = 14.9 mm

9. The horizontal link BC shown in Figure T1.9 is 6 mm thick and is made of steel with
a 450 MPa ultimate strength in tension. What should be the width w of the link if the
structure shown was designed to support a load P = 35 kN with a factor of safety
equal to 3.

Figure T1.9
w = 33.7 mm


1. F. P. Beer, E. R. Johnston Jr. J. T. DeWolf and D. F. Mazurex, Mechanics of
Materials, 2
Edition in SI Units, McGraw-Hill, 1992.
2. Ferdinand L. singer and Andrew Pytel, Strength of Materials, 3
Edition, Harper &
Row Publishers, 1980.

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