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Lab Manual for CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition Lab Manual Solutions 1-

Chapter 1 Solutions
Activity Questions, Lab 1-1
1. Wireless network that ro!ides "nternet connection and !irtual ri!ate network access fro# a $i!en
Answer% &ot sot
'. (eleco##unications industr) secification that describes how #obile hones, co#uters, and ersonal
di$ital assistants *+,As- can be easil) networked usin$ a short-ran$e *about ./ feet- connection.
Answer% 0luetooth
.. (he act of locatin$ and ossibl) e1loitin$ connections to wireless networks while dri!in$ around.
Answer% War dri!in$
2. Con!erts radio-fre3uenc) fields *45- into alternatin$ current *AC- or !ice !ersa.
Answer% Antenna
6. Local area network in which a user can connect throu$h a radio connection.
Answer% WLAN
7. 5or#ed when at least two de!ices, such as a ortable +C and a cellular hone, connect usin$ 0luetooth
Answer% +iconet
8. 4efers to the trans#ission of #odulated !isible or infrared *"4- bea#s throu$h the at#oshere to
obtain broadband co##unications.
Answer% 5S9
:. Secification for a set of rotocols that standardi;e the wa) that wireless de!ices, such as cellular
telehones and radio transcei!ers, are used for "nternet access.
Answer% WA+
<. "ncororates the use of radio fre3uenc) to uni3uel) identif) an ob=ect, ani#al, or erson.
Answer% 45",
1/. A wireless co#uter data network that #a) e1tend o!er a lar$e $eo$rahical area.
Answer% WWAN
11. A lan$ua$e that allows the te1t ortions of Web a$es to be disla)ed on cell hones and +,As
Answer% WML
1'. Wireless industr) coalition whose #e#bers or$ani;ed to ad!ance the "EEE :/'.17 standard, which
will enable wireless networks to trans#it u to ./ #iles.
Answer% WiMA>
1.. A wireless network for interconnectin$ de!ices centered around an indi!idual erson?s worksace.
Answer% W+AN
12. Software built into a wireless de!ice that allows users to access and disla) seciall) for#atted
"nternet content usin$ a handset de!ice.
Answer% Microbrowser
16. A station that trans#its and recei!es data and connects wireless users to the wired network.
Answer% Access oint
17. (er# for certain t)es of wireless LANs that use secifications in the :/'.11 fa#il).
Answer% Wi-5i
18. A card that is inserted into a de!ice to connect it to a wireless network.
Answer% Wireless adater
Lab Manual for CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition Lab Manual Solutions 1-
1:. A WWAN technolo$) used b) cell hones and other handheld de!ices.
Answer% GSM
Review Questions, Lab 1-1
1. What is the funda#ental difference between a WLAN, W+AN, and WWAN@
Answer% (he h)sical scoe of the network
'. What is the difference between a re$ular Web browser and a #icrobrowser@
Answer% A Web browser is used on co#uters and latosA a #icrobrowser has been #odified to work
on handheld de!ices and is a li$htwei$ht !ersion of a Web browser.
.. What is the difference between &(ML and WML@
Answer% WML is a li$htwei$ht !ersion of &(ML.
2. What is the difference between Wi-5i and WiMA>@
Answer% Wi-5i is for WLANsA WiMA> is for WWANs.
6. What are the ad!anta$es and disad!anta$es to usin$ a hot sot@
Answer% (he disad!anta$e is that it is not secureA the ad!anta$e is that it offers free, eas) access to the
Activity Questions, Lab 1-2
Advantage Wired or
Interference Wired has
As long as you dont put UTP up against
power sources, you should avoid
Installation Wireless ou dont have to pull ca!le, except to for"
the switch to the access point.
#ecurity Wired Wireless is unguided, so it is easier to tap
$o!ility Wireless It is not tethered !y wires.
Wireless ou can set up a hot site "ore &uic'ly.
(elia!ility Wireless $any pro!le"s are ca!le)related.
*ealth ris's Wired, "ay!e There is no concrete evidence against
wireless yet, !ut there is so"e indication that
long)ter" exposure could !e ris'y.
Review Questions, Lab 1-2
+. Interference is not a concern with wired networ's. True or ,alse-
Answer% 5alse
.. The pri"ary advantage of wireless syste"s is "o!ility. True or ,alse-
Answer% (rue
/. Explain the di0erence !etween a hot site and a cold site.
Answer% (he hot site is read) to $o. (he cold site is =ust a facilit)B)ou need all the network
1. Why are wireless networ's inherently less secure than wired networ's-
Answer% (he trans#ission is un$uided.
2. In your opinion, is wireless !etter than wired for regular des'top
co"puting when "o!ility is not a factor- Why or why not-
Lab Manual for CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition Lab Manual Solutions 1-
Answer% 9inion !aries.
Activity Questions, Lab 1-3
'. What are so#e of the latest 0luetooth de!ices@
Answer% +al# (-6 +,A, Nokia N-Ga$e $a#in$ de!ice, Son) Ericsson headset, Ale ke)board and
#ouse, Motorola 4AC4 honeDdi$ital ca#eraD#e$
2. &ow is :/'.16 related to 0luetooth@
Answer% :/'.16 is based on 0luetooth.
7. What is EWi-5iF short for@
Answer% Wireless fidelit)
8. (o which "EEE standard did Wi-5i ori$inall) al)@
Answer% :/'.11b
What "EEE standards does Wi-5i al) to now@
Answer% :/'.11bDaD$ standard
:. What are 0luetooth de!ices desi$ned to do@
Answer% 4elace cables between cell hones, notebooks, +,As, rinters, etc.
What are Wi-5i de!ices desi$ned to do@
Answer% 4elace cables between co#uters, latos, rinters, etc., and an access oint
<. What is the ran$e of 0luetooth de!ices !ersus the ran$e of Wi-5i de!ices@
Answer% 0luetooth?s ran$e is ./ feetA :/'.11?s ran$e is 1// to 6// feet.
1/. 0luetooth de!ices interfere with so#e Wi-5i de!ices. Wh) is this true@
Answer% 0oth are in the ran$e of '.2 G&;
Review Questions, Lab 1-3
+. What is the IEEE standard for 3luetooth-
Answer% :/'.16
.. What is the IEEE standard for Wi),i-
Answer% :/'.11
/. In what way are 3luetooth and Wi),i co"peting standards-
Answer% 0oth ro!ide local area wireless connecti!it).
1. In what way are 3luetooth and Wi),i not co"peting standards-
Answer% 0luetooth is W+AN technolo$), and :/'.11 is WLAN technolo$).
2. *ow do you feel a!out the prospects of 3luetooth- Why-
Answer% 9inion !aries.

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