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Exercise Tests Multinational

Panama Canal Defense
WHA Caribbean Posts
Prepare for Storm Season
November 2014
Consulate General builds enduring
partnerships in modern city
Isaac D. Pacheco
Deputy Editor
Ed Warner
Associate Editor
Michael Hahn
Art Director
Luis A. Jimenez, Jr.
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Hurricane Sandy passed to the west of Haiti
Oct. 25, causing heavy rains and strong
winds, ooding homes and overowing rivers.
A coastal town is ooded.
Photo by Logan Abassi
Auckland's skyline rises up over
Waitemt Harbour.
Photo by Oliver Rich
6 Chief Economist
Ofce boosts Department's economic game
8 Angel Room
Ceiling fresco decorates CG Leipzig
9 Speaking of Leadership
Employee groups aim: hone management skills
10 Together We Can
Exercise tests Panama Canal defense
12 Auckland
Building partnerships in a modern city
18 Epic Groundbreaking
U.S. Diplomacy Center launched
20 To the Summit
Teamwork key to U.S.-Africa event
26 Full ALERT
Language courses support Diplomatic Security

2 In the News
4 America the Beautiful
5 Diversity Notes
24 In Brief
26 Medical Report
27 Lying in State
28 Appointments
30 Obituaries
32 End State
On The Cover
November 2014 // Issue Number 594
With support from the R Innovation Fund, the Bureau of Democ-
racy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) ofcially launched the State
of Rights series in September. Te public diplomacy initiative brings
together experts and citizens for interactive dialogues on global trends
afecting emerging powers and fedgling democracies.
Te series began with the panel discussion Government for the
People: Combating Corruption with Assistant Secretary Tom Ma-
linowski and representatives of the World Bank, Global Financial Integ-
rity, Transparency International and Global Integrity. Te panel focused
on the link between poor human rights practices and corruption, and
reducing corruption in countries where authoritarian leaders use it to
build and fund their personal power bases. Panelists said pervasive cor-
ruption can also be a driver for political change.
Corruption is the issue around which people who fght for democ-
racy and human rights can rally the public, Malinowski said. Opposi-
tion to corruption can be a unifying factor amongst the very popula-
tions dictators are trying to divide.
Later in September, DRL held a panel discussion on citizen activ-
ism and coalition-building moderated by PBS NewsHour anchor Judy
Woodruf. Panelists included Special Advisor for International Disabil-
ity Rights Judy Heumann, former Congressman Barney Frank and the
CEO and president of the Leadership Conference for Civil and Human
Rights, Wade Henderson. Tey focused on how coalitions of Ameri-
cans centered on First Amendment rights have shaped U.S. history and
DRL Launches State of
Rights Series
Gathered with Assistant Secretary Malinowski, second from left, at the launch of the
State of Rights series, are from left, Nathaniel Heller of the group Global Integrity,
Malinowski, Shruti Shah of the group Transparency International, Jean Pemse of the
World Bank and Heather Lowe of the group Global Financial Integrity.
Photo by Matthew Miller
legislation, and can be efective in other countries.
State of Rights seeks to develop a sustainable interactive network
for governments, policy leaders and civil society to share ideas and
practices across borders, including in countries with restrictive envi-
ronments. Te series encourages online participants to use Twitter to
ask questions during each event and to continue a virtual dialogue
afterward. American Corners worldwide and more than 45 embassies
have advertised the live stream of the series or hosted viewing par-
ties. Videos, transcripts and translations of the State of Rights events
are available online along with additional information provided by
partner organizations. DRLs Ofce of Policy Planning and Public
Diplomacy is now working to expand the series.
In the News
In public squares and open lots, urban Chinese residents practice the
graceful, interpretive dance-like postures of tai chi. Long a part of Chi-
nese culture, tai chi has been hailed by medical professionals, eastern
and western alike, as an efective, low-impact form of exercise to reduce
stress, maintain energy levels and improve health.
In May, U.S. Embassy Beijing staf and guests were treated to a demon-
stration of tai chi, compliments of Master Joseph Chen Zhonghua, a 19th-
generation tai chi master. About 40 people attended the demonstration,
organized by one of Chens students, ISC Systems Operator Rick Pietila.
Dressed in a loose, white, cloth-buttoned tunic and trousers, Chen
highlighted tai chis history and demonstrated the Practical Method,
which restores the traditional martial-art element of one-on-one com-
bat techniques and takedowns. He also explained that Practical Method
instruction stresses the sharing of tai chi knowledge among students.
Tai chi is a fower in my garden, which Id like to share with you, he
said of his teaching style.
Chen began his tai chi practice 35 years ago as a preteen, to recover
from ill health. To illustrate those benefts, he introduced Tim Duehring,
a 65-year-old student from Wisconsin who had sufered from chronic
joint-related ailments and whose doctors wanted to replace all of his
Embassy Hosts Tai Chi
Master Joseph Chen Zhonghua, at front, leads Embassy Beijing staff in a group tai chi
practice. Photo by Embassy Beijing
joints and turn him into a robot, quipped Chen. Tai chi helped Dueh-
ring regain a pain-free full range of motion, he said.
In a dramatic demonstration of tai chis roots in martial arts, Chen
then squared of with Pietila in a session of pushing handsthe pair
standing opposite one another, arms extended with hands pressing
against each others upper chest. As he explained the principle of using
subtle rotational movements to redirect the opponents forward energy,
Chen sent Pietila sprawling across the mat with a slight realignment of
his upper body and hips.
Ending the program, Chen led the audience through a series of
simple motions that he suggested could be performed at any worksta-
tion as daytime stress-breakers.
As a diplomat, learning these local customs and traditions really gives
you a new perspective, observed Carla Hitchcock, who works in Facili-
ties. It helps you to relate to locals much more efectively.
Department employees on Sept. 10 attended a panel discussion of experts
on Department policy and resources to address workplace bullying. Te
panel, moderated by Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources
Marcia Bernicat, described what can be done when someone reports
workplace bullying and the possible interventions, which range from
informal conversations to formal investigations and discipline. Panelists
included Shireen Dodson, the Departments ombudsman (S/O); Dr. Stan
Piotroski, director, Employee Consultation Services (M/MED); Jennifer
DeHeer, senior attorney-adviser, Ofce of Civil Rights (S/OCR); Paul
Houston, director of the Bureau of Diplomatic Securitys Ofce of Special
Investigations; and Kimberly Brooks, chief of the Bureau of Human
Resources Conduct, Suitability and Discipline Division.
Dodson highlighted her ofces informal, neutral and confdential
services for handling a workplace confict involving bullying. If
employees agree to participate, S/O can ofer confict coaching to an
individual, mediate a confict between employees, or survey an ofce for
its confict climate.
Dr. Piotroski said the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) can provide
employees with confdential consultation and counseling to assist them in
developing a plan of action. Our goal is to assist the employees emotional
well-being throughout the resolution process, he said. EAP also provides
consultation to managers confronting bullying issues in their workplaces.
S/OCR may be involved when an individual complaining of bullying
suspects the bullys motives may involve traits protected by the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission, such as the victims sex, race,
DC Panel Discusses
Workplace Bullying
The anti-bullying panel members were, from left, Marcia Bernicat, deputy assistant
secretary for Human Resources; Ombudsman Shireen Dodson; Dr. Stanley Piotroski,
director of Employee Consultation Services; Jenniffer DeHeer, senior attorney-adviser,
Ofce of Civil Rights; Kimberly Brooks, director, Conduct, Suitability and Discipline Division;
and Paul Houston, director, Ofce of Special Investigations, Bureau of Diplomatic Security.
State Department photo
color, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual
orientation or as a reprisal for fling an EEO complaint.
Te Ofce of Special Investigations takes action when workplace
violence is involved, such as bullying, harassment, intimidation, verbal
abuse and threatening behavior. Te Conduct and Suitability Division
also deals with bullying complaints by consulting with the employee
being bullied and the supervisor of that workplace, and may initiate a
disciplinary process to hold employees accountable for misconduct.
Addressing workplace bullying is not just the responsibility of subject
matter experts, Bernicat said. It is the responsibility of everyone
including employees at every level, mid-level supervisors and senior
managersto recognize [workplace bullying] and respond appropriately.
A video of the panel is available on B-Net.
A memorial on the 40th anniversary of the 1974 killing of U.S. Ambas-
sador to Cyprus Rodger Davies and locally hired staf member Antoinette
Varnava was held Aug. 19 at the U.S. Embassy in Nicosia, Cyprus.
Davies arrived at post when Greek and Turkish Cypriot tensions were
simmering. On Aug. 19, 1974, as demonstrators pelted the chancery
with rocks, Davies and other Embassy staf sheltered in a hallway thought
to be safe. Davies was killed by a single bullet fred from the midst of the
mob. Varnava, a 10-year veteran at post, rushed to the ambassadors aid
and was also shot and killed immediately.
Prior to arriving in Cyprus, Ambassador Davies had been Director of
the Bureau of Near Eastern Afairs and the Deputy Assistant Secretary
of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Afairs. He was posthumously
awarded the Secretarys Award for his service.
At the memorial event, Ambassador John Koenig said the greatest
tribute that we can make to the victims memory is to fnd a permanent
solution to the ongoing division of the island. Deputy Chief of Mission
Pamela Tremont read letters that Secretary of State John Kerry sent to
both victims families that spoke of the humanity, courage and wisdom
of Ambassador Davies and called for a solution to the confict on Cyprus.
Te embassy also renamed the chief of mission residence as the
Davies House and the community liaison staf lounge as the Varnava
Lounge. Two local musicians performed a moving violin/piano duet and
the Ave Maria was performed by a former Fulbright scholar, who today
Embassy Holds Memorial to
Honor Fallen Collegues
Ambassador John Koenig lights a memorial candle at the event, as Varnavas sister
stands at left.
Photo by Costas Hadjielias
is involved in bicommunal peacebuilding eforts in Cyprus. Participants
remained for a candle-lighting ceremony and to view the commemora-
tive plaques. Te plaque for Davies features the praise of former Secretary
of State Henry Kissinger, who said in 1974 that Davies embodied the
qualities and spirit which mark an American.
Attendees included members of the Varnava family, Republic of
Cyprus Minister of Foreign Afairs Ioannis Kasoulides, U.N. Special
Representative of the Secretary General Lisa Buttenheim, and other
prominent political, religious and civic leaders in the Greek Cypriot and
Turkish Cypriot communities.
Insulated from the frigid waters of Crooked River
by a thick down coat under its plumage, a mute
swan glides gracefully past the snow-blanketed
landscape in Alanson, Mich.
Photo by Isaac D. Pacheco
With our improved user-friendly website, it is now easier than
ever to access answers to the questions above and more.
S/OCR is particularly thrilled about the Hot Of the Press
and Whats New Spotlight features on the homepage. In these
sections, you will fnd the latest policy guidance and information
regarding EEO and diversity. Te homepage also has a calendar
of upcoming events that will include scheduled training
opportunities and commemorative month celebrations. Most
excitingly, you can now access all previously published Diversity
Notes articles dating back to the frst one in 2009. We truly hope
that these features will help keep our customers up to date with
S/OCR happenings.
When I say the website has improved, I mean immensely
improved. A six-person team on the S/OCR staf recently received
a Secretarys Meritorious Honor Award for this creation. And I
will have a Directors Corner with a new and nicer picture, one of
a guy less overweight than the one you see above. So, take some
time to visit and tell us what you think. We
welcome your feedback to help us further enhance the quality of
our website. Please send them to
he Ofce of Civil Rights (S/OCR) has launched our
newly redesigned and improved website, which now
contains everything you want to know about S/OCR,
including information about who we are, what we do and how
we can be a resource to you.
Some ofce websites intend to defect routine information-
gathering phone calls, reducing them to 10 frequently asked
questions, to relieve receptionists and others from felding
repetitive calls. Tis was not S/OCRs goal in revamping our
website. We believe every State Department employee should
know about their Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
rights and responsibilities. Driven by our commitment
to provide high-quality service, we have created a more
navigable website where employees can easily access a wealth
of information.
In exploring our new website, you will learn a bit about
the various teams in S/OCR. Im proud to say that our
ofce has one of the best educated and experienced staf
among government EEO ofces. Nearly one-third of our
staf members are either licensed attorneys or have other
advanced degrees. We understand that its difcult to commit
to memory the ins and outs of the EEO process thats what
were here for. And thats why weve revamped our website to
ensure access to the resources you need, when you need them.
Considering that the Department has about 450 trained
collateral-duty EEO Counselors serving worldwide, 13
Employee Afnity Groups with members spread across the
world, and a complex, globally mobile workforce, we thought
it was important for individuals to be able to quickly fnd
answers to questions, such as:
What rights do I have in the EEO process? How can I fle
an EEO complaint?
What is considered harassment, and how can I report it?
How many and what types of EEO complaints does
S/OCR receive?
As a manager, what should I know about EEO?
What commemorative month celebration is occurring
this month?
What is an EEO Counselor and how can I become one?
What are the latest developments about EEO?
How can I request an EEO briefng for my bureau
from S/OCR?
Where can I fnd last months Diversity Notes?
How do I join an Employee Afnity Group?
Check Out
OCRs New Website
uch challenges as determining
how new sanctions will afect the
economies of Russia and its trading
partners, and how to quantify them,
are the work of the Departments Ofce of the
Chief Economist (OCE). Tey call for in-depth
economic analysis and interaction with relevant
bureau ofcers, specifcally those covering
Russian afairs or responsible for sanctions policy.
Established in 2012 at the recommendation
of the frst Quadrennial Diplomacy and
Development Review (QDDR), OCE ranks
among the Departments newest ofces. In July,
the ofce gained a new chief economist, Dr.
Rodney D. Ludema of Georgetown University.
Ludemas predecessor, Heidi Crebo-Rediker,
positioned OCE as an analytical resource for
other bureaus and ofces, and Ludema aims to
build OCE into the economic policy research
shop that the Department needs to advance
American interests in the twenty-frst century.
Ludema is a widely respected economist
whose extensive publications have focused on
international trade. On leave from Georgetown,
where he has been a professor of economics in
the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service,
Ludema was earlier with the U.S. International
Trade Commission and the White House
Council of Economic Advisors, where he was
senior international economist.
Its really about assembling a team, Ludema
said, regarding plans for building the ofces
Chief Economist
Ofce boosts Departments economic game
Story by Paige Scholes, principal assistant to the chief economist,
and Aaron Forsberg, executive assistant, Ofce of the Chief Economist
Photos by Paige Scholes
research capabilities. With career economic
specialists, OCE can perform a unique role
within the Department.
Ludema said the ofce needs staf with
policy experience to connect what we do
to the day-to-day work of bureaus with
line authority, but were in good shape on
that score. He also lauded OCEs research
assistants, who are recent graduates, and
its senior economists who bring years of
experience to the job. Currently, the ofce
has one research assistant and two Ph.D.
economists, and has authority to hire more.
Im looking to boost that number in the
coming months, he added
OCEs mission is to provide analysis,
promote capacity building of Department
personnel and conduct public
outreach and liaison. In terms
of analytical and research
priorities, OCE has chosen
policy issues tied to crucial
diplomatic priorities that
have an important economic
dimension. Te ongoing,
and shifting, needs of the
Department have driven much
of our analytical agenda,
said Deputy Chief Economist
Mark Stone, who joined OCE
in 2012 on leave from the
International Monetary Fund.
Weve keyed our economic analysis to the needs
of regional and functional bureaus based on the
capabilities of the ofce in an organic manner.
During 2014, the ofce has concentrated on:
Modeling economies of Iran and Russia
under sanctions
Conducting liaison with U.S. government
agencies doing economic modeling of
climate change;
Building a case for Internet openness;
Advancing energy initiatives such as phase-out
of fossil fuel subsidies;
Assessing state capitalism;
Monitoring risks to global economic
stability arising from developments in the
Eurozone and emerging market economies
such as Brazil and India.
Ofce of the Month
OCE hosts a Bloomberg training event with Bloomberg representative Matt
Traum, at right of screen.
Staff of the Ofce of the Chief Economist include, from left, Paul Stucky,
Aaron Forsberg, Mark Stone, Rodney Ludema, Chandler Grigg, Paige
Scholes and Kaysha Gurell-Hall.
Acting Chief Economist Mark Stone prepares for a webinar with Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Karen Dynan.
Whether it is an economic policy or a
national security policy with an economic
dimension, we want to bring the best possible
economic analysis to bear, Ludema explained.
Doing so often uncovers hidden implications,
and understanding these implications gives State
an edge in both policy formation and advocacy.
Strengthening the economic skills of
Department ofcers is part of capacity building
and involves such activities as increasing the
availability of economic data and the analytical
tools to use the data. Working with the
Ofce of Monetary Afairs and the Ofce of
E-Diplomacy, among others, OCE led the efort
to bring the database of global economic data
compiled by Haver Analytics to the desk of any
Department employee, domestically or abroad.
Te database provides time-series data for
individual countries and regions compiled from
more than 200 databases using governmental
or nongovernmental sources, including those
on gross domestic product, employment and
infation. Tat data can be exported to Excel to
create a chart, all in seconds.
Early adopters of the data now say they
couldnt imagine doing their job without it. In
fact, the ability to easily generate graphs and
charts just might change the look of reports
going to the Departments Seventh Floor
principals, who increasingly want their briefng
materials to be more portable and more visual.
Te ofces public outreach and liaison
work aims to strengthen the Departments
interaction with external counterparts in the
interagency and wider economic policy arenas.
OCE hosts roundtable discussions for ofcers
in regional and functional bureaus. Guests have
included European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development Chief Economist Erik Berglof and
Standard Chartered Head of Africa Research
Razia Khan. OCE also produces webinars; in
April, Treasury Assistant Secretary for Economic
Policy Karen Dynan spoke on the outlook
for the U.S. economy. (A video is available on
OCEs SharePoint site.)
Te head of OCE also represents the
Department abroad, particularly on issues
involving macroeconomic policy. In June,
then-Acting Chief Economist Mark Stone
joined Assistant Secretary Charles Rivkin
in visiting Israel for the Joint Economic
Development Group dialogue. Ludema said
hes very eager to get out of the building
to make the Department more visible in
economic policy circles.
According to Under Secretary for Economic
Growth, Energy and the Environment Catherine
Novelli, OCEs research and analysis are critical
to raising the Departments economic game.
Credible data and well-reasoned arguments are
absolutely critical to getting policies through the
interagency in Washington and building support
for them abroad, she said. So Im looking to
our new Chief Economist to build OCE into the
Departments economic research shop. Teres
an economic case we can make to advance policy
priorities such as preserving an open Internet,
and we should be doing just that.
OCEs story fts into a broader pattern of
government institutions drawing increasingly on
in-house economists for advice. A major aim of
Chief Economist Rodney Ludema lectures to a group of Ph.D. students at Benedictine University.
the 2010 QDDR, for instance, was elevating
economic diplomacy as an essential strand of
our foreign policy by expanding States role on
geo-economic issues. Te appointment of a
chief economist was part of that efort.
Looking ahead, Ludema said the key measure
of OCEs value will be whether it serves all
Department staf, from individual ofcers
to principals: On the issues were following,
Im committed to working with colleagues in
Washington and Im excited to visit our overseas
missions when and where I can be useful.
o those unfamiliar with Leipzig,
the U.S. Consulate Generals
Angel Room may seem like just
a nice old room for events, with
a ceiling adorned by a fresco depicting a sky
flled with angels. Te fresco often impresses
visitors, but its true signifcance and the story
of its loss and rediscovery is known mainly by
local history bufs.
To the consulates staf and local
population, the Angel Room is a symbol for
the city and consulate of a brighter tomorrow
built on the past.
Te frescos importance and symbolism are
intertwined with the history of the consulate
building on Wilhelm-Seyferth-Strae and the
history of the U.S. Mission itself.
Te most fascinating thing, for me,
about this building is how many roles its
served, said Political/Economic Specialist Dr.
Andreas Fuerst. Leipzigs important status as
a commercial hub, he noted, has necessitated
the presence of a U.S. consul since 1826.
Te building that would later become the
consulate was frst the villa of an infuential
local merchant and then a clinic for tuberculosis
patients. When Leipzig became part of East
Germany after World War II, the East German
government used the building as a guesthouse
and listening post for the secret police.
Ten, 25 years ago, peaceful demonstrations
against the communist German Democratic
Republic (GDR) grew, and America took notice.
Secretary of State James Baker visited
Berlin in early December 1989, just after
the fall of the Berlin Wall, said Information
Specialist Melanie Duong. After obtaining
a promise from GDR leaders to hold free
elections,he then asked Richard C. Barkley,
the last U.S. ambassador to the GDR, what
else he should ask for, and Barkley, without
a moments hesitation, replied that the U.S.
Consulate to Leipzig had to be reopened.
On July 4, 1992, after a 50-year hiatus,
the consulate ofcially reopened, this time
at Wilhelm-Seyferth-Strae. Renovation
and upkeep eforts have constantly yielded
reminders of the sites rich past.
During the extensive 20082009 renovation,
workers uncovered lavish ornaments, paintings
and gildings hidden underneath layers of paint.
Te ceiling paint was carefully removed, revealing
a masterpiece dating to the very frst days of the
villa. Te fresco, since partially restored, spans
almost the length of the rooms ceiling.
It was spectacular, simply amazing, recalled
Dr. Fuerst. When they told me they had found
it, I didnt believe them. I dont know what
amazed me more: the fact that we found it, or
the fact that someone had tried to hide it away.
Te Angel Room celebrates Leipzigs rich
cultural heritage. Te fresco once symbolized the
economic and cultural clout of pre-war Leipzig,
and its rediscovery comes at a time of growth for
a city that is again a vital cultural and economic
hub for Germany. Te fresco also symbolizes the
renewed U.S. diplomatic presence in Leipzig,
which like the fresco had its origins in Leipzigs
tradition of trade. For some Leipzig residents,
the fresco also holds deep meaning.
By Patrick Hoehne,
intern, U.S. Consulate General Leipzig
Ceiling fresco
decorates CG Leipzig
I was born after the fall of the Wall, said
Turingia native and consulate intern Wiebke
Wartenberg. I see no diference between
East and West. For me, the Angel Room, and
the consulate in general, remind me not only
that we have a rich past together, but also a
promising future.
Angelic Artwork greets visitors to the Angel Room. Photo by Raphaela Tuchscherer
The rediscovered fresco in the Angel Room reects the
buildings rich history. The room is now used for public
events including concerts, speeches and book readings.
Photo by Wiebke Wartenberg
o help myself and colleagues at post
develop leadership skills, I founded a
leadership development group, and am
now doing the same here in Washington, D.C.
Sure, there are books and classes on the
topic, but to be able to take charge of a project
or program often means being dropped into
the deep end of the management pool where
you either sink or swim, and where on-the-job
advice and mentoring can provide needed
tips. So I asked myself: How can we help
managers maneuver through mistakes and
successes common among leaders, fnding ways
non-leaders might help one another one-to-one
and become a sounding board of ideas to be
better leaders and managers?
Tus was created the Empowering
Leadership Development (ELD) group at
the U.S. Mission in Panama, where I was an
information systems ofcer. Te group became
a forum where senior management from
across our embassy community could discuss
current managerial and leadership issues. Te
group, which came to include leaders from the
Department and 26 interagency section heads
and their deputies, promotes awareness and
the application of leadership tools. It meets
regularly, with discussions held in confdence
on such topics as how to handle a difcult
personnel situation, face administrative
challenges, defne work expectations and apply
best practices for a manager.
Te group also discusses published articles
on leadership and has empowered mid-level
employees to communicate with senior-level
leaders on best practices in terms of dealing with
specifc issues. Te meetings also build intra-
embassy relationships and remind members that
being a leader is a work in progress.
In October, I launched a stateside version of
the group to coincide with my new posting in
Washington. Tis leadership development group
is for GS14- and GS15-level staf and FS-02/01
ofcers and meets the frst Tuesday of every
month from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Room
1408 at Main State. Tis months meeting is
Nov. 4, and the next is Dec. 2.
I hope the D.C. meetings will generate
the same level of enthusiasm as among
Mission Panama staf. Tere, the group won
endorsement from members such as posts
public afairs ofcer, Kristin Stewart.
As a frst-time section head, said Stewart,
the Empowering Leadership Development
group has been an important tool for developing
my leadership abilities. An OIG inspection
while she was still new at post had cited her
sections lagging morale, but Stewart said, Te
ELD group gave me a chance to discuss real-life
scenarios, gain feedback and ideas from senior
managers and peers, and directly apply them to
improving our sections morale and productivity.
Because ELD at post consists mostly of
non-Department of State ofcers, it ofers
an interagency perspective on leadership that
Stewart feels can prepare FSOs for DCM
positions or interagency work: Id highly
recommend forming ELD groups in all our
embassies to develop the leadership skills
required of Foreign Service mid-level ofcers.
Another member, Maribel Montoya, a
supervisory employee with U.S. Customs and
Border Patrol, said that as a non-State employee
she found the group gave her the opportunity
to leverage the extensive experience from peers
within the Department and allow discussions on
a variety of management challenges arising from
the transient environment of an embassy.
Drawing from the experiences of diferent
agency employees, the Panama group was able
to advise members on how to manage a wide
range of challenging situations. For example,
learning the ropes of the embassys HR policies,
especially as they pertain to the supervision of
Locally Employed Staf, was especially valuable.
A third member of the ELD group,
Steve Antoine, an Assistant Regional
Security Ofcer, said the group gave him
an opportunity to utilize the resources and
experience of another agency colleague (in this
case, a Customs and Border Patrol Supervisory
Special Agent) to assist him in working
through the challenge of managing and
motivating an under-performing employee.
Te result: Tat employee re-engaged and is
producing award-worthy work, Antoine said.
Beyond its leadership discussions, the
group has generated interest for the creation
of a mid-level management group to develop
individuals who are no longer entry-level
or second-tour employees and want career
development insights from upper management.
Tose interested in participating in the
Washington ELD can contact me by email.
More information on the group is on its site on
the Departments Corridor page, and on the
website of the Smart Leadership community,
which has a tab on the group.
Speaking of Leadership
By Maribel Pulido, IT project manager, Vendor Management Ofce,
Bureau of Information Resource Management
Employee groups aim: management skills
Members of the Empowering Leadership
Development group gather at post.
Photo by Miguel Moreno
ome 3,000 military ofcers, enlisted
and civilian staf, speaking three
diferent languages and coming
from 17 countries, spent nine days
in Texas, Florida, Arizona and Virginia in
August as part of a set of war games in which
the Department of State provided a crucial
advisory role.
Te military forcesincluding personnel
from Americas Army, Navy, Air Force,
Marines, Special Operations Forces and Cyber
Commandwere conducting PANAMAX 14,
By Bridget Gersten, Foreign Policy Advisor to
U.S. Army South, and David E. Henin, Foreign
Policy Advisor to U.S. Air Forces, Southern
Exercise Tests Multinational
Panama Canal Defense
with support from Foreign Service ofcers like
us on two-year assignments as Foreign Policy
Advisors, or POLADs, to major U.S. military
commands. Along with POLAD colleagues
around the country, the two of us conducted
diplomatic and political work during the
weeklong multinational exercise. Te entire
exercise well represented the motto of U.S. Army
South, Juntos Podemos! Together We Can!
Te aim of PANAMAX 14 was to see how
land, sea, air and cyberspace forces could
protect the Panama Canal in a simulated
battle against a fctitious extremist threat.
Te hubs of the exercise were in San Antonio
and Miami, with other exercise locations in
Mayport, Fla., Tucson, Ariz. and Sufolk, Va.
Te Texas hub, on the parched outskirts of
Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston,
Iraqi and Embassy Baghdad emergency responders rush
the role players to the hospital.
Together We Can
General James H. Doolittle Combined Air and Space
Operations Center at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base
supported the PANAMAX 14 exercise.
Photo by Air Force Tech. Sgt. Heather Redman
An American soldier works through a scenario with two Colombian soldiers during Fuerzas
Aliadas-PANAMAX 2014 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Photo by Miguel Negron
was housed in a fully furbished tent city
base camp. Exercise participants used similar
temporary facilities at other military bases
around the country.
Tose involved in the exercise were junior
and senior, military and civilian, and contrac-
tors. Tey came from Belize, Brazil, Canada,
Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic,
El Salvador, France, Guatemala, Honduras,
Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama,
Paraguay and Peru, plus a U.S. contingent
from Texas, Florida, Arizona, California
and Georgia. Teir focus was inter-service,
interagency and international communications
and relationship building.
Roughly 14,000 ships transit the Panama
Canal every year, accounting for $270
billion, or three percent of world maritime
commerce. Tus, any threat of terrorist
action or mercantile disruption has political
and commercial ramifcations for the entire
world, not just U.S. partner nations in the
Western Hemisphere.
At Fort Sam Houston, U.S. Army South
Commanding General Maj. Gen. Joseph
P. DiSalvo led a 300-person, multinational
team. Te core of the Army South mission
is partnership within the U.S. Southern
Command Area of Responsibility (AOR),
namely Latin America and the Caribbean,
said DiSalvo, commander of the Multinational
Forces South. Exercises like this allow our
partner countries to come together with the
United States and build relationships within
our AOR, where each partner plays an integral
part in mission success.
Te exercise combined doctrine, strategy,
operations and diplomacy, with messaging
focused on shared responsibility, regional
security and strengthening relationships. Te
Panama Canal was part of our scenario, but
it was also a larger scenario where we were
working against fake violent extremists in
countries on each side of the canal, said Col.
Hans Bush, U.S. Army South spokesman, in
a TV interview. Te most important part of
this exercise was working together through all
of our communications, despite the challenges
of using multiple languages.
Sarah Wolf, acting director of Strategic
Communications at SOUTHCOM
Headquarters in Miami, said the exercise
was all about getting the message right and
making sure our actions and images support
this message. Strategic communication is
critical to building and maintaining a coalition
and, in the case of PANAMAX 14, our topline
message was simple: regional solutions for
regional problems.
During the exercise, from early morning to
late night, participants collectively worked the
developing scenarios, receiving daily guidance
in mock phone calls from colleagues who
role-played senior Department leadership and
U.S. ambassadors from the region.
Te most interesting aspect of this exercise
for many of us from State was how much
military commanders and DOD ofcials rely
on us and U.S. embassies input in making
battlefeld decisions, said Mike Bosshart,
POLAD for U.S. Special Operations Command
South. Military commanders showed they are
acutely sensitive to the political background and
implications of military operations in the Latin
American/Caribbean region. Military-civilian
interaction was intensive and continuous from
beginning to end in the exercise.
in support of our overall mission to help our
regional partners defend the Panama Canal.
We also helped troubleshoot political and
diplomatic problems for our bosses, often in a
foreign language.
From the frst PANAMAX exercise, held in
2003, this multinational endeavor has grown
from a three-country engagement with Panama,
Chile and the United States to the current
17-country scenario. As the exercise drew to
a close, teams in Texas, Florida, Arizona and
Virginia had defeated numerous terrorist threat
scenarios thanks to their commitment, synergy,
interagency coordination and close teamwork.
As participants packed their bags to return
home, Rear Adm. David Hardy of the Chilean
Naval Infantry summed up the exercises
signifcance by saying, Its knowing a culture,
Maj. Gen. Joseph P. DiSalvo poses with POLAD Bridget Gersten at the exercises closing ceremony at Fort Sam
Houston in San Antonio.
Photo by Miguel Negron
its knowing the people, its making friendships
and building trust between countries that are so
spread out across this region.
As new friends posed for their own group
pictures and said their saludos, PANAMAX
14 wrapped up on the 100th birthday of the
Panama Canal. Teddy Roosevelt would have
been proud to see this technological wonder,
launched in what became known as Te
American Century, provided a greater level of
safety. More details about PANAMAX 14 are
on the U.S. Army South Facebook page.
We found PANAMAX 14 to be an
outstanding opportunity to apply our real-
world skills. Just as in our POLAD day jobs,
we had to gain the trust of our commanders
in some cases senior ofcers from other
countriesand military colleagues, stay in
contact with Washington and posts around the
region, coordinate closely with each other and
regularly provide advice and guidance.
We found there was no fxed script for the
exercise. We each had to fnd the best way to
add value to our command by ensuring that
our military and civilian strategies were aligned
Aucklands iconic Sky Tower, the tallest
man-made structure in New Zealand,
rises up over St. Patricks Square.
Photo by Ola Thorsen
Post of the Month
By Geoff Benelisha, management ofcer,
Chelsi Hudson, intern, and Ema Woodward, Pickering Fellow
Modern city blends skyscrapers and green landscapes
hen many Americans think
of New Zealand, one of three
images usually comes to mind:
sheep, rugby or the lush
landscapes of Middle Earth. Two other aspects
at the core of New Zealands identity and
culture, Maori traditions and a high level of
development, refect a society rooted in the
past yet turned to the future. Auckland is a
perfect place to witness this dynamic, and
serving at the U.S. Consulate General is an
excellent opportunity to understand U.S.-New
Zealand relations.
Te U.S. diplomatic presence in New
Zealand dates to the commissioning of the
frst U.S. consul in 1838. Formal diplomatic
relations were established in 1942, following
the United Kingdoms recognition of New
Zealands autonomy within the British Empire.
Te United States and New Zealand share a
commitment to democratic principles and have
close political, economic and social ties.
Modern metropolis
Auckland sits between two harbors that
open into the Pacifc Ocean and Tasman
Sea. It is New Zealands largest city, with a
population of more than one million, the
countrys commercial and industrial center and
home to New Zealands primary international
air and shipping ports. Downtown Auckland
has a modern skyline with numerous
skyscrapers, including the Sky Tower casino
complex, with its unmistakable Space Needle-
like design.
Yet just a short drive from downtown
are the picturesque green landscapes that
characterize New Zealand. Auckland is ringed
by seven volcanoes, as well as harbors and
countless rivers. It is also a cultural hub, and
is the worlds most populous Polynesian city,
with a large population from Pacifc Island
nations. Tis intersection of modernity and
tradition is what makes Auckland unique.
Te United States and New Zealand
work together in the region and around the
world to promote democracy, free trade,
climate change mitigation and universal
human rights. Tese eforts come together
in the Citi Group building, where the U.S.
Consulate General is located. As a major
commercial and business center, Auckland
ofers the consulate generals employees many
opportunities to interact with players in
New Zealands economy. A number of U.S.
Hawaiian native dancers nish their performance for
Independence Day 2011 in Auckland.

Photo by Ola Thorsen
Then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta performs
a hongi, the traditional Maori pressing of noses to
demonstrate friendship and community between people.
Photo by Ola Thorsen
companies have subsidiaries in New Zealand.
Six American ofcers and 23 Locally
Employed Staf handle a range of portfolios
in management, consular afairs, commercial
relations, public afairs and political and
economic reporting. As a small post,
Consulate General Auckland gives employees
the opportunity to build close relationships
and take on leadership in a wide array of
projects. Te post has hosted several high-
level U.S. government visitors in recent years,
including Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta,
Attorney General Eric Holder, Navy Admirals
Samuel Locklear and Harry Harris, and Army
Chief of Staf Raymond Odierno.
Consular services
Te consulate general manages all consular
services in New Zealand. Since most New
Zealanders dont need a visa to visit the
United States, the diverse applicant pool
is primarily made up of third-country
nationals. In any one day, consular staf
might interview people from 15 diferent
nations, such as Tonga, China, Samoa and
various other East Asian countries. New
Zealanders coming for interviews might
include a retiree who owns a motorhome
in the United States or a young citizen who
has secured a job driving a grain harvester in
Kansas and is leaving the country for the frst
time. Te consular section promotes work
and travel in the United States among New
Zealanders and third-country nationals.
Te public afairs section explains and
advocates U.S. policy, and acts as a focal
point for media and cultural relations. It
takes a whole-of-society approach, with
emphasis on student and future leaders,
social and nontraditional media, and diverse
constituencies, including Maori; Pasifka;
faith-based; and lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, intersex and questioning
(LGBTIQ) communities.
Public afairs initiatives include the Future
Leaders of the Pacifc and the NXT:14
LGBTIQ Youth Leaders conference. An
annual Universities Expo, the largest in the
Pacifc region, brings New Zealand students

Post of the Month Auckland
Declarations. Te section also supports
Auckland trade and business connections in
conjunction with the American Chamber of
Commerce, and engages with the commercial
arm of iwis seeking to invest their recent
settlement gains with U.S. companies.
Ocean conference
Much of the sections time this summer
was devoted to supporting Secretary of State
John Kerrys Our Oceans Conference in
Washington, D.C., in June and the related
visits of key scientists on issues including
ocean acidifcation, sustainable fsheries and
marine pollution. Te section also works with
the New Zealand government and NGOs
to expand eforts to combat and prevent
trafcking in persons.
In August, New Zealands Ministry of
Business, Innovation and Employment and
the U.S. Embassy in Wellington hosted a

U.S. Consulate General staff meet with faith leaders at the interfaith iftar gathering.
Photo by Jessica Edwardsen
together with notable American universities
to foster study in the United States.
Te section works closely with iwis (tribes).
In March fve Maori business leaders from
around New Zealand went to the United
States on the International Visitor Leadership
Program to explore best practices in economic
development within Native American
communities. Recognizing the importance of
faith-based communities, the section often
coordinates with religious leaders; recently, the
mission held its frst interfaith event, which
included an array of religious communities to
celebrate Ramadan. Te mission also sponsors
visits of U.S. artists to New Zealand and
Samoa, such as the Harlem Gospel Choir and
Native American group Dancing Earth, and
is a leader in sports diplomacy, with initiatives
involving American and New Zealand athletes
in rugby, track and feld, football and baseball.
Te political-economic section supports
human rights; Auckland-based political
matters and environment, science, technology
and health issues; and revitalization of U.S.-
New Zealand relations following the recent
signings of the Wellington and Washington
Students engage with members of parliament during the NXT:14 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and
Questioning Youth Leaders Conference at Aucklands PRIDE festival.
Photo by Ola Thorsen
biannual Joint Commission Meeting in
Auckland that brought together U.S.
and New Zealand scientists and senior
ofcials from a variety of government
agencies. Tey participated in working
groups on health and health innovation,
marine and ocean research, climate
change monitoring in the Pacifc,
natural hazards and resilient cities, and
invasive species. Tey also discussed
collaboration in Antarctica and fostering
greater representation of women and
minorities in the science community.
Aucklands combination of traditional
and modern elements is unparalleled.
Standing atop One Tree Hill, a viewer can
watch sheep and cattle roaming through
the grounds while simultaneously taking
in the iconic city skyline and harbor.
Tis kind of diversity is also found in the
missions projects. From engaging with
local indigenous and business leaders to
preserving the oceans health, Consulate
General Auckland ofers boundless
opportunities to work on global issues
that are inextricably linked to New
Zealands communities and economy,
all while strengthening the U.S.-New
Zealand partnership. Tis intersection of
innovation and traditional heritage creates
a unique dynamic that sets Auckland
apart, and ofers opportunities to build on
the bilateral foundation of shared values
and aspirations.

Capital: Wellington
Government type: parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm
Area: 267,710 sq. km
Comparative area: About the size of Colorado
Population: 4,401,916
Languages: English, Maori
Religions: Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian and Congregational, Methodist
GDP per capita: $30,400
Export partners: Australia, China, U.S., Japan
Export commodities: dairy products, meat, wood and wood products,
sh, machinery
Import partners: France, China, U.S., Belgium, Cameroon
Import commodities: machinery and equipment, vehicles, aircraft,
petroleum, electronics, textiles, plastics
Currency: NZ dollar
Internet country code: .nz



Sources: The World Factbook



Bureaus Caribbean posts prepared
By Jessica Allen, ofce management specialist, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs
he Atlantic hurricane season, which
ends Nov. 30, was expected this
year to produce one or two major
storms with winds of 111 mph
or higher. To mitigate the risk, the Bureau of
Western Hemisphere Afairs (WHA) began
planning well in advance.
Prior to the June 1 start of the annual
hurricane season, the bureau worked with
its posts to review and update procedures,
identify resources and encourage cooperation.
According to WHA Executive Director
Elizabeth Moore Aubin, Resources abound
to enhance preparedness at post, online and
in the Department. Tere is no reason not to
be ready for unexpected events by updating
plans, doing tabletop exercises and knowing
who to call.
Posts management teams begin hurricane
preparations months before the seasons
start by updating the Emergency Action
Plan (EAP), which includes instructions on
tripwires events that put the plan into
action plus preparation and evacuation
procedures for a hurricane, whether the
employee is at home or at work. Post
leadership ensures that all employees have
access to the EAP upon arrival at post, and
WHA/EX encourages posts to conduct
simulations and send staf to courses held by
FSIs Crisis Management Training Division
(CMT). Posts also fnd it useful to hold town
hall meetings with employees and the U.S.
citizen community.
WHAs Florida Regional Center (FRC) in
Fort Lauderdale, Fla., provides virtual, regional
and on-the-ground support to posts, including
for hurricanes. FRC held a one-day hurricane
drill and training session in July.
Te U.S. Embassy in Kingston, Jamaica,
said FRCs assistance was essential in ensuring
that its medical unit was well equipped for a
hurricane. Te post made other preparations,
too. In February, it held a crisis management
exercise ofered by CMT and reviewed and
updated its EAP. It also frequently tests its
radio system, which can be used to track staf if
landline and cellular phones become inoperable.
Another Caribbean post, the U.S. Embassy
in Belmopan, Belize, prepares for hurricanes
by stocking emergency supplies, such as
water and Meals Ready-to-Eat, in accessible
areas and regularly tests generators serving
employees homes and ofces. Its former
Management and Disaster Relief ofcer, Phil
Wilson, said preparation was especially critical
during Hurricane Richard, because several of
the posts U.S. direct hires were new to the
post, having arrived just before the storm.
Wilson said its crucial to involve Locally
Employed Staf (LES) in the hurricane
preparation process, due to their many years
of experience in dealing with these storms
and institutional memory that retains lessons
learned. LES in Belmopan, for instance,
stocked ofces with emergency supplies from
the warehouse and ensured all facilities were
secure prior to the storm. Tey work with
ofcers to prepare for the potential evacuation
of direct-hire staf and to coordinate with local
landlords and frst responders.
Te day after the hurricane, LES cleared
embassy pathways of fallen trees and debris, even
as they provided for their own families needs.
According to Aubin, drills and training
are critical to emergency preparedness.
Being prepared allows us to reduce the
negative impact of an emergency, such as a
weather situation, she said. If disruptions
can be minimized, lasting efects are less
overwhelming. Preparedness also instills a sense
of confdence and courage to face the event and
move forward productively.
Embassy Kingston also credits detailed
planning and preparation for making the
post ready for the challenge of Category
1 Hurricane Sandy in October 2012.
Management Counselor Les DeGrafenried
commended the Bureau of Overseas Buildings
Operations for having designed the posts
facilities to withstand a hurricane. Te seven-
year-old embassy compound weathered the
storm well because it was probably one of the
most secure buildings on the island, he said.
Te housing and embassy compounds were
equipped with potable water and emergency
resources. DeGrafenried said those inside the
buildings could barely feel Hurricane Sandy.
Sandy caused fooding and fallen trees,
which made roads impassable, potentially
preventing Jamaicas emergency response crews
from providing assistance to U.S. citizens.
Volunteers conduct damage assessments in Hattieville.
Photo by Belize Red Cross National Intervention Team
The post hosts an Emergency Response Training for
local rst responders in Kingston, Jamaica.
Photo by Marc L. Jackson
Ofcials conduct a damage assessment in Hattieville
where a portion of a house was lifted and pushed into
another house nearby.
Photo by Belize Red Cross National Intervention Team
Noting this, Regional Security Ofcer Vincent
Cooper gained funding for an Emergency
Response Trailer with emergency equipment
such as the Jaws of Life and chain saws.
Te trailer will help the embassy respond if
employees or family members are trapped and
inaccessible to local frst responders.
I am much more confdent that our
frst responders will respond successfully to
emergencies, Cooper said.
In a recent hurricane simulation, Embassy
Kingston learned the importance of the local
community. To boost local capacity to respond
to disasters, the post held a two-week Chemical
Biological Radiological Nuclear Operation
training course. Jamaicans, including the local
fre brigade and other frst responders, learned
how to detect a problem, secure an area and
determine if evacuation is necessary.
Shortly afterward, a brush fre encroached
on diplomatic housing. Post ofcials were able
to assess the damage and danger quickly due
to the relationships it had enhanced with local
emergency responders during the training.
Participating in drills, having procedures
and committees in place, knowing whom to
call, cooperating with the local community
and communicating with embassy stafs and
local Americans are all aspects of how WHA
prepares for a hurricane. Its about more than
just surviving. As Aubin sees it, Preparedness
enhances resilience. Resilience is the key, because
it is the ability to become strong, healthy or
successful again after something bad happens.
diplomacy to the public, bring to life the
people involved and showcase the work of the
Foreign Service. It will show the public what
diplomacy is doing for them and it will pay
tribute to the work of diplomats.
A 27-year Foreign Service veteran,
Johnson was special assistant in the Bureau
of Administration when the project started
in 2000. Most recently she served for three
years as Management Counselor at the U.S.
Embassy in Canberra, Australia.
Te Center, slated to open in 2016, will
balance displays of artifacts with interactive
exhibits and hands-on education programs,
plus a theater and a global classroom for
diplomatic simulations. Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright pledged that members of
her Georgetown University class will be among
the frst visitors, and that shes looking forward
to escorting them.
Lauren Fischer, the Centers Education
Manager explained that artifacts will play a
signifcant role. More than 6,000 artifacts,
ranging from the 18th century to the present,
ourteen years after then Secretary
of State Madeleine K. Albright
proposed creating a United States
Diplomacy Center to give the
public a better understanding of
American diplomacy and thereby strengthen
their support for it, Secretary John F. Kerry
and fve former Secretaries of State, including
Albright, broke ground for the Center on
Sept. 3. Other Secretaries who addressed the
groundbreaking gathering were Henry A.
Kissinger, James A. Baker III, Colin L. Powell
and Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Te 300 attendees at the groundbreaking
ceremony at the Departments George Marshall
Center auditorium were welcomed by Under
Secretary for Management Patrick Kennedy. As
a career State Department employee, Kennedy
said, I have the privilege of representing
the multitudes of Civil and Foreign Service
employees, Americans and host nationals, who
have carried out the vitally important work of
diplomacy for our country.
Under Secretary Kennedy thanked
Ambassador William C. Harrop, chairman
of the Diplomacy Center Foundation, and
Ambassador Elizabeth Frawley-Bagley, senior
advisor in the Ofce of the Secretary, citing
their tireless fundraising. He also recognized
the late Ambassador Stephen Lowe and the
late Senator Charles Mac Mathias who
together founded the Foreign Afairs Museum
Council to support the creation of the U.S.
Diplomacy Center.
In an interview after the event, Kathy A.
Johnson, U.S. Diplomacy Center Director,
said the Center will tell the story of American
Epic Groundbreaking
By Anne-Marie Gabor, retired Foreign Service Specialist, Photos by State Department
U.S. Diplomacy Center Launched
have been contributed by former Secretaries
and family members, and by retired and
serving Foreign Service and Civil Service staf.
Te collection is overseen by Collections
Manager Kathryn Speckart and Eric Duyck,
Collections Assistant. Included are an original
1778 printing of the Treaties of Amity &
Commerce and of Alliance between France and
the United States (the frst two treaties the U.S.
signed), listening devices implanted by foreign
intelligence agencies in American embassies and
a blindfold worn by diplomat Robert Blucker
in 1979 while a hostage in Iran.
Johnson said a major goal for the Center is
to become a popular Washington destination.
David A. Duckenfeld, a Deputy Assistant
Secretary in the Bureau of Public Afairs, has
met with Washington tourism and convention
executives to discuss adding the Center to
their tourism packages.
In May, the Department and General
Services Administration announced the award
of a $25 million contract to begin the Centers
construction, using an award-winning design
created by the Washington-based architectural
frm Beyer Blinder Belle.
Te Center will feature a dramatic three-
story steel and glass pavilion that will become
the Departments new 21st Street public
entrance. Senior Project Manager Douglas
Clockwise from left: Breaking ground for the USDC
are, from left, Secretaries Hillary Rodham Clinton,
Madeleine K. Albright, Henry A. Kissinger, John
F. Kerry, James A. Baker III and Colin L. Powell;
An artifact at the USDC is one of the passports
of Diplomatic Courier Walter M.K. Miller, whose
career spanned three decades; U.S. Secretary of
State John Kerry participates in a Groundbreaking
Ceremony for the U.S. Diplomacy Center with former
Secretaries of State Henry A. Kissinger, James
A. Baker, III, Madeleine K. Albright, Colin L. Powell,
and Hillary Rodham Clinton at the U.S. Department
of State in Washington, DC on September 3, 2014;
Foreign Service Ofcer Martha Patterson wore this
helmet and vest while serving in Iraq.
Mossman explained that the design
of the Centers pavilion preserves the
historical integrity of the Harry S
Truman building so that visitors will
be able to see the buildings former
entrance and facade and, looking
through the glass roof, the windows of
Secretary George C. Marshalls ofce.
Secretary Kerry told the
groundbreaking ceremony audience it
was time to share the stories of those
who have served on the front lines
of American diplomacy, sometimes
giving their lives in the performance
of their duties.
Tose interested in sharing artifacts,
stories or photographs from their
diplomatic career may contact Katie
Speckart at
redentialing, hotel accommodations, VIP
airport greetings, motorcades, White
House dinners and round-the-clock
attention for a head of state and his or her
entourage, these were among the tasks going
on backstage for the 53 ofcial delegations and
more than 5,600 participants involved in the
frst U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, hosted by
the Department in August.
Te summit, in which delegations from
across Africa came to Washington to meet
with senior U.S. government and business
leaders, ran smoothly due to the eforts of the
bureaus of African Afairs (AF) and Public
Afairs (PA), and employees of the Major
Events and Conferences Staf in the Ofce
of the Under secretary for Management (M/
MECS), Ofce of the Chief of Protocol (S/
CPR) and other Department units.
In the wake of the summit, Assistant
Secretary of State for African Afairs Linda
Tomas-Greenfeld praised her bureau and
the State team involved, calling the efort
extraordinary and adding shed heard
nothing but positive feedback from the
African heads of state who attended.
Teamwork within the Department was
critical to making the summit work. Te focal
point for the policy planning efort was the
AFs Summit Policy Liaison Ofce (AF/SPL).
Former U.S. Ambassador to the African Union
Michael Battle led the 15-person ofce, which
worked with key Department and interagency
partners on all components of the summit.
In the months leading up to the
summit, Ambassador Battle and his team
met personally with nearly every African
ambassador based in the United States.
Te Department and the National Security
Council regularly briefed the diplomatic corps
on planning and logistics, ensuring partner
By Melissa Schumi Jones, press ofcer,
Ofce of Public Diplomacy and Public
Affairs, Bureau of African Affairs
Teamwork Key to U.S.-Africa Event
nations were invested in the summit and its
outcome, and that the topics of interest to
them would be discussed.
Te President wanted to host a summit that
refected the changing nature of our relationship,
our partnership with Africa, Battle explained,
and this meant we had to understand what
issues mattered most and where we could make
progressthe consultative process was an
integral part of that.
We asked the [African] leaders to take a
leap of faith with us, Tomas-Greenfeld
elaborated. Instead of planning for long
speeches to a plenary session, she said,
participants were invited to participate in a
real dialogue with us. It was just phenomenal
to sit in a room and listen to all of these
African leaders talk frankly with each other
and with our President and Secretary.
Te leaders later praised the summit and its
nontraditional format, she added.
High-level summits mean theres no minor
detail in which a head of state is not involved,
even more so with nearly 45 heads of state
and thousands of ofcials from 53 delegations
visiting at once. Responding to the challenge,
M/MECS Director Laura Bowen Wills had 47
event management specialists working on the
management logistics of the summit, which
was held in three primary venues.
It took three weeks for construction crews
to build those sites. Much of the frst foor
of the Harry S Truman (HST) building was
transformed into an elegant, modern space
for the African leaders and their delegations,
including the courtyards and Delegates
Lounge. Two sessions on the Summits
fnal day were held in the Loy Henderson
auditorium, which had been reconfgured to
seat the 53 delegation leaders and President
Obama around a table. A working luncheon
was held in the Benjamin Franklin Room on
the HSTs eighth foor.
Wills praised the tremendous teamwork of
such bureaus as Administration, Information
Resource Management and Diplomatic
Security, saying her organization was
immeasurably grateful to our colleagues, all
of whom rose to the challenge.
With all the planning, there were still some
surprises, including last-minute visa processing
issues for delegates, an extraordinary health
challenge, a gridlocked capital city and
mandates to minimize the impact on city and
Department facilities.
Newly confrmed Chief of Protocol
Ambassador Peter Selfridge and his team
were responsible for the movements of all
the foreign delegations during the summit.
Tat meant greeting every head of delegation
at the airport, orchestrating complicated
motorcade movements, even tying the
perfect bow on each ofcial gift. He said
Protocol was mindful of each leaders needs,
whether security, interpretation or dietary,
and used every interaction with them as an
opportunity to make them feel welcome,
respected and comfortable.
To the Summit
President Barack Obama and African leaders participate in the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit at the U.S. Department
of State in Washington, D.C., Aug. 6, 2014.
Photo by Chuck Kennedy
Especially critical to that welcome was
how the 101 liaison and deputy liaison
ofcers from the Department assisted the
African embassies in Washington with their
visiting heads of state and delegations. From
a delegations arrival to departure, liaison
ofcers were by its side to ensure it got to each
event and had a point of contact to address
problems. Many liaison ofcers came from
AF, and the Bureau of Near East Asian Afairs
(NEA), which also had countries represented
at the summit.
To get the word out to the American
and African publics, AF and PA as well as
International Information Programs (IIP)
worked hand-in-hand for months to share
important messages regarding the summit,
including how it mattered to U.S.-Africa
relations. Tey also worked to overcome
bandwidth issues and make video footage and
language translation available.
During the summit, the Departments
Foreign Press Center held a reporting tour
with 23 journalists from across the continent,
and a press fling center served as base for
more than 1,600 accredited journalists and
held 15 press briefngs by Administration
ofcials and African leaders. Te Department
also was, for the frst time, the main
distributor of broadcast footage to U.S. and
foreign media. And, in another frst, U.S.
embassy press sections took the 30 hours
of available footage and ofered it to local
broadcasters who otherwise would not have
access to the summit.
On the social media side, the Department
and White House ensured that events were
covered on Twitter or Facebook. On Facebook,
30 summit-related postings reached more than
one million users. On Twitter, nearly 30,000
tweets used the hashtag #USAfrica during
the summit. Te Departments Flickr page,
which housed photos of the summit including
the individual photos of African leaders and
President Obama, received the highest number
of views in a single day.
AF and PA also put together a daily
playbook with public messaging information
and tools including press updates that U.S.
embassies and consulates could use to inform
their host nations publics about summit
events. Te bureaus and IIP worked on a social
media toolkit site to share photos, quotes and
tweets so that anyone, including partners and
collaborators outside the U.S. government,
could help share messages from the summit.
Te success of events like these is rooted in
what the world sees and how connected people
feel to the policy being developed, said PA
Assistant Secretary Doug Frantz. Frantz called
the Summit a monumental public diplomacy
achievement in terms of the use of traditional,
social and broadcast media and praised his
colleagues involvement.
Weve done summits before, but this one was
extraordinary, and the proof is in the results our
embassies will build upon for years to come.
Te summit was designed to allow in-
depth conversations on such pressing issues as
civil society, health, gender equality, wildlife
trafcking, food security and climate change,
and also involved a U.S.-Africa Business
Forum on U.S. private-sector engagement and
increasing trade with and investment in Africa.
After the summit, many African leaders
expressed their appreciation for the private
sectors extensive participation.
Troughout the summit, the Department
team helped ensure that every element went
smoothly, that details were handled with
professionalism and precision, and that our
guests left with a renewed sense of U.S.
commitment to partnership with Africa. Te
summit will now become a recurring event,
meaning it was not just a job well done but
one that will continue to reinvigorate U.S.-
Africa relations.
President Obama poses with Laura Wills team from M/
MECS, to celebrate the summits successful end.
State Department photo
Secretary of State John Kerry greets Comoran President Ikililou Dhoinine before the start of the U.S.-Africa
Leaders Summits nal day, Aug. 6.
State Department photo
In September, the U.S. Mission in Costa Rica launched its
San Jos Consular College, a sustained training and professional
development program for the consular sections staf of Foreign
Service ofcers, Locally Employed Staf, Eligible Family Members
and Global Services Strategy contractors.
Charg dAfaires Gonzalo Gallegos sees training as important
and a part of the Missions vision of providing outstanding service
by drawing on cutting-edge technologies and environmentally
friendly practices. Te college aims to help consular managers
ensure that 80 percent of the sections staf completes at least two
distance-learning courses by May 2015.
Te idea of the college was conceived and implemented by
Consul General (CG) Ravi Candadai and Deputy CG Margaret
Pride. Modeled after CG Frankfurts program, the college welcomes
employees from other of the posts sections and agencies to its weekly sessions on a space-available basis. Te college seeks to foster a culture of
learning, requires no additional funding and involves an entirely paperless process.

Gathered for a session of the San Jos Consular College are from left Consul General (CG)
Ravi Candadai, Mia Soto, Deputy CG Margaret Pride, Charg DAffaires Gonzalo Gallegos,
Maria Fernanda Mora, Sylvia Cabezas and Jerry Parisi.
Photo by Jose Castro
Consular College
Opens for Enrollment
In July, the Departments Diversity Governance
Council approved Veterans at State (VETS) as its
newest Employee Afnity Group (EAG). VETS
founder and Acting President Troy M. Taylor,
director of the Ofce of Emergency Management,
said the group will promote community service,
internal networking and career development while
focusing on retention, recruitment, morale and skill
development for veterans at the Department.
Diversity and inclusion are an important part
of our culture across the Department of State,
said Taylor, a retired U.S. Air Force chief master
sergeant. He said a diverse workforce enriches the
Departments work environment and promotes
success for employees and the Department.
He said, Veterans bring diversity to the
Department as well as strong esprit de corps, and
a strong set of core values that can transcend to all
Department of State employees. Te group is open
to all Department employees. More information
about the VETS EAG is on its website.
Veterans Afnity
Group Formed

A Navy ceremonial guard member presents the colors during the national anthem at Nationals Park in
Washington, D.C.
Photo by Isaac D. Pachec
Louis Mazel, Charg dAfaires at the U.S.
Embassy in Asmara, participated in August in the
opening of the Eritrea Festival, which annually
showcases Eritreas ethnic and cultural heritage.
Tis years festival, held Aug. 1623, was opened
by the nations president and large delegation of
government ministers and foreign diplomats.
Te festival featured colorful dancers
representing all of the countrys major ethnic
groups. Its exhibit halls showcased Eritreas
regional fora, fauna and agricultural produce,
and Eritrean industry, including pharmaceuticals,
tanneries, woodworking enterprises and mining.
Displays showed traditional housing, and vendors
sold regional foods, as dancers and musicians
performed on multiple stages.
CDA Participates in
Eritrean Festival

Charg dAffaires Louis Mazel dances at the opening of Eritrea Festival 2014. Photo by Dan Odallo

Foreign Service
Bevill, Michael E.
Brandt Jr., Rodney J.
Brannaman, Nancy B.
Brush, Jennifer L.
Carr, Jerome
Clark, Michael G.
Clark, Muntana
Delahanty, Dorothy A.
Ellrich, Douglas
Fehr, Gunther T.
Gallant, Cynthia A.
Gemmell, Lawrence H.
Greene, James M.
Guthrie-Corn, Jeri S.
Katz, David J.
Ketchem, Fredrick J.
Kincaid, Jeanne W.
King, Robert D.
Kingsland, Allen R.
Lindsey, Robert
Madsen, Samuel
Peirson, Scot Merideth
Pelz, Kristine L.
Ricciardone Jr., Francis J.
Riche, Christopher R.
Riesland, Nicholas J.
Rockey, David T.
Sacks, Richard S.
Shear, David Bruce
Sisson, James C.
Smith, Deborah B.
Steuart, Darnall C.
Thomas, Lawrence J.
Thompson, Peter M.
Wallace, Irvina L.
Williamson, John C.
Ethics Answers
Q: A former intern in my ofce is applying for a position outside the U.S. government and has asked me for a written recommendation.
May I give her one and sign it using my ofcial title?
A: Yes. Generally, Department employees are not allowed to use their ofcial titles to further their own or anothers outside personal
interest. However, Department employees can ofcially sign a letter of recommendation when being asked for an employment
recommendation or character reference based on personal knowledge of the ability or character of an individual with whom the
employee has dealt in the course of his or her federal employment or whom he or she is recommending for federal employment. In this
case, you have personal knowledge of the former interns ability through your government service because she worked in your ofce.
You are therefore permitted to sign this letter of recommendation with your ofcial title, provided the contents of the letter are based on
this knowledge.
Ethics Answers presents hypothetical ethical scenarios Department employees might face. For help with real ethics questions, email
Civil Service
Araiza, Benigno G.
Barcellos Luporini, Otilia
Berkovich, Ella
Caron, Linda A.
Chi, Hsiaojung Sharon
Cockerham, Robert S.
Corsun, Andrew F.
Cranor, John D.
Cross, Earl T.
Dixon, Jerry L.
Dumanian, Andrew J.
Fitzhugh, David P.
Herrmann, Lois Marie
Huff Jr., Curtis E.
Lee, Cheryl T.
Nash, Mary Meade
Penn, Judith C.
Phillips, Mary A.
Rinehart, Keith R.
Siletzky, Elizabeth S.
Smith, Gale L.
Stoddard, Anne
Taylor, Jerry A.
Vogelsang, Susan S.
Washington, Jacqueline T.
Winkel IV, William W.

learned of the outbreak in West
Africa in March in an email from the
embassy health unit in Conakry that spoke
of what may have been an outbreak of Lassa
Fever. Days later, the international medical
community confrmed that Ebola had
struck this remote forested region in the
highlands of Southwestern Guinea.
Six months later, this small outbreak of
Ebolavirus Disease (EVD) has grown into
the largest outbreak of EVD ever seen, with
thousands of cases and deaths in Guinea,
Liberia and Sierra Leone and smaller
incursions into Nigeria, Senegal and even
in the United States. Although the current
EVD epidemic has killed a sobering 60
percent of those infected, fatalities have
been as high as 90 percent in previous
outbreaks in remote areas of the Democratic
Republic of the Congo. Tese survivors are a
powerful demonstration that EVD is not the
automatic death sentence portrayed in the
media and that early treatment can save lives.
Te current epidemic has been caused
by Zaire ebolavirus, generally considered
the most dangerous of the fve ebolaviruses.
Te West African strain of the virus is very
closely related to the virus that caused EVD
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
previously (and is causing a separate smaller
outbreak there now). Genetic analysis has
demonstrated that there is no evidence that
this Ebola strain has mutated signifcantly or is
more dangerous or transmissible than that seen
in previous outbreaks.
Although Ebola is considered one of the
viral hemorrhagic fevers, many patients do not
have any overt bleeding. Te lack of hemor-
rhage can mislead healthcare providers from
considering EVD, thus making early detection
of an outbreak more difcult.
Te American embassies in the Ebola-
afected countries have been critical in
setting the example for how to respond to
EVD. Within days of the frst diagnoses in
Guckdou, EVD was found in Conakry, and
the level of anxiety in the capital skyrocketed.
Many airlines stopped fying to Guinea and
multinational companies evacuated staf;
some other embassies limited operations
and considered closing. EVD is not spread
via ones breath or sneezing but only though
direct contact with a sick patients bodily
fuids, or less commonly, after contact while
slaughtering fruit bats or primates. Clearly,
embassy staf are not likely to be exposed
to EVD during normal functions. U.S.
missions in West Africa have continued to
provide regular consular and embassy services
throughout the Ebola crisis and have been
essential in the U.S. response.
Te World Health Organization, the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Doctors Without Borders and other
to Ebola in
West Africa
organizations have been working closely
with local ministries of health to control the
EVD epidemic. Te Department of State
and USAID have also played a vital role
in international eforts. For instance, the
Ofce of Medical Services established the
frst Medevac capability for those with EVD
and has been involved in the transport of
each of the EVD-infected health workers to
the United States and Europe. USAID has
been coordinating a massive U.S. response to
assist the afected nations. President Obama
announced that the United States would
commit about 4,000 military personnel to the
region to help set up treatment centers. Tis
expands the American response from providing
epidemiologic and diagnostic laboratory
support to the Department of Defenses
delivering the desperately needed treatment
facilities and logistics capabilities to the most
severely EVD-afected country.
Te West African Ebola epidemic is one of
the greatest challenges the international health
community has had to face. Te epidemic is
far from over and is likely to require months of
sustained efort in both large cities and some of
the most remote, disadvantaged areas of Africa
to bring this public health crisis to a conclusion.
American embassies in the region will continue
to provide the support and local expertise critical
to the success of this mission.
In Monrovia, Liberia, U.S. military personel review maps of Liberia with an Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) soldier at the new
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for the Ebola response in Liberia. This response has brought an "unprecedented"
number of agencies and organizations together to stop the spread of the virus.
Photo by Morgana Wingard
By Gregory J. Martin, M.D. Chief,
Infectious DiseasesTropical Medicine,
Ofce of Medical Services
Bo Waterside
Gueckedou Gueckedou
N o r t h
A t l a n t i c
O c e a n
t. P
ia M A L I
USA Navy
0 100 50
JFK Redemption/Island Clinic
Kenema 1 & 2
Duside Firestone
ELWA 2 & 3
Samuel K.
The boundaries, names, and data used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the U.S. Government.
Country Border
Border Closed
Neighboring Country
Prefecture/District/County Border
River or Lake
National Capital
Provincial Capital
(GUCKDOU forest region)
Prefecture, District, or County
with 1-15 Cases
15-150 Cases
150-250 Cases
250+ Cases
Suspected Cases
Crossing where Entry is
is Limited and Monitored
Country with CDC personnel
Country with DART staff
Cumulative Case
Count by Country since May
Outbreak Epicenter Outbreak Epicenter
Functional Partially Functional Non Functional
Ebola Treatment Centers
Established New as of 08.15.14 Pending
A child in Conakry, Guinea, learns proper handwashing and its importance in the battle against Ebola.
Photo by UNICEF Guinea
The boundaries, names, and data
used on this map do not imply
offcial endorsement or acceptance
by the U.S. Government.
he phrases Show me your hands!
and How many exits are there? are
not traditionally taught in full-time
language courses at FSI. But, as part of the
Departments upgrading of its capacity in
critical languages, FSIs School of Language
Studies (SLS) partnered with the Bureau of
Diplomatic Security (DS) on an innovative
new model for language teaching that is
tailored to the job needs of personnel assigned
to high-threat posts.
In October 2013, FSI launched this new
12-week Awareness Language and Emergency
Response Training (ALERT), marking a
diferent approach from FSIs traditional
classroom model and integrating the latest
techniques in task-based instruction. Te
course is designed for personnel who do not
typically receive long-term language training,
including assistant regional security ofcers
and temporary duty personnel. For relevance,
realism and the accuracy of training scenarios,
the course syllabus is drawn from the DS
Mission Essential Task List, and students
begin using job-related language on the
courses very frst day.
FSI designed the curriculum by studying
the latest research on task-based instruction
and consulting with the U.S. Marine
Corps University, Naval Special Warfare
Center, Defense Language Institute, Naval
Postgraduate School and DSs training
center. Developers also visited an Arabic-
speaking post to consult with subject-matter
experts and identify DS personnels language
needs by observing them communicating
with local residents. Seven teams of Arabic
instructors worked simultaneously under
the guidance of SLS training specialists to
develop the curriculum and course content in
Iraqi, Egyptian, Tunisian, Libyan, Lebanese,
Sudanese and Yemeni Arabic. Tey worked
closely with the DS Training Center,
developing and reviewing draft materials
prior to the courses launch. Mark Sullo, the
former DS high-threat strategy coordinator,
spearheaded a needs analysis and survey of the
By Kelley Grady Dunkelberg,
ALERT program coordinator,
FSI School of Language Studies
Language Courses
Support Diplomatic Security
DS workforce, and ofered his input to FSI on
DSs most important language needs.
Te ALERT courses feature role playing,
peer-to-peer instruction, security-based
simulations and military-style sand tables, on
which are placed miniature streets, model cars
and action fgures. Te courses also emphasize
listening comprehension and building and
maintaining relationships with local residents.
What I like best about ALERT is that I
learn language that will immediately enhance
my ability to do my job, said Arabic ALERT
student Todd Healey, RSO-designate for
Mission Libya. I wasnt sure that Id be able
to learn Arabic, but learning through hands-
on activities really works for me and helps me
retain the language.
Te course instructors introduce
specifc vocabulary to students at precisely
timed intervals, ofer feedback and set up
competitions in which students score points
for asking and answering questions and
recalling and using vocabulary. Te course
emphasizes communication, promotes
situational awareness and cultural competence
in an immersion environment, and uses
innovative instructional techniques. Students
use walkie-talkies and dummy weapons, and
undertake activities outside the classroom,
such as searching vehicles, giving directions
and engaging in physical ftness trainingall
in the target language.
Trough the course, students develop
language skills that focus on security duties,
such as crowd control; responding to bomb
threats, evacuations and emergencies; engaging
in vehicle-based and non-mobile security;
establishing and maintaining relationships;
and developing listening comprehension.
Graduates learn how to speak about such
security equipment as weapons and explosives
in local dialects and how to use telephones,
radios and text messaging. Tey also learn
the language skills needed to use interpreters,
protect people, guard places and things,
conduct drills and interviews, and generally
understand some of what is said around and
to them. Students at a Capstone Exercise, held
at and supported by the DS Training Center
in Dunn Loring, Va., were able to engage in
realistic simulation activities using DS vehicles.
Te programs success is due to the
enthusiasm and commitment of DS leaders,
and DS collaboration at every stage of
development. Demand for ALERT courses
has grown since last years launch, and a
pilot Urdu ALERT course for DS personnel
assigned to Pakistan ran from February to
May. Ed Guard, RSO-designate for Pakistan,
said it was one of the most valuable training
experiences Ive had in almost 30 years of
government service.
Dr. Anjum Khilji, FSIs language training
supervisor for South Asian Languages, credits
her teaching teams insight and expertise for
the courses success and said shes particularly
proud of their creative use of the military-
style sand table as a teaching tool that allows
students to integrate many aspects of their jobs
in language learning. Due to the high interest of
DS students in longer-term language training,
several security-based job modules have been
developed in various Arabic dialects, all based
on the ALERT design. Tese modules are now
part of the longer Arabic Basic Course, and
complement FSIs grammar-based Modern
Standard Arabic training by strengthening
students ability to conduct job functions in the
host nations local dialect.
So far, 11 DS students have completed the
ALERT courses and moved on to assignments
in Iraq, Libya and Pakistan. A French-language
ALERT course started in June for personnel
assigned to high-threat posts in Francophone
Africa, and FSI is in discussions for expanding
ALERT into other languages.
Students and instructors gather with DS and FSI staff to mark the end of the rst Arabic ALERT class in December 2013.
Photo by Michael Morrison
Lying in State
Originally published in November 2007.
Check out our online
magazine to watch a
video message from
featured ambassadors.
Stuart E. Jones (SFS) of Pennsylvania is the
new U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Iraq.
He previously served as ambassador to the
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Tis will be
Ambassador Jones third tour in Iraq, where he
was deputy chief of mission in Baghdad and
was stationed in Ramadi under the Coalition
Provisional Authority. He also served as direc-
tor for Iraq at the National Security Council.
Other tours include Egypt, Turkey, Colombia
and El Salvador.
Matthew T. Harrington (SFS) of Virginia is
the new U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of
Lesotho. He previously served as ofce director
in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research
working on African afairs and, before that,
as foreign policy advisor to the commander
of U.S. Army South in San Antonio, Texas.
Other assignments include deputy chief of
mission in Namibia and Togo. He was also
posted to Lisbon, Harare, Braslia and Accra.
He was a Peace Corps volunteer in Mauritania
and worked for the American Association of
State Colleges and Universities.
John F. Hoover (SFS) of Massachusetts is the
new U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Si-
erra Leone. He most recently served as director
of the Ofce of Regional and Security Afairs
for the Bureau of African Afairs. Before that,
he was deputy chief of mission in Uganda.
His other postings include Nairobi, Shanghai,
Taiwan, Mbabane and Paris.
Cynthia H. Akuetteh ((SFS) of Washing-
ton, D.C. is the new U.S. Ambassador to
the Gabonese Republic and the Democratic
Republic of So Tom and Principe. Her
previous assignments were as deputy assistant
secretary in the Bureau of African Afairs,
director of the Ofce of Europe, Middle East
and Africa in the Bureau of Energy Resources,
and director of the Ofce of Central African
Afairs. Overseas postings include Abidjan,
Ouagadougou, Ottawa, Niamey and Dar-es-
Salaam. She served in the Peace Corps as a
deputy country director in Ghana.
Thomas F. Daughton (SFS) of Arizona is
the new U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of
Namibia. He most recently served as senior ad-
visor in the Bureau of Political-Military Afairs,
responsible for negotiating status of forces and
other international security agreements. Prior to
this, he was deputy chief of mission in Beirut.
He has also served as DCM in Algeria and
Gabon. His other overseas assignments include
Jamaica, Morocco, Greece and Malaysia.
Michael A. Lawson
U.S.Representative to
the International Civil
Aviation Organization
Thomas F. Daughton
U.S. Ambassador to
Eric Schultz
U.S. Ambassador
to Zambia
Todd D. Robinson
U.S. Ambassador
to Guatemala
Joan A. Polaschik
U.S. Ambassador
to Algeria
Michael A. Lawson of California is the new
U.S. Ambassador and Permanent U.S. Rep-
resentative to the International Civil Aviation
Organization. Previously, he was the president
of the Los Angeles World Airports Board of
Airport Commissioners. Before that, he was a
partner at the law frm Skadden, Arps, Slate,
Meagher & Flom, LLP, where he worked
for 31 years. He was a staf attorney at the
federal Pension Beneft Guaranty Corpora-
tion and has served as a trustee of a number of
educational and not-for-proft organizations,
including Morehouse College and Loyola
Marymount University.
Joan A. Polaschik (SFS) of Virginia is the new
U.S. Ambassador to the Peoples Democratic
Republic of Algeria. She previously served as
director of the Ofce of Egypt and Levant Afairs
and as acting director of the Ofce of Israel and
Palestinian Afairs. Before that, she was deputy
chief of mission in Tripoli. Her other postings
include Baku, Tunis and Tashkent, and an assign-
ment in Amman as regional refugee coordinator.
Stuart E. Jones
U.S. Ambassador
to Iraq
Cynthia H. Akuetteh
U.S. Ambassador
to Gabon
Matthew T. Harrington
U.S. Ambassador
to Lesotho
Alice G. Wells
U.S. Ambassador
to Jordan
Todd D. Robinson (SFS) of New Jersey is
the new U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of
Guatemala. He previously served as deputy
assistant secretary in the Bureau of Interna-
tional Narcotics and Law Enforcement Af-
fairs. Prior to this, he served as deputy chief
of mission in Guatemala. Other postings in-
clude Barcelona, Tirana, Santo Domingo, La
Paz, Vatican City, San Salvador and Bogot.
Before joining the Foreign Service, he worked
as a journalist.
Eric Schultz (SFS) of Virginia is the new
U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Zam-
bia. He most recently served as deputy chief
of mission in Kyiv. Previously, he served as
economics counselor in Moscow. Before that,
he was DCM in Harare and deputy director
in the Ofce of European Security Policy.
His other postings include Ashgabat, Tbilisi,
Martinique, Paris and Antananarivo. In
Washington, he was also deputy director for
Ukranian, Moldovan and Belarusian Afairs.
Alice G. Wells (SFS) is the new U.S. Ambas-
sador to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
She previously served as a senior adviser in
the Bureau of Near Eastern Afairs (NEA).
Before that, she was special assistant to the
President for Russia and Central Asia, execu-
tive assistant to Secretary Clinton, execu-
tive assistant to Under Secretary William J.
Burns, and director of Maghreb Afairs in
NEA. Her overseas postings include Moscow,
New Delhi, Islamabad and Riyadh.
John F. Hoover
U.S. Ambassador
to Sierra Leone
Michael Beatty, 63, a retired
Civil Service employee, died Aug.
6 in Arlington, Va. He joined the
Department in 1983 after serving in
the U.S. Army and worked for 30 years
in the Bureau of Consular Afairs. At
his retirement last year, he was a systems liaison ofcer for
Overseas Citizen Services, which drew on his extensive expe-
rience in helping U.S. citizens abroad. He is remembered
for his wit and love of sports, especially mountaineering in
his home state of West Virginia.
A. Irwin Rubenstein, 85, a retired
Foreign Service ofcer, died Aug.14 in
Broward County, Fla. He served in the
Army during the Korean War, worked
for CARE and represented the U.S.
labor movement in Ecuador in the early
1960s, where he began his 30-plus-year career with USAID
and the Department. He was posted to Lima, Montevideo,
Cali, Managua, Tel Aviv, Mexico City and Guadalajara.
After retiring in 1993, he fulflled his dream of seeing more
of the world, visiting more than 50 countries.
Janet Elaine Hall, wife of retired
Foreign Service ofcer John E. Hall,
died Aug. 7 in their home community
of Surprise, Ariz. She had long sufered
from Alzheimers disease. She had lived
in the Washington, D.C., area, and
in Bordeaux, Reykjavik, Bern, Wellington and Toronto,
accompanying her husband on assignments before his
retirement in 1998. A librarian by training, she was active
as a hiker, quilter and cyclist, and volunteered as an ESL
teacher and in a local hospital and hospice.
Harmon E. Kirby, 80, a retired
Foreign Service ofcer and Ambassador
to Togo from 199094, died May 21
in Washington, D.C., after a two-year
battle with cancer. He served in the
Army and entered the Foreign Service
in 1961. His postings included New Delhi, Rabat,
Khartoum, Geneva and Brussels. Following retirement in
1996, he worked for the Ofce of the Historian and on the
declassifcation of materials for the Foreign Relations of the
United States series.
Michael David Sternberg, 76, a
retired Foreign Service ofcer, died
July 13 in Tel Aviv of complications of
multiple myeloma. For the past 24 years
and up to the time of his death he was
the Director Generals Representative
in Israel of the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO).
Following service as a U.S. naval ofcer, he joined the
Foreign Service in 1967 and served in Belfast, Zurich,
Athens, Tessaloniki and Vienna. He was an advisor to the
Camp David peace talks in Egypt in 1979 and remained
committed to the cause of peace in the region throughout
his professional life. His daughter, Tamara Sternberg-
Greller, is a Foreign Service ofcer posted in Kyiv.
Thavanh Svengsouk, 79, a retired
Foreign Service ofcer, died Sept. 1
in Honolulu, Hawaii. He worked for
the United States Information Agency
and his overseas postings included
Georgetown, Cebu City, Paris, Bangui
and Dakar. Born in Vientiane, Laos, he
graduated from Columbia University and then spent more
than 10 years as a broadcaster for the Voice of America.
After retirement, he served the Lao and Southeast Asian
community in Hawaii and supported many international
Jane W. Teeple, 89, wife of retired
Foreign Service ofcer Howell Teeple,
died Aug. 22 at home in Dana Point,
Calif. Born in New Jersey, she graduated
from the Missouri School of Journalism
and pursued a journalism career,
working for the New Haven Register, Time Magazine and
the Washington Post before marriage. She accompanied her
husband to postings in India, Turkey, Libya, Liberia and
the Philippines.
Phyllis (Bernau) Macomber, 90,
of Nantucket, Mass., died Sept. 30. A
1945 graduate of Simmons College, she
worked for Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles as personal assistant in managing
his ofce, and later for Secretary of State
Dean Rusk. She married William B. Macomber, who held
State Department appointments under fve presidents.
Tey lived in Jordan and Turkey, where he was ambassador.
Te couple settled in Nantucket where both were deeply
involved in various organizations.
Questions concerning employee deaths should be directed to the
Ofce of Casualty Assistance at (202) 736-4302.
Inquiries concerning deaths of retired employees should be
directed to the Ofce of Retirement at (202) 261-8960.
For specifc questions on submitting an obituary, please contact
Michael Hahn at or (202) 663-2230.
Maurice Elmore Trout, 96, a retired
Foreign Service ofcer, died Sept. 15
in Arlington, Va. He served in the
Coast Guard during World War II.
His postings included Paris, Vienna,
London, Vientiane, Munich and
Bangkok in management and political-military positions.
He retired in 1977 after completing a tour as political
advisor to the Armed Forces Staf College in Norfolk, Va.
In retirement, his passion for travel took him to all seven
continents from the Arctic Circle to Antarctica.
Terence A. Todman, 88, for years
the highest-ranking African-American
in the Foreign Service, died Aug. 13 on
St. Tomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands,
where he was born. Secretary of State
Kerry ofered condolences, remarking
on his distinguished, trailblazing and celebrated career
spanning nearly 50 years. He served as U.S. Ambassador to
Argentina, Denmark, Spain, Costa Rica, Guinea and Chad,
and as assistant secretary for Western Hemisphere Afairs.
Troughout his career, he was outspoken about racial
equality and for greater minority advancement within the
ranks of the Department.
Naim J. Owais, 94, of Silver Spring,
Md., a retired Civil Service employee,
died Sept. 4. He served as senior Arabic
language and culture instructor at the
Foreign Service Institute from 1973
to 1988. He was actively involved in
teaching, administration and course development. Born
in Jordan, he worked previously as an editor in Beirut,
Lebanon. He came to the U.S. in 1969 with his wife and
children. Along with his continued passion for language, he
remained a nature lover and an avid gardener throughout
his retirement years.
James J. Sweeney, 84, a retired
Foreign Service ofcer with the Bureau
of Diplomatic Security, died Aug. 18
of prostate cancer. He worked for the
Federal Bureau of Narcotics in Chicago
before joining the Department. He was
a Diplomatic Courier in Frankfurt and served as a regional
security ofcer in Rabat. After retiring in 1980, he lived on
the river in Westport, Mass., where he enjoyed time on his
Boston Whaler fshing and tending lobster pots.
Frances M. Dyrek, 98, retired
Foreign Service specialist, died Sept. 9
in Chicago, Ill. She was posted in Paris,
Athens, Berlin, Lima, Beirut, Haiti,
Antwerp, Karachi and Nicosia. She
retired after a long, wonderful career
and turned to art. She attended DePaul University for
undergraduate work and the Corcoran School of Art after
retirement. Art was her true passion. Her paintings have
been in many exhibits.
Earl Klitenic, 71, of Bethesda, Md., a
retired Foreign Service ofcer, died Sept.
12 after a heart attack. He served as a
director at the Voice of America (VOA)
and United States Information Agency,
including acting director of VOA
Europe in Munich. After retiring in 2001, he remained
active in many organizations, including the American
Foreign Service Association, DACOR and the Cosmos
Club. He used his wonderful sense of humor to lighten
every room he entered, sharing his eternal optimism.
Charles Hall, 77, of Perkinston,
Miss., a retired Foreign Service ofcer,
died Aug. 23. He served in the Navy for
20 years before joining the Department
in 1980, where he worked as a telephone
technician. He installed telephone
systems in embassies throughout the world, retiring in 1995
and starting up his own telecommunications company in
Mississippis Gulf Coast. Tough he lost everything to
Hurricane Katrina, he and his wife relocated to the central
part of the state, where he spent his last years surrounded
by family and friends.
End State
China Pg. 2
Beijing's Gui Jie, also known as Ghost Street, is lined with
dozens of restaurants that hang red lanterns out front.
Photo by Isaac D. Pacheco
Cyprus Pg. 3
Storm clouds hang ominously over the horizon as seen from
a pier leading to the blue waters near Protaras.
Photo by Lefteris Katsouromallis
Turkey Pg. 30
Raindrops streaming down a tinted window create a somber
mood as a pedestrian walks past during a storm in Istanbul.
Photo by Tuncay
Panama Pg. 10
The Panama City skyline iridesces during a long-exposure
night shot along its harbor coastline.
Photo by BORIS G
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