Fantasy Og Ungdomslitteratur

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Fantasy and Youth

Litterature from
Mellemgaard Publishing

Mellemgaard Publishing
With a book from Mellemgaard Publishing, you are sure to be entertained
and enthralled.
Mellemgaard publishes between 40 and 50 books a year, in a wide variety of genres; from cookbooks, how-tos, travelogues and biographies to
murder mysteries, thrillers, science fiction and fantasy novels, and childrens books. Beside the traditional book format, the books are also published as e-books, available through our website,

The Secret of the Dragon Mountains
Mette stergaard Sberg
ISBN: 978-87-92622-09-9
228 pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Dimensions of Magic - A New World
Stephen Dyva
ISBN: 978-87-92622-15-0
268 pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Forlaget Mellemgaard ApS

Solsiden 12
PO Box 630
DK-5272 Odense N
Phone & Fax: +45 65 90 36 42
CVR: 28974477
Forlaget Mellemgaard is a subsidiary of Forlaget KNOM

Solar - Ragnarok
Brian Roland Larsen
ISBN: 978-87-92622-10-5
659 pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Rocket Stables - The Beginning
Christina Nordstrm og Kirsten Nordstrm Hansen
ISBN: 978-87-92622-26-6
120 pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
The Rocket Brothers - Kidnapped
Preben Dahl
ISBN 978-87-91933-70-7
112 pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
The Rocket Brothers - Dangerous Holiday in Florida
Preben Dahl
ISBN: 978-87-92622-06-8
100 pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
The Spy Agents and the Hunt for Mads
Anne Mette Asp
ISBN: 978-87-92622-18-1
135 pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Mellemgaard Publishing


At the dawn of time, the people on the island of Kvinitsh discovered

the extra vocal chord which creates magic when you sing or play the
flute. This gift from the gods turned out to be both very useful and a
source of great enjoyment. But there were those who couldnt take part
in the common joy. Among the people of Kvinitsh, a consensus spread
that these antimagicians did not deserve magic; they were not worthy.
As time went by, a deep hatred
for the blessed took root in the

Get all the books you can! I commanded. Senna and Ylvi didnt
even question the order, but rushed around among the shelves.
The Cartographers desk was quickly covered by the pile of
books. The Cartographer himself ran to the antechamber and
locked the door with an old golden key. You dont have much
time! he shouted, just as the first guard attacked the fragile
door. Quickly, I drew my flute from my belt, but my shaking
fingers lost their grip and dropped it on the floor. Damn it! My
voice was shrill. The guards thundered against the door which
creaked perilously; the hinges squeaked defeatedly. My gaze

This smouldering hatred wasnt

a problem, though, as long as a
magician sat on the throne ...

flickered searchingly across the floor and up the shelves until

it met Sennas calm, intense eyes. Ylvi, shut and bolt the other
door, she said without letting me go.

Mna lives a quiet life in a small

village, until the fateful day when
she must pass the magic test. The
one thing that must not happen
does, and everything is changed
both her view of the world and
of herself. She is thrown into a
wild adventure which brings her
to faraway places to fight a fight
she never knew existed. What
are the Dragon Mountains really

Mette stergaard Sberg was born in 1987 and grew op in

Aabenraa. In 2007, she moved to rhus to study chemistry at
university and is now finishing her bachelors degree. She has
a great love for the fantasy genre and reads and writes a lot
herself. The Secret of the Dragon Mountains is her first novel.

228 pages.
ISBN: 978-87-92622-09-9
Dimensions: 152 x 230 mm

Mellemgaard Publishing


The story follows two young people, Zack and Kara, who both come
from a nearly perfect metropolis called Witrome in the futuristic
and high-tech world of Ilvaian. Technology is the foundation of this
advanced society which exists in a state of harmony. When Zack and
Karas autumn holiday begins, two mysterious men who look like
someone from BOTT (Beginning of Technology Time) try to kidnap
them. They fail, however, and Zack and Kara find a mysterious object
which brings them to the other world of Curania, where magic
flourishes and is a part of nature. Here, the forces of good are under
attack from the most powerful wizard of Curania, Morgus, who
attempts to expand his power through
At first, everything seems amazing
and exciting, but unexpected events
mean that they are sentenced to
death in Curania and wanted by the
authorities back home in Witrome.
This makes the friendships and
alliances they forge on their way
doubly important, but it also means
that their new enemies become even
more terrifying.

They look around, panicked. They have been surrounded by

the dark figures, one of them standing out. He is wearing black
clothes with a red pattern, suggesting that he is the leader. He
looks at them and all their eyes light up. Take her, he says and
raises his hands, paralyzing Zack and Kara.
NO! Not again! cries Zack who can still move his head.The
other figures move to grab Sirea. NOOO! cries Zack, and a
weak light appears around him. He manages to free his hand
and strikes at one of the figures. He runs towards the leader and
before he has the time to see what is happening, Zack kicks him
HELP, shouts Sirea, who is being dragged away by the figures.
Kara picks up the sword of the dazed figure and charges at the
others. Just as she swings at them, a powerful flash of light
erupts, followed by smoke, and they are gone.

Stephen Dyva was born in 1987. Originally from the west of Zealand, he has now
moved to Viborg in Jutland to become a computer graphics artist at the Animation

They are tested both physically and

mentally, living constantly on the
edge of death, and end up becoming
important players in the fight to save
Curania from Morgus. On the way,
they learn that magic might have
more to do with the world than just
being a few tricks in Curania.

He spends a lot of his spare time drawing, watching films and

playing computer games. He has always had a great interest in
science fiction and fantasy literature. In 2002, he had the idea
for The Dimensions of Magic and began building the plot for
the series, starting work on the first book soon after.

268 pages.
ISBN: 978-87-92622-15-0
Dimensions: 152 x 230 mm

Mellemgaard Publishing

The Solar series:

Solar 1 - Invasion (2001)
431 pages.
ISBN: 87-90958-23-3

It is the year 3617. Dark clouds are gathering around SOL, the united
mankind, who now choose to risk everything in one desperate move...
After SOLs surprising victory during the Loortech races assault
on Earth, mankind strikes back and during a large-scale series of
counterattacks, several planets are are reconquered.
However, it is only a matter of time before war will erupt again on
the edge of the human sector, the new leader of the enemy invasion
forces are gathering the most massive armada so far in the history
of the war. When Admiral Brichzor and the head of the intelligence
service, Beckett, learn of this, they decide to strike back with
everything they have. All of SOLs remaining fleet is deployed in a
desperate last-ditch attempt to take the enemy by surprise.
But SOLs biggest triumph might not be found in the will to strike
back but in a chosen few who are in a unique position to change
the course of the battle. The vengeful and suicidal soldier Arix, the
ex-smuggler Keiron Hornet and the genetically manipulated super
weapon known as Khyros are all going to play a pivotal role behind
the scenes in what will be the end game of this war.
Even if SOL should win, the victory may prove to be meaningless. For
during the war, the military has antagonized a lot of people, not least
the Government, to achieve its goals, and in the shadows a new threat
lurks. An entirely new kind of enemy, who manipulates and twists
those who up until now have stood together, and makes the world
itself balance on a knifes edge...
Ragnarok is the sixth and final book in the Solar series.

Solar 2 - Nedtlling (2003)

434 pages.
ISBN: 87-90958-38-1
Solar 3 - Knight Eskadrillen (2004)
(The Knight Squadron)
606 pages.
ISBN: 87-90958-62-4
Solar 4 - Fstningens Fald (2006)
(Fall of the Fortress)
648 pages.
ISBN: 87-90958-94-2
Solar 5 - Belejring af Jorden (2008)
(The Siege of Earth)
648 pages.
ISBN 978-87-91933-41-7

Brian Roland Larsen was 17 years old when his debut novel Solar Invasion, the
first book in the series, was published. With the Solar series he has created a universe
similar to that of Star Wars, and he tells his space tales as an
experienced time traveller from the year of 3617. He has won
the Eurocon Encouragement Award as the best new Sci-fi and
fantasy author.
It has been announced that the Solar series will continue
at where new chapters will be made
available free of charge.

659 pages.
ISBN: 978-87-92622-10-5
Dimensions: 129 x 169 mm

Mellemgaard Publishing

When Deas mum tells her they will be moving again, Dea flatly
refuses. She has made a great friend and might also have found a
boyfriend. In any case, Dea has found a refuge with the old jockey
Niller, who owns the most wonderful horse in the world, New
All is not as it seems, however. Niller has been branded as an
animal abuser, he has cheated and doped a horse. Niller is banned
from every race track in Denmark. Are
the accusations correct?
Dea fearlessly tries to find out, but can
a girl of thirteen nearly fourteen
do anything when it comes to Nillers
enemies? Is Niller really telling the
truth? Who can she trust? What will
happen to New Future if the horse
who was born to race is never allowed
to set hoof on a race track?

Common publications:
Stjerneflugt - 2006 (Startflight)
Hestepigen Maja - 2007 (Maja, a Girl who loves Horses)
Hasard, den brune hingst - 2007 (Hasard, the brown Stallion)
Team Triple (Team Triple)
Firklveret series:
Victoria kommer til hjlp - 2009 (Victoria to the Rescue)
Rikke stikker af - 2009 (Rikke runs away)
Godt get Henriette - 2009 (Well done Henriette)
Le og den store pokal - 2009 (Le and the big Cup)
Christina Nordstrm:
Mille flytter p Landet - 2009 (Mille is moving to the countryside)
Mille og Plet - 2009 (Mille and Plet)
Mille og Tsen - 2009 (Mille and Girl)
Drengen og Ulvekongen - 2008 (The Boy and the Wolf King)
Kirsten Nordstrm Hansen:
En halv hest - 2006 (Half a Horse)
Stine, Naja og Donna - 2008 (Stine, Naja and Donna)
Stine og Naja p ridelejr - 2009 (Stine and Naja at Horseback Riding Camp)

Dea will do anything for the horse

she has come to love. At the same
time, she has to make a choice about
Leon, the boy she is deeply in love
with. No wonder that Dea feels she is
being pulled in all directions.

Kirsten Nordstrm Hansen and Christina Nordstrm are

mother and daughter, but its not just the kinship that tie them
together. They share their love for horses, and they have owned
horses for more than 30 years. They have been writing fiction
for magazines for many years, as well as a couple of childrens
books. They have written books together as well as separately.

120 pages.
ISBN: 978-87-92622-26-6
Dimensions: 140 x 216 mm



Mellemgaard Publishing

Dangerous Holiday in Florida

The brothers Jonathan and Kristoffer Dam are using their
summer holidays to experiment with rockets. However, the
idyl at the airfield where they live is soon wrecked. One day
their father, a rocket scientist,
disappears on his lunch break.
Who has kidnapped him? And
why? The brothers imediately
start solving the scary mystery.
And they recieve good hep from
their not quite ordinary family
and a perky Dutch girl.

As the first Danes ever, the brothers

Jonathan and Kristoffer Dam have
been invited to go to the USA on a
summer camp at the Kennedy Space
Center. Together with other children
from all over the world, they are going
to experience what it is like to be an
astronaut. But the camp leader, the
Colonel, almost ruins the experience
for the two boys, even as they try
their best to live up to their nick
name, The Rocket Brothers. And it
isnt long before bullying becomes
commonplace among the children.
Worst of all, a valuable pair of rings
are stolen and Kristoffer is suspected
of being the thief.

100 pages.
ISBN: 978-87-92622-06-8
Dimensions: 140 x 216 mm
112 pages.
ISBN: 978-87-91933-70-7
Dimensions: 140 x 216 mm

Preben Dahl (born 1963) is a journalist and writer. For many

years, he has been a contributing journalist for newspapers
and has worked in television. Preben is married, the father of
two boys, and lives on Funen. The inspiration to write novels
came while on a journey through Europe where the family ran
out of books for their sons to read and as a result, the first book
about the Rocket Brothers, Kidnapped, was written.



Mellemgaard Publishing


Nikki and Victor like to play spies. But when they try to help
the 16-year-old Mads, it is suddenly no longer a game. Mads
is on the run from some criminals,
and Niki and Victor quickly become
embroiled in a dangerous case
involving violence and stolen
This is the first volume in the Spy
Agents series.

135 pages.

Im coming out to get you! he shouted furiously. If the others

dont catch Mads, youd better show me where hes hiding, or
To my horror, he grabbed hold of the branch and I was sure
it would break if if it had to carry his weight, too. Carefully, I
crawled out even further, right out to the thinnest part. The
branch swayed dangerously up and down, the dark water was
right below me and I felt a chill run down my spine as I looked
into the bottomless deep.

Anne Mette Asp (born in 1966) is trained as an organist

from the Copenhagen Academy of Music, and she also holds
a bachelor in theology. She has written story from the age of
eight, and has a special passion for thrill and fantasy. The Spy
Agents and the Hunt for Mads is her debut novel.

ISBN: 978-87-92622-18-1
Dimensions: 140 x 216 mm



Mellemgaard Publishing offers a wide selection of

You will find biographies, hobby, cookbooks,
leisure, royal books, fiction, body & soul, sci-fi
and many other genres.

Forlaget mellemgaard
Solsiden 12

DK-5270 Odense N

Phone & fax: 65903642

Forlaget Mellem is a subsidiary of Forlaget KNOM,

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