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This Thesis is submitted in fulfillment of Sarjana Sastera at
School of Humanities University Sains Malaysia



This thesis is a research that submitted by the students of Sarjana Sastera (Literature) for
completion of HKS 501 at 2
Semester in 2003/2004.
I admitted that this research are preparing with myself during getting for the related
information except the notes and summarize that had been explained this source.

Main Supervisor Student
Prof. Madya Dr Noriah Binti Taslim Baihaqi Bin Muhammad Daud

September, 15
2004 September, 15



First of All, I would like to express my gratitude to Al-Mighty Allah SWT for his
welfare, so that I can finish this thesis accordingly.
I would like to express my grateful thanks to my beloved parents for their dedication,
praying and fully supports for the writer for completing this study.
I also express my grateful thanks to my beloved wife which continuing supports for
my succeed study.
My highly appreciation expresses to my relatives families and mother in-law that
always given supporting for my future careers.
I also encourage thanks to my main supervisor Prof. Dr. Ali Haji Ahmad for his
continuing guidance for finishing this thesis. I would like to thank to my second supervisor
Prof. Madya Dr. Noriah Taslim for her fully commitment to waste the time for correcting this
I might to thanks to my closed friends which as same as struggle at overseas to
study and complete this works.

Warmest Regards

Baihaqi Bin Muhammad Daud
September, 15





1.1. Background of the Problem1
1.2. Objective of the Problem13
1.3. Statement of the Problem...........................................13
1.4. Scope of the Problem..........................................17
1.5. Significance of the Problem19
1.6. Literature Review..20
1.7. Methodology of the Study25
1.8. Organization of the Study25


2.1. Background of the authors.28
2.2. The Authors Literary Works38
2.2.1. Definition and Development of Sufism in Indonesia42
2.2.2. Sufism Literature as Transcendent Literature .50
2.2.3. Contribution of Danartos toward Sufisms Unsure..57



3.1 Anthology of Godlob66
3.2 Anthology of Adam Marifat82
3.3 Anthology of Berhala90
3.4 Anthology of Gergasi..99
3.5 Anthology of Setangkai Melati di Sayap Jibrail.108





The tendency of Sufism in Danartos short stories revealed the authors significant
experience achieved through deep contemplation and understanding as experienced by
saints in the past. It is this mystical experience that becomes the basis for Danartos literary
work, enhanced through his creativity and imagination. The spiritual experience gifted to him
by Allah SWT in his creative writings. This thesis is an attempt to analyze the tendency of
Sufism in selected Danartos short stories.



1.1. Background of the Problem

As the author, Danarto had been placed himself with the development of Indonesia
Literature. He appears with a new style added within unpredictable theme by another
Indonesias author. Regarding with his style, Danarto are being the same position with
another author such as Iwan Simatupang and Budi Darma, but Danarto has specific
characteristics namely, all of his literary works grounded from Kejawen where as the
way of his express the stories coming from leather puppets.

The awarded from Horison Literature Magazine to his first short stories Panah
Menembus Jantung, as the best short stories in 1968 are the firstly official appraisal for
his works. The reason given by the committee is:
Overall this story carried out mystic, who is bringing the readers feel itself
connecting with another world outside from our real worlds alive every day. This story is
categorized as newest style in Indonesia and it would be motivated for other authors to
produce interest story in Indonesia.

In his prefaces for the anthology of Adam Marifat Arief Budiman mentions that his
literary works come from unconsciousness. It can be finding after reading his short
stories of Adam Marifat and another short stories that begin with rhythm of song and
word of Cak gradually. Into the short story the author are wrote most of concrete poet
and it become the reader are being unconsciousness because of he is having mysticals

In a official meeting Mesyuarat Pengadil Horison untuk Cerpen 1968 Arief Budiman
disagree with an award given to Danarto by mentioned:
I thought Danartos Short Stories are derived from unconsciousness where as the
author is able to control him selves and known where is he going to. Absolutely this
story presents a new perspective toward another stories that even been in Indonesia.

Danarto, Adam Marifat, 1992, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. P. 5
Pilihan Majalah Horison 1966-1967 dan 1968 oleh Yayasan Indonesia. Jakarta. 1970


From this statement, it obviously that Arief Budiman declares artistic from those short
stories and indirectly he are willing to know the creativity process which is needed the
self management from the authors to his works. This statement appears through
Mesyuarat Pengadil Horsion untuk Cerpen 1968, added with notes from Arief Budiman
about creativity process grew up from unconsciousness and wrote through an
introduction of Godlob short stories.

Sapardi Djoko Damono and Subagio Sastrowardoyo are either to give their
comments that attached at Panah Menembus Jantung short stories. This statement
also appears for the whole of short stories collection. Subagio Sastrowardoyo states
His thought is possibilities to pass of general logical as find out from absurd story
from Iwan Simaptupang .

A Teeuw mentions that the Danartos short stories describe an amazing situation
about the living of human life from the Javanese Sufism perspective. He adds that the
Danartos short stories represented Indonesia Literature images which is full of
traditional culture and its quite to give a new hope for future writing.

Moreover he is strongest with traditional culture, Danarto has a talent as a Javanese
with are familiar to absorb foreign culture. A Teeuw also mentions that Danarto is easy
going to unite of specific character as a Javanese people to absorb foreign culture.
Danarto is able to unite of a specific character found as Hamlet, Ahasveros or Salome
from pantheism worlds and the world appeared with a wonderful imagination of

Y. B. Manguwijaya asks that Danartos short stories are:
A value of change than religion, spiritualism stories that dynamic and full of
imagination, traditional, internally character, abstract, and concrete and life of world. The
value of mystic is able to find out from a living life, locally and internationally.

Meanwhile Kuntowijoyo
assumes that the existence of Danarto is strongest
representative from Sufism literature which is protected from intellectualism. He states
that Danartos short stories reflected as character as humanitarian, freedom from
various kinds of tyrannical.

Subagio Sastrowardoyo, Sekilas Soal Sastera dan Budaya, 1992, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. P. 71-76
A. Teeuw, Sastera Indonesia Modern II, 1989, Jakarta: Dunia Pustaka Jaya. P. 202
Y. B. Manguwijaya, Sastera dan Religoisitas, 1992, Yogyakarta: Kanisius. P. 51
Kuntowijoyo, 1972, Prosedur Lingkaran Dalam Kritik Sastera, dalam Malajah Horison No. 2. P. 357


In his preface for the selected anthology of Berhala, Umar Kayam
mentions that it
quite possible to find out the short story writers in Indonesia which is periodically
conscious to submit world such as Danarto in his literary works. His works is full with
irrational situation that is politely to create by using powerful Sufism.

Umar Kayam also states that the tendency of Sufism which is developed by Danarto
as long as through his previously short stories had been rewritten by aiming, the author
is not left real world and abstract. The author isnt also to leave a current situation that
appears in his literary works. Unfortunately from his works, the authors are taking an
idea combined with daily base activities, where as that activities might to throw to
illogical situation.

Harry Aveling as a literature criticism from Australia had translated Danartos short
stories to English version and He states that the position of Danarto is same with
William Blake a British mystical poetry that alive at 19

Burton Raffel a literature criticism from United States of America indirectly mentioned
that among of newest short stories in Indonesia, which is the most interesting is Danarto
short stories. According to Raffel, Danartos short stories are incredible and amazing so
that his works defeats short stories writers from Europe and America immediately. Even
thought as per as mentioned by Arief Budiman, He isnt hesitated the effortless of
Danarto cause of he was being to do an experimental experience, He isnt create, but
he are returning to the world by digging spirituals experience. His story is not only to
move dramatic, but this word are usually to jump and the reader are becomes trembling,
shaking and crying. Raffel sees that his literary works are unique and influence the
journey of Indonesia literatures.

Abdul Hadi W. M. In his interview with Danarto succeed to record the statement from
Danarto as follow as:
Our communities are being secular nowadays, It quite al right and attention to
religion and its values had been damaged. When the religiosities of the author appears,
It should be different between religion and mystical experience, that being well of my

Umar Kayam, Pengantar dalam Danarto, Berhala (Kumpulan Cerita Pendek), 1991, Jakarta: Pustaka Firdaus.
P. ix
Ibid, P. xiv
Abdul Hadi W.M. Kembali Ke Akar Kembali Ke Sumber, Esei-Esei Sastera Profetik dan Sufistik, 1999, Jakarta:
Pustaka Firdaus, P. 48
Ibid, P. 48


literary works reference. Religion experience is being metaphysic elements and mystic,
but our transcendent experience is absolutely the unity with creator of the universe.

Most of Danartos short stories are categorized as the unity effort with creator of
universe as per mentioned through his title of short story Adam Marifat. The purpose
of the author to write his works based on spiritual experience, the author and also works
as painter coming from Sragen mentioned that:
We are (nature, flora and fauna) as a process so that everything did not understand
because of its not formulated as well). The truth and distrust that make it summarize is
nothing, Because of we are process, we should go to everywhere, from where and
where are we going to for. This is the real essential of creator. Its true that we are
belonging of creation of the universe.

Abdul Hadi W.M. in his explanations for the Danarto, Abimanyu and Katak saw that
human being rises through Danartos short stories claims as a lost of human being from
history. They are wanted to be real mankind, able want to know the knowledge of
universe, the essence of the creation, philosophy of life and if he had known everything
the essence of the truth, He can create amazing works.

In his further explanation Subagio Sastrowardoyo
assumes that in the
development of Indonesia Literature, Danartos short stories tends to solve reality life
that caught by eyes. According to Subagio who is seeing from historical framework,
Riono Praktikto had told the haunted stories. This can be found through another literary
works written by Pramudya Ananta Toer such as Keluarga Gerilya. , Atheis wrote by
Achdiat Kartamihardja and Buiten Het Gareel written by Suwarsih Djoyo Puspito. The
tendency to leave out real of life was being continued by Iwan Simatupang through his
works Tunggu Aku Di Pojok Jalan Itu.

Sapardi Djoko Damono
explains that Danarto had succeeded to write several short
stories which are giving a new tendency in writing of short stories in Indonesia. Actually
this works had been doing by previous writer at the decade of 1950-an like Basuki
Gunawan, P. Sengojo and Iwan Simatupang. Their works are tent to explore western
tradition. Danarto took another impact and combine with his mystical experiences rather
than western literature. Danarto tries to create a same process with another people
faced of mystical experiences.

Danarto, Adam Marifat, 1992, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, P. 5
Ibid, P. 6
Abdul Hadi W.M, 1984, Dua Puluh Sastrawan Bicara, Jakarta: Sinar Harapan. P. 47
Subagio Sastrowardoyo, 1992, Sekilas Soal Sastera dan Budaya, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. P. 71-76
Sapardi Djoko Damono, Pengantar dalam Danarto, Godlob (Kumpulan Cerita Pendek), 1987, Jakarta:
Pustaka Utama Grafiti. P. vii


Yakob Sumardjo mentions that Danarto are taking his inspiration from the world
tradition, which is Sumardjo assumed that Danartos short stories was not replicated
from famous stories in the world. Sumardjo explains that Danartos short stories are
categorized as allegories. A. Teeuw is also mentions that his works are familiar with
allegories from its introduction. According to Sumardjo, the characters found at his
works are including as prototype because he usually use idea personification for his
works. The character find out at his works played as freely puppets and they are
mobilized to pass the space and time. Sumardjo is also summarized that:

Danartos short stories are thematic; his strength is being at its theme and ideas

Keith Foulcher
mentions that the reality of Danarto was setting as hallucinations.
This statement is not aimed to marginalize of Danarto, He admits that the author is
having specific character as a telling stories. Another element that included as specific
characters from his works is his encourage spreading irrational harassment. Danarto is
posted as a new founder and the best pattern at the decade of 60-an.

Amir Mahmud in his interview for the article of Danarto Mencari Zat Ilahi saw that
the spiritualism of Danarto is near with human being self development management
doctrine into Islam. The grade of human being in contemplating with the Lord as follow
as: syariat, tarikat, hakikat and makrifat. Syariat is description or explanation, Tarikat is
an implementation, Hakikat is situation and condition and Makrifat is the real of essence
through introduction to our Al-Mighty.

Paul Tickell comments that Danartos short stories are not full of the escape of
reality, harm, and misuse and reliable among human race, He might to show his
capacity to see and build communication with the reader, the author didnt choose the
real descriptive, but he always use the symbol and metaphor and selected it for doing

Danarto, Proses, Proses, Proses, Proses, Proses, Proses, dalam Dua Puluh Sasterawan Bicara, 1984,
Jakarta: Sinar Haparan P. 154-155
Abdul Hadi W.M., tentang Temu Kritikus dan Sasterawan DKJ TIM, Kembali Ke Akar Tradisi, Kembali Ke
Sumber, 1984, Jakarta: Harian Berita Yudha. P. 12
Amir Mahmud, 1990, Danarto Mencari Zat Ilahi, dalam Mingguan Media Indonesia. No.3539. P. 5
Paul Tickell, Tanggapan Dunia Sastera Terhadap Cerpen-Cerpen Danarto, 1968, dalam Majalah Horison
No2.P. 16


Th. Sri Rahayu Prihatmi states that Danartos short stories succeed to make its
relationship among two worlds namely real world and a world outside from logical and
metaphysic. Furthermore Rayani Sri Widodo classified the theme found by Danartos
short stories related with: 1) Horizontal problem among the man that can be found at
his works Godlob, Sandiwara Atas Sandiwara, and Armageddon. Those works are
tending to rise up the relationship among the man and man; its also finding at his
second works Adam Marifat published by Balai Pustaka. Danarto attempts more
deeply the limitation of human being created by God from land. The consciousness is
gradually as holy words for 434 times. 2) Vertical problem related with the man and his
creator. In his preface announced by Balai Pustaka, stated that .we are as
belong of the universe permanently and determined

Its mean Danarto believes that the relationship between his self and Allah SWT as
creator. He ensures that his consciousness are also adopted by a Sufism: .But
my transcendent are essentially for uniting with Allah SWT.

Dami N. Toda optioned that in short stories world the first name that might be
appeared currently is Danarto. When we read his works, we are described as a
universal without frontier and space.

W. S. Rendra assumes that in the prose cross study. Danarto carried out a new hope
for short stories development in Indonesia besides of Gerson Poyk, Pramudya Ananta
Toer and Hamsad Rangkuti. They have strongest behavior as a poet man who is
mastering a language and pure arts. Rendra aloso stated that Danartos works are
phenomena cause of its having a way of life.

Another statement expressed by Sutardji Calzoum Bachri and Satyagraha Hoerip in
Cerita Pendek Indonesia 4, Sutardji mentions that If you want to find out a Javanese
authors that able to success and explore of tradition and truth of essence, the man is
Danarto and this statement is also translated by Satyagraha Hoerip.

Abdul Rahman Kaeh, Dialog Kesusasteraan, 1990, Kuala Lumpur: Jabatan Pengkajian Melayu Universiti
Dami N. Toda, Sastera Indonesia Modern, 1989, Jakarta: Dunia Pustaka Jaya. P. 164
W.S. Rendra, Tanggapan Dunia Sastera Terhadap Cerpen-Cerpen Danarto, 1968, dalam Majalah Horison No.
2 P. 15
Satyagraha Hoerip, Cerita Pendek Indonesia 4, 1979, Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa.


Meanwhile Wildan Yatim states that the author spoke about human being but this
philosophy is trembling and dishes similarity. He also mentioned that his works is dark of
imagination and did not have main goals.

Korrie Layun Rampan
in his preface of Cerita Pendek Indonesia Mutakhir Sebuah
Pembicaraan stated that Danartos short stories fail to reach the goals and havent
highly motivation. He also mentioned that a new knowledge inspirited by Danarto is
consciousness inspiration. This statement supported by Hudi Soejanto which mentioned
that Danartos short stories is classified as a new inspiration for the journey of Indonesia

Based on the description above, the writer assumed that what had written by Danarto
though his works are categorized as a new style and contribution for the sufism
development in Indonesia attached through his works. The existence of Danarto shows
that he is as a poet man which having his own character.

1.2. Objective of the Problem

According to the description above, Danartos short stories contained of Sufism/mystical
connotation. The writer saw that:
1. This research aims to study and understand deepest about the Tendency of Sufism
in selected Danartos short stories.
2. To analyze this selected short stories for knowing his extraordinary to enrich
Indonesia short stories.

1.3. Statement of the Problem

Danarto with his works had been explored an extraordinary issue. Probable we cant
find the authors in Indonesia introduced sufism tendency in his literary works. His
previous short story through Godlob and Adam Marifat shown clearly Danarto is trying
to explore indirectly and ask us to enter a new world that is differential with our daily
world. Into his works this worlds is not real and abstract. This situation reflected is to see
two worlds namely real and unreal world. The both of the situation are soundly and
terrified where human is being categorized unidentified object. This situation are finding

Wildan Yatim, Dua Puluh Sasterawan Bicara, 1984, Jakarta: Sinar Harapan. P. 154-155
Korrie Layun Rampan, Cerita Pendek Indonesia Mutakhir Sebuah Pembicaraan, 1980, Yogyakarta: CV Nur
Cahaya.P 6


from his works Panah Menembus Jantung. Godlob, and Armageddon. In other short
stories this situation classified as epic and tales such as Nostalgia, Asmaradana and
Abracadabra. In the selected of short stories we may meet with an character that ever
known from the past book such as Abimanyu through Mahabaratha , Salome from the
bible and hamlet from Shakespeare. The whole of the character placed into a specific
world namely real and unreal world with full by shadow, terrified and mystery.

Meanwhile Umar Kayam in his preface Dunia Alternatif Danarto Sebuah Pengantar
saw that Danartos literary works brought us to other world from our daily base activities,
when we are entering this world, immediately we knew that the world arent living for us.
The world is partly of human race speaks and making relationship with angels, lizard,
computer and other cultures, the unconsciousness situation are reflecting happen and
developed with the world now.

If we are trying to repeat to read these short stories, perhaps we might cheat to get
fiction situation, His literary works through second selected of short stories Adam
Marifat clearly shows this situation especially from his works Mereka Toh Tidak
Mungkin Menyaring Malaikat, Megatruh entitle Gambar Satu Bar Balok Not and
Bedoyo Robot Membelot. During we read deepest and pay an attention carefully, we
will predict that undercover of the stories, there is a way to guide us. A worldwide that
influences the writing style of Danarto

In relation with the way of world was influenced with tasawuf world implemented by
saints. One of the most significant things from sufism is Wahdat al-Wujud doctrine
through the truth of essence and truth of reality.

According to Umar Kayam, the creation is limited by time and space, because this
concept isnt quite solved by human being instinct. The presence is absolutely belongs of
Allah SWT. The creator of the universe had determined and selected the eternity, trying
to walk the road and chancing the journey for time and space in his essence.

This method is clearly seen from the statement of Danarto taken from the preface of
his second anthology of Adam Marrifat:

Umar Kayam, Dunia Alternatif Danarto( sebuah pengantar), dalam, Berhala (Kumpulan Cerita Pendek), 1991,
Jakarta: Pustaka Firdaus. P. xi
Ibid, P. xiii
Martin Ling, Wali Sufi Abad ke-20 (terj. Abdul Hadi W.M), 1989, Bandung: Mizan. P. 178


We are (nature, flora and fauna) as a process so that everything did not understand
because of its not formulated as well). The truth and distrust that make it summarize is
nothing, Because of we are process, we should go to everywhere, from where and where
are we going to for. This is the real essential of creator. Its true that we are belonging of
creation of the universe.

As a Javanese living at Javanese culture, the statement is not strange. The mystical
elements contained at Hindu worship had taken intention and impression for Javanese
people before they are paying as Muslim. The way of life of Danarto find out through his
literary works almost classified as unconsciousness. After his way is putting from his
works, the situation is rapidly changed. The situation is clearly describing unreal world
through his works. The dialogue presented among abimanyu and frog, me and lizard and
acid, Hamlet and Horatio remained between time and space, dialogue built among
mother, daughter, dancer, computer machine, bedoyo dancer had succeed to take
dimension of time and space and his other absurd works interested the reader to study
his essence to Allah SWT.

Right now, Danarto is not famous when he is firstly appear at the decade of 1960-an,
in spite of he is still noted as one of the demonstrator of Indonesia literature besides
another authors for example Iwan Simatupang, Putu Wijaya and Budi Darma. The whole
of his works started from the essence of human being created by Allah SWT, Danarto
tend to select his contemplation with Allah SWT as the highest point in searching of

1.4. Scope of the Problem
This research is only to give a description and attempt to explore details for
Tendency of Sufism firstly appeared by Danarto through his literary works. For this
purpose, the writer had collected and choice the short stories written by Danarto at the
decade of 1970 till 2001. The selected short stories studied by the writer are: Anthology of
Godlob wrote at 1975, this anthology consists of 9 short stories succeed write by him.
The anthology of Godlob is the first short story written by Danarto and had translated to
English version by Hary Aveling with entitle Abracadabra. Another translator joined is

Danarto, Adam Marifat, Cet.II, 1992, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. P. 6
Lihat Harian Kompas Cyber Media Jakarta, 27 Juni 2002, dengan tajuk: Cerita Rupa dan Mistik Danarto, P.1-


Henry Chambert Loir (into France Version) and Tim Behrend (into English version even
though he is a Javanese literature expert from New Zealand).

Anthology of Adam Marifat, wrote at 1982. This anthology contains from 6 short
stories. This anthology Adam Marifat is the second short stories written by Danarto.
This short story is also translated to English Version by Hary Aveling with entitle: Adam

Anthology of Berhala wrote at 1987. This anthology consists of 13 short stories
written by him. The anthology of Berhala gifted an award from Centre Language Studies
at 1990 and Pustaka Firdaus as a best science fiction book publisher at 1987. Now day
the short stories had translated into several languages such as English, Dutch, France
and Japan.

Anthology of Gergasi wrote at 1996. This anthology consists of 13 short stories
written by him. The short story of Gergasi is the fourth short stories completed by him.
This short story expresses the way of thinking from author telling that the real and unreal
situation are mutually connected each other.

Anthology of Setangkai Melati di Sayap Jibril, had written at 2001. This anthology
consists of 29 short stories written by him. This short story had classified into fantasy
literature, because the author always to relate between mystical and sufism elements
found at this short story.

1.5. Significance of the Problem

1. This research hopes to give a benefit and clearly description for the writers
especially and for the reader in generally through what had been explored by
Danartos for his works
2. This research hopes to give better understanding about a new tendency in
Indonesia literature at the decade of 70-an. A tendency assumed and valued by
most of the authors that is developing by several peoples such as: Danarto, Iwan
Simatupang, Muhammad Zaini Fudoli, Budi Darma, KUntowijoyo, Y.B.
Manguwijaya, Sutardji Calzoum Bachri and Abdul Hadi W.M.

Danarto, Godlob, Cet.II, 1987, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
Danarto, Adam Marifat, Cet.II, 1992, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka
Danarto, Berhala, Cet.II, 1991, Jakarta: Pustaka Firdaus
Danarto, Gergasi, Cet II. 1996, Jakarta: Pustaka Firdaus
Danarto, Setangkai Melati di Sayap Jibril, 2001, Yogyakarta: Yayasan Bentang Budaya


3. To understand that the tendency of Sufism found at selected Danartos short stories
as a religious experience faced by his own author
4. To see and understand that his literary works reflected by his esthetical and
worldwide that develops in the Islamic tradition which is full of Sufism and social

1.6. Literature Review

Most of writing identified that Danartos short stories tend to explore absurd
dimension. Sapardi Djoko Damono in his preface for the anthology of Godlob tries to
rethinking from the perspective of absurdities. Meanwhile Th. Sri Rahayu Prihatmi is
using the theory focused on the anthology of Godlob and Adam Marifat tent to expose
the absurdities and taking the conclusion about a dialectical among real and unreal
worlds. She is also values that there is a conflict for the truth of conversion through his
short story Kecubung Pengasihan. Rayani Sri Widodo values that the paying of
absurdities into Danartos short stories are pre-catharsis of pantheism.

This appraisal tent to look for Danartos short stories as no realism works. This
instance is not interesting to see accurately based upon the benefit of language potential.
The styles of language found at Danartos short stories are strongly and nearby
allegories. Danarto is clever to play to use metaphoric languages and completely by
rhetoric words.

Th Sri Rahayu Prihatmi in her research about Fantasi Dalam Kedua Kumpulan
Cerpen Danarto assumes that Allah SWT for Danarto as a beautiful and lovely place in
the world. He escapes than the worldwide and didnt care with the life full of sin. He also
teaches and relate with Allah SWT without picking up. The writer tends to select Sufisms
way for relating with Allah SWT.

Most of his statements had checked gradually by Faculty of Letter University Gajah
Mada in their research entitle: Memahami Cerpen-Cerpen Danarto. Basically this
research tested that Danartos short stories explores pantheism and mystic so that it can

Lihat Heru S.P. Saputra, Menyatunya Wacana-Wacana Religius (Pemahaman Dekonstruksi Retoris dalam
Cerpen Kecubung Pengasihan), 1999, Yogyakarta: Universitas Gadjah Mada P. 6

Th. Sri Rahayu Prihatmi, Fantasi dalam Kedua Kumpulan Cerpen Danarto: Dialog Antara Dunia Nyata dan
Tidak Nyata, 1989, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. P. 18


be concluded that Danartos short stories through his anthology Godlob and two his
short stories Mereka Toh Tidak Mungkin Menyaring Malaikat and Adam Marifat. The
whole of his works begins from mystical or Javanese spiritualism mixed by Islam and
colored by pantheisms way. The theme appears by Danarto related too spiritualism
worlds, because of the whole of the characters might by seeing through spiritualism
dimension. In spite of Danartos short stories are categorized as allegoric. The
characters, accidents and background of short stories might be forwarding as
personification issued by the writer connected by Javanese mystic and seeing the real of
life as the lovely of human being with creator of universe. There is no behaviors
development; this research stated that the characters find out at Danartos short stories
represented of spiritual situations faced by the characters classified as spiritual conflict
and physically is not logic, cause of the conflict are not considering with the development
of characters

This research is also indicates that to rise up the characters from the previously
tradition is more easing for the writer cause of the theme had known. Moreover in their
conclusion this research states that Danartos short stories have a special place besides
of Iwan Simatupang, Budi Darma and Putu Wijaya.
Rayani Sri Widodo in her works about Cerpen Indonesia Mutakhir Antologi Esei dan
Kritik talks that Danartos short stories based on two aspects: First, Danarto contributes a
new style in Indonesia short story. According to Rayani Sri Widodo this new style appears
after the writer enters 3 kinds of elements: poet, music and paint. The third of elements
gives an impression of musical and decorative artistic, second, the writer uses
imaginative communicative non dimensional which is means that the characters and
background of the theme are not related with dimension of time and space. The author
selects consciousness his deep contemplation to explore transcendent way. He uses the
background of the theme based on spiritualism symbolic that would be the portrait of his
impressive worlds.

Slamet Kinarto in his works Suatu Upaya Mencari Jalan Baru analyses that
Danartos short stories reflected as terrifying evidence. The paint of the nature which is
shaking and the telling didnt understand time and space. The past and present evidence

Fakultas Sastera Kebudayaan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Memahami Cerpen-Cerpen Danarto, 1984,
Yogyakarta: Universitas Gadjah Mada. P. 7
Rayani Sri Widodo, Memahami Cerpen Danarto, dalam Pamusuk Eneste (ed), Cerpen Indonesia Mutakhir:
Antologi Esei dan Kritik, Jakarta: Gramedia. P. 35


might be appears together. The stories for Danarto as a way to reach the gift by aiming
try to open the creating of the story.

To understand its definition in Danartos short stories are facing difficulties, because
we didnt know his background accurately. Even though the theme rise up is related with
the social reality that easy to understand. Danartos short stories always full by religious
dimension. He is as Sufism writer had deep contemplation in extending to rise up reality
transcendental, he does not see the psychic, but he also sees abstract and metaphysic.
The reader faces to conventional a world that is not taking by logical and sight.
Tirto Suwondo in his works Kerinduan Danarto Kepada Tuhan analyses that
Danartos short stories derives from unconsciousness where as the authors are speaking
with Lord directly. In this term, Danarto as a human being are trying to returnable his self
to contemplate with creator of universe so that the tendencies of Sufism are really seen
through his literary works.

Based on the analysis mentioned above, It absolutely clear that there is not among
the writer had written Tendency of Sufism in Selected Danartos Short Stories. The
writer interests to analysis deeply, because of when we talk about the tendency of Sufism
in a literary work, it cannot avoid from religion aspects.

1.7. Methodology of the Study

This research will use library and text analysis for trying to explore the tendency of
Sufism in selected Danartos short stories through mystical symbols in his literary works.
The symbols found at this short story as part of process to curios the essence of the
universe. The author also prepares the space for remaining of contemplation and mystical
experience for knowing further the symptoms and its phenomena.

1.8. Organization of the Study

Slamet Kirnanto, Suatu Upaya Mencari Jalan Baru, 1985, dalam Harian Berita Buana. No. 4785 P. viii
Tirto Suwondo, Kerinduan Danarto Kepada Tuhan, 1986, dalam harian Suara Karya No. 773. P. 2



1.1. Background of the Problem
1.2. Objective of the Problem
1.3. Statement of the Problem
1.4. Scope of the Problem
1.5. Significance of the Problem
1.6. Literature Review
1.7. Methodology of the Study
1.8. Organization of the Study


2.1. Background of the authors
2.2. The Authors Literary Works
2.2.1. Definition and Development of Sufism in Indonesia
2.2.2. Sufism Literature as Transcendent Literature
2.2.3. Contribution of Danartos toward Sufisms Unsure


3.1 Anthology of Godlob
3.2 Anthology of Adam Marifat
3.3 Anthology of Berhala
3.4 Anthology of Gergasi
3.5 Anthology of Setangkai Melati di Sayap Jibrail






2.1. Background of the Author

The arrival of Danarto in Horison Magazine No.2 at 1968 with his first short story entitle:
Panah Menembus Jantung had paying interest of Indonesia Literature, because of the
writer shows the unique character from the language, volume and the title of the short story.
Danarto was born at Mojowetan, Sragen, and Central of Java on June, 27
1940; He is
the fourth child from five relative families. His father is Djakio Hardjosoewarno a supervisor
of Sugar Company at Modjo and his mother is Siti Aminah a small business woman.
After studying from Primary School and Junior High School Kebangsaan at Sragen, he
continues study at Senior High School Kebangsaan and takes of major literature at Solo in
1958, but he just study for 28 days cause of he did not like to study math. After that he was
studied at Sculpture Art Academy in Jogyakarta. When he is studying at ASRI, he had asked
by Seonarto Pr and Mulyasi W to jointly establish Studio Bambu within Syahwil, Handogo
and Wardoyo. As the founder and member of Studio Bambu, Danarto was actively going and
back from Yogyakarta and Jakarta for seeking money together with his relatives friends to
pay the activities of this studio. He was graduated from ASRI at 1961, two years after
graduating from ASRI, Danarto works as painter, but he never published. Most of his works
had given to his close friend or kept by them.
In 1964, During the Studio Bambu divided by two parts Studio Bambu 59 and Studio
Bambu, Danarto lives in Jakarta and continues his works by making relief, wall painting,
mosaic and monument at personal house and staff employee. When Jakarta Art Center
Taman Ismail Marzuki established in 1968, he works as painter till 1975 and since 1973,
Sculpture Art Academy and Center for Art Jakarta requested him to be a teacher. Since
1979, Danarto was being editor for short story through Zaman Magazine.
His activity for writing had started since he studies at Senior High School Kebangsaan.
His first works was entered to kinder garden Magazine Si Kuncung in 1958. At that time until
1962, he was being painter from this magazine. In 1964, he sent the script of short story
entitle Katedral dan Tebu and Tuhan dan Nangka to Sastera Magazine but refuse to
publish. The both of this script had lost and he did not know anymore the synopsis of this
short story.


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