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Volume 22 • Issue 1 • January & February 2010

What will be said of us? Summer Interns

Director of Missions: Glenn Davis

That was the theme of our Heart of Kansas Southern Baptist Associational Annual Meeting in Log on to to learn
2009. As we come to the end of 2009, how would that question be answered? Paul reminds more about our Summer Intern Program.
us, “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is
due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” Those “things done
while in the body” are being done Now.

As we come to the end of this year, we must realize that Now is the time we have. Someone
has said, “Yesterday is a canceled check, and tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is the
only cash you have, so spend it wisely.”

When we look back at the canceled check of 2009, how have we served our Lord? How have
1 New Year’s Day, HOK Office Closed
we seen our Lord working? When the day comes when “we must all appear before the judg-
ment seat of Christ”, what will be said of us? 9 WMU Planning Meeting, HOK, 10am
9 Camp Planning Meeting, Tyler Road, 10am
Will it be said of us that we lived to be a blessing; that we spoke the words of Jesus; that our 11 Disaster Relief Meeting, HOK, 11am
heritage is blessing? What will be said of us as the churches of Heart of Kansas Southern Bap-
tist Association? Did we live to be a blessing, or did we live to please ourselves? Did we 12 HOK Executive Board Meeting
Westview BC, 10:30am
serve to help the hurting; did we go to share the story; did we give to reach the lost? Or did we
play it safe, hold back to be sure, and stay to ourselves so we would not have to deal with the 15-
15-16 KNCSB Worship Leader/Family Retreat
messiness of others? 20 S.S. Team Meeting, Ryan’s, 12:30

The canceled check of 2009 is being written in the ledger, the promissory note of 2010 is be-
fore us. Now, today is the cash we have to spend. As we plan for the future and as we look for
the opportunities to come, we must also think about the Now. We need to be active today in
doing what God has called us to do.
6 Special Ed. Valentine Party
If I might suggest two opportunities Now, I would ask you to consider these. 8 Disaster Relief Meeting, HOK, 11am
17 S.S. Team Meeting, Ryan’s, 12:30
1. PRAYER 25 Ministry Wives Fellowship, TBA
Prayer is the first strategy for us at Heart of Kansas. Without prayer, there will be no
power of God in our work. There are ways that you can be involved in the prayer ministry
of HOK. Prayer Guides that will assist you in praying for the churches of HOK are avail-
able, as well as the opportunity to sign up for prayer requests from the churches of Weekly Prayer Emphasis for
HOKSBA delivered to your email. For more details contact our office.

2. GPS January
God’s Plan for Sharing is another opportunity that is before us. GPS is a coordinated ef- Jan. 4 Immanuel • Pastor Charles Boswell
fort by the North American Mission Board to fulfill the Great Commission in North Jan. 11 Metropolitan • Pastor Bruce Cargile
America by 2020. GPS will begin in 2010 with a national media blitz and materials are
Jan. 18 Cedar Pointe • Pastor Dennis Burns
being made available to all of our churches for distributions in neighborhoods.
Jan. 25 Harmony • Pastor Richard Simmons
The national media effort will include bill boards in Wichita. KNCSB will make yard

banners and “Find it Here” evangelistic drop-in flyers available for every church. If you
would like more information regarding GPS, please call Loren at the HOK office.

What will be said of us? Let it be said of us that our hearts belong to Jesus and we are living Feb. 1 Indian Southern • Pastor Rod Klingsick
for Him in the Now. Feb. 8 Midway• • Pastor Ray Emery
Feb. 15 New Birth•• Pastor Charles Ervin
1 Feb. 22 Planeview • Pastor Mike Smith
Building Great Groups In 2010 Evangelistic Mission Trips
Terry Beasley, Sunday School Team Chairperson By the time you get this newsletter we will have returned from the
Rose Bowl parade outreach. This year we are taking 6 men from
The Christian faith is all about relationships: the relationship be- inside the HOK as well as 14 men from churches outside of the
tween a holy God and sinful man; the relationship between brothers HOK.
and sisters in Christ; and, the relationships we attempt to build be-
tween ourselves and the lost world around us. Within this context, the The next trip will be from February 11-14, 2010. We will leave
body of Christ functions – recognizing that God’s design is for commu- Wichita early Thursday morning and drive to New Orleans. We will
nity, fellowship, and accountability. This level of relationship is nearly
impossible to develop and maintain in a large group setting. So, we share the Gospel two full days at Mardis Gras and return on the
utilize the small group environment of the Sunday School class or dis- 14th. We truly need to be sharing the Lord’s love in both of these
cipleship group to help connect the individual to the church. places. For those who haven’t gone with us before, we will pair you
As we begin 2010, perhaps we can be challenged by the sugges- up with someone who has been there. Please contact Loren if you
tions of LifeWay specialist Bill Craig as we consider ten ideas for build- have any questions about this trip or you would like to join us.
ing great groups in the next year.

1. Equip and empower your leaders. If there is one key to great

groups, it is having leaders who have been properly enlisted, Mission Trip
equipped, and empowered to do their work.
International Commission is an organization that works in partner-
2. Set goals to start new groups. Research shows that for every
new ongoing group you start, on average, you’ll increase your atten- ship with IMB. They are planning a trip to Jamaica, November 5-
dance by ten people. Research also tells us that people who get in- 14, 2010. They will be working with 43 churches in leading a cru-
volved in a small group tend to stick around (assimilate) better than sade. They need 60 people to join them. They will need people
those who only attend the “big group – worship”. who can assist them in preaching and/or home and school visits. If
3. Utilize January Bible Study. This Bible study resource goes you have an interest you can contact Scott Mayse at 913-731-0539
deeper than most Sunday School literature. Be creative in when and or email him at
how you use this curriculum.
4. Challenge people about their most important group. The most
important group for any believer is a group of 2: the believer and God, Church News
meeting together daily for prayer and Bible reading. Encourage believ-
ers to develop this discipline in their Christian life. Kathryn Graves is now a reporter with the newspa-
5. Guide small groups on a journey of intentional discipleship. per. She is the Wichita Christian Examiner and will be covering
Have you been concerned about the lack of results and focus of your events within the Christian community in the Wichita area. If your
small groups ministry? Check out Small Group Life for a brand new church has an upcoming event that would make a good news
way to think about and resource small group Bible study. story, please e-mail her-- she'd love to feature Southern Baptist
6. Start E-Groups. Evangelism groups are designed to reach seek- churches. Contact Kathryn at or call
ers. Try Discover More to Life as a resource to reach people around her at 316.706.2892.
your church and in the neighborhoods of your members who don’t
currently attend church.
7. Experience God. Has it been a while since you and others in
your church have studied Experiencing God? Maybe you have a
whole new generation of believers in your church who have never Ellen Noeller, WMU Director
studied this core discipleship study about finding and doing the will of
Ladies, mark you calendar for the Women’s Conference on April 24,
8. Strengthen marriages. Consider a study such as the Love Dare 2010 at Metropolitan Baptist Church from 8:30a.m.-2:00 p.m. with
Bible Study to strengthen marriages in your congregation and commu- brunch at 11a.m. Alpa Goombi will be our keynote speaker and Bar-
nity. bara Roe will be our worship leader. We have new exciting workshops
9. Help parents. You can find a variety of stand-alone studies that this year:
are designed to help parents develop in their parenting skills. You may • Teaching children about missions
also use LifeTruths as an on-going small group study for young moms • Parenting and Grand parenting
and dads.
Mobilize baby bookers. The largest population of adults that has • Dealing with Grief and Depression
ever existed is about to transition into new stages of life – empty nest • Women in Disaster Relief
to retirement to re-careering – the baby boomers in your church and • Let’s have a Tea Party
community around you are about to change life of us all again. For our Mission Project we will be collecting women’s gifts to be
handed out at the Native American Women’s Retreat in May in Fre-
If the Sunday School team of the association can assist you in mont, Nebraska. Suggested articles include: lotion, spa kit, gloves,
training your Sunday School leaders, please do not hesitate to contact apron, craft kits or anything else that women like. If you have any ques-
us through the HOKSBA office. tions, call Ellen Noeller at 316.215.0135.
Celebrate Recovery FamilyFest
Tom Melton An Opportunity for a Family Mission Trip
July 10-16, 2010
“For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the
eyes, and the pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the
world. The world is passing away, and the lusts of it; but the one FamilyFest is a partnership with the national Woman’s Mis-
who does the will of God lives forever.” I John 2:16-17 sionary Union, the Kansas/Nebraska Convention of Southern
Baptists, and the Heart of Kansas Southern Baptist Associa-
An addiction is a compulsive dependence on a substance (alcohol, tion. It is designed to give families (age six and up) a prepack-
prescription medicine, tobacco, marijuana or street drugs) or activ- aged missions experience.
ity (gambling, sex shopping, eating), that needs ever increasing
amounts of stimulation to sustain the desired effect. How You Can Participate
Think about the needs in the community around your church.
Key Characteristics of Addictions: How could FamilyFest volunteers assist you and your church
• A pattern of out of control substance usage or behavior members in meeting some of these needs? These volunteers
for a year could work on anything you have a vision for: Vacation Bible
School, Backyard Bible Clubs, light construction, sport camps,
• Mood swings
survey work, etc. Perhaps some families in your church would
• Feeling of shame or self worthlessness like to travel across town to help another church. For more
• Strong need to be liked or gain approval from others information contact Mark Jackson 316-943-3446,
• Impulse control problems or Ellen Noeller 316-215-0135,
• Use of substance or behaviors to reduce anxiety
• Obsessing about a substance or activity
• Guilt or shame
• Failed efforts to control usage or behavior
• Negative consequences to self or others
Homeless Ministry
“Jesus came to deliver us from every bondage – physical, psycho- On October 24th we had a chili cook-off at Metropolitan Baptist
logical, or spiritual…regardless of the problem, He has the power Church. Pat Dominguez was the big winner of a new grill do-
to help you to deal with it.” – Bishop Wellington Boone nated by Fat Ernie’s Restaurant. We will be having Christmas
dinner on December 25th at Riverview Baptist Church. We
On November 24th we had a “Cardboard Testimony” at CR to ex- helped 250 people in the past 3 months with food and clothing
press our thankfulness. My cardboard said on one side, “Trapped and have given 45 care packages. In an effort to raise money for
in Low Self Esteem and Alcoholism” on the other side it said, the Homeless Ministry, we are selling 2010 calendars. Call Deb-
“Thankful that Christ has set me free and made me a person of orah Long if you are interested in purchasing a calendar, 316-
worth.” 204-9517.

Immanuel Baptist Church, located at

1415 S. Topeka in Wichita, is celebrating 100
years of service to the Wichita community.
Almost a century ago, on February 14, 1910, Immanuel began as a mission of
First Baptist Church, Wichita, meeting in a store building at 1427 S. Lawrence
Avenue (now Broadway). By August of 1916, the mission organized as a church
and recognized 47 charter members, choosing the name “South Lawrence Ave-
nue Baptist”. The church name changed to “Faith Baptist” when the street name
changed to Broadway and finally in May of 1945, the church adopted the name
“Immanuel Baptist”.

The church’s membership and facilities have grown under the leadership of fifteen
interim and full-time pastors, including Pastor Emeritus Dr. George D. McClelland
who served from June 1945 – February 1957, and Pastor Emeritus Dr. John Click who served from February 1971 – February 1997.
Current pastor, Dr. Charles Boswell, began his pastorate at Immanuel in August of 2007.

The theme of the 100-year celebration is “Celebrating Our Past, Focused on Eternity” and will begin with a Celebration Sunday and
Dinner-on-the-Grounds Sunday, February 14, 2010. The community and former members are also invited to join the current member-
ship in celebrating other anniversary events including: Men’s Golf Tournament, April 24; Ladies’ event with Gracia Burnham, June 24;
Immanuel Night at the Wingnuts’ game in July; and Reunion Weekend events, August 14-15 that include a day of fellowship rallies,
building tours, and a formal evening banquet on that Saturday and a Worship Celebration on that Sunday, August 15.
Former members are encouraged to obtain information regarding the celebration events on the Immanuel website at or
contact a member of the Publicity Committee at Contact Information: Vicki Alfred, 316-630-9447, Anniversary
Publicity Chairman;
Men’s Ministry
Heart of Kansas Men
During the holiday season our priorities become mixed. With the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year
there’s also a lot of opportunities to serve. Let us remember the needs of our nation and join together in 40 days of prayer for Spiritual
awakening. We have a good number of the 40 day prayer plan that was put together by NAMB for our men to join in praying during the
first days of the New Year. Call the Heart of Kansas office to get copies you need.

Our annual Men’s Retreat for 2010 is scheduled for October 15 and 16 at Webster Conference Center. Last October we were repre-
sented by six men from two of our churches from the Wichita area. Let’s improve on that number in 2010.

Upcoming Opportunities You Won’t Want to Miss!

Local Mission Trips for 2010
Mark Jackson, Church Planting Strategist
Equip Your People and Grow Your Ministry!!
Attend LIVE Web Simulcasts at This next year promises to be a financially challenging one for
many of our families. Have you considered a local mission
Midway Baptist trip to avoid travel and motel costs? Working within your local
association can be effective in terms of the impact on the
Church Kingdom of God. We have opportunities that can involve
hours or days and the need is great.
5135 S. Broadway
By utilizing these short term opportunities along with a longer
trip, all of your folks could have an opportunity to be on mis-
sion for the Lord.

One Day or Less

• Prayer Walks/Drives (RiverFest, Good Neighbor
Centers, churches, church plants)
• Pass out fliers for outreach events
• Minor repairs at Good Neighbor Centers, churches,
or in your neighborhood
Ticket Cost—$20/ticket • Aluminum can drive
Conference Times—9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. • Clean up, paint, repairs needed in local schools or
• RiverFest outreach, workers
• Work at Set Free house
• Food drives/funds, clothing, school supplies for the
Good Neighbor Centers
• Block parties
• Juvenile Detention Center ministries
• Collect funds to support repair projects at churches

Ticket Cost—Early Bird Special!!! - $30/ticket Multiple Days

Groups of 10 or more—$25/ticket • VBS/backyard Bible clubs
Ticket Price will be $40 the day of the event • Creative arts camp (voice, instrument, acting, dance,
Conference Times—9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. etc.)
• Sports camps
• Construction projects
BONUS SESSION — Join with us on February 2 at 6:30
• Surveys
p.m. for a FREE simulcast led by Beth Moore!! Beth
• Door-to-door evangelism
will be sharing her personal vision for the April 24
• Revivals/outreach/block parties
event. Signature copies of “So Long, Insecurity” will be • House a mission team
available for purchase at this event! • Work at Set Free or Ranch
• Be a part of the FamilyFest July 10-16, 2010 (see
To Purchase Tickets—
Tickets—Call 316-
524-4237 article in Heart Beat, Jan/Feb, 2010)
Heart of Kansas SBA
Outreach Spanish Non-Designated Income
From Churches
2009 Nov 09 Jan - Nov 09
If you would like to learn the basic tools to share Christ with Spanish speaking
people, Abraham Arevalo our Hispanic Church Planter Strategist will be teach- AVIATOR 0.00 800.00
ing a 12 session class every Tuesday beginning on January 19th at HOKSBA. BELIEVERS 0.00 9,721.60
It will be from 7-8:30pm. Please call the HOK office to register for the class. CALVARY 1,155.04 12,643.59
The cost is $20 which will cover the cost of the books. CAMBODIAN 100.00 142.00
CEDAR POINTE 0.00 4,049.85
River Fest CELEBRATION 0.00 5,717.36
COUNTRY ACRES 1,000.00 11,000.00
It is time to mark your calendars and make plans to participate in the 2010
CROSSROADS 0.00 178.06
River Fest outreach. Our outreach will be from May 13th to 15th. We will have
street evangelists here to work with you and to help train our church mem- CRUSADERS 0.00 100.00
bers. Walking with Power will return this year for our main event and will be FAITH, ANDOVER 0.00 3,587.50
with us on the street to share the Gospel. We also plan on having a booth FIRST, HAYSVILLE 623.55 7,299.34
that will stamp horse shoes with John 3:16 and personalize it for each person FIRST, MAIZE 111.00 461.00
while they share the Gospel. Our Cowboy church and our Equestrian minis- FIRST, MULVANE 1,300.82 13,982.50
tries will be involved in this outreach. We also need face painters and other
FIRST, SEDGWICK 0.00 220.73
help with the block party equipment. We also welcome any praise and wor-
ship team/band that would like to provide music before the main event. FSBC, HUTCHINSON 407.62 4,749.45
I was asked by one of our newer churches as to why we don’t get together GETSEMANI 96.14 1,151.84
as an association to work together and fellowship together. My answer to HARMONY 0.00 726.50
them was that I would like to see all of us get together for the block party and IMMANUEL, NEWTON 463.21 7,233.72
outreach on the last Saturday of River Fest. The River Fest itself is getting IMMANUEL, WICHITA 1,735.34 18,952.18
less and less family friendly. This would give us a great opportunity to come
together as a family to fellowship and show that love to the rest of Wichita
and all River Fest visitors. This would also be a great time to bring your LAO BAPTIST 0.00 450.00
friends and neighbors to fellowship with us and to hear the Gospel presented METROEAST 1,780.26 23,178.86
by the power team. METROPOLITAN 0.00 5,745.00
For River Fest 2009, we had the best participation from our churches that MIDWAY 616.67 7,888.49
we have ever had and our prayer is to have even more participate this year. NEW LIFE COMMUNITY BAPTIST 18.50 206.70
Please contact me if you have any questions or if you have any ideas that NUEVA VIDA 153.00 834.00
would help make this event a great success. OLD TIME GOSPEL 30.00 30.00
OLIVET 739.52 8,389.39
Set Free Ministry PARKVIEW 245.77 3,509.86
PLANEVIEW 0.00 365.98
As I have mentioned before, an intricate part of the Set Free ministry is to
PLEASANTVIEW, DERBY 1,172.78 13,772.82
have a discipleship “ranch” to take people to after they come in off the street.
PRAIRIE TRAIL 0.00 272.87
They would stay there sixty plus days. Property needs to be a good distance
REDENCION 0.00 500.00
from town, but close enough for churches to help with Bible Studies and other
RIVER COMMUNITY 1,543.96 17,776.75
volunteer ministries. An ideal location would have an old farm house and
RIVERVIEW 301.56 3,419.10
about 5 acres, either donated or have a reasonable long term lease. Please
keep this in prayer and let us know if you know someone who could help with ROLLING HILLS 0.00 1,961.32
this. SHARON 730.89 8,343.90
We still need work groups from our churches to finish up the drywall and SOUTH CITY 0.00 2,488.76
painting. Over 95% of the drywall is hung and the second floor has been SOUTHSIDE 0.00 795.00
painted. Once we finish hanging the drywall and painting, we can start the SOUTHWEST 86.55 1,157.34
flooring, cabinets and finish carpentry. Please contact Loren Phippen at HOK SOUTHWIND FELLOWSHIP 58.70 1,380.17
if you are interested in helping with this project. THE MISSION 0.00 234.90
TRINITY 430.32 2,184.23

Evangelism Training TYLER ROAD 363.24 4,645.78

VICTORY 0.00 25.00
Director of Evangelism: Loren Phippen
WICHITA KOREAN 0.00 450.00
WOODLAND 115.00 1,502.00
The Evangelism training is going great. I just finished several – 8 week ses- TOTAL 15,379.44 214,364.44
sions at our churches. The 6-8 week session is a combination between
“Share Jesus Without Fear” and the “Evangecube”. I would love to come to *Contributions received after the last day of the
your church to help train your people on evangelism and would be happy to month will be recorded into the following month.
schedule time to do hands-on training in your neighborhood.
Non-Profit Org.
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If you do not wish to receive this newsletter,

please contact the association office.

Vision Tour 2010 Juvenile Detention Ministry

Loren Phippen, Evangelism Director

April 26, 2010 6 PM

April 27, all day Christmas time is an especially great time to reach the deten-
A Heart for the Cities Check out the
tion kids for Christ. Your gifts to the Juveniles through the
Church planting prison ministries fund have provided Bibles and materials for
of the Heart of Kansas Opportunities the youth all year. This year one of our churches took on the
project to put together a Christmas box for every youth at the
Southern Baptist Association Boy’s Ranch. In the box will be a sweatshirt, tee shirts, hy-
Catch the Vision Meals during the tour giene items, paper, envelopes and a Bible. We do this at the
Join the Mission are provided annual Christmas party at the ranch to show God’s love in a
real way. We also do a Christmas party at JDF.
Opportunity for
pastors, staff, Heart of Kansas Southern
We continue to see lives changed in this ministry. Please con-
and mission- Baptist Association tinue to pray for this ministry and your involvement in it by do-
minded leaders Mark Jackson nating your time or providing funds for Bibles and other needs.
3474 S. Meridian
to learn of local Wichita, Kansas 67217 In particular we need youth pastors and workers who could
give a night every few months to help in JDF. This would give
Phone: 316.943.3446 a connection for them to your church.

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