07a4ec11 - Analog Communications

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Code No: 07A4EC11 Set No.

II B.Tech.II Sem. II Mid-Term Examinations, April 2009
Objective Exam
Name: ______________________ Hall Ticket No. _______________
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 20.

I Choose the correct alternate:

1. The Gaussian noise will have __________ power spectral density. [ ]
a)Gaussian b)Uniform c) Exponential d)Rayleigh

2. Linear superposition of dependent Gaussian random variables is [ ]
a)Gaussian b)Uniform c) Rayleigh d) Exponential

3) Figure of merit for SSB-SC is [ ]
a)1 b)2000 c)100 d)infinity

4. Which demodulator for AM exhibits no threshold [ ]
a)envelope demodulator b)square-law demodulator c)synchronous demodulator d)all

5. Multiplication by j in the frequency domain is equivalent to ______in the time domain [ ]
a)integration b)differentiation c)addition d)multiplication

6. The ratio of figure of merits in
is [ ]
a)1 : 9
b) 1 : 4.5
c) 9
: 1 d) 4.5
: 1

7. In noisy FM, the noise sideband frequency approaches the carrier frequency, the noise amplitude
is [ ]
a)remains constant b) decreased c) increased d) equalized

8. Three point tracking is achieved with [ ]
a)variable selectivity b)double spotting c)diversity reception d)padder capacitor

9. A beat frequency oscillator is used in communications to receive [ ]
a) Binary code b) Gray code c) Huffman code d) morse code

10. PPM is converted to PWM using [ ]
a)bistable multivibrator b)monostable multivibrator c)astable multivibrator d)none

Code No: 07A4EC11 [2] Set No. 1

II Fill in the blanks

11. Quadrature components of noise will have _________autocorrelation functions.

12. In FM demodulator limiter is used to suppress _____________ variations.

13. AM broadcast band ranges from ________KHz.

14. Diagonal clipping occur in diode detectors only when percentage modulation is above________.

15. Ratio detector provides limiting along with __________.

III True or False Statement

16. Natural sampled PAM is not easy to generate compared to flat top PAM. [True/False]

17. Double spotting may be used to calculate the intermediate frequency of an unknown receiver.

18. If the intermediate frequency is very high ,the selectivity will be poor. [ True/False]

19. SSB can be demodulated using balanced modulator. [True/False]

20. Signal to noise ratios of DSB-SC and SSB-SC are not same. [True/False]

Code No: 07A4EC11 Set No. 2
II B.Tech.II Sem. II Mid-Term Examinations, April 2009
Objective Exam
Name: ______________________ Hall Ticket No. _______________
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 20.

I Choose the correct alternate:

1. The power spectral density of Gaussian noise is [ ]
a) b) /2 c) /4 d) /8

2. The noise power in SSB-SC is [ ]
a) f
b) f
/2 c) f
/4 d) f

3. Figure of merit for DSB-SC is [ ]
a)1 b)2000 c)100 d)infinity

4. For weak signal which demodulator is preferred [ ]
a)envelope demodulator b)square-law demodulator c)synchronous demodulator d)all

5. Discriminator can be implemented through a [ ]
a)multiplier d) integrator c) adder d)differentiator

6. A pre-emphasis circuit provides extra noise immunity by [ ]
a)boosting the bass frequencies b)amplifying the higher audio frequencies
c)pre- amplifying the whole audio band d)converting the phase modulation to FM.

7. The effect of feedback in the FM demodulation is used to [ ]
a)increases the phase deviation b) decreases the phase deviation
c) decreases the frequency deviation d) increases the frequency deviation

8. The typical squelch circuit cuts off [ ]
a)an audio amplifier when the carrier is absent b)RF interference when the signal is weak
c)an IF amplifier when the AGC is maximum. d)an IF amplfier when the AGC is minimum.

9. PWM may be generated [ ]
a)by differentiating PPM b)with a mono-stable multivibrator
c)by integrating the signal multivibrator d)with free running

10. Which pulse modulation requires varying transmitting power. [ ]
a)PAM b) PWM c)PPM d)none

Code No: 07A4EC11 [2] Set No. 2

II Fill in the blanks

11. Figure of merit for DSB-SC is _________.

12. FM broadcast band ranges from _____________MHz.

13. AGC is used to keep the output _________ when the received signal strength is changing.

14. Phase discriminator possess a better linearity than ________.

15. The minimum bandwidth to multiplex n message signals with f
as the highest frequency is

III True or False Statements

16. Signal to noise ratios of DSB-SC and SSB-SC are same. [True/False]

17. SSB can be demodulated using product modulator. [True/False]

18. If the intermediate frequency is very low, image frequency rejection will be poor. [True/False]

19. Carrier is not sinusoidal for pulse modulation techniques. [True/False]

20. Natural sampled PAM is not easy to generate compared to flat top PAM. [True/False]

Code No: 07A4EC11 Set No. 3
II B.Tech.II Sem. II Mid-Term Examinations, April 2009
Objective Exam
Name: ______________________ Hall Ticket No. _______________
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 20.

I Choose the correct alternate:

1. Signal to noise ratio in DSB-SC is [ ]
/ f
b) S
/ 2f
c) S
/ 4f
d) S
/ 8f

2. Figure of merit for SSB-SC is [ ]
a)1 b)2000 c)100 d)infinity

3. What are the circuits required for FM demodulation apart from AM demodulator [ ]
a)limiter b)discriminator c) none d)both

4. FM offers signal to noise improvement over AM when = [ ]
a) 0.3 b)0.6 c)0.9 d)1

5. In pre emphasis the power spectral density of the base band signal in its ___________ range is
raised. [ ]
a) low frequency b)high frequency c)mid frequency d)none

6. The noise signal distribution in FM is seen as [ ]
a)rectangle b)square c)triangle d)none

7. A super heterodyne receiver with an IF of 450kHz is tuned to a signal at 1200kHz.the image
frequency is [ ]
a)750kHz b)900kHz c)1650kHz d)2100kHz.

8. In PAM ,amplitude of the pulse is varied in accordance with the modulating signal [ ]
a)frequency b)amplitude c)phase d) all

9. Demodulation of PWM is obtained by _______ circuit. [ ]
a)integrator b)subtractor c)adder d)none

10. Which modulation requires perfect synchronization [ ]
a)PAM b) PWM c)PPM d)none


Code No: 07A4EC11 [2] Set No. 3

II Fill in the blanks

11. In pulse modulation techniques the carrier waveform is ___________shape.

12. When high quality is preferred in FM receivers _________ discriminator is used.

13. When a receiver has two different IFs ,it is called as _____________ receiver.

14. The Gaussian noise will have __________ power spectral density.

15. FM receivers uses an intermediate frequency of _______MHz

III True or False Statements

16. Output signal to noise ratio in AM is more than SSB-SC. [True/False]

17. The threshold in square law demodulation is lower than the threshold in envelope
demodulation. [True/False]

18. The advantage of using RF amplifier is to increase the selectivity. [True/False]

19. Signal to noise ratio will improve in the same way for both narrowband and broadband FM.

20. Ratio detector is preferred over Foster Seeley discriminator for FM demodulation . [True/False]

Code No: 07A4EC11 Set No. 4
II B.Tech.II Sem. II Mid-Term Examinations, April 2009
Objective Exam
Name: ______________________ Hall Ticket No. _______________
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 20.

I Choose the correct alternate:

1. Signal to noise ratio in SSB-SC is [ ]
/ f
b) S
/ 2f
c) S
/ 4f
d) S
/ 8f

2. The noise power in DSB-SC is [ ]
a) f
b) f
/2 c) f
/4 d) f

3. The function of descriminator in FM demodulator is to change frequency variations to
____________ variations. [ ]
a)phase b)frequency c)amplitude d)none

4. Figure of merit in FM is [ ]

5. The noise signal distribution in PM is seen as [ ]
a)rectangle b)square c)triangle d)none

6. To prevent overloading of the last IF amplifier in a receiver, one should use [ ]
a)variable sensitivity b)variable selectivity c)squelch d)double conversion

7. Indicate the false statement. The super heterodyne receiver replaced the TRF receiver because the
latter suffered from [ ]
a)gain variation over the frequency coverage range. b)insufficient gain and sensitivity
c)inadequate selectivity at high frequencies d)instability.

8. Which is the advantage of phase discriminator over slope detor. [ ]
a)much easier alignment b) better linearity c)greater limiting d)fewer tuned circuits

9. In PWM ,width of the pulse is varied in accordance with the modulating signal [ ]
a)frequency b)amplitude c)phase d) all

10. A super heterodyne receiver with an IF of 450kHz is tuned to a signal at 700kHz.the image
frequency is [ ]
a)700kHz b)900kHz c)1600kHz d)1100kHz

Code No: 07A4EC11 [2] Set No. 4

II Fill in the blanks

11. Image frequency rejection depends on the frond-end __________ of the receiver.

12. The power spectral density of Gaussian noise is __________

13. Standard broadcast AM receiver uses an intermediate frequency of _______ kHZ

14. In double conversion receivers the first IF is _____compared to second IF.

15. A beat frequency oscillator(BFO) is used in communication receiver to make _________ code

III True or False Statements

16. Figure of merit of SSB-SC and DSB-SC is same. [True/False]

17. The square law demodulator will not operate above threshold on weaker signal than will an
envelope demodulator. [True/False]

18. Image frequency rejection should be achieved before IF amplifier. [True/False]

19. The minimum required bandwidth for TDM transmission is proportional to input message
bandwidth . [True/False]

20. The disadvantage of tuned radio frequency receiver is insufficient adjacent-frequency rejection.


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