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EE367 VHDL Guide Book

Spring 2005

VHDL Entity/Architecture
entity entity_name is
port ( signal_names : mode signal_type;
signal_names : mode signal_type;
. . .
signal_names : mode signal_type);
end entity_name;

architecture architecture_name of entity_name is
type declarations
signal declarations
constant declarations
function definitions
procedure definitions
component declarations
. . .
end architecture_name;

VHDL Concurrent Signal Assignments:

Simple Signal Assignment:
signal_name <= expression;

Conditional Signal Assignment:
signal_name <= expression when boolean_expression else
expression when boolean_expression else
. . .
expression when boolean_expression else

Selected Signal Assignment:
with expression select
signal_name <= signal_value when choices,
signal_value when choices,
. . .
signal_value when others;

process ( signal_name, . . ., signal_name )
end process;

VHDL Predefined Types:
bit character severity_level
bit_vector integer string
boolean real time

VHDL Operators:
arithmetic: +, -, *, /
logical: and, or, xor, nand, nor, xnor, not
relational: =, /=, <, <=, >, >=
shift left/right logical: sll, srl
shift left/right arithmetic: sla, sra
rotate left/right logical: rol, ror
other: concatenation: &
exponentiation: **
remainder: rem
division modulo: mod

VHDL Process:
process ( signal_name, . . ., signal_name )
type declarations
variable declarations
constant declarations
function definitions
procedure definitions
. . .
end process;

VHDL Array Declarations:
type type_name is array (start to end) of element_type;
type type_name is array (start downto end)of element_type;
type type_name is array (range_type) of element_type;
type type_name is array (range_type range start to end) of
type type_name is array (range_type range start downto end)
of element_type;

VHDL CONSTANT Declaration:
CONSTANT const_name : signal_type := expression;

VHDL Component Declaration:
component component_name
port ( signal_names : mode signal_type;
signal_names : mode signal_type);
end component;
VHDL Component Instantiation:
label: component_name port map (port_signal_name_1 =>
signal_1, port_signal_name_2 => signal_2, . . . ,
port_signal_name_n => signal_n );

VHDL Sequential Statements:

Simple Signal Assignment:
signal_name <= expression;

VHDL if Statement:
if boolean_expression then sequential_statement
end if;
if boolean_expression then sequential_statement
else sequential_statement
end if;
if boolean_expression then sequential_statement
elsif boolean_expression then sequential_statement
. . .
elsif boolean_expression then sequential_statement
end if;
if boolean_expression then sequential_statement
elsif boolean_expression then sequential_statement
. . .
elsif boolean_expression then sequential_statement
else sequential_statement
end if;

VHDL Case Statement:
case expression is
when choices => sequential_statements
. . .
when choices => sequential_statements
end case;

VHDL Loop Statements:

. . .
end loop;

for loop:
for identifier in range loop
. . .
end loop;

while loop:
while boolean_expression loop
. . .
end loop;

VHDL Entity with Generic:
entity entity_name is
generic ( constant_names : constant_type;
. . .
constant_names : constant_type);
port ( signal_names : mode signal_type;
signal_names : mode signal_type;
. . .
signal_names : mode signal_type);
end entity_name;

VHDL Package Definition:
package package_name is
type declarations
signal declarations
constant declarations
function definitions
procedure definitions
component declarations
end package_name;

package body package_name is
type declarations
constant declarations
function definitions
procedure definitions
end package_name;

VHDL Signal Assignment Statements

The architecture body has concurrent_statements within the begin and end. Concurrent statements are:

Simple Signal Assignment:
signal_name <=expression;

Conditional Signal Assignment:
signal_name <=expression when boolean_expression else
expression when boolean_expression else
. . .
expression when boolean_expression else

Selected Signal Assignment:
with expression select
signal_name <=signal_value when choices,
signal_value when choices,
. . .
signal_value when choices;

A process with it =s begin and end is considered to be a concurrent statement in the architecture body.
The process body between it =s begin and end must have sequential_statements.

Sequential statements are:

Simple Signal Assignment:
signal_name <=expression;

IF statement:
if boolean_expression then sequential_statement
end if;

if boolean_expression then sequential_statement
else sequential_statement
end if;

if boolean_expression then sequential_statement
elsif boolean_expression then sequential_statement
. . .
elsif boolean_expression then sequential_statement
end if;

if boolean_expression then sequential_statement
elsif boolean_expression then sequential_statement
. . .
elsif boolean_expression then sequential_statement
else sequential_statement
end if;

CASE Statement:
case expression is
when choices => sequential_statements
. . .
when choices =>sequential_statements
end case;
You may NOT use conditional signal assignments or selected signal assignments within a process as they are not sequential

Other Miscellaneous Stuff about VHDL

You can specify bit strings in hex: x"ab" is equivalent to "10101011"

You can carve out a slice of bits from a logic vector:
Data1 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
Data2 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);

You can specify individual bits in a vector:
Bit_1 : STD_LOGIC:
Bit_1 <= Data1(1);

You can assign the high byte of Data1 to Data2 by:
Data2(7 downto 0) <= Data1(15 downto 8);

Type conversion between STD_LOGIC_VECTOR and INTEGERS and Arithmetic Operations on STD_LOGIC_VECTORS:

You have two choices to do arithmetic when your signals are STD_LOGIC_VECTOR type (recommended for the entity inputs and
You can:
a. Convert input data to integers, perform all required operations on integers and convert the results to
b. Attach a package containing definitions of arithmetic and relational operators that allow arithmetic using

The most frequently used packages that contain both conversion functions and definitions of popular operators for logic vector
arguments are:
C STD_LOGIC_SIGNED and STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED. These define exactly the same set of objects, but the first
interprets logic vectors as numbers with sign and the second as unsigned numbers.
C STD_LOGIC_ARITH. This declares special types SIGNED and UNSIGNED and a full set of operations on
arguments of those types.


Arithmetic Operations

Conversion to Integer

Conversion to






signed(A) + signed(B)



A, B: std_logic_vector
Int: Integer
nb: number of bits required in the resulting vector
signed, unsigned: casting a vector to a signed or unsigned number

You use these packages by declaring them before the entity:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; ` -- Uses the STD_LOGIC_VECTOR defintions
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all; -- Use the STD_LOGIC_ARITH functions

G:\1wpdocs\univ\dept\courses\Ee367\VHDL Guide Book_05a.doc

Guide Book and Cheat Sheets

ECE Department
Montana State University
Spring 2005

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