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Understanding By Design

Grade Visual Arts Movement and Rhythm Unit
This Unit Corresponds with Dancing Classrooms, a program at the Arts Based School
that is a required of all 5
graders. Students learn a variet of dance movements and
music from around the world. After this !"wee# program students then perform the
dances the have learned for the entire school $od.
Stage 1 Desired Results
Content Standard(s):
5.V.1 Use the language of visual arts to communicate effectively.
5.V.2 Apply creative and critical thinking skills to artistic expression.
5.V.3 Create art using a variety of tools media and processes safely and
5.C!.2 Understand the interdisciplinary connections and life applications of the
visual arts.
5.C".1 Use critical analysis to generate responses to a variety of prompts.
Understanding (s)/goals
#tudents $ill understand that%
&hey can create personal art$ork
through various mediums and
techni'ues that reflect (ovement
and "hythm.
As an artist you can manipulate the
)lements of Art to communicate
specific visual ideas.
&here are interdisciplinary
connections *et$een Art (usic
and +ance.
&hey can assess their art$ork
through esta*lished o*,ectives.
Essential Question(s):
-o$ can . as an artist
communicate the ideas of
(ovement and "hythm in my
personal art$ork/
-o$ can . as an artist capture
authentic movement in my personal
-o$ can . as an artist use the
discipline0s of music and dance as
inspiration for my o$n personal
-o$ can . as an artist use a variety
of tools to create personal art$ork/
-o$ can . as an artist assess my
o$n art$ork to *e sure . reached
my o*,ectives/
Student objectives (outcomes):
#tudents $ill *e a*le to%
Create personal art$ork that reflects the illusion of (ovement and "hythm.
Create personal art$ork through a variety of techni'ues and mediums.
Capture movement through gesture dra$ings.
Use a variety of tools to create art$ork.
(anipulate the )lements of Art to communicate specific visual ideas.
Apply a connection to the disciplines of dance and music to the creation of
personal art$ork.
Assess their art$ork through esta*lished o*,ectives.
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
er!ormance "as#$s%&
Students will listen to music
and transfer their ideas of what
the are hearing into rhthm
and movement lines and
shapes to create personal and
colla$orative artwor#.
Students will appl what the
have learned a$out straight
lines and curved lines to create
the illusion of movement in the
creation of a piece of art.
Students will watch a video on
the wor# of %ac#son &ollac#.
The will then create a$stract
personal art through their
actions 'movement(.

Students will learn how to
capture authentic movement
through the drawing of their
peers in various dance
Students will e)plore numerous
mediums and use those
mediums to create rhthm and
movement in their personal
'ther Evidence&
*ritten " Summative self"
assessment sheets that
students will +ll out at the end
of the unit are used to show
artistic growth and for teacher
,er$al " teacher formative
assessment of the use of
appropriate art voca$ular and
dail individual wor#
assessment during art ma#ing
time. Such as- Step"$"step
instruction, comprehension of
teacher demonstration and
Student.s &ersonal and
Colla$orative Artwor# " /ach
student is responsi$le for
turning in a completed pro0ect
for each lesson in the unit. This
artwor# will $e assessed
according to the o$0ectives of
the lesson.
Student Sel!(Assessment Sheet )or Rhythm and Movement Unit 1
2 344 points
5ame- Student Assessment Sheet 5 &oints
AR" AS*S *hat do 6 see, thin#, #now, feel wonder71 84 &oints
6 can see rhthm and movement in m art $ecause 111111111111111111111111111111111111
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111and it ma#es me
6 #now 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111a$out rhthm and
therefore, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.
6 feel111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $ecause
6 wonder if 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
My o+,ective -as to create art using& 84 &oints
This is what 6 did to accomplish this o$0ective-
. used the !ollo-ing Art Elements and rinci/les to create my art-or#0
'Circle those that appl( 34 &oints
Space Color Shape 9ine ,alue :orm
Te)ture Balance Contrast /mphasis Unit
<ovement &attern
1our Vote 2ounts 5 &oints
*ould ou recommend this pro0ect to a friend7 =>5
Stage 3 4earning lan
4earning Activities&
Students will $e introduced to a new unit that will focus on two of the &rinciples of Art ? ;hthm and <ovement, and how this unit will correspond with
their dancing classrooms unit.
Musical 2anvases 4ine5 Movement and Rhythm( Magic Mar#er
@n the $oard the teacher will e)plain how artist use movement and rhthm in art in art. Students will loo# at an e)ample of Aandins#.s
Composition 66 and discuss $oth movement and rhthm found within the composition and how Aandins# was heavil inBuenced $ %aCC music and
often listened to it when wor#ing on his compositions. :ollowing the discussion students will watch an animated short
video $rings to life Aandins#.s Composition ,666 set to 0aCC music. The teacher will also call on students to sa diDerent #inds of lines that can $e
created 'e)ample" curved, straight, CigCag, etc.(
Students will tape a sheet of paper onto their des#s. The teacher will e)plain that the will $e plaing <usical Canvases. 6t wor#s the opposite of
musical chairs in that ou $egin moving in a cloc#wise position and then when the music starts plaing the are to stop and draw the lines or
shapes that the hear. This process will continue until the class has completed one full rotation. Students will then $ring their wor# to the center
and we will discuss the wor# in the terms of line, shape, movement and tal# a$out what loo#s li#e what genera of music.

'/tical .llusion Art( 2olored encil
Students will watch a teacher demonstration of how to create a E dimensional Fand @ptical illusion artwor# e)ample. This will introduce the
concept of how straight lines and curved lines when used together can create the illusion of movement. Students will return to their seats and
complete their own personal version using the techniques demonstrated. The teacher will circulate around the room and will wor# with students on
an individual $asis.

Students will then ta#e the #nowledge the have learned on their hand pro0ect and transfer it to a @ptical 6llusion movement piece that is G)3H
using warm and cool colors, this will $e created using a we$ li#e structure.

2ut a/er Movement 2ollage( a/er and Mar#er
Students will create diagonal lines on a sheet of white paper. 5e)t, students will measure and cut into I inch segments on the long sides of a sheet
of cop paper. The will then $egin to glue down the segments on a separate sheet of colored paper of their choice, overlapping them to create a
curve. As the reach the middle of the paper the will $egin to overlap the opposite end to create a curve going in the opposite direction.

Dra-ings o! eers Modeling Dance ositions( 'il astel
*or#ing with the Dancing Classrooms instructor, two students at a time will $e chosen to come to the middle of the classroom and pose in a dance
position. The other students will $e wor#ing at their des#s, capturing the line and shape of the movement. Students will use oil pastels to create
drawings of peers in various dance positions. Students will switch out and the process will start over with diDerent students and a new pose and
drawing 'a$out 8 poses per class(.

Mini Action aintings( Acrylic aint
Students will watch a video from the <@<A we$site a$out %ac#son &ollac# and Action &ainting. 5e)t students will come together at a ta$le in the
center of the room. The will each $e given an !)! square, a spoon, a tooth$rush and a paint$rush. The will $e as#ed to create laers of spritCed,
splattered and dripped paint onl.

Student Sel!(Assessment Sheet )or Rhythm and Movement Unit 1
2 344 points
5ame- Student Assessment Sheet 5 &oints
AR" AS*S *hat do 6 see, thin#, #now, feel wonder71 84 &oints
6 can see rhthm and movement in m art $ecause 111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111and it ma#es me
6 #now 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111a$out rhthm and movement111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
therefore, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.
6 feel111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $ecause 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.
6 wonder if 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
My o+,ective -as to create art using& 84 &oints 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
This is what 6 did to accomplish this o$0ective-
. used the !ollo-ing Art Elements and rinci/les to create my art-or#0
'Circle those that appl( 34 &oints
Space Color Shape 9ine ,alue :orm
Te)ture Balance Contrast /mphasis Unit ;hthm
<ovement &attern
1our Vote 2ounts 5 &oints
*ould ou recommend this pro0ect to a friend7 =>5
Teacher :eed$ac#-1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

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