SD411014 Crosstabs

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Slena College 8esearch lnsLlLuLe

CcLober 28-30, 2014

488 Llkely voLers new ?ork SLaLe SenaLe ulsLrlcL 41
MCL +/- 4.4
1ota| Dem kep
Cther M I G|pson Ser|no
SS and
o|der Dutchess utnam Cath rot Cther L|b Mod Conserv Cuomo Astor|no
k|ght track 36 38 21 28 32 40 39 14 28 41 37 30 32 37 43 61 42 16 69 7
Wrong d|rect|on 33 28 74 64 60 31 31 81 64 49 34 66 63 36 37 28 47 80 19 89
Don't know]No op|n|on 9 13 4 8 9 9 10 3 8 10 10 3 3 7 18 10 11 4 12 4
1ota| Dem kep
Cther M I G|pson Ser|no
SS and
o|der Dutchess utnam Cath rot Cther L|b Mod Conserv Cuomo Astor|no
Iavorab|e 43 63 28 37 33 33 64 20 36 47 43 30 38 42 34 64 31 21 90 6
Unfavorab|e 33 32 70 61 62 43 33 77 39 30 32 63 38 33 42 33 44 76 7 91
Don't know]No op|n|on 4 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 2
1ota| Dem kep
Cther M I G|pson Ser|no
SS and
o|der Dutchess utnam Cath rot Cther L|b Mod Conserv Cuomo Astor|no
Iavorab|e 40 8 66 46 47 34 12 69 46 37 38 37 30 43 19 6 30 73 3 86
Unfavorab|e 44 70 21 41 37 30 71 18 40 46 43 34 33 39 64 81 33 12 73 3
Don't know]No op|n|on 16 21 13 13 16 17 17 13 14 18 17 9 14 16 18 13 17 14 19 11
1ota| Dem kep
Cther M I G|pson Ser|no
SS and
o|der Dutchess utnam Cath rot Cther L|b Mod Conserv Cuomo Astor|no
Iavorab|e 12 21 3 9 13 11 20 4 10 13 13 3 6 8 26 30 8 6 9 3
Unfavorab|e 12 8 16 13 12 12 9 13 14 11 11 19 13 12 7 8 13 13 8 16
Don't know]No op|n|on 76 71 79 77 73 77 71 80 76 77 76 77 79 80 67 63 79 81 83 79
1ota| Dem kep
Cther M I G|pson Ser|no
SS and
o|der Dutchess utnam Cath rot Cther L|b Mod Conserv Cuomo Astor|no
Iavorab|e 43 74 21 43 37 33 82 13 41 48 46 42 38 43 62 82 32 20 63 21
Unfavorab|e 43 16 68 43 49 38 9 76 31 38 43 44 32 48 24 9 38 70 21 70
Don't know]No op|n|on 12 10 11 13 13 9 9 11 8 14 11 14 10 8 14 10 10 10 14 9
I'm go|ng to read a ser|es of names of peop|e |n pub||c ||fe and I'd ||ke you to te|| me whether you have a favorab|e op|n|on or an unfavorab|e op|n|on of each person I name. [2-6 kC1A1LD]
S. 1erry G|pson
arty Gender Vote Cho|ce SD Age keg|on ke||g|on o||t|ca| V|ew Vote Cho|ce Gov
4. now|e nawk|ns
arty Gender Vote Cho|ce SD Age keg|on ke||g|on o||t|ca| V|ew Vote Cho|ce Gov
3. kob Astor|no
arty Gender Vote Cho|ce SD Age keg|on ke||g|on o||t|ca| V|ew Vote Cho|ce Gov
2. Andrew Cuomo
arty Gender Vote Cho|ce SD Age keg|on ke||g|on o||t|ca| V|ew Vote Cho|ce Gov
1. Is New ork State on the r|ght track, or |s |t headed |n the wrong d|rect|on?
arty Gender Vote Cho|ce SD Age keg|on ke||g|on o||t|ca| V|ew Vote Cho|ce Gov
Su411014 CrossLabs.xlsx 1 of 4
Slena College 8esearch lnsLlLuLe
CcLober 28-30, 2014
488 Llkely voLers new ?ork SLaLe SenaLe ulsLrlcL 41
MCL +/- 4.4
1ota| Dem kep
Cther M I G|pson Ser|no
SS and
o|der Dutchess utnam Cath rot Cther L|b Mod Conserv Cuomo Astor|no
Iavorab|e 43 13 72 46 49 41 3 86 48 43 44 32 33 32 22 9 33 77 17 81
Unfavorab|e 43 73 13 43 36 30 84 6 43 42 43 32 36 36 63 81 34 11 66 11
Don't know]No op|n|on 12 12 14 9 13 9 11 8 8 13 12 16 10 12 13 11 11 11 17 8
1ota| Dem kep
Cther M I G|pson Ser|no
SS and
o|der Dutchess utnam Cath rot Cther L|b Mod Conserv
Andrew Cuomo on the Democrat|c, Work|ng
Iam|||es and Independence arty ||nes
43 68 24 38 34 32 67 18 36 47 44 34 37 42 36 68 33 16
kob Astor|no on the kepub||can and
Conservat|ve arty ||nes
42 9 69 49 32 33 10 76 43 40 40 60 32 30 18 3 30 80
now|e nawk|ns on the Green arty ||ne 11 21 4 8 10 11 19 3 12 10 11 3 6 7 24 26 11 2
Vo|: Someone e|se 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
Don't know]No op|n|on 3 2 4 3 2 4 4 2 3 3 4 2 4 1 1 1 4 2
1ota| Dem kep
Cther M I
SS and
o|der Dutchess utnam Cath rot Cther L|b Mod Conserv Cuomo Astor|no
1erry G|pson on the Democrat|c and
Work|ng Iam|||es arty ||nes
46 82 18 42 36 36 43 48 47 37 36 43 67 88 33 14 72 11
Susan Ser|no on the kepub||can,
Conservat|ve and Independence arty ||nes
48 16 77 31 38 39 32 46 46 63 60 32 23 9 38 82 20 86
Don't know]No op|n|on 3 2 3 7 6 3 4 6 6 0 4 3 9 2 7 4 9 2
8. If the e|ect|on for State Senator was he|d today, who wou|d you vote for |f the cand|dates were: [CnCICLS kC1A1LD]
arty Gender Age keg|on ke||g|on o||t|ca| V|ew Vote Cho|ce Gov
7. If the 2014 e|ect|on for Governor was he|d today, who wou|d you vote for |f the cand|dates were: [CnCICLS kC1A1LD]
arty Gender Vote Cho|ce SD Age keg|on ke||g|on o||t|ca| V|ew
6. Susan Ser|no
arty Gender Vote Cho|ce SD Age keg|on ke||g|on o||t|ca| V|ew Vote Cho|ce Gov
Su411014 CrossLabs.xlsx 2 of 4
Slena College 8esearch lnsLlLuLe
CcLober 28-30, 2014
488 Llkely voLers new ?ork SLaLe SenaLe ulsLrlcL 41
MCL +/- 4.4
1ota| Dem kep
Cther M I G|pson Ser|no
SS and
o|der Dutchess utnam Cath rot Cther L|b Mod Conserv Cuomo Astor|no
Abso|ute|y certa|n, there's no chance I w|||
change my m|nd
71 76 77 61 71 71 68 74 67 73 73 61 69 79 71 79 63 79 68 77
Ia|r|y certa|n, |t's un||ke|y I w||| change my
21 17 18 30 21 22 23 20 23 19 20 31 22 16 23 17 26 16 24 19
Not very certa|n, I very we|| may change my
3 7 4 6 3 3 6 4 8 4 3 3 8 2 3 3 8 3 6 2
Not certa|n at a||, there's a good chance I
w||| change my m|nd
2 0 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2
Don't know]No op|n|on 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1ota| Dem kep
Cther M I G|pson Ser|no
SS and
o|der Dutchess utnam Cath rot Cther L|b Mod Conserv Cuomo Astor|no
1erry G|pson 33 18 49 38 33 34 12 38 40 32 33 28 43 34 20 13 32 32 23 32
Susan Ser|no 34 36 17 30 29 38 62 8 29 37 34 29 24 33 31 63 40 13 32 12
Vo|: 8oth 9 9 7 13 11 7 10 9 10 9 10 3 8 7 14 8 10 8 7 8
Vo|: Ne|ther 4 2 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 6 3 3 1 2 3 6 2 6
Don't know]No op|n|on 19 16 22 16 20 18 13 21 19 19 17 31 18 19 13 13 16 21 16 22
10. kegard|ess of who you support, wh|ch cand|date do you th|nk has been wag|ng the more negat|ve campa|gn? [CnCICLS kC1A1LD]
arty Gender Vote Cho|ce SD Age keg|on ke||g|on o||t|ca| V|ew Vote Cho|ce Gov
9. now ||ke|y wou|d you say you are to vote for [GISCN]SLkINC]?
arty Gender Vote Cho|ce SD Age keg|on ke||g|on o||t|ca| V|ew Vote Cho|ce Gov
Su411014 CrossLabs.xlsx 3 of 4
Slena College 8esearch lnsLlLuLe
CcLober 28-30, 2014
488 Llkely voLers new ?ork SLaLe SenaLe ulsLrlcL 41
MCL +/- 4.4
Democrat 33
kepub||can 33
Independent]Cther 28
o||t|ca| V|ew
L|bera| 20
Moderate 40
Conservat|ve 33
Dutchess 89
utnam 11
Catho||c 46
rotestant 23
Cther 23
Under SS 38
SS and o|der 61
Ma|e 48
Iema|e 32
Nature of the Samp|e
L|ke|y Voters
New ork State Senate D|str|ct 41
Su411014 CrossLabs.xlsx 4 of 4

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