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Wyld Duels is a skirmish sized miniatures game that pits gangs of duelers in one
on one combat with each other. Wyld Duels is set in a steam punk environment
that mixes the flavor of late seventeenth century with science fiction technology.
You are only limited to your imagination when it comes to creating your gang of
duelers. Wyld Duels is played like many other miniatures games with movement
and attack being standard. What separates this game is that it uses a D 10
version of poker and other card games to resolve combat. n Wyld Duels each
player rolls ten sided dice !from here referred to as a D10" to create their #hand$%
and bet life points against their opponent. &ach dueler in your gang will have
their own special ability to hopefully give them the upper hand in combat. 'ang
sizes are small and easy to manage. (his also makes the games fast paced and
easy to set up and play several games in a small amount of time. You can also
change special abilities between games to alter your strategy.
)efore we begin% let*s start with a basic overview of the game and fill in the
details later on in the specific rules section. Wyld duels is played between two or
more players on a small + foot by + foot board. &ach player has a team of
fighters that engage the other players models to gain control of the board. ,
players team is referred to as a #'ang$. ,nd each fighter in the gang is referred
to as a #Dueler$. &ach gang is led by a leader. You can refer to your leader as
#sheriff$% #boss$% #hero$ or anything else as long as they are denoted as the
leader. &ach leader of a gang has the same special ability described later in the
rules. (he rest of your gang will be composed of other characters with their own
special ability. , characters special ability is known as their #class$. -haracters
may only be one class at a time during a game. You may change a characters
class in your gang between games. n addition to your leader% your gang will
have three other duelers in it. -hoose a separate class for each of your duelers.
You cannot have two duelers with the same class in one gang. When in combat
with another dueler% each player rolls five% ten sided dice and ad.usts the result
using that particular models special ability. (hese rolls are done in secret so as
not to be seen by your opponent. (his is called your #/and$. 0ext each player%
starting with the attacker place bets using health points to try to inflict damage on
the opposing dueler. (he first player to defeat all of their opponents is the winner.
1nlike #real$ poker !or card poker"% in D10 poker% there are no face cards or suits.
(his is important as which hand beats what will be slightly different than card
(here are several items that you will need to play Wyld Duels. While some may
be slightly difficult to find !D10s"% most should be easily found around the house
or at least some sort of substitute. )elow is a list of items re2uired to play and
some ideas as to some alternatives.
3&0 ,0D 3,3&45 &ach player will need access to a pen and some paper to
keep track of their gang. t is suggested that you write down a list of each dueler
in your gang% their class% health points% and any background information that you
wish to add such as their name and relation to other gang members.
416&45 You will need at least one ruler to measure the distance each dueler can
move. , regular 1+ inch ruler will work. 7r you can use a flexible ruler or tape
36,Y0' 8149,-&5 , two foot by two foot area is ideal for this game to be
played on. ,ny table or flat surface will do. Depending on your game% you may
want to make your area larger.
(&44,05 (errain is defined as any ob.ect on the playing surface that can be
used strategically to hide behind% an ob.ect that does not directly interact with the
playing pieces% or decorative ob.ects that add character to your environment. n
this game% terrain is used to depict buildings% furniture% walls% and doors. Duelers
may interact with ob.ects during their movement action. 8uch as open doors% or
pick up items.
(&0 8D&D D-& !:"5 ,s described earlier% each dueler uses ten sided dice to
make their poker hand. While most only use five at a time% you will need six as
your leader always role six.
;7D&68 !< ;0;1;"5 You will need at least four models to represent your
gang on the playing field. You can use any type you wish as long as both players
agree that they are appropriate for play in each game. You can use something as
simple as chess pieces or plastic army men. 7r you can use more elaborate
models that are custom made by you.
D-& 8-4&&085 &ach player will need a dice screen. , dice screen is defined
as anything that you can use to conceal your dice roll from your opponent until
you are ready to reveal your hand. , book or piece of stiff card board should be
sufficient to be used as a dice screen.
/&,6(/ ;,4=&485 &ach player should have enough health markers to keep
track of how much health each of their duelers have during the course of the
game. 3oker chips are ideal for this purpose and also add to the context of the
game. You can also use spare change such as pennies% nickels% and dimes if you
,s states earlier% gangs consist of a leader and three duelers. &ach dueler has
a special ability that characterizes their class% and you may only have one of
each class in your gang at one time. -haracter classes are discussed later in the
rules. You may pick any character class combination you wish% for your gang%
that you think will defeat your opponent. &ach gang member has ten health
points that they can use to wager with during combat with other models. When
they run out of health points% they are removed from the game. &ach gang
member can also move up to six inches during their movement action. Write
down on a piece of paper or index card your gang roster. (his should include
your individual member*s names% class% and a space to keep track of health
points. 0ow that you have built your gang% let*s start playing.
6et*s get started playing the game. (he first thing to do is to set up the board.
8tart with your + foot by + foot playing area and add in some terrain. Your terrain
should reflect the environment you are trying to represent. Determine whether
you are fighting inside or outside. 8ome examples of interiors are a saloon% bank%
casino% river boat interior% or even the inside of an air ship. ,n outside area could
represent a back alley% deserted road crossing% rail road yard% or anything else
you can think of. 3lace your terrain so that it is evenly placed around the board
and not clumped up together in one area as to give one side an unfair
3lacing models5 ,fter all the terrain has been placed on the board% each player
rolls a D10 to determine who places their duelers on the board first% (he winner
of the roll chooses which side of the table he wishes to start on and places hic
gang leader anywhere within six inches from the edge of the board he has
chosen. f you are using a larger playing area% you can place your characters
anywhere on the first 2uarter of your starting edge of the board. ,fter the first
player*s leader is placed% players alternate placing duelers until all models have
been placed as desired.
,ctions5 ,fter all models have been placed on the board% the player who placed
models second will activate first. 7n each players turn% you may perform (W7
actions. (here are two types of actions. ;ove and attack. You may use your
actions in any order you wish with the following restriction. Duelers cannot
perform the same action twice on the same turn unless their class allows them
to. ,ll duelers may move and attack or vice versa. You may also have two
different duelers perform one separate action on your turn. 9or example% you can
have one model move and attack% or you can have two separate models move
once or attack once. You cannot have the same model move twice or attack
twice on the same turn unless that is their special ability. 3layers alternate turns
in this fashion until there is a winner.
;ovement5 When activated% a dueler can move up to six inches per activation.
8ome different thing you can do during a movement activation are as follows.
;ove in a straight line.
4un around a corner.
/ide behind ob.ects.
)reak away from combat or move into combat.
You can move out of combat with one opponent and into combat with another as
long as they are within the six inches.
You may also open doors and pick up ob.ects at no additional penalty during you
movement action.
,ttacks5 When a dueler performs an attack action% both players roll their combat
dice. 4efer to your attacker*s and target*s character class for special options and
abilities to modify your combat roll. &ach player rolls their combat roll from behind
the safety of their dice screen so as to hide the result from their opponent. ,fter
all modifications have been made to your combat roll% the attacker will bid an
amount of hit points they deem appropriate up to their maximum amount of
health that the attacking dueler has. (he defending player must accept the
attacker*s bid% but may also raise the bid higher if they feel they can beat the
attacker*s hand. f either party has bet all of their health points% they are
considered #,66 0$. Duelers cannot be forced to bid higher than their maximum
health available. 7nce the bidding process is over% both players reveal their roll
results and determine the winner of the combat round. (he looser deducts the
amount of health points that is e2ual to the final bid amount. f the looser was
considered all in% then that model is removed from play as a casualty. f the
looser is still in the game% they may continue as normal% but with a decreased
amount of health points to use in future combat rounds. (he winner of the
combat round does not gain health points or receive anything from the loser.
(hey simply survive to fight on. (he game is won when the opposing player runs
out of duelers to activate and has no more units available.
What )eats What>
n the game of Wyld Duels% we use ten sided dice instead of cards to play a hand
of poker. Due to this% the winning hands are slightly different than normal rules of
poker. (he following is a list of winning hands in ascending order from worst to
best. 0ote that there are no flush hands due to the dice not having suits.
1. /igh number5 (en% or !0" is the highest number on the dice.
2. 7ne 3air5 (wo of the same number in your hand !++".
3. (wo 3air5 (wo pairs of numbers that match each other !??@@".
<. (hree of a kind5 (hree dice that show the same number !AAA".
5. 8traight5 ,ll five of your numbers are in ascending order !1+A<?".
6. 9ull /ouse5 Your hand contains a pair and three of a kind !++AAA".
7. 9our of a kind5 You have four matching numbers !<<<<".
B. 9ive of a kind5 ,ll five dice match the same number !?????"C
Dueler Classes
6&,D&45 (his is the leader of your gang. You must always this
class as one of your gang members. ,s the leader% this dueler has a
little something extra that the other members don*t. (o reflect this
special ability% your leader rolls 8D dice and picks the bet five to
;Y8(-5 (his character has the ability to manipulate the world
around them. ;aybe% .ust enough to tip the hand of fate in their
favor. ;ystics may manipulate one of their combat dice up or down
one number if they so choose.
471'&5 4ouges take advantage of every opportunity that presents
itself. &ven if a little cheating is re2uired. 4ouges may reroll one
combat dice during combat. (hey must accept the second result.
)4,W6&45 , brawler is a hand to hand expert. 1sing their
advanced training and brute force% a brawler may attack twice in one
turn as long as you have the action points to do so.You may attack
the same target twice% or two different targets within hand to hand
combat range.
'10860'&45 (his is the only class that can attack an enemy that
it is not touching. You must be able to see your target. f you loose
the combat% you still take damage as normal.
WY6D ;,8(&45 )efore making a combat roll% this character may
declare one number of their choosing to be the #wyld$ cardC When
this number comes up during the combat roll% (he wyldmaster can
substitute the wyld number with any number they wish.
(/& (&D,05 (his dueler is from the great state of (exasC When this
dueler enters into combat with someone% they may choose to play
(exas hold*em instead of regular poker. n order to play (exas
hold*em% both players share three dice.
)&4E&4=&45 , berserker defies the odds and will go all in when
faced with dire circumstances. f a berserker goes #all in$ during
combat% they will deal double damage if they win the hand.
8-71(5 8couts go in ahead of the rest of the group to gauge the
strength of the enemy% and to taunt targets. , scouts special ability
allows it to make an additional move action instead of using an
attack action.
hope that you en.oy playing Wyld Duels as much as en.oyed making it. n play
testing% it has proven to be 2uite addicting and exciting to play. /ave fun and
en.oy this wild west inspired game
9ranz )raatz

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